Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Getting rid of the "Guilty Pleasure" adage one podcast at a time...
Each week Emily Rose will dive into different pop culture topics, and tell you what TF you need to know about them!
Special thanks to: LD Green III for Intro/Outro music "Lord of the Dance" Streaming Everywhere!
Artwork Photographer: Ques Williams for Midas Touch Creative Group
Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Kiss from a Schwartz in the Grey: Vanderpump Rules s11 ep9 Recap ft @vanderpodrecaps !!
Rob and Molly's Special Interest Society @ The Pack Theater- Broadwater Second Stage on March 30th !!
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IG: @whotfknowsemilyrose
Twitter: @WTFKEmilyRose
Hello. Hello. Hello. This is who the fuck knows with Emily Rose. I'm Emily Rose. We're in a countdown right now, everybody. It is 7 0 7 PM Eastern standard time on March 27th, 2024. And in less than 72 hours, or yeah, less than, I guess we will be on the way to Los Angeles. We being me. And my fabulous co host, Lindsey of Vanderpod Recaps.
Are you ready, Lindsey? I am not ready.
Let's talk about it. What do you got to do? What do you got to do? I, I need to pack. I need to mentally prepare. I need to check. To make sure, as far as I know, my flights are still all good, we're good to go, you know, just things that I'm procrastinating on, but you know what, but I am so ready in a sense of I'm so, so, so excited.
Yes, yes, I'm excited too. Let me ask you, ballpark, uh, how many outfits are you going to be bringing? Because I want to make sure. I'm in the same. Oh, I have to bring all the outfits because I wake up every morning and I might be in a different mood. Some days I wake up. And I feel hot as shit. And the other day is I'm like, you're a monster.
You need to put this on. So my whole wardrobe is basically coming with me and I'm trying to, you know, stuff it in a suitcase. Oh, yeah. Great. I'm glad we're on the same page. If you're like, Oh, I'm bringing like one for every day. I would have lied. I've been like me too. Totally. Yeah, that's, that's totally what I do.
I have a compulsive, uh, buying. Bikinis and, and swimsuit problem. And as far as I know, we're not, I mean, we're going to the beach, but I don't want to, like, I don't think you, we talked with a, one of our, one of our listeners about this and that we will hopefully be getting to visit when we're there. And I mean, we are going to be able to visit her in Hermosa beach.
And I don't think, like, do people lay out in Los Angeles beaches? Like, I've never seen that before. Okay. I have no clue. Did you see that she's going to Rob's show now too? I saw! Yes, gee, we can't wait to see you, girl! Gee, real bitch bravo. What's up, girl? Yeah, I'm so excited. I don't know if people I mean, I'll I told you this.
I think laying out is the most boring thing ever. I have to Do things so I, I, I will love just to be near water and put my feet in it, but that's as far as I like to go now as an adult, I, well, I have the skin of a demonized porcelain doll so I can go in the sun for long periods of time without protection, but I love a long, I love a beach walk.
Like I love a beach walk with the like water on my toes. That's what I love or maybe a good beach sit dependent on the. On the beach conditions. So anyway, I don't need to buy another bathing suit. Uh, the Uber for, the Uber to the airport in Atlanta is gonna be like 50. I'm like, I live. In Atlanta, I don't understand, but I think it's like, I think it's a, I think it's an airport thing.
So anyway, I can't, I don't need to be buying another swimsuit. I'm bringing three though.
Oh my God. Well, I don't want to bore anybody anymore with, with my preparation. Uh, I will just say we we've been doing this every week. I want to keep saying thank you to everyone. First of all, thank you to everyone. Who's been donating to the Buy me a coffees mine and Lindsay's we really appreciate it I've had some friends that have sent me some birthday money today And if you know me You know what kind of day i've been having that's been quite helpful Um, so just thank you guys for doing that If you know, times, you know, still going, if you wanted to still donate, you can, uh, all that information is in the show notes.
We talk about it every week at this point, honestly, I'm just so grateful for everything that's already come in that it's not even worth sitting here and plugging, you know? Yeah. Oh, but I do also need to thank, we had a little, you and I Lindsay had a couple of scandals this week. I'll talk about my scandal.
You don't have to talk about yours. Um, someone left me a review. And to be clear, I don't like to talk about negative reviews, but I was pissed off because this one was like, all they do talk about me and Lindsey is whine about negative reviews and that's just not true because I make a point not to do that because that's one of my podcast pet peeves.
So I, uh, I kind of made a joke about it. And I said, you know, go show this guy up. And then I checked today and a bunch of you came in and gave some really great reviews. So thank you for that. Um, you know, negative reviews are part of the game. And I think that we talked about it. I think that this person was actually confused with.
How much I talk about Reddit feedback, because that I get a lot of negative, I get a lot of negative Reddit feedback myself. So he can, uh, or she, or they can kindly fuck off. Yeah, it has been in that comment was so, and they, they, they mentioned that we were just little weirdos that little weirdos that like to talk about negative reviews.
So, you know, and they call us Raquel and Sheena stans. I don't know where he would get the impression that I'm a sheenist tin. I have no idea where that would come from. It's ridiculous. Most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Lies. Lies. No. Lies. Yeah. It's been a weird week. I, I talked about this a little bit on my Instagram.
I won't go to too much, give it too much more attention, but I had a weird, the weirdest comment I've ever gotten on Reddit, people, um, this person basically accusing me of editing my recaps in a way to, uh, send hate more to Rachel, and that they are questioning the legality of my recaps, and all I have to say is that if you have ever talked to me, if you have ever seen my recaps or any of my comments, you, I hope you know that my intention is to never, ever, Ever send hate to anyone.
I have been very empathetic when it comes to Rachel, and I will continue to do that as I am with all of them, even Sandoval at times, I can show empathy to him. That's just who I am. I also never, ever, my recaps are literally what these people say. I may take out likes. And you know, and I may make sentences make sense because as I've learned with podcasting with you, sometimes you don't complete a thought, and then it's somewhere else.
So I tried to make the recaps as where you can follow it and understand it, but it truly is their words. And. Since I am a VPR page, I really only recap VPR related stuff, unless it's something that else I want to recap, and it's not really VPR related, but that's, again, my choice, but long story short, I'm just putting out there what these people put out there for free.
Free? Hello? For free? Yeah. Yeah, like, and also, yeah, that comment saying, like, I know Bravo pages get paid for this stuff. That is not true. No, I'm very thankful because so many of you have donated to my Buy Me Coffee, and that is amazing, but I do not get paid. For my recap, right? You're not incentivized by any entity to sway your recaps in one way or another.
And you know what I'll say about the only thing I'll say about that comment is the time that it took for them to write that long ass comment, they could have listened to the damn episode and known that your recap was by the book word for word. So. Again, some, some people can't listen, uh, whether that's because of an hearing impairment or because they just literally don't have time to listen, but they can skip over a recap.
It's just, I don't know. It was just weird to, cause like, it's, I guess like to ask, you know, what your process is, is one thing, but to accuse it of being illegal, I don't think that transcription No, as I said, I'm not, I'm not putting like Secret codes in there. Like Jack, I guess Sandoval said this in parenthesis.
He also said that he fucked this person. Like I'm not adding messages. It's again, just putting out what they said. And yeah, when I responded to that person, In a very kind way. Then they responded back saying, okay, I just wanted, I didn't know what your process was like. That is not what you asked. I've had people ask me that on ret on Instagram.
When I do like Q and A's, they say, Hey, like, how long does it take you to do recaps or what is your process like? And that's a different question than saying I'm doing something illegal. Literally. And if they listened to who the fuck knows, Emily Rose, Transcribed Then they would get all the answers because I believe we talked about all of that in our very first episode ever together.
So losing on all fronts, man. I don't know what to tell you. You're not listening to the podcast. You're not listening to anybody's podcast, not reading, but seriously though. That's enough of the negativity. I really don't like to harp on that kind of stuff, but it was just funny that we both had a situation this week.
It was the streets were hot. They were mad at us. All right. Well, I think that's all the life updates. Let's get into the Vanderpod Vanderpod Vanderpump news. Uh, there wasn't really, I guess we're recording a little earlier than usual, but there really wasn't a lot of podcast drama though. I do need you to clear something up for me.
Because I've already forgotten, even though I think you've now told me twice. What happened with Lala and Kristen? Because you told me that they were beefing, but then this week, you know, Lala has been out and about. She's been saying a lot and I had something she said made me feel like, Oh, well maybe they can repair it.
Cause I want them to, um, so what, can you give us a little breakdown on what that was real quick? Just so people are caught up. Yeah, and I can break that down and go into my theory because yes, Kristen did say something. I'm sorry. I'm going to say all their names. Lala said something on her Amazon live last week that I forgot to touch on that made me think, Hmm, that's interesting when guarding Kristen.
So basically the Kristen and Lala feud. So they were friends and then Kristen who Trigger warning, I'm just, I'm going to. Um, and I did mention that Kristen was pregnant and she had a miscarriage, but that is part of the story. Kristen talks about. But in November of last year, Kristen was pregnant. She hadn't announced it yet.
And she did Zach Peter's live show. And on that show, Gigi from Shaws of Sunset, correct? Mhm. War show. Ever. She was on there and Gigi does not like Lala and also Kristen said that she doesn't think that Gigi really likes her. And so they, Zach talked to Kristen and was saying, do you not want to stand by Gigi?
Do you want me to change it and not be on stage together? And Kristen was like, no, it's fine. We're adults. Wow. At some point in the podcast, they get talking about Lala. And I will say Gigi really did come for a lot, come for Lala about her parenting. It was really gross. I did not care for it. Um, but that's how all of them on the show on Shaw's a sunset.
They're all really, really, I've never watched it, but I've heard it's dark. It's super dark. Well, and something else just came out. Oh girl. Yeah. That's a whole, I know. Can't go on the different podcasts. Yes. Um, But anyway, so Kristen was on stage, you could obviously tell she was uncomfortable, and she was smiling and laughing, now I took it as her being uncomfortable, and she said at one point, like, how am I in the middle of this, but she didn't necessarily Defend Lala, or she didn't really say anything.
You just thought she was uncomfortable. Well, apparently that pissed Lala off, but Lala did not go to Kristen with that. Lala went to everybody else and basically told people, Kristen's dead to me. As she does. As she does. Kristen. Um, you know, said she, she didn't mean to hurt Lala in any way. It wasn't that she wasn't trying not to defend her, but she was like, but I do understand where Lala's coming from.
Like, yeah, I should have said something. Um, but you know, I was newly pregnant. I was going through a lot. I was just trying to figure out like what the hell she was talking about. Um, but the thing is, is Lala didn't come to Kristen about it and Lala, um, and Kristen said, you know, if Lala really thought we were good friends.
She would have came to me. And so then Lala was like, yeah, you know, that's a good point. Um, so they've just had beef back and forth. Well, why I now think that truly Lala is either a hundred percent going over to the valley or maybe she's getting her own spinoff with the behavior that she did out here, honey.
