Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Getting rid of the "Guilty Pleasure" adage one podcast at a time...
Each week Emily Rose will dive into different pop culture topics, and tell you what TF you need to know about them!
Special thanks to: LD Green III for Intro/Outro music "Lord of the Dance" Streaming Everywhere!
Artwork Photographer: Ques Williams for Midas Touch Creative Group
Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Meeting Jax Taylor (& other LA things, Vanderpump News & More!)
Title says it all!!
Emily Rose is ON THE LOOSE and by herself as she recaps her trip to LA, meeting Peter, Jax Taylor, and the darkness of Schwartz & Sandy's. THEN she gets into VPR news like Faith Stowers' lawsuit, Kristen's big goof, and Reunion rumors. Finally, she very briefly gives thoughts on VPR S11 EP 10 (Line in the Sand) and The Valley!
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Intro/Outro Music by LD Green III: https://linktr.ee/LDGreenIII
IG: @whotfknowsemilyrose
Twitter: @WTFKEmilyRose
Hello, hello, hello. This is Who the Fuck Knows with Emily Rose. I'm Emily Rose reporting live from Atlanta, Georgia, fresh off a trip to Los Angeles, California. How is everybody doing? How are you guys feeling? Are you in the spring season vibes? Are you ready for summer? I want to know. Let me know. And man, this is going to be a solo episode today and I'm going to go over a few things just so you guys know kind of what's going on with the podcast, what we're going to be doing in the future.
And then we'll talk lightly about Vanderpump Rules and a little bit about my trip to Los Angeles. So let's get started. First of all, Lindsay of Vanderpod Recaps and I went out to LA as you all know. And so that's why this is delayed because that was It, I mean, it was incredible. I'll get into it, but I was a little, I needed to adjust.
I needed to get over the depression of landing in Atlanta and really add a lot to think about. Now, some of you, if you guys have been listening to me for a while, Um, you know that I have been, is it parasocial if we're talking about a state? I have been delusional in my obsession with everything Los Angeles for years.
I have had people on the podcast like Katie Thompson, who I'll talk about in a little bit, who has, have come on, they live out there and they're, they've been telling me you got to get out there. You got to get out there. And I went when I was a teenager, but obviously this is a very different experience, you know, to go.
Yeah. As an adult not just because I can, like, drink and rent a car or whatever, but just because I really have an appreciation. I also really love Atlanta. Like, I love my city. I don't know if you guys know that about me, that I really do love Atlanta, but when you go, when you live somewhere for so long you get a little bit of fatigue.
And I realized that other people also had a little bit of fatigue. Los Angelites, is that what you guys call yourselves? Los Angelinos? I don't know. They got a little bit of LA fatigue. And I came in with a burst of energy to like remind them of how awesome it is out there. So anyway, so yeah, so this is delayed a little bit and Lindsey's not with me right now because she's not feeling well.
And so everybody wish her a healthy, speedy recovery. And also Just so you all know, so Lindsey, when she's feeling better this week, hopefully, we will be recapping our entire trip in full. So you get to hear both of us talk about our experience, and I think you're gonna really like that. Now Lindsey's gonna take a little break from the podcast because she's got like a life.
I don't know what that's like. She's got to take a little break. So I'm gonna have some other guests until the season of Vanderpump Rules is finished and I hope that you guys like them. I have hopefully some great people lined up for sure. I have Rob Schulte who we will also talk about in a minute. He will be coming on this week to recap what will be this week's episode.
So Tuesday night you guys will be getting this on Tuesday. So again, I'm sorry for the delay. Sorry for the long rambling intro. But I wanted to give you guys a heads up of what's going on, okay? And look out for Lindsey, because she's got lots of projects coming up. She's got lots of things that she's doing, and of course, she is going to be recapping and all of that good stuff.
I, I hope, you know, she feels better, because I don't know who's going to listen to when reality hits, if she's not able to listen and recap, because, honey, I don't have time. So, first of all, let's get into Some highlights from my trip, right? I went out there because I was invited to be a guest on Rob Schulte and Molly McAleer's combined live show for their podcasts, Rob's Vanderpump Rob's and Molly's Trend Lightly.
And so they did a live show at a theater in Hollywood and for Rob's portion. I was a guest. We recapped live the Sex, Lies, and Audio Tape episode from season six of Vanderpump Rules and we had a special guest in Peter Madrigal. So Peter came out. Peter is interesting. Like he's very buttoned up, I guess is a good way to put it.
Like not like formal, but I feel, I felt like he's, I felt like he probably has to meet a lot of people all the time. That's how I felt. He was not rude. He's very kind. He seemed This is what I gathered when we were recording, and that recording from that live show will be available on Rob's Patreon.
