Who TF Knows with Emily Rose

On Trial in Tahoe: VPR s11 ep6 Recap ft @vanderpodrecaps

Emily Rose

Emily Rose and Lyndsay tackle the trials and tribulations of Tahoe with the Vanderpump Crew!

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  Hello. Hello. Hello. God damn. God damn. This is who the fuck knows with Emily Rose. I'm Emily Rose back again for our Vanderpump Rules recaps with the one and only Lindsay Lime of Vanderpod recaps. Hey, Lindsay. Hey, hey, how's it going? It's good. You guys, I've had a To say the least, um, not to get too detailed, but, um, my mom got very sick.

She had to go to the hospital on Monday. My mom's 81 and she's doing better, but I had to stay with her all week. And her, she has something called AT& T internet 12, which sounds archaic and. Access such so I cannot really record or do anything at her house plus it was she does not if she doesn't want to hear me cussing and fussing when, when she's not sick so she certainly wouldn't want to hear all that while she is.

And then yesterday my car did this really funny thing where I thought it was my battery and the triple A guy came to turn my car to jump the battery. And it, uh, exploded with billows of white smoke, and I posted a picture on Instagram and what's it, if you saw the video, just know that that's actually after 10 minutes of it running.

So the first billows of smoke were actually really insane. So apparently my car had like the, my coolant. Reservoir had like a leak in it. And so I didn't have any coolant and because I've been using my mom's car all week just because she has a nicer car and if I can get away with driving and I will, um, so I hadn't driven it.

So anyway, very weird week. I'm also allergic to some sort of tree that she has in her yard or something. And. She is so sick that she had to have the, the house on 78 because she was so cold. So I'm out here opening the windows, come to find out I'm having some sort of allergic response to the tree. I didn't have a voice shout.

It has, I I'm, I'm happy to be here where I am now recording. So I'm saying all of that to say, if my voice sounds crazy, I'm super nasally. I know I'm sniffling, uh, blowing my nose is a fool's errand. So I will try, but just know I'm doing my best. You guys, Lindsay, how are you? 

I, man, that is a week from hell.

I hope your mom starts to feel better and your car I've had that happen to my car before and it is not fun. So, I, I hope that all gets figured out. Yeah, that's a lot. My week, I mean, pretty chill. My voice is still, I was sick a few weeks ago. My voice is still the last thing to finally get back to normal, whatever, like.

Upper respiratory shit that's been going around is not fun and takes forever to get over and it feels like once I get over it, I get it again. Is your, is your son feeling better though? Oh yeah, he's, he's much better. Okay. Luckily has a. Really good little kid immune system. So he gets over things pretty quickly, but when he gets over them, then I get them and my immune system, since I was a kid has sucked, so it always takes me longer to get over things, but you know, please spring be a coming.


It's about that time. So some good news though, is we are just a little over three weeks away from our trip to Los Angeles. We are going insane. I know it feels like when we planned this, it felt like it was like years away and to think that it's coming so quickly. I'm not prepared. I don't have, um, The luggage that I need same, I really haven't planned like outfits or anything.

No, I know. And I emailed Tom Tom the day that we booked this reservation to see if they will be open on Easter because you guys Easter is my birthday. So this trip is partly for my birthday and then partly because, uh, we will be going to, and Rob announced this week that I will be a guest on the show.

That he's doing live show Vanderpump rules and trend lightly, sorry, Vanderpump robs and trends lightly are doing a combined live show March 30th at the Broadwater theater, all the information's in the bio, but, uh, yeah, so it's partly for that, partly for my birthday and I know Lindsay, you have had some people reach out and I've had some people reach out wanting to know, you know, meetup in LA while we're there.

And I really wanted to do something at TomTom. But they haven't emailed me back about if they'll be open on Easter. So still, still, still I need to email you call. No, I hate calling. I should call. I can call. I'll call them. Okay. 

I hate making phone calls. No, I do too. I first, I thought you meant that they didn't have a phone number.

I was like, Tom, Tom, get it together. No, I can try to call them today because. I am very interested if they are open on Easter, Easter is like, it's a weird holiday where some places are open. Some aren't so 

well in the south. It's a wash, but I would think that maybe in LA, it's a little more, uh, also breaking news that I found out this week.

Schwartz and Sandys. I went on their website to see like, what their schedule was like. And the first thing you see is that their dress code for Schwartz and Sandys, which is by the way, in a strip mall, is business casual at Schwartz and Sandys. I'm not doing that. I don't think they follow that. There's no way.

They definitely don't. There's no way. But it's just like the audacity to even put that in writing is, honestly, it tracks. It tracks with them. 

It does. Maybe that was their goal for the place, and then they just forgot to update the website to just remove that. 

They probably did. Someone was a little busy, uh, in some, uh, And some scandals to, to do his due diligence, right?

Oh my God. Well, Lindsay, let's get started with a few of the podcast updates and some of the things that have been going on in the Vanderpod world this week. What have you got for us? 

Well, I think the biggest news this week was Lala announced that she was pregnant. She is, she did a procedure which she talked about, and I think it was, I can't remember what article, publication it was, but she used a process called IUI, and so she used a sperm donor, I know I saw a lot of comments saying, who is the father, and all this stuff, but she used a, like I said, a procedure called IUI, so there's a sperm donor, she used What does she kept saying in her podcast, crypto Bank cry.

Kept saying, oh, cryo Cryobank. Thank you. Yes. I was like, are they a sponsor of this podcast? I know. I was so 

confused. I don't know what I was like, I don't know what this is . 

And then, so that was, she announced that I think on what, Sunday or Monday? I think Sunday. And then she talked about it on her podcast on Monday.

Mm-Hmm. . So congratulations to Wawa. Goodness. And then. Britney and Jack still are very much saying this is not a PR stunt. The Valley did pick cameras back up, which is so annoying. Yeah. Because I feel like Bravo is trying to have a Scandal 2. 0. And, um, I'm not, we've talked about this before. I do think Jax and Brittany are having issues.

Yes. I haven't gotten more of that vibe listening to their podcasts from this past week. I think they're using it to their advantage and using it to promote the show, but the problems are real. 

You know what I decided when I was driving around the other day? What? I came up with a conspiracy theory. Um, just because I decided that I think that before scandal broke, I think that Jackson, Brittany were on the brim.

I think that they were having issues. I think that they were about to separate. Slash were separated slash talking about divorce and then when scandal all happened, I think that it obviously bonded them because they could, um, feed off the, their own egos and hatred for someone else for a minute. And, you know, obviously feed their own supply because they were right or Jackson's right, which is next.

Britney is just an extension of Jack's how she wants to be seen. So, like. Which sounds mean, but like, what do you want me to say? I don't know what to say. And so I think that they were having issues when scandal happened, it brought them back together. They got a lot of, they got a lot of deals and stuff very quickly.

Of course, they had their rewatch show, which actually was pretty entertaining. I'm not going to lie. And it gave new interest in things like Jackson, Brittany, Kentucky, which by the way, I did buy, I bought the whole fucking season wild. It is a really, it was a really, it was a wild choice and it was an interesting show.

Uh, I, it just didn't make me think very highly of anyone at all. I don't feel better about Brittany as a person. I don't. Really like it also not to get, this is not a Jackson. Brittany goes to Kentucky recap podcast. Okay. But I will say something, there are certain dynamics that I think were played up for the show.

So I don't think that Brittany's grandmother is so conservative that she's like kicking grown ass people out of the house for having alcohol. I think that that's played up because they were very much playing into a Southern stereotype. And I think that. They were all in on this. I, I think that Britney's very much into the reality TV game.

I don't think any of them are new. I don't think that there was a lot of authenticity, except for when you bring in Britney's friends from high school. Uh, I thought it was the way that Jax talked about Britney's friends was wild. Uh, he, it's uh, but there, it's a, it's a certain type of small town. Dynamic.

That's very relatable. So in that sense, it was relatable in other senses. It was just exaggerated and stupid. They were trying to do like a simple life thing. It's just dumb. So was it worth the 10? No, do I like regret watching it? Not really. I wasn't like mad when I finished it, it did give me more.

Insight into how they operate as a couple to me from like a publicity standpoint. So that's why I definitely think that they were already in the midst of having problems. I think that they made a decision once they got all these, uh, opportunities from scandalizing, they made a decision to stay together for the.

Opportunities. And I think that they are now playing out the separation that was already lined up for them. I think that they're doing that now. Now, what evidence do I have? Absolutely none. It just makes more sense to me that they were already having problems. That just makes more sense. Well, I think that's 

evident when we First saw them when they did watch what happens live.

And then when they started their podcast, all of us were like, Oh, these people don't talk to each other. Right. The, the communication gap, Brittany talks a lot about Jax's temper. She calls them out on lying or exaggerating stuff. So I think their communication has been an issue for a while. Yeah. I would really love to know the moment that Brittany decided, because here's the thing, Jax keeps saying, I don't know any married couple that hasn't been through what we've been, what we're going through.

It takes a lot. I have, I'm married and I have a child. It would have to be. a very damaging moment for me to uproot my child from our house and go live somewhere else. Yep. And this isn't a normal thing for, Couples, married couples to go through. It can happen. Sure. Don't get me wrong. And, but to lay it out there, say that, I don't know any couple that's not gone through this.

Well, Jax, maybe you don't because you do like the people that you hang around with. Yeah, your circle is questionable. Yeah. Exactly. But just to frame it that way is so interesting and listening to their podcast this past week, I almost thought it was more Britney. Who wanted more of the separation? I, I think Jack seems more checked out than her.

Yeah. He, he was talking about, True Jacks, Jack said the divorce rate is 85%. That's not true. What is he talking about? Where does he get 

this stuff? He just says whatever. Google is 

free. Google, Google. We love numbers. We love research. Just a quick Google search will tell you that's not true at all. But just the way, the way that he talked during that podcast, I was thinking, okay, you see more.

But you're already planning on this being, you know, the end and divorce or as Britain's like, we're still co parenting, we're still doing the podcast. We're still friends. We're just taking time to figure things out. And then Jax goes on and talks about like the divorce rate, specifically saying divorce when she said before that we're not getting a divorce.

I don't know. I just, again, I would really love to know the moment when one of them checked out. 

I, I mean, I'm sure it's even sooner than my theory or anyone else, like, I, I really think they are the worst suited couple on television for each other. I rewatched season six, which is when all that face stuff went down.

I'm like, I'm like, ugh. 

And there's a rumor going around. That someone, I can't remember off the top of my head, but someone posted on Instagram, it was a comment. Saying that they had heard Jax, again, talking about Brittany, saying that she has gained weight and is not attracted to her anymore. Here's the thing, we have heard, that's exactly the shit he was saying in season 6.

So if he's still pulling this shit, it's disgusting. And I know a lot of people The black by Jack's subreddit, which I enjoy, I know they, they give Brittany a lot of shit because she, it appears that she heavily edits her photos, but I, I feel for the girl because if first of all, any, anyone can edit their photos, I get as far as like transparency.

But if I have a husband who is. I can only imagine down talking to her or something, you know, I don't know if this is true. This is all rumor or something. Like someone put on an Instagram comment, but we've heard him say this shit before. And I just, it wouldn't surprise me if he's saying this shit again.

And it's just disgusting. And it just goes to show their communication. And he, I don't know, like Jax, what do you want? What do you want from your, you're married. You have a child now. Have you not grown at all? No. Just as giving season six Jax. 

I don't think that Jax has found her attractive since like 15 days after he met her at Hooters.

Like I don't, I don't think he's been attracted to her at all, ever. 

No. And I think he does that with all the women he's dated. Yeah. I think he's very attracted to them at first. And then I think the women start speaking and he's not attracted to that. 100%. 100%. So, and that's, that's, you know. It just is gross.

And again, since they, they have a kid now, they need to figure out their shit and my hope. I don't know. I don't want to say I hope that they get a divorce. I hope that phrasing. 

Yeah, I really, I hope they get a divorce because I don't think it would be better. I don't think either of them are for I can't imagine.

Some of the shit that that kid hears that cruise here's on like a daily basis. It's also interesting because I just think that like. Obviously that like the physical attraction looks keeps getting brought up because he also went through a really weird period with his like, he's not an ugly guy, but when he like bloats up or gets the surgery, like his face gets all disfigured.

It's it they both like, I don't know, they've both had their good times and bad times when it comes to looks okay as, as have we all, but like, I think that it's deeper because I think that if Brittany. Like, If she, if, if like, losing weight was Something that she felt like she had to do to stay with him or something.

I think that she could reasonably, she reasonably has access to things that like other people don't like regular people. And I'm talking about Ozempic or she had the Jenny Craig sponsorship or whatever Weight Watchers, whatever that was like, she could, I don't think she needs to. I think that she has a great body.

I think that she's a pretty woman. The only thing that I will ever hate on her for is her eyebrows. They're wacky, but the rest of her is fine. So I just don't, I think that it's a bigger thing than like, wait, I think that it's like, I think that they hate each other. Yeah. Yeah. He 

uses it as an excuse. Same thing with season six.

He. Is that type of person to do that shit? He, I think he goes after the women and tries to blame them. So he'll go after their way. He'll go after whatever, but that's not the root of their issue. And Brittany, she, she can decide. And she, what's sad too, is she's openly talked about on the podcast, how weight is something that she, it is a topic for her that, you know, makes her, you know, upset to talk about.