She is trying to make Daddy Baskin very happy and that's Alex Baskin for everyone, anyone who doesn't know the, one of the executive producers, um, and on her Amazon live, a total switch, um, uh, change in tone regarding Kristen, which as Lala does, she feels different about people every single day. It truly is a lot.
She experiences. A lot of changing emotions. She does. Rapidly. Yeah, that is a lot to handle. And she, on this Amazon Live, now remind you a few months ago, someone asked her about Kristen and she said, who, who is that? Like, totally acts like she didn't know she was. Wow. This Amazon Live, someone asked about her and Kristen and she was like, you know, I know that I've said stuff that has hurt her, she has said stuff that's hurt me, but I really hope we can come back to a place together.
And I was like, okay, right there, she was making moves. I really, I really think that, but then I get confused because we got to talk about the Ariana news before we get into the episode. Oh yeah. I'm really thinking at the reunion, Lala maybe announced that she quit, but then. And I think she's going to the valley or getting the spinoff, but then Ariana, it was just announced today that she is going to be the new host of, um, Love Island.
Love Island USA, and I've never watched it, but from my understanding, I just looked it up, they film in the summer, and isn't it live? Um, I don't watch Love Island, uh, I don't, I don't, well, okay, so, It's not live, right? It kind of was. At least maybe Oh, is that why people like it? I think, or it's only, it's only maybe a day or two behind, but I think it's pretty live and it's filmed literally from Oh, like, like, uh, American Idol or Dancing with the Stars or something?
Something. I, I've never watched. You know what's funny? Love Island's a show that I've never been able to get into. But it seems like, it seems like it's usually air, like, first aired July, last aired August. Which I know usually shows are filmed before they're aired, but I'm pretty sure there is an element of it being live.
I can see Ariana quitting. I've said this before. I really don't. I can see Lala moving to the valley. I could too, but then, do you, can you imagine Lala and Ariana both quitting? And them still doing a season 12? Cause we already have the spoolery of them producing storylines. That's gonna, I just can't imagine more of that.
Ah, yeah, I would hate to see, I would hate that. Cause then, I mean. Just Katie and Sheena and Shimon. No, no, that's a throw me off the top of the building moment for sure. That's you brought up a good point. If you don't about Katie and just respectfully, what was what you said, you talked about going on a friend date and you thought, yeah, yeah.
And you thought maybe. It seemed very housewives y of is she trying to bring something on the show. So, Katie and Dana went on Nick Viall's podcast, Please Don't Get Me Started, that man is such a moron. And, um, they, Katie was, they were talking about their weekend and Katie said that she went on a friend date.
And, you know, makes like, ooh, like a girlfriend, girlfriend, she's like, no, a girlfriend, but, like, we just met. Um, So we were having like I had like she said she ordered four margaritas They were hanging out for hours getting to know each other and it was just like to me an odd like way The way that she phrased it was odd to me and it was giving It was a really giving friend of housewife Auditioning to be how because that's usually What happens is they have a connection to someone in the cast of Housewives and then they meet up and they talk about it and try and see if it's going to be a fit and then if so, then the person gets casted.
So I don't know, that was a little bit of a conspiracy to me, but it was just interesting the way she worded it, but I don't know. Yeah, I don't know either. Also, okay, so Love Island, so the public vote for their favorite couple. Love Island. And who they think is most combat compatible. So I think there is a live element to it.
So this to me, I don't think Ariana is going to be bad.
Well, I, um, I mean, isn't it one of her favorite shows and then she gets the opportunity to be the, she kicked Sarah Highland off the dance. Sarah said, she's got something coming up, but I don't believe her. I didn't even know the Sarah Highland hosted it. I didn't either. She's not an ideal. I would never pick her.
To be a host of a love like reality competition dating show. So anyway, that's very interesting. I still don't think Lala will be done with reality television. No, but She'll, she's doing something. She's making moves, but she's doing something. She's making moves. She's making moves. What other podcasts came out this week?
I mean, the Rachel's came out this week, but not I, she was naming names, but a lot of them we already, like, we, we knew Schwarz too did, we didn't talk about that, did we? No, we knew, um, Oh, I guess that was last week. Okay. I mean, it was mixed up. Sorry. Yeah, that was last week. She was name and name shorts, which we knew Kyle, which we knew Max was interesting.
It was like one of those. I think she, he might've known. I'm not really sure. Um, well, if Max, sorry, if Max and Schwartz are as close as People were alleging in tonight's episode. Oh, then yeah, probably. Yeah. Yeah. And then I'm sorry. She did do this one this week, but, and she had Dr. Pia, which she's getting all these, um, married at first sight people, which cracked me up because have you ever watched that show?
No, it's so the. Um, and I put her in quotes, experts, you know, just a very just whack a doodle, um, and, but yeah, she talked about, um, I will say that episode, it was interesting to hear about how she had to really process. Um, I thought that was powerful hearing just because I think a lot of people can relate to that.
When you go through something, it takes time to process that. Um, and like you said, Nick Vile, Katie and Dana were on that. Nick is a fool and I can't stand hearing him mansplaining everything. It's so annoying. Basically this week is another week of Katie being or saying I'm confused about what Lala is saying.
I thought we were good and Lala. On her podcast day was like, I can't even recap these episodes anymore because after I left that reunion, I just look at all of them. So differently. Are you?
Hi horse. You're so weird right now.
What is going on? I don't understand and I will say before we get an episode. So A podcast I do recommend listening to. I listen to this one weekly. Um, it's Ariana's friend Meredith. It's called The Backup Plan and Ariana was on it and I thought It was really good. Ariana talked about the process of her freezing her eggs and just how it was very just matter of fact with her.
She thought, you know, it was a good idea. She, you know, the eggs weren't doing anything in her body. So she was like, why not? And then she talked about, um, you know, Why VPR didn't show that she talked really talked in detail about how, because we saw her and Lala talk about, um, when they're grabbing smoothies and, you know, trying to force a friendship, um, Arianna was saying how her perspective of having kids, you know, may has changed, but she just talked about how growing up she never saw an equal partnership.
It was always her mom doing something so she always had this idea of, okay, so I'm going to become a mom and have to do everything. And you. Right. And I have to give birth and I was just like, that is, you know, a valid I feel that yeah. But anyway, I always recommend listening to Ariana podcast because I feel like you hear more of a different side of her.
She speaks very well. She's has a fun personality. And I don't think that always comes across on the show. So I do recommend listening to that. But other than that, so much. I know it's only Wednesday, but I mean, tomorrow Saint Novel will be recapping the episode. That will be interesting to hear what he has to say.
And then I don't know what Sheena's doing for shenanigans on Friday, so not really a lot this week in the podcast world. Word. Okay. Well, we can go ahead and get in the episode full transparency, guys. We are trying to be a little quicker with this because we have a trip to, to plan and pack for. So we're not going to do a, a necessarily like line by line scene by scene recap.
We are going to do at the end, something very fun that I came up with. It's called pump or pass. And when I say I came up with it, I know that several podcasts do something almost identical. So please know that I don't think I'm original for any reason. And we'll talk about our highlight and our low light of the episode.
Before we do that, I'll go ahead and read the episode synopsis. So that'll give us kind of a starting point. Schwartz makes a startling revelation to Lala about a past hookup that sends Katie spiraling. Okay, James hosts a DJ night at Hotel Ziggy. Ariana and Katie encounter new issues in opening their sandwich shop.
Brock drops a bombshell about a recent liaison. I really like the thing that they had to include the Hotel Ziggy. Wow, this is a huge place. Dude, let me tell you something. When I thought that we were going to get paid before I left, I was seriously considering like, what if for our day that we're like the first day for my birthday, What if we got a night at hotel Ziggy, I thought about it, but then they were like, no, you're not getting paid.
And I was like, okay, squash that plan. I guess I have to kill my hotels, Ziggy dreams. Okay. If you guys are listening, cause there's, our listeners are so good about. Listening to me, ask questions and then answering them because I asked so many questions, I forget, but if anyone knows, does hotel Ziggy have like a bar that the public can go to, or, and also while we're here, if you guys know of any places that are notoriously pretentious.
In West Hollywood that like you, you'd think like, Oh, maybe Emily would want to go to that. Let me know. Cause I don't want to go anywhere. That's super pretentious. I can't, I can't handle it. My, my ego can't handle it. Okay. All right. So let's get into the episode. We open. I said, we wouldn't go line by one and we won't, uh, James picks out Allie's clothes.
That was weird. Uh, they're weird and uncomfortable. And I hate it. Every time we're at their house, we get to hotel Ziggy. And then we're flashing back because we're, because James, I guess, was talking about going to Hotel Ziggy cause he's DJing. And I forgot about that first talk with Allie and Rachel. I did too.
God, what a time, but a time to be alive. Then we get a scene at Tom, in Tom Sandoval's bedroom, which I'm like sparing. Get out of here. I don't want to be in here and his bed's so low to the ground. I just, I'm not into it. This scene was actually super fucking unnecessary. This is the most unnecessary scene of all time.
Go ahead. Go ahead. It was just a scene to make Ariana scary, I feel like. Billie Lee walked in, well, she creeped in, and she was like, I'm so scared that I'm gonna see Ariana. And she was like, oh, your room's clean. What, what was the point? And then this whole, well, the whole point of this scene, excuse me, was to set up T.
Yeah. To talk about tea. Um, and I'm not actually, like the name tea, not, you know, them sipping tea and gossiping, but you know, it just, it was so, and then the only interesting part again was Sandoval saying the ball is in Ariana's court regarding the house and he, uh, you know, the man just loves to leave out details about things, but I don't know, it is what it is.
I don't know what's going on with my throat guys. I think I'm dying. Literally. I do have a question. Lindsey, is living with your mom or living with your ex girlfriend worse? Mmm, so I think they said ex girlfriend's worse, but I actually think it is. Could be your mom, depending on the circumstances, like, is it because you have like no ambition and aren't doing anything with your life and you're, you know, you're, you're living off your mom?
Because I know sometimes with relationships, especially with apartments or houses, things like that, you can't just uproot your life. Right. And, especially if it's like an animicable split. And, Yeah. So, I don't know, I really think it depends on the circumstances, but I almost think living with your mom is worse.
I think it depends on who you're asking. If you're asking the person, like, which is probably, like, more, has a worse stigma, Living with your mom. If you're asking like me, if I'm trying to date somebody and I have the choice that the guy's going to be living with his mom or living with his ex girlfriend, I'm going to go with the mom.
I'm probably actually going to opt out. I'm going to say pass on this one. But if I had to choose, I would probably said prefer mom because I'd like to assume. That he's either a saving money, we're taking care of his mom, uh, because the, the ex girlfriend, I don't care how amicable you are, like, that's not a situation I want to be involved in.
