Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Getting rid of the "Guilty Pleasure" adage one podcast at a time...
Each week Emily Rose will dive into different pop culture topics, and tell you what TF you need to know about them!
Special thanks to: LD Green III for Intro/Outro music "Lord of the Dance" Streaming Everywhere!
Artwork Photographer: Ques Williams for Midas Touch Creative Group
Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Say it with Your Chest: A Vanderpump Rules Recap ft @vanderpodrecaps!! (S11 ep7)
Emily Rose and Lyndsay recap yet another dark-ass episode of VPR, lament about the VPR Subreddits, plead with production to stop screwing with their show, extend grace to Lala, and end with a special preview of what to expect at Rob & Molly's live show!! (aka: Emily Rose screams in Brittany's accent a couple of times lol).
ALSO! Emily Rose unveils her new VPR-centric Subreddit
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Hello, hello, hello. This is Who the Fuck Knows with Emily Rose. I'm Emily Rose, and we're back. Like we never left. We are here to talk about Vanderpump Rules. As always, I am joined by the fabulous Lindsay Lime, aka Vanderpod Recaps. What's up, Lindsay? Hello, good to be back. Another Vanderpump week. Ah, yes, another.
Tiresome week in the world of Vanderpump rules. My God, this, this show, it's really, I mean, it's taking it out of me. I'm not going to lie to you. No, I feel that. And I will say as far as podcast news, not a lot is going on. I feel like we have tampered off a little bit, but there's still so much to talk about still, but it's not huge news, you know?
And then the show itself. It's just us trying to figure out what the hell is going on in the show is a whole other thing. Yeah, there's reddit, drama, there's a lot, there's a lot of, well, there's the after show too that we have to talk about, which is the after show has already kind of been giving, but this after show is giving us a lot.
It's giving us a lot more, it's giving us a lot new people, so a lot to get into. Speaking of reddit. I guess I should tell you guys, I, so this week I texted Lindsay, like I was getting really discouraged by a lot of the conversations that were happening on Reddit, particularly, especially after Rachel went rogue and she did a couple of episodes this week, but she did one with Melissa Reich, who is a Yorubish therapist, who a Lindsay was on her podcast this week as well.
First of all, you and Rachel were on with the same podcaster in the same week. How does that feel? It is very odd. I love Melissa so, so much. We are very similar in ways. And so I'm really proud of the episode that we did, but when she's so good. Thank you. I appreciate that. When she told me that she was going on Rachel's podcast, I was like, girl, get ready because that is, that is so amazing.
Melissa is the perfect person for that conversation. I highly encourage people to listen to it because Melissa does a great job at Educating and validating people's experiences, but not saying, or she's not saying things in a way of no, this is what's happening or she's not diagnosing. She's not acting as Rachel's therapist.
She is there to validate and educate. Yep. And she says that. And I think that Rachel takes that pretty well. I had some, we'll get there. I had some. Thoughts about the episode. Uh, but, so, that happened and then after the episode, I just got, I started to get really anxious about how Reddit would respond.
Yeah. Because the, the sub is, I mean, out of control. It's completely out of pocket. Every single post is Honestly, right now, there was actually a time period where every single post was, like, shitting on Rachel, and I hated that. But now, we're back to every single post is shitting on Sheena. It's every other post, you guys.
I swear. And The thing is, Sheena isn't doing anything. She's been cringy and she said things that are kind of like, ah, come on, but she hasn't actually done anything. But if you didn't know anything about the show and you went on the subreddit, you would think that Sheena like came out and made a statement that she doesn't give a fuck about Ariana.
And she is now sided with Tom and Tom is her priority and she's leaving her family for Tom. That's what you would think based on how people talk about her and when really she hasn't. Ever done anything. She's just like kind of being catty or being, she's just someone that people don't generally like.
And it was just starting to hurt my feelings a little bit because, not just because I love Sheena, but the stuff that people were saying about her was like, I guess because I relate to her in not people pleasing, but definitely managing several different friends at one time and referring to several different friends as your best friend.
And then also. Being in the midst of conflict within a group of friends. Like I've been in those situations. I realized a lot of people haven't I, I guess I'm just so used to it. It seems like now I've whittled down my friend group. I'm not in those same kind of friend groups anymore, but it also came with like maturity, people grew up a little bit.
These people are kind of stuck in a certain type of emotional maturity. That. They're probably not going to get out of until they stop filming tbh, no matter what they've got going on. So all of that is to say I was reading and I was feeling really discouraged. I felt like people were saying things that.
Didn't even, they weren't contributing to like interesting conversation. And so very long fucking ranty story short, I made my own subreddit. Okay. Now I've been talking on Instagram about doing this and I did it in. Maybe it was like June or something. I made it, but then I never followed up on it and I've teased it on my Instagram a couple of times.
But then yesterday, I guess I kind of hard launched it. And. I don't expect to have certainly not the following. Oh, hold on. I need this is my coworker and I need to answer. Hold on one second. Oh, you're good.
If you're at work, then I'm at work, you know what I'm saying? Anyway, yes, guys, it's a virtual day, but we had options to go in. So I don't want anybody thinking that I am like skipping work. I'm not anyway. So I made a subreddit and I, Had a few people join yesterday and I had a couple of conversations going.
There's one commenter who put a lot of really good points in there. And I'm excited about it, to be honest with you. I'm kind of nervous because I'm like, I don't know if I can actually manage a sub. I don't expect it to get to be the size of the Vanderpump Rules subreddit, for example. But I just wanted a place to talk about Vanderpump Rules and not it and have some structure to it.
So like one of the rules that I put in place is. Limited appreciation posts, because I don't need, even as a Sheena fan, I don't need a Sheena appreciation post every single day. You know what I'm saying? We don't need a bunch of that shit we need. I want to talk about why is dancing, but I have a theory about dancing with the stars that we'll get into or talk about the editing of this episode.
There were a couple of times that other Redditors pointed out, you know, you see like in the last scene with all the girls at Allie's house, Mr. Banks. You can see him like cut from being in the chair to be on the floor to being in the chair but it's all in the same conversation so that doesn't make sense even for a cat and Also when they're at dinner like the plates being full and then empty and then full again and then empty that kind of stuff That's what I'm interested in I want to talk about what the dynamics are between these women that are causing such a Seeming disconnect from the audience and I want people to That realize that there's a disconnect to talk about it, but people that don't, that are just like, well, Katie said, Joe is a crack head.
So she must be smoking crack. Like that kind of energy is just not, it's not what I'm into. It was bumming me out. So I did start a new subreddit. It's called are all about the pasta and I'll probably just put it in the show notes. And so if you want to join, you can, and, uh, I also was like, is it weird that I have a podcast?
I'm like talking about having a subreddit, but I also want to be honest with you guys. I don't want you guys to like, I don't want to be anonymous and then have a podcast. Cause that just creates bias. I think so. That's, that's my big news for the week. Well, and I think it's a good refresh because. The Vanderpump Rules subreddit, which I've said before, I am now a mod on, it is Bless your heart.
It is rough because we've gotten to this place where we can't just have fun conversations. It turns into people dragging each other if you don't think exactly the way that someone else thinks about a particular person, or if you question anything, and it goes with all of them, I've seen lately so much talk about Sheena, we finally did implement a stale rule topic that basically if it's something that's been implemented, Talked about over and over again.
Like we get it. Yeah, and but even like right now Joe is being Talked about in a really negative light Calling her a crackhead meth head all this stuff. Just really gross language Yeah, and we'll get into the Joe and Schwartz of it all but it's just it's a weird time on reddit and I think it's Again, the way, I don't know, I feel like it's, we're trying, at least me, being a new mod, I'm trying to help navigate conversations, but it almost feels too far gone.
Yeah, yeah, no. And I, I want to be clear, first of all, This thing with the Vanderpump Rules subreddit is not unique to Reddit, it's not unique to the Bravo subreddit, or the other spinoff subreddits. Usually the spinoff of the Bravo ones tend to be very intense in general, but this is all of the subs. All of the subs have this, you know, you have waves and you have hive mind, so this is not abnormal.
But You know, here I am, like here I am to save the day. My sub isn't gonna end up like that, but it will. I mean, or we could keep it really small and it's just for fun for us to just talk on. Yeah. Also because since I don't have, I don't post these to YouTube and I'm not super engaging on Instagram other than my dms, I think, you know, it's a cool place to talk, so if you guys are interested, I'm also thinking about starting a discord.
Because I recorded an episode of a podcast on Discord last week for this podcast called Piloting Error. It's really cool. And then I realized that through Patreon, all these Patreon Uh, subscriptions that I had all have discords. So you can go in there and talk about the episode and talk about the show with these content creators.
It's really cool. So you guys let me know if you like that idea. That's a fun idea. So speaking of podcasts and discord or discourse, Lindsay, why don't you tell us what's going on in the Vanderpump Rules podcast universe? Oh, right. Well, we had Trying to think of which ones I think, let's start with Rachel's first since we kind of dug a little bit into it.
But yeah, so as you mentioned, Melissa from your best therapist was on the podcast and Rachel, they discussed because in that one episode, Lala looked at Sandoval and said, you groom, you isolate. And so they, they built on that. They talked about that more and Melissa explained what grooming is. And I, I know when I hear the word grooming, I automatically think of children.
But it is not just children, and they talk about what grooming is, who's more vulnerable when it comes to grooming. It was a really educational conversation, and then Melissa made it clear that she was not there to call Sandoval a groomer. She was not saying that either way. I think she explained that very well.
And then Rachel Talked about how she does feel like she was groomed by Sandoval and she gave some examples and again, Melissa did a good job of validating those experiences while also not trying to say what Sandoval is or isn't. So again, I thought it was a really healthy and good conversation. But what's interesting is,
Lindsay, are you there? Oh man,
I have no idea what just happened. The spirit of Joe, Joe, Joe, just kidding. I don't think she's spooky, but you cut off on my end, right? When you were saying what's interesting is, Oh, that we see with Sandoval, this pattern of him. And the women that he's attracted to it, like with Ariana. It, you know, they really connected when her dad passed away.
Right. And then with Rachel, her and James broke up. And so he seems to want, he has this idea of wanting to, he thinks he can mold. We've talked about this before, but mold these women into what he thinks they should be. And You know, Rachel reflected on experiences where she felt like he was kind of singling her out and maybe trying to make her feel special.
And one really interesting note was she said there was a time where he was massaging her feet in front of Ariana. And I thought, what a roll fuck is this? Because it's he trying to show, to tell Ariana Oh, look, like this is just what I do. Were you trying to test her limits and also Rachel's limits?
It was so weird to me. Yeah, I don't know if he was trying to make her, make Ariana feel some type of way or feel like, Oh, you know, look at what you're missing out on. Or if he was trying to express That he needs more physicality, or whatever, or if he was literally just trying to make her get mad. I don't know.
I don't know either. But I think And it's weird No, go ahead. Oh, go ahead. Well, it's weird because I will say the way that Rachel described this moment, it kind of doesn't help the lawsuit in just the narrative, not the actual charges, but this narrative of you saying Ariana didn't or Ariana knew, but then you're talking about a situation that you think made Ariana feel uncomfortable.
So I think that kind of adds some gray area, but I think again, this. I don't know. This falls back more to me on Sandoval and what he was doing during this time. It's just real icky. In Rachel's words, it's icky. It is icky. And also, Ariana's not on trial for, nor will she be on trial for, knowing whether or not there was something going on, right?
Exactly. She is being Subpoenaed, I guess, for how she acquired and then allegedly distributed or viewed the, uh, The video of Raquel. So I, you know, that's just important to keep in mind. Yeah, there is a lot that seems to be validated about maybe we as an audience, uh, weren't, haven't had total transparency from Ariana in exactly where they were in their relationship, which is a different conversation that I'm I know I'm going to get into at some point because it does make me feel a type of way in other arenas, but when it comes to Rachel and the lawsuit, not so much.
I also just want to say, I definitely still struggle with using the term grooming when referring to adults. It's, I'm not going to lie and be like, yep, I totally get it now. Cause I don't, I still kind of struggle with it with my own experiences. And then of course I work with kids. So I, and also I was thinking about it.
In, in the past year or so, it's been so cliche of people to just throw out these very serious what is it, DSMV or whatever, these medical terms to describe, yeah, sociopath, to describe usually kind of one off behaviors or things that we don't like about people or don't understand. So I just, I feel pretty strongly that we should.
We should always be really careful in our word choice. And I think that the way that Melissa handled that conversation is exactly what should be done. Like you're listening, you're talking about the word, you're talking about its effects, what it might look like, how they didn't get too much into exactly what it looks like.
Aside from Tom and Raquel, specifically when it's an adult with another adult, they didn't like, show, have a bunch of examples of that isn't, but she was very clear on how that is possible. And I also think that a lot of it has to do with people. Like you said, coming to people that are in vulnerable spaces and children are the most vulnerable people of all, which is probably why we tend to only associated with children because of course, children are going to be the most susceptible because they're the most vulnerable in general.
So, anyway, that was a great. Conversation, I think. Yeah, I thought it was too, and I think Melissa did a good job at, you know, again, Melissa said, I'm not gonna use the terms narcissistic or groomer. And even Rachel said, you know, I have said narcissistic when it comes to sustainable, maybe I shouldn't. And Melissa was like, just to be clarify, just to clarify, you can use, you say yes, your own words.
Yes, yes. With your own experience. Yes. And I think that is so validating, and again. You may not like to hear it, or it may make you feel a certain kind of way, but I really struggle because, and I shared this with you, this is a really triggering topic for me because of things I've been through, and that is something I went through on, I ended up not posting this recap on Reddit.
Because I just didn't want a whole bunch of comments and everyone has their right. You, you can have your own thoughts on what you think Rachel's saying. I'm not trying to take that way, but I can't sit there. And I know I can make the choice to not read the comments, but I don't want someone to go on that subreddit and see, Oh, wow, I've had a similar experience, but this person saying that's not what that is, right?
That is not other people is not for them to decide. What you've been through in your experience and I'm sure many of us have been told by people know that didn't happen that way or you know you're lying about that and it's not a great feeling. So on Instagram, I have more control of their conversation and so it just, it, it is a rough topic, but again it's, you know, there is more layers to this whole scandal of it all.
And this is just a part of that, but, and it doesn't mean you have to agree with everything Rachel has to say, but she is expressing her experience. Totally. And guys, just so you know, a lot of you are listening, I know because of Lindsay and we, and her contributions, her Instagram, her Reddit comments, like she's not getting paid to do this.