So if you're not a Patreon subscriber, go check it out. I got the feeling that he's over Vanderpump Rules. Now, I did not ask him, and honestly, I don't know that he would have said that out loud if I had asked him, But yeah, I got the feeling that he was a little bit over it. Not that he, he seemed to have a good time watching the episode.
I don't know that he re watches the episodes after they've aired. So this might have been the first time. He's seen this episode of the show was when we were on Rob's live show. So I Just so you know, I also did a tick tock live on Britney Adams tick tock over the weekend And so if you're tuning in from there, hi, and if not, I did answer a lot of questions there So I'm sorry if I don't answer a question if you have questions DM me on Instagram on Twitter and I'll cover it when when Lindsay joins, but anyway, so yeah, we got to meet Peter.
That was cool You Then, and the live show went great. It was very fun. I want to do, I want to do one. I want to do a live show. I feel like the Vanderpump Rules piece is the most intriguing to me right now. But it definitely sparked my head for some ideas. Cause I don't think, as a solo podcaster, I don't think that I would do like a traditional live show.
Like I'm not going to do like a, oh god, god, Save me for invoking her. Like Stassi's tour, her live tour. Why can't I think of anybody else? Oh god. Oh well, I went and saw the cancelled podcast tour. You know, tours like that, where they kind of have a co host, someone to feed off of. I'm not really gonna have that, so.
I need to be a little more creative. So I definitely felt inspired. And so the, that night we were going to go to Jax's after, but Jax's is kind of far from, like, relatively far from where we were performing, but Schwartz and Sandy's was right down the street. So we went to Schwartz and Sandy's and look, we all know that it's in a strip mall, that's a joke, that's been tossed around.
It's not until you get inside That you really are like, Oh wait, this is a rest, a strip mall restaurant. And I don't know, I don't know if people will really understand it. Cause I don't, we have places like this in the suburbs of Atlanta. So like one of the areas that I spent a lot of time in growing up is called Eagle's landing.
And Eagle's landing is kind of like a suburb of Stockbridge and McDonough or a subset of Stockbridge and McDonough, which is South of Atlanta. And. In Eagles Landing, there are a few restaurants like this that are kind of decent restaurants, but they're in strip malls. And when you walk in, it's like this boxy ass vibe.
It's very generic and it's very, like, event space. I think on Brittany's show, I said something like it, it was giving, like, the space they rented out for your eighth grade prom. And that's kind of, That's really, that's how it feels. And it's weird too, because there's all of these, the materials that everything is made out of are very high quality.
And I don't mind the design of it, but it just feels empty. And like the bar, for instance, the bar should be the biggest draw of this place in my opinion, but there's nothing on the wall behind the bar, nothing that if there was, and I certainly didn't. Register it because it felt, it just felt very vast.
It was also kind of empty. Apparently Schwartz was there mere minutes before we arrived and then left. So I didn't get to see Schwartz, but that's okay because I've met him before. And I think, I think the Allure is really when the cast is there. Which I, I thought would be, I thought that would be the case for all of the Vanderverse cast.
Places, but it really wasn't really just Schwartz and Sandys. So then it was my birthday at midnight. So I just wanted to be in a Vanderpump establishment for my birthday. And so I accomplished that and it was raining and it was supposed to rain. I thought for much more than it did, but really, we only had one day of light on and off rain and the rest was beautiful.
We stayed in an Airbnb in Koreatown and it was gorgeous. I, I will be going back to that very Airbnb. It was centrally located. We'll talk more about this when Lindsay joins. The traffic thing? So people really prepped me for a few things. They were like, you're gonna hit a lot of traffic, people are, you know, you're not gonna meet the nicest people, and it's very fake and expect everybody to bail on you, and that just is just not my experience this time.
Now, of course, I know that living somewhere, I, of all people, know that living somewhere for a while, like I said earlier, it can disenchant you. I I'm sorry. I'm sorry if you're from L. A. and you're listening to this and you're like, Bitch, you have no idea. But like, the traffic was not Bad, by any means. I will say, so, for example, on one day we traveled down to Hermosa Beach to meet and hang out with G of Real Bitch of Brava, who was, by the way, a fantastic host, a marvelous person, if you get the chance, if you ever get to meet her, do it.
She is lovely as hell, and so accommodating, and just Great. She's great. I can't wait to have her back on the podcast. And so, not back, because I haven't had her yet, so I need to probably do that right now. So, getting there, we didn't take the highway. We just took the back roads. And I don't know if that's just not part of the culture there, but that is something that I do here in Atlanta constantly.
I am like, Avoid highways at all costs. It seemed to me like the places that you cannot avoid the highway, like, It looked like Echo Park was going to be difficult to get to without getting on a highway. Maybe that's where a lot of the traffic is, but if you can avoid the highway, I did not run into any kind of Insane traffic.
