Who TF Knows with Emily Rose

Ariana is Diddly DONE!: PumpRules Finale Recap ft Kara Berry (@everyonesbusinessbutmine)!!

Emily Rose

Emily Rose welcomes Kara Berry of Everyone's Business But Mine podcast onto her show, a real dream of hers, to discuss the Vanderpump Rules Finale!! They talk about their viewing experiences, get into a bit of news (is VPR on PAUSE??), ruminate on the most egregious parts of the episode, then get into the recap. This is a FUN ONE so be sure to download, share, rate & review!!

You can find Kara's Podcast Here: https://linktr.ee/EBBMPodcast
And Follow her VERY fun Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everyonesbusinessbutmine/

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 All right guys, so like I said, we have an amazing guest today. I am so excited. I have already already told her I'm a big fan, so she knows that I am a fan girl, not like Raquel, but if you all would just bask in the glory, that is Miss Kara Berry from everyone's business but mine. How are you doing? I'm so good.

Thank you for having me. I'm, you know, not quite good as gold, but I'm getting there, girl. I mean, have you so. Wow. I, I don't even know how to feel, I can't believe it. We watched. I cannot believe it. I can't either. And I think I've watched it now four or five times, so I might after this, watch it again. Just, just for some posterity sake.

Uh, I was literally thinking that I was like, think after the podcast, I'm gonna throw it on in the background. Yep. You know, it's really every, it is a tight production. They did that. They, they, yeah. I really have to give them like to-dos, as Ramona would say, because it looks like this was all put together, all this stuff was filmed in like maybe a weekend, a long weekend worse.

And they obviously were not prepared at all to be doing this. So yeah. Good. Good for them. I hope they get a good bonus. Yeah. Oh my God. Well, that's actually great point, because what I wanna start off with is a question. You posted something earlier and I've been seeing it circulate something about one of the producers like saying, but not saying that they're like taking, they're going on pause or something.

What is up with that? Have you gotten any more information? Uh, no. So Alex back skin is like the, like head, H B I C for Verner pump roles. And, um, he basically said that they like, were initially really excited to get them filming again, like as soon as possible. But then they decided that they needed to take a pause.

And the reason for that was because he says that this reunion is not like a traditional, we are just rehashing everything that happened in the season. This is like brand new information and information that even the cast does not know completely as of now. So he says that they are waiting. For all these reunions to come out, for people to decide whether or not they want to come back.

Which is like, what, when are we gonna find out? Wait. So, okay, so what does that, what does that mean? Does it mean that, are they, is he referring to the reunion itself? Because like what would've happened at the reunion that they don't know about you? You know what I'm saying? Right. Yeah. Well the thing is that they interviewed Ariana Raquel and Tom Sandoval all separately individually.

So it must have been something that happened during one of those interviews. Yeah. Unless he's talking about like, no. Yeah, it had to have been. Yeah. Or, you know, because other than that, the only people that weren't there at the same time are Sheena and, and Raquel, and that doesn't. There were still witnesses in the room.

Exactly. So that would've occurred. Exactly. Oh God, I doubt it's Ariana. That's like blowing everything up because that would be the realer, right? I'm gonna take her out of the running. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. She's safe. She's safe. Yeah. God, dude. Okay, well where did you, so did you, I went to a watch party last night and I have my, I have those balloons and I meant to have them with me, but I went to a watch party.

I live in Atlanta, so, uh, the one that we went to was in Decatur and it was fact and any anxiety that I had that like, you know, like when you're at, when you go to like a bar for a comedy show and the comedians performing, but half the people aren't there for it and it's really obnoxious. Right. That's what I was worried about.

And I'm telling you, it was standing room only everyone was there. And this is a decent, you know, somewhere between something about her and shorts and Sandy's, you know, it's a, yeah. Tough place. And I was like, oh, people are, Riveted P. This is not, it's not just the Bravo podcasting community. It's not just Reddit.

It's not, you know, this is big. Yeah. And so I had a lot of fun. Too much fun, arguably. And I then I came home last night, went to bed, and now like I said, I've watched it a few times with my headphones in on my tv, just trying to digest it. Did you, did you have a, did you go to a party? Did you watch it by yourself?

Did you have a companion? What was your experience? I watched it by myself. My companion was a couple of sliders and I just felt like I needed to be alone to really take it in for the first time. But I will tell you, like I did see some people at watch parties and all over the country, they were packed and people were ready.

Yes, yes, yes. And you know, I don't, obviously, I don't regret going to the, the watch party, but I will say it is a very different experience doing the shit alone. Right. Like there wa it wasn't so much that there were things I didn't pick up on as it was like, Just being hyper focused on what was happening on.

And like we said, it was such a tight production. There was just so much in every scene. And I think honestly, I um, well I wanted to know what you thought about the presentation of it cuz I was a little, uh, I was a little surprised that they stuck with their campy, you know, goofy ass transitions with the cityscape and all of that.

The music. Yeah, the music and James cooking fish for whatever the fuck reason. I was like, okay. I didn't expect that. I think I thought it was gonna be more like confessional led, you know? Right. Uhhuh, um, what did you think about how it was put together? Yeah, I mean, now that you put it that way, I, yeah, there were, I would've maybe expected a little bit more of that too.

Um, it, like, it wasn't like a traditional episode, but it was like kind of closer to a traditional episode than like a special Right. So, yeah, like I, I liked it, but it was definitely like a different vibe from our usual show. Yeah, no, for sure. It was, yeah. The vibes were plot. Um, was there anything that either surprised you in this finale plot-wise, people-wise, or anything that you were maybe expecting to see but didn't see in watching it?

Ooh, that's a really great question. Um, I dunno if surprise is the right word, but I found myself being really satisfied by Katie and how she handled all of this because initially on watch what Happens Live, I feel like she was maybe underselling how participatory she had been in like, trying to tell Ariana.

Yeah. Because she kept saying like, I'm just viewing all this from the cheap seats, but like, And we see her telling Sandoval, oh, you had fun with uh, Raquel at the Abby, didn't you? And then this moment where she's with shorts, like being like, stop lying. Yeah, please stop lying. I really appreciated that.

Yeah. I'm, I gotta be hone, I'm just going to, I have to speak my truth. Um, Katie annoyed the shit outta me, the whole, the whole episode. Except, except for the scene with Schwar. I think it's just. You know, some people just, they, they aren't my vibe and I just don't think that Katie is my vibe. And you, it's not for everybody.

Guys, if you don't follow Cara on Twitter, you have to because she posted a few weeks ago. Oh my God. Who was it from? From Doug, right? You like did a Oh, she vibe Doug. Doug's sister Judy. Yeah, sister Judy. I was, I was crying. It was so funny. So, yeah, follow her. We'll plug your socials at the end. Um, yes. I mean, it's a pan with all the berets.

It's really, and last night, uh, my friend that I went with Elena, she, she was, she texted me and she said, look, I just realized I have this leather beret and like, I think I'm just gonna do it. And I was like, you, I mean, you have to do it. You don't really have a choice here. Oh my God, so funny. Um, I don't think, and yeah, I don't think that there was anything that I was, I don't know what.

Well, we'll get there. I think that the interactions were sometimes surprising. Um, I was really pleased with the, the lack of Lala was like, yes. It was very soothing to me. Yeah. I can't take her ass. I don't wanna hear from her. I don't want her perspective. I don't want Daryl, I want her to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

Ok. So the very limited, and in the limited time that we got, she, she moved to rattle my nerves a bit. She did. But other than that, I'm glad that we didn't. It was, it was really, I loved how they did. It was really two by twos, almost the entire episode, like really intimate conversations that I think it just translated really well.

Yeah, I agree. I fully, fully agree. Um, yeah, the least amount of Lala that we can have is great for me. Oh God. Give me the le Yeah, give me less. Give me none. I am so, I'm sorry. I understand a lot of people really don't mind her whole thing that she does and the way that she is obviously, uh, talking specifically particularly.

Yeah. Um, and it really bugs the shit out of me and I think she's very annoying and I think that everything that she does, everything that she says, how she feels about things aren't really like about the other person or their issue or their trauma. Yeah. It's about how she's reflect. She, it's really literally all about her all the time and it is, Exhausting.

No, I fully, fully agree with you. Like ultimately, I think what we probably would've heard from her was like, oh, I'm vindicated because she called me a mistress this whole time. And like, guess, but she did that through the season, so we don't need to see it anymore. No, no. We got, we got plenty of that, honey.

Um, on the other side of the coin, Sheena, man, I, and I let you know, I named my cat Sheena. I love her. Mm-hmm. Um, this was such a strong episode for her. Um, that final scene was great. The, the alibi, oh my God, she really, I mean respectfully, like really stepped her pussy up this episode. Like she really was so ready.

She was prepared. Yeah. And she was like, I'm gonna film the scene with Sandoval. Yeah. But I'm gonna really give it to him. Like if we're. Film scenes with him, not like Lisa Vanderpump, where we're like acting like we need to be sympathetic to him. Yeah. Tell him off and exa like, her words were impeccable and it was just like, such a good, like sandwich.

Yeah. Good. Something about her sandwich where we start off with Ariana going off on him and end up with Sheena going off on him. It was beautiful. Yes. It really was beautiful. It was a, it was. She was immaculate. Uh, last question before we start to kind of get into the show was the, what would you say is the most, uh, maybe other than obviously like Tom and Ariana, what would you say is the most egregious thing that you saw in the episode and why?

