Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Getting rid of the "Guilty Pleasure" adage one podcast at a time...
Each week Emily Rose will dive into different pop culture topics, and tell you what TF you need to know about them!
Special thanks to: LD Green III for Intro/Outro music "Lord of the Dance" Streaming Everywhere!
Artwork Photographer: Ques Williams for Midas Touch Creative Group
Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
VANDERPUMP CHAOS UPDATE FT VANDERPODRECAPS & Our LA Trip Recap!! (Meeting Jax Taylor pt 2, Peter Madrigal, Going to Vanderpump Row & More!)
00:00- Intro
03:28- Jax Banging His Publicist
24:59- Kyle Chan on Balancing Act
36:02- Kayleigh Jo Goes LIVE
53:27- James and Ally Perform Live For Kids
3:01:00- Our Infamous Night @ Jax's Studio City
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Intro/Outro Music by LD Green III: https://linktr.ee/LDGreenIII
IG: @whotfknowsemilyrose
Twitter: @WTFKEmilyRose
Hello, hello, hello. This is Who the Fuck Knows with Emily Rose. I'm Emily Rose. I'm back, better than ever. I am here, finally, with your favorite of mine, the one and only Lindsay Lyme. Vanderpod recaps. Lindsay, how's it going? Hello, it's so good to see your face again. I've been having, I just, you know, we, We had those beautiful days in LA together and now we're back and I got sick and then you got sick.
So we are just surviving out here, just barely surviving. It's actually, I, uh, kind of measure my life in episodes of the H three podcast, which is, or I guess I just rebranded. So now they're called the H three show and they have episodes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, they went on a two week hiatus.
The day that we came back from LA and they just came back today. So it's all very full circle. It all feels very, this feels very good to me. Very natural. Um, if you don't mind, let me plug something really quick because I just did a well, great on Morgan's, uh, behalf. I had Morgan of the reality bites podcast, and I think you're familiar with.
With their show. Yes. I love their podcast. I love them. And so I had Morgan on, Lauren wasn't able to join because she had like an awesome gig. Um, which it could be me, but it's not. So she couldn't join, but it was me and Morgan. We had a great discussion. The only problem. Was that I was on my deathbed and frankly, don't feel too bad for me.
Like I pretty much brought this on myself. I knew I wasn't feeling good Friday at work. I had to like turn off the lights that weren't even, uh, really directly near me because I started having like a headache, a migraine or something. And I still went out on Friday night and went to dinner and I shouldn't have done that.
And I did not. Rest properly. And then I woke up Saturday with, um, a death wish. So that I subscribed myself. So I like had to turn my camera off a bunch of times because I was like leaning my head all the way back. Users or the listeners can't see. But. All the way back like a crazy person so that the drainage would go back down my, my nose.
It was like so runny and I was coughing. It was like just mucus land and I was on Sudafed. So there were times it's like, I want, I want the audience just to know that like I was present and I was listening to her. It sounds sometimes like I'm like, Oh yeah. And then I like cut her off, but I'm not, I just really was suffering.
I was suffering, but it was, I just, I just finished editing. You guys are going to get that episode tonight along with this one, uh, probably right at midnight. And in that episode, we talk. About me and Morgan about, we recap last week's episode of Vanderpump rules. We don't get into the Valley. We don't get in news.
We don't have my usual shtick with Lindsay, where we talk about the Vanderpot. So we're going to do a little bit of that before we get into our LA trip. We have a few main events. That I think we're both eager to talk about. So why should I waste any more of my time continuing to blabber on and on when we can get to what I would say is arguably the main event, uh, of, of the weekend, Lindsay, you want to, you want to tell the people kind of the saga, the, the, the terrorizing of Canada that's happened over the past week or so.
Okay. I have to have a disclaimer because I feel like. People who listen to me or talk to me. I very much try to very think before I speak and also I very much I understand these are real people. There are, there are lives in place. However, The reality trash side of Lindsay is going to come out because Yes.
Jax allegedly fucked his publicist and talked about it. And I only want to like this. When I found out about this on Friday, I was like rage texting Emily because I was like, I like need to talk about this now. And so we were just like going back and forth. But the blog by subreddit, which. My goodness. I sometimes, yeah, I was sorry.
Yeah. Bought by Jack subreddit. They, they will know everything when it comes to the lives of Jackson, Brittany, couchy, they know, and they're the ones that called out Brittany staying in a different house. They're on their shit. So now before this, and I say that because. For, I believe, years now, they've kinda called out this weird relationship that Jax and Lori K have.
And if you go down a rabbit hole, there's some weird ass photos that they take together. Yeah. And I believe, I don't know if she still is, but I know people have talked about how she's married with kids. I don't know any of that. But. Their photos are weird together, but it started someone on the actual, like, Vanderholics site, or what's it called?
The Wild West of the Bravo subreddit. To the extreme. And they also eventually, like, posted this on the Block by Jack subreddit, but they posted No, I got him. I got it.
Lindsay. Are you there?
Hello, Lindsay. Oh God, am I gonna have to stop this? Okay. Let's see
So they, they, this person posted and it was called Jax was in my city and I was like, okay, you have my attention and they said Jax is in my city and a friend of mine found out a bar he was at and went to get the tea. He said he was for sure single. So this person is saying that. Jax was saying he was single.
We knew this, but he wanted the whole bar to know. Sounds familiar. Right. He told, I was like, did he have a microphone? He told someone there, yeah, I'm single now, trying not to get hurt. I'm playing it safe. And then this is where they lost me, cause it just was so aggressive. Cause they said, then proceeded to fuck his publicist in the bathroom.
He also apparently wanted to have a chiller night. Then walked into the bar and yelled, Who's got bag for me? I thought you would all appreciate this. Now, reading this, I was like, This, there's just like no way that this could be true, but it's funny About the fucking in the bathroom. Cause remember when we talked to him, we talked to him about the sir bathroom and he was like, well, yeah, that's just where people have sex.
So Jack loves to have sex in the bathroom. Yes. Oh my God. Oh, I can't wait to get there. But yes, he totally did. Yes. So what's interesting. So this post is basically a secondhand account of. Their friends interaction now what's interesting is this post has now been deleted So I have went down to rabbit hole now Apparently this person said that they deleted the post because which maybe they don't understand reddit But they said that they, um, deleted it because they mentioned the bar name.
So like where, what bar this took place in. However, they didn't say the bar in the actual original post. Now they did say in the comments, however, why I don't think they understand Reddit is those comments are still there. So even though the post is deleted, you can still find the, like the post. It just says delete it.
And the comments are still, so like the bar name is still there. Right. Interesting. Okay. Okay. Yeah, but anyway, so that, that post is deleted, but obviously it's been screenshotted everywhere, so anyway, that happened, well then, I think it was maybe a couple days later after this post, the block by JackSubReddit, notice that Brittany, she for sure, well no, I, I think we can say she for sure blocked, not just unfollowed, blocked Jacks, and blocked Lori Kay, because, When you go to any tagged photos, they're no longer tagged.
So from my understanding, that means they'd be blocked. Yes. And let me clarify something really quickly because this came up. Um, one of the, one of the accounts, I can't remember who it was. It doesn't matter. That was sharing the, the post was, was, Explaining that when you search for Lori and Britney's following, like who's, who Britney is following research for Lori, the only Lori that now comes up is Lori Harvey, who is Steve Harvey's daughter.
And she's not involved. She's. She's staying out of it. Okay. Oh my God. My, my job has a partnership with Steve Harvey. And so like, I'm here with their like whole thing and just, and so that it kind of just really made me laugh that people were like, no, why is she in it? It's like, no, she's not in it. She's very much out of it.
And it's odd to me that Brittany even follows Lori Harvey, but whatever. Anyway, so. So, yeah, so when you search for who Britney's following, Lori Kaye, publicist, no longer comes up. And wanted to also add, sorry if you were already going to do this, when we were at Jaxx's Studio City and we were talking to Jaxx, one of, excuse me, one of the things that I asked him was, are, you know, why, because we'll, we'll talk about it later, but, I was like, how do you feel like you were texting the whole time that Brittany was on Watch What Happens Live and you looked really concerned, like, what was up?
And he said, oh no, I mean, like, she and I have the same publicist, so, it's like, I was just texting her, like, trying to keep up with everything, like, making sure everyone was on the same page. She said something like that. Point being, if Laurie Kay was Brittany's publicist, and now Brittany not only, Does not follow lori k but it would seem that any pictures of which there were several that they were all tagged in together She's no longer tagged that would indicate to me.
That's a blocking. That's a block. Yes Yep, it's a blocking and I know some people are confused because in britney's bio it says manager ryan So that is a separate part that they ryan has been jack's and britney's manager like for a while but But Laurie Kay is their publicist. So two separate jobs. I know some people were like, Oh, she changed it in her bio.
No, that's been there. Ryan's a different guy. He's been on some podcasts before. I'm pretty sure he was, if not is also Sandoval's manager as well, or at least one of them. Um, But I think Sandoval goes rogue. Nope, kidding. Right. Um, so yeah. And then today, apparently, you know, who found out blocked by Jack subreddit.
So Miss, um, Sherry, which is Brittany's mom, they, she unfollowed Laurie Kaye as well, which as of just yesterday, I believe she was following her is what the, like people are checking. One thing a fan, a Bravo fan gonna do, we're gonna find out who you're following and who you unfollow. Okay. Yes. Period. Like that.
We know. We know. People were looking out for when Lala, cause we all knew Lala was gonna, you know, be unfollowing soon. She was given that vibe like we were on it. Um, so. The big thing and, uh, to go back a little bit, I think Mimi talked about this a few months ago, there were some photos that came out because Jax, poor Canada, has just been terrorizing Canada all this year, and he was there a few months ago, and a photo came out Of Jax and Lori Kaye.
And I'm gonna be real honest. This is, this is another side of Lindsay coming out. When you see pictures of Lori Kaye, this woman looks like she fucks. She, I showed my husband this and he agreed. She has eyes where I'm like, this woman fucks. And I. I don't know. I don't know if that makes sense at all, but I get it.
And a photo came out of them and they were like at a dinner together. And what's interesting is Brittany and Jack's address this on their podcast. They were like, Oh, people are making a big deal out of it, but that's just our publicist. Yeah. And then now, and then now we have all this now. Is it possible that, you know, Brittany, I don't know, it's just extreme because for her to block Laurie Kaye because Brittany, like, as Laurie Kaye had like a birthday party that Brittany went to, like, they're friends.
Yeah. Too. Yeah. So something went down and I love it. Even if it was just an unfollow, I would, I would pause it. That is also extreme. Yes. Because you're friends. And so like, if you have like a thing, like, let's say maybe she got new representation as for a publicist because maybe she doesn't like the direction that things are going for her or whatever.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Why would she unfollow exactly? You can mute if she didn't want to see anything, Jax, or wait, if she wouldn't mute. Yeah. So I think there's something up and I agree. She definitely, she has a certain look about her that would indicate to me. It's just that the it's, it's funny. And I think we did talk about it.
Maybe we didn't, but we've talked about it since that, like the pictures that she takes with Jax are almost so. Obviously, there's some sort of like physical chemistry, the way that they are, that it seems like it's done for attention and to like keep up a rumor. So that's what I think when, especially that one picture where he's like in a hoodie or something and kind of like curled up on his hand and she's like that, that's like the one that went real, real viral, if you will.
That one. I was just like, well, it's probably just press like it's probably just so that people will talk because yeah, the publicists, like, especially with these people, their goal is to keep people talking so that the people stay relevant in the media. So that they can continue to have like opportunities to get brand deals and continue to up their profile so that they can continue to be considered for the show.
It's like a big, vicious cycle. So I kind of just thought that's what it was, but. Things seem to have taken a turn. And if, uh, what's her name is Sherry or whatever the hell is unfollowing. This is, it's not looking good. And that lady, isn't she just, I mean, we don't know if she's married, but we know she has two kids.
Uh, Laura Kay. Yeah. Well, from what I've heard, she, she was married. I don't know if she still is. I I've, I've seen back and forth. I think, I think some people were like already trying to deep dive and, Found her husband, but like his stuff is all private and I don't know. She necessarily really posts about him.
What's interesting. I just, what I can't have my, like wrap my head around is Lori. Like she is a publicist for a lot, like a lot of the bachelor people specifically. So obviously like she has a career, has a job and you're. Potentially, if this is all true, this will be a very, like, scandalous scandal in the Bravo universe.
You're, like, you're really gonna do that to, like, fuck Jax Taylor? I just can't imagine someone falling in love with Jax Taylor. So if you're gonna blow up your life, like, you could do so much better and so less chaotic. But, I find it interesting, and I'm curious what your thoughts of this, A lot of the Vanderpump people, I don't know their their publicists, but I feel like when their publicists get in this limelight, they're always a little interesting , like Laurie Kay.
I feel like Rachel's publicist, you know, we've been hearing a lot from her lately. Yeah, she's, and it's just weird because present. The other people, I couldn't tell you who their publicist is, now would I maybe if there was more, if they had more scandals going on, I don't know, but I do think it gets a little tricky when your publicist is, like, we're hearing a lot from them, you know?
I really hadn't, I hadn't heard of a publicist being public about their relationship to Their client, the, the way that Laurie Kay has the way that PR does with Rachel. This is the first time that I've really seen this kind of relationship. And so I'm kind of almost like, is this all publicists? And we're just like, I know.
And I'm over here, like, I want to get into public relations. I'm like, am I like, well, I have to engage in some sort of like sex gold. I don't know.
There's obviously, I feel like boundaries, right? Because they are. Your clients, but I've heard Rachel referred to Julia as her friend and I've heard Brittany and Jack's referred to Lori Kay as a friend. So I feel like that's where lines get blurry and I, I do think there has to be some boundaries set in place.
And I, I, I'm wondering if maybe there hasn't been in some so lines have been crossed. Um, Well, actually come to think of it on the hit 2006 HBO show Entourage, um, Ari Gold's character played by Jeremy Piven, I believe if I haven't done a rewatch in several months and I tend to at least want to rewatch the show once a year, um, I believe that he gets into a romantic relationship with the PR for his, uh, Empire.
So not like a personal PR, but like the woman who runs the PR, I think that was played by, played by, uh, Carla Gia Guardia or I can't, I can't remember her last name, but anyway, all of that to say Cara, I think is her first name. Maybe it is like part of the culture to like, be, you know, Close with that person and we just don't know because other better about not showing it I don't know It does seem like if I was like in charge of someone's public image I would want to be out of their public image in my opinion Yeah I think it gets tricky when you cross that that line of friendship and I think this is where we're seeing that because Particularly in that episode that Brittany and Jax talked about that photo.
I mean Brittany was praising Lori K You You know, and so it, it just, it, it is because obviously some, something happened and I just. My thing is, I don't know, I'm going to be honest, even if it comes out that it's some kind of weird story of them not fucking in my mind, they fucked. Well, here's what I think is probably the story that's going to come out, if anything, considering that she's the publicist, I would probably want to say, depending on whatever other information leaks, if they address it at all, which this is a precarious situation, so who knows, but I would want people to think like, oh, well, We had always had a close relationship, Jax and I, but it was not until they were officially separated and you know that Jax was really hanging on and really did not want to, you know, have this happen, but when he realized it was over, it was over for him and he just wanted to be a single guy.
And so we did this, like, that's what I would say if I was trying to like, make something look better, even though, like you said, for a while now, I didn't realize it was years. But for a while now, there's been speculation that like, Jax and this Lori girl have some sort of nefarious chemistry. Yes. Yeah. And they do.
I mean, you see the photos of them and there's, and I just saw recently one today where like, I think Jax is like feeding her and Brittany's in the middle. It is just so weird to think about. And then it's also. Again, I always have to keep in the back of my mind with these people, their lives are their jobs.