And it sounds like she's always thinking about it. Yeah. So, but Jack's He uses it as an excuse there. Obviously there are communication issues, but I could see him telling people that this is what the issue is, which is wild to like, if he were, if my friend were to come up to me and tell me this about their spouse, I'd be like, I don't want to hear this.

No. I will listen to other things. But as far as this. This is gross. 

This is gross. Let's just be honest. Britney could lose all the weight. She could be as thin as like Sheena and Jackson will still be like, well, she lost her curves. You know what I'm saying? Like, well, she used to be blonde when I met her and now she's brunette.

Like he will always, he he's that type of person. So that's what I'm saying. When I say, like, I think it's bigger than weight because I think that if Britney. I think Brittany knows it's not about the weight. Yes. I think that she knows it's about like a whole, I think it's about the man that she married and it is very difficult to uh, yeah, to empathize with her out of everybody.

'cause honey, at your, at your engagement party in Vegas, they said don't do it, Brittany. And you had a breakdown about it. So I don't know what else. I don't know. There was a literal sign. There's a literally sign. I know . So, and I. And 

we might see more, obviously we'll see more of their relationship dynamic on the valley.

So that's where I'm curious about. I think we'll see more of their communication issues, so we'll see. And we, excuse me, we know with Jax, he will actually say what he's thinking on camera. So if he didn't make a comment like that, we will see something. We'll see it. Yeah, we'll see it, or something like it.

Totally. So yeah, that, that is, uh, Brittany and Jax. And then two other things before we get into the recap, because I think they tie into the recap. So, Kristen, I'm going to 

go blow my nose so that the audience doesn't hate me, but go ahead. I, yeah, go ahead. 

Okay. Um, So Kristen on her podcast talked about how she really was feeling for Sheena in this past episode, specifically when she was talking about how Sandoval, uh, Paypal ed her money.

After Sheena's podcast was canceled, and it was during the pandemic, and she was pregnant, and Kristen revealed on her podcast that, I believe it was during season seven, that was the episode where It was the, which is a WeHo wine party. And during that time, Kristen was actually demoted from an episodic rate to a day rate.

Now she didn't go into details why, but I thought that was really interesting that they demoted her. And when that episode aired, Sandoval PayPal'd Kristen a few thousand dollars. And the reason for that is he said he was only in that episode for her. A blink of an eye and Kristen, he said, Kristen carried that episode.

And so he tried to pay her for being in that episode. Now, Kristen didn't take the money. But she was just giving an example of these are the things that Sandoval does. And I was trying to think about this in my head, because we have talked about this, how it seems like Sandoval does things for others, and we can't really tell if it's coming from a genuine place.

If it's sometimes genuine, is it to hang things over people, but Sandoval is not the one bringing this up. He's not telling Shane, I remember when I paid you, he hasn't thrown that into Kristen's face. The way that I can, it could have been very genuine, Kristen. However, part of my brain also, my guess, my conspiracy side as well is many of talked about how Sandoval's life is the show.

So my thinking with Kristen is I'm curious if he was worried because he's seeing Kristen still very much being a heavy part of VPR, but she's been demoted from a day rate. I wondered if he was like, Oh man, what if she quits? She's very, he gets very worried about them quitting. He was worried about Ariana quitting when he said he broke up with her.

And so I think in his mind, it was more because for, to save the show. And so take that as, you know, It's not that it's so not genuine, but it comes from a place of he's just always thinking about the show. Now, I will say when it comes to him giving money to Sheena, I haven't really been able to tie that back with the show.

I think honestly that was a genuine thing that he did. 

Right. Well, I also think so. If you think about it like this, right? If, if you knew as my friend that I needed money and you sent me money and I was like, dude, I can't accept this. You would probably be like, girl, take the money. We'll deal with it later.

And based on our friendship and what I know about you, I would know. That you weren't going to use that against me. It wasn't going to be a weird thing. I wouldn't feel weird about taking it. I mean, like I would feel weird that I'm in a situation. My friends have to lend me money, but I wouldn't feel like you would use it against me later.

I find it really interesting that Kristen didn't take the money. And I think it's interesting that Sheena seems to have, from what I can tell, I don't know her. A lot of guilt about taking the money and as you know, and I have alluded to a couple of times I was in a situation in the past few months where someone that I did not trust, uh, lent me money and, uh, It worked out fine, but I think I was right not to trust them and I paid them back and everything, but I think I was right not to trust that person.

So just the way that Kristen, when she's explaining it on the episode and she's like, I didn't end up taking it. I kind of felt like you could tell that there was. Some reasoning, she had some sort of reasoning behind it. I think that if Ariana had done it rather than Tom or if whoever, friend of hers, Janet, whoever, had sent her that money, it would, she wouldn't be hesitant to take it, not just, Because of the randomness or the amount, but I think that there is something speaking to his intentions and whether or not, whether or not he ever does bring it up.

I think that there's something in them that's like worried that he will, and I think that that says a lot. 

And even Kristen after that went into saying about how Sandoval does, he does bring up some things as far as he loves to bring up. making Ariana dump dumpling lattes, or he'll throw things in your face, the batteries, but it doesn't when it comes to money specifically, he doesn't seem to throw that into people's faces, which I find interesting.

So I think there is, I think it's a part. I'm not going to say that Sandoval is all bad. I don't like to believe that people are all bad. Well, besides some people, 


specifically with Sandoval, I don't know the guy. So I'm not going to say anytime he does anything is bad. I feel like there are genuine moments.

Kristen's, I can tie more to him thinking about the show because that is a huge part of his thinking. He's constantly thinking about the show, but Sheena, I think it is, it was a genuine thing. And I think, like you said, she is really struggling because she did take the money and it's now she is holding that on her head.

And I don't think Sandoval is necessarily, again, he is not the one. Remember, I. I paid you or I gave you money, so I can also, 

I can also see him being like, when it comes to Kristen being like, feeling a sense of adrenaline about like being the one that stands up for everybody. And like, there, you know, being the guy that really like, we should unionize and like, this isn't right.

And, and at the end of the day, it's probably more like, He knows that he doesn't want to be in a situation where they're not paying him for his time. And so he, I think that it may not be malicious. It may not be that he's gonna throw it back in their face. He might. But it is very, very, very selfish. So that's what I think.

Yeah. And then lastly, before we get into the episode, Sheena and Brock did a podcast together. I thought it was really good. I highly recommend listening to it. They answered a lot of questions. They did briefly talk about Rachel's lawsuit. Sheena once again said that no one saw the video. She can't believe that Rachel is coming after Ariana, but she does understand Rachel going after Sandoval if he did record her without her consent.

And then they talk about, because in the lawsuit, Rachel heavily implies that Ariana knew about the affair. Now, again, that is not relevant to the actual charges, because If Arianna, I don't believe Arianna knew, but I'm just saying if she did or if she doesn't, that has nothing to do with the complaints, but it was just part of the background information.

So, but Brock said what they think Rachel is actually referring to as far as that December moment that the complaint talks about. Brock said that Rachel is referring to when Arianna told Tom and Rachel to pull their head and stop acting. They're to pull their head in and stop acting shady because this looks sus and you guys are looking sus And I don't approve of this That's what it was She was calling out their behavior because it looked sus and we took it as friends hanging out Sheena was like so as did ariana that is what was happening in december.

So it does it very much sounds I I believe ariana was going through a lot. She lost her dog. She lost her grandma You I think she was seeing things, but I don't, I think she very much until it had to been them very much fucking in front of her or to see that video for her to really believe this full on thing was happening.

Yeah. Rachel as a very literal person hearing if Ariana said, like, You guys are acting sus right now, get it together. And I think, I wonder if Ariana really did think that Sandoval was flirting more than Rachel. Yeah. So, Again, I just thought that was interesting that they talked about that. Well, let me 

just say really quick.

Sheena and Ariana are similar in a lot of ways. And one of the ways that I think they're very similar is that Ariana, they both. They don't want to have the reality of their reality on television. Like they want to be very much in control. Sheena is going to be, she is more outward. She's more sensitive.

She's more emotional. So even though we're seeing kind of an unhinged person when we see Sheena and like, um, you know, sometimes erratic, sometimes mean, sometimes whatever. I still don't think that we fully see exactly the, the, her. Reality or like in good and bad ways, like rock said on the episode, I think you're going to see a lot of who, you know, how she really is.

And I don't think I want to give him, I want to give him grace. I hope I don't regret giving him grace. I think what he's saying is that Sheena is. A really nice kind, like loving woman, but they get in fights sometimes and she isn't stepped all over all the time. She isn't bulldozed. She does stand up for herself.

She does have reasonable perspective and that's what we saw in the bikini shop. I think that Ariana did not want for there to be the perception of Tom. And Raquel flirting, I think that there was an, I kind of said this when we were reading the lawsuit that I speculated that it was either something said in jest because they were flirting, or maybe something said seriously, like you guys need to can you guys cut it out it's going to look weird and I think she's truly coming from a public facing perspective.

And I think that Raquel. Whether it's because she takes things literally that that stuck with her and then when we're coming, when we got lawyers involved and teams involved in people, well, asking Raquel, well, were there any moments that you, how, how do you think she was blind to it? Do you think that she was totally blind to it?

Was there any ever a time that she caught you guys? And Rachel goes, well, there was a time that blah, blah, blah. And she said this, when we were walking in front of. You know, Tom Tom, and she snapped at us. That's what I think. And so they said, say less, let's put this in the lawsuit. I think if I were a lawyer, that's what I would do if I was trying to defend.

So I just think, uh, I think a lot of things, but you go ahead. 

Yeah, that. I, I highly recommend, real quick before I say the last thing about Sheena's podcast that we'll go into recap, the recap, I highly recommend listening to the Bravo docket at the show, they explain so well. That I think anyone can understand as far as the actual law and the charges and then they go over the complaint and they said a lot of the complaint itself is a very well written and the way that it's written, they very much see Bravo being one of the does eventually, because the law, the complaint is not against Bravo, but Bravo is heavily mentioned over and so over and over.

And so. It will just be interesting. I believe so from my understanding if you look at because it's public record as far as you can see where the how the complaint is going from what I looked last, I don't I believe they had trouble serving. I think people said Ariana, the paperwork. So I don't know if Ariana has actually been served the complaint yet.

Right. And then, so they have. What does that mean? 

They had trouble serving. She skipped town. Well, 

I don't know. Well, she's in New York. I don't know. You literally could go to Broadway. It's just right there. Yeah. And I don't know how I was just talking to other people and they were talking about that. I don't know if it was Sandoval or Ariana.

But if you look at the court record, it's just interesting. But I think there is some kind of. It seems like things are going to start happening with that lawsuit, I believe, in July, it says, as far as I know. Yeah, that's what Nick Payal 


I don't know how the fuck he well the date that he said is not any date that's on that record.

So I don't I don't know where Nick was getting this information. Um, but yeah, so I guess stay tuned on that. But if you do want to know understand more so the charges specifically because people are getting confused. Tom is not the one that's getting in charge with revenge porn. His is the eavesdropping.

Ariana is the revenge porn and that has to do with distribution. A lot of people seem to be confusing that even news articles, which I'm like, Google is again, Google is free and the complete there. 

A lot of these articles, uh, are also perpetuating certain narratives for what? And so, 

yeah, that's true. And then lastly, before we get into the recap, Sheena did address.

Someone asked her, why aren't you defending Arianna and she said, I am defending Arianna. And she talked about how, and again, this some fourth wall needs to be broken because I'm just seeing a girl who is, they all went into this season. Well, not all of them, but specifically Sheena, I know in her podcast was very much, I'm not going to film with them.

I'm not going to film with them. And now I think in Tahoe, this girl is realizing, oh shit. I got to film with him. I don't know how to navigate this. And I very much have been telling Ariana, I'm not going to film with him, but here I am. We're going to need to talk about that. And she said, like, she didn't feel like she communicated right and Ariana on that FaceTime that she actually cringed at that watching it back.

You're just seeing her being uncomfortable, going into panic mode, and she was trying to figure out how to make peace while also setting boundaries with someone who is in their same orbit, aka who's on the same fucking show as them. Now, Sheena didn't say that on the podcast, but I wish she would've said it.

What I, because I just feel like that's what she's feeling and we very much see this heavily in this episode. I think definitely we're not going to spoiler alert. Me and Emily have been talking. I know a lot of people are she shitting on Sheena right now. I think it could be very easy to just say Sheena is always, uh, cares about herself.

Why is it not about me? If Sheena was only that one way dimension, that girl would not have friends. She wouldn't. I've talked to some of her friends before on Instagram. And they very much say, Sheena is, there is more to Sheena, same with all of them. It seems like they all get a very one no, and we see a lot of that.

But, now, does Sheena say things still that make me cringe and make me want to die? Totally. Absolutely, and we'll get into that. Yeah. But I'm not, I think there is, More, it is just more complicated, and I think Ariana and Sheena have had some really bad, talk about communication issues, and Jacks and Britney.

There's something going on that we're either not seeing, the editing is weird, or they were just not on the same vibe. 