Everything, everything. Schwartz did everything that man did. The text message, the, the, yeah. The conversation that he had with Ariel. Oh, fuck him. I'm so done with him. I would, um, piggybacking off of that, my answer specifically was the man eating crocodiles. I think that was probably, that was the point that I, I think I stood up in the bar.

I'm pretty sure. I, I think, I don't think my hands left my head like the whole time. Um, it was, I couldn't believe he said that like, all crocodiles eat people. It's just like, what are you going through? Like, are you concerned that one of the triplets is gonna be like, consumed by a crocodile? Like, are they in imminent danger?

Because if not, like shut the fuck up, like what's going on? I'm just like imagining the triplets, like they all work as like custodians at the local gator farm. It's like every day is a threat. John is so stressed out, threat level, crocodile, like, what's going on? He's so stupid and crocodile don't even fuck with the Americas like that.

It's just, I, I can't, I have a lot of feelings about alligators and stuff and, and it just, it really irritated me, I gotta say. All right. Who's picking up crocodiles in Florida? Hello? I don't know. I don't, he, he does this thing, and I was thinking about this because, um, honestly, I was texting with a friend and I was trying to relate like, who do these men remind me of?

And truly they are like a conglomerate, I guess would be the word. Mm-hmm. Of all the worst. Things that have happened to me in the relationships I've had. Oh, yeah. They have done everything that I think back in my bad relationships or bad moments, and I'm like, yeah, they're doing that thing all, I mean just all of them all the time currently as like hoarding so things Yeah.

Yes. As 40 somethings I'm talking about when I was like mid twenties. Yeah. Early twenties. Yeah. Like when he, we'll get to what Tom did that reminded me, but when, when, yeah. When Shortz said the, the alligator. Oh. He said, um, I'm just a man trying to get by. My ex used to say that to me as like a way, it's like a deflection technique, I guess.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Like trying to like make himself the victim. Yep. Make him himself look pitiful to like absolve himself of being a complete jackass or doing whatever the hell he was doing. Yeah. And I was triggered. I agree. I mean, I know that like his dad was going through some health issues and stuff, but like that doesn't mean that you open up your home to your best friend cheating on his, your friend allegedly.

That's not right. No connection there. Sorry. No, no. And then he says this is later, but Sandoval says he had to sneak in the bathroom to watch porn or something. And I'm just like, yeah. What is the, like the only way he could get off is if he jerked off in the bathroom. Like okay. Right. But aren't you saying, Tom, that like you and Ariana were living separate lives, so was it like, why were you having to escape her if you guys are living separate lives?

Like Right. Let me not even start, because if I literally try to sit here and point out, well, I probably will anyway. But if I try to point out every inconsistency, we will not leave this. Yeah. Okay. So let's just start, let's just get into it. The first scene that we see is, well, the first thing that we see is this clip from the watch.

What Happens Live with Sheena and Aria Sheena and, sorry, Raquel at Watch what Happens Live when Andy's playing that goofy ass game. And he's like, oh, the count three you're in say, you know which Tom's hotter. And then they both say Sandoval for a moment. Let me just say this. It is so weird because I swear to God the original, the original watch what Happens Live, which I did watch live.

Mm-hmm. Gina, she does the like, oh my God, face. And then she's like, I thought you were gonna say Schwartz like, cuz I was gonna say Sandoval cause I thought you were gonna say Schwar. And then, and then she goes, Raquel said, oh, I mean Sandoval has apps. Yep. But that is not. On it anymore because I tried to watch it last week.

I watched it on people. Oh really? I still had it on my D V R. Yep. And it wasn't on there. So I took to Reddit. I took to Reddit and I said, does anybody else, does anybody remember that? Am I like making up? Am I like making memories up? Or something weird? Like, is that where I we're at with this? And they were like, no, it was there.

Yep. And then bunch of people. People, okay, thank you. So I don't know why that particular piece is gone. It doesn't, yeah. It's not like a smoking gun really. We all know he has abs. He's all on the stages of, you know, performing in front of 13 to 50 people every other night. Yeah. I'm wondering if maybe like, but it wouldn't make sense that it's still not on my dvr.

Or maybe that's, I'm like, maybe, you know, it was in the very, it was in the actual live version. Yeah. And then maybe my DVR recorded like, The second taping. Cause you know, they like, maybe this is not truly, this is not important. Um, well, I, I remember I can vouch for you. Okay, thank you. At least I, at least I'm not crazy cuz this show literally makes me feel like I am, so the first scene is after we get that kind of giving context, we get side by sides.

Ariana and Tom explaining, they ask, are you guys ready to talk about it? They both say no. And they both kind of explain the events of the night. I think that what is interesting or most maybe entertaining, I guess to me is in retrospect, do you remember, do you remember when Koval broke and it, it was within hours that things just started like coming out and it was kind of impossible to believe.

And again, on Reddit and on Instagram too, a lot of people were like, Don't believe everything you hear. Um, people are just trying to get clout. People are just trying to, and I'm like, why would anybody be trying to get clout out? That's not, y'all don't even know what clout means. Y'all love misusing a word.

Right? Like, that doesn't make any sense. But in knowing now that like we pretty much got the exact story that came out when it, when it dropped, and this was before they filmed this, and yes, that was it. Isn't that crazy? Um, yeah. Well I think that Ariana was very open with people in her circle, and it was just like, say whatever, I don't care.

So in that regard, I am not surprised by like the validity and the swiftness in which, uh, all of that came out. Because if I had a platform like that, I'd just be like, Uh, you can tweet it us weekly. I'll give you the number. Yep. Uh, you can just send that to the bank account. Like, I don't care to say whatever you want.

Make money off of me. Fuck him. Like whatever. Yeah. Yeah. That's true. Yeah, it is. It is wild though. So they explained that Tom's Fenal, he was playing the stupid show. Um, he phone fell outta his pocket. Ariana goes to pick it up, goes through the phone, um, sees the, the porn on his phone. Mm-hmm. And then gets upset and they leave.

We learn later in the episode that, that night, um, Tom was angry at her and threw a beer can across. It was crazy when she described him throwing the beer can across the yard. Like I saw it. I heard it in my head. Yeah. I was like, this is so wild. Do I know these people? Because it really, she painted a beautiful picture of him being a complete ass hat.

It makes so much sense. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Totally. So then we kind of transitioned from the background to the first scene of Ariana at her, at their house with her friend Meredith. And it was just like, ugh. You could feel like they've been living in this space now for a couple of days, three days maybe. Yep.

And you know that they've just been like navigating the house in like a very miserable way. Yeah. And then he's trying to do whatever it is he's trying to do. Uh, tamp, tampered down the vibe, trying to make himself look like, I don't know that he's trying to make himself look unaffected. I think he's like, just not, I don't think he gives a flying fuck.

What do you think? Yeah, I agree with you. I think he feels in his mind that he's. Like it was wrong, quote unquote, but like, he has got all these justifications that make sense to him and Raquel and literally nobody else. But like, uh, yeah, I think he's like very empowered by his delusions. Yep. Yeah, I think he definitely, I think he's also just like dissociating.

Mm-hmm. The like, just so he can like, continue to be. A terrible, miserable person, I guess. Yeah. Um, so they sit down and this is one of many times tonight we're going to see Sandoval fake fucking cry. And I am tired of it. Why can't you, why don't, just don't cry. Like, I don't feel like I feel better knowing that you're trying to cry.

You're not crying. You are. Yeah. Literally whining. And it is very obnoxious and hard to watch. Annoying and performative. Much like all of the times he's on stage with the most extras, literally. Um, so the highlights of this conversation are, uh, he says that he was trying to, he, he had tried to break up with her a couple of weeks ago and she said that she wasn't letting go again.

Frame things that are like. Not bad or not mm-hmm. Out of this world for a conversation in that context as like complete abnormalities. Like Yeah. He actually, she so crazy. And it's like, okay, she probably wasn't like, I'm not gonna leave you, you're not leaving. Right. Probably like, I'm in this relationship.

I'm not leaving. Like I'm invested. You think I'm not invested? I am. I'm not leaving. Right. Right. And she just, didn't she just freeze her fucking embryos for the dude? No, we're not breaking up because you like, you know, have a mustache or whatever the fuck. Like, we're not doing that. Right. We're not doing that.

Yeah. And of course he wasn't honest with her about the fucking affair, so she didn't damn know why he was trying to leave. I think that it might've, like I. Opened her eyes a bit and she probably wouldn't have been so steadfast if he had said, cuz I'm, I mean, like, I'm fucking Raquel for mm-hmm. However long which is up for debate.

And so yeah, he tries to paint it as like a bad thing. And she is just so, she's just a, she's a mature person, she's a mature woman in a long-term relationship that is making sound decisions and he's really trying to make her seem like she is just insane. Right, right. Every time he like, tries to frame her commitment to the relationship as like her just being so weird and like, ugh, like a stage five Clinger or something, or like, or on the other side, she's like, this cold bitch who never supports him is always putting him down, never says she's sorry.

Like it can't be both. She does the fucking show with him. Yeah. She, she owns the house with him. She, uh, let him be on this cocktail book with her. She posts pictures of him. Like what? It, it's just like, how much does he need That's so sad that you are so empty that there's just nothing that can fill you or validate you enough.