She's truly doing community service. Okay. A lot of people don't have the. I don't have the attention span for every single one of these podcasts. Okay. It's very helpful for me to just read something. And actually you mentioned not Lindsay, I think when you were talking to Melissa and I didn't know this and we talk all the time that there have been people that have reached out to you that are really grateful because they are a hard of hearing or they have completely lost hearing and you, they, so they can't participate in the podcast culture.
Especially with this show. So much of the context is in these cast members, podcast, podcasts, or interviews and things like that. So what would we be right now without the Nick Viall interview with Tom? I don't know who I was before, and I'm not sure I know who I am after, you know, there's a lot of, there's really a lot of, uh, Kristen's early episodes.
She gave us every single detail in those first, like three episodes after Scandal Ball. So the ability to like, have someone that's willing to recap that shit for you and Cliff notes it for you. I'm just saying. You know, maybe remember there's a real person behind these comments and, and these posts and try to be, try to keep at least those posts kind of respectful.
If you just really can't do it with any others, I'm going to say, I'm going to be the Lala.
Thank you for that. And I really do. Again, I, with my recaps, I do try to be aware of the conversation. I do want to try to create safe spaces. I have more. Control. Well, even though I'm a monitor on Reddit, Reddit, I get, you know, obviously way more traction because how, I mean, how many people are tens of thousands of people on there.
Exactly. And so, you know, and even with my Instagram, there's still some comments on there where I'm just like, you know, I don't really like that, but you can express yourself, but again, it's a lot less over there. And so, and the, it is, it's a weird time of the Vanderpump world. We're talking a lot about real heavy topics, and so I have to keep myself in check and everyone else.
I definitely, um, I, you know, want y'all to keep yourself in, in check and sometimes all of this is. Can be a lot. So just remember everyone, if you need to take time for yourself, please do turn off. Yeah. Get away from the Vanderpump world because it, it, it is a lot right now. It is. And then, let's see, let's, we can talk about Jax and Brittany a little bit, then we can talk about Sheena, but did you, did you listen to that episode?
No, I have to tell them, Lindsay said the funniest shit to me this week, when we were talking kind of about all that deep shit we just got done talking about, so not to take us back there, but we were talking about it, and at one point Lindsay was talking about something and she said, And I'm just, I've got a lot.
There's a lot to process. I have to listen to fucking a reality of whatever the fuck Jackson Britney's podcast is. And I thought that was so funny. I was like, truly you're doing the Lord's work. Like I don't have the emotional capacity to listen to that shit. They are so fucking annoying. Oh my gosh. Yeah.
I was like, I need to process all this stuff and I have to listen to what reality hits. So I just can't even right now. She was like, I don't, I don't Emily. It took me so long to recap this episode too because of the headspace I was in. I was getting so annoyed. But it was such an interesting episode because Kristen was on it.
And Jax and Brittany, it is, it is so weird that they are separated, but during this podcast together, it is, the vibes just feel so off, but they got in the conversation of Jax. Brittany is saying Jax seems to be reverting to the, the ways that he used to be. And I'm just like, I just feel like Jax has always been this person, but what I thought was really interesting is they're talking about.
When Jax, when he comes at people, he really goes hard on them and he talks about how, you know, when him and Brittany get into arguments, they really go hard. And then afterwards they're like, Hey, you want to go get something to eat? And they're fine. And Brittany said, yeah, but how much can I, more of that can I take?
And he said that it seemed like she was like burying stuff inside. And I was like, now that's interesting because. And I see that with the reality space, particularly like with Lala and Katie's conversation at the end, I sometimes wonder if they get stuck in, we see these really heated arguments, and then they're fine.
Right? And I kind of wonder if that translates over to their real life, and then Jax, who he is as a person, I'm like, oh wow, maybe Brittany is getting to the point because there's now a kid involved, where she really is, you know, Trying to process that and figure out what is going on there, but the way that Brittany still thinks Jax is going to change, girl, that's where she's fucked up.
That's what's got you fucked up, girl. He's. The fact that you thought that all of his behavior was a result of reality TV and not his behavior is what makes him good reality TV that's where you fucked up, Brittany. Because I think that she thought when the show was over, not that they were actively trying to be off the show, but I think maybe they were in it for so long and then when it stopped.
She kind of, she adjusted and she transitioned and she was like, all right, our life is this now. And I think she probably started to like it because honest to God, only people like Jax, are going to be so fulfilled by the fame. And I'm not even saying that I don't understand that. But I also am, I know the kind of person that he is.
And. He's been chasing fame since he was, you know, since I was practically in the womb. I mean, the guy's old as dirt and he's trying to, he's trying to recreate that now with the valley. And I think I can see how that would cause tension in the marriage for sure. And I can see that's probably what she means when she said, I mean, I think that Jax probably has cheated, but.
I also wonder though has he cheated or like what caliber I don't see him going out to the bars and like getting like young girls. I don't think that girls in their early twenties would see him and want shit to do with him and that I have friends that are in my, in their early twenties. Okay. I may not be, but I know those who are, I don't think that they're into his thing anymore.
Gen Z is really not into that. But I can see him. I'm about to be so messy for no reason. I can see him with like a, like a Tammy Pascarelli, like an older, like a contemporary of his age, like a comic who was like into Vanderpump rules. And everyone knows that he was hot when he was young. So someone who like sees him for what he was back then, I can see that happening.
You're messy. She's never going to listen to this child. I just learned who she was three days ago. I know that made me laugh so much. I can't say, is there a possibility that Jax has cheated on Brittany since they've been married? Absolutely. However, yeah, I don't. I think someone in the valley made a good point as far as if he has.
I think that would have been found out or if it has been found out. I don't necessarily know if Brittany would care about that. I mean, we've seen, you know, as far as when he cheated with Faith, not to say she wouldn't be upset, but then maybe that's something they've worked through. I don't know. I think more of the reason why they're separated now is because Jax is truly an asshole.
I think she's trying to protect her kid. Where I feel bad for her is I think she's still holding on to Jax is going to change. But literally what Jax was saying in this podcast was what we have heard every year. I'm a work in progress. I'm working on myself. He even said at the end, you know, I think in order for me to work on myself, I'm going to need a pill.
And she said in therapy and I, and you know what, maybe Jax will go to therapy. Maybe if there's medication he needs, maybe he'll get on that. But. Um, there's not. Yeah. And also sometimes people are just assholes. I know we like to say as someone who's worked in the mental health field, you do there's a validation and when you get a diagnosis of something, you're like, Oh, like this, this helps me explain some things.
But sometimes you're just people are assholes and sometimes people have asshole moments, you know? And I think Jax is just an asshole. Now that not to say he. There isn't stuff that he's been through that has contributed to who has shaped who he is, but to the core, I cannot see him making changes because there's a lot of this.
I think this is just the core of who he is. Right. That makes sense. And then also, why would you change if you're being incentivized to stay the same and reality television is going to incentivize you will that the brand that they're in to be as messy and dramatic and spilling everybody's secrets as type shit as possible.
And that is probably very hard to live with. So for a partner. So. Listen, I probably am the least empathetic towards Britney and I still see her point, um, and where she's coming from. So what can I say? Was there anything else that went on in that episode or was that? No, I think there's, and I haven't read it.
I think there's been articles that recently came out either today or last night where Britney talks more about why they're separated. I haven't read those, but I think those are out there. Um, Yeah, it will be interesting. Um, I think the Valley is gonna make me cringe a lot because I already I mean, we saw in that trailer, the jacks of it all when her and Brittany are talking.
So yeah, so stay tuned. Again, they said this is not a PR stunt as me and you've talked about, I do think there's real issues. I think they're using that now to get people excited for the show and for people to tune in. But I do think the issues are real. And then lastly, this kind of ties into the episode of Vanderpump is shenanigans.
She noted an episode today. She answered a lot of questions. She talked a lot about Ariana and her, her comment about Ariana being the backup dancer. And she said, you know, she was trying to joke and it was self, um, deprecating and people are like, that's not. We talked about this offline, but it's, Sheena, you, you could have just said yeah, I was being shady or I, maybe she was really trying to be a joke and it didn't lay, just say that.
Girl, just say you were being shady. It's okay. Yeah, and confessionals, they've all done that before. Literally. Sheena is in a place right now and I can't blame her where she thinks she has to explain everything. But. Sheena, there's no winning. She can explain it and I do think Sheena explains things better on her podcast because specifically with the way this show has been edited, I think every time I leave listening from her, listening to her podcast, I'm like, okay, I get Sheena a little bit more.
Yeah, but the, the thing is she. The, honestly, even just the need to respond, which Ariana kind of talks about for this episode too, like the need to respond and clarify all the time, these people don't deserve your clarity. All right. They're not going to like you. I saw a comment on your recap that was like attacking her for calling it her show.
And I'm like, it is, it was like. It was Sheena's show, it was her show to be on. So it's weird for you to be like, how is, she's so selfish for calling it her show girl. It was not the Ariana and Sheena show. It was her damn album release. It was her show. It's she was just being shady. It's not a big deal.
It's just not right. It's not a big deal, but then she makes it a big deal and then makes it very difficult to defend her. But I said, well, obviously, well, and I will say it will be interesting because they, they go on the reunion this Saturday and. Sheena and I don't, I, I think this episode was recorded before watch what happens live.
I'm not entirely sure, but again, we see Sheena on the podcast say me and Ariana, we're good. We're good. And I think Ariana and Sheena still need to have a conversation. So I think that's going to happen at the reunion. And so we'll see how that goes. But I do think Sheena needs to say more of how she truly is feeling instead of trying to people please, even Lisa called that out in the episode like you, you, she needs to work on that.
And then this, you know, she feels like she has to answer to everything the audience is saying, as we said, she's not going to make everyone happy, just, you know, try your best. And this Podcast and the episode particularly made me realize more and more and we'll get into this how much of this season is really tied to people, the cast being so nervous about making a good season, and how a lot of this stuff is tied to filming.
Yeah. A lot of these conversations. Are about filming, but they can't say filming and it just hurt that just little things that Sheena said. Right. And she also mentioned when she talked about the, the seating arrangement for the meditation, that person, the yoga person or whatever, whoever production plant told her,
to sit at the end. She was sitting somewhere else and then they specifically told her to sit at the end. So that per girl, again, give her some credit because she clearly was set up in that situation. And then she even said, you know what? I, I know I left, but then I said, I have the show I have to do. So they were just the, the weirdness of the season and the positions that people were put in because of the direction they went with this season.
I don't know. I'm not, again, Sheena is not a person that I'm just not going to sit here and just shit on over and over because I think there is more to her and, um, I've always said, I think Sheena has a big heart and I, I stand by that. Yeah, I obviously agree. Um, okay.
All right, so let's get into the episode. So we start off with a little bit of a montage. We see James and Allie swimming with the dog. We see Brock trying to give Summer Moon a cracker or something, and then he gets very in his feelings about it. And then Summer Moon gives Sheena some stage directions and blocking advice and says, fall for me.
And Ever the people pleaser, always putting other people first. Sheena just slides right off of the bean bag, which I thought was kind of funny. And then we get a scene of Sandoval coming home from the Tahoe ship trip and his assistant, who we learned also in Watch What Happens Live is also not Ariana's assistant.
So she, uh, Anne's getting ready to go see Barbie. And I thought it was really cute. Let me see if I can pull up a picture. I thought it was really cute that Anne was like, Oh, uh, Hey Tom. I, uh, didn't think you'd see me like this. And she is just dressed so adorable. She, um, what was she wearing? She had like little clips in her hair.
Well, she had a pink dress on too, right? And like a little cardigan. Yeah, she had a little cardigan. She had a pink clips in her hair. I'm trying to find what I wore because I really hoed out for that moment and I thought that it was really funny that she was like being so coy about it. Um, now why would I take this picture?
That's nuts. They'd have all walked in and Anne was like, Oh, I wasn't expecting you. Yeah. Yeah. She was like, I wasn't expecting you. It was a little, it was a little flirty, honestly. Um, this is what I wore. I don't know if you can see that. Yeah, I can see it. Nice. So I was That's a lot more, that's a lot more, uh, that whore in there vibes and Anne was very wholesome and I just thought it was really cute.
Yes. Very. And they get into it and they're talking. She asks him how the trip was. She asks him if there was any fighting and he was like, well,
and then of course we get a montage flashing back to all the fighting. He's well, I mean, yeah. And then she was like, ha ha. Yeah. So, and then he's well, I'm, uh, I'm going to go really purge myself. And I'm like, First of all, sir. And then he's Oh, my feelings. I'm going to go journal. And Ann dead ass goes, you're going to do that by yourself, right?
Like not here. He was like, no, not here. See you later. I was like, Jesus. That, that to me, I was thinking, Oh no. How many times has Sandoval, like in his words, purged his feelings onto Ann. She was like, You're going to do that privately, right? Please, sir, I have a movie to catch. I know. And then Ariana, we see her in the opposite room, just hearing Sandoval.
And I was just thinking to myself, man, how miserable does it have to be to be in one room and you hear your ex. And she made a funny comment of saying she wished she could click her heels three times and be home, but she already is. And I'm just like, ugh, I get with the house situation, there's a lot more to it, but I just, I couldn't have, I could never.
Honestly, I've come to a place with the house of accepting that I don't think that there's that much more to it and I think she should just leave. That's where I'm at with the house. Um, it's just like I'm gonna, I'm gonna give grace to a lot of other complicated feelings so I'm gonna, I'm gonna own a couple things.
The house is gonna be one of them. I think she should just move. Um, then we see, we see Sheena go to LVP's house. Sheena's also dressed in Barbie attire and that is not common to her but she looks great and she goes to LVP's house. House and has a conversation with her about how things went at the Lake Tahoe trip.
And then of course, about the picture, which we already got into a lot on last week's episode, but she's bringing up when a fan asked for a picture, they took a picture, she was standing by Sandoval. I would like to say, Sheena was not like grabbing Sandoval by the hip and Biting his cheek, like Katie tries to allege later on the after show.
She actually is standing noticeably away from him, in my opinion, but okay, whatever. So she's talking to LVP about that, and then she says, she brings up Dancing with the Stars and how she wanted Dancing with the stars so badly and then we see LVP like I was actually surprised that evolution didn't cut in footage of Kyle doing an impression of LVP fainting on dancing with the stars because that's so classic, but they didn't forget about that.
Yeah. And so but you see, LVP have a trauma flashback, and we're back in the scene and. Sheena's talking about it. And so this is what, this is my theory of the week. Conspiracy theory with no basis of the week. The only way for me to really make sense of this is to assume that when Scandal broke and it started getting a lot of attention that ABC reached out to either Bravo Evolution or Slash Lisa Vanderpump and said, Hey, we're thinking of taking a VPR cast member on.