And so there's always that piece where I'm like, okay, is any of this real? Is this all something that they're, but then I'm like, well, no, this is a real publicist. Like she has a real, real career. Um, I just can't again, blowing up your, Life for Jack Taylor, not to say this will necessarily blow up her life, but it will be if there's any confirmation, if Brittany comes out, if Jack's comes out, gosh, I wish we were in LA right now.
Cause I'm going to be honest with y'all. If we were in LA, Jack would literally tell us that man literally has no filter. And we'll get into that when we talk about our interaction with them. But that man will tell you. And even when he's not telling you, he's telling you. Yep. 100%. 100%. He, he's. He gives a lot of verbal and non verbal cues.
He's very like, yeah, wow. Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see now. Wasn't Britney supposed to come out with a podcast episode last week with Janet? And did that just like not happen? She did. No, it didn't come out. Oh, she's boring. It was, I mean, it was fine. I, I really enjoyed you in it. Um, so it was like, it's a no, I, I will say Britney does a lot better on the podcast when Jax is not on it.
I am sure it is. She had one with Kristen. It is a lot more and a lot more listenable. Um, and I, I enjoyed she almost said enjoyable. She had to stop herself. That was too much because I still, when it comes to their podcast, I don't quite get the point, but I enjoy Janet. I like listening to her. Cause she's been, as she calls herself a non playable character for a long time in the VPR universe.
Um, but they're. Yeah, that was the episode. So what will be interesting, it will be this week, right? Is Brittany gonna release an episode? Is Jax gonna, is it gonna be together? The way they're acting, I would not be surprised if they got on together. And I don't know if anyone heard it, but Um, Jax, a few weeks ago on the podcast, had to clearly read a scripted apology for his rant that we'll get into about saying VPR was scripted.
I wouldn't be surprised if he Gets on the podcast this week and reads a script that's like I did have sexual relationship with Lori Kaye. I apologize Now there's something that me and Jax have really been wanting to tell y'all and we really didn't know of a good way to Say it, but I don't know Jax. I guess you should just go ahead and I am going to be like, please Maybe they'll just do an entire episode about the tragedy of, um, Cruz kicking over his own birthday cake in the entire collapse, the entire table collapsing.
My gosh. I am not one for like slapstick humor. Like I don't, I don't get like joy out of like jackass type shenanigans, but like, dude, I watched that video of that table collapsing and that cake falling and like the devastation. I watched it. Over and over. It was so funny. Seemingly because Cruz didn't seem to be aware that, like, this was an initiative.
He didn't give a fuck. He did not care. Now, if Cruz had been sad, that would have been devastating. Cruz seemed fine. So, it was like, knowing how much money they probably spent on this ridiculous fucking cake. And what looked to be like the fellowship hall of their local church, the venue looked ridiculous.
So I was just like, and then, and then Zach or whatever, he took the video and he has the fucking reaction, his messy ass posted video. Oh God, they're giving us content. I have to say the Valley's really the Valley and it's. Uh, cohorts are really giving right now. Um, really quick. There's a couple of other news things that we want to get to the other thing.
Speaking of podcasts, I guess this is a good way to segue into this. Kyle Chan was on Kristen's podcast, Kristen and Luke who rebranded and now call their podcast balancing act. And, uh, man, I mean. I really enjoyed it. Me and Lindsay didn't totally see eye to eye on this, on this episode, but I think that what we did agree on was that it is a really good listen and like really informative, I kind of, and I think it's just because, and I kind of already talked this out, but I tend to see things more from like a.
Really kind of, I don't know if it's like, I, I just, I'm just taking all the emotion out of it, maybe I don't like, I'm really trying to see things for exactly what they are. And so from that perspective, I also just personally have had, and I talked with this, uh, with Morgan a little bit on my recap, like I've had a lot of similar situations like this in my life and I have friendship dynamics that are.
Uh, similar to some of the things that have happened in this group of friends with Vanderpump Rules. Like, the longevity, the complicated, the incestuousness, like all of that stuff. And I'm still friends, and I'm still close, but if something like this happened, I could tell you exactly who it would be. How it would go down, how devastating it would be, and how difficult it would be for our friend group to recover because we have all become so close and it's not really a thing where, oh, well, I met your husband.
Because you met him at work and you brought him into like, it's like, no, we all became this together. Um, and so that was a lot of Kyle chance perspective that I really appreciated. And I just found like, I don't, and again, I don't really give a shit if Kyle is fucking friends with Tom, like Tom Sandoval is going to have friends.
Do I worry for those people? Absolutely. Do I, Think it's like outrageous to be friends with a guy who cheats on his girlfriend. No, because then most men wouldn't have friends and that would be, that would be a weird world to navigate. So that's just how I feel about that. Lindsay, what were your thoughts about it?
I think, yeah, I've done some more reflection on this cause me and you talked about it. And I think when it comes to Kyle Chan, I, I, I am always going to side eye a little bit. People who are friends with Sandoval, not because Of the cheating, just more so of the person that I see that he is, however,
needs friends and everyone's going to have friends. So while I can just a little bit in the back of my mind, like, mm, Kyle, I don't, you know, always know about you, however, listening to the podcast and I will say, because some people say. When you listen to Schwartz and Sandoval, Schwartz very much tries to be Sandoval's mouthpiece and tries to get him to say the right thing.
The one thing I would say with Kyle, he doesn't necessarily do that. He really does try to have Sandoval see a different perspective. And to also he does call him out on shit So it's actually interesting that they are friends because I feel like with most people Sandoval gets all pissy with them and with kyle.
He really doesn't so that is one interesting and the The group really, you know says calls kyle the voice of reason so i'm always like well that you know That is interesting when it comes to him and um And I talked to you about this too, the one thing that I struggle with, and I had to learn this from personal experience when it comes to, you know, cause a lot of people bring up that like, well, Kyle, you know, he knew about the affair and what she talks about that.
And he said that him and Schwartz were trying to tell him like he needed to handle it. And that's the thing. Sandoval should have been the one to tell Ariana this from personal experience. I have been as, and I told you this when I was in my early twenties, I had a best friend at the time. She was dating another, another one of my best, like best friends.
She was cheating on him and I was still hanging out with her. Wild that she like with the other guy and I was just and it was a bad situation. And then when my friend, he found out he was so upset with me because he was like, why didn't you tell me? And what I wish I would have done is I don't think it was my job to tell him.
But I wish I would have distanced myself away from her until she figured that shit out. So with Kyle and Schwartz, a part of me is like, but also I had to learn that. And I think it is a weird situation when you're in that. So it's like, yep, again, Kyle and Schwartz, could they have distanced themself from, from Sandoval?
Absolutely. But, but they didn't. And the thing with Kyle specifically with Ariana, he talks very kindly about her. He even said in the podcast, like. Look, you guys, like, she may look like she's thriving, but I'm sure she has hard moments, too. Yeah. And that was very nice to hear. And so, again, Kyle, it's just interesting, because there's, again, there's that part of me that I'm like, I don't, I don't quite know about you, but There seems to be a lot of good aspects with them.
He also talked about his life a little bit and his partner, how his partner had leukemia and how they like, really, it was, it's such a good podcast episode. And then that's not even getting to, you know, the Joe of it all, that's a whole separate thing too. And so I was more reflection on it. But I think it was, it was interesting to hear because I, With that whole situation and Kyle explains like he's had friends before who, you know, have, um, died by suicide and he didn't want Sandoval, you know, to be alone.
And here's the thing, like anyone who fucks up what it is hard with Sandoval because the guy shows no remorse. However, people who fuck up, they do need people in their lives. Everyone needs people. Had really fucked up. I would need people to be there for me. So I can't fault people who are going to be there for him.
And I think we're, and I sometimes struggled with this too, is just because someone is there for them doesn't mean they condone the behavior. Right? Exactly. And that sometimes I struggle with that. I'm like, why are you that this must mean like you don't care, but that's not the case. And I think we have to, I think we have to remember that.
I agree. I would say to like From what I saw, I mean, we, we saw more of Schwartz being in the quote unquote middle of this affair than we did Kyle. We don't really know exactly how many times, and I think Kyle said he only met Rachel a few times, so I don't know. Joe. Oh, that was Joe. Okay. Oh, no, no, nevermind.
Yes. But, and so we don't really know how much time and if the, if allegedly the affair was truly only seven months, then maybe, um, maybe he did distance himself. I don't know, but he seemed it. Well, he seems to have the perspective of someone who is not completely climbed all the way up. And like desperately trying to protect him.
So I think that that gives me a little bit of. Of hope. And then, uh, this is great because Towards the end of the episode, they kind of get into a recent encounter with Joe also, can I just say, so there's, it was this big thing, her real name is Kaylee, but then somebody today posted a meme about her because she decided to go on Instagram live and we'll get there, but the person I think was trying to like, do the thing where people say Rachel Raquel, or, you know, like they do both names, but they were like, Kaylee, Joe, blah, blah, blah.
And I was like, Oh, her name is Kaylee Jo, like that's her name. It's not like, I don't know, Kaylee Jo to me just is like, it just fits. It's just a good name. I was like, oh, Kaylee Jo, hello. And she said on her live, she has always went by Joe. So people and people that I don't care about that. Yeah. Weird. We got Lala, Jax, Taylor, Rachel, or, you know, when she went by his name is not Stassi or something like though.
I know you got to remember that. So her. A lot of people go by their middle name. It's not, trust me. There's a lot of other things to maybe question Joe about. Well, nevermind. If you know, you know. Um, yeah. I mean, it's just, it's interesting. So anyway, so at the end of the episode, Kyle Chan and Kristen go on a tangent that Luke goddamn tries to divert them from.
And I am like, I am not, I, I'm seeing a lot of people start to see like, like raise some red flags about Luke. I'm not there yet. Uh, granted it takes me a long time to see red flags as part of my like whole thing, like issue thing that I have. So, but yeah. He, what he did, he, he kept trying to steer away from the tea and I don't appreciate that.
Like, no, Luke, when you guys don't have any more like tea, then you can try to establish some sort of other kind of stupid relationship brand. But right now we are in the era of, if you're telling me that Joe, Kayla, Joe decided to Sandy's on her episode night, the episode that she. accuses or reveals that she and Schwartz had been sleeping together up to the point of filming confessionals.
Okay. And fully knowing that Schwartz and Sandoval were both there with both of their girlfriends. And she was gonna go anyway, to like, be chaos. I need to know that. And that apparently is exactly what happened, and according to Kristen, She went up, Kaylee Jo, because Kristen wasn't there, so this is Kristen's friend that was there that was telling her, Went up and introduced herself to Sophia, who is Schwartz's girlfriend, Uh, as if, She as if Sophia wouldn't know who she was which is like maybe in real life Reasonable, but not when you're at the premiere of the television show that you're all cast on together.
So Chaos show strikes again and then When was this like Saturday night or something she went live It was, was it Saturday night? I think it was Saturday night, Saturday or Sunday. No, wait, it was Monday, right? Saturday night. Yeah. She went live and I unfortunately was ill as I have mentioned probably way too much and I was in and out of sleep, so I could not sustain attention long enough to, to watch, but Lindsay, you watched some of it.
What the hell was going on? Um, it was. So I screen recorded it because I knew that this was a moment to treasure. And the first 20 minutes of it, because Joe accidentally, uh, ended the live and then started it back up, but it's the first 20 minutes of her life. Um, first, well, you've heard this with my phone for some reason, the sound sounds like a demon sometimes, and that's what it sounded like, but.
She started the live with just rapid fire, reading the comments. She was just very, seemed overwhelmed. And the weirdest part of the first 20 minutes is that Jo said that she's gonna be on Call Her Daddy this week. I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't think that's true. No! And the weird thing about Jo, and I was talking to other people about this, I still say chaotic but harmless.
I do think the girl struggles with lying, but I don't think it's malicious. I think it's out of protection. I think it's storytelling. I don't, I don't see it as malicious. It's, or I think, or these are like her true thoughts that she has. Um, like delusional as hell. Yes. Yeah. But I, I believe kind of with Sandoval that she believes it and Why the fuck would she go on call her dad?
I mean, I know what happened was someone I can't. I don't remember specifically someone brought up Jojo Siwa, which if y'all know, that's all I want to talk about lately is Jojo Siwa, but that's a different story. Um, and Joe goes, who's Jojo Siwa? And I was like, bitch. No. We're not doing that. And the friend was like, she, how did she describe her?
I can't remember. And then Joe was like, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. And the friend was like, yeah, I just listened to her call me daddy. And Joe was like, Oh yeah. She's like, yeah, I'm going to, I'm going to go on that next week. And I was like, excuse me, bitch. There's no way. I wonder if she met Sophia with an F because I could see that.
Well, but then Sophia is friends with like Katie. So I don't know. Yeah, you're right. I just, I mean, she just had Allie on, but out of the two, it would be Sophia, not call her daddy. It would just be, it's like platform wise. Call her daddy is a stretch in my opinion. I could see her on Nick vial maybe, um, except for the, his dalliances with the Katie's and Dana's of the world.
Um, But like, I don't, Alex Cooper, I guess Alex Cooper does thrive on this, on this type of like chaos, but she gets really big. Yes. She gets like hell interviews of people who don't do Instagram lives and don't. Ha, like she's, I mean, maybe, maybe, maybe Joe is like styling for someone that's going on. Call her daddy this week.
I, that would be interesting to keep an eye out for, which is that would play into this like quasi lying thing. It's like, it's not a lie, but it's like misleading on purpose. Yeah, and Jo has done, if you look on her Instagram, she does Jason Mraz's hair a lot. Yeah, she has like a high, she has high profile clients, so I could see her being contracted out to go do that.
But like, We're really trying to help her out here with maybe what she was saying. Or maybe she's just absolutely out of her fucking mind. I mean, I don't know. Look, if I see a promotion for Miss Kaylee Jo to be on Call Her Daddy. We will do an emergency episode of Who the Fuck Knows with Emily Rose and we will stand corrected.
Yes. And we will apologize. And we will say And we will recap. Yeah, and we will sub Every second of that podcast. Oh, that's going to be so good. So I might fly out to Indiana emergency style and recreate the set. And we can do like a true, like that is the moment. And yes. So you know what? Stay tuned. Anyway, Joe ended the live, then she started it back up.
And this girl, one thing about Joe is Joe's going to tell you how she feels. Again, I don't know if the feelings, what they are, or if there's any truth to them, but she's going to tell you, and this live was. So all over the place, she very much talked about shorts and the thing that she is real about this girl is still heavenly in love with shorts, a hundred percent, a hundred percent.
And she will let you know about that. And she still thinks that they are each other's better halves. And she'll let you know that, um, and she, so a lot of my favorite, I have two favorite parts. The first part was someone asking, did you, did you suck off shorts? And her friend was like, well, yeah, they were like dating and Joe was like, yeah, I absolutely did.
He was, and she was like, he was great at sex. I don't know why Katie didn't like his dick. Just so straightforward. My other favorite part, and I don't know why this made me laugh so much, is she's just rapid fire answering questions. So she was like in the comments, she goes, No, I don't like Grateful Dead.
Yes, I like La La. I don't know why, but that made me laugh so hard because it was just this rapid fire and so random. Um, and it just it was, the live was so all over the place. Now, here's the funny part because I did screen record this, but I was like, this here's the thing, I know how the internet can react and I was like, what I noticed was when you do an Instagram Live.
Instagram saves the lives and post it. Okay. So it was up for a minute. Then Joe deleted it. So I was like, okay. So she, you know what I mean? However, this is where I get confused about this girl. She then went on her Insta stories and said, Hey, I didn't record the live, but like, if anyone else did, can you send it to me?
Did you record the whole thing? Yeah, I did. Yeah. Is that what you sent me? Uh, I can't remember. I didn't send you the whole thing. I didn't send you the whole thing because the first part is 20 minutes and you can't hear anything. The second part is 40 minutes and that's what I made the clips out of. But she was asking people, so she deleted the live, but then she was asking people if they recorded it and to send it to her.