Like what? It's so, it's so pathetic. It's really pathetic. She tweeted me that night in Defense of Tom? No, like probably at the venue while she was there. Like, because I was saying something about how Greg, the, the manager, the guy that they work with for Schwarts and Sandy's, like, he really kind of seems like an asshole.

And she was like, yeah, let me tell you all about it. So she was like on his side. Wow. However, like an hour or less, probably before she found out all this stuff. Wow. Like down to the minutes. Did see those. That's crazy. Well, she deleted her Twitter, but I should have. Yeah. Well, how could you have known Godan?

I, right. Um, then he says, uh, well, where am I? He, oh, God. So this is the part that reminded me of a moment in, in my past relationship that made me want to fucking set my own chest on fire. I was like, he said, she said, so are you, what are you gonna go and you're gonna go to Raquel's house and you're gonna kiss her and do all that?

What? Like, when are you seeing her next? And he says, tomorrow. And then, then she says the thing about kissing and, and whatever. And sh he goes, um, I don't know. And she says, you could have just said no. Yeah. Like, why? I had an ex do this shit. Where I, where I was kind of like, I was hurt. And I was saying like, what are you just gonna go like, fuck her?

When are, when are you gonna see her next? So you don't care about me? You know, like I'm doing like my, like dramatic, you know, whatever, bullshit. And he was like, yeah, I'm, I'm about to go over there. Yeah. Now you be honest. Just now you wanna be transparent. Oh, cool. Cool guy. God, that was really tough. It was a strong opening, but it was really, I mean, again, I was with a bunch of people when I first watched it and the crowd was feisty.

I, I cannot, I can't believe that. Like he thought any of this was gonna work. And then I'm thinking, okay, since then you guys have done the reunion and then after that you did that Howie interview. And through all these months, this is the best you could come up with. Like, dude, this is so. And he keeps, that's part of it too, is that he keeps saying, I was gonna break up with her.

I was gonna break up with her. And I'm like, so this was a plan that you've had and this was your fucking, this was what you were gonna fucking say. Yeah. You don't, you're not consistent. You haven't told the same person the same thing or the same reason once that we've seen yet. Right. And you, and you're, you look like a maniac.

And you don't have, I mean, and I don't just mean like his behavior, like he physically looks like a fucking maniac. Uhhuh. And then for this girl, we'll get there. That he has absolutely the fuck no chemistry with, I don't, he does not care about Raquel. You don't love her. You don't even like her. He really, I know that this like kind of thought is done to death, but he truly has romantic, more romantic chemistry with Tom Schwartz.

I hundred percent dead ass. He has more sexual tension with Jax Taylor. Than with Raquel. It is astounding to watch and we will get there. Mm-hmm. So the second scene, Sandoval comes in full mistress, set of lover's funeral gear to Schwartz's apartment is what I wrote down. Um, he cries in his, he cries in Schwartz's arms.

And tell me if you clocked this or how you felt about Tom Schwartz. I felt like Schwartz was low-key, a little annoyed. Um, and I couldn't, I don't think it would be, I couldn't tell if he was annoyed at Sandoval for like being there or if he was just like annoyed about the Yelp reviews, which is probably more likely, like, what did you think about his response to Sandoval in this scene?

Yeah, I definitely think it's more the latter cuz it's very clear throughout the episode that Schwartz only cares about his reputation. Yes. And that's his only concern. And you know, the money is sort of tied into that, but really he just doesn't want to be seen as like not the good boy. Um, and so, yeah, I think this is like the first time where Sandoval has like done something that makes him look bad and he definitely, clearly does not feel like this is any of his participation or fault.

Yeah. And yeah, I think he is annoyed, but like o okay. It was, yeah, it was weird. It was, it was weird. And he is obviously very strange. Um, he says, you had a game plan, dude, you just didn't put it in motion. I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? Yeah. A game plan. But it, we're not, we're not at a game.

We're not at the dam. I just like, My God. I don't, why would you say like, what is the, what are you guys trying to say? What, what? Just say what it is that you're trying to say. You. I think it's that thing of like these two and three, if we wanna include Jax, are all just like equal, equally bad. They've all been in down in the trenches together.

And so I think like he has to say these things like there was a plan, or like, I'm not gonna beat you up, blah, blah, blah. Because that's how he wants to be treated. You know? The next time that he cheats on somebody. Yes, yes. He's like, well, I'm gonna give you grace because this is what we do. We are all sick with each other.

Like, I know that this is wrong, but I'm still gonna say the weirdest thing ever. Like, you're okay man, you know, but. There is that part of him that like actual human adult side of him that's like, oh, you kind of blew up my life too. Like, that's not cool. No, no. He's not thinking about how, you know, he knew this whole time, but no, that's neither here nor there.

No, he doesn't feel, he doesn't feel responsibility for, he, he, he truly could have put an end to this. Yeah. He truly, he had so much power to Oh, much prevent this and prevent the Yelp reviews. Frankly, if he had thought about it for a fucking second, he could have, if he had been the one to break the, and Katie says, says as much later on, like, if you had actually been on the right side of this, this would've made you look like a fucking hero.

Oh. And people would love to come to Schwartz and Sandy's and support your ass. Yeah. And you don't deserve it. You're a lunatic, but No, no, because you love. You love. I've never just, I, I, I do know a couple of people in my personal life who are passive in this way, but it just could not be me, bro. It just couldn't be me.

Never that, no, never. You're not coming over to my house and, and, and trying to get sympathy for me. And then to be like, well, can you, um, like make a post so that like, I don't look bad. What, dude? It did make me wonder though. I was like, because remember when they, they did the first thing, like Schwartz and Sandy's put out the first thing and then Tom put his thing out.

I'm wondering if like, Sandoval was low-key, like refusing to, to say anything. Oh, yeah. And I think like Schwartz to his credit, was a little stressed out by that. I think he was like, You gotta, you gotta say something because this is not, it's not good bro. We went from four stars on Yelp to one star for Schwartz and Sandy's like, Schwartz is probably the one who's answering the phone.

Cuz I'm sure Sandoval isn't from like his partners that are like, yo, what's going on? Like, this is not cool. Like yeah. And he has never had to do that much work in his life. So he is right. Pissed. Yeah. This is not Lisa being like, oh, it'll all blow over Schwartz. Don't worry about it darling. No, no, no. It was, it was bad.

So then Tom goes on about, because then they're kind of going back and forth. Schwartz is like, well, I told you a week ago, which is like hilarious. I told you a week ago what you needed to do. And I just think it's so self-righteous. It's like, What do you mean? You told him a week ago what he needed to do.

He knew what the fuck he needed to do. Yeah, he didn't wanna damn do it. He didn't wanna do it. So we don't need this whole, like I told you what to do, so that you feel somehow by saying you did it a week ago, knowing good and god damn well you've known for months that what he needs. He needs an in-home crisis.

Communications. Like live in representative, round the clock. Round the clock with like a, like a spray bottle, like a cat. Just like stop it, stop it. Take accountability. As soon as he gets to a place of crocodile, it's just like you're dumping the hole. Oh my God. So they're going back and forth and he says, you, I told you what you need to do.

And Sandoval goes, dude, I tried to break up with her, but every time I brought it up I got this vibe that she didn't wanna know about it. And I was like, You got a vibe. Did you get a vibe that your girlfriend of nine years didn't wanna know that you are fucking some random fucking girl like you did? Did you pick up on it?

Sandoval? Yeah. Wow. Clairvoyant. Wow. Somebody doesn't wanna be embarrassed and humiliated cuz you fucked her best friend. Oh yeah. She might not wanna hear that talking. I just like, oh, so he says that, he says that he got the vibe and then he says, uh, he goes on this thing that he does. He, he's done it on Howie.

So this is something that he's been, he's been saying to himself to justify for a while and it is this, when we kissed, I felt something that I hadn't felt in a really long time. A boner. We all know what it is. Like just cut it out already. You're talking about how you have to sneak to the bathroom. I hate people like this.

I really do. And this is part of why, honest to God, it annoys me about Lala too. Like people that are just constantly thinking about sex and it's like all you can think about, it's all you can talk about. It's like that's so, it's just, it's just not deep. It's just like very like childish. It's very like teenager ish.

Very. And also like your girl gave you a key to her vagina by saying, just hang out with me. Why don't we just take a walk around the block? How about that? She wanted take the dogs for a walk, which is something you already have to motherfucking do. Dumb ass. Yeah. Why can you not? Why? Why can you not watch?

This is a thing for a reality TV star. It is. Absurd for him to say he doesn't have time to watch 80 Hours of Love Island. It is the same vibe of the boyfriends out there that are like, I don't wanna sit down and watch fucking Vanderpump rules. Right. So you would think that as a star of the show, that you would understand like the addictive quality of it, the, uh, escapism.

But no, I think he thinks he's an actual celebrity. I think he thinks he's an actor. I think he thinks he's a musician, a restaurateur. He's in a restaurateur, and I'm just, it is just, it's mind blowing. So he says, um, he felt something with her and then he says, he said that they had nearly zero intimacy.

Which I thought was a funny choice of words. So not Uhhuh, not zero. Not zero, not zero. Zero. You went out of your way to say nearly zero because you in that moment and you saw it on his face, right? Mm-hmm. He, he was about to say zero. He realized that's not true because let's be fucking honest, as much as he wants to say all day long, oh, they weren't having sex.