You get out of the house and then we'll talk is how I fit. I think I've made it very clear this podcast. I feel like everyone needs to get out of the goddamn house. Okay. Um, then we have, okay, so now we have an, an Ariana and getting ready to go to Taylor Swift. Ariana. Yeah. I guess it's just setting up, I don't know, the idea that Anne will now maybe be her assistant or that she wants an assistant now, so maybe Anne has a, an assistant friend that she can recommend again.
I felt bad for Anne. I was like, why she, she was like, please take me. She was like begging Ariana. I'm like, this is, Oh, just, I'm going to be honest. I think Anne's really cool. I enjoy when I podcast. I like when I've interacted with her online. This subplot for me is not doing it and I don't, I just don't get, there's a lot of missing information and I want Anne to call me when that NDA breaks girl because I'm, I'm, I'm going to be front row and center with the popcorn but until then I just don't understand what's going on.
Yeah, this talking about Maybe produce storylines. This doesn't feel real to me. And well, and there was a preview for next episode where you will, I guess you see Ariana and talk more about this, but in an isn't Ariana's assistant now. So it would make more sense to me if we had found out now that, and you know what I mean, is Ariana's assistant, but this just kind of seemed.
I don't, I don't, I don't know. It just, I'm really curious next week how Anne talks about it because I do think in this particular podcast episode she did this week, Anne seemed to talk a little more open and freely. Um, not anything huge, but I don't know. It just seemed she had a different like tone with herself.
Um, so I'm like, Oh, maybe is she able to Or maybe she's not so scared about her, you know, with her words because Mr. Standevall had her sign an NDA. Um, but yeah, I don't really, so I'm curious next week what she'll say as far as this whole, um, this conversation, like the next week when we see her and Anne talking about it more.
Because you talked a little bit about this week saying, you know, I really love Ariana, um, we've gotten super close, but it's like, So do you want to be her sister or do you want to be her best friend? I feel like you guys just want, you know what I mean? Like you guys can just be friends. You should. No, no.
It's weird. I agree. I agree. It's weird. Uh, Lindsay, I want you to look at this. I'm waiting on this backpack that I'm taking on the trip to be delivered. Can you see this? Do you see, why did they leave the package so desperately far from my door? I need to go get this so nobody snags it because it is like they might as well thrown it in the street.
It's so far from your door. It's alarming. I don't like that. Sorry guys, uh, Lindsay, if you want to take over for just a second, because we have to talk about. Yes, I'll start. And Lala juicing together. I'll be right back. Okay. So we have Schwartz and Lala and they're, you know, they're having a kiki, they're having lunch, which of all the seasons with Lala and Schwartz, have we ever seen them just have a scene, them two together?
I don't, I don't know. I'm so confused. Either they're trying to make daddy baskin happen or happy. Or, they, I don't know, I see some chemistry between Lala and Schwartz, and I don't know how to feel about it, it's weird. Um, but Schwartz said he has been sober for three days, but you know, sometimes he likes to go on drug and alcohol benders.
And, Schwartz makes a joke about it being a date, Lala makes some weird sex jokes, um, And it, you know, it just, it was really weird watching them together. I don't necessarily understand why, it, I don't know, it just, I didn't realize how much Schwartz seems to be trying to produce this season. He is making some weird choices.
And we see that when he decides to, which I totally think he and Sandoval had a conversation and Sandoval was like, you know, dude, you just, people need to get off my back. Like, I just wish that there's something that, you know, we could do and Schwartz was like, well, I can bring up that me and Sheena made out 12 years ago.
And so, you know, Again, I was just talking about how I wasn't expecting to see Schwartz trying to produce so much this season. I know. And literally trying to be like, drop this bomb of, Oh, you know, we've, we've all made mistakes. I mean, I'm making out with Sheena 12 years ago. And Lala's like, hold up. It's a what?
And the way he, just, it was so weird. It was, okay, all of it was weird. Are they banging? Are they swinging together? I also asked that. I was, I said, when In the time that Lala has been on the show and Schwartz has been on the show, have we ever seen these two just grab lunch together? Never. And they've had a couple of other solo scenes too.
I'm like, what, when did this develop? So it is, it's very plot, it's very plotting vibes. I think that this is part of the fracture in the group. They got to put odd pairings together. And I think over the course of this odd pairing, Schwartz has fallen damn in love. I do too! I'm like, when he, he's, he's like genuinely like, Oh, well, uh, you're just like, I mean, you're just like the most hottest woman I've ever met in my life.
I mean, not really. I mean, sort of though your boobs. I'm just kidding. I mean, your hair, but like also your eyes, you're so beautiful, but I'm joking though. I'm like, what the fuck is this? Oh, this is date. Just kidding. It's not a date. No. Yeah. Do you think it's a date? No. Oh, maybe. And it kind of felt like a date.
I was like, all right, well, it did. So when he drops the bomb. About making out with Sheena, which has been this big teaser. Honestly, though, here's the thing. I guess I just thought, at this point in the show, it seems like a non What does it matter? Why is now? Why at this time? Why halfway through? This feels like something that would be maybe, like, started at the beginning, to, like, Establish that there's, yes, establish that there's, uh, an issue with Katie and Sheena that Katie doesn't have, have trust in Sheena, get the heat off Sandoval, pivot the storyline away.
It just seems like that would be the goal, so kind of like, Even though I was expecting it, when they, when they drop like that, I was like, Well, what the fuck is anybody gonna do about it? Then Lala's brain gets to runnin And she's, she starts goin around town, Spreadin it, tellin Katie, But it's so funny, because like, I don't think Katie gives a shit.
So I'm like, What? I mean, it didn't seem to me like, I mean, I've seen her mad. She didn't seem mad. She just seemed like hurt that Sheena didn't tell her. Yeah. So I'm like, what is the point of even leaving this in? I think, uh, I think that I just, Sheena tells her side of the story later, I think in the after show, right?
Essentially though, I think that they kissed. I don't think that they like hooked up. I don't think that, and I believe it was a makeout. Or a kiss. I think I don't know. She was saying it was more of a kiss, and he's saying it's more of a makeout. I think it was more, I think it was not a full makeout, but more than a peck.
Yeah, I think that it was like, I like picture him like swooping her up and like just like kissing her for a second, but not like sitting in a corner for several minutes making out. No, but also yeah more than a peck But I feel like they were trying to I think he was trying to make it sound like it was this full on Makeout and she was trying to make it sound like it was just a peck and I think the truth is somewhere in the middle Yeah, I do.
I think they were both hammered. Yes I think it took her a second to realize what the fuck was going on So they were kissing for a minute and then she was like what the fuck you doing? Yeah, and I think the funniest part about it, if there's one thing Sheena does not give a fuck about, it's Shae's feelings, because she was like, She was seriously, like, you could tell she was worried about, like, Katie's reaction, and I think she genuinely was, I mean, the way that Katie was treating her back then, I wouldn't have told Katie either.
Out of sheer terror as she, and I want to be clear to everybody, obviously Katie should be pissed and should have been pissed at the time and it would make a hell of a lot more sense and in the after show, she says that might have maybe not changed the entirety of the relationship, but in that, that would have maybe set her on a course to think differently about, uh, Schwartz's motives and things like that.
Yeah. And I also feel like Katie handled it really well in general, when she talks about it, she's like, level headed. Like, yeah, very like Schwartz is the one who cheated on me all the time and I think she was more upset that they there was maybe this of them joking about it recently and why did he say that?
What's wrong? No. And then Sheena saying she did so funny because she when she tells stories because she knows when she also fucked up because at first she was saying, um, What we weren't sure and then she was like, oh, well I did say Something like I forget exactly what she said. And so you're like sheena Okay, so obviously like some conversation happened and I think katie was just again.
It was almost like okay. I'm obviously A part of this quote unquote joke, but I'm not in on this joke, nor did I ever know about it. Yeah, I think her feelings were hurt. As they should be! They totally should be. It makes sense, and for her in the aftershow to say, you know, Me knowing this could have really changed the course, and I was thinking about that, I was like, Hmm, I do wonder if that would have, because I think the timeline When did, season four, right?
Or, is, wait, when did Sheena and Shay get engaged? Sheena said, Sheena said that this happened after season one was wrapped. Oh. When they do the flashback to Katie talking to Schwartz, that's season three. But we don't know, really, also, also I thought she said it was when her and Shay got engaged. She might've said that, but then in the after show, she said, after season one, she was like, this is right after season one, just got, just got wrapped very early, very early.
And then, and yeah, and she says, Shay and her just got engaged, but that, but the time, the time of that whole thing is fucked up too. Right. Like, um, because. There's one reunion where Tom and Kristen are already split, but we don't know it yet or something. There's something weird about the timing in those first couple of seasons.
It is weird because they shot the pilot and then they didn't shoot for like another year, right? And then by that time Stassi and Jax were already broken up and they had to do all this stuff. So the timing is weird. So that, that is confusing. But yeah, I just, I don't, I don't know. I don't know either. And then Tom, when he's telling the story, says that it happened like 12 years ago.
Then Lala, when she tells Katie with her messy ass, goes, Yeah, like they made out a few years ago. I was like, a few? That could be three! A few. Oh, Lauren. Messy. Messy ass. Messy. I love it. Oh, I do too. This whole, this whole episode was so, so funny. Okay. So then we get to Hotel Ziggy and Hotel Ziggy, if you're listening.
My birth, my birthday is March 31st. If you want to give us a free room, shout out, okay. Hotel Ziggy looks like the nicest hotel in all of West Hollywood. Uh, so Sandoval, okay. Yeah. This whole scene again, it's a lot going on. So we have, first of all, we have Sheena and we just have to talk about Sheena because From the second the camera's on her walking into the hotel to the moment it's off, Sheena is like, she is on a thousand.
I can't wait to hear what she has to say about herself because she, she said, I think I was One. That night. Yeah, girl, you were on. Oh no, you're frozen. Something. Oh, I'm frozen? So what was I saying? Oh, I was talking about Sheena being absolutely under the influence, which she admits to being under the influence of alcohol.
I just wonder what else was going on, miss ma'am, because she was hyper, very hyper, very aggressive, very aggressive. It was funny. I mean, I, I truly was. Cracking up the whole time. And then when you see videos of like, uh, I forgot what account posted. There's all these like social media posts from that night.
And like, Sheena's in the back of one of Katie's videos, like dancing and her eyes are closed and her eyes are like rolling in the back of her head with a picture of James. Like she was wasted. And I miss, I miss that about her. I need her to be wasted on camera more often. I really do. They, the girls like That night, they all were freshly dressed in the forever 21 outfits.
They looked great and they're . They looked great. Ariana, she did look, she did hot as fuck, Lala. They all looked hot as fuck. They all did. They all looked hot, but together, like there was a picture of , like them all together. And the way they just, they're so funny to me when with all their styles, but they all looked hot as shit.
So they, they really did look hotta shit. Sorry. I said forever 21. It sh really should have been sheen. That's probably more the sheen it pro. Yes. Very much sheen. I've, I literally, I want Katie's boot shoes. I have the, oh yeah, those are cute. I have the ankle kind, the ankle socks that are Rhines stone. Yes.