Um, and I was like, okay, so what do you want though? I was so confused. So then I made the clips of it and I very much tried to keep it like when she talked about VPR stuff, so shorts, Katie, all of that, because I'm not going to lie, there were moments in that live, um, that should not, And I, unfortunately, I saw someone did put this video out there, which it is what it is, but there was a moment where Jo got very upset because people in the comments kept asking her if she was on something and she literally broke down.
Crying? Yes, and had to leave the screen and her friend took over. She was full on not okay. And that was obviously a huge thing that she Like a trigger for her? Yeah, and so I even when I posted my clips I verbatimly said, I understand that Jo, there is an, there is an energy about her and she has addressed it as she has ADHD, whatever, but any drug speculation comments on this post, like I did delete them because obviously that is a huge trigger and it's tricky with this show because, as me and you have talked about, drugs play a huge presence in this show, but her specifically, seeing her reaction, I was like, Okay.
This is a huge trigger for her. She also, and I didn't post that, that, that, that clip, you had to be in the moment for that, but obviously someone else did, um, there was another moment too, where she got really upset because people were saying that she was talking over her friend, which she was, she was excited.
So then she kind of had like a tantrum and was like, fine, I won't talk. And then was like serious at first, but then her friend was like trying to make her laugh, so then they were, they were, it was. She reminds me so much of the kiddos that I have, I have worked with before. Um, there, Joe, she's just, she is a lot to take in.
And I still want to know so bad. Cause at one point during the live, she said she was reading a comment, has Kristen apologized? And she was like, no. And then she looked at her friend. She was like, you know, you know about that. And I was like, what does Kristen need to apologize for? Cause from my understanding, you ghosted her.
Yeah, so what the hell happened and then Kristen commented because like people were oh, yeah Sharing my video and Kristen commented on them was like, lol So it it was truly alive that you you had to be there in the moment I don't recommend her going live again because Um, She can't handle it. She can't handle it, and I, I really, I don't think this girl needs to be on reality TV.
I, I agree, and I also, like, this is just me talking shit, okay? This is talking shit with me corner right now. Like, especially during the pandemic, the only people that were like, not the only people, but a great number of people that went fucking live during the pandemic were drunk and geeked up out of their fucking minds.
Okay. You do, you have to be in a certain state of mind to do that kind of thing. So like, and I don't mean like, I'm not talking about like Brittany Adams. I'm not talking about like people that are going. Um, Brady Adams, who is a friend of the show, who we love, who does, like, really great, like, interviews, and she does book reading, and she does, like, article readings, and my cat, Sheena, is having a heart attack.
Give me one second. Sheena, are you okay? Oh, she's playing with her stick. Okay, great. Um, I was like, what's wrong with her? I couldn't see the stick. Um, so, but then there's this other section of people that go on for these Q& As, and the Q& A culture is, like, Always chaotic and you have to be, you either have to be fucked up to do it or I mean like under the influence or you, you need to have thick skin because you're inviting people to be as critical as they possibly can.
And your only job is to answer the shit that they're saying. You don't have a purpose. It's not a story time. And, and so she, she can't handle. Oh. The vitriol, she shouldn't be on the, she shouldn't be doing this kind of stuff. She shouldn't be on the live. She shouldn't be on the show. No, but I think she loves it.
If I'm honest, like watching it, it's so confusing because I don't think she should. I do think for mental stability ness, I don't think she should be on the show, but watching her on the live, I was like, Oh, you like this. You like the attention and most of the people I was watching the comments on that live were very kind and respectful.
It was only towards the end, again, where some people were asking, are you on something, you know, something like that. And that, if I'm thinking about it, that really was the only like big thing as far as like the comments themselves. And the questions themselves, again, the girl literally was answering everything.
The only thing I did notice she wasn't answering is Um, people kind of wanting her to dress her like Rachel, Rachel said she encouraged her to post the Katie and Dana thing being on the worst dress. She wouldn't. God, who cares? Uh, see, I, see, I, I, I am curious about that because, okay, well, just because it's confused.
Joe does confuse me a little bit because. She's been telling the story of how Katie apologized at the reunion and she really appreciated it. And then after that is when the reunion happened and then she posted the thing. And so she, the way that she talks about Katie is, I mean, no surprise all over the place.
So I wouldn't be curious. I just want to hear her answer to that. One thing I noticed with Joe too is with her maybe lying, certain questions that she would answer. And you can say maybe, you know, cause again, she, she talks about how she has ADHD. Maybe it's distraction. I think it's more of, she doesn't want to answer, but like for instance, someone asked her when did you and Schwartz exactly break up?
But that's a very interesting and valid question, right? It is very good from Joe's perspective. They were boyfriend and girlfriend, right? And she starts answering the question. She goes, um, so Schwartz and I, we broke up. Well, I don't really, Hey, can you grab my jacket? And then it totally went from there.
So one could say that she does get distracted. I'm gonna be honest. I think she didn't want to answer it. I think she gets caught up when she knows something is not quite the way it is. So she Use this as a distraction, as a tool to get away from the question. Um, so, but again, I, I, it was interesting cause Kyle Chan on that podcast talked about how Joe struggles with lying and will say random lies.
It's interesting. Cause he kept using the word random lies. He did. He did say that a couple of times. Yeah. So it's interesting. It wasn't just that she lies. It was random lies. So to me, that tells me it is stuff that she believes Joe is in her own little world. Yeah. And again, as far as the line, at least right now, I don't see it as malicious.
So it was a wild time to watch that live. Yeah, no, it's, it's a wild thing. And I don't want, I wasn't like trying to be condescending when I asked if you care, I was just like, I'm trying to see. Oh, I didn't take that because I just, I really, I'm having a hard time, look, to me, with when, especially when it comes to people that have beefs with Katie or Lala, you're always gonna, you should always be in a state of expecting to have a beef with Katie or Lala, even if they apologize, neither of them, I, I, I don't feel like they, they don't, they, you're always gonna be in a beef with Katie and Lala, in my opinion.
So for me, I don't really care if she apologized, if Katie apologized, or if Joe apologized, I think that they kind of, you Hate each other. And so they're always going to try to bait each other, hate and bait, hate and bait. What I wanted to hear from Joe specifically, because Joe very, very much preaches positivity and non mean girl energy.
So I just wanted to hear, I just wanted to hear any, and look, she could have said, you know what, Rachel talked to talk to me about that. And I understood that Katie apologized. I'm still a little pissed at her. So I took that moment. Yeah. Now Joe, Joe can never articulate that. I, I'm sorry. I don't think so.
Yeah, no's just why and, and why that's That'ss just who she's chaos and those are not a good place to like form, like no really well articulated thoughts, so no, it just, yeah, what a i, I don't recommend her to go live again. And here's the thing, if she does go live, she's gonna have a ton more people. On her life.
Like that's why I think the highest number I got to I think was 200 something. If she goes live again. Yeah, but if she goes live again. Bet your ass it's going to be even more than that. Ugh, God, I'm going to be there so hard, like, I'm going to be there. Well, speaking of chaos, we have one more thing I just want to very briefly touch on before we get to our trip, okay?
Again, over the weekend, a lot's happened over the weekend. This is a Vanderpump News packed weekend, I guess. And I'm going to not have all of the facts right, and I don't really care. Because I think this is goofy on everybody's part, okay? Okay. There was some sort of, and, God, I hope people don't, whatever, I don't care.
There was some sort of book thing that was going on in LA, some sort of book related event for books, okay? And it seemingly was not all about children's books, but there was, and, and, I just want to say, I'm not trying to be flippant about children reading, okay, but like, literacy rates are, like, Very alarming right now.
And so like having like celebrities come out and talk about books when they don't really care about like the people in power of education that are like ruining our children's like lives because like, so I can't, and so I'm sorry. I don't like think people should stop reading. I just can't with these kinds of events is very.
To me, annoying, even if it's done out of goodwill. Anyway, so, there's a section of this book thing that is related to children's books. And one of the children's book company things is called like, Station Little. And they have either an animated YouTube series that accompanies their books. Or they have, like, a music video for the characters of the book.
And who wrote a song for these characters of this book but James and Allie? James Kennedy and Allie Luber. And so they perform live at this event. And it is, to me, Maybe top five cringiest things I've seen in 2024 and I'm, I'm putting the entirety of JoJo Siwa's rebrand up there. Like truly, this is extremely difficult to watch.
This is not Allie's. Allie is not a fucking pop club girly. Okay. That's like Sheena is like dance music and like Lala's like quasi wannabe hip hop R& B. Allie is like, she's not, she is acoustic. She's singer songwriter. She is singer songwriter to her core. And she has a pretty voice. She also released a new song, Girls, Girl, It's Cute, It's Boppy, whatever.
So, she's up there in this outfit that is egregious and people are like, Oh, well, it's a children's event. Oh, well, the children's event hired James Kennedy to rap on stage and perform this song and gave him money, so I don't take this children's company super seriously. There's also this group that like, Oh, They have nothing to do with this, so I'm, I don't know why I'm bringing them into it, but like, I just always find it interesting.
There's this group called Cuckoo Kangaroo, and they're a kids group ish, but um, they're, they're very much like hardcore partiers in real life, and I just happen to know that from experience. That's so funny. And so, whenever I see They do the brain break videos, right? Yes, yes, they do. Oh, that's funny. And so, whenever I see things like this, I'm just like deeply uncomfortable with the whole situation.
James is like rapping. Allie is like singing this like And like the song itself, like the actual recording is fine. It's Works for whatever they're trying to do for that. But them doing it live was just a disaster from head to toe. And Sheena, Jesus sat there and recorded the whole damn thing. And we had to go through the experience with her and then some other guy.
And no, I didn't look up who he was cause I don't care. He comes on stage and it was just so like. I'm never going to get over it. Like, why are they there? Why do they have them performing live? This is not a good, this is not good, Allie. It wasn't good. And then everyone in the comments on Reddit was trying to be like.
Positive and I just I don't have I don't have tolerance for it. It was a bad performance. Okay, it's okay No, I saw some comments saying that James really knows how to hype up a crowd Ma'am, there was five people in the audience and none of them were moving Every single one of them. This is not a James Kennedy DJ I, it was giving more embarrassing than World Dog Day, that one episode when, when he's like, does anyone have keys to black BMW?
And it's just him in the center of like a concrete stage. It was bad. Truly. This video is all over Reddit and all over Instagram. So it's out there if anyone wants to watch it because it's so cringy. And also I noticed with Allie. It's so interesting with her because I've seen her just with her guitar singing.
She has a very pretty voice. Yes, but That video I don't know maybe because the backtrack is super loud, but it just sounds so awkward and then james just being the background being like And then do we wrap? It's just like, first of all, I'm always going to question you if you're a kid event and you think, oh, let's get James motherfucking Kennedy at your kids event, a quick Google search may tell you, see you next Tuesday night at restaurant and lounge every single Tuesday.
Okay. Right. And I mean, I guess this is, this is probably part of James's new re imaging. Let's be honest, brand. Um, yeah. So it, this is a terrible, we need a Lori on the scene or Juliette, someone come in and scoop him up. Cause this is, I'd write, you need to be sleeping with your publicist. It literally gives you more interesting content.
It's the way Allie is just, you know, bopping along. And then like you said that then this random ass guy, he comes along and he starts rapping too. So it just, it's like, You know, I don't know. They couldn't afford the Wiggles this year at this book event. We got Allie and James and Random Guy and um, I can't stop watching it because the cringe is so real.
It's so real. We had a lot of cringe, cringe news this weekend. Yes, very. Have you listened to the actual recording? Like their new song. I have, and I just, I can't, I can't get into it. Even Ally's new song, you said, Girl's Girl, it's fun. The video, Daniel Pellegrino posted what made me appreciate the song more.
He posted a, uh, a video of the movie white chicks when they're having the dance scene, but he put over the song, girls, girls to it. And it made me laugh so hard. So it did make me appreciate it more. Um, so I was like, okay, I appreciate this song more. Um, but I, I just don't think. Ali's voice. Again, I've seen her just seeing on her tick tock live with her guitar.
That to me sounds way better when she gets in the studio. I blame James. I think he does something weird with her voice and it's not. It doesn't sound like it, uh, like it should. They're trying to put her in, like, a Sheena, uh, La La, like, lane of, like Well, and same with, do you remember that song he did with Ariana?
Ariana actually has a good voice. I did see some Yeah, no, she sings very well. She's a musical theater. Some leaked footage of her in Chicago. And from the opening night From the opening night to how she progressed, holy shit, you could tell the first night she was nervous. Oh yeah. But my god, the girl, like, she, she can sing, but when James did that song with her, he made her sound like a fucking robot, so I hated how he made her sound.
I did not know they had a song together. Oh my god, how, what, hang on, how's it go? Austin, I can't remember how it goes, but it's silly, but she sounds like a robot. Oh, it's like, Oh, I'm not going to say good, but yeah, you were like, actually better not pause. Man. Wow. What a, yeah. What a week in news. And I'm sorry guys, if I got a little intense there on the, on the whole children's book of it all.
I just, no, that's a good, I just like, what are we doing? What are we doing? And then to see people. Trying to act like that was a good performance. It's like no girl Ally. You're a good singer. You have a pretty voice This is not James is ruining her is just ruining her like whole thing everything that she does on The show like with the girls or like with the confessionals and the astrology.
I love all of that Every time she's with James, I'm like, this is bumming me out and I went on a rant with Morgan I was like, look, I'm tired of men On Bravo with their opinions about having children, like you don't have to carry the kid. James is not emotionally prepared for a child. And there's, there's nothing you can, you can't, you can't tell me that he is right now.
No, especially when you have a tantrum, basically on the count. Well, he really, I think he wanted to have more of a tantrum, but basically just being like, but, but Allie, I want children and you're exactly right. And I've said this to you before. My husband from the start, cause I went back and forth of like, do I want kids?
Do I not? And he literally from the start was like, it is up to you, literally up to you. And that's the thing is it, it is. And, um, real quick about that, like specific part of the episode to me, that was the moment for me where I was like, Oh, cause I know people say this, but I just don't think Ali is that he's, she's definitely not as into James.
Because there was no comforting him when he was upset. She stayed her distance. She just said her piece. I saw no connection in that moment, and here's the thing, I don't really fucking care, Allie, use him, do what you need to do. Oh yeah, use him, but if you're gonna use him, then, then use him for him playing fucking Coachella.
To build up. Yeah, don't use him for this, for station, kid, Thomas, train, hike, beast, whatever the hell. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Well, now I think it's time to get into our trip. We're going to take a little break and we'll be right back.
Okay. So as you all know, Two weeks ago, Lindsay and I set out on a journey to the great Los Angeles, California to do a couple of things, right? I think primarily, so we went for Rob Schulte's live show where he and Molly McAleer did a They combined forces to do a live show respectively of each of their podcasts.
And then Peter Madrigal came on Rob's portion of the podcast to talk about the sex laws, sex lies, and audio tape episode of Vanderpump rules. And I went up and recapped the episode with him. And Lindsey came up there at the end and gave some. Fun little insight about when reality hits and more, and that was our primary reason.
But I think just in general, like I've been saying, if you guys have listened to the podcast, you know that I have wanted to get out to LA for a minute. And I just, I've been, and I've just always wanted to go to these places. And it kind of seemed like so unattainable for so long for me to get out there.
And then it seemed like it would be like insane to actually be in these spaces. But then once we were there, it just felt like, so, I don't know, like natural is probably a really weird way to describe it, but it just felt easy. It didn't feel like crazy to be there. It didn't feel, um, it just was, I don't know.
I felt like our experience overall, based on what people told me about LA and I haven't been since I was 15. So I don't really remember. Because I made lots of choices in my high school and college days that would lead me not to remember things. And I was really so impressed and that's kind of like my overall thoughts like what, what, what about you, Lindsay?