A hundred percent. So with that said, let's just get right into it. Oh man, what, this was a, this was a tough episode. I don't know, Yeah. How you felt. Excuse 

me. Go ahead. You know 

what was weird is I told you that usually with these episodes, I watch them for the first time and then the second time I watch them and I take notes and I usually enjoy the episode more.

This episode, I had the opposite effect. I watched the episode. I was like, Oh my God. I enjoyed it. There was a lot of moments that I was like, Oh, this will be interesting to talk about. But then when I rewatched it and took notes, I got pissed. Yeah. The tomfoolery of it all and the production. Yeah, I was pissed.

This whole this trip was cursed from the moment that it was planned. It was, it's a cursed trip. I think that we all know it. And I want to really start this whole recap off by because a lot of the stuff that. Especially with Sheena, but a lot of the stuff that everybody is responding to in this episode is what's happening off screen, because in real time, we are getting, uh, feedback and pictures and things like that from people that were in Tahoe capturing pictures of them at the table, capturing Graham coming in, seeing the Tom's tubing or something, seeing, catching them on a boat together.

And then, of course. The most infamous thing of all was this poor girl who was out trying to enjoy her birthday. I think her name is Bailey and she was trying to enjoy her birthday. She was at Wolf Lounge. She asked the cast for a picture. They oblige and take a picture with her. This gets posted. Now, Lindsay and I did our very best investigative journalism on this.

I promise you all, this picture was posted to all of the relevant Vanderpump Rule subreddits or flares in the Bravo Real Housewives case and the response was Psychotic. This was the first time. Well, it wasn't the first time, but this is what solidified to me that Scandaval was absolutely out of control.

People had completely, they were projecting, they were being parasocial to a point that was really alarming. And basically, we tried to find this original post. You can't find the original post anywhere where the someone says, look. They, the cast took a picture with this fan and look at, so Sheena is on the end.

Standing next to Sandoval, everyone has their arms around each other. She's like kind of standing away from him. It's not like she's like up close on his shoulder, like kissing his cheek. Like they're standing for a photo. People get incensed. Of course, Sheena, the flip flopper, Sheena, the bitch, Sheena, the bad friend, not loyal, all this unfounded shit that truly.

Again, hate to be such a Sheena Stan all the time because I know it's annoying to people because I know people find her annoying, but it is really weird to see a picture of a cast of people and then assume that there's some sort of deep bond happening because they took a picture together because they're filming together.

Sheena, everyone has to film. Everyone has to film. Katie and Ariana thankfully had another Something to do, but had they not had that scene, they wouldn't be in the episode guys. Katie and Sheena or Katie and Ariana would not be in the episode were it not for this thing with Chef Penny interviewing for something about her.

And frankly, I don't think that that would have been, that's not natural. I don't think that they would have gone to it. I don't, I don't. Like, they had to film, okay? Tom had to go on the fucking trip. Or he didn't, right? And the rest of the cast could have gone. But then, what the hell would we be watching?

Yeah. Well, and here's the thing. They, they decided production and everyone, they decided to make this season how it is. Right. I think the very first recap meeting, you talked about how they could have did this very differently. It could have been an eight part, 10 part series of them. Everyone just seeing how they picked up their lives after scandal.

But they chose to do it. To make it this way to put these people in situations where they're going to have to film with each other and it's not because, Oh, what was me? We just want this group to get back to where it was. It was, we got a show to film. Y'all need to get this together so we can film a show.

And when I, I remember. Because I do understand what we were hearing Sheena during, before filming, right? She said she wasn't going to film with him. She, you know, Lala has never really cared because she's never really fucked with Sandoval before, but Sheena was very much, I'm not going to be the, the bridge, the connection between people.

I'm not going to film with them. And so, yeah, when that fan photo first came out, I was a little taken aback by it. I did not react in the way that other people, again, can take it. To the next level as far as just ripping that girl apart, but I was taken aback at it and I was like, Oh, great. Where is this season gonna go?

Like, what are we doing here? But then As Sheena, you know, she talked about, because I remember she made a video when that happened. She was like, I just had my arm, I was doing a fan photo. She asked for a fan photo. I happened to be standing there. Yes, my arm was around him, but all of, as you mentioned, all of our arms were leaned together.

And so I think that was the moment after that Sheena really realized, Oh, I am fucked this season, and there, this happened, and then the meditation thing happened, which we'll get into the craziness of that, the setup of that. And so, I think you see a girl who is really trying not to break the fuck down, and this moment can be about her, because As the audience, we have already told her, you only care about yourself.

You only are always like, why is it not about me? And then we have another moment where this fan photo happened. And she feels like she needs to defend herself, but anytime she does that, people are like, Sheena, it's not about you. Yep. She can't win. She can't. And you know what? I will say this, like, Sheena, have you ever listened to this podcast?

You can't win either way because if you would have came into this season and let's say you didn't film with him, you didn't film with him. No one else did. Other, maybe Lala, maybe Shorj did. People would then be like, like they're doing with Ariana. Why can't you just get over it? Why don't you just film with him?

Why can't you just do that? It, you can't win either way. And Sheena, and then we'll get into this more, because it does seem confusing, because sometimes I do kind of just want Sheena to say, it almost seems like she wants to just say, I want to be Standable's friend again. But then she says things like, I just want to forgive him for myself.

So I do understand I get confused on that. But as far as, 

think, again, they all were put in a very shit spot because of how Scandival blew up specifically with the audience. There was no winning. And I don't, I don't know, again, because of the way that they went with, with filming season 11, they, this is just what happened.

Yep. And then there was all of the response. There was a couple of phenomenons that happened with this. The first thing is this Queens of Bravo, which is a, it's a bullshit account. Okay. Like sometimes they have good news. They often have good pictures. Sometimes they have funny memes, but as far as like, they are not like me or you just posting what we think they are, they are incentivized to post certain things.

Okay. So they 


repost this picture of Tahoe Sheena response saying we were all there for Lisa. We're just doing our jobs. You know, talking about they were literally there filming for the opening of Lisa's restaurant. And for some reason, people are so inclined to take this out of, it's the weirdest thing.

I don't know, I don't know who's doing this, but for whatever reason, people take that out of context and go, Oh, you're doing it for Lisa, for Lisa, please. You're not doing anything for Lisa. And it's like, I don't know where, I don't know where the. Line of communication got lost between what she said and what happened.

So then it became a Queens of Bravo hashtag for Lisa and they started posting these, these pictures of Sheena and shit. And they would be like, every time that Sheena. Was or, or any of the cast members, but particularly Sheena was in the same frame for the rest of filming as Tom or seen around Tom, or if it was reported that, you know, anything about Tom, they would hashtag it for Lisa and it was to make fun of her.

And then this Reddit, the subreddit post is a good, it's not the only one, but it is one of many. It's called, we do it for Lisa and I'll just read it really quickly. I wonder if the cast thinks we're slow, like they get upset and irritated with the audience for giving them a hard time for hanging, hanging on or taking photos with Tim, because at the time we were calling Tom Tim in the subreddit, or showing us teasers laced with drama on their Instagrams, which, There weren't, but okay, and their excuses were doing it for Lisa.

It's for Lisa. And then they go on to call their audience closed minded, ignorant, and not many words. But let's make one thing clear. These people aren't doing anything for Lisa. They only care for what Lisa can do for them. They're doing it for Bravo and for their paychecks. They know taking photos with Tim and hanging out with Rachel filming.

Gets them followers, likes, comments, and attention. Even bad attention is good attention. Attention brings brand deals and advertisements. They are all biting at the bit to film with either of these people because it gives them airtime and money. It's not for Lisa. Even Lisa knows this crap isn't for her.

She's laughing all the way to the bank too. And doesn't, and doesn't mind that you, All look like fools. She never presents foolishly on this show. I feel like cast members need to go on and break the fourth wall and call a spade a spade at this point. Y'all ain't friends. You guys don't like each other at this point and only talk when it's time to film.

You only want drama to get paid. You only show up to serve when it's time to film. This is the only thing you're good at besides a podcast and who doesn't have one of those now stop demeaning your audience and get on with the trash where you're inadvertently paying you

This is the weirdest fucking post I've ever read because it's like, Hey, no, I know that they're doing this for a paycheck. I don't feel demeaned when the cast comes out and says, we're doing this for Lisa, we're filming at Lisa's restaurant. I don't, do you feel personally attacked when she, when they say that, like, I don't feel.

Like they're calling us stupid because I'm not stupid. So I don't, I don't need for this like third, third vision perspective or whatever, to come in and be like, you guys are all getting played. You got, you guys think that we're fools. We aren't fools, bitch. I know I'm not a fool. I don't need to post about Reddit.

Like. Obviously, it's like this is this. This is the problem. These posts. This is what was happening a lot where people were saying the obvious thing saying the unspoken thing and then thinking they should get credit for it on and on and on. They would do this. Someone comments. I like how they are like, it's a job, like, no shit, Karen.

And sometimes when someone asks you to do a job, which doesn't align with your morals, you quit your job rather than compromise who you are. Like, No. 

That's easier said than done. 

That actually isn't what a lot of people do. And also, like,

as someone who is in a situation where I am having to quit my job because my morals are being compromised, the level of what's actually happening with my morals is so far beyond. And, like, Whether or not somebody cheated on somebody like that isn't something I'm not trying to play like a trauma Olympics thing or a bad things happen to people Olympics, but like most people are not in a situation.

Where they can quit their job because their morals are compromised. If that were true, we wouldn't have half of the workforce of like Amazon, for example. Like this, it's such a, it's a false premise. It's a stupid thing. You guys, she's not going to quit the show. Did Ariana, the only person whose morals were compromised was Ariana.

First of all, she was cheated on. She didn't quit the show. So why would anybody else quit the show? Now, Ariana led the charge. I was like, I'm quitting the show right now. Cause that would have been the time then. Yeah, sure. Ariana is still getting paid too. So you guys are going up for this. Like, I guess, like, it's like prophetizing her.

I don't know what they're doing, but this, this was the vibe around this time. So when we see what we're about to get into with. Sheena being in this weird meditation exercise, which none of them needed, by the way, and well, actually, Lala and James probably really did need to meditate, but the rest of them were fine.

Like what the response that we're seeing from Sheena is not one of like, I don't know the kind of stuff that people speculate. Is really goofy. She's upset because she knows what you people are going to say on the internet. She, and she doesn't, she's not Tom. She's not going to like soak it up and. It's just, the way that people were projecting at this time, and speculating.

By the way, we, it is, I'll say it, it's March 10th, it's been a year. The only person who was still actively involved in Sandoval's life for any reason, was Ariana. Cause she was living with him. Until recently when she moved to New York, so you didn't see Tom, like showing up at Sheena's events or Lala's events or even James.

He wasn't going to like James's tours. He wasn't going to Sheena's shows with the 27th. He wasn't, he's not in the mix like that. Sheena's not going on Sandoval's podcast. Lala's not, you know, inviting Sandoval onto her podcast. These people you're right. Don't fuck with each other. So why are you guys so.

Why are you guys acting like they're best friends? They aren't. It's just so weird. I know. Sorry to rant. 

No, you're good because you make a lot of good points. And I think people, I don't know. People don't realize that the heavily, um, Their income, majority of it comes from the show. Yeah. So again, this whole point of if your morals or ethics don't align with your job, just quit.

That is such a privileged thing to say, because that is not, I've never had a job before. I had to get a lot of ducks. A lot of my ducks in the row before I could do that. It wasn't the simple thing. And I've worked in the mental health field and you've, you work in a school, you there, your morals and ethics are challenged every fucking day.

Every day in a real way that matters in life. 

And so, Yes, and you know what? In a perfect world, this whole cast could just be like, I'm not filming with Sandoval. I'm not fucking with him. You know, this is where I'm not, this is where I stand and nothing's going to change it. Now, Ariana this season was able to not really film with Sandoval.

We will see how that goes though. If there is a season 12, if, and God, I hope there isn't, but if there is same, well, Ariana be on it. Will she quit on her own, or will they be like, Hey, you're not doing what we need you to do, bye bye. And so, I think they all are struggling with that, and I think, and again, this, I will agree that one of the reasons why this season isn't working for me is We did really have a good, solid friend group here, and now it does very much seem like they are just filming, right, for the show, hanging out for the show.

But, off the show and just in real time. Sandoval wasn't at Ocean's birthday party. That was yesterday. He's not going to Sheena's show. They're not going to his shows. So I think this is a time where they were trying to figure out, okay, How do we navigate this show? The cast itself, I think production, I'm not, I don't know what they were fucking trying to do, but the cast itself, we're just trying to figure this out.

And with Sheena specifically, I do think she was trying to figure out how to not hold on to so much hate with Sandoval, because that's not the kind of person she is. While also, To she realized in this moment, specifically with the meditation moment where she, I think she had a realization, like, Oh shit, this is how the season's going to be.

So I got to talk to Ariana about this because I know this is, I don't want her to take it as me being friends with him. But, but then I think there was also a part of Sheena that was struggling, was struggling with the concept of maybe them not being friends again. And those are all normal things to happen.

I don't, I think all of that can be true, and I think, again, with the editing and the way it all played out, I think it's messy, but I don't know. Also, you know what, you know what, why this season makes me so mad too? I watch reality TV not to think. Right. The way that this season has been and, and that could be part of my fault because I've been in the trenches as far as recapping and all this stuff, but even if I was just watching the show and didn't, there's the editing, it just seems like we're missing so much specifically with Ariana and Sheena.