And I love them, so I want the boots now anyway, who was the lady that was standing with Sheena when Joe came up to them? You know what? I don't, I have no, did they say her name? I have no clue. I can't remember. I didn't write, I didn't, well I didn't write anything down. But I didn't make a note in my head.
About there being any kind of chyron or anything with her name. Yeah, so I don't know who that was, but that was Sheena's best friend that night. Okay, so I hope it was actually Sheena's never talked to her before she just was there. It was like If she knows like I'm here with my best friend and Excuse.
Sorry. What is your name again? And yeah, I can take Joe's hat if I want to okay She was so funny. So yeah, so Joe comes in, Joe is kind of meandering about, and then we see her at the bar with Sheena and this girl, and Sheena's like, take off the hat, take off the hat. I'm going to snatch the hat. I'm like, girl, you'll get your ass beat.
Okay. Like straight up. You're going to be doing all of this and she was like, you don't need the hat. Don't wear the hat. Okay. So we don't realize until she makes a comment that this is a Tom Tom hat that she's wearing. It's not just like. It's not just about the fact that she's wearing a hat and she's trying to control the way that the woman wears her hair.
It's a tom tom hat. And she's like, we don't wear those here. We don't wear tom tom hats here. And you have braids. Show off your braids. You're a hairdresser. Like, I don't understand. And she's on, going on and on about the damn Joe and the hat and the braids. So, and the girl, you could tell that the girl that was with her was like, kind of like, honey, relax, her, her, her bestie, Lucy was like, she needs to show off her, you know, her hair looks good.
And she did not comment on that. She was just like, She just needs to show it off and totally bypassing the girl acknowledging that her Joe's hair looks good. So Sheena Shay, you shady bitch. You were so shady. She was so hyped. And so I don't, it was giving me, um, Old BPR vibes. Hey guys, look, I'm being mean.
Hey, hey Stassi. Hey Katie, look at me. Look Katie, we're best friends because I'm mean to the girl that you hate. CCC. And then of course Katie, everyone arrives. And the girls Kind of convene Nearby Joe and they make some comments and they're being assholes all of them all of the girls Arguably, maybe Lala's the one that's a little pulled back, but she knows what the fuck she's doing So she's they're all culprits here now Ariana's gonna say that she's uh, you know that Joe was a bully I do wish Ariana would bring some receipts if you're going to say something like that because you look like the asshole on camera.
You and your friends look like you're mean to this girl. I understand why she's mad about her knowing about Rachel, but it's nobody's It's Sandoval's job to tell you, you weren't friends with her, you weren't, she wasn't friends with Joe, Kristen was friends with Joe, and that's it, from everything that I've heard, nobody else fucked with her according to Katie, so, Yeah, the only really It's not really Joe's responsibility to do that.
Yeah, again, the only really weird thing, and I, here's the thing, I do think that Joe moves, Differently. Very different. And I think when it comes to men, I get this vibe that she'll fuck you over to get to a guy. Um, that being said, I still think she's harmless, but I will say she is the one that sent that group text to Ariana, Rachel and Sandoval together and said something like, Oh, I forgot about that.
That is, it was very weird. It was giving very mean girl vibes. I wish we could all just. You know, I'm putting them all on the four way call. Except in text. Yeah, and also, I just wish we could all get together and hug puppies and do this. It was very, very weird. So, look, I totally get why Ariana doesn't want to fuck with Joe.
But also, Joe wasn't even but Joe was just there. She wasn't in Iraq. That's what's really weird too about this whole Joe things is we're seeing Joe like when the girls talk about in the confessional why they don't like Joe, what Joe has done, but we are not seeing them actively talk to Joe to have these conversations because I want to, I want to, I do want to see what Joe would do if she was kind of fronted about her behavior.
That fascinates me because we have not seen that, but instead. You have a group of girls, very old school VPR, talking shit about this one girl. Who's at, not even near them, but then we get this weird, weird editing of Jo walking away, essentially crying. But, and I think as an audience, we're supposed to think either she overheard them, or someone said something to her.
But, I don't even know if necessarily that was the case. Right. Because it's edited so well. It's so weird. And then we don't see, we see a flashback, which I think that was intentional of her and Schwartz having a lunch and even Schwartz in the after show said, you know, Joe was going through a lot personally.
And then she talked about in that flashback, you know, I'm just not used to aggressive people. I don't even necessarily know that was about the girls. Yeah. I, yeah, I really don't, I don't know. It's the, no, I didn't, I didn't, I forgot, but, uh, the editing, I can probably just pull it up real quick. The editing of that scene was horrendous, when it ca Excuse me, I'm sorry, Sheena is off the chain right now.
Okay. Yeah, that was two different pieces of audio. So if you guys want to, uh. So guys, what we just did was I just went back and listened to the audio at minute 2019, just, just before when Joe walks into the, when she walks into the bathroom or the room or whatever it is, the hotel room, it go, you see Schwartz follow her and go, Joseph, what's, you know, what's wrong.
And she says, I just don't, I don't like being attacked. And then you hear her say. In an echo. I want to go home. So those two things did not happen. You can tell by where they are in the building that those two things did not, they were two separate pieces of audio. I don't know what to tell you. So I don't know why.
I don't know why they did that. Well, and this could have been, you know, and here's the thing I'm not, you know what, even this season I mean how Schwartz was saying how you know sometimes he likes to go on vendors with drugs and alcohol. So maybe. She was coming down from a bad trip or something, you know what I mean?
It could have been something like that. I just, I know I'm just because and maybe her saying like I'm not used to people being aggressive Maybe she was seeing people in that group that she was with as a different way. That was what going on I don't know. But like Schwartz said there's some stuff going on in her personal life It was very much edited in a way for it to look like she was upset by the girls But as she should Of Ben, because the girls were talking shit, but I really don't think that's why she was upset.
I don't, yeah, it's, it's not clear, but I agree with you. I don't think that that was what was going on. I can't, now my computer's locked. One second.
Okay, so then we get maybe the best scene in the world. We have Ariana, excuse me, Ariana, Lala, and Katie sit down on a couch. To talk about Sheena kissing Schwartz, so they're revealing this information to Ariana. She's learning about it they're in the middle of like A really solid scene where we want more information and then who comes over and bends down with his hands on his knees like a fucking baseball coach and it's so funny because he's got a hat on.
He's turning his head to get their attention. So you just kind of see him like leaning over like this. Uh, Hey, sorry to interrupt. Like such bad timing, terrible. Like, why did he do this just now? He just basically wanted to talk to Ariana about if she got his letter of intent about the house. In such a great time to talk about that.
What are you doing? He, again, I think The way that all, well, I guess during that time he was saying he wasn't drinking, but doesn't mean he wasn't doing anything else, the way this whole group, they were having a party this night, and you know, I think he just was like, you know what, I think, I think, yeah, dude, I want to be in this scene.
Yeah, I think. I need to talk to Ariana. Yeah, he. And this will be great. He was not paying attention. Yeah. He stopped there. Right. He was not paying attention to not just Ariana's, but to anybody's social cues for him to go up and do that. Also, I want to really quickly pivot for just a second. This episode reminded me of one of my favorite, uh, blind items.
Oh, yes. I will not be talking about the source of the blind item because that could get me into a four hour conversation. We can't go down that rabbit hole. Again. This was published on my dad's birthday in 2018. It says, quote, where's the coke, unquote, is what this Bravo bar reality star set at the premiere after party for this sure to be a big hit movie.
She has always been so classy. And that was about Sheena Shea. So Sheena Shea walked into a room full of people said, where's the coke, bitches. And I think that is so funny. And so I don't know something about this, uh, whole hotel Ziggy thing just reminded me of that. I don't know what it was. Truly. Yeah, you, so there's a lot of moving pieces.
We see a little bit of Tom talking to T. They went on a date, I guess they went bowling or something. I could care less. They, we see a little bit of Katie and Sheena. Katie's trying to guide Sheena because Sheena's like wobbling around and dancing around. And you can tell that Katie's like, again, she's not, This is not angry Katie, she's okay, but she's disappointed.
I think she's hurt. She sits down to talk about Sheena and this is the thing. I don't think Sheena's lying, but you know that she, she's had a story to tell. If this should ever come up. And so when Katie asks her, like what happened and she says, what Schwartz said, Sheena goes, Nope, that's not it at all. We were there because of my sister's cheer.
That's exactly what happened. And we're there down, we were down there because of my sister's cheer competition and we were dancing and we were in the club and Schwartz pulled me over and he like kissed me. And I was like, what are you doing? And that was it. That was, it was not a make out session. I would never do that.
And I'm like, Oh my God, Sheena. She was ready. Just say like. Yeah, that's not totally how it happened. We did kiss though, and I'm sorry about that. Like, that's all you have to say. I don't think she could have with how hyped she was. There's no way she could have had that conversation like that. She was just so word vomiting and all over the place.
And again, Katie, yeah, you're, you're such a good point with this, isn't it? Rage Katie that we've seen before this is of all times for Katie to maybe go off Sheena a little bit and I'm not saying she deserves to be like Really gone off a lot, but to even go off for a little bit and we really don't see that.
I think Katie's just honestly trying to understand because I truly think with Katie now she's just like, damn, like Schwartz truly just seems like he, he never gave a fuck about her and was just constantly cheating on her. And then this is another piece, but then this is with the friend. And, you know, I think she's just trying to process all that and trying to understand again, like, has this just been a big joke that everyone knows that y'all have had behind my back for years, right?
And I think Katie also, yeah, I think that I think that like her ego is a little bit hurt. She doesn't want to think that people are always talking about it and there's like a secret, but I don't think I don't even think that's. Even when Schwartz clarified in the after show, when he was like, well, Sheena said to me, you know, do you remember that time we made out and we laughed about it?
That doesn't sound like that's a joke that they bring up all the time. It sounds like Sheena was drunk and said some shit one time. And that's just not how Schwartz conveyed that message. No, it's not. So, he's deceptive. Messy. He was being messy. He's messy and deceptive as hell. And poor Sheena, just watching her try to stumble her way through this conversation when she's so clearly fucked up is so funny.
Now, what is Oh, and one more thing about Joe, I need to rewind Joe really quickly. Brock comes over to the table after Joe disappears and he's has, he says something to the effect of there's no more where's Joe or cut out the where's Joe or something like that. He says something to that effect and it, it, it doesn't make sense.
Like they weren't looking for her. Yeah. They weren't looking for her. They did not want her there. So I don't know why. I don't know. That was weird. When did she say she said something about having ADD and that's why she's Acts funny. Yeah, she referred to when, um, Katie called her a crackhead and she said that's really stigmatizing or rude to like people with ADD.