Like, how did you feel going into it and all of that? Oh yeah. Well, as I told you, I was extremely anxious cause this was the longest and furthest away that I've been away from my son. So I had a little bit of a cry the day before. Um, but I was so, so excited. This was my first time traveling all by myself and really navigating.
I mean, obviously, um, you were there, but like, before that, traveling by myself. And then even when we got together, that was the first time, you know, meeting and things like that. So, you know, there was just a lot, a lot to it. And. It's you described it perfectly. It really, the trip itself just went so smooth.
It was so fun. It was, we literally tried to do all the things we could while we were there. Um, the just overall, it was just, I had such a nice time. It was, it was really hard to leave. I was missing my husband. I was missing my son, obviously, but it went by so quickly. So fast and then it was over and I just, I truly just have fond memories of that trip and I'm so glad that it, the way that it worked out to was, you know, Emily voice messaged me this idea and I'm not gonna lie, my immediate reactions to that, those things are like, No, I can't do that.
There's, there's no way. Um, but for some reason with this, I was like, you know what, this might be possible. Because as you said, it was, Rob and Molly were having their show, then your birthday was that Sunday. And so, and it just, it really, once you set that idea out, honestly everything else. Um, and we said this before, but everyone's donation truly, like, thank you so much.
And that like helped us go on the trip because one thing I'm sure we'll get into at least fucking expensive. Um, it is, it is. And really, but. To be fair, everywhere right now is expensive. So even in Indiana, the costs of things have skyrocketed. So LA, who is already expensive, is even more expensive now. So again, just Literally, it was weird and even the few hiccups that we, we did have, as far as what she was getting into getting into our Airbnb, it still worked out.
We just, it was moments that we could laugh at and just, we, I don't know, I feel like they made LA our bitch. We really did. We really did. I, yeah, just to, to kind of piggyback off of what you were saying, uh, cause. It is weird and I was explaining it to my dad yesterday and my dad is like anti technology.
He just got a smartphone Last year. So he'd been having a flip phone for all of these years. And he also lives in the mountains of Kentucky. So on top of already having, like being at a disadvantage for service for like cell phone service, he had technology that was not up to date with whatever the hell's going on.
So he's like very removed. So the idea to him of us having never met and then going out and meeting each other was like wild to him. Oh yeah. Him of my mom. I was like, I don't know it, but It's not like you're a blind date, you know, we'd been, we for, okay, guys, when we think about how many hours these podcasts are, just several more hours a day of voice messaging goes into our friendship.
So a hundred percent, we talk a lot. Uh, and thing, I think that things also fell into place because I was already considering going to LA for my birthday this year. So I had already been looking at places. I had already been asking the questions and on the Reddit boards and doing all of this, like, initial work so that by the time I presented it to you, I kind of had a rough idea of like, Yeah, you did like what we would, what it would look like and, and I just think that because of Rob show truly like happening the day before my birthday to me, it just, I was like, Oh, this is just a serendipitous or whatever you would say, like, we got to do it.
I got to do it and it will be much more feasible if someone comes with me, if we can find a place that, that works. And we really did. So first day, um. We both have, so I'm, I live in Atlanta as you guys may or may not know the Atlanta airport. So all of my, so Lindsay has real like life struggles and life things that go on that she would need to be concerned about taking care of.
My truly biggest issue was the weight of my bag. It was heavy. I had to, it was very embarrassing. I had to have, because I wrote spirit. And, honestly, I'm gonna say this, people talked a lot of shit about Spirit. Spirit's really not bad. It's just really not. No, it's not. Especially if, also, first of all, compared to horror stories and pictures and things that I saw of other planes, I was like, other than Delta, I was like, mm, Spirit was very clean, both, both flights.
People were, like, the attendants were very friendly. The only thing about it is they don't have like the luxury items. So they don't have like outlets to plug your shit into. And then if you want to buy like snacks and stuff, they still have the carts. It's not like they, people were acting like if you don't buy an 80 sub sandwich going into the plane, you won't eat for six hours.
And that's just not true. They had it. It was a little more expensive. Okay. And. I don't know. So anyway, but I will say I probably won't take them again for a longer trip. Uh, just because like longer both in hours and also if the length of my stay is long because I am going to need more baggage and that's where Spirit gets you is they upcharge you for your baggage.
So I spent a lot of money on getting shit to L. A. and so that I could have just invested in getting a more expensive flight with Delta or something and having, you know, Bags included. So that's where all my stress was, but then, and I also haven't traveled in a long time and Atlantis airport, if you're not familiar, is an absolute goddamn, uh, war zone for lack of a better word.
It is truly. The world's end of places to be and people in Atlanta, uh, are not nice and, uh, the Southern, the myth of the Southern hospitality has died here. We are all unhappy. And, um, so. And your uber cancelled on you that morning too. My uber cancelled on me. I had timed it down to a T and for me a T is at least 20 minutes earlier than usual.
And my uber really screwed me over in a big way and cancelled on me after I was braiding for 30 minutes. Anyway, it doesn't matter. So very stressful. Finally get on the plane and I was fine. I basically had a seat empty next to me because the people next to me were a woman and her daughter, I think. So.
The daughter was really young, so she just slept on her mom's lap, literally the entire way, they didn't make a peep. Uh, I got the aisle seat, which is exactly what I wanted, very chill. And then I, I land at LAX, and I, and just the difference in, like, helpfulness and ease of things for, I'm sorry, I'm going on such a long tangent about the Atlanta airport.
My Atlanta girlies, you guys know what's up, you know how fucking miserable it is. For example, there are The concourses are like A through M or something wild. So, to get to my concourse, I had to take a train. To my concourse that took like 20 minutes and it just wasn't as soon as we got to LAX honey I just stepped off that thing and went and got and I was afraid that they were gonna lose my baggage They didn't lose my baggage.
That doesn't really happen with spirit So yeah, all was all was great. And then as soon as I turned the corner and I saw Lindsay Oh, then I had this like really weird erratic couple. They had Energy and Lindsay You I had maybe, cause I was talking shit about them on Instagram when I was on the plane. And I don't know, Lindsay, had you seen my stories?
No, I had not, but I saw them. So before I saw you, I saw this couple walking and I remember thinking to myself, that woman gives off Ruby Frankie energy. And I was very concerned. Uh, just not kind and also just her chaotic is another best way to describe it. And so it's so funny because as soon as I saw you, I was like, ah, and then they said something to you.
And I was like, Oh, God. What? What? Well, okay, it's funny. I just assumed, because you got there before me, that maybe, like, you had seen my stories. And so, like, as we're passing, like, that's them. I'm, like, saying it to you, but also to myself. Like, I'm terrified. They caused the scene. If you guys want to know more about it, hit me up.
I'll tell you in the DMs if you didn't see. And, uh, Like then the guy comes up to me and is like, do I know you? Have I met you before? And I'm like, well, yeah, that's possible. Like we're a similar age and I've met a lot of people in my life. I don't know. And he was like, do you go to, uh, The Kennesaw country club.
And just, just know that it's like, like, it's one thing if it's country club, there's a couple of country clubs that I have been to in my life, but you will not find me in Kennesaw, Georgia, because I do not go north of the border. Okay. I do not go north of the perimeter. I stay very much to the south and east sides, respectively.
Holla. Okay. Like that's all I do. So. No. And then they proceeded to continue to have chaotic energy. At one point, one of them was like on a knee on the floor and it was just like, I couldn't even pay attention to like, The buses, because they were like constantly in our orbit until we could get them. The little trolley thing.
And that was kind of a whole thing. Getting out of the airport was a little stressful. And I think that like, I was afraid that you were going to think that I was like rude or standoffish because I was so ready after the stress of my morning, even though the plane ride was fine. I was so ready to just get to the fucking place.
And be settled for a second. Um, and, and so, You didn't give off that energy at all. We've, I think we, I think we both were, because the thing with LAX, and that was something I was really nervous about because um, Indianapolis Airport, we have two concourse. We have A and B. And then they have the gates in them.
It's uh, very nice. It's very easy to navigate. LAX, there is eight terminals. However, and this was a big thing for me because I hate, I hate LAX. It's funny. I hate starting conversations with people. I get very anxious, but I had to put my big girl pants on and I had to ask people for help. And once you figure out, I figured out because basically each airline has their own terminal.
So Sierra was in a certain terminal. So I asked someone. He told me you take the little bus there. So I was like, Oh, I am from LA. I know how to do LA. No, you were navigation queen on the trip, by the way. It'll come up later, but she was not. Thank you. Um, so once I got there, we, I, we both, I think we're very much just ready to get somewhere because what happened was.
When I, I must've timed it just perfectly, but when I first got on the little bus to go to your terminal, I got right on it when we were trying to get on it, Mr. Bus, we saw and Mr. Bus didn't stop and just went bye bye twice. We were like, why is it? We were in our fields and we're like, if they don't come by 11, we're going to walk, which fun fact, we have not have been able to walk.
We needed to take a bus to Terminal 1 because that's how you access to get to the Uber, which their Uber thing is so nice. It's just outside. You call it Uber. It's so easy to navigate, yeah. It's so easy. So really, I was really nervous about LAX. It's actually very easy to navigate. You just have to ask questions.
Um, and, um, And that we both again when that when the second time the bus did not stop, Emily and I were like, Okay, so she stood on one side of the pole. I stood on the other side because we're like, we're flagging this bitch down, because we just need to get on the damn bus and as I said, we thought we could walk but when you actually see it that you cannot walk to the other terminal.
So yeah, that was. A fun thing to navigate. And so, yeah, you did it. I think we both at that point, we just wanted to at least get to the Uber because wherever we're going, we're going to have lunch with Rob. Yes, we would be remiss not to mention another big thing that we realized in L. A. The weather had the girls in a panic.
Okay. And people were apologizing to us for their weather. And we're like, we are from Minneapolis, Atlanta. I'm like, was it much nicer weather in Atlanta when I left? Yes. Is it, is this anything compared to like what tomorrow is probably going to look like in Atlanta? No, it was truly like, it was a little, like it was a little gloomy.
Oh, sure. It was a little gloomy for like the first couple of hours that we were there by the time we were on to truly did. It was very like dependent on the block. Like some blocks were cuter than others just weather wise. And like, it was fine. People did kept, they kept apologizing for the weather, even after the weather quote unquote was over, which was really just the first day, but then it was nice for the rest of the time.
People kept apologizing. Wow. Well you really picked a bad time to come. I'm like looking straight at the bald headed son and I'm like, I just don't know because it would sprinkle for maybe two seconds and they're like, Oh, this weather, which granted LA does not get any rain and it has gotten a lot more rain than usual in the past, but I mean, you would have thought us flying in, we were like, and literally LA was under a flood warning because it was, they were getting like less than an inch of rain.
And I was like, this is a random, we inches of rain on a random Tuesday, like, right now I will say that I had done some research on the weather and, oh yes, LA is not much like Atlanta is not built for ice and snow. LA is not built for. Sustained periods of raining. So they are the way that their roads are and the hills and the mud slides and shit like that.
Like they are at a little higher risk of danger for, for less. Weather. And I'm sensitive to that because people constantly clown on Atlanta for not being able to handle snow, like, because I grew up in Flint or because I was born in Flint, my family's from Detroit, constantly the, like, Nagging and bullying about how Atlanta people handle their weather, but an educated person will just look it up and find out that actually it's because the way that our roads were built in Atlanta, they were built to sustain extremely warm temperatures because the south low, they were not built to sustain frozen, like ice constantly, like more than every now and again, every several years, same for same for LA.
So like. That's a good point. It was wild to get a flood warning when it was truly only sprinkling. Let me be clear, but I, I get that, but it was just funny because the way like on the plane audibly I could hear people. Oh my God. It is awful. You would think that we were going through like a cartoon of like a thundercloud with like lightning and it was just like kind of cloudy.
Literally. Um, I don't know. That was, that was interesting. So we get in our Uber, we meet Uh, Rob at Philips, that was the name of it in Chinatown, and they invented the Uh, original French dip and I've been on a real French dip, uh, kick lately. So that was perfect for me. I was so happy. It was delicious. That place was great.
I wish I could have a French dip sandwich right now, right this second. Um, and so we met with Rob and then Rob generously like drove, so we Ubered to where Rob was and Rob drove us to our apartment that we would be staying in. And at this point, I think we're both pretty optimistic. It had stopped raining completely.
We had a great convo with Rob in the car. We're getting hyped up about the show. He's like, look, I'm gonna drop you off. The girls need anything, just, you know, call me. And that was our first time meeting Rob face to face too. So yes, this is our first time. Yes. Easy, easy. Everything was flawless. It was really, yeah.
He truly was so kind in person, like no awkward. Literally. That was a weird thing too. And also like when me and you met, like there was no awkwardness from, no awkwardness from the beginning, awkwardness. Same with Rob. It was just like, and. It was just like, okay, cool. We're here. Let's, let's do the damn thing.
And it was same. I mean, I know it's different cause you don't know Katie, but, uh, my friend Katie eating her was flawless. G meeting G was, it was literally just like running into old friends, except we've just never met. And for every time it was great. So anyway, so we get to the apartment and in retrospect, okay.
There were a lot of things that Were given to me informationally. However, I have not navigated an Airbnb in some time. And typically the Airbnb will email you like a full list of detailed instructions and they email, they did email me, but they emailed me just kind of like the basics. She had messaged me in the app, the detailed instructions, and for some reason little Miss Neuro diverge here could not fucking figure out like.
There's a difference between the, like one of them said, refer to this one for the instructions and I, I couldn't, I couldn't do it guys. So there was a few instances without, I guess, I mean, no one knows where we stayed, but basically the key to the Airbnb was in a lock box. I did not read the directions for where the lockbox was, so I just saw the first lockbox and started hacking away.
Oh, and it was broken, so we could not And it was broken! The funniest thing about this whole thing is On the outside, I think me and you handled it really well. We didn't know on the inside until we both came up to the apartment when you, I think you were the first one to say something in the inside.
Both of us were dying. Both of us were like, Oh shit, this is a scam. I thought, I really thought we were going to get scammed. I was like, something's not right. This is what it is the whole time. This is also part of my anxiety too. I was about to text Rob. I was about to text Rob. Like, Hey, bud, we're staying with you.
Make some room in the hotel. Like, no, I, we truly were. I mean, I'll speak for myself. I was about to cry. I was about to really break down. And then it was just a simple, just a simple rereading ADHD. I didn't take, I also, by the way. Had not taken my medicine that morning because sometimes when I take my Adderall, it makes me have to pee a lot, and um, I don't want to do that on an airplane.
And so, I was like I was just not, I was not, I was not a high functioning person in these moments. And then when we finally got the key out of the lock box, I couldn't figure out how to open the door. Yes. Well, and even finding the log box, like. We got a picture where it was, but it was hidden. It was. We had to find, we had to look at where, like, the, the, uh, the background.
We had to figure out where it matched where we were. And even then, it still took us, it was literally like an Easter egg hunt. Like, that was our Easter egg hunt for Easter. It was. The next day. And yeah, then we found it, and then we get the key, and there's literally a key, and we're trying to both get it in.
Yeah. Um, which we later learned, like, with those doors, you have to use your full chest with those doors and opening them, but we realized that there was like a tag on the key. So eventually we get into the damn building and God bless, because after that, we got in the elevator, we went to our apartment and the apartment was so fantastic.
And that's when I think Emily, you were the first one. We were just like, Lindsay, I'm not gonna lie, I did not think any of it was gonna work out. I was like, no, me too. I actually, literally, I also was dying inside and I too wanted to cry because I was like, what the fuck are we gonna do? But After that, as far as the whole apartment and where we were, it was perfect.
