Who TF Knows with Emily Rose

Will S12 Even Exist? Vanderpump Rules s11 ep4 RECAP ft @vanderpodrecaps

Emily Rose

*TRIGGER WARNING* We discuss Tom Sandoval's tasteless comments in the NY times before jumping into the recap.
If you want to skip straight to the recap, skip to minute 57:00.

Emily Rose & Lyndsay Lime of @vanderpodrecaps discuss Vanderpump Rules season 11 ep4, what an "overproduced" season really entails, the relationships between the cast, Billie Lee's unwavering love for Sandoval, Ariana and Scheana's seemingly strained relationship, some of James allegations, Rachel continuing her rogue journey AND MORE!! 

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  Hello, hello, hello. This is Who the Fuck Knows with Emily Rose. I'm Emily Rose back once again, friends, to talk about this Vanderverse that we live in. Joined once again and for the foreseeable future by one Miss Lindsey of Vanderpod Recaps. Lindsey, how are you doing? Hello, I'm doing well. How are you doing?

I'm good. You know, I'm so happy to be talking to you. I'm so excited that we're doing this, that we're recapping Vanderpump Rules together, largely because I don't think I could take on a task like this alone. Literally, and it's like, it's been non stop lately. And the Bravo cycle and the news.

Specifically Vanderpump. I need y'all to take a break a little bit. Yep. You need to just I'm tired Take us Self reflect take a minute give us a break because it's you know I really don't actually do as much work as Lindsay if you guys haven't noticed so I shouldn't be this exhausted, but I really am and I guess what we should do first is talk about the news in the Vanderpump world.

This week, especially, I think we don't have a choice, like something happened and. I have to be honest with you, Lindsay, I have to be honest with y'all listening.

I nearly was like, I don't know if I'm actually going to talk about it at the fuck all. The Sandoval article, was it Vanity Fair? See, I, I didn't even do New York times. It was.

He made a comment. If you don't know  first of all, congratulations, it seemed to be dominating my feed, right? If you don't know, and Lindsay, I don't know if you did you read the full article, Lindsay, majority of it, specifically that part, I did read the whole section and the majority of the article I did read.

Yeah. Okay, great. Well, if I get something wrong, chime in.  I can read the quote to you. Why don't you do that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the, the reporter said, I asked Sandoval why he thought the scandal got so big. So this is what Sandoval said. I'm not a pop culture historian really, but I witnessed the O. J.

Simpson thing and George Floyd and all of these big things, which is really weird to compare this to, I think. , but do you think in a weird way, it's a little bit the same

So no , no, no. Now the writer of this article said that what he thinks he was trying to communicate is the, how odd This is becoming like a symbolic of a national wide discussion and a major news story. I'm getting, I, I get. It's really hard for me to even say I get where Sandoval is going because I'm tired of this narrative of people saying Sandoval doesn't mean the things he says.

He's just as bad with words. He, he made a choice. Yes. He chose to pick these two comparisons. Yeah. He could have said, he could have just said in general, I never thought this would make headlines the way it did. Yeah. If he had to make a comparison, which I think is always a hard thing for rural reality stars to do.

'cause people are always gonna be like, really, you're comparing yourself to that. But if he had to, a perfect example could have been. Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt, that whole, like, Angela, there's been so many other comparisons, but you chose these two. Why? That's what I don't understand the why. Yeah, I think, I think it's okay to, I think it's okay to say I understand the point he thought he was making.

I understand that, because, that, because we are intelligent consumers of media, because we understand, because we are fans of Vanderpump Rules, and we are quasi experts, we, we get it now. But for me, there's a, there's so many problems with what he said. And first of all, Talking about O. J. Simpson in comparison to George Floyd when the reason part of the reason not the only reason obviously, but a big factor in why the O.

J. Simpson trial was so massive and was so divisive is because it happened in the wake of the Rodney King police brutality that sparked a movement and he The OJ Simpson had a lot of support because black communities were sick and tired of being killed and beaten by cops. And so, and falsely prosecuted, etc.

So, there were a lot of people that wanted for there to be a fair trial for OJ Simpson and not to just go, well, the black man killed. The white girl, because historically, that is what has happened in America. Historically, white panic has led to the persecution and still leads the persecution, sometimes even death of black and brown people in America.

Okay, so that is the exception to the rule. George Floyd was the rule. OJ was an exception. He was pop culture, so I guess in some ways Tom Sandoval was right. By the way, please don't get me, please don't get me  confused. I don't think that Tom Sandoval thought about that. At all. I don't think that he was intentionally drawing some sort of bigger comparison.

I think that he, like we said last week, this is not an excuse, this is just what I genuinely think. I think that he lives in a world where the show is his actual literal reality. And that reality is that the George Floyd murder and subsequent movement for Black Lives Matter, for Black Lives Against Police brutality affected him in the sense that Stassi and Christen were fired off of Vanderpump Rules.

Um, and that did not affect his life because I do not believe that he has a diverse set of close friends. We see this from As evidenced by the show.  I don't think I, I, we, I think we have come to realize now that Ariana did a great bit of cleaning up his bullshit as a Schwartz to this day. So I think that he is uneducated.

I think that he is self absorbed. And I think that. Ultimately, I think that it just makes it a little harder than it was last week for me to empathize with him. Now, I'm just oh, you know what? Maybe I don't have to give you quite as much grace as I did last week. And that could change from week to week, but dude, get a fucking And then Riley, the PR, the public relations person, right?

No offense to her or anything, I am offended though, because I want to, you know, I'm in, I'm trying to change careers, and I want to be in public relations so badly, and I would have to start from the bottom, and I just, I don't understand how he was, How he could, God forbid I use this comparison, go rogue in such a way, like, how is he still not, no one told him to know.

And sorry, sorry to go on and on, but we talked about last week, how he's stuck in a loop. I don't think this is the first time he's actually said that shit out loud. You know what? I think he's probably been saying this. He's like, Well, man, you know, like OJ Simpson or George Floyd. Like, it's like that, man.

Like, I don't know. Not really, but at the same time, like, but you know what I'm trying to say? First of all, no, the fuck we don't. You haven't said a goddamn thing. Second of all. And, and then it makes me question, like, who the, who are you around that isn't checking you or why aren't you listening? Because I actually do think that people check him.

I just don't think he absorbs it. Right. Well, and here's where my empathy is dwindling away. Because he did this interview, I believe, towards the end of December. Bravo, I believe, was, at least some people were very aware of this quote. Because when he said it, The very next day, the article talks about how, I believe, Riley was like fear, like, fearfully texting for her life after he said that, and I think they caught wind of what he said, and the next day, Riley told the writer, Sandoval is not feeling well, he doesn't want to meet today, so the writer, it took like a couple weeks for her to talk to him again, so you said this in December, You could have taken that time to talk to the writer and be like, I'm so sorry.

I said something yesterday. And upon reflection, I need to be clear with what I mean. And can we talk about that either take that out of the article or talk about it and try and for him to explain themselves. However, that would require the man. To do some reflection and I'm so glad you brought his speech patterns up because I didn't think of that he 100 percent in my opinion, as yours is that he has said this, or something like this to someone, and I don't think his friends are telling him to shut the fuck up because on Kristen's podcast she said she messaged a mutual friend, and they were like, you need to read the whole article, it was taken out of context.

So that, to me, right there, tells me he still has his yes people. Another reason why I'm struggling having empathy is after this article came out, and obviously people are talking about it, what does Sandoval choose to do? He then blocks the account BravoWearBlack after they obviously were calling him out on a post.

I believe they now said He unblocked them, and like you can block whoever you want, that is fair game, but like, really Sandoval, this is the time that you're going to do that, and it just, and this, that account has been talking a lot, I know Gertie from Real Houses in Miami made a statement, like she was on her Instagram talking about it, and I just, and Sandoval did come out with an apology, his PR, Riley B.

Worgen, because I don't, I don't, He certainly didn't, I He did not write that. Articulate that. Do you have the, do you have the apology? I do. Just so we can all pull it up. Cause y'all know how I recap Sandoval and y'all know this. He did not write this. Not at all. Um, My intentions behind the comments I made in the New York Times magazine were to explain the level of national media attention my affair received.

The comparison was inappropriate, ignorant. I'm incredibly sorry and embarrassed. You did this interview in December. It is now February. You are embarrassed that you got backlash from it. I'm sorry. I don't think He is probably pissed right now because this is another thing that he's getting backlash in, but these are your choices and you, again, I can try to get where you're going with this.

And what you're trying to explain, but my God, dude, think about think right. Ryan Bailey, Bailey said, please think before you speak, please. And as a crystal from the read the podcast, the read said words mean things. Okay. Yes. So you can't, it's just such a poor choice of words, and comparing yourself to believing that you're, as a white man, That your plight is equitable or comparable to the plight of black men facing police brutality in America is white privilege and it is Systematically, you will never experience that so you have a lot of unlearning and then re learning to do.

So, how about, fuck you, Tom Sandoval. Well, and George Floyd's daughter's mother made a statement. And I think she said it beautifully when she said, Tom Sandoval, you're still here. You're still alive. Yeah. Like, pretty much get George Floyd's name out of your fucking mouth. Like, you, oh, you did like a little cheating scandal?

George Floyd isn't here. And it just, again, it, then it, it awakens so much stuff too, cause I go on Instagram and I read some comments and I'm just like, Oh my gosh, like the, I, I have to take a break from it. Cause it just, again, it's people saying like, Oh, like, you know, people are so sensitive. Like that's not when he met blah, blah, blah, that again, no intention doesn't matter in this case, because you said what you said and.

Again, you, you had time to correct this too. I think that's what makes me like more upset with this is he had time to correct it. He didn't. It got published. He got backlash. And then the apology came, I would have a lot more respect for them for him if he handled this when it happened. But yeah, I don't think I don't think he was actually expecting the backlash, because there was this article First of all, is truly wild.

The way that I love how the writer wrote it. And I know I keep saying writer I'm so sorry I do I cannot remember her name, but She clearly, like you said, how you described Sandoval and his reality. Yeah, it's really, he does not understand it. And she got that just from meeting him as well. And so I think what he thought the article was really going to favor him because he talks about the night Ariana found out she, he said that she got physical with him and all this stuff.

I think he thought people were going to hone in on that stuff. That's really been talked about it is this quote and just his whole attitude throughout the article, he talks, Oh no, just, sorry, quick question. Does he summon Danny Masterson and compare like, yeah, he said he got more hate than Danny Masterson.

And again, a bad equivalent, because like, And like, maybe he did technically get more hate than Danny Masterson, but sorry, you go ahead while I think of words. But Danny Masterson is in prison and also Sandoval, being you last week were very empathetic and I'm still empathetic as far as no one deserves to ever, ever get death threats.

No one deserves to get the messages that you've got. I 100 percent get that Sandoval. You were on special forces. You were on the mass singer. You were still out and about. Fuckin CMTMZ doing interviews whenever you did, okay? You still were doing the damn thing. Yeah. You just did not like the backlash you were getting.

Yeah. Because of your actions. And so Again, you making these wild comparisons. I think you're trying to make them to shock us and to make us think about it when really it just pisses me off. Yeah, it just makes me mad. He And how about don't talk about, like, Danny, Matt, just like the idea of like bringing Danny Masterson into a conversation is so it sits poorly with me much like bringing George Floyd in the way that he did sits poorly with me.

Just yeah, there's not it's really honestly very hard to talk about because. Of the impact that George Floyd's murder and response from the public being in covid a lot of that it impacted. A lot of people that I really care about and to an extent, you know, as an extension of that myself and so just thinking about him thinking that his stupid fucking cheating, the only thing I can say, the only thing that I reflected on this is not a comparison.