That's anything that's different than here in Atlanta, because we also have, I mean, our city gets gridlocked constantly, so I, I don't know. That's all I have to say about the traffic guys. I don't know. Maybe it's bad. There, but if you live other places, I feel like, oh, and then the TomTom, not the restaurant, the GPS navigation system, they release a report every year on the average amount of minutes it takes to go six miles in all the cities and that kind of helps rank like the top, the worst cities for, for driving and.
L. A. isn't even in the top 10. L. A. is 14 minutes per 6 miles. Atlanta is 12 minutes per 6 miles. So, it's very, very comparable to me. So, I was not freaked out by the traffic. But, of course living there is a little different. Also heard Koreatown is not walkable. That's not true. That is just certainly, that is not true.
There was nothing I have nothing to report guys. It was very walkable. There was a Ralph's a block and a half away from us. We went every day. People were out walking all over the place. I don't know. I feel maybe like if you're Not, I don't know, maybe if you're from L. A. and you've been there for a while and you just, you've been a part of the growth or the changes and maybe you don't realize that things have changed.
But yeah, what we, for what we needed, it was fine. Living there probably is very different. So anyway, my birthday. I'll wrap this up because I know you guys didn't come here all to listen to my trip. And I'll be doing a full episode on it. Sunday, which was my actual birthday Easter Sunday was my birthday.
That is when we went to Sir Tom Tom, that's when we went to WeHo, West Hollywood. And I had just the time of my life, dude. I went to, we went to Sir first, we went there for drinks, we didn't realize it was happy hour. Also, we kept running into happy hours. I guess this is more like, I have a job that doesn't allow me to do things like happy hours during the week.
So, but this is on a Sunday. Happy hours in Atlanta, they don't, I don't know, they don't usually have this on Sundays. So anyway, we went there for happy hour and we got some drinks. I got, I don't remember what I got, but it was good. Sur's a wild place. The decor is truly amazing. Nuts. And, I think they need to update it.
I think that if they went for a more like, modern style, like a more clean, contemporary feel. That probably wouldn't be bad, but it's also kind of iconic. The bar, there's like eight million disco balls. There's so many chandeliers. There's a lot going on. The music was crazy. Um, it was just, it was a lot.
That being in that space is a lot, but Peter was there so and he, he recognized, of course, he remembered us because we'd literally just seen him the night before. So he said, Hey, and he really just stands and takes pictures with people. And I just like to be on like that and then also have to manage a restaurant, but then also have to be like a personality and kind of entertain people.
I can see that as being exhausting. And I, I just kind of got a vibe from him that, Not that he's not grateful and not, he's very approachable. He took a picture with everybody that asked him, but I was just kinda like, I bet this is tiresome. And I got to meet Israel Isaac from, who was formerly a host at Schwartz and Sandys, who I've been following forever.
And I love them. They are Just the nicest person. The nicest person. We had a lot in common, too. So I took a picture with them. I took a picture in front of the Sir sign, took a picture at Sir, took lots of pictures. Then we went and had actual dinner at Tom Tom because we've been tipped off that the food is better at Tom Tom.
And I have no idea what the food is like at Sir, but the food at Tom Tom was great. And I felt for the price, it was, Just perfect. I got a steak board, which is just like, really it's just hanker steak with like vegetables. And then she got, Lindsey got a burger and fries, and they were delicious. Again, I got some cocktails.
Couldn't tell you what the name of them were. Very, very sweet. server that we had. And TomTom is beautiful. Like, it's a beautiful space. It's like, maybe a little weird because it's got like fairy vibes. There's like a tree in the middle of it. But it really is like, I can see the appeal of TomTom beyond Tom and Tom.
Right? So that was really fun. We also ranked bathrooms, or I ranked bathrooms. And we'll talk about that when Lindsay comes on the podcast. Then we left and we went to God. So things, by this point, things got a little blurry imbibed a little bit. So again, we'll wait for Lindsay to help with this, but we went to the Abbey.
I had the time of my life. I thought the Abbey was the most fun place I'd ever been to. It's like, cause obviously we have plenty of queer centered spots and bars and nightlife here in Atlanta. That's like. A great, a vast majority of things are that way here, but this place was so big, and there's like go go dancers, and I didn't know that, go go dancers are a big thing in WeHo, I guess.
And so that, that was fun to experience that. And the space is just big, and the people are fun, and it was fun to people watch. You can, nevermind, you can do stuff there. That is like banned in most bars now and it's not illegal so don't think that. Um, so that was fun. The, then we went to a place called Beaches which was super fun for me.
Um, but I was drinking, Lindsay was not. So we, I don't know if it would be fun. We watched this guy get pushed into the street. They were in like a brawl. We, Yeah, we just kind of walked the streets of WeHo and checked things out, and it was really It was a really good time. I did not want to leave WeHo.