I think she, to me, she was implying that she has ADD and that is what explains her behaviors. I will say this, Katie has made comments for years, as does her best friend Stassi, that have led me to believe that she, Katie does not understand ADD. Or give a fuck about neuro divergence of any sort. So that doesn't mean that she's like actively seeking out people, but the kind of comments she makes a lot of the times that things are creepy or weird or spooky or uncomfortable, like these, this verbiage when really like.
Raquel's like awkward socially and Joe is quirky and also socially awkward. The verbiage that Katie uses is really mean to me. Uh, it's intentionally quite mean. So, and it tends to be about people that you can tell have something going on with them. So I don't know if she just doesn't have a lot of experience with people that are different quote unquote, but it seems like she doesn't like people that are different.
Well, it's like, why do you have to go there? You have reason like that was weird when she describes how Joe was texting her and then, um, the shift of then Joe moves in with Schwartz. That is a weird thing. And that is a, a red flag of like, I don't really know how this person moves. So if you just focus on that, I get it.
But when you start to use words like crackhead or spooky, You kind of, you start to lose me there because you're getting away from this narrative and as someone who now mods on the Vanderpump subreddit, there is a post every day trying to talk about Jo being a crackhead and it just is unnecessary and you know, again, Katie, you, you have, and I will say Katie has recently said, you know, she should not be using that language and shouldn't have, but the true test is, Is Katie gonna do this again?
We have to wait and see. We have to wait and see. Last thing about Jo, as we transition to the next scene, Ariana basically says don't feel sorry for Jo. She's a mean girl bully. And I'm like, hey, love you girl. Gonna need receipts on how that's bullying. To you, because I hate to be this person who's like, we need to be careful about what we label bullying, but we do because when, if you're going to use any type of negative interaction and label that as bullying, which is all we know right now is that they have, that they don't like each other, that she fucked her over, that was negative interaction.
We don't have any other receipts that Joe has bullied Ariana or Katie. That's when parents. Get this misconception about what's considered bullying and when things are mutually participatory And then they call my school and then I have to listen to them Bitch at me about how their child's being bullied when actually your child's been cussing out the other child for a week Because they don't like each other over some stupid boy that neither of them are gonna see in another So it's just stuff like that, where I'm not going to harp on it too much.
And the, the way that they use the word bully on the show is so stupid. Lala does bully Lala did bully Raquel. That is abs that what Lala was doing is classic bullying. When you label someone and you call them creepy, you call them like, you're like, Katie, the Lala, when you're in a corner, girls, Talking shit under your breath and oh, no, she's coming.
Ew, that's bullying. That's bullying. When you're making someone feel excluded on purpose to humiliate them. That's bullying. Yeah. I don't know what Joe was doing with Ari, uh, with, uh, Raquel. But that, that was just terrible judgment and really horrible that that was happening to you, Ariana. That doesn't give you guys all a right to be assholes.
No, you can say, say shady, say dishonest, say, you know, there, there are plenty other words that you could describe Joe and I very much can validate that with what was going on. But yeah, when you are actually, and again, this group does love to use the word bullying, um, and it's not, Um, always, it's never, it doesn't seem to be actually used when bullying is happening.
And then Lala will be like, you can't, you can't say that I was bullying. Like she's gets all, and I'm like, girl, you are a bully. Yeah. So then we get transitioning out of that scene. We see Lala and James meet up with Schwartz and eventually Sandoval. We get a group of bullies. We get a group of bullies.
The most toxic group to ever have lunch. My God. I would be in, I would be in literal fear. I would be on the ground, screaming, crying, throwing up. Literally. I know. And the shit that they have on each other. When I saw the four of them together, are any of them like, oh man, any of these motherfuckers could say something, you know, it's probably a high tense situation right there.
I never, again, when in the years of Vain and Puppet, have we ever seen these four have lunged together. Never. I've never seen this. It felt icky. It was very uncomfortable. So, we get this, this scene. What do they talk about in this scene? Anything important? I mean, Sandoval comes, he asks Lala if he wants to come to his house for this breeding thing, and she's like, I don't know if I want to do that, um, let me think about it, and then we get Sandoval's version of he said that.
Yeah. To fix the air conditioner in the main room, which is where Ariana is. Maya got in there and the door was left open now. And she got into some stuff she shouldn't have. Now, AM has confirmed on her podcast that yes, there is. Her sand and Sandoval and the repairman went into that room and left. And when she came back, the door was shut, not open, like Sandoval said, and that Maya was in there.
And we know later on, Arianna says that Maya had to go to the hospital. Look, I, again, I can't, I can't harp too much about dog stuff, but what I will say is I don't, I think it was. I do think it was an, I don't think Sandoval maliciously tried to hurt the dog. I think it was an accident. I think when Sandoval makes a mistake, which again, you know, again, it's Ariana's dog, but they're living in this weird situation.
And so if he, if the dog was closed in, in the room and Sandoval closed the door, that is weird, but. Again, I think it was a mistake that happened, and Sandoval, when he makes mistakes, is called out of it, he's gonna lie, and he's gonna deflect, right? So, the whole thing is just weird, um, and, but this shit is gonna happen!
I was like, don't dogs get into shit? Yeah, they do. They really do. I don't have a dog. My best friend had, or one of my best friends, she had, uh, who passed away, rest in peace, had a little, I think she was like a mixed poodle, tiny dog, and she would go in and eat tampons and pads. Oh, yeah. She left the door open.
Yeah. I was shocked. But it's like, okay. This, this is the weird shit that can happen though. Like I get it girl. Like I get that you're, I love it. Don't talk to Sandoval, but because you're not, then when does it, you know what I mean? Like with Maya, what is the rules? You know what I mean? Like, does she, is she just able to roam free?
Like at some things I do think you got to talk to him about, so it just, I don't know. It was weird, but. Anyway, Sandoval told his version of the story. Sounds like there was more to it. Shocker. I know. Um, and obviously, you know, luckily Maya, Ariana was able to get her to the ER, and she's okay. Six thousand dollars later, whoo!
Um, but that was basically, um, What I thought was interesting, though, is when Lala told, or when Ariana told Lala the story, Lala was like, didn't say, or maybe she did, but we just didn't see it, Lala was like, oh, interesting, like, that's not the version that he told, you know, which I feel like Lala, I don't understand how she's moving this season, but I feel like Lala in the past would have brought that up, but she's growing, she's changing.
Well, all I'll say is this, Hey, I don't give a fuck about you guys in the house anymore. I don't, I mean, I'm, I'm glad that Maya's okay. Uh, the news that we didn't share at the top of the podcast, cause I'm a dummy, Ariana has a new house. She got a new house in the Hollywood Hills, beautiful ass house.
Beautiful. The girls are shaking. It is so, it's like the, her dreams are literally coming true. I have to imagine, because I see a lot of myself in Ariana and everything that she's gotten is like, I know that that's her dream because that would be my dream. Her house is literally like my dream home. Like, Oh, it's gorgeous.
It's so stunning. It's so stunning. Very her. It's very her. So I'm so glad. And I, and so. Now that she's in the house, I don't want to talk about whatever the fuck was going on when they were in the house together anymore. I don't care anymore. It's a, it kind of goes along with, and I'm like, now that she's got it, now the house I'll, I'll ease up, but I also don't care because.
Doesn't matter, because now you're in a new house, so that's good. Bless. Bless, child. So, do they talk about anything else at this dinner? No, that's it. So then we go to, I skipped right on past him on the ground screaming, I don't care, I don't like that kind of therapy, I don't like to watch people in therapy, or doing any of that meditative shit, it's boring, and it's all fake anyway, so.
You know, you can't be, you cannot be in meditation with a camera crew on you. No, that's not meditation. This is also a moment where I knew that Daddy Baskin has Lala by a puppet thread, because the way that that girl walked in and heard, and as she said in the after show, it sounded like he was being fucked with a butcher knife, the way that she walked in and did not immediately walk out.
Her facial expressions in that scene. Yeah. So funny. So funny. But when she did not walk out or did not make any jokes, I was like, Oh, Lala, she came to plan. You're gone. Yeah. You're gone. You, you are, you were there to do your, your job, whatever that is. You are the puppet. Because the way that I would have ran out of that room and be like, Oh, Lala, you're No, you take, here's, you take my check for the day.
I will not be a participant of this screaming. Yep. So then she and Schwartz, or she and Sandoval go outside and they have a little heart to heart where basically she's just trying to express that she was projecting a lot of shit onto him from her own situation and she wants to move on. And she's, again, this is Sandoval.
This is why you got to be careful with this guy because she's not like, okay, so we're best friends now. Let's like hug and make out and jump at the pool together. Like we're besties, but that's low key how Sandoval takes that conversation. And Lala's like, well, we'll see. We'll see about that. Yeah. I hate to keep being like, I don't care because I'm recapping the show and I do care, but I don't, but this is the thing guys, until you guys start sending stuff, that's like Sandoval's supporting Lala at her event, or Lala's out at Sandoval's shows, or Katie's, or not Katie, Sheena has a 27 show, and Tom Sandoval's opening for her, like, that's the kind of stuff that would signify to me an actual friendship is happening.
Yep. All of this other shit is them at work, dude. They're at work. It is. As Katie said, this group don't fuck with each other. They don't. They don't. Now that doesn't mean that obviously Lala and Sheena are friends, right? Right, and Katie and Ariana are friends. Yes, but this is still a group to its core.
They do not fuck with each other. And don't for one instant think that Lala would not turn on Sheena. She will. If the cards were, you know what I mean, if it needed to be done for the show. So. I mean, she kind of , I mean, completely throw Sheena under the, the bus, the entirety of this episode. . Yeah. She threw her to the wolves, honey.
But, well, and she even said, I didn't wanna tell Sheena before telling Katie. 'cause I didn't want Sheena to make a story. She paint a perfect picture. Yeah. I was like, damn, damn. Yeah. 'cause that shows like she, she has a perception of Sheena. She does and you know what she's got thick skin She know what she know be okay.
She'll be alright. She knows she knows what's up. Okay, so Then they go to something about her and I have a confession that I feel really bad about on many levels James made me laugh Like not just and it sucks because the joke was mean And I hate him, but I still laugh. I think it was just like, you know what?
I'll take that back. I wasn't laughing at him because what he said was super funny. I was laughing at the way that the group reacted to him saying that. Shortsy likes himself a sloppy Joe, you know, like the group like collapsing into laughter is that was funny. Well, and how it was all presented because Lala starts it off, which I will agree with Lala because it did crack me up when she was like, wait.
Why are we trying to do this? Why are we chasing? Yeah, I've had this sandwich. I did think that was really weird. So then, but she was like, can we fast forward? And then the editing, which they did, I was talking about, yeah, they fast forward. And she's like, but wait, this part's funny. And cut to that. So it was just a really funny scene edited together.
And then like, what James said, it. Was truly like an asshole thing to say, but just everything presented together. It was super funny. The only reason why I think it was an asshole thing to say is cause like, all I kept thinking about after watching it was, Oh God, all I'm going to see tomorrow on Reddit, sloppy Joe, sloppy Joe, sloppy Joe, like the way that.