This is the only thing that I thought and this is not giving him any credit. Is like, I bet that there probably are some white women that have way more energy to talk shit about Scandal than to stand up for racial injustice in America, like there probably are, but that's like a. That's like an observation.

That's not really a comparison or it, it's not really anything except just like a hypothetical observation, even though I'm sure I'm right, but oh my God, it's, it's exhausting and made. And thankfully that, that came out like the day after the episode aired, right? Or like right before? No, it came the same day.

So the, so the article dropped that morning and then the episode premiered that night. I think that I only kind of knew about it and then watched the episode and then dug into the article as much as I could. Um, wow. Watching the episode was really difficult already, and then re now re when I re watched it today, having fully processed, hmm, very tough.

Right. Um, is there so that's how we feel about that. We don't think that's okay. Um, blocking Kea and Aaron was A real fucking move and the thing is Aaron, it's not, they're not like Sandoval fans, but they're not of the people that go hard on him. They're not, they don't do, they're not, they don't give him any energy anyway.

Cause he's not worth it, but just to, it's such a, who the fuck is running your life, dude, you don't have control of it. It's very sad. And. It made me understand Ariana's perspective a little bit more when watching the episode. It just made me, it made me think a lot. So moving on from Sandoval, if we can, what is, is there, is there any other breaking news, not podcast related or anything?

I mean, not a podcast. So sorry, one thing we should say, then Schwartz was on watch what happens live Tuesday night after the show people thought, well, maybe it was pre recorded, but they did the polls where you vote. So I think it was live and they did not bring it up in any capacity. I'm not personally it's not my place to say really how people should receive it, but I just have a strong feeling that they could have only made that worse by talking about it and the foolishness needs to be fucking cut out.

I think that the great majority of people, thank God, immediately realized that that was an absolute bullshit thing for him to say. And We don't need to sweep it under the rug, but I don't need a bunch of fucking idiots talking about it either. No offense to, well, all offense to Schwartz and some offense to Andy Cohen.

Well, and what is pissing me off about Schwartz is I, I do understand them not addressing it and watch what happens live only because I can only imagine what should show that would have turned into. However, yeah. Schwartz now has been on. Lori Kay is doing the damn work for Schwartz. He is doing all the articles, all the podcasts, and he did a lot of interviews and podcasts when the New York Times article was released.

Oh, interesting. And one of the articles, it specifically said Schwartz is not commenting on the New York Times article. However, now, he has gone on podcasts, the Amy and TJ one, he's also done a few articles. Where the Amy, Amy and TJ when he wasn't specifically asked about it, but he said something like, you know, despite the headlines once again, just trying to, he's trying to remind people that Sandoval is a good person.

Then today he was in another article and he said, don't lose hope on my dear friend, Tom Sandoval. I swear, despite what you may have seen and heard, he's a good dude. He's a good dude, man. Maybe I'm just a sucker for Tom Sandoval. Schwartz, shut the fuck up. You, if you keep having to say someone's a good dude, and here's the thing, I like to believe that most people are good.

I'm not trying to say Sandoval is good or bad. However, he's not wanting to grow. And when you have no growth and you don't take in what people are saying, Schwartz, I cannot stand you keep telling me to think he's a good dude. When he's doing this, so I almost wish Schwartz would just not say anything about it instead of telling us to please think that Sandoval is a good dude, because I'm not going to do it.

And also, and I was on  another podcast. That's coming out this week, and we didn't fully see eye to eye on well, , her stance was more like, should he be fired or not , for saying it? And so that was kind of the conversation , and I still, I don't know about, I, trying to say what Pravo should and shouldn't fire for at this point is kind of arbitrary because you're not going to listen to me, but.

There's a gray area. , especially with these people. There's a gray area there with Tom's statement, though, for me, like good people and good is another word that is subjective. People  that are making positive impacts in the world and growing, like you said, are making choices about the way that they put themselves out to the world, whether that's via platform, whether that's via conversations with friends or with interviewers that aims to be self reflective and not offend and hurt people.

And what he said was. Offensive if to no one else than George Floyd's family, because that's what I can't imagine. I cannot, I can't imagine like reading that some idiot that. Is on a reality tv show said that his stupid fucking affair was in any way in any context comparable to like my son being murdered like you can fuck off.

You can fuck yourself. So. At the end of the day  I believe that he should get backlash and I believe that he deserves consequences. And I think that if that leads him to a dark place, he should seek help because that's what he needs because he's not  thinking clearly. A hundred percent. And I wish more of this would, as far as the him being fired and all that, I agree.

It's such a gray area because it is very confusing now, as far as Bravo in the way they fire people or ask people back. I wish this could be more, I think a conversation could be had and should be had, but I think it's just going to be swept under the rug. I don't, I doubt it's going to be brought up at the reunion because, again, even when Kristen and Stassi were rightfully fired, they never did address it on the show, right?

They never even had a conversation about it, so this could be a moment to have a conversation. I obviously know they're done filming, but. It just, I don't, that's just what annoys me too, is it's just going to be, particularly with Sandoval, it just seems he'd be getting a lot of chances, and this isn't the only, this isn't the first, um, controversial or yucky thing he has done, so, or said, yeah, and I think from Bravo's perspective I'm sure that's tough, because again, you kind of have to weigh what are the If you have someone like this that is at this point not listening and not trainable, then how do you, how can you have a conversation about the impact of his words if the, based on the, Past patterns of behavior, the response could be even more harmful.

Like he could say anything if he's doubling down and if he's feeling per, we've seen when he feels persecuted, he lashes out at everyone else. And so I think that Bravo has a hard choice to make. I also don't think that that conversation would be the most effectively monitored or.  What's the word mediated maybe.

Yeah, yeah. By Andy Cohen. I don't know. So maybe there will be an opportunity that Bravo can take in the future for him to have a meaningful conversation about that with many of the Bravo stars who spoke out that are black. Candace talked about it on Twitter.  Gertie talked about it. Um, um, Jasmine, I think it was from, was it Jasmine?

I'm blanking on which one of my Summer House Martha's Vineyard faves. Oh, okay. Um, I love, it's so good. Um, she spoke out about it. So, I think, I just think that like, he's a dumbass. And, I don't know what else there is to say. Yeah. Lindsey, what else is going on in the Vanderpump Rules world? Um, so, Let's see.

Well, so I think two big things we can talk about when reality hits Jackson, Brittany of it all real quick. Oh my God, I already got. We can end it with Rachel's podcast because I think that will be a good segue into the episode. But so when reality hits, we talked a little bit about this last week that there were lots of rumors about Brittany and possibly separating.

She has been Making videos in a different house. She kind of addressed this on the podcast very vaguely, but also kind of saying a lot if you think about it. She, she said that she's not going to get very much into it, aka because The Valley is about to premiere, and I'm sure they can't talk about a lot of stuff.

But marriage is very, very hard, and sometimes people need to take space. Sometimes they don't, yada, yada, yada. We would like privacy, the media's gone too crazy, and that's all. So, I took that as,

I don't, I can't 100%, 100 percent say they're separated, but it does sound at some point, a argument or fight happened, and she did go and take some space, and me and you have talked a little bit. Before this podcast about the whole her asking for privacy and how we can really handle that because Even though she said my life is not a publicity stunt girl.

You know what y'all are doing. Yeah. Yeah You know what you're doing and I understand having privacy but also You guys want people to talk about this. It gets people excited for the show And I try I I really do try to be Respectful when it comes to this stuff, particularly because I know they do have a, a kid in, like, crews, you know, they have a kid involved, but you guys know this is getting people talking about the show, and yeah.

Yeah, um, and I apologize  if I was distracted just because I was. Fact checking myself. It was Jordan that said it to Tom's end of all not jazz. Okay, that was really both

But yeah, so here's the thing Brittany I'm you like no one is chasing you you are not getting packed outside of your home You are not I I hate the please respect our privacy particularly when it comes from And I'll give them celebrity because I think that it robs us of how we experience these people on Bravo to say that they're less than a celebrity.

So yeah, but you're B list, C list, so no one is actually invading your privacy. You're out here, like you said, posting pictures in another home. You're, you've got Jax in Canada taking pictures with his publicist and all of this stuff. And You know exactly what we're gonna think, and you're reading the comments, you're on the Reddit, girl, we know.

Okay, so, please respect our privacy. No. Yeah. Because if we stop caring, you don't have a job. So don't lie to me. You want us to, you want us to fuckin invade your privacy and wonder about you and Jax. Because it's all y'all have going for you. And I thought about watching And I'm still thinking about binging  Jax and Britney take Kentucky or whatever.

I never watched that. I haven't either. Probably we both had a great instinct not to. I think so. I heard it's nasty though. I heard that Jax is horrific. And I don't know if I can take it. Not that I've ever been like, I love Jax, but  I don't know if I can, and I don't like Britney. I'm going to be honest.

I really do not like her, but. I don't know. Maybe I'll watch an episode and then report back and then I'll let you know if you can handle it because it's, I'll, I'll know when it comes to Brittany, I always wonder if I would enjoy her more without jacks. I don't, I don't know if I still would, but I would like to see that dynamic because I, I just can't with jacks and I'm actually surprised they even.

Address this a little bit and something to note to when Brittany was going off about that Jax was completely silent, which is so odd because that man loves to interrupt people, but he was completely silent. So I think they had that statement kind of prepared and he knew not to talk during it. So again, that just makes me think that some, something happened that rocked their marriage.

I don't obviously know what, so I guess, you know, stay tuned for that. Tune into the valley and I will be I'm interested to watch the show, but y'all can't fool me. Neither of you. No. No. And then lastly, before we get into the episode, we can talk about Rachel's podcast. So her podcast really dived into, we got some background about how the Nima on, from Shawls of Sunset was on Sheena's podcast, how that really affected her.

And then there's two themes of that podcast. That. That theme and then the, the mental health component of it all. So starting with the Nima, she told, which we talked about this last week. So I'll stand corrected. She said it was her mom about the podcast. We really thought it was Sandoval. So she said it was her mom.

I'm not going to give him credit for that. Yeah, I, I think that's a little weird that her mom brought this up to her, but I try to have. A little bit of empathy because as her daughter was literally in a mental health place. I don't know if she thought she, I think, I don't know if her mom was just trying to navigate this whole stuff.

I've, I can see it. So my initial reaction is maybe not the best move mom. She probably doesn't need to hear that right now, but then also I can see the perspective of like, Because I don't, we don't know where Rachel was in her head about coming out of the facility and maybe still trying to have some sort of relationship with these people or these friends and mom might have been like, No, don't give them grace.

Don't be like this because this is what's going on. Like you have to focus on you because these people are not focusing on you. So I could see that too, but I still don't know about the timing. Well, and also what to try to Understand mom's perspective, maybe what better place to tell Rachel because she is in a facility where she can process these things and it can actually really show because honestly, if Rachel would have been out when this happened and she found out Rachel describes this as a moment where she started to become suicide, have suicidal idolation.

And so she said her mind was she got to a point where she was. Like I give up and when you hear if you hear and I don't know how the mom Described the podcast with her too because now I'm thinking like with the mom The mom very much could have been like he was talking about your sex life and all this stuff Yeah, totally listen to the podcast and we talked about this last week.

It didn't seem like Nima was trying to sensationalize that or make that weird. I think he was just telling his point of view with stuff. But if we get in Rachel's mindset, and we've talked about this, She's already had a guy who she said Sandoval recorded her without her permission right now She has Nima talking about their sex life Right and that doesn't seem like what Rachel does and Rachel even talked about in the podcast Nima was upset About how Rachel talked about him in previous episodes when she was on shenanigans.