I was like, oh my god. Can we stay here forever? But we could not. So then the next day was the day that we went down to Hermosa Beach. Like I said, beautiful area. So that's where when that beach party from, or beach party, that beach scene from last year where Schwartz gets a drink thrown in his face and then they go to this place called Tower 12 and then James Kennedy thinks that he gets tequila in his eye but it's just water and he trips and he falls and he screams at Allie.
We went to that restaurant, Tower 12, and they were great. Great food, great prices, great people. Everyone was so fucking nice. Like the server, everyone that I encountered service industry wise was incredible. Everyone I encountered was nice. I did not meet someone that I was like, Ooh, their attitude is a stank.
Like, no. Everyone was cool. So we did that. Went to the beach. Beautiful, beautiful. Hung out with G. Beautiful. Her whole situation. Her house. Her roof. Her vibes. Love her. Okay? It was great. Then we went home, and me and Lindsay were kind of tired. So we watched Vanderpump Villa. And, what a show. If you're not watching Vanderpump Villa, I'm not gonna say you need to, cause like, You probably don't need to, but I had a, I have, I enjoyed watching it, so we'll get into that a little bit later.
And then the next day was Tuesday, the one week ago today, was our final day. And we did a lot. We went to Hollywood Boulevard because Lindsay's a huge Betty White fan from Golden Girls, and her like, really big fan. Long career in Hollywood. So we went and saw her star in the walk of hollywood walk of fame We went I wanted to see the viper room.
We saw the valleys what's it called? Not bulletin board, not boardwalk. Oh god. You guys know what I'm talking about. The board. The board in the sky. We saw that billboard. And then we walked back to WeHo from there and saw because we didn't get a picture of the Sir Alley and so we got a picture of the Sir Alley and that, it's just like, it's crazy to be in these places.
Right? It's crazy to really be in these spaces. So, that was fun. Then we went to the Grove because I wanted to really experience that. And we went to the Farmer's Market and we just walked around. Didn't really You know, didn't buy anything, didn't do, nothing, nothing to report on the Grove, except that it's really cool and very pretty and it's interesting, oh, I did buy some setting spray because I had gotten quite, quite a sunburn when I was in Hermosa Beach on one of my boobs, so I wanted to be sure that I had setting spray to set my concealer, so that people didn't ask me if I had a sunburn, cause that's a, very big pet peeve of mine.
So we went back to the apartment. My friend Juliette came over, who I love, Juliette Cecil, and she spent some time with us. She's a friend of mine from a long time, for a long time, from Atlanta and she came and visited and then we got ready and we went to Rocco's in Studio City and attached to Rocco's is Jax's Studio City.
So then my friend, Katie Thompson, little baby Kates, who you guys all know and love, who's been on the show several times, finally got to meet her in person. And yes, she is extremely. Exactly as funny and wonderful and dynamic and lovely as I have ever thought her to be. Just beautiful, fun. I love Katie so much.
And I, and she's really been on the, she's been team Emily Needs to Come Out to LA for years now. So getting to really meet her and experience this all with her was really fun. So we were at Rocco's and then we went to Jax's is Attached, so it's on the other side. And Jax was there. Jax, I guess, hosts every week, and he sits in the middle, and he has friends that sit with him, and that's kind of like the VIP, and then there's tables lined all around, and They put on the show, and there we go.
So a couple of things from that, if you haven't been watching my stories. There's, when we got there, they were playing the East Coast Feed. And so when we walked in, they were playing Watch What Happens Live. And Brittany was a guest on Watch What Happens Live that night. Jax was watching her. He was like up, At one of the TVs, lining the wall, like a sports bar.
He's up at the table, with his leg on the table, watching her and like, reading the captions. Because the sound wasn't on yet. And then these ladies come, like they're trying to sit at the table. And Jax goes I think I'm getting divorced on live TV. I was like, Oh my God, that was his energy all night. By the way, he didn't get divorced on live TV, but his energy all night was very, it was very high.
Brittany asked me if I thought that he had been skiing. I couldn't tell you. I, I don't know if this is his personality. If he were anybody else, I would probably lean towards definitely but I don't have any. Evidence of that, but he does do the sniffing thing that everyone makes fun of him for.
That's real. He's much more attractive in person than on TV. I will say that. He looks like a Hollywood guy, I guess. Like, he's, he's lost weight. He's had treatments done. So whatever it is, he looks good. I still don't find him to be the, like, hottest guy I've ever seen in my life, but he's definitely, like, more attractive in real life.
So then, he starts to, Make commentary on the episode. And one of these videos went viral because I guess he's used to having other cast members there. This is only the third week that he's doing this, right? So right now in, in real time, where we were in that time, he's starting to do commentary for the episode, because I guess usually he has the cast there and he's mingling, but that wasn't really the case.
So he gets this microphone that they usually use for karaoke. And his friend is like, dude, just, you know, comment the whole time. And so he's like, all right. So he's turning around, he turns around to our table and goes, by the way, Schwartz is having a great time. He's in Hawaii with his girlfriend right now.