We're thinking of putting them on the show. Do you have anyone in mind? And then Lisa, who's messy, tells the The cast Hey, they've actually, they're, they want one of you to be on dancing with the stars. I think that Ariana was like, Oh no, I wouldn't do that. Because I don't think that Ariana would do that.
I don't think that that is something that Ariana would volunteer to do because I don't think that Ariana. Is as invested maybe as everybody else in this reality TV world. And so I can see Sheena being like, well, if Ariana isn't going to take it, I'll take it, I'll definitely take it. And then I can see Sheena being like, all right, fuck it.
I'm going to take the classes. I'm going to devote my whole life to it. I'm going to leave my family. I'm going to leave the kids. I'm moving across the country. Just kidding. That's not her that does that, but she's going to really uproot her life and start training for dancing with the stars.
Only for ABC to come back to LVP and say, yeah, no, we're only going to take Ariana. Like we weren't, this wasn't for everybody. This was just for Ariana. And then everyone being like, Ariana, you better goddamn do this shit because This is going to be it. And it was huge. Have you ever seen like a junior league?
You're not going to see Shep rose on dancing with the stars. You're not going to see captain Lee. It's a big deal. And so I think that's what happened. And I think that that's why Sheena is talking about it as if it were a competition or as if it had ever been suggested, because that's the only way that that would make sense to me.
And. Maybe not maybe Sheena is just like she says that she's hurt that she found out on Instagram But that's not really what she's saying in the first place So, I don't know if the if the story has changed if it's like they're so afraid of breaking the fourth wall I don't think I mean I guess if we're not talking about it like a show then a network wouldn't reach out and be like hey we're watching your uh Group of friends and uh, your staff at your restaurant and we want to have one of your waitresses come on You know, they wouldn't do that.
So right I guess you see what I'm saying. I guess it is breaking the fourth wall I do but it is I do very much think there had to have been more of a conversation of one of them doing Dancing with the Stars because For Sheena to say she started to do dance and do things to prepare for it, it seems like there was some sort of proposal.
Now, I don't know. I know you mentioned maybe it was presented to Ariana and she said no. I don't know. I think I could see either way. I could see Ariana maybe not wanting to do it at first, but I also could see where Ariana would jump on that opportunity specifically with her background and stuff, but I don't, I don't know, but I definitely agree with, there was some talk of some of the, one of the cast members being on Dancing with the Stars, and then it turned into Ariana doing it.
And I don't know if maybe Ariana when she found out, maybe she was nervous because we'll get to this Ariana and Sheena seem very nervous to talk to each other. Yeah. Maybe she was nervous to tell Sheena because she knew how much Sheena wanted it. But then I think with Sheena, it is a combination of she really wanted to answer with the stars.
And she's, she's seeing this pattern of she's feeling that Ariana is telling the outside world all these things, and she knows the last to know, and I think she knows in her feels about that, which I get, but again, it's This weird dynamic of Sheena and Ariana, not talking but talking about some things I do think it's a combination of that.
I also would think, Sheena, and maybe she will on the reunion, because they seem to break the fourth wall more so maybe we will see Sheena or someone say, Sheena was supposed to be on dancing with the stars, or she really thought she was going to because this conversation happened. Maybe we'll get that because I feel like Sheena would be the type to say that.
And it seems like that's what they're alluding to a lot on the show. But as you mentioned, that is kind of fourth wall breaking. But this season in particular is being really weird on what they're choosing to break the fourth wall. Right. I need to talk to someone because you're not choosing it in the right way.
No. It's not interesting, the way that you guys are choosing to break the fourth wall. No, it's not. Even in this next scene where Ariana and Lala go to get coffee, uh, somebody brought up some podcasts or maybe, uh, maybe it's, I was watching Kempire on YouTube, brought up that it was kind of a weird scene that you don't normally see where they're walking and it looks like they were going to sit And be seated to have a conversation, but then all of a sudden they kind of get up and start walking and you see like random people in the background.
Um, I have it playing in the background right now, actually. Do you know what it was giving? What? It was giving the hills. Oh. It was giving the hills. When they're, yeah. Because there's a particular, There's a particular part where this definitely was a Ariana went into a studio and said this, because she said, what happened on your trip?
The audio sounds different. So maybe they just couldn't pick it up when they were there. But do you remember on the Hills that happened a lot where you don't see their mouths moving, but you hear this weird audio. So that whole scene to me was giving the Hills. Yeah. I, and the AI voiceover thing is kind of.
happens a couple of times in this episode as well. Yeah. And so that's where I'm like, you guys can't fix that, but you're, you're going to leave this kind of sloppy ass shit in, but then we can't talk about the fact that they're on a show like that. How are they editing this season? So it's, The, the quality and the picturing of the show looks so much better, particularly everything about first season, but the editing seems messier.
They're leaving pieces that, that makes the story not make sense. Um, you mentioned that we'll get into other podcasts, talk about scenes where you see, You see food and you don't see food. They're rearranging the conversations a lot. And usually you see that shit on love is blind. You see that a lot, but Vanderpump, I haven't really noticed those things before, but this season, I don't, it just seems rushed.
Everything seems rushed this season. And just the way they're editing is so interesting. Yeah, I mean the whole concept seems rushed like y'all couldn't wait like I don't know. Yeah So Lala and Ariana they go to coffee at a place called be bright coffee I wrote down just in case we pass it when we're in LA and they're talking about the trip.
Like you said and I want sorry I'm a little distracted because now I have it playing in the background and watching them interact Lala with no words is really a sight to behold. Um, so Lala is pretty much explaining to Ariana that she thinks that Sheena was really affected as she was by the response from the picture in Tahoe.
And that essentially Ariana needs to say something and Ariana responds by what? I don't know what you thought about this. I thought this was. Very goofy for her to say, she said, well, I just don't, you know, I don't want to say anything because then it becomes a headline and me and Lala in unison are like, bitch, it's all a headline.
This whole thing is a headline. What are you talking about? You don't want it. I do not understand. Even from the most empathetic standpoint, I cannot figure out why. What that even really means I don't get it. No, I I'm not buying it. I think I don't know if Ariana didn't want to say it, but I think in that moment, she used that as a weird excuse.
I do think, and I wonder, when that photo came out, because Ariana wasn't there, and she even said in the after show, it was this weird thing where they weren't there. I'm sure when she saw that photo, some feelings came up. And because her and Sheena don't talk about things, she held a lot of that in and no way in her mind was in her thought to come to the defense of Sheena in that moment.
And so I think it was more of that. I'm not buying this whole. You know, make my words into headlines because that's all this time period was. And as she said in the after show, she doesn't think about, you know, when people say a mean comment about someone to run to their defense, she just, you know, ignores it, but as Lala pointed out.
Ariana, you are in the comments a lot, and you had to have seen how people were going hard after Sheena. This wasn't just a little thing. People were going really, really hard on her, and so I think it would've been okay for Ariana to be, you know, I had to sit on with my feels for that with a little bit.
But the way that you're describing it now, I can see that more. But instead she used this weird excuse about headlines and I, I didn't get that either. No, I still, I still don't think it had to do with headlines unless unless her PR team was literally like, don't respond to Tom because X, Y, z, whatever reasoning they would have.
But other than that, nah, girl. These people come for Sheena. They were already coming for Sheena on some bullshit about Rachel and Tom as if she had anything to do with that. She you know how they come for her. And well, and they're coming for her in your name, Ariana, it's not like she, in the after show, she says, if someone says a mean comment about Katie, I'm not going to go on my Instagram and say, you guys need to leave Katie alone.
And I'm like, they're not, people are not saying mean things about Katie in your defense. They were, they were saying mean things about. Sheena saying that she's a bad friend to you saying that she's betraying you saying that she is not worthy of your friendship so either say I didn't feel like she was worthy of my friendship in that moment or Fucking defend her cuz what the hell cuz it's weird It's weird for or else like I always have to leave room for this because you know I my mind always goes to like drugs and alcohol Maybe Ariana knows that like They were partying or something and so she knows more than we know and so maybe she knows that they were like engaging on a level that she's uncomfortable with, but she can't say that right so she felt away not because they took a picture, but because she knows that they were doing stuff.
Yeah, do you see what I'm saying? Yeah, like a night out with tom usually results in xyz and she knows that sheena probably participated and that made her feel away But she can't say all of that, but still at the same time like okay girl But you're on a show and you have a fan base. And so if there's stuff that's supposed to be private then Let it be private and you just defend sheena online and she did end up doing that.
, Lala says that Sheena needs closure and for Ariana to say I love you. And Ariana says I do say I love her, I'll always, , You know, I, I do love her.
She is my best friend, but my position has not changed. She does not get any sort of access to my life via me or mutual friends. I'm not down with him being around, but see, then again, that's like contradictory because he wasn't around on the Tahoe trip, right? Like you weren't there. Yeah. I think that, I think she was really talking about filming.
I think like with him, she just, she really wants to say, I am not. I think Ariana went into this season thinking, and look, Lala and Sheena were both saying this on their podcast. I think there was this understood thing of they all really thought they weren't going to film with Sandoval. And then I think the season started and production conversation started happening and Sheena and Lala quickly were like, well, how the fuck are we going to make a show then?
Right? And so those are I could have told them that. Right. And so because they went this way with the show, I think this started happening, whereas Ariana and Katie very much stuck in their, you know, with their ways as they should, but then you can't, then it becomes this messy thing of trying to create a show.
Right. So I think when, you know, when Ariana says things like, you know, I don't want him to have access to my life. That doesn't really make sense. Right. Because you do still do a show with him. You live with them. You still do a show with him. So that doesn't really make sense. But I think she really wants to say, I, I, Not fucking with people who are choosing to film with him right now because I think she had a different Perception coming into the show and but they're not gonna say that well, and then she says Which I really I'm glad she said this because it made me understand where she was coming from more when she was more vulnerable when she said, Oh, yes, I think I don't want for it to be a thing where okay, Sheena is giving him an end.
So then Lala will then James will then Allie will on and on and then it turns into everyone icing me out. Yeah. Because that's what he wants. And I was, I texted you, I was like, I did not ever consider that she ever thought that she would be iced out. No. That the group like, and that I was like, that's so vulnerable of her.
I, I had just had never even considered that. And that made me understand where she was coming from. But then I was like, bitch, these we're not gonna, we need you just as much as we need Rachel and Tom. Like we need your perspective too. Don't Yes, that do this, that was, that was so beautiful. I hated that for, that made me sad.
I made me say that was like, yes, Arianna, this is you're really, you are letting people know your emotions because there is even a moment where Lala was trying to talk to her and Arianna did that voice where she goes, I'm kidding. I'm sorry. And Lala was like, no, don't shut down in this moment. Yeah.
Let's talk. And then. Yeah. And that's when you see Ariana, her confessional talk about, you know, he's gonna worm his way with Sheena and then Lala and then everyone else, I'm going to get iced out. And that was such a real emotion. And it also shows where Ariana, I think, again, she's confused with the space of what she thought filming was going to look like.
And now she's seeing it go in a different direction of what she thought. And I don't think she's thinking clearly because. Lala has never fucked with Sandoval, so that's really sad to show her thinking if she thinks Lala's gonna ice Ariana out and go with Sandoval. That's not a thing. I think Lala, as you see, will be in the same, you know, vicinity as Tom, but he, she's not gonna really, you know, Fuck with him.
Now, Sheena, I understand Ariana feeling more mixed emotions about that because obviously you stand up on Sheena. I've had a relationship, right? So I can see her really, I understand more of her feelings of being scared that Sheena is going to ice her out. But that just shows that while people are saying, You know, Arianna has seems like she's moved on and process a lot of stuff.
There's still a lot of hurt feelings there and I wish, and we need to see more of that. And you need to talk to Sheena, Arianna, sorry to interrupt. No, you're fine. But yes, talk to Sheena and maybe we will get more. Of those conversations, but I still don't think Ariana and Sheena seem like they're on the same page, even to this day, Sheena lives in this world of anytime she talks about Ariana, we're good, we're good.
Ariana doesn't really reciprocate that. It's more of, there seems to be something in the air. And so again, the reunion will be interesting as far as how filming goes, but yeah, I really, and maybe there is more of that vulnerable side to Ariana. They may not always show it because editing did do Ariana dirty when they showed like the two times she got mad on the show.
No, because you're going to show that shit. And we've talked about this online. There specifically has been moments where we have been questioning if they have took stuff out to not show because the boots were on the ground when season 11 was filming. We had a lot of information and there, there, granted, I guess it was blind items, but there are videos and at least of the scenes, not the conversations, but there are rumors of, Lisa and Sandoval really getting into it more so than what we saw that very, what was it, second episode when they were talking at, uh, No, there was a, uh, according to the blinds at the time, there was a full on screaming match between MVP and Tom Sandoval.
It was this huge thing. There were a couple of people that verified it at the time. And then all of a sudden. Nothing. We don't see that. So you're not going to show that. And as I, we talked about, I don't know, again, they really were trying to help Sandoval this season. So if they show him already coming in that hot, they're like, that's not going to look good.
But then you're going to show Ariana get mad the three times that she got mad. Like that, that it wasn't even funny. Sometimes when they do flashbacks like that, it's funny, but that wasn't funny to me because again, the way the direction of the season is going. I'm like okay, so I have to wonder Going back to that if there are more vulnerable moments with Ariana, but they're not showing that and Rob Schultes talked about this, too like I don't need for production or Editing or any of that to guide me in my thoughts about how I feel about Ariana Like I'm an intelligent Viewer and a responsible consumer of media and entertainment.
So I think I don't need you guys to do that. I'm going to, and then I wonder What kind of focus groups are going on? Because I wonder when they test certain likeability of certain characters, storylines, interest, uh, sustainability of whatever. What are they coming up with? And so I'm wondering now, does the cast have access to that kind of feedback?
Right? Are they privy to that? And so, is that what made, well, if we're going to really talk about it, did Ariana not get it? More favorable responses out of these kind of focus groups of Sandoval, and is that why there's a rumor that she was on the chopping block? Is that where that kind of thing came from?
Is that why Ariana has this perspective that she's going to be iced out because the fandom is going to side with Tom based on the data? And then. The other people are going to fall in line because they need their jobs. I don't know, obviously, again, I have been applying to Nielsen every fucking month. I look to see if they have a job opening.
They will not hire me. I don't know. I swear to God, I'm really, I really would be a good asset to their company. But I think if, if there was some sort of information that was given to this cast about likeability. Ratings, things like that. Maybe, maybe that plays into it, but I did appreciate Ariana's vulnerable side.