I went back and listened to those episodes. Rachel said nothing bad about Nima. Did she name Nima? In the very first podcast episode she did not. Sheena tried to get her to, and she wouldn't. The next one she did, I know, the next one they did talk about it because Nima and Rachel were photographed together at Hannah Burner's wedding.

It was already out there. Okay. So they talked a little bit about their dating, but Rachel said nothing. She did not talk about their intimacy at all. She did not talk like it was just like a cute little banter they had about like Nima. It was nothing bad. So I'm so confused why he freaked out about that.

But anyway, I can, again, depending on how her mom told the story about the podcast to Rachel, I can understand Rachel just being like, I can't, I can't do this anymore. And then, um, she talks about the whole open relationship comment and her, so Nima said on Chino's podcast, Rachel told me that Tom told her him and Ariana have an open relationship.

At Coachella, it would have been like what 2022 and then Rachel saying that's not what happened. I told Nina This is what's so funny and why I believe Rachel more in this because the way she describes the story, she at one point said, we are in the hot tub, me, Jesse and Sandoval, and we were listening to Dua Lipa.

And that little detail made me laugh so hard, because she's, again, she's so literal and just the way she tells stories. Yeah, she said that whole time. Sandoval and Ariana were giving him her vibes, that they were in an open relationship, and Nima asked her, did it seem like Tom was into you? And she said, yeah, like it was weird.

Yeah. So to me, this just sounds like a bad game of telephone. I'm not even saying Nima like intentionally lied about all of this, but No, Rachel. Is that the point? No, Rachel Bethany interview, I still think was protecting Sandoval. Rachel now is over that. She would flat out say Sandoval told me that he was in an open relationship, but that's not what she's saying.

So, it's just interesting. I don't, I think this is just a bad game of telephone. And, I think, first of all, she is a fabulous storyteller. She truly, we've talked about this before, she paints a picture. She does. But it's so easy to like, I can see the like, my girlfriend and I saw you from across the hot tub vibes, you know?

Like, I can totally see them being like that. And then her relaying this message. And honestly, I don't think anybody in this situation, including Sheena necessarily, Are being malicious, I think, except for Sandoval. Yes. Because he's making it a bigger deal. He's bringing it back up on camera. I don't think that this was, I, again, what, what is the drama?

So, like, she made a one off comment, like, really, who cares? I also found it interesting about this. This episode, this was led by her publicist, who she didn't name, but I really wish she had  because I want to work for that person. Um, and so, but I think it's, you know. Fascinating to have a podcast episode, clearing up rumors that's led by your publicist, right?

The person who is kind of in charge of telling stories for you is asking you probing questions. I would have asked, and I would love to ask her if part of it that was so hurtful was that there was, it was, it kind of all felt. Like there was this great effort to make her like the whore of the story and that, that if people came to that conclusion, that that would somehow be satisfying for people.

And that's how it feels to me that may not have felt that way. But I, that kind of question and getting that insight from her is kind of the stuff that I want to hear from her more so than, cause there was a couple of, first of all, and correct me if I'm wrong, cause we talked about this Raquel. Got kind of mad a couple of times in this episode.

She got kind of pissed off and I have angry Rachel and we saw angry Rachel. And I think, and I keep, I keep using her name interchangeably because like when the girls were calling her Rachel after scandaval, it was to hurt her. And so I didn't want to call her Rachel. I was still calling her Raquel because I thought that was fucking stupid.

And, and. Pointless, but then when she switched, I've had a hard time switching back. So that's my bad, but I think that if we were able to get a little bit more insight into her thought processes, the emotions she was experiencing, that would be way more fascinating because when she did get mad on the podcast, I was like gripping the wheel.

I was like, tell me more girl, because, and it felt. Like, the publicist kind of, she, like, Raquel started to get upset, and the publicist would, like, steer away from that, which is kind of the publicist's job, and I don't want her to be I don't want her to feel some type of way, but it's really interesting because she's got a lot of very displeased with Sheena.

She is. Well, and people keep saying we see no emotion from Rachel, but in this podcast, we are like we not only we are, we have not really seen Rachel get angry like this. And I think a lot of that has to do because of her relationship with James. And the anger that he had, I think she learned to push her anger down and also with her childhood.

So when she's telling this and talking about, you know, her, and then we get into the mental health component of it all. And it's so fascinating if you think about this, at least to me, because. And this has kind of been a whole overall theme of this wild season that it's almost just feels too dark to talk about, but yeah, this whole theme, it's, it seems to be whose mental health matters the most, the most, yes, Rachel is screaming.

No one, no one in this whole Vanderpump Bravo universe is caring about my mental health. Yeah. Sandoval is saying none of my friends are caring about my mental health. Yeah. Then we have Ariana, which I would almost argue as I rewatched this show, y'all are saying that she is thriving, which don't get me wrong.

The girl is doing work, but I am seeing someone who is struggling with trusting people. Yes. And I am seeing someone who. In the after show, she's like, no one's asking about my mental health. Yeah. So, and no one respected my mental health struggle. Exactly. Before. In Sandoval, you love to talk about other people, specifically women's mental health.

Yeah. But again, you're screaming for friends to care about your mental health. And then Ariana is like, no one cares about my mental health. So then I'm just like, If I really think about it, if this is such a huge component, and if Bravo and Lisa, if y'all really did care so much about these people's fucking mental health, there would not have been a season this quickly, and what they should have did it.

Is they should have took time and then season 11 really should be an eight episode focusing on each of them, what they're doing now, how, how the scandal has affected them instead of trying to force these friendships and we're going to get into it. Force even this friendships of Ariana and Sheena because I think that's being forced right now.

Yep. Because then that would actually be caring for their mental health and helping people grow. And I think Rachel would have probably came back if they did season 11 like that. And definitely, first of all, and her voice is very much missed as we've been saying. Also, I just want to add on because you've brought up such an excellent point with a great theme.

You also have Sheena. Dealing with postpartum OCD and literally just like stress or  like trauma induced anxiety, stress reaction to whatever's going on with whatever she's experiencing with Sandoval. I don't mean that dismissively. It's just, it's kind of hard to describe, but we'll get there. And then Lala.

Reflecting on where she's at with her mental health in the wake of her traumatic situation and even Tom Schwartz, who has a brother and a, and a dad, them dying, literally, and how he's coping with it. And so, and then I guess to a lesser extent, like James and his sobriety, I'm not, I'm not trying to be dismissive, but it's also like that is kind of being played for laughs.

It feels like a little bit. So, well, if. If we want to stay with James, he, in this episode, talks about how the whole Tom and Rachel thing fucked him in the head. So once again, if you're going with that, this whole component of mental health, um, in case. So far this season, I can, I can understand Katie probably struggling, especially with the Swartz of it all, Season 10, but she hasn't really vocalized a lot of that, so I'm not, again, trying to like dismiss her in this too, but if you look at all of them, again, this overall theme of, but what we're honing in on this season is Sandoval.

Yeah. And it's just, you've I don't understand that. Like, they could have done, Vanderpump Rules, even though it's literally one of my favorite shows, I feel like really needs to end this season, and it's so sad because they could have ended it in such a different way than what they're doing.

And even the cast seems over it. Yes. Um, Lindsay, give me one second cause I need to pee and I have to wash this ink off of my arm. You're good. I keep, I almost keep like laughing at it. It looks like a tattoo. I don't have any tattoos. It looks like, like you, you like got drunk and wanted to get like tiger paw tattoos.

Oh, speaking of Katie. Oh my god. If you, I might leave this in, if you guys, if I leave this in, just know that I took notes with a pen that I thought was so cool, but actually just leaked all over my arm and they got all the notes on my arm. Okay, we'll be right back guys. Crisis averted. I took a makeup wipe.

So pro tip, if you ever get a Vanderpump rules notes all over your arm from a wonky pen, just take a makeup wipe and you'll be good to go. That should be an influencer. You should. Um, yeah, so season 11, look, and this was kind of, this was how I wanted to start talking about this episode anyway. I don't see how these people go from here, which was part of why I kind of felt like it was a non Sandoval because I'm kind of like, let's see.

If the show makes it because right now there are other as we've been talking about  nonstop. It feels like on the show. There are other things that seem to be simmering underneath that also would not, but that would be, I think, more. Maybe not more, because what he said was offensive and potentially hurtful on a large scale to the general public, while what other people are being accused of would be directly impacting cast members.

Both things are bad. Um, Tom Sandoval's behavior, just in general, is kind of unsavory. Mm hmm. And the dynamics, I mean, We're seeing now, apparently these things seem to be repaired, but we said it last week and we had another strike this week of Sheena and Ariana, what's going on guys? What is going on with you two?

It's kind of awkward because for the most part I will give Ariana a lot of credit. She really understands Sheena and gives Sheena the benefit of the doubt and kind of response to her in a way that I think is mostly appropriate. Except in the after show this week, she was a little off the rails. And so, as does Sheena.

It just seems like there's tension there, and I kind of understand why, but then I'm also like, I don't know, I feel like I understand Ariana being irritated by Sheena. Maybe being okay with Sandoval, but then I'm also like, but she may or may not have been in a situation that may or may not have landed her in jail.

So over you. So at the end of the day, I think everybody kind of shut the fuck up, but that's how I feel. Well, I think my biggest thing with that is. It sounds like Ariana and Sheena, and maybe they have now really need to have a heart to heart conversation about what they need in each other's friendship.

And where I understand Ariana is it seems like Sheena is coming to Ariana and she's wanting that validation. She is wanting Ariana to say it is okay. Girl. Ariana's not the person for that. I think Ariana would respect more if you just flat out said, like, this is where I think I'm gonna do, and I hope you know that I still want to be your friend.

But also, if I'm honest, and I've been looking, as I reflect on the episode and the after show, Sheena says so much how Sandoval was such a good friend to her such a good friend to her. Ariana explains all the shitty things that Sandoval has recently done to her. I don't hear Sheena say so much that Ariana is such a good friend for her.

And so honestly, Sheena, if you don't, sometimes I'm just like, then just be friends with Sandoval. I personally don't get it. I don't think I obviously don't know these people and I don't know their friendship, but to me, And I know Sheena says Sandoval was the first person in this group to accept her and to be there for her.

But, I just look at season 10 and how he treated her and the things she said, and as Ariana said, he co signed on what you said, which Ariana, you could, Ariana you could tell was getting pissed because she said something like, you said this. You're deeming this as your most traumatic event. And Sandoval was co signing on it.

Yeah. And so, I, and I think with Ariana, this is where I, I see her mental health and her struggle is I think she's really struggling when she says she doesn't want to deal. She can't have people in her inner circle who are friends with Tom. I think that comes from, like, she, with Schwartz, she, obviously, they're, him and Sandoval are besties, so she doesn't want to talk to Schwartz or confide in him about things and him go run off and tell Sandoval things.

Same with Sheena. I'm sure she has that worry too, so I just wish, and maybe they had, and I don't know if we'll see this on camera, or they've had it in their personal life, because right now, they seem okay again, but It sounds like a conversation needed to be have of Ariana telling her fears when it comes to Sheena and Sandoval being friends or friendly and then Sheena, you know, obviously saying What she's dealing with too.

It's just this after show. I don't there. I don't understand if something We need an after show for the after show. We do because it seems so heated particularly with Sheena and Ariana, and then I just think about how recently Sheena went to go support Ariana opening night, both Lala and Sheena, but so, but then again, it goes back to how we, this is going to be such a long season because again, I think we're, they're really trying to force relationships right now when I think all of them just needed some damn space.

Yeah, I, I agree. They, they need space and God. With Sheena, I think, this is how I interpret it, and as you know, I'm an apologist. I love her. I think that she is going so hard explaining her friendship with Sandoval, not because She thinks that that is the most important friendship in her life, but I think that she feels invalidated by the public like because I think she saw the, oh, Sheena's making it all about her coming and like, what does this have to do with Sheena?