Okay. He's fine. I guess the implication, because this is during the Schwartz and Katie outside scene at the water tasting, the implication I'm guessing is that we I guess he thought that we thought that Schwartz was like heartbroken or we felt bad for him, which I don't. So it was funny how he said that.
He said he doesn't like Sheena and Lala. He said that all of VPR is fake, scripted, everything is moved around. We'll get there later because I have a note on that and some Vanderpump news. He said, I mean, he said a lot of derogatory things about Vanderpump rules to be honest with you and talked up the Valley very much.
Again, I don't want to get too much into it, because when Lindsay comes on, she'll have a better recollection, because I was very much in the moment. And then, I took it upon myself, during one of the commercial breaks, to go up and ask him, Why don't you like Sheena? Here's what he said. He said he, it's not that he doesn't like Sheena.
He also referred to her as my friend, and I was like, she's not my friend. I watched it, I, I was like, I don't know her. I just like, I like her, I think she's cool, on this show. I It's like he doesn't know he's on a TV show. It's very funny. He was like, um, yeah, well, you know, she's just like, she parties all the time.
Like, she's not a good mom. Like, she said, he said she wasn't a good mom. He said that she leaves her kid with her mom, with Sheena's mom. And goes out and parties and imbibes in things is a good way to put that and I was like, okay, cause like that's exactly what he was doing in the moment. So that was an odd, odd reason.
He's like, then he talked himself out. He's I don't really, I don't dislike Sheena. It's like he knows this is going to get back to her. Right. I mean, but it's not because I listen, she doesn't pay me a bit of mind. Okay. Even when I tag her and things and I'm like a stand account, she doesn't care. So she's not going to hear this.
But I was just like, yeah, she's my favorite and I, you know, it's weird for you to be like, oh, she parties and it's like, so it's bad that she has someone to watch her kid while she goes out and enjoys her life. I don't think that's bad at all. And that's exactly what he was doing. Cause Brittany's ass was in New York, so it clearly cruises with somebody, Jax.
Anyway, so that was all fun. And then, so I wanted to get a picture with Jax. Okay? I want to make this very clear. Emily Rose wanted a picture with Jax. And I'm sorry if that's disappointing to some of you. I mean I'm not gonna, like, highlight it, and it's not the highlight of my trip or my life. It's just that when you meet somebody, that you've been watching on TV for a long time.
I also kind of wanted, honestly also, wanted evidence that I was there that night, because he was saying some shit on the mic, and one of the clips went viral, as y'all know. So I wanted a picture, and Lindsey came up to take a picture of the two of us, and then Jax just assumed she wanted a picture too. So we just Roped us in together and took a selfie and then I was like I actually wanted one by myself later I went and got a picture with him just by myself.
So that was that and He said some other stuff. I'm gonna have to remember that later because I know We're gonna talk about it and he oh, he said that he created the valley which is a half truth I think he just kind of lives in a space of half truth And I think that very much what I got was very much what you see on TV.
I think he's kind of delusional. And he's kind of, he's not rude to fans, but I don't know that he's the nicest person, you know. And, yeah that's my LA story. Next day we flew out, went home. There's a lot more to it. There's a lot more stories and fun stuff and things that we'll get into when Lindsay comes on, so stay tuned for that.
Now, in the months, not the months, in the hours and the days since the trip, There has been some developments in the Vanderpump Rules world. So I'm going to talk about those really briefly.
All right. So first things first, Faith Stowers is suing Bravo, NBC, I think maybe Peacock. I don't know. Not Peacock, but definitely Bravo and NBC for an array of bad treatment. Racism. All kinds of, basically just like fucking with her. And she kind of implies that the Kristen and Stassi firings were for image and publicity purposes and not really out of deep concern for her.
She's suing them for not Like shoving her off the show essentially and not properly caring for her or reaching out to her and everything that, not to be dismissive, but that we already kind of knew that they had done and so, and it's interesting because breaking the rules pod in the past couple of days has kind of come out and somewhat supported her statement, I guess.
In finding these interviews that Faith did back in 2018, 2020, talking about how the whole reveal of the affair that she had with Jax went down, essentially, what Faith has been saying for a while is that Lala knew Ariana and Sheena new Basically everyone knew, except for Brittany, and that there was kind of like a conspiracy to save it until it was time for the show.
And then by the time the show came on, she kind of popped up in a scene after she had already been fired from Sir and was not going to be filming for that season. Because there was a period of time where she was Not working at SIR, but she was filming. And then there was a period of time where she was working at SIR, but she wasn't filming.
By the time we see her come to Sheena's birthday party in Season 6, she was neither. She was not working at SIR, and she wasn't filming. But she came to this party to essentially drop this bomb. And liven things up a little bit. Because they said Sheena's birthday party was gonna be boring. Why are these people I mean, give her a break.