They weren't having sex. They were having sex. Yeah. They just weren't having it at his beckon call. Like Right. They weren't having it in the car, you know? Right. Which is why, yeah. Reasonable. Even for grown ass people, for teenagers, sex in the car is probably fine, but for 40 year olds who own a house together and have a business, several businesses, like in a big ass H HOA violation, hello.

Like, go fuck in the pool if you wanna get crazy. Like, do that. That's fun. I mean it's, oh no, not safe for the pH balance, but you know, they can't fucking the pool Cara because then they might get caught. So, right. You know, they to do it outside in the car, in the house. Probably in the fucking driveway.

Idiots. Okay, so then, so that was, that was a scene, oh wait, I'm sorry. I almost forgot. He ends with, if she wanted to know that they were having an affair, all she had to do was follow him to see that he wasn't at Schwartz's, he was at wherever for life is beautiful. And if she just followed him, then this would all be Keke.

I, I mean, and when even Schwartz has to be like, I don't really think you can put that on her, like, Get real. I have never, like, I have heard a rainbow of bullshit and I have never heard. You need to take your own responsibility for hunting me down and realizing that I'm cheating on you. That's a new one.

When Kristen was flying women out from other states to confront you and stalk you, you didn't, uh, you weren't appreciative. Yeah. So maybe Ariana learned from that. Who knows dude? Who knows dude. Oh my gosh. And of course we will be getting to Miami. Girl. My God. What a god. What a, what a wonderful time to be a Vanderpump Rules fan.

Am I right? What a no. Right? It's probably a bad time to be Annmarie, honestly, Miami. Oh, for sure. Bless her heart, dude. She is like, if y'all don't stop bringing my ass up on this bullshit. Oh God. Okay, so then scene three. Katie and Sheena arrive. This is Bucket hat. Bucket hat moment extraordinaire. Katie and Sheena arrive at Ariana's house with, I think it was her house, or maybe it was Lo I don't, I don't know.

It doesn't matter. So, uh, Logan and is his name Brett? Brent. Brad. Brad. Brad. But there is a also another B name guy, right? There's a Brett that was on last week, um, on the thing that you posted, right? Yeah. But now I gotta take that back because I, I didn't realize what he was laughing at and I I was wrong.

Wait. I thought he was just like taking the whole scene in. Right. But turns out he was actually like laughing at Katie and now there's been a whole big drama between them. And he wrote, she DMed him. She like raged DMed him and, and uh, he made a song and a music video using the DM as lyrics. And it's very embarrassing.

Um, and I think since then Ariana has unfollowed him, so, oh my God, this is, wow. So I've been going about my stupid ass weak, just thinking, you know what you thought, because it looks like he is like, you know, awestruck by the situation. Yeah. Now to be, well, God, I hate that. People do this to me. Katie wasn't being super unreasonable in that moment.

There's lots of of other moments where Katie is an absolute terror, but this is not one of them. No. When some chick is coming up to you and being like, I don't appreciate what you're doing with your dogs. No, no. When your dog was boarded up because you wouldn't let 'em see your damn ex. And he Right, but punctured his jaw line or something like that.

Like, oh, that's wild. Okay. So that's not the guy though, that was at in this scene, right? No, that was Brad and Logan. Brad. Brad. Is that Brad by Brad? Brad X Brad, yes. Yeah. Uhhuh. Look at me. I'm like, one of the, I'm one of the friends. Um, okay, so Ariana, so the girls come over, Sheena and Katie decide they're not gonna fight, which is like fucking duh uh, but whatever, um, Ariana explains that the girl that after it was after the girls' trip, after sh Charlotte died.

Um, is the first time that they claim they hook up. Mm-hmm. And, uh, she had to like buzz him in after he did that, which is awful to think about. Yep. And then she, she's talking about it and Sheena, oh, she just gives the funniest fucking, she's at first, it's not funny. She's, she's f she gets very emotional and she's crying and she's like, I was just filled with so much, much rage.

And I don't know. I, like, I shoved her. I'm like, honestly, Sheena, this is my personal opinion. Does I'm, this does not reflect Cara's opinions. Okay. Um, the way she was talking about it and like, overexplaining it, I'm like, did you, did you punch her dude? Like, why, why are you doing all this? But regardless, the girl didn't have a damn, you know, black eye, so it doesn't matter.

But, which sounds bad, but I don't care. Um, so then she goes into her confessional and repeats what. You know, the internet has already drafted for her, which is, I literally cannot make a fist. Okay. Like this. Then my pinky breaks, and if I do like this, then my thumb breaks. Yeah. I'm like, are you talking about your nails or your fingers?

What's wrong with your fingers? Why are they so delicate? What is going on? But it was so funny, and I think you posted on Twitter, or I think it was you, that you could listen to her explain it all day long. Was that who you posted that? I love it. Highly agree. She's so funny. She is so funny. And then, um, Logan tells Sheena that he will pay her a hundred dollars to break the penis flute.

And you know what? I forgot. I, I, I remember from the picture that they posted after they broke it, but I forgot like the history of the penis flute. And I was like, this. That was sign number one. Honestly, Ariana, I love you so much, but this was a lot true. And then so they break it and then it's onto the next scene.

Oh. Which I, uh, in my notes said I hated everything about this scene. Um, but not really. I, so this is when James and Allie. Okay. Tell me what you think about, um, Allie's energy. Did you, do you have anything to say about that? Uh, in this scene or just in general? Well, both, but particularly in this scene, uh, in general, I think Allie's a very smart girl.

Mm-hmm. I think she's, uh, holding back. Yeah. Intellectually Yes. For a purpose. Yes. Yes. And I can't wait to see what that purpose is. Um, and in this scene, I think I was surprised that she had not considered that maybe Sandoval had slept with other people. Yeah. Um, but yeah, her, it seemed like she enjoyed what James was doing, but only to, yes.

Sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off. Surprising behavior because typically she's very anti, like r don't engage with Raquel. Right. Et cetera. Yeah. I think that she probably honestly got the most validation she's ever gotten from James. And I I really, I saw on somebody, somebody, Jesus, on Instagram was like, it's clear James is not over.

Raquel. And I'm like, really? Cuz this is the first time that I'm like, James is totally over Raquel. Yeah. And I think that this I agree. Yeah. I think that this, this whole thing kind of like. Probably was the most validation allie's gotten that he is over Raquel. Yeah. So I think she, I mean, she was giddy dude.

Yeah. Like then Lala and Katie come over and they, and the cat's name is Mr. Banks, and she goes, that's Mr. Banks just thought it was really cute and funny. Um, so Lala and Katie come over and James the God, the first time that I watched it, I was not emotional other than like, kind of like astonished or like angry.

Second time I watched it Gotta be real with you. I cried a couple of times. Mm-hmm. And the first time I cried was watching James cry cuz I don't, I know he cries, but like I, this was really genuine emotion that he was conveying without being like, you know, a horrible, horrible person about it. Yeah. Yeah.

And it was just really like, you could see how affected he was by. By Sandoval and throughout the whole episode, people are really, I think that they didn't ever know what to really make of Raquel to begin with. So everyone is really hurt by Sandoval, but this was the first instance where we see that and I'm just like, oh my goodness.

Um, James does like a, a brokenhearted person, so Well, yes, he does damage so well in, in such a compelling way. Yes. Um, and that like clip that we had never seen before where sandals like, you need to like trust in Raquel that she would never betray you, and I would never do that. Yeah. Either. Yeah. Um, yeah, I mean it's, it's always sad to see James be like, legitimately hurt by somebody.

He's like, that was like my brother. Like, I don't understand how he could do this to me. Yeah. That was, that was tough. And, and you said it perfectly. He really does. He plays. Broken and, and it, and it, the thing is, Sandoval and Schwartz are so bad at it that it's like, it, it doesn't redeem them ever, but it always redeems James.

It always gets us back on like loving James side. Yeah. Um, so good for him, I guess. Yeah. I wish he would. I hope he gets therapy one day. I really do though. I do too. Um, Jesus. So then they're kind of like talking before they call Raquel, they're all kind of talking and Lala makes this point that she feels like he had to have cheated before because you don't just like jump to you're fucking the best friend, which I think is fair.

Um, yeah, it's a, you know, it's a big leap. Yeah. That's a really big leap. So you're comfortable with it. And then she brings up that. We gotta talk about Billy Lee. Kara, I need to know how you feel. Yep. I Tell me how you feel about this whole thing. The allegation that they slept together are still maybe now hooking up in present day that they did back in the day.

Like what do you think of all of that? I believe it. Yeah. I, I fully believe it. I don't understand how, how like Billy could be in that house and be holding Ariana and be like, I'm so sorry. And then as soon as Ariana goes out of town, you're like, hanging out with, with Sandoval and like going into the house and acting like you don't understand why you can't be friends with both of them.

Like, it's very weird. Yeah. And to me, yeah, it's, it's giving, I think they fucked. Yeah. Yeah. I guess it's like I was saying last night to the people I was with, I was like, the thing is like Sandoval loves. He is Captain save ahoe. He loves like an underdog because it makes him look good. So he always loves to get involved with women, people that are like, you know, he kind of, he did it with James for a while.