Why does she even care? Why does she even fuck with him? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I think that now Sheena is  overcorrecting and being like, you know, I, I actually, I even knew him. It's like Sheena. And God,

God forgive me for what I'm about to say, James was low key keeping her in check in the after show. Yeah, I agree. Which bleh. I know, even worse for me. Then Lala started defending Sheena in a way that I could not co sign more. And you know I can't stand to agree with that woman. And it's just like, she was like, you know what?

I just think people need to give Sheena a little grace. And I was like, that's exactly what I say all the time. I say it every single day. And then of course you have James who was kind of, he was just kind of leveling Sheena like, hey, but this is the thing. This is the thing that's driving me nuts, Lindsey.

Why the fuck can we not? Why can't we break the fourth wall? Why? It does not make an interesting show to force people to be around each other that and then not talk about the the problems that are arising from the reality of it because we're not at they're not going to James's stupid pool party.

Voluntarily. Okay. This is not something that they would naturally do. James about had a goddamn panic attack. Stroke is keeled over Barrett to target. He can't grocery shop. He doesn't do this. Well, 12. I was like, dude, what is this? What is this? So then, you know, we have that, we have. I guess we should just get into the episode child because one thing I will say, I think the biggest thing with Arianna Sheena, I think Arianna is struggling because I think she sees Sheena as her words to her being different than her actions.

Sure. I think she knows I'm frustrated with. Ariana because she doesn't think Ariana is hearing out anything she has to say when it comes to this and I 100 percent see both sides and I would like for them to be able to work that out. Me too. I want Sheena and Ariana to be friends and I want Sheena and Rachel to be friends for one day.

I don't know about that girl. She angry. She deserves to be everyone does, but I just, I loved their friendship so much anyway. Well, let's get into the episode. Shall we?  My first, my very first note, James went grocery shopping and believes he deserves a medal of honor. Yep. That's discreet. No, no, no more notes on that.

There we go. Ariana and Katie talk about the Uber driver. Oh my God. I. For someone who was glued to every single itty bitty piece of gossip about this, I don't remember them talking about having that Uber driver again. And Ariana says, um, she didn't know if she should say like, do you know how many people want to talk to you?

And I'm like, you didn't know if you should say that, man, give somebody his phone number, girl. I wanted to hear him. The way I have been screaming, get this person on a podcast, which if you are listening, who the fuck does with Emily Rose, please come on down. Yes. Yes, please. We want to hear from you because I can only imagine what went on in that car that night.

And then for that, and then him to pick them up again and him remember  I mean, I'm sure it was a memorable. I'm sure it's probably one of the most memorable rides he's given and I just want to say, sir, if you are listening, if you pick me and Lindsey up from the airport on March 30th, we will pay you double whatever the fare is, we will pay you double to just tell us what happened in that fucking car.

Okay. Yes. Um, anyone who's listening to the podcast or buy me coffee and Venmo, those funds will now go to finding this Uber, this Lyft, this Lyft driver. Yeah, Lyft. Them telling us all the stories. Thank you. Yes. Thank you very much. So they talk about the Uber driver and then, oh, Katie, always mentioning Reddit.

This one. Very interesting to me. Very. Then Ariana talks about how she, she kind of just elaborates about how she doesn't enjoy or appreciate Schwartz trying to force her to do or say or be anything and then accusing her of being the queen of the group and she kind of just does like some sort of like sassy line and goes like, just like men, beautiful line delivery.

Love it. But it's not substantial. No . Yeah. I loved it too. And some people, I will say, people were saying, oh man, the editors are giving Ariana a bad edit because during that scene she was doing her makeup. Oh, I wrote that too. She, she obviously chose, she kept talking, so she knew. That that could end up there.

Otherwise she would have stopped talking, paused and did her makeup, but she, I think was being cheeky and being silly. I don't think like that has nothing to do with the editing. I was that I, wow. Thank you. I did not even understand. Thank God that you said that because I've been struggling to understand what the fuck they thought.

They thought that because she was doing her makeup, that they were like catching a hot mic. I think so, or just, yeah, but she still was talking about a relevant thing while doing that. So, of course, they would keep that in. That's not It's not how my They do this all the time. James Kennedy, like, practically, like, does a bump every few minutes on screen.

What are you talking about? Right. And she, again, she chose to do that in that moment. I think Ariana, I think you got, I think sometimes people actually need to give Ariana more credit when she says things cause she's saying what she means. Yeah. They also need to like understand they, I need people to take like a reality television production class one on one because I think you and I agree that this season is heavily produced, but that.

That doesn't mean that, like, they would have staged scandal, it just means that, like, they're having to force people and find clever quote unquote ways to try and get people in a room together so that it's an easier story to tell instead of thinking outside of the box, maybe like you did, and telling the story a different way, which would have been so impactful.

They need to pay you for that, because that would be amazing. Call me, Bravo. Oh, Katie's wearing this denim overall thing and it looks really good on her and I want it. Oh, I don't remember that. She looks good this episode, the pool party too, they all look good, the women, killing it. So, Katie says that she has so much work to do on something about her, so she can't waste away at Lake Tahoe.

And I'm like, alright, well, it's March 2024 and the damn thing isn't open, but okay, girl. Again, another, another reason why this season is hard because of all the information we know currently, like something about her will not open this season. It will not. We will be watching you guys talk about opening a dead sandwich shop, a non existent one.

Um, all right. So, when I was watching this live, this was about the point that I texted Lindsay and said, Hey. I'm not going to be able to watch this live. I have to watch it in the morning when I have a clear head because it's way too fucking much for me. Lala and Sheena pull up to Villa Rosa, Lisa Vanderpump's house, before going to James's weird pool party.

Mm hmm. Lala makes me laugh at first. I think this is gonna be a fun scene. Lala says, every time I pull up, I just say, this looks just like my house. And I was like, Lala, stop doing this to me. I did not want to be on your side this year. So, they go in, and Lisa gets honestly right to it. She says  That she has to talk to them about something and they're not going to like it.

And Sheena says, or one of them say, Well, what is it about? And I'm like, Yeah, that was Lala. You know what it's about, Lala. Basically, LVP says that she has been talking to Sandoval and that he's really going through it and she doesn't think it's fair for them to ice him out. And I guess talk shit about him.

I guess she's a little, once again, we, we can't, we can't fully break the fourth wall. So it's hard to follow exactly what she's referring to. I mean, obviously how he said he felt and the feelings he was having, but really

this is about filming. This whole thing is about filming. There's, there's nothing else to this. So this, the whole conversation is so exhausting to watch because there's the context isn't there. So it's just kind of empty. So then of course she says, well, he blocked me and Sheena, I, I don't, she said she said she made it known.

She sent the sweetest text, the sweetest text. And I can't, I. It's again, really hard for me specifically this week with Sandoval. But girl, I don't blame him for blocking you in this moment. I don't. Yeah, yeah, it's honestly, you should be thankful for that. Because I can't imagine if he didn't block you the cut, then he would have gotten nasty.

Yes, she didn't deserve that in that moment. But blocking you was probably the nicest thing he could have did in that moment. Also, Shout out Rachel Savannah Levis, because to, to the point, Sheena did talk a lot about Tom on her podcast. And if you don't, if you don't believe me, go to Rachel's Instagram where she did an Excellent, like three minute long super clip of every single time that Sheena mentioned Sandoval and y'all know I'm a Sheena stan for life, but God damn, if that was not so funny and well done.

And then someone in the comments was like, who did this? She was like, Grossman a day and a half. I was like, yes, graphic design. Sheena at the end of her podcast tried to throw a little shade today and was like, thank you to everyone who keeps rewatching my YouTube videos. I was like, girl, just admit that was funny.

Just admit it was funny. Come on, come on. So then they get into this conversation because And again, I feel bad. We got to keep it light, though. When Sheena says, infers that Tom is a narcissist, she, or she says, Well, narcissistic people will never, never know that they're narcissistic. They'll never say it.

Tom goes, Yeah, that's why Lala never says she is one. I was like, Damn, that was a burn though. That was kind of cool. That was kind of dope. And then. Lala gets triggered by this and Sheena of course tells Lala, I guess, why not? Right. Then Lala says, she's so funny, she says, she makes mistakes and owns them all the time.

Lala owns her behavior. A hundred percent of the time if you didn't know, like they all do, they all do. They're the most accountable people on reality television, but girl, no, you don't. She does not. She does not own her behavior all the time. We, we're just now seeing her be kind of. Opening up to the idea of owning her behavior or when she finally in her confessional, when she said, you know, when you think about it, when they all called me a mistress and a homewrecker, it was kind of true.

Thank you. That's all we, we just wanted you to admit that you had, you had a little bit of awareness in the situation because it would be crazy for you to say elsewise because of your behavior on the internet, what you said in the moment, well, and as she said, that does not mean she has to wear that. No.

On her sleeve forever. And that, that goes with Rachel. I would like to think that goes for Sandoval, but his behavior currently, it's real hard, you know, but again, with anything mistakes happen. You don't have to wear that on your sleeve, but acknowledging that and then taking accountability and growing from that.

And I do think we are seeing a little bit of that with Lala this season. Yep. It's. It's hard to know sometimes with her what is real and what's played out for the show as far as this really new leaf that she's turned over. Yeah. Um, so yeah, I, I, yeah, I totally get what you're saying. You know, and, and we'll get there.

She obviously has a pretty decent conversation with Schwartz about, you know, apologizing him. She, what is it with her though? Because she has. This tendency and she does it in the after show in the after show It's entertaining because I love her yelling at James Kennedy and telling her to suck her dick I think that's right, but she does get really extremely heated And then kind of calms down, it's like she kind of goes out of body, but she does it a lot, and I'm sure I am describing some sort of something that could be diagnosed, but I don't know what it is, but she does that a lot, and I can imagine, I can imagine it's very tiresome to be friends with Sheena.

If she needs this much validation and I can assume it's very uneasy to be friends with Lala because she really does have like bouts of extreme emotion and it's, and it makes it difficult for me as a viewer to trust her. Yeah, well, and I think there seems to be, as far as I don't know if it's trauma triggers or some kind of triggers like she must have a Schwartz.

With the whole ego thing, I thought you were talking about my ego and I was like, how did you get that? I didn't have that in the conversation, but clearly she is. Yeah. So obviously there, there is something within Lala that makes her go zero to a hundred like that. And then what's so interesting too is after that she can be over it like that.

Yes. So that's, what's interesting to me because I know for me sometimes when I get triggered by something. I need a minute. Like I need almost like the whole night to get my shit together, specifically if it's with like a person, but the way that she can just go there and then just be done, it's really, it is interesting.

And I get her, I don't think she wants to be that way. No. And, and that's what I'm saying. I've kind of just assumed that it's just the inauthent, inauthenticity of her, inauthenticity of her being like a reality star and kind of like Sandoval like not having a grasp on her Lala persona versus her Real persona, which makes her very fucking annoying, but when you're watching it and something about the way that she responded to James in the after show and was like, da, da, da, da, da, da, da.

And she started escalating. And then she was like full blown. And then you saw her like, come back. I was like, are you going to, I truly was like, is she going to remember what she just said? Because it just seemed like she was truly like. Another person for a second. Um, fascinating stuff. These people really need therapy.

Um, so they continue to talk and Lisa Vanderpump.

Her tactics with these people are. Upsetting to me and I thought about it a lot and I was like, I don't think that this shit would be as upsetting if she went back to Beverly Hills to real housewives and was doing this. I think it probably just spice things up a little bit, right? Because I think all of them, all of the Beverly Hills women are.