Anyway, so Yeah, so that is what we found out and then she's suing them. I'm, sorry. I can't get the detail There's so many lawsuits right now. All I know is that like I believe that she was treated Unfavorably, I believe that she was likely treated differently by the cast members. Oh, and then of course the knife in Lala.
And I've talked about this before. Probably with a shit ton of allegeds in there. I'll keep using allegedly. Allegedly, Lala brandished a knife. And against Faith at one point in Sir. It was filmed and not aired. So And they didn't do anything to, like, protect Faith or check up on her or anything like that.
And so we knew that. Another allegation is that she had revealed to producers that she had a crush on Lala. And so, when it came time for their Hawaii trip, I think that's the one where Jack stole the sunglasses. When it came to time for the Hawaii trip, she and Lala were placed in the same room in one bed.
And she was kind of asked to, they were kind of, Encouraged to be intimate, which is A, believable, B, very disturbing. So, there's that. And then, of course, we have all of the ways that Saucy, Kristen, and Brittany, and Lala, and Gay, and Jax engaged in either passively spreading rumors that she was AWOL from the military and a thief, which is what Jax did and Lala did, or actively engaging in racism against her, which is what Brittany did, calling her slurs and saying things about her on the mic at Sir, and then even more actively calling a tip line to, or allegedly a tip line, which that's Stassi's version, calling the police and saying that this woman was a thief and that she had gotten AWOL from the military.
So just. And, and that production did literally nothing about it, again. So, I hope that she gets some money, if nothing else. I don't think, I don't know if she's gonna bring the show down. I think the show's doing, I think the show's gonna bring itself down. But, I think I'm I hope that she gets what, because the damages haven't been revealed yet, or what the compensation or whatever it is that she's looking for hasn't been revealed, but I hope she gets it.
I really do, even if it's at the expense of the show, because fucking, who cares, you know?
So that's the Faith stuff, and then, like I said, the stuff that Breaking the Rules podcast came out with, which is that they frame things, and they hold information until filming, even if they have it, and reveal things on camera for the sake of drama. That being said Kristen and Luke, they rebranded their podcast and it's called um, Unstable.
No, it's called Balancing Act and
They had their first guest as Ariana. This is a big conspiracy. Now, grab your Craig Conover tinfoil hat. It's conspiracy time with Emily Rose. I know you guys are so sick of this. But just stay with me here. So, Kristen and Luke are talking to Ariana about Dan, Ariana's boyfriend. And at one point, Luke makes a comment to Ariana like, Oh, you're glowing.
Like, I've never, you know, I, you look so happy. You look so sincere. And Kristen said, Well, he's just such a great guy, Luke. You've met him, um, at Sheena's wedding. And and Luke goes Applebees in San Francisco. She goes, Applebees. Oh my God. Yes. We just, we love him. And they move on. And it's like, er, pause, what the fuck do you mean Sheena's wedding?
So, the first round of defense against the, the, Misspeak was, well, she, she literally just misspoke. She must have meant Sheena's birthday. Couldn't be Sheena's birthday because Dan wasn't there. Well, she just, you know, actually this is all invalid because This is just, like, spliced crazy, because why would Luke ask Some people thought that Luke was asking was saying that Kristen was glowing talking about Dan.
And I'm like, well, she very well could have been, and I It doesn't matter. Doesn't change the context of the conversation. So, then it was like, well, why the fuck did she say Sheena's wedding? She could have been What? Well, maybe she was talking about Because they did meet, according to what we know, they did, Arianne and Dan did meet at a wedding of a friend of theirs in Mexico a couple of weeks after Scandal All Broke.
So, People are just jump, just like bending over backwards to really say like there's no way that they could be lying to us. And I'm just here to say there's absolutely a way that they could be lying to us. But, there's no evidence that Dan was in Mexico. It just does not seem like the guy was there. This is from my own research.
I went on, all the tagged photos, the friends that he seemed to have at the time tagged photos. Now I will say, I am curious if he was in a relationship around that time, because there is a girl, I'm not going to say her name, that, there, well there's two. One is, one is someone I thought was a romantic interest, but then she's like married, so no, not her.
But then there's another girl that I was like she sure does tag him, and a lot of her. Reels and stuff, so I don't know, that's me spreading rumors not really, cause I'm not saying he was, but I was just like, interesting, the timing. Guys, here's the thing, about all of this, because then Kristen, finally addresses the questions, like, what do you mean, Sheena's wedding, why would you say that?
She said, oh my god, I was tired. If you listen, you hear Luke be like, correcting me. Like, not Sheena's wedding, Applebee's. And, A, no he doesn't, he does not do that. B, like, why would you do that, Kristen? That's the worst, that's the worst cover up that Just say you just, damn, didn't mean to say Sheena's wedding.