And so. Anytime I watch an episode. I just am thinking so much about it, but not fun thinking. It's not fun. It's, I'm trying to navigate all of all of this. So that's what really pisses me off about the season is we, we, we spend so much time talking about it and we don't, we maybe have a few moments where we actually like laughing Kiki, but it's mostly being about how like, Hey, let's not rip this person to shreds because they filmed five seconds with Sandoval.

Right. Oh, man. And we also see a lot, there's like just heaviness all throughout this. Episode. There's heaviness between Sheena and Brock because Brock went golfing and then he decided he was going to play producer, which was interesting. Um, and unwarranted. He was like, no, no, no, you need to do this. Like, no, the fuck she doesn't need to do this.

Why are y'all making this girl? Look at her. Look at her. 

And I know Nick vial, what he is on. He is really coming hard for Sheena and Brock and he was like, I think they preplanned their, their scenes. This is actually a season where I don't think that is happening. I think we are seeing, like, real shit when it comes between them, but the way That if I told my husband, I am uncomfortable, I really need you to be by me, and for him to say, no, I think you need this.

Like, do you think, was that coming from him? Did he have a conversation with production? Because it was one, he was late. She asked, she was also upset. Cause she was like, I asked you not to be late. So I'm like, did that is where my brain goes. I'm like, were you genuinely late? And also like, was that your deciding, did you talk to her production?

But then I was like, I can't imagine Brock hiding that from Sheena. But then I'm like, okay. So then Brock took this role of, I think it will be good for Sheena and Santa to talk, which maybe he really thought that, but I just think if your wife. Who was so visibly uncomfortable. That was real. Her uncomfortableness was real.

And her saying, like, I want to do this with my husband. I can understand him being like, you know what? I get that. How about I do this? I'm gonna sit by you with Sandoval. But I'm gonna, I want you to try to take the lead on this, but I'm right there sitting by you. That would have been beautiful and like so real to me.

But we didn't get that, 

but we didn't get that. I think, I think he was legitimately late because I think he does what he wants to do. But I think that definitely that production is in everyone's ear, not just his being like, Oh, well, Sheena is going to have to, she's going to have to be the bridge. She's going to have the only one that makes sense.

So part of this to me is Sheena saying, You know, part of me thinks that when she keeps saying and maybe she really does believe it and so if she really believes that they are like closer than her and Ariana or like the closest French if like That's what we're meant to believe then. I got to call her out on that because that's a little Untrue from what we know, but I I also think it's like The unsaid thing is, of the cast, other than Schwartz, she is the closest to Tom, Sandoval.

So she, in the, relative to the rest of the cast, is the only one that can bridge. Now, I think that it would have been more easier on Sheena if they had chosen the route of Brock and Sandoval. Are like reconnecting their friendship because Brock has less stake in it and then Sheena could deflect and be like, well, you know, it's my husband.

It's not me, which people would still hate her for, but it would be easier on Sheena. And for some reason, for some reason, evolution is doing something that I think is very, I think it's very transparent. You've said it a couple of times already. It felt very manipulative on production's part, on Tom Sandoval's part, on what planet are you doing like a healing?

It also wasn't really framed as like a, this is a healing exercise to repair the issues in this group. And I, do you watch, I can't remember if you watch Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. Yeah. So the first episode of, of Salt Lake City this season was something like that and Beverly Hills where they, they go specifically on this retreat or whatever to heal their issues.

Now their issues were all really stupid, but like, and sometimes completely like. Unimaginable, but they go to these retreats and then they air their grievances and they have real conversations. They come to a census and then they move on so that the show can move on. It's a device that production uses to make sense of where we're at with these people in the show so that the storyline can move forward.

It was very effective on Salt Lake City because Salt Lake City The year before didn't make a lick of sense because everybody was lying. Nobody could talk about Jenshaw going to jail. With Beverly Hills, it made some sense. But then we still have like Kyle who's hiding her shit and all of them hide things on Beverly Hills.

So it is what it is. But it was effective. Right. It's not effective here because it wasn't framed as a healing journey. It was framed as They're going to Lake Tahoe for the opening of Lisa's restaurant, and then they're going to do a meditation exercise meditation and a restorative circle are not.

They're not the same thing. They're not the same tools. 

No, and I think that's very. Oh, especially when that person leading it was like, look at that person, imagine you never see them again. That is extremely fucked up considering the suicidal idolization that has been talked about on that show. Fuck you.

Bravo for doing that. I didn't really put that. I just thought of that now, but it's like, that is really. You want to preach mental health and all this stuff, but the way that you're going about it and the way that you are implementing it into the show, that is not how things should be done. So that was just a disgusting way to do that.

The whole, even how they were like sitting, because there wasn't a spot saved. For Sheena and Brock, right? Sheena was also, so they, I'm pretty sure. And I know other people have talked about this too. I've heard they're the grapevine. Like, yeah, this is very much set up for production on who sat where. Yeah.

So Sheena, and you could see in the episode when Brock walks in, she's already pissed cause he's late. And then when this person starts talking, there is a moment where her brain, you can tell it switches and she's like, Oh shit, we're just not meditating because. She sees where she's sitting the woman says partner, and then she immediately gets uncomfortable because she's already been.

Now, they hadn't talked about it in the episode yet, but. I know she already saw, I'm sure, the feedback from the fan photo, so she went into this, she already saw that feedback, and now she's having to do this, and she, I think, has a moment of, I am fucked this season, there is nothing that I can do, and so I think, and also, then you have the real element of, You know, this was someone who was in her life, whatever closeness is, whatever that actually is.

I don't know, but there is an element to that. I think Sheena does struggle. I think Sheena is all about, she really does forgive a lot of people in our life. A lot of the people that. Like, she still has a lot of, like, ex boyfriends that she talks to and, like, friends and things like that, so I think she gets over things quickly.

This was a situation where it wasn't that easy to get over quickly, and so, um, you know, I think, I don't know, just, this, my husband, who, Has never really watched Vanderpump. He's watched it a couple times, but he's actually wanted to watch the season with me. He even was like, oh, this girl was set up. And I was like, yeah.

And he was funny too, because he was, when Sandoval was talking to the meditation person or whatever, he was like, This is shit you say to your therapist. Why is he saying this to this girl? Like, what is happening? So that actually made me feel better because again, I know as far as like, what I do now, I am heavily involved in information, but here's my husband, who does not really watch the show.

He's calling this bullshit out. So that, I guess, really shows you where we are this season. 

Yes, it does. Also just to kind of expound on that just a little bit more. Let's say that Sheena had said, fuck it. Well, she did for a minute. She did literally say, I still fucking hate you and ran off. Yeah. But if she had said like, I don't give a fuck if I never see you again, then It would be like, Oh, there's Sheena being insensitive to, she cannot win.

She knows that she is in a situation where no matter, truly, no matter what she says and does, she can't win. So when we get to the end of the episode and she's saying cringey shit, like, it, you know, it can never be about me. I don't think she literally means It can't be about her. I think she's saying it can never be in her favor.

She will never have it in her favor, no matter what she does. But then you look at Ariana, who can come out and she can live with the guy. She can say that she thinks that his suicidal ideation is bullshit. She can say like, You know that she doesn't really care and she can draw boundaries. She can truly do whatever she wants and say whatever she wants as she should because her feelings are valid.

Her like state of emotions are valid, but like nothing that Sheena says or does is ever validated by the audience in a lot of ways. 

And that's so true and we can all take time to. It seems like with our, I see with Ariana's side when she says that stuff, and I'm actually, and I'm one of those people where I can be like, well, I see where she's coming from because totally of this, this, and this.

Yes. With Sheena though, so much of the conversation is what Sheena says. No one seems, not no one, but a lot of people don't really seem to be reflecting on like, well maybe where, where's that coming from? Right. Because again, if Sheena was just this OneNote person of. Why can't things be about me? I don't think the girl would have friends.

She wouldn't have friends. And 

Lala, of all people, would not be her friend. Would not fuck with that. Because Lala truly can't have, like, can't deal with people that are all about themselves because Lala has to be Very much about herself a lot of the time, so I don't, I just think that people, and I'm sorry you guys, I know that we're like harping on Sheena, I know that you guys, a lot of people hate her, but I really just want it, I want so badly for people to think critically, like if, if I, if I, Can like have empathy for like Lala, then I feel like everybody can have empathy for Sheena because Lala hasn't done shit.

Sheena hasn't done shit. Allie hasn't done shit. Sandoval has done something. That's it. Like in this moment, like we're, I just feel like I, to me, it's just so clear that she was put in a really bad position. And then the editing is, is just leading us also. Anyway, we'll get there.

Um, I need to blow my nose again. So Lindsey, if you can take us to the next scene. 

Yeah, you're good. Um, so let's see. We did the. meditation. One thing to just call out really quick. I know in this episode, it seems like we saw a lot of sustainable journaling and him doing pushups, right? Seems to be they're trying to tell us like, look, he's on this healing journey.

He's trying to make himself better. I'm all, I'm a big advocate for people journaling for people. If they want to move their bodies to help them feel good. That is all great. Am I buying it with Sandoval? No, because of the shit that we're still seeing today. So again, it seems very much, I don't know if Sandoval was like, Ooh, I'm going to make sure they see me journaling on camera.

I don't know to me specifically just with journaling. I was like, if he really was doing that, I feel like he would have did that off camera. Like if he was really doing that for himself, but again, big. big advocator for that. If you want to do that for your mental health, that's great. But just the way they were portraying that, I was like, I'm not really buying this.

I don't really want to see this. Um, and then for production to make the choice for them to specifically show the journal page, and then they like blocked out some stuff, but for them to make that decision, oh, I'm going to show the journal page. I was like, okay, that that was a choice. Um, And then so the next scene is we go into Ariana's book shoot.

There wasn't really a lot with this. The one thing that I just noticed was I thought it was I felt for Ariana when she said she thinks that Tom thought she couldn't do anything on her own. Oh, yeah. And I was like, I really think she He, he did think that with her and I think she got, and I think she got to a place where she thought she couldn't do anything alone.

And so we then, so, which we pretty much talked about this, but then they actually go specifically into the meditation scene. Um, one thing I have to call out was Schwartz's dirty ass feet. Oh my God. 

Ugh, as if we weren't disgusted enough. 

I was just like, bro. All right. Never could be me showing my feet on camera like that.

But, but you do you. Um, but yeah, again, the setup of how they all were sitting and then the partner things was just, and also I want to say too, I actually think Sheena was genuinely sick during this episode. She sounded like she had a cold if you listen to her voice. So I think on top of you're not feeling well and then you got to do this bullshit, I would have lost, I would have lost it.

So, um, and again, I, what I really appreciated with Sheena in the moment with her instant of all talking was her saying, I just, I don't know who you are anymore. And he was like, yes, you do. And he was like, she was like, I know who you were to me. I just can't understand why you did what you did. And. He was just like, you don't understand.

He, she was like, well, maybe I don't need to, like, she doesn't need to understand why he did what he did to Ariana. Like, that's not, she's just more. Um, and I think we've talked about this before. I think she and I was really struggling because, you know, and Ari and I was saying, I don't know why she, you know, wants to be friends with Sandoval because.

of what he was saying about Sheena as far as we were never friends. He continues to say that Rachel punched her, which we'll go into later. I think Sheena is, keeps waiting for Sandoval to say, you know, I didn't mean that. Right. I was just angry. I have considered you a friend, which he has said, like, you know, he has had his moments where he has said, like, you know, he has considered her a friend and he misses that friendship.

And I think that's what Sheena really needs to quote unquote, move on. Yeah. And I think that's, but this, this is where this huge disconnect of, is it forgiving a person? Is it forgiving and also wanting to be their friend? Like, I think that's where it gets dicey. Yeah. And I think it's okay for Sheena to have these thoughts because I don't know, again, this, this dynamic with.

Sheena and Ariana is so interesting because I think Sheena is just terrified because she doesn't want to lose that friendship and then I think you have Ariana here who's truly struggling with trust issues because, and I love you, Ariana, but you're saying you're not giving an ultimatum, but you're saying you don't want people to trust you.

In your life, because you don't want him to have access to you, but girl, you still live with him, and I get there's the house situation is complicated, but also you're still on a show with him. Yeah, he's going to have access to your life so I'm not buying that excuse. 

I also think it's interesting. So far, on camera.

Ariana has not said out of her mouth. If any of these people hang out with Sandoval, 

won't, I won't speak to them again. She has not said that. She hasn't. She has said she's drawing boundaries. She said that she has to be really firm. She has to keep negativity away from her life. She can't. She's saying all of these like roundabout things.

It's Katie Maloney who says. In some sort of weird, like, I don't know if she was slurring or if she thought she was like, putting on like a persona or an accent or something, but she goes, They're gonna be friends with Stannifer? You ain't gonna be friends with them no more. I was like, what the fuck are you talking like that for?

It's so weird. But, regardless, she says it twice in this episode. Yeah. It's not Ariana who's saying that. What I'm wondering is, And Katie, I do believe that Katie, probably of all of them, is the most, most like herself on camera and off. So I think that what we see with Katie is very much what we get, what you get, no matter what.