Truly we are in a weird age of VPR where anything they say on the show, the way that it's translated out into the media and to Instagram and Reddit and over and over and over, it is, it is definitely different times when it comes to VPR. It's definitely weird. And I just, the idea that it's almost like how do you watch Potomac at all?
I haven't now. Well, Candace, who just announced that she's leaving the show. I did see that, yeah. Last year, she called this woman that was on the show Sesame Street. She said she looked like one of the Sesame Street characters. Rudy told me that. It's so, it's so funny. But like, and like the fans will like, refer to her as Sesame Street sometimes to be funny.
But for the most part from what I've seen, People aren't like writing for Candace being that way or for this thing, you know, they're not like, oh, Candace said it's not like it's not like that from what I've seen, even though the Potomac fandom is also a very scary place to be. But it's different with VPR.
If Katie's to call someone, someone that's what we call somebody. It, if Ariana says something, that's what we do. It's just very, it's just, it's unlike any other fandom that I'm a part of. I will say that. So then, Lala explains that she had a productive talk with Sandoval, and she, Ariana, you know, just kind of re, we're reiterating the shit.
She doesn't know, she believes. Sandoval, she doesn't know if she believes. Lala, she doesn't know how to feel, child. So that's fine. Then we find, this is when we find out about Maya. I don't want to talk about that anymore. Again, it doesn't matter. Maya's fine. They don't live together anymore. I don't want to continue to litigate, like, Did Tom leave the door open?
Like, guys, just let it go. So then, Lala, for whatever godforsaken reason, is like, telling Ariana that she needs to talk to Sandoval. And Ariana says something like, the way that she expresses if I talk to him, it's, it's gonna be a murder. I'm gonna slice his fucking throat. I was like, thank you very much. I love this perspective.
I love when you bring the perspective back to the table. I love that from Ariana. Cause the anger should be at him, the frustration should be at him, and I like, I like when that happens. Yeah, I do too. It's very, her being honest with her feelings and her just saying, I cannot have this conversation right now because I will murder him.
And I've been there before where I'm like, you need to give me a few days or a few hours to calm down. And then I can talk to your ass. But right now. I will cut you deep if you don't do me. Yep. We get a little bit more talk about Katie and Schwartz, or I'm sorry, Sheena and Schwartz kissing. Again, another thing that I'm like, I don't think anybody really cares.
I thought that was interesting how, so the whole Katie and Schwartz, when they had the conversation about that, that was a flashback. So to me, that again shows that Katie wasn't really that upset about it. Yep. Yep. Because their conversation you would think would be a really thing to highlight, but it was a flashback.
So I was like, so obviously you're, I mean like there, it wasn't that big of a conversation. I feel like it got really heated. It would have been an actual scene, but it was a flashback. So very interesting. You know what that makes me think? It just makes me think that what, and I've always believed this, whatever the fuck Schwartz did in that marriage, we know like.
10 percent of the story, because I believe that Katie, the way that she feels like her feelings, this wouldn't be something that Katie would let, like, I feel like she would, I don't know, I feel like Schwartz did some shit in that marriage. So we, I hate saying this. We may never know about, and I hate saying that about reality television because I'm like, we, we should.
We, we should be able to find out one day, but we may never know with him because it's, it's a little too dark. I think. Yeah. I think he did more. And I think he was a lot nastier to Katie than what we have seen. I know we've seen her be really nasty to him. Um, I think just particularly season 10, I really think about when he said, Oh, you love to use that word gaslighting, just certain things he was saying.
I was like, Oh, this is your nasty side coming out. Yeah. So I, yeah. You're welcome. I mean, I think at some point they did, like, low key hate each other, but The whole time, I feel like. The whole time. Like, truly. So the episode ends with this Conflict, I suppose you could call it. Where we find out Via Brock, via Sheena, because Sheena has everyone's locations in the after show she said she had 36 locations.
No, 56. 56?! Yes. She's so funny. But I'm gonna be honest with you, and I said this on Instagram, and I'm actually gonna, I'm gonna read the poll results. I took a poll, and I said, uh, how, uh, How likely is it that you'll share your location? And
people said I share. So 24 percent said that they share or am shared with all the time. 57 percent said they only share their location for safety or specific reasons. And then 19 percent of people said, no, it's weird. I'm like, I'm like looking at the responses and I'm like, that's so funny because I actually.
I don't like to share, I don't like for people to know where I am, but I have several friends that are like Sheena that just have everyone's location. And I, I are talking about people's location and I've, I've gotten like picked on for being like shady because I don't let people, but I also don't, so I don't think it's weird at all.
But I also must on some level think it's weird because I don't do it, you know. I think the amount of people that she has and then it does truly seem like She uses it for maybe multiple reasons, um, for evil, for evil. So like, for instance, I, so I have life 360 and I have find my friends, my life 360. We used to have, um, a friend group, life 360, um, cough, cough, but Brady.
I ain't gonna go into detail, but he would turn off his location and we'd be like, bitch, what are you doing? And we would always call him out on that. We're like, you look for shady when you don't, when you like, just leave your location on because it becomes weird when you turn it off. You're not checking it.
Right. Yeah, exactly. And so anyway, the life 360 ended up being, um, I just have me and my husband on it. And then I find my friends. I have, let's see, I have. Brady. And because now, you know, we, we see each other now, he's going to kill me for saying any of this. Um, and then my husband, um, my, um, father in law and then two other, and then three other friends.
And honestly, I mostly use it for safety and I use it for, I love when like people tell me like, Hey, you're coming over and I can see like how far because a lot of my friends like to say. You know, I don't know, like they're, they're leaving, but they haven't left yet or they're early. And so that is what I use it for.
Sheena truly uses it for evil. Oh my God. I just want to say Brady. Come over with me, honey. Cause I turned my location off and my friends are mean to me about it too. So we can be shady together, shady together, you making decisions that, you know, you ain't supposed to, and I won't judge you on them, but.
You shady when you turn it off. 'cause then I'm like, oh, you're doing something. You're doing something. So sometimes you just need to do you Okay. just to do you. That is true, because me and my friend Brynn are also the people would screenshot it and be like, Brady, well you do win. And he'd be like, get off my dick.
Right. Oh my God. . So Sheena, oh, oh. Another good point I wanted to bring up that I saw on Reddit. Someone's like, well, Sheena does go to all of these music festivals. And I think that she probably like gets with a group of people and they all share their location because they're at the festival so they can meet back up.
And because she goes so often, that's probably how she's like racked up this many people. It's just like, like you said, it's not the amount of people that is. Alarming to me because I'm sure she is quite popular and I'm sure she, I'm sure she comes across as a shit ton of people. It's just like how she talks about it because not only with Max, I made sure Max got home and I saw he was at Katie.
So then the next day she made sure to check again. And it's just like, girl, You know, and then I know specifically like Rachel, she noticed Rachel used to always share her location and then she started turning it off, which is interesting because I'm like, okay, so she turned it off when she went to a show.
But, did you ever notice any other time, like, did you ever notice, wow, Rachel's at Schwartz's a lot, but maybe she thought, you know, her and Schwartz were, I don't know. Well, someone, someone put something, I can't remember what account it was, but they were basically insinuating that Sheena knew about the affair because she has the locations.
Oh, I don't think that. I jumped, no, I know, I know. Uh, I jumped in the comments, which I hate doing on Instagram and rarely do unless I'm like hyping someone up. But you have to remember, like, everyone knew that Rachel was spending time with Tom. In a way that was like raising eyebrows. That's true. That's why they just didn't know the extent.
And they talked to Logan even said he, when he did what he said, he walked in on them, like Rachel said, but because of the nature of what, how these people are, it doesn't guys, I just, I hate to have to keep going back to this. Sometimes, when you're in a group of people where several of the friends have slept with each other, where there's drugs and alcohol involved constantly, I don't mean like you guys are going on a trip and you're drinking, like, you're constantly under the influence.
There are boundaries within friend groups like that that are very blurry. And so you can see stuff, and if Ariana trusted her boyfriend, which she did, she's like, you know what? Not a big deal, but she also was aware to an extent because she said some shit to Rachel about it. So yeah, it's not like a conspiracy.
It's just like it just is what it is. Sometimes your friends are weird together and You don't want to believe that there's some, like, nefarious, hurtful affair going on. Like, you don't, you don't want to believe that. And they were actively telling them nothing was happening. Why? Why can't, can't friends just hang out?
So they were actively, and that's, that's, I think, a huge part which makes, you know, this whole situation. even grosser was again like whenever they would be called out and like this seems kind of shady the way that they would make a huge thing of like what no like we can't just hang out right you know i mean that also adds a whole other level yeah that's a whole other level And so, here's, like, it's just interesting, I just, I, when I, with Sheena and Rachel, I do kind of wonder, maybe, if, I'm curious if Sheena, during that time before Rachel turned it off, if she just ever had moments of like, hmm, that's interesting that Rachel's here, I wonder what she's doing, more so than that.
So we end with this information that Brock has, and then he tries to use it against Katie. This was really like, not good spirited. Um, but I haven't been impressed with Brock's spirit this season. So there's that, um, where he said, sorry,
sorry, I have peacock on in the background and it was auto playing Zach auto playing the Valley and that Zach guy. Make some really crazy faces and it distracted me. I'm so sorry. Oh my god. It is. Yeah. What did Rob say? His dark energy? His dark energy. I don't know what to say. Um. So anyway, we find out that Katie Maloney.
Went home with and seemingly banged Max Boyens. And for some reason, that's honestly beyond my comprehension. We're supposed to give a shit. Now I didn't know, obviously we find out Tom Schwartz and Max are very, very close. Uh, apparently, apparently. And. I guess what Brock is trying to do, because I think he's trying to defend Sheena with the kissing Tom Schwartz thing.
And he's like, well, she's not right, I'll tell you the babe. And saying that she went home with Max when the rule is nobody in the friend group. But I was under the impression that that embargo had lifted. Like, we're, like, we got bigger shit to worry about now. You know, so I didn't think that either of them were keeping that rule in place including Katie No, um, and I don't know.
I kind of just read it as Katie just wanted to sleep with Max I think it's kind of odd that she slept with Max for you know For who he is and also he's not that hot in like She's, he treated Dana terribly and she's like besties with Dana. Now, I don't, maybe they weren't as close as they are now at that time of filming.
But like, she just seems to me like someone who would be like, No, I don't want to fuck the guys that my friends have fucked. I kind of thought she would be that kind of person, but it's okay if she's not. I just, I'm kind of, I'm just kind of surprised. Well, and then it's weird that Brock, I understand, Maybe Brock thinking like, I want to say this to defend my wife, but again, it wasn't even that Katie and Sheena were going at it.
They weren't. They were fine. Now Katie and Ariana were giving Schwartz a hard time about it, and I took that as more as them again being funny with it. And again, anything that Schwartz is called out of, he's like, Oh man, I'm being attacked. What was me? Yeah. But then for Brock to, to pull this out and Sheena was so pissed at him.