Yes. Okay. And we just talked about it a little bit. When we go to pump, I'm sorry, we don't go to pump. We go to Tom Tom with the pump signage out on the gate and we have Charlie, the waiter. He's great. I want to keep lock him in. Cause he seems very nice. Um, and. Lisa and Tom don't talk about it to each other, but in their confessionals, Tom's uh, seems like something you should have, uh, consulted me and Schwartz on.
I'm like, what the fuck are you guys going to do? What are you going to do? Aren't you on tour with this cover band? Fucking your best friend's girl. What are you going to do about a sign on a gate? Literally. How does that affect the brand of TomTom, Sandoval? Tell me more. Well, and that's what one of the rumors were going around that Lisa and Ava got together.
That that fight was about that? Mm hmm. Yes. So then we see this weird thing of And being like, Oh, the gates there and her being like, yeah, and we have a chef over at pump. And then you have to stay in the most, you know, confessional. And then Lisa is saying, why would I consult with someone who has two and a half percent of TomTom?
Right. My gosh. So I remember I thought they had 5%. Or was it split between them? I think it was split between them. I think it was split between them. Yeah, they're in such a bad deal. Like TomTom. Uh, but they thought they were taking such a good deal. But they, I mean, they were for their skill set. And for what they know about business.
That is a good deal. And Lisa is so much smarter than them. So it is. But from an actual money standpoint. They got kind of fucked over. It's kind of funny and I think with the, also I just wanted to mention, I don't know when the scene was filmed, but I, it certainly wasn't filmed at the time of the signage actually being put up on that gate.
That's what I'll say. So I think they're replacing, I think that they're replacing the actual conversation that was had, which was a screaming match, allegedly. With this more civilized, random sit down in the middle of the day. Well, and you have that weird moment, and I told you about this, and other people called out on Reddit, was when Sandoval ordered a Coke, he then also says margarita.
And there was a time where he wasn't drinking, and then now he is. Right. So that part, I don't know, that was just a weird part. He also calls, and I think that you, I think that you sent something that debunks this, but I, Right. Either forgot or didn't look into it enough, but he refers to Raquel as Rachel and I still don't think he was calling her Rachel until recently.
Yeah, I will say the, she did come out in July, which is around this timeline that said she would like to be called Rachel, but I don't know. Are you sure about that being July? God, I should have sworn it was more recently. No, it was right after she came out of the meadows. That there was a statement. Yeah, there was a statement put out like that.
So I do So, but I still think this scene was either reshot or retouched. Something happened because again, I don't think this is what originally happened specifically of what we are hearing during that time. Um, and as you said, it wasn't just like other people that were, they were confirming that something happened.
It wasn't just this one thing, because as we see, like we've noticed, you know, sometimes while we can. Visually see stuff. We don't always we don't know what the conversations looked like. Right. But this in particular, there was just so much talk about Sandoval during this time, but we're not seeing any of that.
So I do think this scene It just, I don't know. Also, Sandoval seemed to be being like real extra when talking about Rachel, so that didn't, not that he ever really seems authentic to me, but just the way, particularly at the end, when he was, I swear he was trying to squeeze a tear out, but he like put his hands to his face because, you know, she was talking about, um, when he said, well, she, she blocked me the way that he said that.
The way that it triggered, again, we talked about this so much with him, he reminds me so much of kids that I worked with, when she blocked me, and Lisa was like, well then it's over, that cracked me up so much, well then it's over. Yeah, it's well, good luck Chuck. But that's when he like, puts his hands over his face and he's just it just seemed even more extra to me, so again, I don't know, that, that whole scene was weird.
It was weird, and he, you know, Lisa's well, I've actually talked with her at length. And I'm like, girl, you did not talk with that bitch. She, Rachel already said she didn't talk, like she talked to you. But the way that Lisa's like framing it is, is if she was getting the intel so that she could break it to Tom.
And it's Rachel was talking to you because you wouldn't leave her alone. That's why she was talking to you. I thought it was so interesting when Lisa said she said she wasn't comfortable lying to people and you said life is lying. You said, I did not say that. Yes, you did. Rachel in her podcast said, he said, he told me lying is a way of life.
And y'all, I know, I know. I don't know Sandoval, but I'm telling you, I know people like Sandoval and because Lisa did not say the exact wording of what Sandoval said. He will say he did not say that. That is the kind of person he is. I cannot stand that shit. I grew up with that shit. And I was like, oh, he's I didn't say it exactly like that.
So he's going to say I didn't say that. And at least Rachel's already talked about it. That's like him attacking, uh, Vial, Nick, for being late. Nick's I was maybe five minutes late, but we started very much on time. And he's well, you were late. Late's late. Late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late.
You were super late, dude. Nick's the literal text receipts show me being three and a half minutes late. Yep. Yep. Okay. So now we go to, so now we have Sheena, Christina Kelly, the lip balm queen herself, Katie Lala, they all go to lunch. Apparently this rooftop bar that they go to, it is not recommended that you get raw fish there.
I don't know if it's a sushi place, if crudo or whatever. Right. But, you know, I'm taking. Taking names for every single place that they go to. That's funny. So, they learn in the course of this dinner, Summer broke her arm. Which, uh, I too broke my arm. But I was seven, and I also had a pink cast. I do believe that was of my own volition, but who knows.
Uh, actually, funny story. I fell off of the playground equipment, and I broke my arm. And I found out a year and a half ago, That I apparently had been complaining about my arm hurting for two weeks, but because my parents had labeled me as like very dramatic, they didn't believe that anything was wrong.
So I was walking around with a broken arm for two weeks before they took me to the doctor and it turned out I'd broken my arm. So then they put me in a cast. So, uh, any insight into childhood trauma that anyone needs? There we go. Ding, ding, ding. And so I have to commend Sheena on her parenting here. She realized something was wrong and she took her kid to the fucking hospital.
But then, of course, there were still at the time, there were people that were like, Wow, Sheena can't even keep her daughter safe. It's guys, kids break their arms. That shit happens. I know people also came for her and they're like, It's a fracture, not a break. And Sheena was like, They told me a fracture is a break.
It is. I know! But people, I remember people were saying that on Reddit. That's what I'm saying, this girl can't win. I can't stand these people! These guys are a bunch of psychopaths, dude. Y'all, there are things that we can come at Sheena for or have a conversation about, but as far as her kid's arm being broken or not, let's let that be.
The kid's arm was broken. The energy to sit here and debate whether or not poor Summer Moon broke her arm is just, God, it couldn't be me. Anyway, so, they get into a conversation about, well, Christina asks, Any news I should be into? And then she and Katie have this lame ass back and forth because they're both lame ass girls that are very fucking annoying.
Who? Um, Sandoval? Who? I've never heard of him. It's can we fucking move this shit along for the love of God? And they do. And Sheena talks about the Tahoe trip. And she talks about how she saw genuine tears from Tom Sandoval, that he was very emotional, very vulnerable. And Katie, you know, her response, the first response that she has is very, again, like I was talking about last week.
She's very genuine. And I think that she was like Tom Sandoval isn't a good person and then she gets to a point where she's riling herself up and she's he ruined my marriage and she's almost about to cry. We really don't see that from Katie a lot. I actually really appreciated that and, and not in a, whenever I say that I appreciate for them to be upset, I don't mean like I want them to cry.
I don't mean it like that. I mean, A lot of times, especially, Katie has a lot of walls up, and I appreciated her feeling comfortable in that moment to To let the walls down so that we could understand what she was really feeling and not hide behind, you know, random shit that she'll just say just to be whatever she thinks is cute.
Did you catch that you literally said this last week in the after show about the male sympathizer thing? Sheena talked about that on the podcast and said how hearing that made her upset at first. But she understood where Katie was coming from as. Katie truly views Sandoval as her verbal abuser.
And you literally said something like that last week. And, and in that context of just of how Sandoval and Katie's relationship has been, and then the sort, the sorts of it all that made more sense. So I just thought that was interesting that Sheena, you know, called that out. Yeah. It's interesting how, I will say, Sheena always seems to try to understand where Katie is coming from.
You don't necessarily, if Katie always tries to think about where Sheena is coming from. She doesn't. Yeah, that's where I think an issue is. So that's where They, as people actually really clash because Katie fundamentally does not believe that she needs to do that. Whereas Sheena fundamentally believes that she does need to hear everyone out and that everyone does need to be heard no matter who they are, no matter what they've done, no matter what kind of offense they've committed.
Katie completely believes the opposite. I don't even think I can see pros and cons to both. Yeah. If you're sitting here and you're giving space for someone who like, is a sexual assault person, like someone who sexually assaults someone, I think that's a negative. I think if you're not giving space to someone who just suffered a severe trauma, like that's not a good way to hold your boundaries.
So that I can see. Negatives and positives on both side, but that's fundamentally they are different. I don't think that they're ever, I know that she said she's good with Katie right now too, but I, and that kind of almost kind of like what Ariana said about her on watch what happens live that she's hurt by some of the things she saw on the show and from what she's been seeing, but overall they're good.
Like I think that's fine. I just don't think they're ever really going to be friends for real. Yeah, I think on a surface level, they're fine. And I will say I'm the type of person, I think I'm both. I am very much someone who gives people chances after chances. I don't always realize when I've had friendships before.
And I reflect, I'm like, Oh, wow, this person really has treated me like shit. However, Shana side. But when I am get to the place where I'm done, I am done saying Case closed. Fuck you. Anyone else that is in their life, you know, why would you want this person? So then I get to more of the Katie side. So I think it can be, you know, I'm more of a balance, but like you said, I don't see either way as right or wrong, but I'm not going to.
My mom in particular would always be someone that would tell me you need to cut this person off. I had to get to that place. Yeah. I had to be the one to, you know, get to that place. And same with Sheena, she has to get to that place. And I think it's really easy for Katie to tell Sheena, you know, just get over it.
But Katie, as Sheena mentioned, You were one of the people that were part of the bullying group when Sheena first started. And Lala even said Katie, you can't say that. You can't just say, she needs to get over and move on. Because as Sheena mentioned, Sandoval is one of the people that helped her feel included, whereas all the girls were trying to ice her out.
She felt protected from Katie and Stassi and Kristen's treatment. She felt protected from them by Sandoval. Yeah. And Sandoval did, for whatever you want to say, he stood up for Sheena all the time and he stood up for Lala up until the, about nine, you know, season nine. He's right for Lala all the time, as did Ariana, just to be clear, Ariana did as well.
Oh, yes. But I'm, I'm saying in the context of specifically Sandoval, he had those two girls back. He hated you, Katie. And I don't think that it's okay that he hated you necessarily. No, I don't like the idea that like my boy, my boy like that's basically where Sandoval was coming from. Like his boy was being, , Talked bad about or whatever and he felt like his boys should be able to do whatever he wants that's yes So gross and toxic and not a good reason and not a good friend either to your friend if he's doing shit that he shouldn't be doing but regardless Katie needs to understand that she can't force people into her way of thing and honestly like again with the emotional maturity Grow up Katie like you Expect people to the standard and then you berate them for not doing what you want them to do.
That's where you lose me. It's not about wanting people. It's not like just being like, God, I want her to get there. I hope she gets there. Or you draw your own boundary and you say, I actually can't kind of like what Ariana is doing. I can't go on this journey with you, girl. Katie will be like, not only are you not going to do that, but I am not going to have you.
Cut that shit out. Katie, just be understanding. She, she, Katie. She's so, she's very, very immature and I understand that people, it gets brought up a lot that she does have a post traumatic brain injury and that apparently that serves something about the way that she responds emotionally to things.
To me, from what I understood before, I understood that to mean You are quicker to say things without thinking about it or processing it, so you're not processing maybe as long as you should before you have an emotional response or something like that. So I don't know if it's that, I don't know, I don't know, but I also think you, she needs to go to, she needs, she needs to not be friends with Sheena, let's just be real here.
Katie and Sheena don't need to be friends, they're not gonna see eye to eye on this. And if it's making Katie this upset to even have these conversations with Sheena, then I don't know why Katie's trying to be friends with Sheena in the first place, to be honest with you. Well, and then it's so weird because we see this moment of Katie saying, I will literally jump off this roof if we keep talking about Sandoval, and so LaLa's okay, let's change the conversation, and then Sheena makes that joke about fucking the bartender, and And they very literally get into another conversation.
Yeah, they changed the subject and maybe this was weird editing, but then you see Kitty still upset. And she and Lala said, we're not talking about Sandoval. We're talking about her fucking the bartender. So I think. Katie was really, because if you notice during all that, Sheena was very quiet. She was trying to validate Katie in certain moments.
But other than that, she was very quiet, didn't say anything. And I think Katie was really expecting Sheena in that moment to say, all right, Katie, I see your side now. I agree with everything you're saying. That's the way I'm hearing me. That's the way I'm going to be. Now. I think Katie had that in her head and then that didn't happen.
Um, So she was very still stuck in that. And we see that at the end of the episode too, where everyone had moved on and Katie had it. So I don't know. I, uh, Katie is another one too, where, when I see more of her vulnerable moments and next week, spoiler alert, but there, I don't, did you see the scene where she, where Katie and Lala have a conversation?
No, it was, it is. Katie like actually says, I'm sorry. And. Yeah, it was really powerful and nice to see and so I don't like I, I, I actually do enjoy Katie and I think there's a lot more to her, but there are moments, specifically we say in the immaturity, the way that she talks and specifically we'll get more into this, um, the mocking of other people.
It, it. That is where I get turned off by her, I guess. And I just, I want more of those moments of vulnerability with her, but also Katie, again, not everyone is going to think the way that you do or do the things that you do. So if that really is truly important to you, then yeah, you and Sheena will never be friends.
No. You can't be, and you maybe, it sounds like you don't want that. I don't think she does, but I will, I also want to make one more point. That I read on Reddit that if you do have a post trauma or post traumatic brain injury that drinking alcohol can affect your processing And I think she was drunk Both at that as they all were except for lala both at that girl's night And well, well, I don't know if she was drinking.
I don't I don't care if she's sober or not but uh, I think maybe like katie was like drinking and You The, yeah, the conversation had moved on about five minutes ago, but she was still kind of like in her head and I don't even think you need to have any kind of like traumatic injury to be like that.
I will be the, I'll be that girl to be honest. Like I'll be drunk and I'll harbor harp and harken back to something that was talked about 15 minutes ago just because I'm on my own head. So I'll give her, I'll give her grace. Look at me. That's growth. That's emotional maturity. Thank you very much. So.
Then we get Lala, if I'm not messed up in my own notes, Lala and LVP, LVP comes to visit Lala at her studio, Lala informs her and the audience that she's giving up, give them Lala, which is interesting. I don't know what she's going to change it to because she hasn't changed it yet, right? No, and I almost, my theory on that is, specifically with the first episode, me and you talked about how there seemed to be a switch with Lala, um, her brain thinking, oh man.