He did it with, he kind of does it with Schwartz sometimes too, but romantically with women, he really loves this. Like, you know, the broken bird effect as the watch KRAS guys would say about L V P. Yep. And so it just wouldn't shock me. Um, my only concern with that, and also with the God people are on the internet, nobody's equipped to talk about like mental health.

Um, nobody on this cast and most people on the internet, but none of them are equipped to talk about mental health. And I feel, I've just fear I. That if that gets confirmed about Billy Lee, that there will be a very fine line being walked about Billy Lee being trans. Oh yeah. Because they cannot, they cannot handle it.

We saw that in the last, I think it was her last season with Lala, with w with all of them. Mm-hmm. So, and obviously like for that reason, maybe that's a good reason for this to not come out. Yeah. Like not, I think Billy Lee's kind of a snake, but I also feel like, you know, that doesn't, obviously transphobia is not like the antidote to that, so, right.

Uh, yeah, I, I, yeah, I fully agree and I agree with you too. I think she's a snake, but, uh, that Yeah. People don't know how to leave it alone. No. And so hopefully that does not come out and make everything miserable again. Yeah. Um, so then, then Lala goes, Jesus Christ, she goes, That case went cold and I don't think it need to be cold no more.

I'm like, okay, okay. Okay. Lala like someone, do you think anyone has ever confronted her about that? Like ever? Ooh, um, oh, well she doesn't, I don't think she, her face, probably not. Right. And I'm like, you can't, the thing that's the worst thing about this is that you can't have black friends because someone would tell you that this is very, very unflattering behavior.

Mm-hmm. So then it's like even worse that you keep doing it cuz nobody is checking you about it and it goes on and fucking on. And I'm like, We gotta, someone needs to reign her the fuck in with this. Yeah. She really needs to consider why, at least outwardly, it seems like she lusts after black men, but doesn't seem to ever have relationships with black women friendships or anything.

Right. It's something to think about. And she married, um, the white, the devil. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, you know, she needs, she needs to do work on herself, but again, we didn't have to see too much of her, so I'm not gonna go into it. Yeah. All right. So then they decide that James is gonna call, uh, Raquel. Allie says she's going to the kitchen.

I'm like, okay. You're a very open floor pan lady. You're in the kitchen already. You're in the kitchen, babe. But, all right. Um, excuse me. Hold on. He calls Raquel and he says, you know what, you know, How does it feel to have everyone that you've ever known in Los Angeles, like, really fucking hate you, and are you and Tom Sandoval an item?

And she says, no. And she says, yeah, I mean, it's not a good feeling. And he's like, um, he says, he said that she's done deadly fucked herself over, um, and, uh, what for all for Sandoval And his little cocky cock, his dirty 40 old cocky cock. And I was like, and then he says, she is. I, he ha, I mean, I guess he just has to do this all the time, but he was like, you don't really the brightest bulb in the, in the bunch, you know?

And then hallie's like fucking. Every time, dude, stop dilly dally around it. James Dilly dally. He pulled d diddly done, fucked herself over and dilly dally in the same sentence. That is mastery of the human language. Oh my God. And, and then he kind of just like hangs up and is like, bye. And that's pretty much it.

They don't really discuss it and we don't really hear from Raquel. It was just a good, it was a good scene from for James. Hmm. All right. So now we have to like, you know, take a drink, take a breath, prepare yourself. We're at scene number five. Okay. Um, the god awful Raquel and Tom scene at Raquel's apartment.

There is, um, I wrote down, these are the two most non chemistry haven't asked clowns I have ever seen. Yep. Um, they, it is so. Dude, what do you think, what do you think the, like, the deal is with Raquel? Like, what is, what is Oh, I girl. I, I don't even know where to start, honestly. Like, and I'm being like dead ass.

I think there are maybe a couple things that she could be, uh, look, maybe are in the DSM five. Um, I just don't understand how she doesn't have emotion. Yeah. It just seems like nothing registers. It's an incredible armor that she has, but it's like, girl, this is like not healthy. This is no really not healthy.

And she's drinking. Yeah. And she's drinking a lot. She is, she is really. I wouldn't be surprised if the scene was at like 11:00 AM child. Yeah. They're taking shots and drinking, you know, Coors and whatever the hell else. And she really, the thing is, it wasn't until this scene that I was like, this is beyond, like, you're not just dissociating from like the navigating the relationship that you have with Ariana.

And that was going on for real with Sandoval. You're like, it, it's like she gets like bursts of like understanding. Yeah. And she gets like, like light bulbs, galaxy light bulbs, if you will. Mm-hmm. Go off above her head when she has like something, when she starts to feel something. So like later when they're on the couch and she says, this is really isolating and I only have this da da and I'm like, yeah honey, you didn't, that hasn't cross your mind yet.

Like, I don't like calling you. I just, I don't, I feel like calling her dumb or stu d or s word stupid is like reducing what's really going on. I agree. Because I think agree, there's something really going on, and it's not just her being dumb. It's not just her being like, uneducated doesn't have shit to do with it.

I think that it's like really something is going on and I'm just like, I, I almost the other day I thought I was like, part of me wants to release an episode that's like in defense of Raquel. And then I was like, I don't need to do that. I don't need to do that. But I do feel like it's just clear to me, maybe not clear.

I'm not a doctor. Um, I have, uh, been the Raquel in a situation when I was 19 as far as the, the fair goes. Mm-hmm. And so I, I can relate to the dissociating and like, um, and compartmentalizing. Yeah, it's like a survival technique. You, you have to like, maintain these friendships so that you can keep up whatever deb shit you're doing.

So I understand that, but um, the resolve with her to just kind of be so, she's very, very childlike and, and it, it's kind of like, damn, dude. I don't wanna say, I don't wanna like claim people have like childhood trauma, but if you told me that Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. Yeah, yeah, because it's very obvious she understands the consequences, right?

She very clearly is saying, I probably shouldn't trust you because you betrayed the person that you said to love. So why would I trust you when you did that? But you're 30 Raquel. That's like Yeah. The through line of every major cheating thing that's ever been on television in books. It's like you, we've been saying you get 'em how you lose 'em about Lala for two years.

So mm-hmm. Why are you coming? That's what I'm saying. Why is this coming to your mind right now in, in such a chaotic fashion? You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Well I think it's been there all along. And only now does she want to admit it. Yes, true. Um, then, so, so there's the piece where they're in the kitchen, which is horrible and uncomfortable to watch.

Um, he accidentally calls her Ariana, um, and she takes it like a champ. Um, and then real well she takes it quite well. Um, too well, and then truly like you're, it's one, like I would probably also like have to like bury that in the moment to like save myself from like, You know, falling apart. Mm-hmm. But also, like you're on camera, like, that's really rough.

And then he goes, they're talking about their families, which is like weird. Okay. And he's like, your mom fucking hates me. And I'm like, well, tell her to get in line one. Right. Uh, two. Um, this is like such a weird conversation. I don't know. Cuz it's like, it's like they're alluding to being in a full fledged relationship now.

Right, right. That's what they're like kind of dancing around. But then they're not though, so it's like they're not saying it. They're not like we're together. And then even um, James asked her, are you guys an item? And she said no. Oh yeah. You guys are like talking about how your parents feel about each other.

And then he says about her, they love you. She thinks, he says, I love you. She says, I love you too. And like giggles and it's so weird. And then he's like, oh, I said they love you, but I love you too. Wild. Go on. And this is the one of two, um, miserable, uh, attempts of or circumstances where Sandoval corrects her for no fucking reason.

Because the second time he's on the couch and she's just like, . And he goes, . I'm like, why is that your priority, my guy? Why is this your priority right now? Woulda, coulda, shoulda fucking fuck you. Yeah. He finally has somebody that's, uh, he can be smarter then who's taking advantage and. But, but the cadence of woulda, coulda, shoulda isn't intelligence.

It's Right. Mania. Yeah. Yeah. Um, okay, so then we get a black screen text on the screen that says, this was weird too, but Okay. It was like, after filming the scene, Raquel, I don't know what it said. I said Raquel disappeared, and that's kind of weird. T b h what I put, that's how I processed that. But yeah, it says that after this, uh, her, she literally, it says she like disappeared.

I'm like, yeah, like turned her phone off and Yeah. Wasn't seen for weeks. Is that supposed to be like their justification for her, like not ever turning her comments off or, you know, taking the pictures down for like, I mean, she just did that, right? Yeah. Yeah, because I'm like, she didn't disappear though, because like, we got a statement from her like a week later.

And she was at the nail salon at exactly for Gmz. She showed up for the reunion, which is was just a few. So she didn't act. In fact, right now, she's actually disappeared. Currently. We don't know. No one truly no one knows where this woman is. Yeah, cuz I think the reunion was like, what, like maybe less than two weeks after all this came out.

So I mean, yeah. Yeah. It was a couple weeks. Yeah. I just thought, I just thought it was strange. I was like, is this for dramatic effect? Are you guys trying to like say something or, um, so then after that, so they kind of like, he like hugs her on top of her, which is unfucking unnecessary. Like again, their body language is not, we like each other.

Body language. Their body language is like, she's like got like a pillow fort between her and Tom sitting on the couch. Right. And he has to like leap over her to give her a hug and doesn't like actually fully hug her. It's so, Weird. And then he goes, he ba it's basically like out of nowhere, kind of crazy how Sheena punched you in the face, right?