It was perfect guys. If you haven't seen, I don't think I, I'm going to put some pictures on my highlights. I keep forgetting to do that, but the view at the place that we were staying in was truly, it was like my, my dream. It was my dream. I wanted to Really feel like I was in Los Angeles. I wanted to see the Hills.
I wanted to see the LA skyline. I wanted to see the Hollywood sign. You could see all of that from where we were in Koreatown and it was beautiful. Now it was a one bedroom, but I have to say, so it was a one bedroom. It was, it was decently spacious, but they did provide like a queen size air mattress and we thought we were gonna, I thought we were definitely going to bust that thing out.
But like. That couch was great. The couch was so comfortable. I've never, it's like the perfect couch for, I don't know if I would do it like for every day. It's like a little too, like a little too comfortable. Like it's not like a productive work from home remote couch. But it is definitely like a lounging couch.
That shit was so comfortable. And I'm tall and so a lot of couches are never, but it was the perfect length either way you laid. Because once one length was shorter, but it's still. It was, it was very comfortable. So no, no complaints whatsoever from that. Um, and so I, I did, I took the, um, main bedroom. Uh, it wasn't like.
Like luxurious, the bed, it was kind of a little stiff, but it's a truly, like, it's goofy that I'm even letting those words come out of my mouth because of how wonderful the place was, how clean it was, how, I mean, just everything, everything I, Oh, I had a mini breakdown when we were at Philippe's, um, that Rob and Lindsay unfortunately witnessed because I realized mid French dip that I had forgotten my Roku at home.
And I thought, what if we get to the Airbnb? And there's no, I was really, I was actually, I was in a very high state of anxiety, and I may have presented as high functioning. I was not functioning well, though, on the inside. And so I was like, I really thought that the shoe was going to drop. I was worried. I was worried about the weather.
I thought, what if I don't get a single day of nice weather the whole time that I'm here? Like, Yeah. Yeah. I, I just, and like, what if something goes wrong with the show? What if like the, you know, no one comes or like all of these things that I was worried about. And then when the Roku panic set in, honey, I was like, I've had it up to here.
I was like, dude, but then it turned out in my bedroom. God bless. It was a Roku TV. Okay, I didn't need the goddamn express stick. I just, I just needed to calm the hell down a little bit. And so that I did. And so we, well, Lindsay looked up if there was any, we were like, maybe we should get like some sort of groceries.
Like we knew, I think that we were going to probably just eat out for the most part and kind of, you know, push through, you know? And I was like, well, are there any groceries nearby? And God bless. There was a round. There was a Ralphs. Now I got a very good piece of information because I made a grave error when I was talking about Ralphs on my Instagram.
It's not apostrophe S and that is apparently a very common mistake. It is just Ralphs as a name. The name is Ralphs. His name was Ralphs apparently. Okay. It's not a possessive noun type situation. That's kind of funny because isn't it very similar to Kroger which in Indiana a lot of times we say Kroger's.
Um, well, well, it's the opposite in that there is no S in Kroger. Oh, wait. People know, but people do frequently say Kroger's. Yeah. As a multiple, but no. So, and they're, they're twins. They're fraternal twins, Ralph's and Kroger. And, um, so like for me. I just felt like, I was worried that I would have, like, adjustment problems the whole time, like, I was worried that it would be too much for me to adjust to, uh, in a short amount of time, uh, but, like, like, the neighborhood walkability, that was something that, Well, is it safe to walk in Koreatown was something that, you know, I already, I already had deduced was a bunch of bullshit.
And a lot of times when people are talking about is Koreatown safe, there's a lot of, um, sometimes there's a lot of bias that comes with it and prejudice. Um, also it seems to me like there's probably been a fair amount of gentrification that's gone on in Koreatown since, um, you know, for sure. Yeah.
Certainly since its inception, but in the past, like 10 to 20 years. And so I live in an area that has been gentrified here in Atlanta. And so it's like kind of a weird space to be in, uh, like, like emotion, not emotionally, but like mentally. Navigating that you're in an area that disenfranchised other people and was once looked at a certain type of way.
And then when people still talk about it that way, but you're like, dude, a lot of these people don't even lock their doors type of thing. Like, yeah, it's, it's just so, it's weird. Um, but it's laughable to say that Koreatown is like unsafe or not walkable. Like that is no girl. I walked around every single day.
We were there, let me tell you. Lindsay for all of her, like valid concerns about like navigating LAX. Once she landed in LA, honey, little miss, you know, if she needed a moment, I'd be like, Hey girl, I'm going to go around. See me anything every time I was, it was so funny, but it was so, I mean, it was so close and I live within walking distance to grocery stores here, but this was significantly closer than, Anywhere that I usually walk to.
So it was like, so convenient. So Ralph's, like I said, is, is sister to Kroger. And so I can use my Kroger plus card there. And that's like, one of my favorite things to do is like get the coupons and then I put them on my car and then the number, and I love to do all of that. So I felt very at home in that way.
However, um, I had forgotten face wash and I needed that and they lock up a lot of stuff at not just Ralph's like I've I did end up noticing it at other stores to like they do lock up a lot of stuff and that I mean, obviously I can I can logically conclude why, um, but it was stuff that I hadn't seen locked up before.
That's where we were. Yeah, it was interesting. That's where we were noticing my big, like they had the formula. Locked up. That was a huge thing. I was like, Oh man, it was sad because we really went, I went through a time of, you know, the formula shortage and that was a horrible time for parents and stuff.
And when we talked to the one person, cause you asked the guy like, Hey, like why, like locked up, gain detergent and like boost. Yeah. And he was like, basically whatever's locked up is where they have like a high rate of like stealing. But it was still interesting because I know here, um, The things that, like, I think of Walmart, I was trying to think of things that were, like, locked up, and it was very different.
Lashes are locked up here like a motherfucker. Can't get my fuckin Ardell Whispies to save my life here. But yeah, the funniest thing about Ralphs is something that Emily and I were not prepared for, or, you know, Did not approve of, which I'm sorry, but, um, there were dogs everywhere and they were not service dogs.
These were rambunctious, highly untrained dogs that were in the grocery cart and people working there were like, Sir, you cannot have your dog in the grocery cart. That is very unsanitary. And I was like, Oh, we're going to be eating dog hair for sure. And so it was okay. It's only kind of one dog barking at the other dog.
And so again, but I learned in LA that everyone takes their dog everywhere and that's just not. It's very normal. That is not something that I'm used to. That, that would just need to fuck out to bring my dog in public places. Like, no thank you. Well, I don't, I famously don't like dogs. And so I've had to kind of overcome a serious I don't want to, I mean, yeah, it was a fear and then it turned into like just a deep aggravation around dogs and I've kind of been working through that for the past few years and I just don't know if I can do that.
I don't know about fucking dogs and it's funny because I was kind of like in a haze. I was like looking for aluminum foil or something like a crazy person and it was not until you had held, you had the cart up at the register and I was so like hyper focused and like Worried and in the zone or whatever that I didn't realize was going on.
And it's kind of like, I woke up out of a fog, all of a sudden I was like, what the hell is all this barking? And I like look around and there's like, there's like two feuding fucking Chihuahua poodle mixes or whatever the hell they call them. Into separate carts. And then the, the, the grocery bagging guy is like yelling at the dog owner.
Who's like yelling at the owner. Other dog owner, because his dog was also loud. I was like, And I talked to some, it's actually funny. Someone messaged me. I think that is either has worked at Ralph's or no, but apparently that is a huge issue that they have where they tell people all the time, you can't have your dog in here and people just don't listen.
So that just, it seems like a risk for so many logical reasons. I just, I know I can think of like five reasons why a dog shouldn't just be in the grocery store. Right. Um, but don't worry. It did not. Again, as I said, I was at Ralph's every day. It's about to get real. Didn't hold you back. Okay. You had to like, it was so convenient because one of us needed something or if we wanted more snacks, like it was literally right there.
And as we said, the area we were in was extremely walkable. There was one day that we went to this really cute coffee place that had great whatever freaking things we ate. And you tried my coffee too. Like it was very good. And there was even, I mean, we didn't even hit. Really, you know, any of the places really around here.
I mean, around the area, the area had so many like places to go restaurants and stuff. And so, um, I would, I would 100 percent stay in that area. Again, it was a very nice, it was, it was very, very chill. And then. Well, speaking of Koreatown being very walkable, it was also centrally located to everything that we wanted to do.
Um, there was only one thing that I wanted to do that we just simply didn't get to, because I absolutely refused to drive on the highway that day, but we'll get there. Um, one thing that we just need to go ahead and talk about with you guys. is there were a lot of warnings that I got. And so one thing that I heard was like, Oh, well, the weather's going to be terrible while you're there.
Turns out it was only raining the one day. Um, then the next thing was like, well, the people, they're not super friendly. They're not like the South. And I'm like. Again, people in Atlanta are not nice. So I don't know where that's coming. Like, that's like maybe an idea that you have of like the actual South, like the rest of Georgia, maybe, but like Atlanta people are not particularly nice.
And then finally the cherry on top was traffic. And before we left, because I really was trying to plan and I'm not good at like Necessarily like making a play by play itinerary, but I like to be very, very aware. I like to have restaurants in mind. I like to have time, you know, travel time in mind. Prices of Ubers, which were very expensive in L.
A. I'll say. That's why we worked well together because like. You have a general idea and then I am very good at actually putting that you're I mean like executing fine Exactly. So we actually we actually made a very good team because we really like if you tell me what because I'm very I Went into this trip literally being like, I don't I really don't care like we can do anything Obviously, I wanted to go to Vanderbilt places, but you very much did a lot of research of like, hey This is idea of what I want to do.
And I was like, hey boom boom. Boom. This is how we do it And so that, again, we, we worked very well together. We really did. And, uh, yes, I agree. And we'll talk about that in a minute, because there's a couple of instances, like, where if it hadn't been for you, I would probably be topless on a bar in West Hollywood somewhere, so that's really great.
Um, so, I'm not leaving. We'll get there. So, um, yeah, so, centrally located, one thing we were told, traffic is going to be the most miserable thing you'll ever encounter in LA. And it's not just people, right? It's kind of like the lore of LA is that they have horrible traffic, 405, like All of these things you can't, you can't get anywhere for the life of you.
Rob even said, shout out Rob, if you're listening, like he was like, just, you know, like plan for like 20 minutes extra for whatever you're doing. And I'm like, okay, no problem. But before I left. I did look up, like, TomTom, the navigation system, not the restaurant, or the shoe, uh, TomTom navigation system every year does like a census index of traffic, and essentially how many minutes it takes to go, uh, 6, And for L.
A., it was like 14. 971, and for Atlanta, it was like 12. 137 or something like that. It was within two minutes of each other. And so I came into L. A. very much expecting to have a very similar experience to what I have in Atlanta, and I will say, Maybe it was just our luck the times that we were going the places we were going and people did emphasize that a lot of the things that we were doing were in the opposite flow of traffic.
There was only one time that we were kind of getting head on into traffic. Yeah, and and so that probably did. Color it a little bit, but when we were driving down to the beach, we learned that their, their metric for what is a, uh, a red clog up of traffic and a yellow clog up of traffic is very different than what we are familiar with when, when I'm driving around and where I live.
So anyway, that's enough about traffic. We get to the venue, uh, where we're going to have the live show and it's in Hollywood. And. We meet Peter almost immediately. Peter is a very chill guy. He is not intimidating. I don't know if you would disagree. I did not find him to be like No, not at all. Yeah, he seemed He was just like an approachable person.
He did seem And I'm just going to say this on This is my podcast I'm just going to be honest. He seemed a little like down. Maybe is a good way to put it. Um, and Maybe it's because he works in an environment, which we found out the next day, where he has to very much be up like he has to be like friendly and taking pictures and managing a restaurant and doing all of that.
So he's probably exhausted by the time he gets out anywhere else. Um, but once it came to the actual show again, he was like back on. So I think, I think it's just kind of like working in the service industry is probably draining. Um, he was very happy to see Rob and to be doing this for Rob. And he said as much backstage, like it wasn't about like the show.
It just was like something about his energy scene, maybe not down, but reserved maybe is a better word. Yeah. It's weird with Peter because. The best way I can describe Peter is Peter lives in his own Peter world. But I say that because I know people say like Sandoval lives in his own world. When I say that with Peter, I do not mean at all that he comes across as, um, selfish or very, um, All about him because he very much, um, would talk to you, um, when people ask for pictures, I'm, I'm so bad, I get so anxious asking for pictures.
So like you, you took a picture with him and then Rob was actually one like, Oh, Lindsay, would you like a picture? Cause I knew he was about to go eat. And I was like, Oh, like it's, it's, I mean, if it's okay, he was like, yeah, sure. Like he very much will do that. Yeah. But he's, but you just have to meet him.
Cause he's still very much is in his own little world, but he's super, super reserved and super nice, but he, um, he doesn't really, as far as the Vanderpump people, I, again, when we get to Jack's, he will tell you. Everything. Right. Peter. There's the opposite. The complete opposite. The diametrical opposite.
Where you're just like, Peter, maybe give us a little bit more. Yeah, like I think that Peter's aware when you're like, maybe he's actually, maybe he's not aware when you're like fishing for gossip. I don't, I think that he very much does not want to be a part of that. That like, I don't think he wants to be spreading information, but there were a couple of think times, especially when we went to serve the next day that, um, I asked him something and I felt like his facial expression told me everything I needed to know.
And I didn't need to press him about it, but I will say without, well, I don't want to spoil too much for mob show. Because at this point, I've now gone on a TikTok live, I've gone on my own podcast, I've talked on another podcast about it, I've talked with Rob about it, so I don't want to spoil too much, but I'll say this, it was a really good time, uh, got to meet Molly McAleer, which is great, I'd been a fan of, uh, some of her content for a while, we got to meet Meredith Lynch, who, a gem, I am obsessed with, and so breaking news, Meredith is going to be on my show this week recapping.
Episode. She, you guys, she took the time. To talk to us and she literally was still engaged in like conversation. She was truly a delight. And that what's interesting though, with Peter and like, I noticed with him, if something really, what I really liked was when, when I went up there, he was very engaged and really wanted to know about Brittany and Jackson's podcast.
He was like asking me questions, something with that was like a light bulb with him because he was just like. Wait, they're separated, but they're doing the podcast together. And that just goes to show you. He truly was not, he's not in the realm. And I think he gets a little uncomfortable. It's funny. Cause I say it's Peter's world, but it's, he's in Peter's world, but he doesn't like to really talk about himself when it comes.
Right. To the show. To Vanderpump. But I, and I also think there's a, I, there's a lot of her, Pete, they did Peter dirty this, this season because they basically told him they could not pay for him, which is a weird in a sense because, and Peter's never been a huge part of the show. But yeah, you know, they had the, but especially with Rachel not doing it this season, so it's like, where is the money?
And so for them to, you know, to just flat out say that to him, he even said this on a podcast, he got to a pretty dark place for a little bit. And I still think he's navigating that. He said he's a lot better now on the podcast, but yeah, meeting him. I, Great. And just doing, you know, speaking about being a pump, I still, I think, I think it stings a little for him, but he's still, um, I think, I think, like you said, he was so excited to see Rob and he, he was excited to be there and like to talk.
I think it took him a little bit to get in the groove. Yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe the adjusting. I think also like he's probably like kind of like. You know, what do they expect of me? Are they expecting me to like know everything or be, you know what I mean? So, well, yeah. And the episode you guys are talking, they all were hammered.
Yes. Uh, so funny. Um, So yeah, and, and he doesn't watch the show. So he like he's, I think that he had said he did watch that episode back then, but like now he doesn't watch the show. So he hasn't seen that episode since it aired. It seems is what he was trying to say. And, uh, It was just so funny. So you guys subscribe to Rob's Patreon for the full experience, because that was really, it was a good time.