This season, we got to do something. And I almost wondering her thinking is. She would, it's very up in the air as far as if they're going to be more VPR, people going to transition to the valley. Lala makes some statements sometimes where it seems like she's just done with reality TV altogether. So I almost wonder this whole rebranding is she was really trying to tie things that aren't, you know what I mean?
Tie her to the show. So I just think the whole rebranding is interesting. But as far as I know. She has not I think the podcast is still gonna be called Give Them Lala, but as far as her makeup, I think she had what, baby clothing? They all were Give Them Lala, baby clothes, Give Them Lala makeup. I don't know if she is changing that name, or maybe she's getting rid of those products and doing something completely different.
I don't know. What if she rebranded everything? Like her her all of her, Assets to send it to Daryl. Oh, and now it's called the send it to Daryl podcast. You have send it to Daryl makeup. Um I don't know, like she has a lip color called subpoena and then she has another one called, uh, I don't know, under.
under litigation. That's stupid. Anyway, but I don't think that's funny, but I think I don't think she'll even do that because I think she's trying to get it away from the show, but that would be very funny. Yeah, she's moving away from all of that. Uh, she also makes a funny comment. Oh, just, I'm just going to comment on what everybody else has really quickly.
Cause the scene is kind of like boring. LVP does not really support her decision. She explains to LVP that she's going to use a sperm donor donor to have another baby. Lisa reacts like she just told her that she's going to, uh, you know, murder someone. And it's very LVP coded. That's how she is.
That's who she is. I don't agree with it, but. You know, I don't know. I don't know why anyone would expect anything more from her, but maybe our standards should be higher. I don't know. And then she makes this comment that I think is so funny in her confessional and her confessional, she's wearing this like body con mini dress with bedazzled tassels that like line her nipples.
And it's, it's cute. Don't get me wrong, but she goes, I don't know if you guys knew, but I'm much more reserved now. And it's, she's, she's kind of being playful, but about something other than what she's wearing. And I just thought it was so funny. She's yeah. She's so much more reserved now. Totally Lala.
All right. So now this next piece of Things that happen, you know, I made a comment. I think it was last week comparing something or other to new girl It was the two people arguing and then some Schwartz way of handling conflict and so I would like to rehash New Girl when it comes to Ms. Jo, Spooky Jo, Crackhead Jo.
And just say, also crackhead's a gross term and I don't usually use that, I'm quoting Katie because I don't use that term. And she says. The way that she acts with Schwartz, it's literally a scene from New Girl, where they're like doing the robot and like making sounds instead of, and Jess is so quirky and she was like, like all of that.
That's a very new girl, very just a coded. I find it absolutely repulsive, but you know what? I was kind of fascinated by Joe. How did you feel? Oh, Joe, I describe her as chaotic but harmless. Now the one thing I would really like to know when it comes to Joe is what the fuck happened with her and Kristen, because Kristen was her, it sounds like they were really close.
And Kristen's side is one step. Joe moved in with Schwartz, she completely cut Kristen off, whereas Joe on Billy Lee's podcast said she didn't want to get into it, as far as why her and Kristen aren't friends anymore. So I just think there's There's different layers to that story that I'm fascinated about, but you know what, I gotta say, watching Schwartz and Katie, or sorry, Schwartz and Joe, I saw way more flirtation and the They're both quirky and kind of weird than I saw with him and Katie.
And the way, however, it is very much that classic tale of she is in love with him. Yes. And he just wants a rebound side chick. He is so afraid of commitment. He tries to say, I don't want to hurt Katie. You don't give a fuck about Katie. I don't want to do this. You just don't want to be tied down and just say that.
I think he has kind of strung Joe along and I think Joe is still in love with him. And so, but watching them together, I was like, okay, this actually kind of makes sense to me. Because they're, they both have weird energy, but Joe, Joe is. Again, people are going hard on her. She fascinates me because also the way that she just really wants to contribute to the conversations and no one really wants to hear what she has to say at all.
We saw that when it was her shorts and Sandoval when he, when she was cutting shorts, his hair. Sanibel Schwartz did not care that she was in the room and boy, does she really try to talk and we see that with Ellie and James and Sanibel when they're all at that dinner. And so, um, another interesting thing about Joe and I was talking to someone else about this is it's weird how I don't anytime Schwartz on camera brings up if like them had, they've had sex or anything like that, she will cover his mouth, but then in her confessional, They ask her point blank when the last time you were intimate.
She was like, when we were intimate? Uh, about a month ago, but it's weird. I don't know if it's like a playful thing she was trying to do with shorts or I don't know if she just. Interesting to me. I mean, I think maybe During filming she didn't know she's so used to like it being a secret because I very much think that Schwartz wanted to keep it a secret.
Yeah, he did That like she's kind of like playing off of his energy and then I think by the time confessionals film she's Oh, well, I can tell you guys anything. All right, here we go. You know, I think I think she's more so I think she's Like sucking up Schwartz's energy when she's doing the bashful thing, uh, rather than I don't think that she feels bashful about it.
I think that she, I think she's in love with him and I think she wants people to know. Yes, yes. Um, she's been posting on Instagram lately too. Oh, I saw that. She posted once a day of Yeah. And this, just this long thing about Schwartz, I'm like, oh honey, you're just so, Into him, and we now know, now Schwartz is dating like a 23 year old.
Allegedly, yeah. I feel like Schwartz, I don't know that, I actually don't, I know this is stupid, I don't believe he's dating that girl. Oh, you don't? They both were at Kyle Chan's party together. Do you think they're just hanging out, or? I think that they might have banged, but I don't think that he's in a relationship with her.
Oh, yeah, well he refuses to say so. Well, yeah, true. I guess I would never know. Yeah. So, we have Them going, they're making like fart jokes and stuff. And then they go to meet Allie and James at Sur and James is DJing. And then while they're sitting there, they make a big deal out of having big, like everything that they do is very much like in sync.
They're like making the same jokes. It's very, it's odd. I don't, it's I don't like how Katie is very judgmental. Cause it almost feels katie doesn't like her because she's not neurotypical. That's, like, how it feels when Katie talks about her. But then when you watch her, it's that is an odd energy to be around the two of them.
That's a lot. Yeah, I think, yeah, it is. But then, but they're not mean. They're, like you said, they're harmless. Or she's harmless. Yes, it seems that way. And so then, Sandoval shows up, and Jo goes to Sandoval! Yay! I was like, girl, ew, no one's a simple Sandoval. She lost me there. Jo, I can't tell you what I'm not.
Why are you being like that? I mean, I get it, but I'm also like No, I don't get it. Tone it down. I get that. She feels like she has to overcompensate because she feels like she was there. She was there for the real relationship that Sandoval and Rachel had. And she like, feels very much I think that's how she feels.
But I'm like, Okay, but he's a psychopath, right? You get that? But never forget, Joe is the one who put Rachel and Ariana and Sandoval all in one group chat. And was like, hey guys, this is all really hard. You know, I feel like there was probably a part of everybody in that moment that was kind of like, We could bond on all hate in this bitch, right?
But they couldn't give into it, but that's how I would feel. Uh, James or Sandoval gives James a pair of sunglasses and James reveals to us that he keeps every gift that Sandoval ever got him. Allie, who really has been slowly winning me over a little bit was like, I definitely get the vibe that Sandoval is trying to buy.
James and his affection and friendship and James false work. Cause that's the kind of person that James is. So Allie run, can't say that loud enough. Um, and I also wrote down Joe's very teeth forward. She does a lot of teeth work. It's not that she, she doesn't have an overbite or anything. I'm just saying like a lot of her facial expressions involve her teeth and she's She has a lot of that and I think that's something to note and that's just her.
She was that way on Billy Lee's podcast. So it's not even for to play it up for the camera. Oh, I I don't know how someone could make that up. Like the way that she is. I don't think you could make that up. No, she is Jo. So then we see the next scene, Jo and Schwartz are going to this, it looks like kind of an arcade, an adult arcade together.
And a lot of people have commented about how they're drinking buddies. I don't think that's, I mean, I don't think that's super noteworthy. I, I don't think that Katie didn't drink with Schwartz. I think that I don't know, maybe I'm coming from a place of, with my exes. I drank a lot with them as well.
I guess what I'm saying is the way that it's framed on the internet is like Joe's only drinking so that she can be cool to Schwartz and I'm like, or Joe also has a drinking problem, which is fine, you know, it's not my business. Um, and I'm just saying problem to be funny. I have literally no idea what her drinking habits are like, but she can have a shot and a beer with Schwartz if she wants to.
They're friends. It's fine. It's weird. Are people trying to downgrade Schwartz and Joe, Joe's relationship or trying? I don't understand that to me, watching the scene, they seem very playful with each other. And we did not see a lot of that with Katie and Schwartz. Because people are so Katie pilled that they feel like they need to go off of Katie.
Honestly, Katie. Everything that's come out of Katie's mouth has been negative about Joe. She hasn't said a single nice thing about her, not that she needs to, but it's like, she hasn't actually said that much though. It's not like Katie's every single day talking about Joe, but these people that are so entranced by her are like she's a bitch.
And then of course, Katie said in the reunion, nobody likes Joe. So then people that want to be on Katie's side so bad are like, I don't like Joe either. And it's girl, Katie doesn't even know Joe you know, I know Kristen was friends with her, but I don't think Katie extends herself to people very often.
So I, I really don't think Katie really knows Joe either. That's my vibe. Yeah, and it's weird because I, with Katie and Schwartz, now I'm saying, okay, I think Katie. is actually talking about maturity when it comes to Schwartz. I do think she's more mature than Schwartz. Oh, yeah. In a lot of ways. But then when I see Schwartz and Joe, I'm like, okay, this dynamic makes more sense to me as far as like a playfulness.
And again, I think it's, she is in love with him and he doesn't want any kind of sort of commitment right now. But it's interesting how, I don't, it's weird that people are trying to make it seem like they actually don't have any sort of relationship, whether that be friendship or a weird situation, ship as shorts described in that moment, like they're, they, they are friends.
Well, and they'll say that she's thirsty. They call, um, Israel, who's one of the, one of. The hosts at Schwartz and Sandy's, they're, like, they just say shit. People on the internet are just saying shit because they think that it's some, that they're contributing to something, and from everything I can see, they're not really contributing.
It doesn't affect how Schwartz moves, it certainly doesn't affect, I think Jo's very, much like Katie, let's say this, I think Jo's very authentic to who she is. They're very different people, but I think that Joe's going to be Joe and Katie's going to be Katie. And then a lot of people are like, well, Schwartz is weaponizing Katie.
Against Joe and I'm like, I don't think Schwartz needs to weaponize Katie. I think Katie said that Joe was a crackhead. I think Katie of her own grown ass woman volition said that she was creepy, that nobody liked her and that nobody was friends with her and that nobody cared about her. So I don't think that that's Schwartz saying, Oh, well, there was, it was kind of hard to define the relationship because.
Katie didn't take to it. Well, it's that's not weaponizing Katie. That's like making an excuse to Joe for why he's a commitment, but that's not weaponizing Katie because Katie did also talk shit about Joe and Schwartz are probably still banging and there's no way. No, I think so. Oh God, you heard it here first on who the fuck goes with Emily Rose.
Lindsay endorses this. No, no. I do not co sign on that at all. I will say, I will say when it comes to Joe, I do understand when Schwartz means he said, Joe's not everyone's cup of tea. I could see that. I could see that Bible. Brittany described it perfectly because Jackson Joe, I've talked about it with Brittany or with about Joe and Brittany cracked me up.
This one day that Brittany said that really made me laugh. She said, Joe is a type of person where you're at a house party and you walk into the kitchen and it's just Joe there. And you're just like, Oh shit. That's funny. Here's the thing, I could see that but I'm not gonna lie, I love talking to people like that because they're so interesting to me.
Yeah. But when Brittany described that, I was like, okay, I get who Jo is now. Totally. That's so funny. I hope we meet Jo when we're in LA. Oh, please. Jo, if you're listening, We have questions. Uh, I also, I wrote down Jo is very noisy and she is, she makes a lot of noises. Yes, she really does. I said she is in love with him and she is.
Schwartz denies that they have a relationship. It's clear they're still fucking. That's pretty much it. So then for this last scene, I just want to establish this now. Nothing happens with these boys going to that meat place, so I don't want to talk about that at all.
I don't care about that. They go to a meat place and they dress up and it's really weird. And there we go. We'll talk about it more next week. Doesn't Jax join them there next week? At that same place? I thought, maybe not. No, I think that, I think it ended with, uh, I think we see Jax. I think that was at TomTom.
We'll see Jax. Okay, well then, yeah, that seems completely pointless, uh, except Brock looks really hot. He comes in without a tie. And he's oh, I'm sorry. I didn't bring a tie for the Thursdays. And everyone's it's okay, Broxton. Brock is a lot better. What's up, mates? I'm like, oh my god, you're so hot with your ruffles.
I, I always give my friend Brady a hard, uh, rough time because she, he, he always talks about how hot Brock is. And I never really notice it. I don't see it a lot, but. I think it's Ronnie who always talks about Brock. Yeah. Yeah. What this scene? I was like, okay, I get it. I know. What was that? Maybe it was the black on black.
He looks really good in this scene. He looks put together, and to be fair, compared to Schwartz, who never looks like he showers. I'm sorry, but he doesn't. Sandoval, who tries too much. Sandoval's, all of the color of Sandoval's skin had been sucked out of his veins. He looked white as a, I put a video on my Instagram, if you follow me, who TF knows Emily Rose.
It's on there. He's doing this weird, he's, he's, he's on stimulants. So he's like doing all this weird shit with his face. Very Joe coded. Um, except it's scary because we know for sure that he's on drugs and he has no color in his skin. He looks terrible. Uh, James. It's not attractive to me. So yeah, I know.
I will say one quick thing about that scene is there is a moment where you see with Sandoval when they're all just chit chatting. He looks bored out of his mind and I think he's thinking of how can we make this scene interesting about me and guess what about me and interesting and they try to shift it over to the Rachel talk.
But that again, that Sandoval tried. He tried to make it somewhere, but everyone was all the other boys in that scene just seemed checked out. It was not Not it. Well, let's just say there are no Sheena and Lala, okay, because if there's one thing Sheena and Lala are gonna do, it's make some shit interesting, okay?
Yes. So, we go over to Allie and James house, Allie is hosting a, uh, chart reading night of all the girls. I find out Maybe the one thing about Sheena that could break me, I think the one thing about Sheena that could really make me question my fandom, uh, but I've gotten over it. I, I've talked about it to my cat Sheena, and we're okay with it.