And she's like, yeah, she definitely dead. And I took it like a champ. I'm like, so what? Okay, so what is this guys did? This is the plant, this is the, this is your grand plan. You're gonna sit here and say on camera that Sheena definitely didn't punch you. And, and that he heard her talk about it on the speaker phone.

Like, yeah, I punched that bitch. No, you didn't. Shut up Sandoval. She did not do that. She did not call you and go, yeah, I punched that bitch. No. Like, Sheena doesn't talk like that. It's just like, it's so, it's so bizarre. Why are you guys, and, and like, I believe that Sheena pushed her away and maybe even scratched her eye, but it's just like, what do you guys think?

Sheena punching. Raquel doesn't, it still doesn't make you look good, do they? Is that they think that that makes Raquel look good or a victim, but I think like there was a resounding like Yeah, she did. Yeah, definitely. Oh my God. So, yeah. So we end the scene with him, like hugging her. We move on too. The, this was really quick.

I don't really have any notes unless you have anything to say, but, uh, Ariana comes over to Villa Rosa. Um, oh, well, I'm sorry. I do have something to say in the form of a text authored by Tom Schwartz. Yeah. Which Ariana shows to L V P because L v P is like, what? This, this web of deceit. How long has it been going on?

Did Schultz see? No. Did Schultz know? And she's like, I don't fucking know. You have to ask them. And then Tom texted her the following, which this is something that I missed when I was watching it live. Uh, so I'm so glad I did this again. Morning, Ariana. Hopefully you are resting a little easier now. I'm not here to make excuses for Tom or justify his act actions.

He confided in me and I told him what he needed to do. Sit you down and tell you everything out of, tell you everything. Out of respect for everything you guys have built together. I guess he was about to tell you. And this all blew up and you got humiliated in the worst way possible. I'm not gonna try to tell his story.

You should just, Jesus Christ. You should jet set somewhere fabulous and just absolutely spoil yourself. Sheer decadence. Turn your phone off. I don't wanna kick my guy when he is down, but my God, the amount of anxiety and backlash I'm getting because of his actions aren't insane in ways. Just know I care about you and I know you are gonna be just fine.

Weird. Weird, useless, fucking useless. He's an old sponge of a man like that is so vile. Like, oh, why don't you go and you earned it, kid. Get out there and eat, pray, love. Like, shut up. Spoil yourself. Shut up. He said. He said, absolute pure decadence. What does that mean? I know what the word means, but like what does it, like what does it mean?

Pure decade scan or something. Like, what do you to do is so weird and like, What you wanted her to be like. Yeah. I'm so sorry that you are getting backlash. It's so crazy that like, you know, people hate you, but also, you know, my partner was fucking my best friend. So, you know, same thing, right? This was truly like, had the energy, like reading it, physically, looking at it, lots of running on no capital letters.

This was a true, like the gun was to his head typing this like, wild horse said this. And for what? It's so just, you should have just been like, fuck you Ariana. Well why don't you just say that. Just say that a lot. Shorter. Turn your phone off. Jet set. Decadence. It's so belittling. It is, it's so condescending.

Um, trying to like smooth over. In Hi. I guess in his mind like, like I guess his goal was that like maybe Ariana would post and say, guys don't go after Schwartz and Sandy's. I have to imagine he's still in a Schwartz and Sandy's Yelp fucking spiral. And so he is sending this text to her about jet setting and in an attempt to get her to like defend him online, I have to assume that's what it is because literally any other reasoning may like, that is not a text that you send to somebody that you care about at all.

Like, did you read that back before you hit send? No, we didn't. Weird. So weird. Um, but that was pretty much it. As far as the LV p scene, of course she's like kind of, she's obviously like supporting Ariana, but at the same time she's kind of defending Tom Sandoval a little bit. She has that vibe going on.

Um, All right, next scene seven. Schwartz and Katie's scene. This is chock full of buffoon. Schwartz arrives to Katie's house and, uh, first thing, he, they, they like kind of fawn over the dogs for a second, and then she has like alcohol, which is like normal. He says, can I get a Coke or something? Then proceeds to pop open a Coors Light, pour it in a glass, and then sit down on the couch.

Yep. It's like we're back in 2009 again. Honestly, I'm like, guys, and Katie is, honestly, I don't know what it, her energy is, but I thought it, I found it very entertaining. Like I said earlier, I, I agree. She was all business. Like, I'm not even trying to Key, key with you. Mm-hmm. Tell me the truth or shut up. He said, um, first, so first he, she says, how long have you known getting down to business, like you said?

And he says, I, I just f what does he say first that he found out a month ago? Right. Uh, well, he don't have a calendar, but, uh, no, uh, well, I didn't work it on my calendar, but I'm like, God, you were a fucking mean son of a bitch. Like, honestly, honestly. Yeah. He tries to say, it was like a month or a couple weeks ago, and Katie's just like, no, no, nope.

And he's like, he's like, I, okay. She says, there's something that you said to me at Bravo Con that has stuck with me and it's that I was like talking to you. You know, she was literally online going the fuck off on Raquel for wearing a hoodie, which was in behavior. Um, And she said, she's following you around like a fan girl.

Now she's following you in Sandoval around like a fan girl. And it is like bizarre. And he says, trust me, she's not here for me. And then he says, I didn't say that. I did not say that. Why would she make that up? Dude, that whole, that whole interaction up, she made that whole interaction up. Okay. Okay. We saw, first of all, like I said, we saw her, like she wasn't quiet about how she felt about Raquel and the fucking hoodie, okay?

Mm-hmm. He, she posted it all over, all over the internet and then he, then he says, okay, well I found out about the one night stand, which not that I need to explain this to you or anybody else, but the one night stand is still an affair. It is still like, Maybe it's not full fledged affair, but it's still, um, a cheating incident that should be fucking reported.

Okay. Well, it's also not a one night stand if you guys keep fucking for seven months. Thank you. Thank you. So here, that's like, you guys just took a little break and then you started fucking Yeah. Which literally is my, my theory. I don't know what your theory is as far as like how long, right. That's the big question.

How long has this actually been going on? My theory sometime around when, like maybe when James got with Allie ish, like right after the, right after the breakup, um, of Raquel and, and James. They do, by the way, I hate, hate, hate when we don't acknowledge how many fucking drugs these people are doing.

Particularly this season, Sandoval and Raquel, they're on a lot of drugs. They're on. All the, they're on blow. They are on hallucinogens. They are, you know, as Sheena said, like, this is not like you just like take acid at Coachella and kiss, which I think they did by the way. Right. I, I think that was the final confirmation that that was Sandoval.

Right. And so I think that they like had this, like, will they, won't they thing there was like a kiss and then like a month or so later, there was another, like maybe more than, but not a full hookup. And then there was like another hookup, and then it, it, I think that it was happening like intermittently until it did turn into the full fledged affair, if you will.

Yeah, I agree. That's my theory. Yeah. Um, and my other th you know, that the, I believe it was Sandoval at Coachella, I believe, like people really on the internet are wild and they're like, well, why would that, why would they say Schwartz? Because people don't know these fucking people. This is the first time half of these people ever heard of Vander Pump Rule, right?

Because of the scandal. All these people talk about Tom, they don't know which one. Yeah, I can see it. I can see somebody who doesn't watch the show, but knows that her friend watches the show, texts her friend, who then submits it to Damn Duo. Okay. Yeah. That's how that happened, I promise. Um, yeah, that makes all the sense in the world to me.

Uh, we don't need to be setting up conspiracy theories. It's completely reasonable. Very reasonable. To me. You don't, it's not that. It's not that deep guys. It's really not. Um, so I lost where I was, but yeah. Okay. So then we get, so Tom, he's going on and then he says, I'm, I'm just a guy trying to get by, because she's like, so you've known for this like whole time, basically.

And he's like, I don't know man. I'm just a guy trying to get by. There's really a lot going on right now. There's like maned and crocodiles. I'm like, I'm never gonna get over it. Um, Katie responds and says that he sounds like a country song, which is like, kind of funny, but, you know, Katie's delivery is never like, these two are really something, something to watch on television.

Um, so then we move along. I'm trying to go fast. I'm sorry, Kara, I don't wanna take No, you're fine. Um, there's just a lot to talk about. The next scene, Mary Posa returns, scene number eight, we get Kristen coming over to Ariana's to do, you know, Spencer Pratt shit, crystals and whatnot. Um, I, what do you think, how do you feel, how are you feeling in the midst of this?

Like, you know, there's a, there's also a conversation that we had for Jax coming back to the show, which I think is all but officially confirmed, but from context clues, I'm picking up from people like Ryan Bailey and stuff. I think, like, I think, I think he's coming back to the fucking show, or Heather McDonald or whoever.

Yeah. Yeah. It's looking like, uh, yeah, Jack's, Brittany, and probably Kristen. Um, I appreciated this scene because I think people didn't really know that, like Kristen and Ariana had a relationship, like they were friendly with each other. Um, I appreciated her being like, girl, like our, the relationship that I had with Sandoval was like a joke compared to your like, don't even feel bad for a second.

You know, like when Ariana says, I'm just, I regret that I spent nine years defending him to spite you, basically. And she's like, Ugh. Like, don't even worry about it. Like, if she is like brushing it off, can you guys too? Yeah. Yeah. Can we all just drop it at this point? Yeah. We have to, we have to stop with the, um, but Arianna, you know, also God, him, how you lose him, it's like, dude, Kristen slept with Jax.