I don't know that I believe her but, whatever. I, I just It's, it makes more sense, everything, the whole thing would make more sense if at some point, and I'd heard this, this was a rumor by the way, this was a rumor and that initial batch of rumors that came out in the early weeks of Scandaval was that Ariana and Dan had met previously.
They didn't just meet at the wedding. Now at the wedding in Mexico, that was not Sheena's. I'm just saying, it's not a big deal. It doesn't change how I feel about Ariana. It's just not a big deal, but it makes a lot of sense, right? That you're in this relationship, you guys aren't getting along, then, you find out the guy is banging your friend.
The first thing I'm gonna do, I'm gonna hit up a guy that I've had a crush on for a while, and then, hell yeah, I'm gonna go to fucking Mexico, and You know, hook up with him. Like, that's what I'm gonna do. It doesn't mean anything nefarious for Ariana's character. It just means that the show probably does keep a lot of information from us and present it to us in a certain kind of way for entertainment value.
It doesn't mean that Scandal was set up. It doesn't mean that there was no affair. It doesn't mean, like, but I think at this point we have to be, like, Conscious and mature and, like, well read consumers of this shit and understand that sometimes things aren't scripted. We love to I feel like people love to throw around, it's scripted.
It's not about being scripted. And I think that people also love to use the word production as a catch all. It's not just about production. There's Storytelling in the production, in the creation and airing of a Bravo show, of a reality show, you have to have a cohesive storyline. So sometimes, and these people are very good at their jobs, every single one of them.
That's why I think they all fucking hate each other. You've got people like Katie, I don't think Katie likes to do this. I don't think Katie likes to keep secrets and move information around and do that kind of thing. And as soon as she does anything even remotely a little bit secretive or shady, it's immediately brought up.
So, I don't think that Katie likes to do it, but they all do it. And I think it's all for the cause of creating a show that we want to watch. Vanderpump Rules has been on for now over ten years. There are not a lot of lifestyle aside from the Housewives franchises. There's not like a lot of lifestyle, following the lives of people randomly, shows that started with the kitschy thing like working in a restaurant, like that's the hook, right?
We're watching servers. It's what's upstairs, downstairs type thing. We're not tuned into this for this long because we just are watching raw footage of these people sitting around living their daily lives. It's just the truth. And it doesn't make any of them Well, for this, like, I don't think that makes, if, if, if, let's just get out on conspiracy lane for just a second.
Let's say Kristen didn't misspeak. Let's say that Ariana and Dan did meet in Mexico at Sheena's wedding a year prior. So, like, what the fuck does that matter, you know? Unless someone, unless she, unless she cheated on Tom. Unless he, unless Dan had a girlfriend. And cheated on her, but I don't even think that's the implication.
So, I think that's just like, we have to accept it at this point, right? Now, the rumors about the reunion are wild. We have people saying that, you know, Ariana's leaving, that three people are leaving. There's this thing that comes up. This is what I think happens. I think that something akin to what what we found out about Faith and the Jax thing kind of being a little set up.
I think something like that comes out. And maybe it does involve Ariana. Shit, maybe, maybe we find out that she met Dan. Earlier than we thought. That's okay. What if It could be a It could I think it's something in that realm. Of filming, production timeline, something like that, that has been, so far, kept a secret.
Now, I don't think it's as extreme as like, Ariana knew about Rachel and Tom having an affair and and kept it to herself. I don't think that I mean, I don't know, but I don't think that the finding the affair on the phone thing was faked. But I, I think that maybe there's just some, there's just something, something that we don't know.
It could be nothing to do with Ariana. It could be something to maybe do with James. And Lala covering for him for years. It could be something, it could be, honestly, all of these people keep secrets, all of these people are giving us entertainment. And that's what I think. And I still like the show. And I encourage us all to continue liking the show for as long as we can possibly fucking stand it.
Let's see, how much time do I have? Okay. Finally, we got news also that Faith is releasing a podcast called The Frequency Podcast with her and a friend. I think it's out now. I will need to, if it's not out now, it will be coming out shortly by, probably by the time you all listen to this. So, keep, stay tuned.
Hopefully if, if Lindsay listens and we can get her on this week, then I will be able to talk to her about it. Let's see, any other news? Oh, I just want to clear a couple of things up because I've heard this on some recaps of the, of this week's episodes. I'm not going to recap. The episodes this week, guys.
I'm, it's a lot going on. In last week or this week's episode, Line in the Sand, where Ariana, the water tasting, all of this, I just want to clear up a few things. One, I think that Ariana and Tom maybe shouldn't be in the same room. Even though it's great TV. I think, I fully believe that Ariana is incredibly triggered by this man.
Do I think that she says things that are a little out of pocket? I do think that. I don't think we need to call the police. I don't think that he's a dog murderer. And I'm sorry if you hate me for saying that. But You know, that's how I feel. But I also think that she hates him and that is warranted and that's okay.