I think that Ariana, like Sheena, like I said earlier, knows the implications of saying something like, If any of you fuck with Sandoval, I'm not gonna be friends with you anymore. Yeah, she understands. So she's not going to directly say that because she wants to still curry favor. Katie doesn't care.

Katie's probably heard Ariana say something very similar. So Katie is going to be the one who's going to say it out loud. So when she doesn't like Sheena. And so she's probably tired of everybody playing a fucking game all the time because Katie for for all I can't stand about her. That is one thing I do think that she's genuine.

Yeah. So I really. Yeah. This whole thing, but then it's also very annoying because I'm like, I'm interested to see Future episodes and scenes where Katie is with the other girls I want Katie to say this to the other girls and we see that that's apparently gonna happen between her and Lala That's that's what I want to see.

That's compelling. I am NOT interested in Katie like Blowing smoke up Ariana's ass and being attached to her hip and like, you know, it's very, it's very boring. I want, I want like the realness to come out. 

Yeah, and it's, it's interesting too because I actually, I won't go into all the details. So like my, before me and my husband got together, we were friends for a really, really long time.

And we had this kind of like, We like each other, but we weren't saying anything. And finally, at one point, I finally told him like, I like you, our relationship is confusing where we're going. Yeah. And he told me he was basically, the man's not great at communication. He was like, I don't know. And He was like, I just want to go back to being friends.

Well, I couldn't do that in that moment because the feels they were there, but we had mutual friends and I had to, at that moment, cut him off completely because I needed to figure out my ship. I had a friend who was a mutual friend who grew up with him and so I did not expect her to cut him out, but I told her like, please, you cannot keep talking to him about me and do not invite me places.

Yes. Where he is going. Right. And she did keep doing that. And so I eventually had to cut off that friendship. Yes. Now, we've all have grown up. This was like early 20s, and we've all grown up, and obviously I'm married to him now. Right. It worked out. It worked out. But I understand that. But it's interesting with Ariana, because I'm like, I understand you, you seem to have a lot of trust issues.

But I just, I don't know if she just thinks that with Sheena, and I don't think Ariana thinks that, like Sheena, Ariana would tell Sheena stuff, and Sheena would go run to Tom. Yeah. If anything, we see the opposite of Sheena, Sandoval says shit about Ariana, and Sheena goes to him and is like, cut this shit out.

Yep. Like, it's defending Ariana, so I don't think Sheena would be the one, oh, Sandoval, Ariana's saying this about that. Because what, I don't think their friendship has ever, well, I don't know, but I don't know if it's been that way before. So, again, it's just interesting, the, I don't know, and it, and like you said, on camera, I We see on the FaceTime, even Aria being like, yeah, you do need to forgive for yourself.

You do need to do this. But Sheena seems terrified. Sheena seems terrified of Ariana. That's the best way I could describe it. And so, or at 

least Ariana's influence, if not her as a person, 

where I will say Sheena, my girl, where it does make me cringe because I'm like, You, Arianna is not the person to be having some of these conversations with at all.

And when it comes to Sandoval, yes, she can understand like the forgiveness aspect, I think a little bit, but anything else, she's not going to want to hear it. And she has every right not to hear it. I think Sheena, I think. When I listened to her podcast recently, I think she kind of, like you said, she cringed at that FaceTime.

I think she's realizing that a little bit. And so that's where I think, I don't know, I really, maybe we'll get this later on this season, but I would really love to see a real true conversation with Ariana and Sheena about their true expectations. As you're, I mean, as friends or where the connect is because we're getting a little pieces of it, but I want to full on sit down conversation of what this is.

I also think I would like to see from Katie. I think that this would be a good opportunity for Katie to go to Sheena and be like, Hey. Ariana can't be the person you go to about this stuff. She can't. Yes. Like you, I understand, but I don't know, I don't know if Katie can like do this, like get to this place.

But like, I understand that you and Ariana have a friendship where she's comfortable, you know, you're comfortable sharing your every single thought and emotion at all times. But like, this is not one of those, this is where you need to turn to Lala. You need to go to your mom. You need to go to Brock. Go to me.

Don't go. Don't go to Ariana. I think that that would be, I just think that that would make more sense. And again, I'm not even gonna, I mean, who knows if Katie does that? We don't know if she will, but we also don't know if she did because this, this, this season is edited in such a specific way that it is.

I really think that it is trying to, and Rob Schulte has talked about this a lot, trying to incite us to feel a way about these people. It's trying to make us feel mad at Ariana. Like she's, uh, making unreasonable decisions, make us mad at Katie. Well, me people, some people are staunch Katie fans or make us mad at Sheena, which will never happen for me.

Cause I'm a staunch Sheena fan. I think that it's trying to, I actually feel like the most empathetic edit. Is going to Tom and I think that it's wild and I think that Sheena probably also is frustrated. Maybe the whole cast is that I don't think that they're giving Tom a whole lot of direction. I feel like they're saying, you know what, he's psychotic.

Let him do his own thing. Let him like, let's wind him up and watch him go. And they're just like letting him do whatever. And then everyone has to. Conform to whatever he's doing. Sheena has to do her direction is based on what he's doing. And Sam Schwartz has to get them all together because of him.

That's like everything, you know, these people want to get on, on the Reddit and say, because of Lisa or for Lisa, no, it's for Tom, the whole season is. And so. That's why I think in real life, we, well, with the, I don't know what the after show, but for the most part, the girls seem to be all right with each other.

So I think, and like, you know, Sheena and Katie did that promo together for like ELF cosmetics. And so I think that everyone's okay with each other for the most part, but I just think this whole thing is like. Like favoring Tom and then we get and I'm sorry if I'm cutting ahead I just don't want people to think that this whole podcast is about Sheena We get to the part where we're in Tahoe and now they're going what is it called a gondola a gondola?

Yeah Yeah, they're going up the gondola to go I guess to the boat or whatever the hell they're doing and Brock calls out Tom And says, dude, your team leaked that Raquel and I were having an affair and I'm surprised this week, the podcast that I've listened to so far, no one has outright said like, yeah, I remember when that happened.

But like, I remember when that happened, and I remember when they did that shit, and I, everyone knew it was, like, everyone knew that that shit was a diversion tactic, it came out of fucking nowhere, and then it stayed, and it stayed longer than it was supposed to, it was one of the original blind items that got sent in the weekend of Scandaval.

Well, people, rumors are flying that the alleged, uh, Bambi eyed actress is da da da da da with one of the other castmen. Like, they totally did that. And then Tom incriminates himself and goes, well, you don't have any proof. So, 


Yes, they did that, Tom. Yeah. 

Yeah, that was an interesting conversation. And, you know, it's, you know what, I, I still don't fuck with Schwartz, but I would love to know more just about his psyche, because the way that this man When they were, Sandoval and Brock were going at it, and that reminds you, they weren't even like yelling, like screaming at each other, but it was definitely getting heated, but the way that Schwartz tried to make himself disappear and make, like, truly this man in conflict is so, unless now if he's doing it, he goes to a whole other level, right?

Like he gets angry, which we've seen that before. But when it's two other people, the way that he becomes a turtle trying to go into its shell, I was like, Oh man. And we see that on the after show. Anytime Sandoval is talking, we see it on the podcast. And I'm just like, boy, I need you. And he says he doesn't watch himself on the show.

I need you to watch yourself on the show because I need you to see if I had a friend in my life who anytime they spoke, I had to wish I disappeared. That's not the friend for you, and I know you hate, like, I'm never gonna cut him off. You do you, boo, but you literally try to disappear when that man speaks, so I just, I gotta call that out.

One thing that I keep forgetting to tell you, and I could be wrong. I'm okay. Do you know the show new girl? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay. I used to love the show new girl. I'm pretty sure that the loft that they filmed and I'm pretty sure that that is a real, the like exterior is real. And I think it's in Los Angeles.

So when we're there, if that, if, if I'm right, I would really love to go drive by that. So that being said, I hate it. Jess day, I think she is the most obnoxious fucking character ever grace our television screens and the that I remember the moment that it solidified for me was there was a storyline of Jess her parents are divorced and they were both coming into town on the same day and Jess is the type of grown woman I guess who?

wants her parents to get back together still for some reason and and They show this flashback to when the parents were arguing, she would like jump in the middle as a kid and go, mommy's all right, daddy's all right. And she would dance around and do like a distraction. So it would make them stop fighting.

And then spoiler alert for the show that ended like seven years ago, when they, as adults, when they come back together and they're fighting, she does that as an adult as well. And then that's how she. Handles all the conflicts in the, in the apartment. Is she like, does this like elaborate distraction thing now as a child of divorced parents and, uh, a lot of emotional abuse happened between my parents when I was younger, I wasn't like that.

I wasn't like jumping in between and making a scene. I was literally hiding in the closet. That is Schwartz and I'm, I'm not a psychologist. I'm not a therapist, but it's very classic. My parents fought a lot in front of me and put me in really compromising situations. Behavior from shorts. And so, and we know like if you don't need lore about his parents, it's a very, very contentious relationship to this day.

Um, and a lot of what we think we understand about his brothers and like why certain, like why his dad couldn't come to the wedding is not, it's not the reason that they tell you on the show. So, yeah. And I'm not going to get into that further because I've talked about it once and I didn't really like when I talked about it the first time.

So I'm not going to talk about it again. You can look it up. It's out there. Um, he's got a lot of demons and he plays those out to this day, 

you know? Yeah. And that's what I think with him. I, I see that with him, where I struggle with him is he, And he's talked about this before. He doesn't seem to want to do any processing or to try to figure that out.

So his behavior is not changing. Right. Um, he talks a lot of, yeah, he talks a lot about how he uses other people for his therapist, like his friends, his manager, the. You should never use those people as your therapist because they are not your therapist. Um, so that just, that, that stuck out to me during the scene.

And then of course all the other stuff where again, you have Brock say, Your, what, your girl put a restraining order on my girl and Sandoval's like, Yeah, cause she punched her in the fucking face. And Brock, I was, he didn't like, he just moved on from that, but I was that to me again, I'm like, there's gotta be more to it.

Because I'm like, Sheena, he's still saying this and you have, you have described this as a very traumatic moment in your life. You have said over and over again, you did not punch her. So then you have Sandoval still saying this. Now, I remind you, he, she wasn't there in that scene. Right. So she doesn't know.

I don't know. Brock later told her that he said it, or maybe she saw it for the first time during the episode. Yeah. But I actually 

think he did. Tell her later, I thought, but maybe not. 

I can't, I can't remember. But if he, I know he brought, I think Brock, I know he said he brought up the whole article, the them putting in that Brock and their start, his team starting the rumors about the affair with Brock and Rachel.

That was not true. And, um, What I was saying with that is it's just, again, when I see those moments, I'm like, Sheena, that is where you lose me as far as sometimes I think you do just want to say you want to be friends with him again, because I'm like, I don't, that does confuse me because I'm like, he's still saying shit that you describe as a very, very hurtful.

Yeah. Um, but again, I think that's something that, I don't know, I think she's just like kind of processing and going over in her head about, but again, And Sandoval just, man, he cannot take just any accountability. Brock was the one that apologized to him for that conversation. And I was just like, how do we do, how do we get there?

So now I know, I, I don't know. I get Brock seems to me to get over things pretty quickly, but. For him to come to Standoffal and be like, I'm sorry, man, like, I got heated, I'm like, what is going on? Because, yes, the conversation got heated, but again, it wasn't this huge, like, screaming match that we're used to on BPR, it's actually them having legit, pointed conversations.

And you're calling Sandoval's bullshit out and Sandoval is deflecting. Um, I'll take a polygraph test. I'll do it. I'll do it. And then you have Brock then apologizing to him. I'm like, where are we going? What is happening? Yeah, it's really weird. It's very weird. Yeah, it really is. And then I'm trying to think, yeah, we talked about the gondola scene.

Oh, just so you 

guys know, uh, cause we kind of already talked about And we'll probably talk a little bit more about Sheena calling Ariana, but she calls her while Ariana and Katie are having a fake interview for their fake restaurant with Chef Penny. And, um, it will open. I 

like to think it will open. I don't know.

But it was weird that they included this still because again of where we are now, obviously these people. That they quote unquote hired, they had to get another job. Yeah, they had to. I hope Pickle Tie didn't 

quit the Four Seasons for this. Pickle Tie, yes. Um, also, you know, just, do I think that this is, was all a setup for like, merch sales?

No. I think that they didn't. really thought they were going to open this restaurant. Maybe even at this time, I think that they really thought it was going to open. I just don't think it's going to open now. So I just don't want to hear about it anymore. And I think that they should continue selling merch if they want to.

They should do whatever they want to do, but I don't think that the restaurant is going to open. I'm really sick of hearing about how tough and I don't mean just from them. I mean, from everybody keeps talking about the permit laws and how hard it is. It's just like so difficult for me to conceptualize that like other restaurants have opened though.

In that area, so in less time. So what's the, what's the problem? What's, what's the problem? 

I'll give it to the end of the year and if it's end of the year and it's still not there, then I'll, maybe I'll be more with you, but I like, I like, I don't know, because they can't, the way that this place doesn't open there, talk about, people are going to destroy Ariana and Katy, because they're already like, So I just can't imagine them putting themselves in this position, so I don't, I don't know, I think recently the new blind item that came out was it's allegedly opening May 1st, we'll see.