Okay. Like just get, get over it. Yeah. Um, so yeah, so they kind of do like, it's really cute the, they, you can see a friendship between the two of them that is envied maybe only by like Ariana and Sheena. I don't see that kind of friendship when I see Katie and Ariana interact, Lala and Ariana. Really?

Anybody. Definitely not fucking Schwartz has asked. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. There's like an intimacy there that Yeah. Yeah. We seem to really love each other. Yeah. So that was really cute. I thought it was good. We'll see if she comes back to the show, I mean, I think a lot of people have want her to take accountability fully for why she was fired, and I think that's fair.

Yeah. Um, I think that's absolutely fair. I do feel like between her and the other one child, she, when she talks about it, it sounds like she may have learned something, which isn't really for me to. To deem, but in, I'm just saying in comparison to Stasia's bullshit antics in the Tamarin Hall interview and all the stuff that she did, one maybe objectively looks like maybe Chris and learn something.

And if she did, I do hope that she's able to speak about it. But we'll see if Robert even let her do that. Yeah. I I think if she's gonna be coming back then she definitely needs to like keep that in mind. They all do. Yes. And Jackson, Brittany as well. God. And, uh, yeah, no, I agree with you. I, if I had to put my money on one of them, it, it would definitely be on Kristen.

Yeah, me too. Um, Jackson, Britney dropped merch today. It's so bad. Dude. Britney has a, it's like a sweater that says Kentucky muffin. No, it's not like bad looking, but it's just so dumb. They're so annoying. Nobody asked for that. Nobody. But I, I, again, another just confirmation to me that they're coming back.

Okay. Scene number nine, Sandoval goes to Elisa Vander Pump's house. Mm-hmm. Uh, my big note is fingernails. They were saw a lot of 'em. They were a lot of work. Yes. We saw a lot of fingernails and I don't know, to me, the only time that he actually truly cried the whole episode was at the end with Sheena. He looked like he actually physically cried.

Yeah. Um, this though was like, what is this? It was really very difficult to watch it. It was like a joke. It was a joke. I'm like, are you actually, like, you're not really going through something? Why are you at the window? Sit the fuck down. Sit down, staring out at not even your backyard. It's not like, oh, I'm looking wistfully at my past.

Uh, it, this is her backyard, first of all, and and it's the huffing and puff. Get outta here. Get outta here. He also chose if I'm not, if I'm not mistaken, like the part of the window that's like between where the new window starts and the old one ends and he's kind of like pressed up. And I know that shit was cold too.

I could feel it. I was like, that looks so uncomfortable. What are you doing? And he just, like, he li I mean, he call it, it was a tantrum. He throws a tantrum and I don't know why. I just, it wasn't even, neither does he. Lisa wasn't at, and I don't know, he knows she wasn't going to come after him, so she was kind of just still kind of being like, I just can't believe this is happening.

Mm-hmm. And he has a fucking breakdown. I was like, this is really odd and out of place and you're stressing me out. The midlife crisis thing has really gone too fucking far, dude. Yeah. Like nobody cares that you turned 40. Thank you. Thank you. Dude. 40 is what's setting you, that's what's sending you for you, right?

Everybody's fucking 40. I'm excited about being 40. I don't, I just don't think I'm like, you notice that nobody else around you is like this stressed out about being 40. You are the only one. So maybe it's not the age. Maybe it's that you're not fucking accomplishing whatever it is you have set up in your mind.

That you wanna accomplish just in general. But you haven't, all this time, you're not doing anything that's gonna get you there. So you're right, you're really being just a complete jackass piece of shit. Just all through and through, through and through. Agreed. Ugh, ugh. Um, okay. So that scene, that's all I have to say about that scene.

Lisa gets like, you know, quasi emotional and she's like, not a bad person, Tom, you just did a bad thing. I'm like, bad people do bad things, girl, stop. He did a really fucking bad thing as fuck, kind of fucked up for you to have had Ariana either, I don't know, you know, when the sequence was filmed, but either you already had her at your house devastated, or you're having her at your house soon devastated.

And you're sitting here talking about, just know that, oh, oh wait, no, he doesn't do that yet. So he basically, you know, he does this whole thing. He does this whole thing and then we leave. So then scene 10. Ariana versus Schwartz. Love it. I loved it. Um, the girls go, we saw, uh, released like pictures when this was happening.

Mm-hmm. But the girls go to a bar and it is Sheena, her sister Courtney, who's rumored to maybe be coming on the show next season if there is one. Who knows? Um, Charlie, which I have, I have questions about Charlie. I like Charlie love. I've always kinda her. I love Charlie. Like her. I lo yeah. I really like her.

Everyone fucking hates. I mean, on the cast, everyone fucking hates her. They talk shit about her. They're mean about her on the podcasts. Really? What does this girl do to you? Yes, Kristen. Kristen has said like, slick shit. Um, James has said slick shit. Jax obviously hates her. Um, Brittany obviously also hates her.

Lala made a comment on her podcast. Um, just like, you know, like, just like little stuff that I'm like, huh, what did Charlie do? She's like the coolest. She's the coolest. She's way cooler. She's already entertaining. Yes. Which is weird to, because she is so entertaining. But we didn't get a lot of her this season.

I mean, I, I guess I understand why, but it's just, uh, yeah, I, I'm confused. Charlie confuses me, but I like her. Agreed. Um, and then Sheena and Lala Katie come, they are all in black. Sh uh, Ariana comes in fucking her body. Dude. Good. Is gold. Good as gold? She comes in. Then Katie goes, I talked to Tom for last night.

Okay. And she's like, yeah. And, um, he might be coming by Sheila Claps. I'm like, uh, your energy is fucking insane, Katie. But then, um, so then Schwartz comes and everyone shuts him down e fucking immediately. It was great. Every like, one by one. Um, yeah, we're actually talking about the, the restaurant. Schwartz says something about it and Lala goes, yeah, we're actually trying to blow that shit up.

I was like that joke, like, Ugh, I used to have a lounge. Haha. Okay, right. Shut the fuck up. So then he sits with Ariana. They go off together because no one wants to talk to him. And she just expresses her disappointment, her disdain, and explains to him that they're not going to be friends anymore because he is acting the fucking fool.

And I think. This is particularly devastating for Schwartz because he likes to be the one that's liked by everyone, right? Mm-hmm. And she's like, no, we can't play that. And this one, this got me too. I cried here and then I cried in the last scene as well. When she's talking about God, she's like, I stuck by this man.

I defended him. I defended him to you and for you. I went and froze fucking embryos because I wanted him, I wanted it to work so badly that if he really wanted him to out, wanted kids down the line, he could have that. Yeah. And she is crying and I am like, this man is the most ungrateful piece of shit for this, cuz she's right.

And she didn't wanna have fucking kids. Okay. She has, she has wavered slightly on marriage, but she has never wanted kids. Yeah. And she was doing the shit that she didn't wanna do. That's compromised. That's a real relationship. You are a fuck boy. And so is your friend Schwartz. I don't know really. I don't know how he could sit there with her, with her telling him that what he went through.

He did the embryo thing too. Like doesn't he know the process is fucking a lot. It's not easy. It's hard on the body. It's expensive. And Sandoval couldn't even be bothered to stop drinking for five days. Right. Hello? That's insane. That's so insane. Yeah. And so she basically, like I said, she just tells him we're not friends anymore.

And um, yeah. Deal with it. And I said, hell fucking Yeah. Love it. I love it. So the last scene, wow. We made it the last scene. Is the best seat by far, in my opinion. I think I gotta give, I gotta give this the credit of the, of the episode. Agreed. We see Br Sheena and Brock, uh, Sheena's talking about in the comments on her Patreon.

People were like, they've been doing this under your noses the whole time. And Brock's like, I can't do it for Australian accent. I've tried. Um, but he's like, well guys, um, I don't, what does he, does he say is he coming for the Patreon commenters? Cuz that's a choice, Brock? Or is he just saying He seemed a little bit, uh, perturbed a little.

There's a little tube. There was a little bit, yeah, there's a lot too. Well, thanks a lot. Yeah. Hindsight's 2020. Yeah. Which I mean that, I think that was fair and people in the comments, particularly when it, let me tell you something people, and this is, and I love your show because you don't do this and thank you.

People have been coming for Sheena. Like as if this woman had a seven month affair on her husband, right. And left her kids Right. And moved to a jet set to another state. Like, people are so horrible to this woman for, for no reason at all. For she, she got it wrong. Like, what are you got it wrong? This was a puncher in the, I mean, you know, my, my fist, I can't make a fist with my nails, but you, but Right.

Like, I, I just don't know like what the expectation is. Like Yeah. She fucked up, she sided with somebody that she shouldn't have. She did not trust when Allie told her, like, she made a lot of mistakes. But like, here, she, she's doing, she's doing the best she can. Okay. She's doing the best she can. The best she can.

She's got, she's gotta feed summer moon. She's a mother. She's a mother. Leave her alone. Leave Sheena alone. It just really, it has bothered me all season, even before Sandoval, when people were, it, it's okay to be like, yeah, Sheena was being shady and producing and kind of pushing this like Raquel thing to be a bitch to Katie.

But Katie and Sheena don't like each other. That's fine. Right? She doesn't like her. She doesn't need to come to the goddamn wedding. And people are acting again, like, literally like Sheena slept with Tom Schwartz. Like, that's how people are acting. And it is bizarre to me. So that's why this scene was so gratifying to me as Sheena Apologist and fan Tom sh uh, Sandoval comes over.