I do just want to say this though, because a lot of people have been like, and you have to remember this is only two months. Okay. Now at this point of water day we're getting towards the six month line. So now we're about half a year and she's in a new relationship. So for me, to me, I'm just saying that like.
I don't think, after six months, that if she's still feeling this kind of anger, I actually, I don't think that they should be in the same room together, and I don't think they should be staying in the same house. I kind of wondered, like, have they really not ever talked to each other in this house?
Because I feel like he could sneeze wrong, and she'll, she will absolutely tear him apart. Again, as she should, but I, I have a hard time believing that they're just silent all day. I don't know, maybe. Maybe that's exactly what it is. They literally don't talk to each other and then the moment that he speaks to her in real life, she's like, unleashes.
Fantastic. She's incredibly compelling. She also just finished up her Chicago run, so congratulations to her for that. I think, Yeah, man, I just think the whole show is kind of, we're on pins and needles with it. We still haven't, you know what? We only have a few episodes left. I believe that the finale is supposed to air on April 30th.
We still haven't seen the Schwartz, Katie, and that other girl threesome plotline. Are we getting rid of that? That was a major And what did we, what are we getting instead of that? That was like a major plotline. Maybe that'll be in this, in tonight's episode? I don't know. And then for the valley, finally.
I will say, a lot of people said, Wow, I can't believe Bravo brought up the allegations against Kristen, and I will say, I am surprised they didn't start with that. I'm not super impressed I've been very if you've listened, you know that I have said, I feel like the way that Kristen speaks about the incident on her podcast and not even in her book, on her podcast, and in interviews, she seems to have a more realized voice.
Take and has seemed to done, have done more grow, growth, more growing, excuse me, than Stassi on the topic. I wasn't particularly thrilled with how she talks about it. She's not a victim. Kristen, I think Kristen's great, I guess, but like, I don't want to hear you, I don't, no one gives a fuck about you crying about being called racist, okay?
Don't do racist shit, and then you won't, and don't hang out with people that do that kind of stuff. And then you won't be called that. Now, I hope that she expands on it in this week's episode. I hope that she takes more accountability, but I, I really can't with the crying about it, cause it's like, we're past that.
Um, so hopefully, we can get some resolve to that, because I think that's kind of what Vanderpump Rules fans have been saying. The, the ones that care about, you know. racism and not putting on a show that centers the lives and well being of people that perpetuate racist ideals. I think that we've been well, maybe we should have had them on to answer for themselves.
And if this is her answer, I'm going to be honest, I'm not. I'm going to wait and see. Let's just wait and see how it plays out. I'm not thrilled with it right now. Just because it's like, okay, I don't need to see you crying. This isn't, like, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that Michelle is a Republican. That whole storyline to me is n These people are goofy.
These Valley people are nuts. Very entertaining though. And their production company, I knew it, was different than Evolution. This is Haymaker East. These are the people that put on Southern Charm, Southern Hospitality what is it Shep, what is, what's Shep Dating Show called? I forgot already, but that one, and a few other shows that are decent, and I like their style.
I love the Southern Charm. I miss Southern Charm so much. So I think, I think that the Valley is doing pretty well. And I hope that they explore this, this bullshit from Kristen. Oh Rachel went to the iHeartMusic Awards. We were there in LA when those were happening, but we did not go to the iHeartMusic Awards, obviously.
I probably would have led with that. Apparently she shaded Katie and Dana on the red carpet and then she released an episode apologizing for it. Don't need that from her. You're good, Rachel. Just Do you. If you want to be shady, be shady. At this point, who cares? Also, Sheena continues to do this thing.
I love her so much, but I wish she would stop responding to the public, because the public hates her. And the more you respond, the more hate you're gonna get, and then you're stuck in a cycle of hate. And I think she should just lean into it a little bit. And, and stop with the responding. I'm trying to think if there's anything else significant.
And I can't think of anything. So, for the time being, guys, I think I'm gonna wrap this up. I've been going for about an hour and I have to get to my life. So, I love you guys. Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for listening. Thank you to everyone who donated to BuyMeACoffee, Venmo, anything. Sent us words of encouragement.
If you met up with us in L. A., if you, if you DM'd me about L. A., anything. for listening. I really appreciate it because it really, Vanderpump Bravo stuff aside, like, going to LA has been something I've been wanting to do and I cannot emphasize to you all that I have not been able to make that happen because I, first of all, I don't have anyone as passionate about going in my life as I am.
One. Two, I, I really, I just haven't had the time or money. And so, I found the time and you guys helped out with everything so significantly. I would not have been able to go without you, so thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Alright, well, stay tuned. I'm gonna release more stuff. I'm gonna give you guys some more information, some more episodes.
Tune in and I will talk to you guys later. Buh bye!