A little evil and a little calculating, so it works there. All right, she's, she's the best at it. And these, these people are also a little insane. But this situation, the amount of influence that she has in this particular situation gives her so much more space to be manipulative and harmful. And she's a producer.

Mm hmm. So, she's Having this event at her stupid restaurant in Lake Tahoe, for some reason, it's like, she's like auditioning them to see like, who's going to be the one. Who's going to be the one. And I was thinking while Sheena was crying, that sounded really insensitive. Well, Sheena was crying. I was just thinking in my life together.

She, but when she was crying, I was like, is she crying because she doesn't want. She doesn't want to be the one and she feels like this conversation is all right Well Schwartz is is a wash because he's not the bridge because he can't he can't get Ariana You guys could be the bridge So the pressure is on one of you to make this show work or your checks are going bye bye That's kind of that's how I have to assume because other than that Sheena's doesn't make It doesn't make sense.

I love her, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. And honestly, that's the vibe that it's giving like LVP, like pushing, that's not natural. She wouldn't normally be like, Oh, but you will know. She would normally be like, probably hyping Sandoval up to be like, fuck Sheena or hyping, you know, whatever she would be doing.

She wouldn't be. I just, I don't, I don't think this would be happening for real if there wasn't a show motivation behind it. 100%. And I think if we go back to this overall theme of mental health being important, this would have been a beautiful moment to break the fourth wall of see the cameras and everything.

And I understand the conversation of talking to people about maybe backing off a little bit when it comes to like podcasts and things like that. However, If you're having that conversation and then if this was truly about caring for people's mental health and not just them, Hey, we needed to film together to make a fucking show.

If it was truly about Sandoval's mental health, then there would have been a conversation about, Hey, Sandoval is expressing suicide, ideally at idealization. He, in that moment, we asked him to go seek professional help. And they, you know, and now he's taking those steps, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, or whatever, you know, because that is what should happen.

And obviously Sandoval has. The autonomy as far as like what he wants to do with his mental health and things like that. But if you as a show really care about that, then this man should not have been filming. You should have been like, you need to go work on you. Because otherwise, then you're trying to force People in his life, instead of Sandoval, actually coming to these people and apologizing, actually apologizing, taking accountability and not doubling down, you're coming to the people that he hurt in saying, you need to be there for him.

And that is not okay. And we signed, and we signed an NDA podcast explained this all very beautifully in the episode that they did this week. I highly recommend listening to it. Yeah. It's like, Again, you're preaching this mental health component, but like we're seeing right through this, you're just trying to get them all to film together, and you're like, you know, and I get stand of all feeling like he's being iced out, but that is because of you, and you are still not really apologizing to these people.

And if this is a severe of him having these dark thoughts. Then that needs to be addressed in a professional manner, and he doesn't need to be on the fucking show. And you wouldn't naturally, like, if you were concerned, you wouldn't call other people to try to make them concerned, you would just do something about it.

Exactly. Like, and you don't, and obviously no one in this friend group wants Sandoval to harm himself by any means, but Lisa approaching it in this way, again, you're putting a lot, that is interesting that you bring it up, like a lot of pressure on them. And I have no doubt. Sheena's thinking, Oh gosh, here we go.

We're going to have to go to Tahoe. This is what's going to be the thing. Right. Yeah. And that is going to. I can understand cause a lot of things, but again, just framing it in this whole way. And I, I get like Lisa, I understand. Obviously what happened with her brother is tragic, and I do understand there's that component of her caring, but again, if this whole thing is really about people's mental health and caring, you would have did this very, very differently, and not the way that you're doing.

You just want these people to film together. Again, there should 11 in this way. Agreed. Also. We find out in the after show and this will come up this is probably important context here and then we'll come up later Sheena we found out had a friend a long time ago Who committed suicide? and She doesn't say that they were best friends or anything, she just said that they were, they were a friend of hers and this person had, I guess, done some things or said some things that people were upset about, had confided in her about how they were feeling and Sheena's response was like, Well, you should look at yourself and your decisions.

That's why you're in this place. And then that person shortly thereafter did unalive themselves. And Sheena was like, I never want to feel like that again. And again, I don't care who the fuck you are. I don't care how you feel about Sheena. You can, I'm sure people will try to invalidate her and say like, Oh, she probably didn't even know them.

And I've said this a couple of times this week, actually. That's a heavy fucking burden. Even if you met this person one day on the street. That is like a really heavy thing to deal with. And it sounded like Sheena was saying that Everyone knows this about this person and that this was something that she had experienced and I love her, but I wouldn't doubt that this is something she would have already talked about with people.

So, you know, just feels like, well, it was very unnecessary for you, Lisa Vanderpump, very unnecessary for you to do this as girl. Well, and I think Lala said it beautifully on the after show. She said she didn't, she understood where Lisa was coming from, but she didn't like that Lisa was placing the mental state of someone else.

Yes. And like happening on them and almost this factor of like, I know you would blame yourself if something were to happen. Yeah. And Lala was like, yeah. And Lala was like, I refuse to participate in doing some like doing, doing that. Like, you're not, and that's such, I understand framing it in a way of like, Okay guys, we have been go you guys have been talking about Sandoval so much and I get it.

So in order for us to do a show, Where do we go from here? You know, because again, it doesn't make sense because they're the show is what's forcing these people to be together. It is not happening organically. And this is the first season where we're really I think what's really going on with the season is this the first season that I've seen with all of them.

Wow, we really don't have a group of friends anymore. Even when we see with Lala and James and you saying like this forced pool party, no one is going over to James house for a pool party. Lala didn't even know and I guess it could be argued like Stuff being on camera, but Lala didn't even know the reason why James got sober things are not besties anymore This is like season one where these people really were friends, right?

So again, you have this season where producers are forcing these interactions So it's not feeling natural and that says the audience like we're upset at this if they Naturally came to a place with Sandoval, I would like, get it more, but you're forcing these interactions to happen in a really weird way, Lisa.

That was a lot to put on Lala and Sheena. Yes. And I just did not like it. And can I just say one more thing, and I know we have to move on from this piece, but I have, I had a lot of feelings about it. Um. I think it's the big part, I honestly, I think this is the biggest moment in the episode, if I'm real.

Um, it definitely drove the purpose for the whole episode. Yeah. Um, we're sitting here and we're talking about, oh, you know, Tom, and she goes, at the end she's like, Okay, but Lala, like, you have support and you're thriving and you're doing well, he's not. Oh! Where the fuck is  Rachel right now? Where is Raquel in this moment?

What are we doing? Are you having the same conversation about her? Cause she's also fucking suffering and y'all are eating off of her demise. I mean, feasting and also just, I really don't like that because as someone who has been through this, I had all the support in the world and on the outside, it looked like I had it all together, but the inside, I was a fucking mess.

So to put this again, narrative out there of like, And I get Sandoval was fucking going through it, but to say like, well, Lala, you have all the support. And trust me, that is a protective factor, right? 100%. But you like, Lisa, you don't fucking know what's going on in these people's heads, right? So to say, to say it like that, again, You can have all the support that does not, you know, automatically mean like you won't go through this and you bring up a beautiful point as far as like with Rachel and I know Rachel isn't on this season, but I just, it doesn't seem like you would extend that grace to her.

Or to the women in genuine, I mean, not to say Lisa, I understand. Cause I know there's conversation right now. How Lisa seems to give more grace to the men, which I absolutely agree. That's not to say she never does with the women. I know I've seen that, but it is different. Yeah, it's different. It's just in poor taste.

It's in poor taste. And we're sitting here talking about mental health. You have someone who is. You know hospitalized I've talked about my not I've not talked about my experience and no one wants to hear about it But I relate to that situation. That's a pretty Rough spot to be in yeah Like y'all aren't giving her any grace and then we're sitting here talking about Sandoval and whether or not he's got support and like At this time he was still touring and making a mockery of everything, right?

He was still doing like well talking about Raquel in this I mean again, I know that that's like kind of your point like you don't want to judge someone's Performance or how they may mask day to day. Like you don't want to judge their mental health on that. And you shouldn't, and definitely, definitely shouldn't, but it's also like, okay, but he's not taking it super seriously right now either.

But also he did have the support because he called, he called Kyle Chan to get the guns out of his house. He had someone to call. And Kyle did that. He had Billy Lee. This is not someone where he had no one whatsoever. He had you girl. So he did have, he had that support and he, he had, yeah, Lisa was, he had that support.

So then the only reason why you're telling Lisa, I'm sorry, telling Lava and Sheena this is for the show because Sandoval does have that fucking support. 1000%. Oh, I know. And then we close out with Sheena saying, is it worth losing Ariana? That's what made me think that this was about more than just like repairing friendships.

Yep. Oh God, that was, I need a break. Okay. So then we get to the, we get to the pool party. Ariana says that it looks just like love Island. I thought that was kind of funny. I got pause. Okay. We have to just, the, before that was the Billy Lee and Sandoval when he first went to the Cold Plunge. The only thing I want to say about that scene is Billy Lee, you are in love with this man.

In love! I, my husband and I, we very much went through this thing of we were best friends beforehand and it was always this, we liked each other, but we didn't want to tell each other. Right. So I have seen that look of pure admiration and love. Billie Lee, girl, you love this man. You love him. You love him.

And I get it. And if you get into the, we don't have time to get into the lore of Billy Lee and  the Ariana and Sandoval versus Lala and the transphobia of it all, because that would take a decade, but Billy Lee hat, I think she's probably always been in love with Tom Sandoval. And again, he looks great this, this season so far, very attractive, man.

I'm, I'm, I'm not going to hide from that. Okay. A goofy as fuck. Now, I don't know how, even if I was the most in love, I could sit there and take this shit seriously. You know, I mean, and I was also wondering, I'm like, you're either in love or you just popped some molly, because there is no other excuse for whatever the fuck is happening here.

She, when he came up, like, when he went into the water and came up, she looked like she had just seen a mermaid for the first time. Like, her Expression and face and my God, what was the camera person thinking in that moment, because you just got one person in the bathtub, Billy Lee googling over him and I would if I was the camera person, I'd be like, I need to go.

Yeah, I'm uncomfortable. This is insane. And for him to stand there with his goofy ass hair like that. And like, I rebirth. It, I can't, this is what I'm talking about when I say he lives in a television show. He believes that his life is a television show. He does things because and thinks he does things and thinks that they're going to be okay because in a television world, you just turn off the TV and then it doesn't affect me anymore until I turn in next Tuesday.

That is what he does and it is. Very, very unsettling. It's extremely hard to watch. So yeah, that's actually all I want to do. I will say, cause I don't want to keep going back and forth between this. It's so, it's so dumb. Oh, but I do want to say that this place is in Santa Monica, but the shot that they showed of like a pier, I believe if I'm not mistaken, that is Hermosa beach.

And that's, I want to visit Hermosa beach when we get to LA. So we talked about that. And LA people, if I'm wrong, let me know. But. I do want to visit her most of each. So  anyway, he says that he still loves Raquel and, um, Billy, I don't think Billy likes him saying that because I think, I think Billy's in love with them.

So I think that kind of perturbs her a bit. That makes sense too. Why in the previous episode, she was trying to like talk shit on Rachel and she really didn't even have a good line of defense there. No. No. He took a phone call. That's totally normal. He took a phone call. So we go back to the party, Schwartz literally jumps off a bridge because someone told him to.

You know how they always say like, okay, well, if your friends all jumped off a bridge, would you? And like, he literally jumped off the roof because they did. And they told him to. You know, what's funny about that scene is I re watched it a few times, but I'm pretty sure you hear Ariana's voice say, Schwartz, jump!