I heard something that was supposed to be within a few weeks, but I don't know. 

I think that Katie should, uh, Katie should cut ties with Ariana and say that she's a bad business partner and then open up something about her on her own and I think she'll make a killing. I don't know. You know, she's like, she's so sidekick energy.

She can't, but like, I want her to strike out on her own and do her own thing. I think that would be really cool for her and interesting. 

Yeah. We'll see to be again, December 31st. If it's pulling that open, I'd be like, okay, Emily, I see what you're saying. 

Oh my God. So now we're on the boat with everybody.

She knows in a bucket hat and a green swimsuit. And I. I don't know why. It's just so funny to me that she's in this bucket hat and this green swimsuit. And like we already talked about, and I don't want to harp on it too much. She, she goes up. I think that she's full of anxiety. I do the same thing when I'm like hungover and I can't remember what I've said.

Or if I'm worried that one of my friends is going to, Get the wrong idea. I'm like preemptively trying to like clear things up or control the narrative, even if I'm, I mean, I'm not doing anything crazy, but, or even at work sometimes like I'll have said something to a coworker and I'll realize like, Oh, this is going to look a certain kind of way or something.

And then I'll just go to the person and be like, Hey, this is what's going on. Just so you know, I don't want you to think I'm like being shady or something. So. I get that. I get why she did it in her head. I just think it was a really bad move. And then assuming that this is not editing and assuming that this happened sequentially this way.

Oh, by the way, uh, Ali and James hard log, hard launch Graham on the internet. I don't care. I don't care about their dog. I don't care about renaming the dog. I don't care. So that happened. Great. Um, Sheena goes take a nap, right? So I think it's really important that in this time, Sheena's asleep and Lala. Is in the main cabin with Sandoval and Lala, I think really thinks at this point in the trip that Sandoval is going to be receptive.

I think up to this point, they've had like a productive day kind of, and people are experiencing a lot of motions. I think that Lala assumed that Sandoval was more vulnerable in this moment. And so she took the opportunity to be like, Hey, What, what, what did he say about her that she was fake or? Uh, yeah, 

she said, how could you look me in the eye and say you need me to be real and honest with, with my life knowing what you were doing?

With Rachel, like how could you do and she was specifically talking about the way that he talked to her. And then the day that the art, the day that scandal broke an article came out where Sandoval was talking about Lala, 

right. And. It's a, it's a, I don't think it's totally equivalent. I still, I still think that how Lala handled her, the thing with Randall, like, she was lying.

She was carrying on an affair. She was aware that he was married. I don't, I, I stand by all of that and still I think that Randall's a piece of shit and that she did the right thing getting out of that relationship and, or she was lucky that she could get out of that relationship and that she's living her life in authentic way now, or as authentic as she can be, but I still kind of think that the way that that whole, the way that she dragged Brock, the way that she dragged everybody else, she came for other people when her life was being hidden, which is very much what Sandoval is doing now.

So I, I under. I understand where both of them were coming from, but in this moment, she's asking what I think is a fair question. Like how, when you're carrying on this affair, can you accuse me? My answer to that would be classic compartmentalization. Classic compartmentalization. That's how he was able to do it.

He's dissociated from what he's actually doing. Okay. That's how he was doing it. Well, Sandoval, who's not self aware enough to understand that that's what he was doing. Right. Gets very defensive and, uh, they get in a screaming match, excuse me, hold on,

sorry. And then, what leads them to get into the screaming match? 

Well, so, it started out pretty, pretty calm and Santa was so interesting because he's He's trying to act like he doesn't know what Lala is talking about, but then he catches himself and being like, Oh yeah, that article came out March 1st.

Like he, Oh, he said actually 

it was the day of. 

Yeah. The day of. So he, he knows what she's talking. He's talking about. And Lala does start out calm and said, and what's funny too, with this part too, 


He, Sandoval, even though he just, he confirmed that he was like, wait, what did I say? And Lala says again, and James was like, I remember, I remember he was like, Hey, let me be a part of the scene basically.

Cause he's like, no, I remember, I remember him saying that. And then Lala talked about, you know, you did the article and, um, and that's when Sandoval, I can't, I think it was in his confessional or maybe he said it there. Like he lied for seven months. She lied for six years. He said like, they're both liars.

And he just thinks it should be like kind of a wash between them like they both have lied and um The way it starts to get a little heated because while I was saying, you know No one can beat myself. No one can beat me up as much as I, you know, beat myself up. And then, um, he's like, they get into this part where he, she is saying, you don't get to say those things to me.

And he goes, likewise, and she goes, no, I can, because this is what you did. So you basically have two people, which I, how do I put this? Because they're, they're not, but Lala and Sandoval are kind of alike in some ways. Yeah. That I don't think both of them really like that about each other. I think that's why they bump heads a lot.

Yes. Because it's, what's interesting is I, I do think, and you've said this before, and we've gotten to a lot, like Lala has not been this before, this season and even on her podcast and elsewhere, she does seem to be more Trying to be real about things or as authentic as she can be about stuff, whereas Sandoval, we're still seeing that deflection that and he still doesn't make sense because he's saying to Lala, you, we all, we all put ourselves out there.

Like we all show our lives, Sandoval. Have been preaching that you guys, you and Ariana were not showing your lives or weren't authentic. So like shut you, you, you, I see two people like yelling at each other and like they both, I can see Sandoval coming from as far as they have done similar things, but he just, he loves to bring that up where I will feel with Lala is she is actually saying I'm actually trying to not hold your past against you right now, and you still are that with me.

I really felt for her in that moment, and I was like, Sandoval, just like fucking listen and just say you're sorry, but that man cannot do that. 

Well, and then as, as, as it's getting more escalated, Lala's like, you're, you groom, you manipulate, you isolate, you isolate. She said, you're scary. And she's like screaming this out loud.

At him as she's like walking out of the cabin and then you see, that's 

my favorite. She kept walking. She would walk out and then she would walk back in and yell and then walk back out. I was dying. Awesome. 

And the best part is like James kind of, you start to see James kind of slowly like trying to, and she's, and.

James is like, what's going on? And then Sheena and I can only assume she's just waking up from a nap. Yeah, she wakes up and she's like, I don't know. I don't know what's happening. I don't know what's happening. What's happening? And then Lala starts screaming again, and Sheena just goes SANTA FAULT! Sheena snaps into like, and she says exactly what you just said.

She said she just wants an apology. All she wants is for you to say sorry and she keeps saying sorry. Screaming and screaming. And then Brock comes in and kind of backs her up and she says, uh, and Brock says, you know, no one wants to talk all shit about you all the time. She didn't keep saying she wants an apology for how you treated her in the past because she's been nice the last couple of days.

She wants an apology for how hypocritical it was for you to look her in the eye and say, to be real, knowing that you were having the affair. And, um, she, she's like, she spells it out for him. And then. Lala kind of says, yes, that's what I'm looking for. And then Santa says, Sandoval goes, oh, well, I didn't understand.

I'm like that. I hated that because honestly, like I will say Lala, I know she can get lost in translation when she gets triggered and then she starts to go up. But in when that beginning of that conversation, I feel like she explained it very well. She was very clear in that moment. It's so interesting.

He gets triggered when people call out his behavior, specifically with people when he thinks that they've done something wrong. Yeah. Or they've done shit that in his eyes, they did it for longer. Yeah. And so, um, he gets triggered by that. And then Lala, I feel like when she feels like she's not being understood or like she just, we've talked about this before, there's just something with her that she just can go from zero to a hundred.

And then when she recognized he wasn't going to give her what she needed. She got more heated and that's when he, she starts saying, you groom, you isolate. And then that really pisses Sandoval off because he's probably thinking, you said this shit on camera. You can't say this shit on camera. Cause again, the show is his world.

And so you see that. And then it really pissed me off because that I love that Brock and Sheena, they did really stand up for Lala in that moment. And they did say that, but then for Sandoval to say, Oh, I didn't know that's what you were trying to say. No, like, that's bullshit. You, I think you realize, like, you, like, the way that Sheena and Brock said it, you're like, I don't think I can win this fight.

So he just, I think decided because he still really didn't. I know when he like grabbed Lala for that really awkward hug. And you can tell Lala was like, what the fuck is this? Yeah. Yeah. He said like, I'm sorry, but he didn't specifically say he was sorry for, you know what I mean, that because I don't think that man can.

And so I think again, Lala, I think she was really trying to have. A moment with him and then she was like, okay, yeah, you, you, you still are this post this this person. 

Well, and I think, like, there's a way, I think, only because I'm using I'm tapping into my experience with children who are very much on the defensive after they've done something wrong.

Yes. The way that. Lala could have sat down and said, and she doesn't have to do this because she's not speaking to a child, anyone with any kind of peripheral understanding of what she's talking about, who's emotionally mature, understands what she's what she's getting at. She did not actually start and say, Sandoval.

I want you to hear me out. I would like an apology for this before you get upset. Let me tell you why I want an apology. Is that something that you think that you can do? That's like a way that she could have said that because that's like a way that a mediator or an adult would talk to a child that was that was on the defensive about their behavior.

But Lala is not talking to a child. She's talking to a grown man. So it should have been it. Really easy to infer when she starts with how were you able to do that? Well, you're asking a question that isn't tangible and really when you're dealing with an escalated individual You're supposed to ask like very specific questions or state really specific things that you want So that they can easily digest them and not further trigger them into an escalation.

Do I think that this 

is? Huh? 

Am I right about what I'm saying? Yes, uh, is this fair that any of these people should have to do this with this man just to get Basic decency out of him. No, and no wonder Ariana wants to fuck it. Not speak to him because every interaction is like this with this guy. It's exhausting.

And so if you're not, like, if you, if you didn't work in child de escalation for, for seven years or whatever, I'm sure this is a very frustrating fucking, uh, situation for these people to be in. And they're all hopped up on whatever drunk, you know, whatever. 

It's so funny that you say that because Sandoval reminds me so much of kids that I've worked with before.

So, just the way that he talks, the way that, it is, it is truly, I'm like, oh, I literally have worked with kids like you before, and I think you described that perfectly. Where I will say I do understand where Sandoval's coming from. Which is hard for me, but well, because we've talked about this before, even with this season, he brings up, he doesn't, He doesn't understand mama's motives and we've talked about that this season the whole Rachel thing He even calls that out saying you came for Rachel so hard And then you said and then now you're saying this and she's like and she described again the moment when she saw Rachel saying She felt alone.

She felt I sleep. No, she didn't if she did this she would have no one and again I can understand her coming from that place, but even this season we have been questioning Lava like, is it for the show? Is she really feeling this way? Is it for both? But, so I get that when Sanival calls that out. However, Sanival, you do the same shit.

So it's like, it's just, you have these two people who really You know, you, you think in a real, really weird world they could like bond over some of their behaviors as far as like what they've done, but we're all give Lala credit as I think Lala is actually trying to heal and grow a little bit whereas Sandoval is still very much stuck in this play.

He truly believes that all of them need to tell him the truth. They're sorry. Because even after that fight, he even said, what did he say? It made me laugh because all this face after he said that he was like, I, I have really, um, liked you these past what it hang on. Let me see if I can find it. But it would, it was so funny to me.

I can't remember to be honest with you. 

Oh, he appreciated these past days and it has changed what he has thought about Lala. Oh yeah, her face was like What bitch? Yeah. Vince changed what you thought about me. Yeah. This whole shit, which goes back to this, like you said, this season of the way production is like, put Tom, you know what I mean?

And like, let him do whatever and they're gonna like, it seems like there's very much like redemption season for him. And then all these other people are trying to figure out how to navigate this. So for him to say, It's really changed when I thought about you, you're the one that people need to change what they think about you.

Yeah, totally. 

But he, he's not there. He does not feel like he did anything wrong. And I just think that like, I guess the sooner people accept that he does not feel that he did anything wrong, the easier I think it'll be to in a real life situation, not necessarily for them because they're in these four situations and they're on a show and they all are making money off of it and whatever, but like, I think in a real situation.

If you had someone like this and, and you just had to tell you, Oh, he just does not think he did anything wrong. I think it's easier to move away from a person like that. Once you accept that. It is. 

Yeah. And even Lala's called that out specifically about with them and Ariana. Like he does not feel bad. He feels bad.

I think that he, it, he got caught and obviously the backlash like that he got. Yeah. But as far as like, Him hurting Ariana. He was so checked out. No, he does not care about that piece. Yeah, I think 

I think he's cares a little bit about how his relationship with Raquel is perceived. Like, I think he does care genuinely when people say that he was like a groomer or a creep or isolating manipulative.

He really does not like that. And I'm not saying that we shouldn't say those things about him. The groomer thing. Yeah. Again, it's, we, we would have to have a lot more insight into Rachel's state of mind. We would have to have a lot more insight into that, and I can't do that, but. I think that it's not, but manipulative share and perhaps they were in a very isolated situation.

So I think that he's defensive about that. I think that he cares that he's not perceived as like, as a Randall Emmett, like a casting couch guy. Because I think in some ways he feels like their relationship was real, but he's so emotionally immature that he doesn't understand, like, What anybody else that's ever watched like a season of a television show would know, which is like, that's not love that's infatuation.