It was so just funny because she, she was like, Oh, I hate him right now. But again, they were also drunk. They were so Ariana. She was so hammered when, when, when it got brought off that Max and Katie fucked Ariana goes, wait, what? That I love Ariana's falling back. Yeah. Yeah. Her, her sloppy drunk is so fucking funny to me.
Her, like the way she talks and she's so like, she's so expressive, but she's so, so slowed down that she doesn't realize she, her like gestures can't keep up with her, with her body. And that's how she was. That's how she was. Um, after Sheena's wedding where Tom slapped Raquel's ass in front of us on camera.
Oh my God. And that's how she, that's how she gets. And I think it's. I always just think it's funny. I like to see them drunk. I do too. And also, yeah, I don't care that Katie and Max fucked because again, Schwartz, you never cared about Katie. Also. Yeah. When you guys were freshly divorced, did she talk to you about like, Hey, maybe let's not fuck anyone on the show, you know, that might, you know, cause a little bit.
And Here's the thing. You then make out with Rachel and not because you really liked Rachel. It was this whole other thing going, but you know what I mean? Yeah. You did it to purposely hurt Katie and you also did it to help your bestie with a hor with a awful situation. So like, let's, you know what I mean?
Like, let's take a pause on that and reflect. Please. And then like, Schwartz like, no, I'm sorry. I don't care. I hope, I hope Katie fucks every one of your best friends. You should, didn't she say she's gonna get on a train? She said run train, she's gonna run a train. Yeah, you know what, and here's the thing, Schwartz, he did, he kept being like, Max, Max, he did not care.
Katie can fuck Sandoval. And she, he would not care. He would not care. He doesn't, he said it. Last season, he said he doesn't care because he doesn't love Katie guys. Yeah. He said she could fuck Peter and she wouldn't care. So now you're trying to act like you care. And like, cause again, he, the guys want, they want to look for any reason for them not to look like shitheads.
And here's the thing, the greatest thing about this show. And it made me realize this about this episode is that all of them truly Truly do the same shit, but they all do it in such different ways and some ways that are dirtier and then how they act outside of the show as an audience where they're like, well, yeah, I'm okay with what, how they did it, but I'm not okay with how you did it.
You can't be like that, that guys, you're going to drive yourselves fucking crazy. Listen, they're all trash. They're all trash. They are. And I love it. And I do, but again, I Katie, you, you run train on all, on all sorts of friends. Um, I, I don't give a fuck, I will say with Max. I would be careful if you're doing that, because I don't know what kind of people he associates with, but go off, Katie girl.
Yeah, he still gives douchebag vibes to me, but you know, um, because he, did you see that he reposted one of my recaps? Because when Rachel talked to him about it, he didn't deny knowing. Oh yeah, girl, I was in the Daily Mail. Oh my god, I didn't know that! You're famous! Oh, wait, you were in the Daily Mail?
That's crazy. So Max reposted, he took my story and the slide that talked about when Rachel talked about him knowing, he actually, I'll pull it up real quick, what he said, but he didn't deny knowing, he was just like, basically, she's still talking about this? Like, what the heck? Um, he said. This girl just can't shut up and take accountability.
Also, we're still talking about this? What the fuck? Really curious what her platform will be about once she's, once she's beat this into the fucking ground. I'm so bored. You know what? I did see that, but for some reason I thought it was Jeremy who posted that. I don't know why. Oh! No, that's all, yeah. I was like, God damn, Jeremy's going hard.
Um, oh, okay, well that makes more sense because that sounds more like something that Max would say. Um, and so then the Daily Mail reposted it, you said? Yeah, so they posted, so they posted like him sharing my, my recap. Wow. they credit you? I don't know. Girl, no, I mean, they didn't edit out my name, but they're like this transcript and I was just like, so no, but they, they didn't edit out my name in the screenshot, but they did not credit me in the article.
So, you know, we're, we're, we're working our way up. Um, but hire me. Right wrongly worded letter to Daily Mail Daily Mail. Additional war, eight, five, six, seven and Vanderpump recaps. Thank you. Um, but yeah, Katie, fuck whoever, but I do think you could do better than Max. Yeah. And I mean, obviously like people have been bringing up his, why he was allegedly fired.
I say that not because I, I know that what he said was racist. It's just that sometimes I wonder if Bravo really fired them because of that, or if they were already on the chopping block and this made Bravo look better, particularly with, um, Brett, because From what I, this is from what I remember, so please don't, you know, just, just correct me if I'm wrong, and please don't come for me if I'm wrong.
From what I remember, the context of Brett's situation was more, like, he was in a conversation with someone else, going back and forth in tweets, casually using the N word, which isn't okay. But it's also a different, Situation from what I seem to remember max doing, which was saying, I remember he said some really weird shit about Asian people, like, like saying bad things about people that are not white.
So that's what I remember now. I could be exaggerating. I could be underplaying, but I just remember thinking, I don't think. That they would have necessarily fired Max, or I'm sorry, fired Brett particularly, had he not already been on the chopping block, because I think that they let a lot worse shit, you know, when it comes to racism and how, well, look at Faith, look at how long that shit went on before they did anything about it.
So, I feel like there's a conspiracy there. I don't think that they, Are as virtuous as they want us to believe, but who am I? No, I don't know if this, if this one have came out like their tweets and stuff, I think they would have just, um, because they saw how season eight didn't work. They would have been let go regardless, but this was a way for them to be like, Oh, look.
We're, we're, we're firing them because of this. Justice warriors. Yeah. Right. Whatever. Bravo does not. Bravo doesn't. No, they don't. Unfortunately. So, at the end of this episode, uh, Lala wraps it up by saying that everyone in the group lies, that, uh, Arianne is lying about her financial situation, which was interesting.
I thought that was interesting too. That's, I don't know. I don't think, yeah, talk about the house. Doesn't matter anymore. She has a new house. I don't think that Ariana was lying about her financial situation. I think that Ariana had a very specific goal, as we can see, in mind for what she wanted. Yes. And I think that she was not financially prepared to meet that goal at that time.
There's nothing wrong with any of that. I just, again, When it comes to feeling sorry for the things that you have to experience living with your ex, it was, it's, it was very difficult for me. And Lala, you own two houses now, but with that house with Randall, and we've talked, me and you specifically, have talked about how we very much understand the key differences Between the circumstances.
Yeah. However, Lala, you did not own that house. Okay. Yeah, you were able to just walk away. Ariana, her name is on the fucking house. Okay. So it's gonna be a little messier. She's attached to it. And also, yeah, let's be real. It sounds like beforehand Ariana said she had $2,000 to her name. I don't think she's been the smartest financially.
Yeah. Maybe she's trying to fucking try to do this better. So for you to say she's lying about finances, like I, this whole, it's a little much. It was a bit much. It was weird. It's a bit much for you to say that and then you just say. Um, you know, and then the whole Katie and Max thing and then she knows which, which I get, I, I do think probably in that moment, it was a lot to hear, but again, bringing up Ariana to me, that just seems like the way that our Lala, God, she makes such good reality TV, but she's such a bitch and her confessionals to Ariana, like no wonder if they get into it and the reunion, you're not going to be surprised.
Um, but yeah, she, Lala was basically like, I've, I've, I've had enough. Yes, Lala, she, she's above it all. She's, she's better than this. Okay, bye girl. Bye, we'll see you tomorrow. Sell your sweatshirts or something, I don't know. See you later. Yeah, and, and also like, this is, this is, I keep saying it the most I've ever agreed with Lala.
In a season ever without completely turning on her and I'm, I'm with her. I appreciate what she's doing for the, for the show. I appreciate some of the, her moments and how she's keeping it. She's, she's doing a good job. And you know what? Some of this stuff that she says and does in other seasons. I, because I was thinking about this today.
I was like, it's not that she's super different this season. I've certainly become more empathetic to her circumstance, but I also think that like, in seasons where there's already shit going on. Lala overproducing and doing too much for attention is exhausting because it's not necessary. I think that this season, it was, it's absolutely, we needed her to bring it.
I think it's necessary. So it doesn't feel to me as over the top and as offensive as I would normally take it because She's kind of trying to be like a Greek chorus, but she's also saying a bunch of contradictory shit, which is her MO. I don't know. I I I'm It could all change tomorrow. What? It could all change tomorrow.
It could all change tomorrow. When it comes with her. Yeah. That's the thing with her. It's so exhausting and it's so, um, Again, this whole, um, fight with Katie, Katie, you know, someone in my comment, like, Oh, I, I should have asked if I could say their name, but they made such a good point. They said with Lala, it's interesting because she says something specifically at the end, she said, Katie.
So Lala's all talk, right. She's very much all talk. And she says something like, you know, Katie. Would say things like, yeah, I'm going to run train, but she wouldn't actually ever do that. And now she's fucking Max. And then honestly, I think Vala is really having a hard time. You know, Arianna actually saying, I will not talk to Tom.
And here we are seeing that. Yeah. I think Vala, again, she's just like, wait a second. I say this shit, but I'm all talk. I don't mean it. You guys are actually meaning this shit. I think she's like really struggling because again, And I just, I see, I see some kind of wheels moving with her, this whole, I'm a grownup now I've moved on.
And again, I really think she's going to move on to the Valley. I really do. I feel like when you talk about, when you're talking about Lala moving to the Valley, like you feel, see, so I was under the impression that was basically a done deal. So do you feel like there was some. Her being on the show or her, her going to the valley.
Like I thought that was like a hundred percent what was about to happen. Oh, I didn't think that's been like confirmed. Has it? Oh, I don't girl. Probably not. You know, I make shit up in my head all the time. I mean, I believe, no, she, so obviously like her and she, you know, both bought a house with Sherman Oaks, but I don't think I, but again, the way that Lala has been moving and talking, I think she is going to transition to be on the show.
Yeah. And I think Sheena, you know what, if they get a season 12, that we're going to get. Girl, I can't watch that show. I love her so much. Sandoval and Schwartz and Katie's new bestie she met on Bumble. Unless we're like, unless we're like, sticking Sheena with the injection of, uh, meth, you know, before every scene, like, I, I can't, cause that's very entertaining.
Her like, hyped up vibes is very, very funny to me, but, the rest of it, and, oh my god, she's, she, okay, I'm saying this because this is a storyline on the show that has been brought up by herself and by Vanderpump, this is not me saying this, okay? Okay? Sheena has said that when she is stressed out, she doesn't eat.
She said it on this season as well. Yeah, she said that before. She, she, when she doesn't eat, she really, like, it shows. Like, she looks very, like, frail. Yeah. And she just looks so frail this season, and so, like, like, her eyes are, like, bugged out. She's, she looks so fucking stressed. That's why it was fun to see her drunk this entire episode.