Uh, the crowd was so good. So good. The crowd was, and they were so, um, it was a very interactive crowd. And to go back when I, when I went into this, um, trip and like you mentioned, very much heard about people in LA are not nice. And like I said, I'm very, I can be bad at starting conversations. I did not go into this trip thinking that really we would talk to anybody else besides the people that we knew we were going to see.
When I tell you we met this lovely girl. And we just started talking to her. We followed her, Ashley, on Instagram. Like, we literally, we would just have random conversations with people that were absolutely a delight. My favorite thing was after everyone that I told that I was from Indiana, Everyone talked to me about Caitlin Clark.
I don't know sports at all, and I was really confused because she's not from Indiana, but what I found out is she got drafted recently with Indiana fever, and I think people knew that, but the way that people asked, wanted to talk about Caitlin Clark, and I just smiled and said, sure, because I know nothing about sports, but truly, People were just, just so nice and just would start conversations with us.
I was not expecting that. I wasn't either. And going back to the crowd thing really quick. Cause I did want to touch on this. Like I was pretty nervous going on stage and I actually blacked out and I have no idea if I was interesting or funny at all, but, uh, well, thank you. Uh, but the, the crowd was really like.
They were, they were feeling it and I was really happy. And, and then of course we stayed for Molly's show for trend lightly. And she talked about something that I did not have any idea was going on because when I decided to close my mind to a pop culture event, I truly shut off and then would be, could be looking an absolute fool because for the next couple of weeks, I realized, Oh, this is a huge story about the, the guy, I guess it's punching random girls in.
The face in New York City and how that turned into Bethany Frankel co opting that moment for herself and either lying or maybe not. And it was just, It was really fun. So then this is where I had to like, you know, kind of make an adjustment to my plan because originally we were going to go to Jax's after the show, after the live show, but then it's cause it was not this one, it was legitimately raining.
It was raining like a regular. Right. Okay. But this was at night and Schwartz and Sandy's was just so, so much closer than Jax's. So literally like five minutes away. Yeah. So what we were originally going to do is go to Jax's that night and then we would have been at Schwartz and Sandy's for, um, the Vanderpump premiere, but good thing we didn't do that.
God bless. Because Sandoval and fucking Schwartz weren't even there that night. Um, not that we, we didn't see them at all during the trip, spoiler alert, but, um, We did get, we'll get to Jack's. Well, we barely missed Schwartz. We barely missed Schwartz. Yeah, we would have saw him. He was at Schwartz and Sandy.
So some other people went to Schwartz and Sandy's that we were like with Rob's friends. Oh my God. They were wonderful. We had great conversations with them. Um, they went to Schwartz and Sandy's first to, Um, to grab at the table, which God bless, because you know, it was packed, um, but they, you know, got us a table and so we were, you know, gathering our stuff and Rob being the awesome person he is, he, he drove us there and, um, Schwartz, The people that were there, he was literally just there.
There was a huge bachelorette party. Um, and they were literally all hanging over Schwartz. And it's funny that people, Rob's friends described him as looking like a slob. All these women were hanging, hanging all over him. And then as soon as we got there, he left basically. And I have a theory that I haven't said yet.
There's like a little back area, like not officially, but. There was like, there were like bouncers at Schwartz and Sandy's. Okay. Like they were like checking IDs, but there was like an area behind the patio. And I think that Schwartz went back there. I think he was, so I really do feel like he was there just based on some like conversations that were going on on the patio and like, I don't know, there was just an energy that said someone that's quasi famous is still here in the midst, but we would have never seen him.
I think that maybe they have like a special little VIP section or something crazy back there. Maybe that's where all the fun is and where all the decor is because honey, let's talk about it. Like Schwartz and Sandy's is in a strip mall and we know this, but all of the places we realized all of the places looked so different.
In real life and not in a bad way, but most of them, especially sir, like Tom, Tom, these places are so much smaller in real life. Well, Tom, Tom, except for they just expanded. So Tom, Tom's a really good size. No, it is a really good size, but like still the camera angles. Yeah. How would that work? Sandies is a lot smaller than what I expected.
It's like, I don't even know how to. It, it, it wants to be fancy, but also a dive bar in here. And here's the thing, and I will stick with this, the decor in there, while it is pretty to look at and well made and well made, it does not make sense. And I don't know what they're going for. When you walk in that place, it feels like depression and we are not the only ones who have thought this.
I've talked to other people and then, and maybe it's obviously like during the VPR watch parties. I'm sure people are hyped, but we were there on a Saturday night at like 10 o'clock. Yep. And when I tell you the energy was depressed, no one was eating in the place and Emily and I were starving. But we're like We're, no one else is eating.
Yeah, I'm not going to be the only, like, loser. And it's not You have to go to the bar to get service. So whatever you're eating, no one was eating, but whatever you're drinking, you get there. Um, and Rob's friends, they got us like a booth area. It was, you know, we just, we sat there and luckily like we were having great conversations with everyone, but the atmosphere was just so depressing.
I don't, I don't know. I didn't like it. So it was, it's like. I've described it a few different ways. I've described it as like, um, the event space that your 8th grade prom rents out. I've described it as like, this place called the Italian Oven in Stockbridge, Georgia that I've been, that my mom really likes.
There's, I mean, it's, it's a strip mall venue. It is. It's like, there's, you've been, everyone's been there. But I think that what Really is different about Schwartz and Sandy's, noticeably, from TomTom and Sir specifically. And honestly, and Jax's, is that it is not, it is busy, like the, all of the decor and shit is busy, but it's not full.
So, it is not like, there's not a lot of, It's so weird, like the, like the materials that things were made of, they were detailed, they were, like, of good quality, but like, when you go into TomTom, I mean, you are immersed. In that bitch, like it is full. There are so many details. There's a fucking, there's trees in the middle of the floor and there's like pictures everywhere.
And like, obviously we'll get there at sir. There's like a cornucopia of disco balls and fucking pillows. Okay. There's like, there's stuff. It's like, the rooms are full and in Schwartz and Sandy's it is busy. There's a lot of shit on the wall as far as like wallpapers, but there's not, it's not a full.
Space. Like they're not utilizing the space particularly well, and so then it just feels really empty. And then granted it was raining. Yes. And I know the LA people don't go out in the rain and like, but it just like the, the character was a miss in my opinion. And yeah, I, they shut down I minute that any of the Yeah, they should've done at midnight.
Like the, I can't believe the cast goes there, honestly. I'm like, this just doesn't seem like somewhere they would wanna be. It's very kind of, low rent seems like rude, but I mean, I don't know how else to say it. It's just like, it just kind of, it's, but it's not a dive bar because the, the thing about dive bars are they tend to have charm of like, history and character and fun.
This place does not have any of that. Again. Lots of color, a lot of like, there's like an idea there, but the character isn't behind it. But darkness. But darkness, and it is extremely dark. It's like they just turned the fluorescence off and said have a good time. Literally. It's like not appropriate for a restaurant atmosphere at all.
But you said the bathroom was nice. I didn't, I didn't go to that bathroom. Well, let me tell you something. I set out on a quest to find the nicest bathroom, and It is a toss up between Schwartz and Sandys and Jaxx's because Schwartz and Sandys was clean and had a really cool mirror that I took a picture in.
Um, You can tell that I had been a couple of drinks in in these pictures, so I apologize for that, but the But the, you know, the mirror was pretty and it was clean Jax's The bathroom was just like nice and it smelled really good and it was well stocked It was like a pretty bathroom, but it was co ed and it was very narrow But it was also very clean.
So it's and it smelled really good. Which according to Jax, he cleaned them Yeah No, he didn't but like because we watched him walk up and I was in the back like I know you didn't clean the bathroom Shocks, but that's fine. Um Like I don't know why he even said that but that's fine So yeah, like the bathroom is like Uh, a decent starting place because we would kind of go on a downward spiral from there as far as the Vanderpump establishment, uh, bathrooms, but yeah, so we had a good time and then, um, I really wanted to take a shot at Schwartz and Sandy's for at midnight on my birthday, which was March 31st, but then I think like the last drink I had just like hit.
And I was just like, Hey, I mean, you think about we had a huge time difference and yeah, it was like three or 4am our time, I think, or yeah, yeah. And we had been going, I mean, I had been up since I think three or four, I've been up. Yeah. Exactly. So, we, to, to, and I'm very 24 hours, dude. Literally, and I very much, I like to go to bed.
I least, I least like to be in bed early. So the way that, pretty much as soon as Emily and I got back to the apartment, we passed the fuck out. Passed the fuck out. I don't even, like, Not because of like drinking. I, I like truly just like, I think I just hit the bed so fast. I just don't even remember going to sleep.
Literally. That's how we both were. Yep. And so then the next day was my birthday. So I woke up and I had all of these plans. I was like, we're going to watch all the birthday episodes of Vanderpump rules. And that was really fun. That was fun. Um, what did we do during the day? I don't even actually remember.
I, we literally lounge. We've, we've definitely lounged. I definitely went to Ralph's. You did
because then I was also like being a like little brat about Essentia water and like I didn't have the essentia water and I like that. That also might have been, I can't remember if that was that day or the way the next day. That might have been when we went to the coffee place too, but we definitely just lounge.
My favorite. You were cracking me up because so Emily, very much. I told her like, do you need a plan? Like, you know what you want to do for your birthday and stuff. And you were cracking me up because we had originally planned to go to brunch for sir, but Emily and I have both established, like we were really did not want to eat food at sir.
We have heard horror stories and like, and you, but, and you really wanted to eat, um, to have dinner at TomTom. And you kept saying. I don't want to, I don't even like brunch. And I was just, I kept having to look at you and be like, Emily, we don't have to do brunch. Let's not let's. So we figured out where we got drinks at sir.
And then we did dinner at Tom Tom. And it worked, but you were cracking me up. Cause you kept saying, I don't want to do brunch. And I was like, Who was holding her hostage to do brunch? I think that it's, I, again, I have a hard time with transitions. Like I have a hard time changing plans. And I get it. It was just so funny.
The original plan was brunch. It was kind of like, well, you didn't want to do that from this. Well, Rob was supposed to come, but you never wanted to brunch. I didn't ever want to do brunch, but like Rob was, so he ended up not being able to come because of his like. Tight timeline. Yeah. But originally he thought he would be able to be there in the morning and, um, and like meet us for brunch and then he would need to get back.
And then we had a couple of other people that had mentioned, you know, they would be interested in doing that and I just guys. Don't I don't like, I don't like brunch. I don't like breakfast food. This is not me being like a, not like other girls situation. I, it's not that I don't like the atmosphere of brunch, but if I'm going to do that, I'm going to like, I need to go to like a seafood place or like somewhere where, where the food is, is a decent transition between breakfast food and lunch food, because I just don't care for breakfast food all that much.
And so it kept coming up. And then I thought my brilliant suggestion. Was like, okay, well, but if we go to Sir for brunch That will be perfect because I don't want to eat it, sir. So, which is funny. Cause I'm like, then why are we going to, I was like, why are we, cause we both do not want to eat. I couldn't get it together with that.
No, it was actually really fun. Like it was just so funny that con and then finally I saw it almost like a. Uh, a weight was lifted off your shoulder when you finally were just like, we're not doing brunch at sir. And I'm like, God bless. Like, no, like we, again, we just, we lounged for the day and then we got ready and we got, we got drinks at sir.
And. Um, it was lovely. It did. We got to meet Israel. Like, all right. I don't know. Do you know if you go by Isaac or they are both or I said, I know Israel. I think Israel. Okay. I do think that he uses he, I think maybe he, they, but yeah, beautiful. So tall, beautiful. So tall. So sweet. And we have a, like, Oh my gosh, you had so much in common.
Yeah. We had so much in common, like. He came from, like, by way of, like, Louisville, which is where my dad lives, and, like, he lived in, like, a part of Atlanta. He lived in Atlanta. He lived in, like, he lived in a bunch of places where I have roots, essentially. Yeah. Um, and there was something else. I don't, I don't fully remember everything that we talked about, but really sweet.
Israel was the, uh, host at Schwartz and Sandys originally. And then kind of had to hop, skip and a jump over to, to sir, because, uh, it was just a, it was a bit much, I think they're laughing because they're thinking of rope guy. Oh my God. So, sir, only sir. Okay. This is not something like the, of course, like the Abbey, when you get onto like the bar strip, like they need a rope because they're clubs, but like, sir has a man, like a man dressed in all black and black sun, like suit, a suit in the heat with sunglasses and like a rope to get to the host station, sir was like practically empty when we went because we went there.
To pregame before dinner. We literally were there for happy hour. And this rope guy Just stood there all night. And his, he, and Lindsay Kept saying like, his job is rope. And like Kids job is beach. His Job is, is rope. And we kept, I was like, Emily, you wanna move here? How much does rope guy make? Can it only be rope guy?
Literally be rope can rope girl? Like I think that was his, there was, there was a barrier of like, you had to, you had to tell Rope guy. You have a reservation, which that was weird. Cause it's like, there's no one here. Like if we didn't have a reservation, you had to, you know, say the magic password of yes to rope guy.
And then that's where Israel was with the, he was the host. So he took us, you know, to our spot and stuff. We quickly realized we were like at these The chairs were very comfy, but we're just like we actually could sit in the bar area So we like sat in the bar area right and that's where we found the magic of the disco balls Guys, there's so many goddamn disco balls, and there's so many chandeliers.
I mean look I don't know how they film in this place because it's smaller, but there is a There's so much furniture. There's so much furniture. Big furniture. Large, okay? Like, and I didn't, I have never gotten the impression that this is supposed to be like a Mediterranean cuisine or vibe or anything. I had no idea, but apparently so.
So jokes on me. They were playing Arabian music at one point. They were playing all kinds of, the music was a mess. Like, and this is, it sounds like I'm shitting on sir. I'm not. It was like, I loved it. I want to be very clear. It was amazing, but it was just wild. Like, I was like, how do they get camera crews in there?
I'm assuming they move some of the bar area furniture because it's like, usually in bar areas, it's like you got the bar and then you got the, uh, you have the high top tables. And everybody kind of works around that. But not at SIR. At SIR you have the bar, and then you have these like, and I, I don't know if it's supposed to be an ode to like Mediterranean culture, and like, uh, sitting on the floor, and like pillows and all of this, but, but you're not though, you're just super low to the floor, but you're not actually on the floor with like a setup like that.
So anyway, um, so we, we were there for happy hour. I do not remember the names of the drinks that I got. I did not want to get like the Pumptini because I'd heard horror stories, so I didn't want to do that. They have a lot of for people, so I don't drink. They actually had a lot of non alcoholic options, which I thought was so cool.
I got the Calvino, um, Non alcoholic wine, which was great. I was like, oh, I wonder if they, I think they sell that in stores too. But for any like non drinkers, SIR, I think had, um, some of the best options as far as like non alcoholic. Like if you want like a fun drink, but you don't drink. Yeah, no, they, they really did have a lot of, also want to say this, and I don't know if it was just about our experience and like the people that we were with a lot of sobriety in LA.
I was like, Atlanta is a big drinking city. And so I tend to drink and, um, People don't really drink like I think maybe because they smoke maybe that's why Or they're doing I mean, they're definitely And also Jax Taylor's not included in my they're they don't drink rant yeah, but um Yeah. So anyway, they had some, they, they had a lot of, uh, sober, accommodating things.
And like I said, we saw Peter, he was working, and I don't, I, I said something about we, well, we went to, he said, oh, what did you guys do after the show? Yeah. He said, well, we went to Schwartz and Sandy's, and he made a face. And I was like, oh, okay. He said, he asked, he was like, is it busy? Or something like that, right?
Yeah. And I said. No, it was dead. And he was like, Hmm. Like, yeah, sassy. I was like, think he smiled. . Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That brightened to say. Um, and so then, let's see, we, our server was fantastic, by the way. Oh yeah. I know. Some people talk about with these restaurants, I have to note with and with Tom Tom too, the survey, because you asked him questions about, Hey, like what drinks and stuff.