Yeah. And I just thought that was interesting, because again, I think it just shows, like, Oh, oh, oh. Yeah, just, I'm pretty sure it sounded like her. So again, I just thought that was interesting, because she seemed to be acknowledging him in that moment. It may not have been her. It sounded like her, though.

Wouldn't that be some crazy shit, though, if, like, If they really did, like, the Hill style at the end of the season, it'd be like, We've been hanging out the whole time! I've thought about this so much, and I don't think they actually are. That might have just been a fun, silly moment. Yeah. But yeah, talk about this felt like when I was in my early 20s, or when I was 18 year old in high school, because I did jump off a roof once.

Um, but yeah, I know. Crazy, crazy time. Crazy times in Lindsay's life. Bye! To watch these, almost, some of them, almost in their 40s, like, do this, and then Schwartz doing it after James? Insane. No. It's It's not good. It's not a good look. Makes my back hurt. Truly. Let's talk about it.  If you guys didn't listen to my episode, don't feel obligated.

But this week I had Rob Schulte, Vanna Pumphrops were going to the show. March 30th. We had him on the, I had him on the show and we talked about sobriety because Rob is sober and Rob is friendly with Peter Magical. So he's kind of been around these people in some capacity I don't think he's like met everybody necessarily, but he's he's familiar with the scene He's familiar with the places that they go.

He lives out there and We talked I talked with him a lot about sobriety because a big theme Of this season does seem to be sobriety. This keeps coming up and, you know, being sober or drinking to forget and coping mechanisms, all of this stuff. And so we talked a lot about that. So I don't want to be too repetitive when we get into this, but of course, Lindsay and I were on the beat when.

Hallie and Lala have this to me, odd conversation, odd, probably because of what you were saying, Lindsay, that. It's weird that Lala wouldn't know what his rock bottom moment was. So it just felt, I assumed she would know. So her asking Allie. Seemed like    an LVP move. It felt like, are you trying to get her to say it right now?

Or are you bored? Because people have been accusing her or, and, or maybe even rightfully pointing out that Lala's had a few moments this season where you can see the gears turning and you can see, she's like checked out because she's so bored. So now she's just going to go start something. And she asks Allie, they talk about getting a BBL, which is.

Okay. And then Lala asks Allie how she's doing and how James is doing and Allie's like, Oh yeah, well, I think he's getting sober and blah, blah, blah. And then she says, do you know, do you guys know what she says is, do you guys ever talk about why he went sober? I found that interesting wording. I don't know what you think, Lindsay, but she didn't say like, so why did James.

Like, what was the point? Like, what was there like a moment? She didn't say that. She said, do you guys ever talk about why he got sober? Which says to me. That Lala does know why he got sober and wants to talk about it. Yeah, that's a good point. No, that's a good point. And I'm just curious, though, if Lala heard that through the grapevine, or if she actually heard it from James, because I don't, I don't think she heard specifically.

Through James, I'm sure there was rumblings of what was happening and to give, I think timelines important in this perspective because so Allie and James started dating January of 2022. Right. And James said he got sober. April of 2023. So they had just been together a little over a year. And I think this whole, this scene kind of then ties in if we want to go ahead and talk about how, because Lala eventually talks to James, right?

About this, this moment. And so you have them dating a little over a year. We already know it sounds like throughout this time, whatever happened at the awards ceremony, Ali did say they were. Arguing, right? They were arguing and drinking. A lot of, a lot of arguments had been happening. And so James describes this moment as they were fighting a lot, particularly maybe over Tom and Rachel, that whole thing and his feelings toward that and his drinking and him saying Allie then left for two days and took the animals.

And that to me, that says a lot. Yep. That is someone. Leaving a situation and this is what truly makes me feel icky and sad inside is because James is trying to say this whole sobriety journey that he, sorry, this whole not drinking journey he's on right now is for him. When you then describe You telling Allie and I can only picture it basically you begging her to come back and you saying you will not drink That is not doing it for you Oh, and it just it makes me sad because you see this cycle that he his relationships are of him saying he'll change And he's not drinking and I do believe that man should not drink and I'm sure some of his behaviors do get A little bit better when he's not drinking, but you're describing this big moment, but dude, you did not do this again for yourself.

You did it for a girl like you did with Rachel and to me, that is not true healing or like working on like the issues as far as why you drink and also you still get angry when you don't drink. So I thought this again. Was a really, it was a really deep conversation and so many layers to it. And it  it, I don't know, it, it just is hard when it comes to Mr.

James Kennedy because we've talked about all this before when it comes to him and just to go back for just a second. I just want to say two things. First of all, again, when I was on Mandy's podcast, hers will come out the day after this does. So be sure to listen to both. She said, and I was, when she said this, I was so happy because.

I thought as a cat person, I was just taking it to another level. And also Mandy, just by the way, she hadn't, she really didn't know much about the allegations. And so I didn't want to get as deep into it as we do here. But she said. Taking the cats is not like taking the dogs and Mandy's a dog person. And so I was like, okay, thank you.

I thought it was my like scorned cat person kicking in, but no. Taking the cat cats are very self sufficient. Like. I may leave Sheena at my apartment with a friend who may spend a couple of nights and then periodically check in, but I don't necessarily have to like board Sheena up somewhere for while we're gone because cats are extremely self sufficient.

They also their memory spans are usually like 15 to 30 minutes so if they feel some type of way in a moment, they'll, they'll be okay. So, like, You picked up and took the cats? That's such a good point. It's, and you put cats in a, I don't know what it's like in Los Angeles, honey, but in Georgia, in Atlanta, Georgia, you can just put cats in people's homes.

People hate cats here. Nobody has cats. Cats are, they're all on the streets. They call it cat lana, but when it comes to bringing people, cats to people's homes, you can't do that. Cats are, Taboo subjects, and she also left when he wasn't there, she came home

to an empty house. This is the second time, bro. So that, that screams to me, something that screams to me, in my opinion, and unsafety this factor. Yes, whether she felt maybe that her physical safety would be compromised if she tried to leave with him there or that she would be emotionally roped into staying when she didn't want to.

Exactly. Both of those situations are forms of abuse. So, and what did I do? He still got to her and told her. Yes, you know, I mean, I'll stop. I'll stop. And I just want to say this is not a judgment on Allie I don't know how they resolved their conflict. I'm happy that she's happy and okay Yeah, but if you are listening to this because there are a lot of truly, there are a lot of younger like VPR people that just came into it because of scandal and I I really want to say Like if you've been in a relationship for less than two years you're not married and You're fighting a lot with your S.

O. to the point where you need to leave and take your pets and you need to leave the house. You should just leave the relationship and I don't care if you're fighting. I don't even mean the fights have to be extreme. I don't know. They don't have to be over anything substantially can fight over the price of bread, but that is you don't have to do this.

Like you don't have to do this. And there are a lot of people that. This may happen after a long time of being with someone, you know each other's buttons, but like, if you're two years or less, you'd truly, relationships should not start out like this. I'm not saying they should ever get to a point where you're like leaving the house or whatever, but they certainly shouldn't start that way.

And this is the beginning, if we're in a monogamy like marriage mind, matrimony vibes, Relationships should not start like this, in my opinion, but I think I'm right. I think I'm right. This should almost be the honeymoon phase of their relationship. And I don't, if we think about the timeline of them getting together in January, the movie awards happened in June of that same year.

And they're talking so much about arguing and things like that. Which I Just to be clear, obviously couples can argue, but the way that they describe it, yeah, a little more, you know, please, and more intense, please know that I am taking when I say these things I'm taking into account the context that's being presented to us.

And this man just said that they were drinking a lot and they were arguing. Allie just said on Sheena's podcast that they had been drinking and arguing in a car and it caused a scene of some sort. You don't have to do this. And also I think it's tight that she's doing like solidarity sobriety, but like he has to want to get sober because that's what he wants to do.

And You shouldn't, you should, if you don't have a, a problem with drinking, if you wanna, it's just I know that there are more complicated layers, but I really feel like if you're in your 20s, or I guess, I think Ally's actually 30, but if you're in a new part of the relationship, you do not have to stay in that.

That is, that is not, it's not an expression of passion. Like, if you're fighting to the point where you take your animals away from your partner, Hello. Yeah. If you have possession of an animal that you got with your partner or that your partner loves and then you don't feel safe taking your animal back to that person.

Just a random example. I thought of like pay attention to your gut in those moments because it's telling you it's telling you go find a man that is worthy of you girl go. She would, you know, where she would be really popular in Nashville, Tennessee. She'd be really popular there. Yeah. She looks like the aesthetic that guys like in Nashville.

She can get her music career. So much music stuff going on in Nashville. Move to Nashville, Allie. Get the fuck away from that guy, is my opinion, personally. But, yeah. I 100 percent agree. All right. So, then we already kind of talked on this.  Oh. Well, okay, before this, we get back to the back at the party, back in the pool.

Sheena's catching everybody up on her conversation with Lala and LVP. Also, we see Lala, we already talked about this, Lala and Schwartz have a pretty meaningful conversation by the pool where Lala takes some accountability about how she lashes out and treating Tom, and then Tom says  you know, he's never gonna give up on his friend  which maybe was fine.

Three months after that, unfortunately, that is still how he feels. So they're in the pool. Sheena is explaining and she's like, and again, Oriana is so interesting. She's kind of fascinating because she doesn't invalidate in this moment that Sheena has Sandoval. She doesn't, she actually, I felt was very reassuring to her and said.

That's a manipulation. It felt like, like a friend telling some kind of like I just told how, you know, I just told the listeners like out of concern, like he's manipulating you don't let this guy take advantage of you. Don't let your guard down because he's trying to get you on his side so that he can do whatever.

Right. And Sheena listens in that moment. Um, and again, I've already said this, but I don't, I don't feel comfortable with the way that Katie is positioning herself, but I'm never comfortable with what Katie does. So, I guess that's fine. Excuse me. So, I think that kind of wraps up the pool party. Did I miss anything from the pool party?

No, the only thing that I would want to point out, the whole Vauban and Swartz conversation, I personally, Lala did not go hard on Schwartz during the last week's episode. She, I think, talked to him in a really good way as far as, like, I don't understand Aaron Sandoval's, like, um, relationship. So it's interesting.

Schwartz does not seem to like when women have opinions about his actions, but that's all I'll say about that. And then. With Sheena and Ariana, it just, again, I, I wish their communication with each other, there's, there's something missing, and I kind of get When I watched that scene and maybe we only saw what like two minutes of that conversation, but you could tell she that checked the fuck out.

She looks like she was about to I know she had sunglasses on, but she looks like she was about to cry. Yeah, he looked like she was checked out. So I can understand in that moment her wanting someone to be like, Whoa. Why is this affecting you so much? Yeah. And maybe again, we only saw a little bit of that conversation.

So it was a hard watch, but I said this earlier, Sheena, you cannot go to Ariana for this validation. And Ariana does not have to give it to you. No, and she's not going to. She's not going to, but you guys do have to work on your communication and what you need from each other as a friendship. And if you can't come to an agreement, then I think a harder conversation needs to happen.

And I think too, and this could have been editing, but it didn't feel, and actually this is what Rob and I talked about it. We actually absolutely think it is partly editing because it kind of felt like what Sheena's purpose of the conversation was and Ariana's response. Wasn't, it didn't add up, like, it didn't feel like Ariana was responding to Sheena in that moment because Sheena didn't say, we need you to, you know, go out and.

It just, it felt like we were missing something because then Ariana does that voice and the voice is a lot. That has to be a, that has to be a defense mechanism on Ariana's part because that, like, Ariana you speak so much better when you, when you don't use that voice. And your, and your, and your point across comes not as well when you use that voice.