He brings in a package that was on their doorstep and Brock's like, oh, look at that. W what is this? What you, what have you got for us? And he's like, oh, I don't know. It was just at the door, the box like, Oh, well, I'm gonna go, uh, take Summer Moon for a walk, and then he leaves. And I was like, he was Audi 5,000.

He, he didn't want shit to do with Sandoval. He's pissed. And then he Sandoval sits down with Sheena. Dude, she just delivers the performance of a lifetime and, and not in a shady way. Like she really No. Was impeccable. Holds him fucking accountable. Thank you, thank you, thank you. In a way that is not inward.

She's not talking about herself. She's not talking about, she is standing up for her friend. She is being hurt by another friend, by him and just really giving it to him. He's like, I was always going to, uh, break up with Ariana. And she says, so why did you buy a house with her? Or no? No. First she says, but you didn't, you slept with her best friend.

Yep. And then he says, well, uh, things have been off for a while. She says, how long? Four or five years. Why did you buy a house with her? Well, because I thought like, and then she presses him again and he says, dude, if I, if I broke up with her, she said she was gonna fucking kill herself. And Sheena, I want, I want, I want this fucking plastered on walls.

I want people to take classes. I was like, yes, bitch. She said, then you fly mom in, you fly Jeremy in. You get her friends here so that we can support her and we can rally around her and pick up the pieces that you left. You don't fuck her friend. Right. And I said, I mean, chills, like, I really like, I'm going to get emotional talking about it, because this is what these people do.

Yeah. They, they say, oh, well they're, they're cheating on their girl or man or whatever. And then they say, well, I couldn't leave them because they threatened to kill themselves. And if someone that you love. Or loved ones isn't a, like a dire emotional place like that, then your responsibility in that moment is to not do more fucking damage and not do more fucking harm.

Get people that can help because you can't, you know, you can't get people that can help and support her and get her the help that she needs. He's gonna fuck Raquel up. That girl is going to truly be, I feel, I'm sorry. I'm just gonna be honest. I feel bad for her cuz yeah, this is not good. This isn't good.

This is not good. This is a really bad combination of people we got, here it is. Sheena says that and then, um, she says, look, I I can't be your friend anymore. She was like, very honest. She was like, I'm gonna miss you. She's talking about God, dude. She makes me emotional. She like, She's saying, when we did the upfronts for season one of Vanderpump rules, nobody would take a picture with me.

I know. And Sandoval put his arm around me and said, you're part of this too. And it just enraged me once again. Mm-hmm. Why I hate Katie. Why? Fucking law? I can go to hell. I don't care if you guys have daughters that are best friends. Like, like Stasi, all of 'em. Yeah. Y'all were horrible to this girl. Always have been.

Always have been. And then you wanna act like it's crazy that Sheena doesn't want you at your fucking, at her fucking wedding. No. Right. But that's not what this is about. This is about, but it is because Tom Sandoval has, for the most part, always stuck up for Sheena. Mm-hmm. And you could see that there was real love there.

Like she really appreciates him for who he has been in her life. And then she says, um, so. She said something, something and then the Miami girl, which I always thought was true, and they all but fucking confirmed that. Yep. Which is wild. It's just that like, and I think Tom does say this here, maybe Ariana said it on watch what happens live, but it, it was basically like she said that they weren't exclusive.

That's that, that's what Ariana said on watch what Happens Live last night, Uhhuh, she said that yes, he fucked her, but we weren't exclusive and I didn't want him to get a bad rap. And I'm still kind of like, you guys were kind of exclusive though from, I mean, let me trust her cuz it's not my relationship.

And as much as I watched the show, I, I really don't know what was going on. I kind of wish she, even if she was lying, was just like, yeah, we were totally in love and we were in a fully committed relationship and he stepped out on me and I protected him. I like, he deserves it even if she was lying, but whatever.

Yeah. Yeah. Um, and then she says, So that was it, that he was like, there was one other time. And she's like, but I mean you're, she calls him sick. She says, you're sick. She said, is it somebody that I know or is it something like that? And he said, no. Or is it a rando? He says, no. Well, yeah, well no, but um, I don't wanna get into it.

That's not fair. And I'm just like, who is this person? Is this Billy Lee? Because it doesn't make sense. I don't think so, based on what Ariana said, it sounds like somebody in their group, but not on the show. Who could it be? I can't imagine. What if Sandoval fucked Joe? Wouldn't that be crazy? Wouldn't be shocked.

I wouldn't be shocked. Oh my God. And so then she says, yeah, I, I can't do this anymore. We are not friends. I don't think you deserve to have friends. I. And I, I need to make, I need to go feed my baby. He's out and she gets up and she's still crying and he's like, oh, oh, I'm gonna leave now. Yeah, buddy. Bye.

And then he leaves, and then next time on there to pump rules and it's the reunion. Lots of stuff going on there. Um, I really, I really wanna see, I really wanna see James hit somebody so bad. I wanna see it so bad. And I wish they would stop breaking these fights up, man. God, Andy, stay in your seat. Right?

You don't do anything anyway. You just get up and get in the damn mix and then, you know, the security people break it up, right? Except for that time with Teresa. But, you know, I just like, and then we get to watch what happens live. I just really wanna quickly say her. I, I like cried when she walked out.

She looked so beautiful, so hot. So hot we learned. Uh, so she confirmed the Miami girl thing. She um, she sounds like she has a lot more resentment towards Schwartz than even as she should. I mean, she should. Um, she a hundred percent should. And it, it's not, it. I'm like, I don't know if something else happened or if this is just cuz she was still pretty hot, you know, from the scenes that we saw.

But I feel like maybe something else happened and I, I, I just wanna know, I wanna know what the fuck. We don't know. What do we not know? I know. What do you think? What do you think? We don't know. I'm really curious. I I, I really, I really don't know. I, because this, is this something that would affect multiple people and whether or not they would wanna be on the show or just one person?

I don't, I don't know. I'm scared Who could have done, who did? So like, What did y'all do? Right? How, when, when did you have the fucking time? Right? I was just like, oh God. I was like, for a split second. I was like, surely that thing about Brock isn't true. I don't think so. I just really don't. The, the, the energy.

But also, nobody's not gonna not sign their contract over Brock, you know? He's really That's true. True. They, they, they actually lala spent an entire season, um, a, you know, in his downfall, gladly. So I, I, you know, yeah. Um, I just, yeah. It's not that I'm like, dude, I'm trying to think like who dated someone who else like you.

Fuck Stassy, right? Yeah. I'm. I don't have time to be this like emotionally involved, you know? Mm-hmm. I don't either. Yes, I am. For another month. For another month. And then some Cuz aren't they gonna also release an extended version of the uh, um, never. Not, uh, what did they, the like, you know what I'm talking about?

Uh, unseen. Yeah. Shit. They didn't show shit. That they didn't show. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. God man. Do you have any final thoughts about the episode, about the state we're in, you know, anything you'd like to share? I would just like to say that Tom Schwartz is a fat cut. No, I, I, um, no, I, I'm just like bravo to bravo for like getting this, this is television unlike I've ever seen before and like it's such a weird place to be in because this is very much somebody's real life, but also, Shout out to Bravo.

I'm loving it. It, I think ultimately, like if they do take a break as much as I personally, you know, don't want them to, for my own entertainment, um, I hope that Ariana gets to like, relax for a little bit. I get, I hope she gets the jet set in decadence, you know, I hope she gets to like, yeah, she deserves that.

She does. And because I think, you know, even with this like, new guy that she's not in a relationship with, but she's kind of like, you know, banging. Mm-hmm. Um, I just think that she should just like, you know, I hope, I hope that she is like taking time for herself and not like, cuz at some point, you know, keeping yourself busy and keeping your mind off of it by working like that, that'll wear you down too.

That'll burn you out too. So I hope Yeah. That like. She's able to really take a step back. Um, cuz this is a fucking lot. This is a lot, lot. It is. This is like not even breakup. It's like not even like, you know, like Lisa and Lenny over in Miami broke up. Like this is not new, but like Oh, her breakup is now international fodder on like the most prestigious of stages and you know, people are talking about it around the clock and Yeah.

Yeah. I agree. This is a lot. It's a lot. My dream though is to work with her cuz she, she went to like school for musical theater or was a musical theater kid. Mm-hmm. Really wanna work with her on scan of all the musical. Cause I really have ideas and I think, I think I could make it really happen. I have a great plan.

I have a playlist, I have it all like out in my head, so, oh, I wanted to rest and then I want her to call me. Put that out in the universe, you know, I'm bring it out there. All right, Kara, well thank you so much for coming on. This has been a blast. Um, tell everybody where they can find you and, uh, all that stuff.

Thank you so much for having me. Um, my podcast is called Everyone's Business but Mine, so you can find that everywhere and you can follow me on Instagram and everyone's business but mine. And from there you'll find a link tree to like every appropriate, you know, venue, my Patreon, things of that nature.

So yeah, thank you again. Yeah, her Patreon is great. Guys. I'm, I'm, I'm truly a fucking fan girl, but you know, like sport creators, you know what I'm saying. All right guys, and you guys know where to follow me, so, uh, I will be talking to you guys next week. Talk to you later. B.