She is a Swiftie, and I cannot fucking stand Taylor Swift, so it's very difficult for me. However, , I would like to say I have some good friends in my life, one of whom is coming over in just a little bit. Who are diehard Swifties, and I've learned to accept them.
So, I, again, I have range. I am, I'm really accepting of, Anybody and where you come from if I really try so, but that was really hard for me. I was like, Jesus, Sheena with the fucking bracelets. Is that what they're doing? That sucks. I hate that, but it's okay. I learned to get over it. Allie talks about her singing career.
This was hard for me to say because I don't like to do this, but Allie has a decent voice. Yeah. Uh, not, I don't have anything funny to say, I really just, I was like, wow, she can kind of sing. Yeah. She can. So we get into this reading. We already talked a little bit about how the editing here was kind of weird.
We see Banks the cat, Mr. Banks the cat on the chair and then off the chair in a totally different part of the room and then on the chair again. So we don't know exactly how this was cut up. Yeah. But it was really interesting because Sheena. Decides this night to take kind of a backseat and she is doing this by the way the whole night.
I thought this is so funny. She is like this
look you back and forth back and forth the whole time. It's so cute. Uh, when Allie is reading everyone's charts. They're kind of making fun of themselves and talking about, obviously what's true and what's not. Excuse me, hold on, I need to call.
Okay. And so,
where are we? They're specifically talking about she went one on one. I thought this part was really, actually had some funny moments where You know, she talks about Ariana's sign and like luck and the four leaf clover and Ariana was like, Hmm, I didn't feel that lucky when my dog died, Charlie died, or my dog died, my grandma died, my relationship died, but she was like, but maybe Sandoval was stomping on my four leaf clover and now I'm able to bloom.
And I agree with that very wholeheartedly. And then they talked about Sheena and how Oh, my God. This was so weird. Allie was like, Allie was like, So you're Moonus and Venus, and Um okay, so you're 12th house, it's Well, it's in Jupiter, but you know what?
We all die. And she was like, Yo, wrong fuckin move. Wrong fuckin I, I was like, yo, I would've had to be out of there. I would have been like, this is the last night guys. And then they talk about Lala's chart. And, uh, then they, they, they go back to Sheena and talk about how Sheena needs to fill her own cup up, like before she helps others.
And she is Tim, tell me, I always have to think of everyone else, except for myself, which I want to defend her. I do think that Sheena does think about everyone else, but I don't think it's in the way that like she's framing it. I think that she's Way too concerned about what everyone thinks about her.
That's what it is. Yeah. I don't think that it's and I don't know, I don't think that she's a bad friend. Like I've said a million times, if , if you're a subscriber to her blogs, you know that she does have a genuine group of people that love her in her life that is consistent and it's extends beyond her family.
Like she's a good friend, but I think that when she says things like, I think about everyone else. I think it's more like she's more concerned about what people think about her and more anxious about how she's perceived than she is about working on herself. That's how I, that's how I read it. You know, when I really noticed that was during a podcast episode, the specific one when Brock was talking about his children in Australia, he started to get emotional and he was, Sheena asked him in that moment, was it something that I said?
And people were like, here we go. She does making it about herself. He's the, he's upset about his children. No, she, I think really, that's not about making it about herself. She gets it. Nervous and anxious about if she, if she is the cause of someone being of someone upset, she's always trying to check in.
And I do that a lot because I, me too, myself, I'm always thinking that I'm the problem or I'm the reason and that that has nothing to do with, it's all about me. That has to do with my own set of traumas. Yeah. And what I've been through. And so. I think on a show, it could be easily framed that way, but I'm not gonna lie, I think if I was on a show, y'all, you'd probably see a lot of that for me, because I am always, I'm always that person that is afraid, oh no, I'm the one that, you know what I mean, I caused this, or I did that, and that has nothing to do with making a situation about her, herself.
There are other things that Sheena does that, that, Correlates with that, but in this particular, in that particular moment, when I was listening to that podcast, I was like, okay, I, I get that. I get that part. Yeah. Oh, we talk about Sheena or I'm sorry. So we talk about Katie. Apparently Katie's on her last lifetime.
This was. I found, I don't know, I think everything Katie says is cringy, so I'm like, this is See, I thought it was funny. But, they all thought it was funny, that was the thing, I was like, God, you guys are Katie pilled right now, all four of you. Um, Katie was like, uh, uh, she's, Katie's ridiculous. She's um, Yeah, that's, I mean, I've never been with a woman that, and I'm like, girl, please stop fully.
Wait, did she say that? Yeah, she said that. She was like, I didn't catch that. But she has before. Yeah. Well, she maybe not at that point. Well, remember Schwarz said in a reunion that, well, also, I think that she was being sarcastic. I think she was being like, like her, okay. Like she's play, she's joking because then I gotcha.
Everybody laughed like too hard. And I was like, that wasn't funny. And then I was like, oh wait, she's Jo. She's. She clearly has been with a woman. That's why I guess this is funny because I guess you guys have some sort of joke that we're not in on and we love when we don't know what's going on in the show all the time.
So that's fun. Um, and then, so Ariana gets into, oh, we already talked about Allie said, okay. So Allie said that By March 2024 that Ariana would be living her best life. She says, I don't, you know, I didn't think that I was very lucky. Uh, but now she, we know she is living her best life, even though she was served with the lawsuit.
I think other than that, she's pretty much living her best life. And then Lindsay, can you tell everybody about what happens between Katie and, uh, Lala at this point. Yeah. So before we get into that, I know Sheena asked Ariana how she's processed the whole separation and, and, and also specifically how she's processing that while also living in the same house.
And Ariana said, you know, I'm dealing with this, this Um, in a legal way, back and forth with my lawyer, the internet thinks I've made a million dollars, which is funny because Sheena earlier in the episode said that Ariana's made millions of dollars, which that just shows that it does sound like Sheena was getting a lot of the information online and believing that all to be true, and Ariana was like, I haven't made millions of dollars, and she tells this interesting story about a week before March 1st, she Was talking to her managers and saying, Hey, we got to figure something out.
She said that she only had 2, 000 to her name. And so, and that's part of an interesting conversation on Reddit. We, a lot of people are like, how are these people so poor when they do make decent money? And it, It does seem like they all haven't been that smart with their money, but I think Ariana now is really trying that.
And I think Ariana specifically, they put a lot of money in the house. They put a lot of money in the sandwich shop, but all of us are Reddit are kind of like, how are all these people so poor? Um, so that conversation, then it turned into, um, what Excuse me, what triggered this is Sheena was talk texting Brock, and Lala made the comment, You know those four people at a dinner are gonna be besties now, and we all have to understand that.
A. K. A. I took that as You know, they're probably they're all filming a scene right now, and they're getting along and we understand they got to do that right. And Ariana says, you know, I don't understand why James wouldn't respect himself enough to say I'm good I'll go hang out with my other friends, a case she wants them to say.
I'm not gonna go film with Sandoval, which then he wouldn't, then what would they film James doing? Literally, they would film him at the house with Mr. Banks. For one second? For one second. I think, too, this thing, and I think we talked about it offline, where Ariana keeps putting the onus on other people's feelings, and it's And Lala ends up calling it out.
It's Ariana, don't do this. Don't be like, James is actually disappointed in himself. Well, if Sheena feels that way, then that's Sheena. It's We're getting into faux therapy territory here, where you're putting the onus on other people when in reality you, rightfully so, are the one that's setting boundaries and then expecting people to meet those boundaries without explicitly saying, as far as we know, That this is the boundary that you've set.
So as far as we know, you haven't said to these people, you can't film, but, and I, and there's no, she hasn't, she hasn't said that because then Lala, you can tell, and this felt like kind of a genuine moment of at one point, Lala, she's okay. So now we know when she turns to Sheena, she's now we know Sheena, if you hang out with Tom, she doesn't say Sheena like that, but that's the implication.
If you hang out with Tom outside of, in any kind of capacity, then you're not going to be friends with Ariana. You understand that, right? That's how Lala is speaking, which is, indicates to me that Lala wouldn't be saying that. If this was already clear or if it was already clear to Sheena, maybe Lala understood that, but I don't think she did.
I don't think that. I don't think Ariana has clearly communicated her boundaries. I really don't. I think that she thinks that she's communicating them or I think that she thinks that her boundaries are. Particularly, I don't know if she thinks that there's like leeway in them that people are supposed to inherently understand.
I don't know, but I don't think everybody understands. And I don't think, first of all, I don't think James, James does not give a fuck. First of all, so I don't know why we were even talking about James, but when it comes to the women that are in this room, I think that this is an important conversation to have.
And I'm sorry I interrupted you, but. Oh, no, no, you didn't at all. No, you're fine. I think it's interesting because it's Almost like I need Ariana to say, again, James and Sheena have to make their own decisions themselves when it comes to Sandoval, when it even comes to filming with Sandoval, or if you want to do forgiveness or if you actually want to hang out with them, they all have to make that decision.
So I think I could understand Ariana's viewpoint if she was saying, I don't understand that and I think you're gonna get hurt. Please don't come crying back to me when he fucks you over. That makes sense to me, right? Me too. And Ariana, but as far as Ariana, if she's been clear with her boundaries, I think she, I don't know, maybe there was a conversation, again, whatever happened before they started filming, whether it was a conversation the girls all had, or again, what they were saying on their podcast, I don't know if it, if there was more of an understanding Thanks for watching.
We'll Of her boundaries because Lala did specifically on a podcast talk about Ariana's boundaries and it seemed like they made sense to them then. But then something switched when they started filming. So, and I think now, I'm curious if they're having more conversation on that. Off the show as far as things, because again, when we see Ariana talk, it is confusing to the audience.
And then specifically because when Lala says to Sheena, if you forgive or whatever, and then Ariana says, you know, it's not about forgiving. I wish they would have honed in more, right. That would have been a great place for Sheena and Ariana to go off and have this conversation. Because then Ariana could be, could say, I understand wanting to forgive him for yourself, but it seems like you want to do more.
Can you explain that to me? And then Sheena, as she explained on her podcast can say, I don't want that feeling of terror or dread when I see Sanibal in the same room as me, I want to get to a place where it's not like that. Again, that would have been. a great conversation to have, but instead, it then turned into Lala trying to be Sheena's mouthpiece and Katie trying to be Ariana's mouthpiece, and then you have those two come to head, and Lala, I will say, was trying to, um, actually have a conversation with Katie.
And then Katie, y'all, I don't know why it's not talked about more, but Katie did this weird thing with her hand and mocked Lala and that triggered Lala. Lala said, , if you guys want to have the conversation about who has it harder, I'll have that conversation, but you're not going to like what I have to say.
And Katie goes, Ooh, she does like that. And she doesn't do all of what I just did, but she does the literal equivalent of that. And a lot of us like, don't fucking talk to me like that. Here's the thing. And I, I said this to Lindsey earlier, Katie took it, which, Lala does this. A lot, to be fair to Katie, Lala talks shit.
She talks a big game. She is always trying to talk about she's going to fight and she's going to this and she's going to that and comes for me, baby. Don't do that. Big boo. Like she's doing like stupid shit like that. That doesn't make any sense. It's unnecessary. That's not what Lala was doing right here.
And I don't know if Katie wasn't tuned in. I don't know if she was like, I, I, I, I don't know, I don't know, but that's not what Lala was doing in this moment. Lala was saying, a point that I really want to make clear, Lala's situation is extremely different from Ariana's. Everyone, the fandom, and Lala included, need to stop making a Sandoval and Randall Emmett comparison, okay?
Lala did it a lot when she was in her feelings, this is why I can't, as much as I am like, I'm feeling Lala this season. I'm really agreeing with her a lot, but I cannot fully come to team Lala because of this kind of shit. She's she compares Sandoval and says, you're the same as Randall. No, he's not. And then the fandom will respond and say things like, well, if you know, if after you ban Schwartz from playing pickleball with Randall Emmett, if he had been talking to him, you would have a fit.
How can you tell Ariana not to feel away? And it's hey everybody, I hate to break it to you, Sandoval and Randall are very different. Types of evil. Okay, yeah, they're both gross. They're gross But the what Randall is doing what he's done is like really like it's like He's been accused of obviously running a casting couch.
This is brought up in the show. This is this is the allegations , I everything I'm gonna say is alleged This is based on what I've heard and what I've read. So, allegedly what Lala has alluded to, too. So, he's allegedly run a casting couch. If you're not familiar with a casting couch, it's a system.
It's not just a situation. It's a system where you are luring Usually women, sometimes young men in to a situation that they are under the impression is an audition and then you are asking them to do things that are sexual, sometimes recorded, right? To prove that they want this part in whatever. It is very common.
It's not like it's not uncommon in Hollywood. It's like kind of mainstream almost. But to be the kind of guy that runs something like that, not a good character, . He is definitely verbally abusive, allegedly, to his staff. He, according to one of his staff members, allegedly had him Running drugs for him in a really dangerous situation under the threat of termination or physical harm.
He was abusive to Bruce Willis, who was one of his actors who was in the throes of, it's not dementia, but it's like an adjacent. Or something. I think I said it wrong, but it's something like that. It's something like that, that where it's similar in that like your mind is displaced, but also your body can't respond as quickly.
Yeah. And Randall was exploiting Bruce Willis, allegedly Randall also, according to Lala got upset when Lala took his phone and attempted to tackle her. And she went through a fucking plate glass window and she had to leave in the middle of fucking night. And I don't want to get emotional, but it's just like someone like that.
And he has a kid and the girl likes ocean was in the house. There's a lot that I don't agree with on Lala. I, I believe that she knew to an extent what she was getting into, but there's a point where I don't think she knew what she was in. And I just can't like this whole comparison between so, and I want to be clear, I don't give a fuck.
If any of these cast members end up becoming friends with Sandoval, I don't care if Lala comes, I don't care if Ariana becomes friends with Sandoval, but if I found out tomorrow that Tom Schwartz is still playing pick ball with Randall, I would be extremely concerned about Tom Schwartz's character, and I would not want that to happen.
A fucking thing to do with him or Katie, his fucking dog friend. Okay. Or Joe or any of them it would make me think differently. If Sheena is, she's still friends with Schwartz. If he's hanging out with Randall for real, like this guy, the allegations against him are extremely serious. And that's not even all of them.
There's also other ones that I don't think we can really talk about. Well, I did talk about it actually before season 10 on my podcast. I did try to be, and then Lala ended up pissing me off so bad that I like, didn't, you know, circle back. But. On Juicy Scoop, Lala all but said that she had seen things that would make her believe that Randall was involved, let's just say this, the casting couch stuff.