Right. But it's weird. It is weird because Ariana presents it in a way she's like, I'm not going to go on Instagram and be like, Hey guys, ease up on my boyfriend. When we've already established and so did Sandoval out of all these people, Ariana has not, has rarely talked about Sandoval. Right. And so it's weird.

I don't know if that I understand that conversation seemed out of place. I don't know if Ariana in that moment took it as. If she got defensive, you know what I mean, it was like, I don't know, it was, it was, it was weird. I would have loved to see that whole footage. And again, yes, I would love to see the whole footage, maybe the conversation was more like, Sheena's like, hey, the, the woman who pulls the strings around here is like, kinda has me at gunpoint, I'm gonna have to talk to Sandoval, and people are going to drag me through the goddamn streets about it.

So if you could. Please just maybe hint that's not a big deal if I'm like seen in his vicinity because that would be, it's, I don't have a choice and then maybe that's what Ariana was responding to. I'm not saying that Sheena said it like that or whatever. And because again, that's how it feels to me like they have to film and everyone that was around Sandoval caught.

Heat. So, and then of course there's Katie hyping the shit up and she's just the world's greatest blah, blah, blah, like, girl, I understand Sandoval hates her and she hates him and she should because he ruined her marriage. Literally. I mean, also, she's not, Katie's not a very compassionate woman, so. Also, you can't force Sheena to come to these conclusions, Sheena has to come to them on her own.

Exactly, and Ariana seems, she does seem to understand that. She does, but I think, again, Ariana has struggled with Sheena's words versus her actions. Yep. But, she's trying to allow Sheena to come to her own conclusions. So, kind of wrapping things up, even though there's still kind of a lot, but I'll breeze through this.

We meet Jo. We meet  the woman that, again, Katie tried to make out to be. She, this girl seemed very normal. She seemed Very she she seems chaotic and harmless. Yes. Yes. That's a great way to describe it. Okay, and I can harmless Why did she not leave would say the voluntary started talking because she tried to interject so much Completely ignored her.

I said I said lol at Joe getting a word in edgewise

No girl you should have just left I'm I wondered that so I wondered if like Schwartz the people pleaser was like, Oh, of course you can film with us. Come on, sit down. It'll be good. It'll be good for someone who knows Sandoval to like sit here. And then Sandoval will not have it because he will not have anyone speaking on his behalf because he knows what's good.

Okay. He can speak for himself. He has the answers, honey. He is a motivational speaker. Get out of here. Bless. Bless. So Sheena Brock. Sheena and Brock have Tori over to babysit Summer Moon.

Tori makes a like a comment about Ozempic and Brock gets weirdly defensive about it. I was like, that was odd. In front of my daughter. She doesn't know what fucking it was. Okay, Brock. Like she's smart. She doesn't know what that is. I know she has an Instagram, but she not on that Instagram looking at was in big ads.

Okay. And then they all go to the West side, according to Sheena, which is by Marina del Rey. I think they go to a restaurant with Allie and James. And the whole point of that is basically to say that Tom Sandoval. Was invited to the Tahoe trip. Brilliant. Great. Finally, and I'm gonna let you take the reins on this last scene, Lindsay, because I know you have the receipts.

Okay. So, no, go ahead. No, go ahead, sorry. No, no, no.  I literally said take the reins and then did not stop talking. That was super my bad. Okay, go ahead. No, you're so good. So, we see James Reunite with Graham, what seems to be the first time and I, like other people, I'm going to put my maybe conspiracy hat on for a little bit, but there is some evidence here that has made us question this as an audience.

Yes. The first thing when I was watching it, James, when he first saw Graham, he. was like, Graham, what the way his tone, it just didn't seem to me like this is the first time that he was reunited with Graham. The thing that did confuse me, though, is when he did start breaking down. I was like, okay, that did seem emotional and real.

However, I kind of think James can play that up a little bit if he needs to just from what I've been learning about him and his relationships like we see on the show like we just talked about. So also, when this all was going down, We, as Vanderpump fans, a lot of us were flummering every minute, as you know, I recap podcasts, I recap Amazon lives, and I was really confused because I thought Graham was reunited with James for the first time in Tahoe.

Yeah. And the reason why I think that. And a lot of us thought that is because articles specifically came out and said that they were reunited in Tahoe and Sheena went on an Amazon live and this is the Amazon live where Sheena went rogue. She was hyped up. Sheena on the loose. She basically was like Y'all give me money and buy my stuff and I will tell you the tea.

So I'll say verbatimly what she said during that Amazon live. She said, okay, Graham T. We are in Tahoe, right? And all of a sudden, Lisa Vanderpump comes walking down the stairs. She looks like an angel, by the way. And she comes down the stairs with this dog that looks identical to Graham. Lala was like, am I being punked right now?

James heart was racing, Sandoval was sitting there, Lisa rescued Graham, and he has now made his way back to James. When she told that story, again, the way she tells it makes it seem like that was the first time they all saw, saw Graham. We also know James and Allie flew to Tahoe, they drove back because Lisa had brought Graham.

It's weird to me, and, and it could be argued that Lisa brought Graham there to surprise the group. But you're telling me you gave the dog to James, and then you took him, you took him back to then surprise the group with him. It just, it, I'm so curious. How this next episode would be, because what people are thinking is Miss Rachel Savannah Levis has talked about during this time, Lisa was putting out in the press that Rachel dropped her off, dropped, dropped grandma at a kill shelter and To me, this seems like this, this whole shot seems like it was a reshoot and it's because then we see Lisa tell a very vague story of Graham was in a, I heard from someone that Graham was in a foster home for a couple of months and he has bitten and he.

He has bitten once or twice. Yes. And he is now, and they said they are going to drop him off at a shelter. I fully believe that this is a reshoot because I think they went ham in Tahoe. About the whole dog situation and that was when they first were reunited and I'm sure they were talking so much about this judge the situation.

Oh, yeah. And when I tell you talk about the horrific comments that Sandoval got when it came to this dog situation and the comment that Rachel got about it about it. Yeah. It was also horrific. No, you would literally David Portnor person saying she should be murdered for this. Yeah, no, I was gonna say,   Literally, people were calling her a murderer. Like, deadass. Like, I You and I talked about it, we talked a lot about it offline, and then we talked about it some online.

The whole thing, for me, seemed pretty cut and dry. We knew the dog bites, and I'm sorry, I don't wanna, I don't know if it's ethical to like make fun of a dog, but I'm going to. When James was like doing his thing on the ground, like crying or whatever he was doing, Graham was in the background. With a toy going like, Oh, I know he did not care that James was there.

I was like, um, someone check on the dog, please. Um, so yeah, the way that people responded, you would have thought that Rachel old Yellard herself, and that's just not, it didn't make sense to begin with. So my question is, and I said this to you. Someone is lying. Okay. Someone's lying about something. And I just want to know what's what was this.

Here's the thing.

Why would the also when you read it the way that you read what Sheena said on Amazon Live. It's such an odd thing for Sheena to say that someone's heart was racing. That's like a narrative thing to say. That's not something that you experience in real life. Like you don't know if someone's heart's racing.

You don't say that out loud. But why would she, it is so, do they not know that we were involved? Like, I, I just don't understand. And that's why I, next week where we recap this and it somehow flows and comes together, I will take back all of this of what I'm saying. Same with us thinking it was Sandoval telling Rachel about the podcast, but I'm not also, I'm not the only one.

Has brought this up. Oh, it's been all over the internet. Exactly. People have been like, pulling from Sheena, pulling from Lala, like, pulling articles. I have to think, they know how heavily involved, sorry, the audience was during this time, so they cannot think we're stupid. Right. So the only, other people have talked about this too.

We do see a preview in the next episode of James introducing You know, I mean, the cats and Graham and yeah. Oh, wait, I'm so sorry. Can you hold on for one second? I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Keep that thought. But what I was saying is, I think. The only way they can maybe spin this is that we see James and Allie introducing Graham to the cat.

Maybe things didn't go quite well. So Lisa was like, I'll take Graham Cracker for a little bit and do blah, blah, blah with him. And then she brought him to Tahoe. Also, though, it's really weird that you have this dog who has been so back and forth, back and forth. You then fly him to Tahoe? Just to surprise the group, none of it makes sense.

So I'm so curious  specifically because the audience right now is calling Bullshit on this. What next episode will look like as far as the whole gram of it all, and I'm so tired of talking about the whole thing. I know we, I know, and I'm sorry. I know that you have been saying you're, you're over it and I'm over it too, but mostly just because I pretty much believed Rachel's story before she even told it.

That's literally when she ended up coming out on the podcast. I was like, yeah, that's what I've been saying for months. Well, and I'm not. I am happy if Grant, or now Hippie, is doing well. I'm never gonna advocate for a dog to be with James. That's just how it is. No. Also, okay, so, just so I can get my crazy theories out there.

Either, okay, either this moment happened organically, and Lisa wanted to make a moment out of it, and thought that, that the Rightly so, apparently, that the audience was invested in Graham and so, like, bringing Graham on the trip and then planting stories that he was almost at a kill shelter and that James saved her by way of Lisa Vanderpump would be good press for James or the show.

It's either that or And so James was in on it, which I mean, this is a lot of moving pieces, but I can't put anything past anybody. So it's that, what you said in that there's a missing chunk of the story where they had him, then he went back to her, and then she surprised him like a, like a detailed car, like, look what I did.

Yeah. Or C, which is the running theory that  their story, the way that they acted about it, and what she thought was gonna go didn't go as planned because Rachel very much went rogue and told on your ass. And now you look fucking terrible because your whole thing is caring about dogs and  you know, doing the right thing and I wonder, I wonder if there's even more that Went on that even Rachel doesn't know behind the scenes with Lisa I wonder sometimes if like Lisa knowing that the dog was Behaviorally a mess didn't want him back.

Okay. I'm wondering a lot of things about this dog thing and I wish I wasn't because again It's been pretty cut and dry for me. The dog was, was biting people, was very difficult to train, and by the way, I'm sorry Allie, and there's no way that I can be proven wrong. Because I'm not ever going to be in the same room as that dog, but I don't necessarily believe that the behavior is like perfect now.

I think it's probably still a work in progress. Or, D, this is a different dog. I know there are some people that say that. Also, if you see, and I, I, I do think, They are still maybe doing a very slow introduction when it comes to Hippie and the cat because I've noticed on her stories, specifically, it's always Graham and the cat are in a different room.

Yeah. And so, again, I, I am happy if Hippie is in a loving home and getting the help that he needs, but let's just say, Be real. It does. It sounds like Rachel and her family did try to get Graham the help that he needed. Yeah, it then just got to a point where they were then not having communication with the people involved.

And they went a different way and then he got, you know what I mean, back with James. So I will say the way that this storyline is from the audience point of view, if you don't know anything else about the show, if you just truly just watch it, then this way they edit it is a lot kinder to Rachel than what they put out in the press.

So I think that's why they went with it because. Again, they, Lisa could use it too, but if it being like, no, see, this is, you know what I mean, this is how it was or it just, the whole thing is so weird. It just is so weird. No, I honestly think, I think that assuming this was a reshoot that it was done because I think that they were trying, I think that Lisa and the cast as a whole tried and failed.

To spin a narrative, they were put, they were put, they were the ones putting the stories out. Where the fuck did all this vitriol for the damn dog and, and, No one was thinking about, I mean, some people were probably like, You know, did James take the dog or did Rachel, Rachel take the dog? But beyond that, no one was riled up.

And then, all of a sudden, it is a hot button issue where, like, Redditors are, like, threatening people, and, not even just the cast, not just Rachel, but, like, each other, like Also, it's it's not far fetched for us to think these are reissues, because I 100%, the, like, first episode or second episode, where we see a weird sh scene of James and Allie just walking and talking about Graham.