That's lust. That's like, not real. That's like a passionate, like whirlwind thing that you're getting validation and hormones and. Adrenaline from, but that's not real love. So, um, was that the end of the episode? Well, so then, 

which we kind of talked a little bit about this because I know you mentioned earlier while this episode was, I was hard not to talk about Sheena a lot because she was a very pivotal in this episode.

But yeah, at the end is when we have the conversation between Lala and Sheena. And here's the thing, you got to give Sheena some credit because Sheena really does have moments where she is saying, What she is feeling. And it is, and it is very, it is a normal emotion for people to feel jealous and for people to have envy.

Yes. I get it. It is. Is it rough to watch on reality TV? Absolutely. When you see someone say, especially with Sheena, because we're Where she loses me and where maybe she's not really letting it out there because she keeps saying and I'm so, so the, the euphoria, um, girl where she's like, and I'm so, so happy for you.

I'm so happy. I'm still, she keeps saying that over and over and then she says, but I really, you know, wanted DMC with the stars. So I wish she would have, if honestly she would just flat out say, you know what? I am happy for Ariana, but there is some envy, or there is some jealousy there. I am jealous, yeah.

To call out that emotion. Because what she's feeling is normal, but then it's like you keep saying, but I'm so happy and that's what people are calling out on because there is something more there and I can understand. And this was a, this was a weird time because with Ariana in Sandoval, it was this like perfect storm of, This, you know, cheating happened.

There was more layers to just cheating, but it's like, who's to say if this exact same thing happened with Sheena, I don't think Sheena would get the same response because people seem to like Ariana more, you know what I mean, like, more than Sheena or the same with Lala, which Lala, You know, people are like, why didn't she get the same treatment?

Well, mama hid that relationship a lot. You know what I mean? There's different elements. But if you were to tell me a few years ago, years ago, and I've liked Ariana for a while now that this would all would happen. It would not compute in my brain for a second. I mean, I'm sure they're all going through that.

And I think Where I would love to see it goes back to I would love to see Sheena and Ariana have a real tough conversation, because I think they're both trying to say things to not hurt each other. Yeah, I think they almost kind of need to lay it all out there. Yeah. This is what's happening. I'm really struggling because I'm seeing this all happen to you.

You know what I mean? And Ariana's being like, I'm struggling because you guys are all filming with him and I really thought maybe you weren't good. You know what I mean? Whatever it is. Yeah. Like, I just, and I, I wonder maybe a conversation that has happened like that now because Well, if I'm really honest, Sheena keeps saying that, you know, her and Ariana are good, and I know Ariana, like, still comments on Sheena's stuff and things like that.

I think they're good. Are they as close as what they were? I'm not sure anymore. Well, no, 

and that's understandable, like, Right now, Ariana's like living in New York. She's living a very different life. It could 

just be distance. It could just be their life. You know what I mean? Well, actually, that's true because Sheena just said Ariana came in town for like a day.

And they saw each other, you know? Yeah, so So, I actually do think they had a conversation, maybe something like this for them just to be still in a good place, because the way the show is going, and specifically the after show, I'd be like, Oh, they, they hate each other. They all hate each other. Obviously, something happened.

And so it just, yeah, was this really because And I mean, again, the production must have thought they had a goal in mind because you literally have Sheena say in this scene, why can't it just be about me this time? And I get people really want to hold on to that. And when you hear it, it can make you cringe.

And I think we're just, we're just seeing a girl who was really struggling right now. And I'm not going, I think, I think we, we beat on her a little too much. I think so. I actually feel, I can feel a genius. Her being genuine in moments, Sandoval, I, I'm still not getting that for him. And so I understand like And people are like, well, people are like beating on Sandoval and no one's being genuine to him because he's still fucking up.

He's still doing the shit. The New York Times article, I'm sorry, I'm still not gonna be fucking genuine with you, with Sheena. I see someone who was put in a horrible situation, who was set up and is realizing how this season's gonna go now. She's then also struggling with her own actual real emotions with the situation.

So, yeah. I'm not, you know, when she says shit like that, am I going to cringe? Am I going to be like, girl, Sheena? But I'm not going to just like, call that and just call attention. You know what I mean? And not look at it from a critical angle. 

Yeah. Like it is what it is. She said. Some cringy shit. We all do and again, I think that it's important to look at the reality Look at the actions now, for example Lala and Sheena both came out to opening night I think that Sheena has come to a couple of Uh, Ariana shows in Chicago, they've hung out, Sheena went to a bunch of the Dancing with the Stars, and people are always gonna say, well she's only, maybe they're only doing that to keep that up for the storyline, so that it's not spoiled that they're not friends, or maybe she's only doing that so that she can get, maybe she's only doing it because she fucking apparently loves Dancing with the Stars so much, this is an opportunity for her.

Like, whatever it is, but I really believe that if they were genuinely like, you know, I don't think, yeah, odds, then they wouldn't be, maybe she would go to the premiere, but I don't think they would like take pictures. I don't, they also, after this, they were, I'm sorry, they went like. Out. They went out to like New York a bunch.

They were hanging out with the summer house cast. Like, like I said, Ariana, I'm sorry. Sheena and Katie did a whole makeup brand promo together. They did the Uber Eats commercial. Like it's, I think it is okay. I think they're okay. 

I think specifically when it comes to the girls. When they don't fuck with each other, they truly don't.

And we see that, right? Like you just, 

you just told me about Kristen and Lala. I had no idea. Yeah, 

exactly. And so I know, I think it's more so relationship storylines, like couples. That is more where I know at times they don't always like they try to show face and don't actually show if like the season if they break up maybe outside the show, they don't want people knowing that you know, but when it comes to actual friendships, we will see off the show, even if a season hasn't aired, when they don't fuck with each other.

And right now, it does seem to be. about the girls all do seem to be getting along. So again, I also, we talked about this before, I really wonder like what kind of conversation the girls had before going into this season because You know, I, I said before that it almost seemed like they had this conversation of them not fighting, but then with that I think we're getting this weird, excuse me, kind of passive aggressiveness with some stuff?

I don't know, but obviously they have come to a place. Now it'll be interesting because they filmed the reunion. Not soon. Next weekend. Yes. March 16th. Yep. And so that'll be interesting because while some things might be leaked about it, it'll be interesting how they all post after it, right? As far as who's with who did anyone, you know, go out with someone after the reunion, those will be key elements because I do think some, you know, not fun conversations are going to happen at the reunion as far as the girls dynamics, but clearly right now.

They are in a good place. I think even Ariana again, Ariana wouldn't be friends with someone who was just me, me, me. And I think she really, she, uh, out of all of them, I think understand Sheena the most. I think a lot and she not come to a place where they're starting to understand each other, but Ariana and Sheena, I think they get each other, but there is some sort of weird disconnect now.

And I don't know if it just, I think it has to do with. Sandoval and then also the dynamics of the show and how this season is just truly so different. And they are pretty much hamsters in this maze that production has set them up in. But Sandoval can do whatever the fuck he wants. Sandoval is just looking for all of them to come to him and apologize to him.

And they're like, how am I navigating? 

Yes, absolutely. Uh, finishing up here. Uh, just quickly, 'cause I don't, oh, I have to talk about this. Um, I don't wanna talk too much about the after show, not that, because nothing happened, but just 'cause, just 'cause I think the most important things Oh, go ahead. 

Oh, just, I, I, I mean, I, I highly re recommend everyone still watching the after show.

Oh, yes. Yeah, yeah. More. Um. I'd somewhat sometimes entertaining the actual show, but it just I get it shows like where the hell are these people's dynamics But I think the main thing a part of this the big thing of the after show I'm guessing you're talking about what Katie said About the male sympathy, or were you going to talk about something else?

I actually, oddly enough, forgot about that, even though I sent you an 8 minute voice message. Um, I did forget about that. I was going to talk about this one thing. Sandoval does this, Sandoval, actually, I'm going to give it to him. He really teaches us a lesson in, like, altruism and compassion in the after show.

And the visual is really Important. I think for people to see so that we now know how to give to the less fortunate because if it were not for Sandoval, I would not know how to give to the less fortunate. He explains to us in the after show that this is how you do it. Okay. If you're going to give, if you're going to give money.

To a homeless person. This is how you do it. You just go up to them and you say, uh, Hey, man, can you hold this for me really quick? And then you give them like 100 and then you run away really fast. It's like, like, that's how you do it. You run away really fast so that they, I mean, obviously, so they can't give it back to you.

And that makes it where it's authentic. It's authentic that way. Yeah. Yeah. Because you're not, you know, cool. You're not looking for he's such an idiot. It's like Sandoval. Do you not see that in this demonstration of how you give money to homeless people? You are looking for praise. About giving money to the unhoused.

That is what you are doing now. Yeah. He cannot just keep it to yourself, bro. He wanted, he thought that he thought the production room would be on the floor, honey. He thought they would be passed out from his, from his genius. 

He was like, Jeremy from production was like, Oh my God, I didn't know that's what you were supposed to do.

Meanwhile, Schwartz is literally trying to get inside the chair. Yes. Disappear in that moment. And Sandoval's like, Oh, right. You guys ready for this? This has never been done before. You want to make it, you know, you don't just. As nor, you know, other people do if you give money or anything to someone who is unhoused, you just hand it to them.

Hand it to them. There you go. You do not make it this, you, sir, are making the bigger deal where you're like, Hey person, can you hold this for me? And then you just run away. What? Who, who are you to for him? What's even like you said, so funny that he not only said that, but then afterwards, you know, he probably was like, damn, I taught something today.

And this will show people that I am genuine. And here's the thing, we all, when we do something nice or what we, when we do those kinds of things, like there is a part of us, like we naturally like we feel good, right? Yes. We feel good about ourselves or like, you know, and so. It just, just the way that you talk about, you make it, you make yourself look worse.

Yes. Like you could've just said, all you needed to say was, you know what, in that moment, Sheena needed money, she was down, I fought for her, and I gave, you know what I mean, like, I gave her money. Period. And that's that period, but instead it was, he goes into, yeah, I didn't even, I forgot that even happened, I didn't want to talk about it.

No, instead we got a 

theatre showcase from, yes, like, I, one night with Sandoval, 

like, please, it just, it was so extra. And I'm just like, boy, no wonder. It's funny because, you know, Ariana used to be Sandoval's mouthpiece, but Schwartz disappears too much to do that. And so Sandoval, we are truly seeing what this man is thinking and doing.

And it is a, it is a wild time. Oh, to be in that room when he did that. 

Ha ha ha. Yep. 

It was really a lot. Yeah, I highly recommend people watching that clip. 

A couple of other things really quickly. Well, Ariana kind of Is validates that Tom does have a side of him that's giving because Katie tries to push back and say that it's all for show.

And Ariana is kind of like, well, it's not all for show. And I think that we've already kind of talked about this. Like we can see from what Kristen has said, from what Sheena has said, it's not completely to be showy about it. It's not completely so that, but there is an element of that. And so Ariana seems to think that he is, uh, he is Giving financially and that maybe is something that's not the worst thing about him.

Yeah. And then. Oh, well, everyone basically confirms that they, every single person believes that Tom's team leaked that rumor about Brock, every single person. Oh yeah. Ariana, for some reason, doesn't outright say it, even though everyone else does. It's just, she's an odd bird. She says, I can't say for sure, but I know that someone that used to work for Sandoval would definitely.

Would have done something like that from what I recall about this person. So I'm wondering if like that person is still in Ariana's camp somehow. Well, I'm like, why are you not saying it? There's no, I don't like up and Adam. 

No, no, no. He had this manager because they talked about it on Sandoval's podcast.

Oh, his name is Adam. I don't know, but he, he does not. He's not on Sandoval's team anymore, but I don't know. Yeah, that was weird. Worded it because it's like, if he's still around, or I don't know if he's still, I don't know his last name or anything about him, but I know, I believe specifically they're talking about some pre our person that he had named Adam.

And then the last thing that I did want to talk about and I'm glad you reminded me. Katie says that Sheena when they're talking about Sheena calling Ariana and, and, you know, having these emotions. Katie says. Yeah, Sheena's a male sympathizer and look, this is all I want to say about this, right? That doesn't mean anything inherently.

Like what does it mean to be a male sympathizer? Is the premise that like no men Are worth having sympathy for in any circumstance like that is not a thing being a male sympathizer doesn't actually mean anything. So I would like for Katie if you're going to go in because you think you're going, you really think you did something there, then you should just say what you think.

If you think that Sheena has a proclivity towards, uh, being siding with men more often than women. If you think that Sheena sides with men. That are that have tendencies that are harmful, then that's something to say, but just saying, because this is why it's frustrating because right now, the audience for, or at least the Internet forums are very much.

Team Ariana, team Katie. And so everything that they say gets taken really seriously. And with, with a platform comes power and influence. And I just think, and this is for all of them, by the way. But in these aftershows, especially because this is not, we're not documenting you all in the moment. You have an opportunity to think about what you're going to say.

And I just find it a little annoying that Katie said that she has a male sympathizer because you don't, you don't elaborate on what that means. You're just like, yeah. So what is this? What the fuck does that mean then? What, like, feminist, like, goddess thing are you trying to, what are you trying to say about that, Katie?