Yeah. Because she wasn't, she wasn't like on the brim. You know, she was, she was, she was enjoying herself a little bit. And I love when she yells at Brock. I want her to yell at Brock all the time. Brock does a lot of stupid shit. That's okay. Husbands can, can do stupid shit and get in trouble sometimes. I think.
I'm not married. So maybe that's Are you? Did you know this for years? I was very surprised to hear this and maybe other people knew because I don't see a lot of people talking about it but like switching to the after show, I didn't know Sheena was basically almost in a full on relationship with a woman before she got with Brock.
I did you did? I had no clue. I had no clue. I knew, I feel like she definitely gave more details in the after show about this but she, she has said, A couple of times that she was almost dating someone. And I think she made a comment at the time that she was actually seeing a woman. I think that that was around 2019 or something.
So, uh, yeah, cause I've been on lesbian watch with everybody for, for some years now, I've been waiting for it. I can't not. Oh my God. That is so funny. They're on the loose.
Oh my God. Yeah. Okay. So that, okay. I had no idea. So I was like, hold up. You were almost in a relationship and you were talking about the next steps and then you met Brock and then you, and then you went with Brock. I'm just like, what could have been like, obviously I know we have beautiful summer moon here, but then it's like, God, you like, but you, I, wow, I'm gonna need Brock to loosen up a little bit.
Okay. Okay. It's all, it's all you wanna produce and you wanna run around and tell that and let everybody know that Dim Katie went home with Max, which literally no one cares about, but Mac Sheina can't make out with a couple of girls every now and again, come on, give a fuck about us, dude. Something that he's been through.
I didn't, did they elaborate? You know what? No, actually, because I, I ended up watching the after show twice accidentally. I took it as when Sheena said. Because of a past relationship. I think that she was saying because of her past relationship with that. That's what I think. I mean, I mean, obviously she could have been talking about an experience he had.
But I think, I think she was talking about herself, which is so weird for her. She never does that. Um, Never. Uh, let's see. Did anything else happen in the after show? No, I mean, Ariana explained the more of the house situation, how it was a shit offer. And then, um, yeah, I mean, honestly, again, my, oh, I, they talked more about the, Oh, did you see on, uh, Instagram?
So Katie in the after show said, you know, like Sheena, you know, wasn't checking on me if I got home safe. And Sheena on her Instagram screenshot that that night and, and said the conversation between Katie and Sheena and Sheena was like, let me know when you get home. And she, Katie was like, made it. Was that what that was?
I saw that and I didn't, I thought, I thought that was her showing us Max. I didn't realize that was Katie. That was Katie Maloney. Get it together. Stop lying on you. You know, her ass. She knows the type. Here's the thing. She probably wanted to know. Yeah. Like, here's the thing. Like, she checked on you and Maxine.
Was she being a nosy bitch? Yes. Those are true. She was waiting for which one was going to break, Katie. A hundred percent. Okay. Oh my God. Okay. Well, oh shit. I forgot to announce this at the beginning. Guys, We're not going to recap the valid. Did you get a chance to watch it? Lindsay? I did finally. Yes, I did.
Okay. So we can talk really quickly, uh, overall thoughts, but we're not going to recap it here. I will be on Vanderpump Rob's show tomorrow, which I believe the episode is coming out. It's Friday or Saturday. Don't hold me to that. But that's where we will be discussing the valley. And I believe that will just be on his feet unless something changes.
So if you want to hear all of our thoughts about the valley, head on over there for all of the thoughts. Really quickly though, what did you think of this episode, Lindsay? I thought it was actually a pretty solid episode. I think, um, Jax is evil and he is nasty. I And I think, um, Kristen was actually mad, mad because when she looked at Brittany and was like, fuck you, Brittany, fuck off, Brittany.
Oh my god, it was, I about cried. I was so happy to see it. She was actually real mad. Um, because I, I think with the whole Kristen and Alex situation, the way that she's talked about it, I think there's more to, I think he truly was not a good person to her. Um, because Luke gets very much the same tone and look in his eye when he talks about what's his name?
Alex. Yeah. As he does when he talks about James. I'm not saying that the situations are totally exactly the same, but I would put them in the same. Lower tier of hell, probably. Loose face gets beat ass red. He's, he gets mad about it. And so, And the way that Kristen was like, What the fuck is so hard for people to understand?
Don't come, I don't want to be fucking around my exes. I was like, tell her because Brittany's, Shit show of a covering up for her piece of shit husband thing. I'm over it. I can't take it anymore. Kristen, cuss her ass out. Cause Brittany knows good and god damn well that boy didn't need to be at the dam.
Who, that guy looks awful. Where did he come from? What sewer, what sewer did he come out of? He was hanging out with, um, he was hanging out with Joe's, uh, forgotten Ninja Turtle. It was actually really, it actually really made me sad because I'm like, okay, Jax, you and Kristen, obviously you are not her friend for you to bring a guy and only hear his side of the story.
And then to portray it as, you know, I just, you know, I, you know, I know how Kristen, it, it, it actually made me feel really sad and really gross. Um, I just felt really sad for Kristen and I will say talking about, so the whole ending was like the huge part of this, but the way, talking about Zach's dark energy, I'm sorry, the way that man in the kitchen when he was like, Oh, I never said that 100%, I don't know what it is.
That man said it. I promise you. He said it. I'll bet, I'll bet, I'll bet all my um, plane money on it now. There is something under that hair. It is secrets. Something. There is something. Key. There's a bottom of it. I can't wait to find out. I'm loving the show. Brady has sniffed it out when it comes to him. I don't know what it is, but there is something.
And so, yeah, I thought it was a good episode. Jesse, can't stand him. Um, I think I, I, I think that the only discernible thing between him and Jax is that I think that Jack's. does actively participate in and care about the parenting of Cruz. And I don't think that Jesse gives a fuck about raising his daughter.
And I think he knows he has a daughter. I don't think he knows that she's there. And I think he's probably banging one of his real estate agents while Michelle's at home every single day. A hundred percent. So, and sorry, dude, if you don't want people to spread rumors about you, don't be a jackass to your fucking wife and kid.
How about that? Oh, he's such, oh, the one thing I will end with him is I knew everything I needed to know about him, uh, one, the first episode, as I mentioned, when he didn't help out for a year and then two, I cannot stand this and look, I, I have my son, um, and I, here's the thing, I grew up in a household where there was nothing but yelling, right?
Yeah. And. I'm sorry, but I have made it with my son. He will never grow up in that environment. And you do not have to, you can be stern. You can be firm. But when Jesse and his confessional was saying, you know, I walk in and Michelle's being like, Isabella, Isabella, no, it's okay. And he, all he has to say is one word.
Like the way he screams, I go, that's all I need to know about you as a dad. That's, that's not parenting. You Jacks to scare, you're there to scare your child. Yes. Yep. And um, again, I am all for parents. We're all trying to survive out here. Like, I get it, but. You, the way that he said that, I was just like, yep, I don't, I do not fuck with you because you can be firm, you can be stern with your kids, but the way he expressed that, I was like, oh, here comes dad, your, your kid does not need to be scared of you, of dad.
Also, you can be scared in a way of like, Oh, you know what I mean? Like, Oh, when mom means, you know what I mean? Like, there's a way of like, Oh, you shouldn't have to incite fear in your child as a behavior modification. Like that shouldn't have, that isn't what you should not have to instill fear in your child to modify their behavior.
And it's even more sinister because he wasn't, it's not just about his approach. It's about you're mocking your wife. For her approach and making her feel so now your kid is learning gentle is bad and weak and yelling is good and better and dad is more important than mom and she probably gets rewarded for being afraid of him if she stops doing whatever it is that she's doing and then she probably gets incentivized from it like he can, I, he can fall off a cliff.
Hmm. Yeah, I don't want him to die. I just want him to like break a leg and then horribly disfigured so that no girl will ever want to fuck him again. Yeah, him and him just being that, um, honest about that behavior and the confessionals truly just shows like, okay, you have had no self reflection on anything in your life.
The evil is seeping out. Yeah. Um, and I just, yeah, I, I, I do not like that man. So, um, It will be interesting to, I guess, see more of him on my television, but I don't fuck with him. And, like I said, overall, a pretty solid episode of The Valley. I think it's going to get even better. Even better. I agree. Well, Lindsay The next time I see you, Oh my God, it's going to be in person.
Isn't that crazy? You know, it's funny. Brady told, he asked me, he was like, are you scared you and Emily aren't going to like get along when like you see each other? And I go, I'm honestly not because the way that we've taught, we are, it is so funny how oddly similar we are in a lot of ways, but also we're very different, but the ways that we're so similar, I was like, I think we're going to be just fine.
Yeah, I think we'll, yeah, it might, I mean, it's probably awkward because when you see someone for the first time in real life, it's like kind of like an adjustment, but we're going to be navigating LA too. So we're both going to be, I'm going to be fresh off a spirit. Uh, flight. So, um, apologies in advance for whatever the hell is going on with me when I get off that plane.
Okay. Well, and I'll be at Delta for a little, I'll be flying off Delta and I'll be hanging out for two hours. So I'm probably going to be like,
we're going to be a mess. I feel bad for our Uber driver. Oh, Oh my God. Hopefully it's the same one that Ariana and Sandoval got. Hopefully. All right, guys. Well, you guys know what to do. If you guys want to. Give us a little love financially. You can send it to buy me a coffee, all that information, Venmo, all in the show notes, if you want to follow me, you can follow me at who TF knows Emily Rose, that's at who TF knows Emily Rose on Instagram, WTFK, Emily Rose on Twitter, Lindsay, where can they find you?
Oh guys, please go leave me a five star review and you can write something a little nice too. It really, the thing is I really don't get a lot of negative reviews, but even from one person Like screws up my rating so bad. So, uh, I understand some people aren't going to like the show. I understand I'm going to get some negativity, but if you like it, it's really helpful to go tell me on Apple podcasts.
Well, and I really liked that one episode. You said, listen to the podcast. If you like it, leave a five star. And if you even have like some like constructive feedback, leave it in the review and still put it in the review. Now, listen, if you completely hate it, just move on. Just don't listen to my show.
Just say bye bye. You know what I mean? Literally. Like, it just, it's not for you. So I think that is There's a million Vanderpump Rules Recap Podcasts. There's a million Bravo Recap Podcasts. Literally. So, yeah. I, I, I just, I loved when you framed it that way once, and I think that's such a good way to frame it.
But, yeah, on Instagram, you can follow me, Vanderpod Recaps, on Reddit, you know, if you've ever seen the name Additional War 8759, I think I finally remember the, the name. So here we go. Um, but yeah, that, that's where I'm mostly active. I do have a Tik Tok. I do have a Brady made me get a Twitter. I said he would have to run it and he is not doing it.
Brady. I'm just kidding. We love Brady. We love Brady. Um, but yeah, Instagram and Reddit is where I'm most active. Awesome. All right. Well, next time I talk to you guys might be in LA, so we will talk to you guys later. Bye. Bye.