That that was not age appropriate. That, yeah. Yeah. And that she did not want her daughter around. Yeah. Anymore. Now, think about it. Someone with this kind of, I don't know, power in Hollywood who he's also stealing from people too. I don't, you know, monetary financial shit doesn't ring the same with me, but he's also stealing money from like Jax and 50 cent and whoever the fuck else, like he's stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from these people.
This guy is a criminal and very possibly a lot of other words I'm not going to use on this podcast. Yeah. Yeah. It's different than carrying on an affair, okay? Well, and, yeah, and there Go ahead. No, and, obviously, there are elements look, with Sandoval, am I always gonna have one eye really on him, specifically?
Sure. With him recording Rachel without her consent and things like that? Are there things about him where I'm like, mm, there's probably more skeletons in your closet, but We don't, you know what I mean, as far as with him and Randall, there is such a difference and it, I really felt for Lala in that moment because, and Lala even apologized and I thought that was really big of her at the end to say, Ariana, I'm sorry if it came across that I was trying to, that it was trying to make my situation bigger than yours.
Cause I don't think Lala was actually trying to do that. I know she said, if you guys really want to get into it, then we will. And you're not going to like what I have to say. I think Lala was more coming from a place of girl. I out of anyone, I get it the most and I want to be here for you. I have wrote hard for you, but I don't want you to go down this path of.
The resentment that I have felt and how I've taken it out on other people. And I'm starting to see that with you. And I think what Lala is missing though, is this is still very fresh for Ariana. Lala is just now getting to this place of figuring this out. So I think she could extend a little more grace when it comes to that.
But I think Lala is really, she doesn't want someone to feel the way that she's been feeling. And Lala's situation is even More complicated and it just is what it is. There's a child involved and as Lala said in her confessional and this made me emotional watching she is always going to be tied to Randall Emmett now because of Ocean and that is why she's going the route that she is with having her second child like this really has affected her.
And so it's interesting. That again, this, this conversation that Katie and Lala were having, I think again, Lala wasn't saying exactly what Katie wanted to hear. And so then that brought in, you know, what she, the mocking and what she was saying. And then Lala again was like, bitch, I'm trying to have a conversation, a real conversation with you, but if you want to go this way, we will.
And then they did. And then they, and then Lala got over it quickly. They made a joke, but then Katie still, again, we see. We're still upset. Yeah. I also just want to say, I know I just got a little deep there, but none of, neither of you bitches can fight. Okay. Neither of you bitches can fight. I can see you both in a fighting situation and I can see I can see Katie like winning out of like strength and I can see Lala winning out of, Manic blackout.
I don't know how he died, but I woke up and he was dead type of energy. And so, but at the end of the day, neither of you are going to fight. So how about both of you shut the fuck up and stop talking like you are from somewhere that you're not, which is Salt Lake City, Utah in the fucking suburbs. Katie, Katie, say it, say it, say it with your chest.
I've never heard you talk like this Katie. Stop, stop this. This is not a good look on you. At least when Lala was appropriating, She could She didn't pull it off, in my opinion, ever. I thought it was always very cringey. Oh, yeah. But when you do it, Katie, It's out of nowhere.
So it's very inauthentic. And you're not gonna do shit. Neither of you are gonna hit. Neither of you have shit to do. So, stop. And leave it alone. Katie, you're not the people's fucking hero. Okay, you are, you care about your friend, and I think that's admirable. They both, yes, that's what they're both doing.
They're both justifying, and then, and then I'm looking at Sheena and Ariana you bitches. Both of you. What the fuck? If I was Allie, I would be like, excuse me, actually, both of your, um, moons in the house of anal say that you need to, cool. Fucking speak the fuck up like what the fuck y'all are sitting here and this is what I was telling you offline They are so similar.
This is why they are best friends. They're the same person they They can't confront their own feelings or they won't And they let people talk for them because it's easier to sweep it under the rug. And the problem is that like Sheena is very much more outward about it. She's much more expressive and vulnerable and sometimes naive.
And she also likes the reality TV game and Ariana doesn't. And so Ariana is going to be a lot more guarded and a lot more calculated about how she moves. And she's going to act like she's more, she's better than it, but you're both in the same position and right now Katie and Lala are bringing the fucking drama and they both look ridiculous.
So both of you need to step in and save your girls because they look crazy. And then Ariana was trying to interpret what Katie was saying and I was just like, Oh my gosh. Ariana, Sheena, why don't go talk to each other, go talk, and again, maybe we'll see that later on, but I wouldn't know, because it would make sense, and you both, I would love to see if you both are, say, hey, we're in a weird space right now, we're both kind of scared to lose each other, But we kind of got to figure our shit out and ultimately if they both not even in their friendship, but maybe they are more distant, you know what I mean, with each other, like that happens with friendships, but have that conversation and let it lay it all out there.
I really hope we still get that. I'm not going to lie with the I think we'll get a little more of that, but with the vibe I'm getting with Ariana, Watch What Happens Live, and then the reunion being filmed, I don't think they really had the conversation that I, I need from them, which I guess I'm making, I'm having a make it about me moment, because I need that for my brain, but we're not getting that, so again, it's so funny how they all were speaking for Sheena and Ariana, then Ariana was trying to translate, and then Uh, Katie and then you have Allie being like, Oh, so back to astrology.
This all makes sense because it was cracking me up. And then Lala did make me laugh when she was like, Ariana, I'm sorry if you thought I was trying to make it about me and that my situation is bigger. That was not my intent. Do you want, would you want to see my birth chart? Yeah. Well, Lala's very, no, Lala's very charismatic.
Uh, Katie's not so I think that reality TV, she makes it. She's good at the game when she doesn't need, she doesn't need like a boyfriend to have drama with she really on her own, that, that, that was shade to Katie and Ariana, but it's I don't know. I don't like Lala, but she's, she's. She's giving, she's giving Lala, she's giving us Lala and I really, I can appreciate it when I, when it happens.
I, I think, yeah, I, I think Sheena and, and Ariana need to go have a convo. And then in the after show, very quickly, it's still clear that they're at odds because then Sheena, or I'm sorry, Katie calls Sheena a buffoon. In the after show, I was like, and then Ariana's just kind of like, Katie, I'm like. That makes me still think I that's really mean girl energy and I just yeah She is not doing Ariana like that in in the after show like she's been a little shady in the confessionals But that's different than the after show.
She does not do an Ariana like that in the after show No, she seems she seems more hurt in the after show. Yeah, and then I Bad to me. I forgot about the buffoon comment. So I almost again. I think shenanigans was filmed You before the episode aired and before Watch What Happens Live because I think she would have addressed that.
Yeah, again, the after show. Well, and then this after show was different because the, the parts with Sheena and Kristen and Lala and Brittany and then Jax and then the Valley, that was, that was filmed real recent. Yeah, very recently. After the New York Times, if y'all noticed, Sandoval said one thing.
One word and they have to show it was when they're talking about Lala having her second kid He's made a comment agree with short saying yeah, that is the only thing that man said So I think he has a gag order. Oh As he should as he should they're like you are not gonna speak. But who did they bring in to speak?
Mr Jax Taylor and we get that. Hey, that's Really chaotic energy. He has not changed the way when he is talking about, I didn't she'd and Katie says this, and I will say, Jack's, you can come after Katie, but miss Lala and machina were absolutely agreeing with Katie and that scene about because he doesn't watch the show.
I don't watch the show, but the way Schwartz and even Sandoval wanted to crawl into their chairs when Jack was going off about that. And in Katie's even come out that the specific rumor that they were talking about. Katie wasn't even talking about that. Not no. So how many rumors there are is so interesting.
I thought it was interesting that Janet. Specifically said, before I brought this rumor to Britney, I wanted to dive into it, and she did, and then she still reached out to Britney, and then you find out that Britney, she looked into it, and she has all, girl, if it is that much you have to do, you don't need them.
No, that is too, I have my, you know, I do, I know my husband's passwords and things like that. It just has happened. But the way that I have never felt the need to go through his phone or to keep tabs on him in that way, I'm like, girl, you don't. , why you? The way you had to go down a Reddit rabbit hole to figure out if your man is cheating on you.
That ain't it. It's not it. So honestly, good for you, Brittany. And also I want to say Brittany looks very, very cute in the after show. I thought she would too. Sometimes her like style doesn't fit her, but she looks really cute in the after show. Um, a couple of other after show notes really quickly I wanted to make the new guy that is not, I think he's gay, right?
I think so. Very messy. I like it. I'm in. Oh, I it's so funny. My friend Brady can't stand him. And I think he's a terrible person. I don't know how to read him. I know he was friends with Brittany, right in Kentucky. And I yeah, he definitely seems like he's Messy to me. I , I don't know how to feel about him either way.
If I'm going to, I don't believe anything he says to be fair. I don't, I think everything that's coming out of his mouth is a lie, but Yeah, he goes with whatever the messiest, because I thought it was really funny. We'll get into it because what I thought was really The main thing I took away from this after show was this whole conversation about Ariana and State of All's relationship.
Yes. I thought that was very weird. But when Zach tried to add comments to it, I'm like, who the fuck are you? Yeah. Where did you come from? It's interesting. Never seen you. Right. But he was talking about how, just the comments that he made, I was like, who where have you been? Like, I know he's a part of that world, but it was just interesting hearing his commentary on it.
Brad had more damn, or Brett Kenyon or whatever, had more screen time than him. Yeah. My God. . I'll cut this out. Okay. Um, but yeah, you're saying, but so leading up into this conversation about Ariana Sandoval's relationship, I did think it was interesting because Sheena said, you know, she thinks the relationship they, she said that Ariana and.
Sandoval had both said that they weren't happy for a long time and they just didn't really show it and how you know this relationship was over even before the affair. It's interesting because that I didn't like how this conversation was going because Sandoval has pretty much said this exact same thing and they went after him for saying that and now they're saying that.
But even while, well Brittany even said but that doesn't excuse he should have ended the relationship. And, I don't know, I just thought it was interesting that the way they were going with this, because it, it was this weird place of, yeah, the relationship was over, but then they acknowledged that it seemed like Ariana was more in a place of, they were going through a rough patch, but they were going to, she thought they were going to work it out, and that's always been my perspective of it, where Sandoval was truly checked out of it.
But the way that they were talking about Ariana's relationship in the after show, they didn't really care for it. There was a lot of back and forth, and a lot of Zach talking about he had heard rumors about them not being happy. And he also said how she, they never shared anything on, about their relationship on the show, which I will argue with that.
They have shown a lot about their relationship. Now, I do believe towards the end of Ariana and Saint Nobel's relationship, it, it, it did seem weird how we went from season 9 to season 10, this dynamic of they seem to be in a really good place. And then season 10, I think is really when they started to have a lot of Of issues, and that there was this weird, I feel like there was some things that we didn't see, but it just is, I don't know, the conversation surrounding Ariana and Sanibel's relationship was just interesting to me because they kind of were all over the place, and, um, Well, I felt like they were very Sorry to interrupt you.
I felt like they were very, not even all over the place. I felt like they were kind of all on the same page as trying to make us feel like, oh, no shit, they had problems. Everybody knew that. Cause like the one guy. And you know, all of their names better than I do, because I don't know what my problem is.
I can't remember them, but the one guy who I think is maybe Janet's husband, uh, Jason, maybe. Yeah. Was he on the far left? Yes. Okay. So he, yeah. Yeah. So he said that, uh, he kind of tried to downplay it and he was like, well, you know, we would see them fight every now and again, but couples do that. And then you have, what's his name, Matt, the guy we were just talking about who.
Is oh, well they definitely had problems. Oh, Zach. Yeah. And it's like Zach, so I'm like, uh, well that's where I got this sense of all over the place. And I don't know if that's comes from who was closer, you know what I mean? To Ariana and to Tom. But I hear some of the, I like I, and I could be completely wrong.
I don't know this people, but I've been on the, in the oppression of, I get, Sandoval was totally checked out. I think Ariana thought they were in that patch and they talk about this, they kind of go back and forth of. They thought she's just, she was writing it out because she thought it was, you know what I mean, going to get better.
And so, I don't, but, maybe, I don't know and then, again, they kind of, they, Sheena and Kristen kind of talked that way. It's weird because Sheena at the beginning of it, when asked, she was like, yeah, I think they both were checked out, and they both said they weren't happy. But then it turned into, then Sheena saying, you know, I think, Ariana thought when I talked to her last before everything blew up, she said, you know, they were being intimate, they were working things out.
And so she was like, okay, well, maybe they're just going through a rough patch. And they were privately, you know, I mean, working it out, because I don't again, I know, and I said this, people want to say that she that Ariana and Sandoval didn't show a lot of their relationship. That is not true. When you You know what I mean?
When you, there were a lot of, yeah, when you see the show, but I do think there was more going on with season 10. We just saw a little bit of it. I do think there was more happening in their relationship. I do think a lot more conversations were happening between Sandoval and Ariana, um, that we didn't see well.
And I think, and I've said this a few times, I kind of in, in regards to Rachel. I think that she saw a lot of stuff between the two of them that would indicate to any maybe reasonable or passerby person that they were not in a good place. And I kind of said this from the beginning to be honest with you, I, I do, I, I think that they were both very calculated.
I think that on camera they wanted to just show the best of it. And I think maybe even the best of it. Had some cracks because I don't think that their relationship was in a very good place during that time Yeah, obviously and and and this isn't like some sort of conspiracy against Ariana or Sandoval it's like obviously their relationship is not in a good place if someone is carrying on an affair Like, it just depends on who knows if it's in a good place or not.
Ariana just didn't know they were there in a place of he's sleeping with one of my best friends place, right? But, a relationship is complicated and sometimes one sided and sometimes someone's being very deceitful. But, I also do think that there was an element of Ariana was, Tired of his ass, and that doesn't mean that she was gonna leave him, that doesn't mean that she was gonna cheat on him, that doesn't mean any of that, it just means that he was getting on her last fucking nerve, for the last fucking time, a few times, you know?
I think, I think my issue is, is, and I said this a little earlier, A lot of the things that some of these cast members are saying in the after show is specifically what Sandoval was saying, and they were giving him shit for that, specifically at the reunion, and now you're kind of saying like the same thing, and I can understand maybe you've done some reflection, but The way that the direction was go, the conversation was going, I didn't like, but then Brittany, the voice of reason, she, she was always said, I cannot endorse that either, Emily, but in this moment, she was the voice of reason saying, but he should have ended it before and then Lala was like, yeah, once you put your dick in someone else.
It's time to go. And then I laughed because Brittany said exactly. And I'm like, Oh, Brittany, you can't. You can't say that because you did not do that. And not just everyone has to do that, right? Some people cheat and they work out their relationship. But man, you're but that's fine. But Brittany, you're still worried that your husband is cheating.