What is your point? Because you could make a really good point if you said, Sheena tends to sympathize with men. That are harmful. She tends to be really compassionate towards people that don't deserve it men that don't deserve it that hurt other women. And so that in that sense she is not a proponent for other women.

If Katie wants to make that argument, I think that would be a really good argument to make. Do I fully agree? No. But does that mean. That she would have no basis. Absolutely not. She totally would have basis for saying that I think that throwing shit out that doesn't mean anything. And she does this a lot.

And so does her ex husband. They say a lot of stupid shit that doesn't mean anything. Emotionally entitled from Schwartz. He used to say that about Katie. What the fuck does that mean? They both they both a lot of times. I don't know what Katie's education is. I know that Schwartz was like, Is like well read to some degree, but they both say a lot of really meaningless talk around the point ass shit.

And it's very frustrating to me. So, Hey, male sympathizer, if you're going to say something like that, explain what it means. Cause to me inherently, that doesn't, that doesn't mean anything. And so I just find that I find that very annoying. I find that's an annoying thing that she does. 

And she couldn't just.

Because she did, she did say this, but I feel like she could have just led with this as far as with Sheena, she struggles because specifically when her and Schwartz got divorced, it was Sheena then started saying, you know, Schwartz was her best friend and she very leaned on to Schwartz and it was like, You know, Katie didn't mean anything and I get Katie, I get Katie, you know, saying that, but as an audience, we do also have to remember that like, when it comes to Katie and Sheena, their relationship has been so up and down, so toxic at times, and when Sheena came into this group, The women hated her.

So who did she lean to on the most? The men in this group. And then when Sheena would get in with the girls, if they did not do any, everything that they wanted her to do, if they did anything that she didn't like, it wasn't a conversation that happened. It was a fight. It was, I mean, never forget when, and I told you this, when Sheena just said about Lala, if I said anything that was ever untrue about you, I do apologize for that.

Oh my gosh, the way that Katie then ran to Stassi and said something completely different as far as like what was said, like there have been moments where, you know, Sheena just does not do anything good when it like in their eyes when it comes to them. And so, And then, but then you have moments when they are, like, good or fine.

Yeah. I can understand Katie feeling a certain way as far as, like, really, like, Sheena, like, here you go, like, you seem to want to comfort the men who are doing this shit. And she can, I understand her, where, where she, you know, Katie has her reasonings for that. But as you said, as far as like a male sympathizer, What exactly, like, I don't know, you need to either elaborate on that, which you did a little bit as far as, you know, you talking about the shorts, she sympathized with 

Schwartz over you.

That does not make her a male sympathizer, whatever the hell that means. It means that she takes the, in your friend group, she tends to take the guy's side over the girl's side, except. That's literally only applying to you, Katie, because she didn't fuck with any of the, so she did the thing, okay, she did the thing with Stassi where she showed other people, allegedly, the, or talked about Stassi's sex tape.

Now I just want to say this, this was pre scanned of all times, and we would not have known about, the audience as a whole would not have known about that if Stassi had not, Let us know. And she should have let us know because it's not okay that Sheena did that. I'm glad that Stassi let us know, but I'm just saying like, maybe if you were going to compare it to other like situations where people are showing videos of people in a state of undress, like, uh, there wasn't a massive fandom that was rallying behind Sheena or Stassi in that, in that moment.

Now, other than that moment. We haven't seen her befriend any of Stassi's exes. Ariana, she, she always took Ariana's side. She didn't have shit to do with Carter. We've never really seen her, like, take kindly to James. Do you think We, I don't understand. Do 

you think Katie just means because, and this isn't a way to word it, because 


Sheena is still friends with like, basically, or friendly or talks to all her exes, so Katie takes it as that.

Which doesn't, that's still not, you know what I mean, like that just, I think to me, that shows that Sheena is, just tries to be friendly with everyone. She does not want bad blood with anyone. And so I don't. But that it's still weird for Katie to frame it in that way and to maybe work for Katie. It seems like we've seen with Katie when she cuts people off, she cuts them off.

She still does not talk with Jackson, Brittany, nor does Stassi with Jackson, Brittany. She Right. Even with Schwartz, like it seems like, you know, she keeps it professional, she keeps a professional and I admire 

that in her, by the way, I just want to say, I know that it's not, first of all, I sound crazy because of my sinuses and I know I sound like I'm going very hard on Katie, but I want to be clear.

I think that her ability to really draw hard boundaries with some of the people, uh, that She does not fuck with. I think that that is an admirable thing to do, but it does not make her a better woman than Sheena for approaching situations differently. It doesn't make her better. I think that it's a different way of handling it and it works for some situations.

It doesn't work for everything. It doesn't work for Sheena's life to not film with Tom Sandoval because Sheena needs to check and Sheena is the natural person to be a quote bridge. So that's all I'm saying, Katie, I think, and, and the problem is that because Katie is always playing henchman, it's frustrating.

I would be very frustrated if some, if me and my best friend who have 20 years of history are going through something and. I find out that someone that I've kind of been on and off friends with for a while I find out that they're kind of in my friend's ear and saying things and hyping them up and not outwardly bashing me but not supporting me either.

That would be really hurtful to me because Ariana isn't a vulnerable place. She is having trust issues she does have a lot going on. It's probably difficult for her to process all this. So I'm just saying Katie. But out just butt out girl. 

Yeah, and that's Like, I love, Katie is very much, she seems like she's in her ways and she will, she really comes hard for her friends.

Yes. But she, to me, it's like, so your friends in your life now, do they just always do what you want them to do or always say the right things? Because it seems like anything that Sheena does or says, if you take it any sort of way, like you come at her so hard. Yeah. Yeah. And Sheena. All of them do things differently.

So, and that doesn't necessarily mean things are, like, some things, you know, is the right way, some things are the wrong way. Obviously, there are some things with that, but it's, like, you know, If, like I said, if my whole thing as far as, like, Katie just thinks it's weird how Sheena seems to just have all these people in her life still, then I can understand, like, that may feel weird for you.

You can't picture yourself do that, but people do do that. People do that. There are, there are people that, Not every relationship that has ended has to be this, you know what I mean? Like it, cause it is, if you think about someone specifically who's been in your life for such a long time and if it didn't end in such like a way, as far as like, you know, Ariana, yeah, then I could kind of, you know what I mean?

Like I can understand like you still like, or you say hi to them or you send a text here and now I don't think Katie can understand that. And so. I don't think that Katie is like, I don't know. 

I don't think that Katie and don't, don't take this the wrong way. I don't think that not you, the people, I don't think that Katie is someone, I think that Katie keeps a very close circle.

I think that Katie is one of those people. She's not a social butterfly. She doesn't have like a big group of friends or like she doesn't consider her friends, that's her. Family necessarily. I think she said that once about the witches of WeHo, but I think that was bullshit. Like, I, I think that she Or like Lala, like, like, Lala doesn't have a lot of friends, but she has like a community mindset where, like, you're all working together towards a common goal.

I don't think that Katie operates like that. I think she has the one or two people, and she's locked in on those people, and that's how she moves. I think that's fine. I have friends that are like that. I think that Sheena is a more social person. I think that she's more comfortable moving through lots of people.

I think that she probably puts herself in situations where she feels like she's very close to certain people. She calls everybody a best friend because she can manage a bunch of different friendships and that's how she operates and that's okay. Not everybody can do that though. And that's okay too.

Like, again, Sheena It is okay. The problem with Katie that I've always had and Stassi is they really are maybe emotionally entitled. They really are. It's their way or the highway and it doesn't have to be like that. It just doesn't.

Yeah. Sorry, I had to cough. Oh, you're good. Well, Lindsay, any other final thoughts on this week? I know Rachel hasn't gone rogue yet. So we're kind of eagerly awaiting. I know. 

I know. We'll see if she goes rogue this coming week. No, I mean, I, next week will be interesting, as far as the episode, because it looks like we'll see a conversation between Lala and Katie, we will also see, because, and we'll get into more of this next week, as far as, because I think the Tahoe timeline is really relevant to the storyline, specifically because After the fan photo thing, when we see in this episode, people were saying, you know, Ariana posted something about people laying off Ashina and she did.

However, we will see on this episode. And we know when that photo was posted, it may have came after a conversation she had with Baba. Right. And so we'll see more of that. I mean, I don't know. Again, this season is weird. I think I liked this particular episode. the most as just a viewer watching. As I said, when I took notes about it, it did piss me off.

Yeah. Just because with how it, what, how it was all done. Again, I think the season could have went so differently. Um, and And it's going to get, it's going to get worse in a lot of parts too, because even when we start to go away from quote unquote, Scandaval, we're going to see Sandoval date this 25 year old T who was on Billy Lee's podcast, who basically spilled a lot of tea on that.

Oh, yeah. Oh, God. I didn't even get into that. I know. But it's a lot. Y'all go listen to it. Read her recaps. Yeah. Yeah. The recap is out there. But, but basically it's, it's going to be bullshit that we're going to see. Yeah. And so I'm just, I'm not looking forward to that. I don't really know what I'm looking.

I'm looking forward to the season to end. I'm looking forward to Jack's coming on. I'm I'm definitely looking forward to that. I know. I am curious as far as seeing that, which will be interesting because we're going to see Jack's go really hard. And we already know now that he is already buddy, buddy with Stanley.

I think that. The best way to tolerate that is, uh, to have never believed that he was ever authentic in anything that he says in the first place. That's true. Why did I right, I know. I never thought 

Also, the three of them, the the way that they probably have so much shit on each other, they will never completely, like, go even when Jax and, uh, Stainable were friends, they just really didn't fuck with each other.

Like, they barely saw each other as much. Yeah. They still didn't like, you know, talk all the shit about each other. They very much, they will, like I said, the amount of stuff that yeah, 

they have, I think that they will. The kind of secrets that they have kept for each other is because the kind of shit that they keep would like land one of them in jail.

So I think that's why, I think that's why we're just gonna have to accept that. In 

that moment, as an audience member, like you'll, you'll probably be watching, you know, them go at it. Just know again, when it comes to the three of them, it just is always going to be this way with them. Totally. And specifically now that, you know, Sandoval is like, I guess, you know, he has a girlfriend now, but like, they're all kind of single ish in a way.

I know Brittany and Jax are only separated, but it just seems like the way that these men have truly not grown at all is Astounding to me. Fascinating. But yeah, we'll see as far as the season goes. I would like for one episode for me and you, like, to have just like fun banter about it and not have to like I know.

Psychoanalyze. Psychoanalyze everything. Yes. And I 

guess like, I don't know. I guess we could stop doing that, but why? 

But also, but why? And I'm not going to stand, like, even with Sandoval, like, trust me, people, I very much try to even understand sometimes where maybe he's coming from, but it's like, then I can't.

And I even, you know what I mean? I can call out some things, but with, with specifically with Sheena, like, I do think it is like an easy narrative of like, oh, you know, here's this again, but you can't, you know, I don't know. I think we have to call out how weird this season is and the dynamics that are going on on and off the show.


Totally agree. Well, guys, we are going to let you go. Um, if you guys haven't already, we are, if you haven't heard, we've only mentioned a million times, we're going to LA, we're going to be at Rob Schulte show. We will be. Maybe guest panelists on the show, who knows, but if you want to get tickets to that tickets are in the show description.

If you guys are enjoying our show and want to support us, we are we, we both have a buy me a coffee page. We both have Venmo both of those things are posted in the show notes, where you can send us, send us five bucks if you want. Since whatever you want, we really appreciate it because it's really going to help both of us achieve a good trip and and just kind of settle our anxieties because we, you know, it's tough out there and we really appreciate it.

We really appreciate you guys if you can't do it financially we totally understand. Listening is helpful because it makes, well, honestly, it's like me, I am Tom giving a homeless person money and running away when it comes to, you know what I mean? Like, just kidding. Um, I, no, I, I really do really appreciate that.

You guys listening to the show and giving us feedback. And if you want to give us five stars, that's cool. Just anything I really appreciate. And you can follow me on Instagram. If you want it, who TF knows Emily Rose, that's at who TF knows Emily Rose on Instagram, WTFK, Emily Rose on Twitter. And where can they follow you, Lindsay?

So you can follow my Instagram at Vander pod recaps and then on Reddit, if you see my name, additional War 87 59. Also, I will be on Tuesday on If anyone listens to your bitch therapist, love her. I'll be on Love Her podcast her. Yes, I love her. I think we did such a really good episode as it, we talked about my two favorite things, therapy and Vander Pub Rules.

Yeah, it was just such a fun conversation. Um, so you can check out those. And again, as you mentioned, like, thank you everyone so much who has donated to our buy me coffees. Like it is, it is so very kind of you. And again, we never. Expect it, nor do you have to, we obviously greatly appreciate it. It's going to help us so much in LA specifically with travel expenses and just navigating LA because you can't get anywhere quickly.

It's not like here in Indianapolis and I'm not used to that. So I'm just, we're really thankful. And I know too, last week you said like that episode, people really seem to enjoy when we talk about Rachel's lawsuit. Like, and that was a really. Uh, fun conversation because, you know, we got to pretend to be lawyers.

Just kidding. 


were cosplaying. Yeah, but I feel like we did a good job at like going over that and talking about that. And so, yeah. 

Yeah, I agree. And I think that about wraps it up. So until next time, I will talk to you guys later. Buh bye!