Nice. He nice took the, he did not seem bothered by No. He checked in on us. Um, he let us know like, Hey, happy, happy hour is about to end. Is there anything else that you would want? Um, so the service there, I have to say it was fantastic. Agree. Totally agree. I forgot to mention that because that was another thing.
It was like, Oh, well they just, you know, they're just there to like hustle and make money. I'm like, and this was like, we, you know, maybe we just hit the jackpot with this stuff, but we, again, I've heard horror stories about people's service at surge is basically just being like very, Service ignoring people just straight up.
Um, we, we did not have that experience. So granted it was not busy at all, but there were still people there, um, and stuff, but him, I guess I'd, he very much took the time, um, and didn't seem bothered by us because we had questions. We had lots of questions. My, uh, my remaining question though, from my experience is who the fuck cleans the bathrooms?
Cause. That night, absolutely no one. God bless Sir lived up to its expectation. It was, the bathroom, and I'm not like, I don't normally go in places and rate bathrooms. It was just like, it started to become like a thing, where I needed to like, It did. I needed to take notice of what the hell was going on in these bathrooms, because Sir's was disgusting.
I took a video, it was like, One toilet was unflushed. Again, I don't know how that even happens when we're talking about adults. It stank really bad. The, uh, The trash. The trash was overflowing and all over the floor. And it was just narrow. I, I just like, I was like, I don't know what's going on in here, but this is, this is not good.
This is not a good situation. So, uh, yeah. So that's probably my most negative thing. Oh, and the first table that we got sat at before we moved to the bar area was wobbly. That's not a big deal to me, usually, but. Oh, they fixed it. They, I mean, yeah, they did. Well, then we moved. Come on, guys. Let's try to get the wobbly tables out of here.
Look, they're too big. They're too focused on big. That is one thing I was not used to. In Indianapolis, when you go out, I'm not used to comfy seats. I gotta say. Shorts and sandies was the same way. Like I'm not used to cushions being at bars. Like, that's not a thing that I'm used to. So literally like I'm having dinner on a couch.
Yes. Very like lush and plush, like luxurious for sure. Then we moved to TomTom for dinner because there was like a steak board that I really wanted to just hang her steak with like vegetables, but it was so good. Um, our waiter, like I said, was fantastic. The restaurants are really fucking beautiful guys.
Like to me, Tom, Tom was gorgeous. Like it's kind of weird. Like I said, there's like trees in the, in the floor. Um, but that didn't make it any less pretty. We sat right in front of the picture of Tom and Tom kissing. Um, which I don't think I got a picture of that. Did you get a picture of that? Okay. Maybe send that to me.
Um, but yeah, so. And we stayed there for a decent amount of time, I feel like, and our waiter, again, fantastic, so sweet, he had like a little flower in his hair, I like, loved him. Where we were sitting, though, for whatever reason, was extremely hot. Yes, we were right under a heater, I think, I do think we were right under a heater.
Because when we went to the other side of the bathroom, the temperature change, I was like, oh my god. It was, I thought it was a sauna, but no, as you said, the service, the service is great. The atmosphere made sense to me. It was very rustic. Um, it's still weird to see cause while they've expanded, these places are very narrow and very like the, like where I would think cameras would be or tight spaces.
So even Tom, um, I'm like, Where the hell do they put camera people and stuff here? So it's so, it's interesting to be in those spaces, but the food, we had the goat cheese balls. They were great. I've had those before when I went to Vanderpump Gardens and Caesar Palace, but they were fantastic. I had the, um, The crispy chicken sandwich and then fries and the fries were like really good.
They're just steak fries, but oh, yeah Yeah, they were just they were really good. I feel like me and you like we had great conversation. We were just talking And like tom tom, even if I was not a fan of the show I would recommend tom tom. Yeah, it was like out of um, now granted I haven't been to all of lisa's restaurants as far as like There's, you know, Paris, and now she has Wolf, but very, top notch.
The way that Sir just seems like it needs desperately an upgrade. Yes. It's like begging for life. Yes! TomTom has that life. Yes, a hundred percent. Well, uh, oh, we went to both of the bathrooms there. Uh, the downstairs bathroom, I remember being okay, but the upstairs bathroom was also nasty and had a bunch of trash from what I remember.
Which is weird because you would think probably most people wouldn't have went to the upstairs, you know what I mean, because it was upstairs. And I only went to the upstairs bathroom. To do a review on it. So I was a couple of drinks in speaking of which, then I felt like it was time to party. Okay. I felt like we needed to really go out on the town.
Okay. So we went to the happiest place on earth, the Abbey. And did we go somewhere first before the Abbey or did we go straight to the Abbey? We went straight to the Abbey. Cause we asked the waiter. Where he suggested and he said the Abbey so we went yeah, we went to the Abbey first and so we said, all right bet and We went and I just had the time of my life in that chair We had a great time little did we know well, I know for me as soon as I posted we were at the Abbey The amount of messages I got that were like, you in danger, girl.
My friend Katie, I was like, Katie, I know you love Disneyland, but I think that the Abby's the happiest place on earth. And she said, that's weird because I've had several friends that were drugged there and I was like, no, that's literally people were messaging me, like, do you protect your drinks or don't get drinks?
Don't, like, pretty much don't get out, is what people were saying. Meanwhile, me and you were people watching, having the time of our lives. Like, it was such a fun atmosphere to be in, but people were telling us to leave. Yeah. I was ignoring all of the danger signs. And we didn't, oh yeah, we did not, we stayed for a little bit.
We did not leave. We did not. And didn't I almost, I don't want to say get abducted. Um, yeah, Emily had an experience where a man came up to her, um, who did not, he did not speak English and he was using a translator on his phone and he basically told I will do anything for you. Yeah. Um, and she politely, you know, do what us girls do when we're uncomfortable.
We say we have a boyfriend or we say whatever. And luckily I will say after that, he, he did just, you know, walk away. He wasn't pressing it. He wasn't that interested. The Abbey was the only time that we experienced, you, you got up and got a drink and there's a group of people who are like cheering. And it was one of the people's birthday and you're like, Oh my God, his birthday is my birthday too.
Or well, you said you were like, Oh my God, whose birthday is that? And they said, this person's like, Oh my God, like it's my birthday too. And they're just like, yeah, that's nice for you. Instead of being like, I would have been like, Oh my God, happy birthday. Like that was the experience, but that was the only group we're just like, well, whatever, but.
Yeah, and I was already pretty tipsy, so it didn't affect me at all. But yeah, you may have, luckily, you were still very much in a clear space with that guy being like, Uh, no thank you. Oh yeah, no, I, I'm, this is not like a humble brag, but that kind of shit happens to me sometimes, and I know. My, I, I know not to, I know not to do that.
So we speak to Abby for a while, and then this is where I'm going to need Lindsay to kind of take over for a second because, um, well, when I have to pee too, uh, My memory, not so great after this, I have to be honest. I, I mean, I did a lemon drop shot at the Abbey like I was 19 again. I mean, that's what did you win?
Yeah. And yeah, no, for sure it did me in because I was in another planet after that. I was like very To be fair, it was the Abbey as we've heard. Apparently the I don't think so. I hope not. Jesus. I don't actually think that. I think you're just like you said, it's like, I remember doing lemon drop shops when I was younger.
So I think that just took you to a whole different dimension. I was in another world. I was so happy to, I was like, I can't believe we just went to Sir and Tom Tom and we did all this shit. And, um, so yeah, Lindsay, take us on a little journey and I'll be right back. Okay. Yeah. So we left. The Abbey in Emily was like, there's one other place I want to go to.
Um, and if that doesn't work out, then we, maybe we could Uber to this other place. I said, that's fine. So we're walking to this place. I actually don't even remember Emily, what place you wanted to go, but we go there. And immediately Emily was like, no, I actually don't really know what. I can't remember what turned her off about it.
So we're walking back. And pretty much there were two clubs. One of them I think was called Love and the other one was called Beaches, and we couldn't decide which one to go to. And this one person, um, they happened to stop and he was absolutely a delight. We talked to him. He was so fun. Um, he, I can't remember which one he was saying for us to go to.
I think he was saying Beaches. And then we met this other people. And this is when it became very clear to me how easy it was. It would be to do drugs in L. A. Oh, our friends that were going to abduct us to some random party? Yes, yes. That was the moment where I was like, okay. Because in, obviously I know in indie like drugs are very much a thing, but just to see The, the access to it and just how easy it would have been in LA.
I was like, damn. So we were still deciding on kind of selling them. I was laughing. Cause that one bar you wanted to immediately as we walked up there, I don't know exactly what turned you off to it, but immediately you were like, no. So we turned around and we started walking back to, to figure out what it was.
They were playing a song that I'm sick of. I don't remember what song it was. It was like. Oh, you know what it was? It was like, I was being a little bit of a, I was being a little bit of a sourpuss, and I felt like, they were playing like Crime Mob or something. And Crime Mob is from Ellenwood, which is where I was born and raised.
And I felt like they don't know shit about Crime Mop and I'm not going to go in there and entertain this bullshit because I saw the crowd and the crowd was not Crime Mop primed. And so I felt like I was better than that and so And you were in and it was, and we, you know, I went to the other bars and then almost, you know, got into trouble.
Yeah, we, so we were very much deciding on which one to go to. Cause they both were, they both were like crazy packed. We decided to go to beaches and the way that I tell you. That Emily, it was like her heaven gates had opened up the music. She had a P she had a P so we were like finding our way to the bathroom.
It is so crap. There was no room. So I am, I get very, very anxious and very big crowds. And I have, I'm going to be honest. I have not been in a crowd like that since the pandemic. So this was very much me. I, I, in that level being around that many people, I was like, Holy shit, I forgot what that felt like. So you use the bathroom and you come out and you are just, you find a little corner and you are just dancing your little heart out.
Like you are so happy. And I mean, while I'm like, okay, I need to like Emily, it's her birthday. She's having so much fun. I'm just, you know, we're just going to stand here for a little bit. And you were just having the time of your life and it just kept being more packed. And at some point. You look like, I think I looked at you and I was just like, I got to get out of here.
So we had to remove ourselves to like, get out. Oh, and before this, we literally thought I was just, yeah, we literally witnessed someone push Someone else into the road. . Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's some, they got into like a fight and they were arguing and then one guy pushed the other guy into the road, but the guy was like, um, quite agile.
And so he kind of did like a tuck and roll and then like he did spraying up like a, like an Olympic, like gymnast. Like a superstar. Yeah. It was so cute. Um, but it was sad because obviously, I mean, well not sad for me, I don't know them and I don't really care, but it seems like they were very upset with each other.
But then it was kind of funny how the. The altercation ended. Yeah, it was pretty, uh, it was, I mean, it was Atlanta coded once again, like things that I thought would be a huge adjustment, like I thought that the, you know, I thought that there would be a rope guy everywhere we went. I thought that getting into places that seemed fun would be difficult.
I thought like I wouldn't fit in with anyone. Like there wouldn't be people that I felt like comfortable around, like, and I don't mean like, That I was necessarily, like, trying to, like, make friends, but I just meant, like, I felt like Yeah. I was afraid that people would just be, like, un not My like, they would be out of my league essentially.
Oh yeah. That means everybody was home, but everybody, everyone was coming for my Atlanta friends beaches is if you take the energy of Blake's and put it in the space of Mary's. And so if you know, you know, like, and don't, don't get me wrong. Like Mary's also has a lot of energy, but it was like more on a Blake's level.
But. In the space of Mary's. And so if, if you know, you know, my, my Atlanta friends will know. Um, but it was so much fun. And then I think if I'm not mistaken, once we got out of there, it was about time for us to start heading back. Yes, we, we left and that is when we had the glory, the glorious moment of we're back in the apartment and Emily just looked at me and she goes, I am staying.
I'm not leaving. I was like, okay, girl, like, are you gonna squat in this apartment? I was like, yes. You go, you're right. Why would I go back? I was like, You know what, girl? Let's live this fantasy tonight. You were so, you were so funny. And I was just like, at one point I was thinking, I was like, Oh, she's staged.
She's not, she's not going back to Atlanta. She's like, fucked everything. It was so, it was so funny. We, you were so funny that night. We had a lovely conversation and then Um, that was another night where we passed the fuck out, passed the fuck out. And then I woke up the next day and I'm not going to lie, like I was hungover, but I was so like on cloud nine from our experience that I think that that really pushed me through the whole day.
And I was like, cause again, I wish that I could go back and like take out all of the anxieties that I had. Because if I had known. At every point, that there was gonna be, like, no issues, essentially, like, I wouldn't have been Anxious at all. And I wouldn't, you know, so we ended up using Turo, which is a car service where it's basically Airbnb for cars.
So people will rent out their cars for however long. And like, usually I think people get like Teslas and like, you know, sports cars. And I went for a 2012 Honda civic baby. Cause I was like, we were going to drive down to go see our friend G who lives in Hermosa beach. I just didn't see the need in spending, and neither did Lindsay, obviously, like, meanwhile, Lindsay's like, let's get a Hummer limo.
Yeah, yeah, I, fun fact, I'm the bougiest bitch. I was like, where's my Tesla? No, no, we were both on the same, very much on the same page. And, uh, I had an ex who drove a Honda Civic, so I was like, yeah, we can do this. Um, Walked right over to, what was his name? Jared. Oh my God. I loved Jared. He was, could not like, when I tell you could not give a fuck, he was like, he was just like, take it, bring it back, drive it over a cliff, like whatever you have to do, girl, see you later.
So we walked to go get the car. It was like a 15 minute walk. Again, not bad. Nothing was bad. But this is when, and we had started to realize it the night before, but I really think because we did a lot of walking that day around, this is when like the trash, the trash trees, and the trash really started to come out.
That is the one thing that maybe I'd heard before, Maybe not, I'm thinking not though, cause like, there was so much fucking trash in LA, like, and that was actually shocking to me because I was under the impression that they were so like, progre like you would not see that much trash in Atlanta. And I'm sorry to keep comparing you guys, like it's just that that's what I know.
And you just, you wouldn't see that much trash on the streets of Atlanta, in, so open, and then like, Well, in the way that LA, I feel like presents itself, or even California, you know what I mean? Yeah, so clean and sustainable. And progressive. And meanwhile, I looked at Emily and I was like, why are, and when I say trash tree, literally, there would be trees.
And in between the trees would be all this trash. It wasn't even, it just, it made no sense. So I was like, oh, and the, the amount of, um, uh, Monday must have been, um, take your desk chair out to the road because the amount of desk chairs, one, I understand scene guys, I'm not being dramatic. We saw so many desk chairs in the road.
And I was wondering if there was like, and maybe I need to look this up, so if we don't know something, we don't, we don't know. Again, we don't, we're not trying to be ignorant, we just don't know. But like, I was like, dude, what is the purpose? I did see one guy, like, kind of using it to go from, like, one side of the street to the other.
But then he got up and walked, so I was like, well, maybe it has something to do with, like, Um, you know, uh, being physically disabled, but like, I, I, I don't know, there was like so many office chairs and there was so much trash. There was just so much trash. So that was one thing that, and then like when we were driving, like, I don't think you saw it, but there was several instances of like, just bags of trash lying in the dam.
Curb, you know, anyway, uh, and we're, we're going quite long. So I don't want to go too, too long. Um, so we get the car cars. Great. We, we, uh, head on down to Hermosa Beach and this is when we learned that the standard for a yellow, so you guys know when you pull up Google Maps or, uh, Maps, whatever, and it's giving you like traffic ahead, ways, whatever, like traffic, you're about to hit traffic, and it'll be yellow if it's like a generous slowdown, and then it'll be red if it's like a dead stop.