That was a pickup. Yeah, that was a pickup. Why? No, I'm sorry, but they were not just talking about Graham this entire time. No, no one was talking about the dog. And so then they do this scene. It's almost in direct response. To Rachel, what Lisa Vanderpump says, it is completely in line with what Rachel said to a degree that is just not, not equal to what we were told several months ago.

So I don't really care about whether or not they were surprised in Tahoe. I'm sure there's a million ways they could like get around whether or not it was really a surprise, right? The interesting thing is that the narrative was. And encouraged and purposefully vague so that people could come to this conclusion that the dog was taken to a kill shelter.

And it was, it used to be Rachel's dog. And this like whole piece of it that's like Rachel didn't take the dog to the kill shelter was purposefully left out. And now it's purposefully being put in. It's very, very odd. I'm side eyeing you, Ms. Vanderpump. I'm side eyeing you, Ms. Kennedy. I am side eyeing everybody that is in here.

Cause y'all are all acting very sus. Very sus. Yep. Well, and also rate the whole plan. If Rachel was going to come back, she was going to come back when they went to Tahoe. So this whole, that always confused me too. Cause I'm like, were you trying to rub it in her face that Graham was there? What were you going to go with?

That's what I'm talking about with, with Rachel's podcast. This is why we need people like us on that podcast, asking her the real questions. I'm these people ask her, like, A million times. If like Sandoval loved her, whatever, like, I don't really care if Sandoval loved her. I want to know, well, I kind of care because I'm sure that informs how she behaved, but I responded, but I want to know, like, why, why do you think that this was used as like a.

Device to get you back on the show. Yeah, or or okay. Okay. So rachel Correct me if i'm wrong like genuinely because i'm trying to remember She said that tahoe was The trip that they were going to reintroduce her if she came on the show like that would be the yeah, I believe so Okay, so let me think about it for a second then that would okay.

Oh tom schwartz Would have been the bridge With Raquel, right? Raquel's not coming on the show So Lisa turns to Sheena and Lala this destroys Sheena Because she can't make that choice. It's supposed to be Schwartz the whole fucking time He's supposed to be the one to bring Rachel on the show. So then That fails pretty much and they decide They're gonna use the dog as a way to like

Yeah Like what is she, was Lisa, was she going to like have the dog at Lake Tahoe and then it was going to be like, Oh, well, Raquel has come to retrieve the dog or I don't know. Because that's crazy. And I don't mean like in an, I don't believe it way in a, like, I totally believe it way, even though that would be a ridiculous fucking reason to do anything, but like, yeah, where they, because that's what Rachel said.

Right. Am I wrong? She said that they were trying to lure her there with the dog. Right. From my under, that's how Rachel took it. Yeah. That's what that, that's what her was thinking, but I never. Understood. Me either. If it was, they were going to give Graham back to Rachel or they were going to show Rachel them giving the dog back to James.

And I think that's how, that is how she assumed that was going to be framed. Insane. Both cases. My God. I can't believe we watched this show. It's, it's honestly getting, and I, and I've talked to some people about this, and I, I am aware that with me doing these recaps and being so in the trenches, I can understand that ruining an element of the show with me.


Because of what's happening in real time and so much time has passed from when they wrapped up this season and then the direction that they're going with this season, it's really hard to enjoy. No, I was going to say, honestly, I don't think that people and actually in my, my observation is. The people that are recapping the show, the podcasts that I listen to that are not in the trenches that have just always recapped it because it's part of it, the people that don't know what's up are not enjoying the show.

Oh, okay. The people that, like, the Sexy Unique podcast, Eating for Free, people that know the deep, deep, you know, lore and, and trenches are enjoying it because it's a, Study of human behavior. It's it's right. Fascinating to see what these people are going to do in these circumstances. And so I think for us, like, if I didn't know all this shit, I would not this, this would be very, very boring to watch.

Yeah. And I will say when we recap in I take detailed notes, it does make me enjoy the episode more because I do catch things. Yeah. So I will say that. But. I think I said this earlier, this is just the first season where I'm really seeing, okay, the, my favorite show is coming to an end, and it didn't have to be, or if it did, they could have really wrapped up this season in a nice bow, but instead they went in this heavily produced And Way in this just the narrative and Ryan Bailey said it really well as far as the whole Nick vile podcast really put a damper on all this too because yeah, as an audience, you, you, there are some people who like, Do you want to root for Sandoval, Sandoval and think, Oh, maybe we're going to start seeing him be remorseful or get his shit together.

But we know in real time that man has not. And so to me, anything I see going forward with him, it's just going to seem phony to me. And. None of this is authentic, so I will give Ariana credit for that, because I know people are upset with her for not filming with Sandoval, but at least she At least she stuck with her, her boundaries with that.

However, I'm not going to blame other people for also filming with them because just from seeing this episode, there was a lot of pressure put on them. So I'm not going to fault them either. Totally. And I, and this is how I felt. And I, I think it is kind of like an interesting thing to navigate. Ariana refuses to film with him, will not be in the same room with him.

That is That is a genuine reaction. That is understandable. People can empathize with that. People understand when you break up and you cut someone off, you don't want to be fucking around them. We've also seen that on the show with Stassi who left the show because of Jack. So we're familiar with that.

We're not familiar with this. First of all, the other person in the relationship being completely off the show, right? Because with Stassi, it was, I mean, there were a few, but there was also Kristen. And so we still got to see Kristen's side and see her journey and her response and how she also dealt with Tom and Ariana.

So that was interesting with, and also Stassi, she might've been doing this, but she wasn't like, Telling Katie not to be around Jax that would have been impossible one actually and actually Katie Seemed to be a lot happier when she didn't have someone telling her who she could and couldn't hang out with Ariana trying to imply that there is, you know, an alliance or something like that.

I think that is what's making this a little weird, but her not filming with Sandoval in and of itself is very understandable and, and still could lead to interesting content. Yeah. But if everybody's kind of struggling and, and the, I, I don't often listen to brav bros cause they can be kind of hit or miss for me sometimes, but I listened to them this week and they can't kind of both came to the conclusion, like they just shouldn't have picked up cameras this early.

Yes. Or they could have picked up cameras for a couple of weeks to get like initial confessionals or something like that. And then done like a full filming slate later on to get. More, a more developed response, like they could film now and that might be, or apparently December was a hot time to damn film.

They were all heated. They were heated. I know they could have went in such a different way with this season and the route that they chose, I was not expecting it to be this way. And for what it could be, it just, it makes me sad. Me too. Well, Lindsay, I think we're at the end of the episode. Was there anything else you wanted to add?

Any other things? I know you have a couple of things to plug, as do I. Um, one thing, breaking news. I just saw this news article. Tom Sandoval, Ariana owes me 90k, wants cash before sell of house. I don't Ariana, what the Tom wants 90, 90, 000? Apparently, claiming he loaned He loaned her a big chunk of change and that he wants back before selling the crib they shared in response to Ariana's lawsuit.

He also says that he has a LIEN, how you say that word? Lean on the house. Mm-Hmm. That's directly tied to this alleged loan to her. Mm-Hmm. And he says, no sale can go down until this is dealt with. Good Lord, y'all. The biggest thing we can learn from this you in Bravo docket. It was a Provo docket. It was someone, y'all, you don't have to be married to get a house together, but if you do get a house together, you need to have some mega shit in writing.

As far as what in writing, what goes down, I'm sorry, I just saw that pop up. I don't even know exactly what this means. It just sounds messy. It's probably related to that loan that was taken out of the house for shorts and sandies. So oh gosh, I just, I hope for both of their sake, maybe he took out. Enough.

So he probably, this is initial thoughts, but please don't listen to me about money because I'm not going to have, I'm not going to have the  unless you're listening to me about donating money to our, buy me a coffees or Venmo's that's different. Obviously I know exactly what I'm talking about, but, um, otherwise don't listen.

It sounds like maybe he took out like maybe 180 K to get the business started because the idea was that the business would be thriving and the house was. You know, use this collateral for the business. And so then he took out half of Ariana's portion. Ariana was going to pay him back the 90 K eventually because it was a return on the investment in the business in the home.

That sounds like it's possible. Cause I don't know what he loaned her 90, 000. Like for what? You know, yeah, that's a weird statement and then to describe the low again It sounds like it has it's tied in with that loan and we said it a couple of episodes ago, but Ariana I love you to death girl. You you need to I mean you can write it and can write it I don't I don't care but then the not paying him the mortgage thing.

You got to just write that out You gotta just, you gotta, you have to write that down so that it can be  because your reasoning is fine, but he could use that against you. I'm just saying. I know. That's what, that's what worries me too. So I guess stay tuned. Stay tuned on all of that, and my guest Mabel will have some more updates on that next time, but yeah, as far as if anyone would like to follow me, my name on Instagram is VanderPodRecaps, and then on Reddit, AdditionalWar8759, and as we've mentioned, on my page, I have my BuyMeCoffee and my Venmo information, and All of that, the money right now goes towards me and Emily's L.

A. funds for travel expenses or if we want, you know, get some extra goat cheese balls or anything, um, that will help us out tremendously. And thank you so much to people who have already donated to it. We cannot enough. We truly, truly do appreciate it. And I know that a lot of you follow Lindsey and, and.

Love her. And she does, like, I keep saying a lot more work than I do because I do not transcribe shit. Okay. But  yeah, if you're more comfortable doing hers or donating to mine, if you know me, or if you've just been listening to me longer, totally understandable. We're going to split it all. So. And I honestly, I would be happy if we just got back our flight in, in Airbnb money.

I would be thrilled. So I really appreciate all of you guys doing that. Like I said, that is all in the bio as are the ticket links or ticket link to Rob Schultes live show March 30th at the Broadwater. Oh God. I think it's black box theater. Broadwater stage is a thing there in LA and if the correct version of it is in the show notes.

So just go check that out. He'll be doing a show with Molly McAleer of trend lightly podcast. And man, you may see me and Lindsay in some capacity and stay tuned for an announcement on that from Rob and just keep staying tuned because I, I don't, I've, I think there might be even more. Kind of interesting, special, cool people coming out.

So keep that in mind, you guys, we love you. Follow me at Who TF Knows Emily Rose on Instagram, WTFK Emily Rose on Twitter. Follow my personal Instagram, I'm Leah Gogo. Buy me a coffee here, download, subscribe, share. That is all I have to say to you guys. And oh, one more thing, Lindsay. What if Rachel goes rogue in like an hour?

Girl, I'm going to be so mad. I'm tired. Okay, and I, I, I need people to know that I, I, I am so joking when I say on my Instagram, like, Oh my gosh, girl, it's 9 p. m. Rachel's gone rogue. I just use that term. So I think it's so funny, but Rachel, you have gone rogue every day of the week, except Sunday. So I keep preparing for a Sunday episode.

But if you hear me, I need you to release them earlier in the hours of nine to five, because Yeah. And it's so hard to, because LA time, right? So it will come out. I understand it's earlier their time, but I just, you know, I'm all for, if you don't want a consistent podcast schedule, you do you. But she truly was like, I'm going to go rogue with my podcast.

I'm going to drop them any damn minute I want. So I would not be surprised. Now you have me thinking like, Oh gosh, I should look. She probably, I have a feeling. She will recap or she will drop an episode either tomorrow, Monday, I will, that is my prediction. So stay tuned, stay tuned. And if she does drop anything interesting, I am happy to do an emergency pod.

If Lindsay can join me, awesome. If not, I will, I will play her voice notes for y'all. Okay. For real this time, listen to about 20 seconds ago for all the ways to follow us, support us. We love you guys.