So that's a whole again, we talked about that. So that is where I didn't really, I don't know that conversation was this interesting to me. I'm curious how Ariana will take that. But I also I can't live in this world. I was not there for Sandoval and Ariana's relationship. I do think they both felt stuck.
And Brittany brought it up perfect. Man, Brittany, once again, saying how you do get in this place where, well shit, I have this with them. I have this with them. And, I know Sandoval has been more vocal about that and Ariana really hasn't talked about that, but you can't tell me. I very much, Ariana has, I'm sure has had that thought of, oh shit if we break up.
What about this? What about this? What about this? And it's harder. That does make breaking up harder. Um, but again, Sandoval was already so checked out the relationship. He was in another relationship, but just so funny to me when he said in the, in, uh, on the show, actual show, he was like, I haven't been single for 15 years, boy.
You've been acting, you've been in a single state of mind for some time, sir. Come on, these guys, these guys, speaking of which great Suckway, Lindsay. Talking about, talking about proof and faith in your men, uh, Brittany had her man in, in faith and that was a very sad time in their relationship. And I don't mean to make fun, maybe one of the best episodes of television ever.
Was Britney finding out from Ariana and Lala that during Faith's tryst with Jax that she recorded him? And that we find out later that, let me tell, I want to tell you guys right now. I don't think James is a good person. I don't know how you could have listened this far and think that I think otherwise.
The only moment of James that I will forever I will say this is a great reality TV moment and I'm willing to like, give it to him, is talking to Lisa Vanderpump the day after Brittany gets that recording. And he's talking to Lisa and he goes, Well, Britney got the recording of Faith when she taped Jax talking to her after they banged.
And LVP is like, how did she get the recording? James goes, I have no idea. I have nothing to do with it. And then you cut to confessional and he goes, I actually stole, uh, the recording off of Faith's phone. I sent it to myself and then I sent it to Lala and I was like, This is the funniest thing that's ever happened on television in the history of television and then he's describing it to Lisa and he's everyone was telling, and then Brittany, she plays it, she goes,
and, Lisa's face is like, Oh, it's so fun. It's this is the kind of editing that should win you an Emmy, Emmy for comedy. Anyway, all of that to say that is the episode that will be recapped at Rob Schulte show on March 30th. Uh, the finding of sexualized and audio tape, I believe is the name of the episode.
And I will get to be a guest panelist on that. And Lindsay, I think. Don't know. Oh, I mean, I will. Oh, I mean, I, I, I would do it, but I also know that, well, Rob announced this, right? Well, yeah, they did a live together that Peter, Peter will also be on there. And that'll be interesting. Cause I think Rob said Peter was actually there that night that shit went down.
So I can't wait to hear from his perspective. And I know, I know it's been out and out, like in the universe as far as what was actually said. On that, like it's been transcribed, but the way that I, I know we kind of because California and going back to recording rules, but we can actually hear the audio, but man, though, to hear that audio, even if I can't wait.
Did Rob say that he has the audio? Oh, no, I don't think so. No, I was like, Oh, I wish no, I just met as an audience member. That's always something that I really wish we could have heard. I know, because I think if we would have actually heard it, y'all would, we would be so much more well, I am disgusted with jacks.
But you know, because Reading the transcripts of it. We know how bad it was, but to hear him say those things, I just want to know it's going to be so hard for me not to snatch the mic out of Rob's hand and be like, all right, Peter, take us back to that night. Tell us, where were you standing? So the girls were on the porch.
How long were they on the porch? And then. When Brittany, did she actually end up connecting because we don't hear it because they can't play it But it's alluded to that. She does actually connect it to the speaker Like I am like yo, please tell me what it felt like to be standing in a room I want to know I want to know exactly how much cocaine was done.
I want to know Exactly how many bottles there were I want to know Like I said, I want to know where he was standing. I want to know, I want to know what Raquel said at the time. She was there too. I want to know what were people saying? And then production doing or the camera where they were, they freaking out because I don't think they were, I don't know if they were quite expecting for Brittany to broadcast it.
So the whole party, that is one thing that I'm like, She, that was very much of her own volition. That was not like a co like I will, I can, I can buy that. Like Ariana and Lala were coaxed into telling her about it. And that's why they took her on the balcony. But Brittany's reaction, there's no cut. It's Brittany's you watch her listening and she's nodding her head.
And then she's everybody, everybody listen to this because you're a piece of And I'm like, Oh my God. This is wonderful. This is the best thing that's ever happened. And then, and then when um, when the guys who leave and they're walking, because Jax, Jax and Brittany live on the same hall as, as, as Tom and Katie.
And then they start walking down the hall and Tom Sandoval, and I know we know he's a piece of shit now and I don't know what the fuck he was doing back then, but Jax comes out and Jax is like, Dude, I'm sorry. Dude, and Tom Sandoval is, Jack's God, you're such a piece of shit. And it's just so funny.
It's he is though, dude, this is crazy. And then James, I'm sorry. Like we're going to recap at Rob Schulte and Molly McAleer's live show on March 30th. So if you can't be there, like just listen now. The girls are all in the house together from what we see. I'm wondering if there were other guys that were staying, but it's funny because James stays around like a little like raccoon and he's Oh, and Brittany's I fucking hate him.
He's a piece of shit. He can rot in hell. He can go to hell. I hate him. And James goes, I can't believe y'all letting you all letting Brittany talk about him like this. She, she shouldn't say things like that. She's sweet. Brittany goes, yeah, mother fucker! Yeah, motherfucker! All you hear is bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep.
It's every curse word she said in that moment and James just ran away. She just ran! It's so good. It's so good. He runs away and then he, they're all so drunk or on something too because then James walks in and he's what? What? And Jackson's like, why did you do that? And James was like, what? I didn't do it.
And then you get, of course, the, the, then the intense scene of Arianna being like, It's not on my own! You're being obtuse! And Sandoval, which is such a weird, the hill he wanted to die on to defend Jack. Well, this is the person he is, we found out, yeah. Right, exactly. But it's him trying to be this voice of reason.
You don't do it in this way. And Arianna's saying, It's not my fault! Oh, and then after that she slams the door and then Jack's. It's sitting on the couch with Schwartz, and he picks up the phone, and he throws it to the wall, and Schwartz goes, Dude, was that my phone? I I need that. And Jessica's fucking phone, Schwartz.
God, it's so good. Before that, we see it was Ariana and Kristen who teamed up together. And that was the first time because it hadn't been explained, but they were getting to this place where they were cool. Yeah, we didn't know that at the time. No, because they didn't So then I'm watching it back. I'm like, Oh wow.
Ariana and Chris, Ariana looks at Kristen should we go? And then you get that scene. And it's funny because Kristen was really the one that was quiet during that part. It was Ariana who was going ham as she should, because, uh, that episode truly was so beautiful. And then after that is when. I know Jack, like the next morning they'll order Taco Bell, right.
And then Jack walks in and he starts going at it again. And Brittany goes off on him. Um, Wonderful episode. God, it's so good. Truly one of the probably top five BPR episodes. It's my it. It's season six is amazing and yeah season two and season six is part of some of the best reality tv because you you really did have this like real moment like again season two you had the real moment of jackson kristen did hook up you also have the real moment and how many times how many times did you hook up jacks Oh, we hooked up, uh, twice.
Yup. And then season six, again, the, the, the faith of it all in truly starting like episode one, Brittany finding an out, and then that rollercoaster of them, the relationship. And then the season finale, him breaking up with Brittany at Oh my God, the true rollercoaster of it all. And the Reiki, the Reiki healer that was in.
It's, it's just, it's such a good season and such a good episode. And I'm sorry if you guys have listened this long and you just listen to us to recap an episode that we're literally flying to Los Angeles to go recap in two weeks. Speaking of which, thank you all for everything that you have contributed to mine and Lindsay's buy me a coffee slash Fenmo to all of the kind words.
Like I know, I mean, obviously there's overlaps. Some of you. Um, I've commented and messaged and contributed and then some of you guys just have such really positive things to say and I guess coming from like the world of Reddit where I'm used to a lot of negativity from what I'm reading it's just I don't know, it's really, really, I'm really grateful.
And I said this the other day, but I've been doing this since 2021, and I, I obviously have an understanding that I have brought an amazing person in Lindsay into this and that you guys have been tuning in for her as well, but just the support that you guys have given us and that you guys even listen to a podcast, it's three hours long.
It's not. Easy , so many, so many things, so many thoughts and feelings about these people that we don't know. We don't know. And then just being able for me, I know, and I think it's very much the same for you, Lindsay, like being able to go out to LA and be in these spaces and kind of live these moments, I think is, I'm so excited.
And you guys like. Even just listening to the podcast has made, literally, that's made it possible because if you guys weren't listening then no one would give a shit. And no one would know and then Rob wouldn't have known to ask us to go out there. So I think it's just really great and I appreciate you guys so much.
Lindsay, did you have any, so you were on a Yerbush therapist podcast this week as we already talked about, was there anything else that you have coming up or anything else that you wanted to plug? Not that I can think of. I mean, as you said, very just thankful for everyone. For all their support and the donating to buy me coffee as Emily and I have quickly realized we're just visiting LA, but I don't know how people live there because it ain't cheap.
It's not cheap. It is expensive. And we've talked about this on our Instagram, but we've gotten so much conflicting information on if we should Uber, if we should rent a car. And we're kind of just decided we're going to go with the flow and kind of see where we're at. But because. Of how you guys have been listening and donating.
Um, it just, I think it has put us, um, at ease a lot with, you know, with our trip. Let's just say like the concept of being at my last 2, 000 is not something that I have, uh, had the ability to realize yet. So the, the help that you guys have already given is I wouldn't, I wouldn't be able to go. No, and it's a.
It's amazing. And just thank you so much again. Um, it's never expected. Obviously, if you are in a place where you're able to and want to, we greatly, greatly appreciate it. But even with that aside, all your guys's messages and comments about, you know, what you like about what we talked about on the podcast, because I do think Emily and I try to come from a place of we're trying to Look at all these people the individual way and even me and you may not always agree on something, but it's crazy.
We're still able to have a conversation and not for a long time. Yeah, and not go off on each other. Or I know there have been made. I know with you particular like you have helped me see you. A lot more when it comes to Sheena, because I know sometimes when you do, you said earlier when even someone who I've watched the show from the beginning, when you read some of this stuff over and over again, you're like, wait, is this my thought?
Or is this just a thought that I've been reading so much that now they think is true. And I said, It's, it was like that about Katie, by the way, and Lala, they are in the subreddit. I've been in that. I've been a member for, I think a long time, maybe I haven't been a member, but I've definitely been creeping on that sub for a very long time.
And Lala had her period of time, Sheena has had hers, Katie had hers, Rachel certainly has had hers. So it's I understand that it is a pattern and it'll probably. Hopefully die down. To me though, it's like Sheena has had the most consistent. I hate Sheena. There's never been like an I love Sheena arc.
It's just mostly been like nothing or hate. Whereas with Katie, she was all hate and then now love. Rachel was ambivalence and then hate. Yeah. There's a difference between sometimes when we watch these shows, we do watch them for entertainment and we do watch it for the cringy and wild shit that they say.
But then the direction that the conversations are going, I think to myself, why are you watching these people? If it's someone who I truly, truly hate, and I'm not gonna lie when it comes to James, it does get a little very difficult. I did fast forward. I fast forward a lot of him everything he's in even with Sandoval right now with there's a lot of things up in the air with him.
Yeah, it is difficult. But ultimately, I still, even though this season is rough for me, I really still Vanderpump Rules. I love the show. So if I felt the need to Go online into, and again, I'm not talking about snarky, fun, you mean, posts and things like that, but No, please, I love the snark reddit Colleen Ballinger's snark is one of the best moderated snark pages Oh, it is Of all time, it is beautiful, and this isn't shade, obviously, because hello, I'm in the room Oh, yeah, I get what you mean But Colleen Ballinger's snark page is moderated perfectly Yeah Is A wonderful community to be a part of.
Like we're not hating on hating. I hate like the best of them. Okay. There are just things that I've seen when it comes to, and I won't not even just Vanderpump rules. A lot of Bravo subs are, I think maybe two because the fandom for these spinoff shows or these like junior shows are very much contingent on.
The drama that's happening in the season, which means like they have bursts of fandom that come in and try to get the tea. Uh, and, uh, so it's not as consistent. I think that that really contributes to the environment. And so, like with the sub that I created, I kind of, and I won't lie, I did kind of try to create a sub that's for people that have been watching the show for a long time and have thought a lot about their opinions.
Uh, And people that like value being in a Reddit space that is about that because everyone on Reddit isn't actually trying to be on Reddit like that. And that's really reasonable and, I don't know. Some people just want to go on Reddit and talk shit. Sometimes I just want to pop into our AskLosAngeles and then Pop back.
I don't have shit to do with Los Angeles. I don't care. It doesn't like if there's drama in the subreddit, it doesn't affect me because I don't live there. But I understand why, like there might be drama within them because there's probably some random guy that's always commenting on that subreddit talking shit about an establishment, you know what I mean?
So I understand that. So I was like, maybe I could create a subreddit where we talk about what I want to talk about and not you know, is Sheena a flip flopper and is Katie the queen and is Ariana a bitch? None of that is interesting conversation to me. No, it's one it's it's one note.
And let's be real, it is It is just a weird time in social media in general because on Facebook, a whole different conversation is happening. It is 80 year old women who just found the show, who are calling Ariana and Katie whores and sluts because that's the language that they still, it is such a wild conversation on Facebook.
Um, so there's no, it, it doesn't, It's hard to find that happy medium right now, and again, that's why I enjoy doing these podcasts with you because I feel like we even, hell, we even try, look, we will try to give Sandoval, if there's any credit, to, you know what I mean, or try to understand his perspective, we, you know what I mean we, we try, we try to see that, um, and so, that's, you know, and I think that's okay, no, no, no, well, because he's still doing the damn thing out in the world, you know, Extremely irritating.
As a person, but I'm also not going to sit. Yeah. Like you said, I'm not going to sit here and be like, he's a serial killer. Cause he's actually literally not. No, and I'm not going to say he has narcissistic personality disorder because I'm not a therapist. I'm not a therapist. I can't do that. Same with any, you know what I mean?
Same with any of them. So it just, again, it's, it's a, it's a weird time in the social media space and I'm always someone that if you have a different opinion than me about these people, I really don't care because we all come from different perspectives. Totally. Um, um, But, but then when people start to get nasty, then I'm like, okay, you lost me.
Some of y'all are in the comments looking a goddamn fool. Um, all right, well, thank you guys so much. I love you guys and we will talk to you guys next week and okay, we'll talk to you guys later. Bye. Bye.