The metric for yellow and red, from our experience, Was extremely different than what I'm used to. Yellow. Yellow. It's four cars. Yes. Yellow's four cars. We learned yellow. So if you're in, if you're driving and it's yellow, that means there's going to be four cars in front of you. Red. means there are four cars in front of you and there are also cars to the side of you.
Maps was like, hold up, bitch, you're in traffic. And for like, people who live in Indy, like, 465 is no joke sometimes. Like, you will be stuck depending on the time. If there's a wreck, And, you know, maybe Emily and I, like, just kept hitting the sweet spots, the sweet time. We didn't take the interstate to Hermosa Beach, we took the back roads.
But, actually seeing Tra when I see red on my map in Indy, I go, oh fuck. It's gonna be I don't even need to see it, I'm already in it. I've probably been in it for hours. Yeah, exactly. So it's just like, oh great. So, just to Just seeing that maps were like, all right, LA people, come on, calm down. So then we get to, to Hermosa beach.
It's so beautiful, like just the whole town, the whole vibe, everything was so chill again. Like I was terrified that there wouldn't be parking. That was another thing that like people really acted like there would not have been parking At any point in time, but the only place that there legitimately wasn't parking was like on my street.
Like, like, not my, but the street that we were staying on, where the apartment was. No, you owned it, remember? You said you stayed. Um, hold on, my battery's about to die on my computer.
I guess I can still talk while I do this goofy stuff. But, yeah, so It was really beautiful. And we went to tower 12 for lunch, which is where they, the cast of Vanderpump rules had the epic, uh, James getting tequila in his eye situation. Am I frozen? Okay. Um, and so the, again, the service, everyone was super nice.
The food was good. I will say like. So, compared to Atlanta, prices of food were basically the exact same. But alcohol is much more expensive in California. So, lesson learned. And I, I drink, so next time maybe I need to not do that. But, like, if I'm going on, like, if, if I'm like living there, I would definitely have to cut back on drinking because it's very expensive.
Um, so yeah, we, we were having a great time and then our friend G real bitch of Bravo, she met up with us. She is also lovely. She took us on this great tour of the town and of the beach and we just talked like guys, if you have not had a chance to listen to her podcast or talk to her on the internet, you should.
Must because she is a lovely person. She's such a fun. She's just like so positive vibes It was just like again, I was like worried. What if we meet her and she's like, you know She doesn't like us, you know, how could we possibly know that but It just wasn't that way at all. We went to her apartment, which is lovely.
She has just amazing rooftop where you can see the, like a 360 ocean view, mountain view, just beautiful. And we got to talk to her for a really long time and that was really fun. Well, in the best part, what did she have? She had your essential water. She had my essential water! Because all I can bitch about, I like, even in the best of times, I can always find a problem.
Don't worry. That's my superpower. And my problem was that I get, okay, And I thought I was the only person, she also does this. She does. I get essential water delivered to me in bulk. Okay, don't talk to me about it. I don't care what you think about it. I'm not going to listen to you. Even if you're completely reasonable, it doesn't matter to me.
Okay, I get it delivered in bulk. And so does she. And so I'm sorry if this is outing her. But. Um, I think that we're both like, we are who we are and I drink essential water and that just is what it is. In fact, I would like some right now. So that was, that was so funny sponsored ad. So we have a great time, but then it starts to get like around three or four and we wanted to go to like an ice cream place.
And I really wanted to go to Echo Park. That's the only thing that we did not get to do while we were there. Like. Of the, of the things that I wanted to like hit, maybe there's, I think I kind of did want to go to Santa Monica if we could swing it, but we still went to the beach, so that's fine. Echo Park, Silver Lake was the only thing that I wanted to do that I didn't get to do.
And, that is because, apparently, And I also, I don't know, this is my first time driving in LA, like, you cannot get there unless you get on the interstate. And if there's one thing I was absolutely not fucking gonna do, it's get on the interstate. And we just, we just wanted to go to Fluffy McCloud's. We wanted to go to Fluffy McCloud's, this ice cream or dessert place or whatever.
And it was an impossible task, so, we said okay. You were cracking me up driving too, because, here's the thing, Emily had on her maps, Do not go the interstate and the way that this map tried to trick us and to think that because it's kind of like, and maybe there was, and we just did not see it, but it tried to act like there was a road by an access road that like ran parallel and it was not in the way that Emily kept being like.
I'm not doing it. I'm not, and I was trying to tell me stuff, like update me, there was a thing with Arianna and she would tell me stuff. And like, in the middle of her talking, I'd be like, fuck you. I'm not going there. I wasn't talking to her. I was talking to the TV. Yes. Cause it kept trying to get me on the interstate.
I wasn't going to do it. And I had a decent enough. Like, I have a pretty good sense of direction, particularly when I'm driving. And so like, I knew that we were going like the right way to at least get back to the apartment. But like to get to Echo Park, I had no idea. And I was like, at some point I just gave up.
I said, let, let it be side roads or let it be death. Like, I'm not fucking doing it. Sorry, Fluffies. Sorry, Fluffies. So then we, we brought Jared his car back. He was apathetic.
He was like, oh wait, I have a car? Yeah. Oh my God. Oh, that was another thing. Um, gas, very expensive in L. A. but, again, it's also really expensive in Atlanta right now. I would say, everything from Atlanta expenses, I would say is probably a 15 percent increase. Maybe not even, maybe 10. Somewhere around there.
In L. A., and that's not to say that's not significant, it is. But it's also like, When you really practically think about it, like, if I'm paying 3. 40 for gas, and it's 4. 50 in L. A., like, is that more expensive? Yes. It's not, like, I'm not coming from a place where I'm paying, like, 2 for gas or something, which I think is what people think of Atlanta.
Yeah, yeah. Um, anyway, so, we get back, we decide to drop off the car and go back to the apartment. Um, at this point, I've, my, I've run my course. I was so sleepy. We were so tired. We ended up getting delivery of ice cream from Salt and Straw and it was so good. Did we leave that ice cream? We must have left it there.
We did, but it was so good. So it was so good. It was so good. This is a place where apparently, it usually is a long line. Um, we had to Google it 'cause we're like, okay, long line to LA people probably means four people, right? . But we did see a picture. It did seem like they, it was line. So what I tell you, y'all, when I like clicked deliver, it was there almost immediately.
Immediately it was, and it was not in Koreatown, it was a no little bit away. Absolutely delicious. We ate our ice cream and then we had the best time of our lives. Oh my god. I think this might have been my favorite night. I don't know. It's hard. I have not heard anyone talk about cry laughing watching Vanderbilt Villa, but the best way I can describe it is to watch, watch it with your bestie.
Yeah. Because Emily and I were, I was crying laughing. We were laughing so hard because there's just little moments to talk about. With like a friend and I have not watched it since because I haven't told Brady. I was like, we have to watch this together. Yeah. Um, we had, we had the best time. We really did and it was an innocent time because this is before we knew that one of the main cast members was Yes, literally like a disgusting piece of shit human being with some of the most lurid abuse allegations, so This is before we knew that.
Okay. We did not know this was literally like premiere night. Oh, oh my God. And we did not, we were also in LA the night of the iHeartRadio awards. So I'm also like low key, slowly fading every second. And Lindsay's trying to like, explain to me things like. Jojo Siwa and like what she was doing and what she was wearing and then like Rachel was there and Katie and Dana were there.
There was just like, there was a lot happening. There was a lot happening. And I was like, can we hit up Juliet to get us tickets? We should have, but then we wouldn't have seen Vanderpump Villa. That's true, and honestly, I think we had more fun than you. I think we, I really did. I was like, this is like, we were on the comfy couch.
The best way to describe it is you have to watch it with a friend. That you have good banter with because when Emily, she, she was so tired, she passed out during episode three and I watched it and I did not have as much fun. Oh God, I'm sorry. I wish I could have stayed up. No. I really just could not. You were fine.
And the sun had gotten to me and I'm, I'm a bitch. Boob was burnt and I was going through it. You were fine. You passed out and then you, like, you came to, and then you went to bed and then I passed out, like it was, but it was just funny seeing the difference. I was like, okay, this is a show that you have to watch with someone because you have to like, Narrate how fucking ridiculous it is to like, really like watch what crap and style like you have to like really be invested in every tiny moment or else there's nothing to invest in because at its core, the show is about absolutely the fuck nothing.
No, no, it's about nothing, dude. It is like they take it's Lisa Vanderpump attempting in like this, like extremely vain. Way to take elements of like below deck and is below deck is the summer house and like Vanderpump rules and like put all of these like Bravo hits together to make A show about absolutely fucking nothing.
About people we don't know or care about coming to this place that we don't know or care about and that I'm not fully convinced is actually in Paris or wherever the hell I still think it's probably in like Napa Valley. You too. And like, fly these people out to come stay in a mansion. I don't think that they stay there for real.
They like film scenes. It's so goofy. The people that she hired, aside from the abusive one, I Are all ridiculous, but it's funny because their masks start to fall almost immediately like the ones like, what's her name? Telly or something. Oh my God, she was having us die because the way she was like, she had, look, I understand that she had a story to tell.
But her actions were clearly from her. We mainly see her and she's down in a bottle. What was she drinking? Like Bombay or some shit. Like this is when I started to cry laughing because Lisa asked her like, what did you learn? And she went on to this, like, I need to. I can't remember exactly what you said.
It was like something goofy like, Don't let other people, You know, Walk all over me. Yeah. Instead of being like, Let my light shine. And it's like, no girl. Don't drink 750ml of fucking Bombay. Oh my God, you guys, it just was a little, and then there was a moment where like Lisa's having this serious conversation and her dog is just sitting in the middle laying on the table.
Oh my God. She's like talking about like possibly about first of all, how touching and wonderful one of the services and then possibly firing another or something. And the dog is just like, and you think it's like a, you think it's like a Accent. Well, I didn't. No, but it was a good job because we realized there were two dogs.
There was two. I was like, this. The fact that these people had to go in and sit down, like, for fucking real in front of her. I died. Oh my god, that was so funny. So we got a good, I think we got some good. Rest. Yeah. Um, and then that prepared us for a big day of, of adventures and activities. And we're going to wrap this up guys.
This is going to be a four hour podcast, but I think it's worth it. I hope you guys are enjoying this. You're welcome. Now this is what I'll put a timestamp for those that just want the Jack story. Um, but listen to the rest of it cause we had a great time. So this day we wanted to go do, like, finish, tie up some loose ends of things that we wanted to go see.
So, um, Lindsey is a big Betty White fan. She wanted to go see Betty White's walk. Uh, sorry, I'm not laughing about that because I just remembered something. That I forgot about our trip to Hollywood Walk of Fame. Um, The Taco Bell. Yes. I just remembered that in this moment. Okay. So we're going to the Walk of Fame so that she can see the Betty White star.
And then like, I like to see. The like old Hollywood stuff, the, Oh, the other thing I didn't get to do, uh, was like Runyon Canyon and at Runyon Canyon is where the silent film history preserve museum is, but they are, they have crazy hours that we wouldn't have been able to make. So that's why we didn't do that.
But next year, anyway. So, first of all, the trip there was daunting. Now, we had had, so far, extremely great. We did not have problems with traffic. We had great drivers. The driver that we had the night of my birthday was, like, so cool and efficient and, like, whatever. It was easy, easy, easy. This final day The drivers were out to get us, dude.
They were trying to set us up. Each, each way we were going was about like anywhere from a 10 to 20 minute ride. The way these drivers were like, I'm going to get you there in two minutes. And the way that Emily was holding on to her, to her, the oh shit handle and me, I'm a best story now because during this time, the reunion looks came out.
So I'm trying to like create content meanwhile, I'm like, I'm going to throw up. The thing was, it was like every single ride, like there was one that wasn't as bad, but they, they got worse. And I kept telling Lindsay, Lindsay, you have to be off your phone. She'd be like, I know, but I think that every, we didn't expect it.
Like every time we didn't expect it, but this guy, dude, it's like, where are you going? It was Sunday morning. We were seriously, we were out and about like nine or 10 o'clock in the morning. We were Tuesday. Or t Okay, was it Tuesday? Time. Yeah, it was our last day, yeah. But it was Tuesday! It was a Tuesday! It was 9 o'clock in the morning.
We were not in a rush. We were not in We were truly trying to kill time. It's so like these guys, they were like, it was every time that we stopped, I had to like brace for impact for the next time. Oh my God. It's just so funny. Um, so then after we get out of that first Uber. And I also have really bad car sickness.
Right, first of all. We vomit everywhere. No, I also have really bad car sickness for real and I cannot, I normally in normal situations with my friends in real life that are used to me and put up with me to a certain extent I always have to sit in the front of Ubers. I never sit in the back. But I didn't want you to feel I I really did not want to come off as as high maintenance as maybe I was feeling You could have for sure my mom gets car sick.
So she has to do that, too but it wasn't a problem with all the other ubers until that last day and then I was like i'm gonna i'm literally gonna vom or else i'm gonna explode like I don't know like what's gonna happen like my My like I had like a sinus headache after the last one. Anyway, so like we You We get to the Hollywood Walk of Fame and I'm like, well, now I have to pee because a, I have the bladder of a small child and two, like, we were shook.
We were literally shook though. And so I was like, well, uh, Somewhere there has to be like a public bathroom or something. Like, I know it's going to be nasty, but it can't be worse than SERS. So let's just like find it. So we find the star and we take a picture and then I go to the Starbucks. There was a Starbucks on the corner and I was like, Hey, you guys have a bathroom?
They were like, no, but, um, Taco Bell, if you go into Taco Bell and buy something, they'll let you use the bathroom. I was like, ain't no way in hell. I was like, this Taco Bell, like it's 10 o'clock in the morning. What are they even serving? They're gonna pass us out. We also, again, the car ride, neither of us after the car ride were wanting Taco Bell.
No. We said no thank you. Absolutely not. Okay? So, we go into the Taco Bell, and it was like, they treated us like royalty, dude. Dude. Yeah. I was like, holy shit. I've never been I was waiting for my shoe to get shined. I was literally, I've never been that respected in a Taco Bell in my life. In my life! And I had one of my best friends work there for years.
I've never been treated so nicely. I was like, they were like, oh my god, guys! Huh, what are you gonna have? We were like, um, and I'm like struggling. She, she starts reading off the menu items. I was like, I'm going to be, I'm going to level with you. Like, we're really only buying something to use the bathroom.
So like, you know, I, I don't, let me think about it. Cause I'm not really hungry. And she goes, Oh my God, listen, if you just donate 1 or 5 or something to the children, no, she, she, okay. She asked me to donate 1, I had a 5, and I said, you can just keep it, or something. And she gave me the change back in quarter Dollar bill like yeah, coin dollars even though I told her to keep it.
She was like don't even worry about it Happens all the time and then she goes and unlocks by the way Taco Bell bathrooms Very nice in comparison to fucking sir, and we both got to go
One, she like waited for us. She like was like a tendon. I was like, Whoa, dude. Like, I just, I've just remembered that that happened. And I'm like, why was she so nice to us? Like service really, truly. And so then we left and then I wanted to go, I wanted to see Chateau Marmont where Michelle Lally. Does business.
Um, I wanted to see, basically I just wanted to see some stuff and we didn't stop, but I did get to see all of it. So that's fine. I wanted to see Dobrik's pizza because it's just like, I just needed to know. And I did get to see that through the car. And then I wanted to see the Viper room. My friend, Stephanie, she wanted me to, um, take a picture.
And I really did want to see like Viper room. Cause it's like a huge historical thing. And we also wanted to see the billboard for the Valley, which was like, right. Across the street from the Viber room from what I remember, wasn't it like extremely close? Yep, it was right there. Yep. And so then we realized that we did not get a picture of the Sir Alley when we had been at the restaurants the couple nights before.
And so we just walked down and again, the way that people talk about L. A. like you can't get anywhere without a car is just not Our experience and I know you just walk. Oh, yeah, you just walk I mean like technically yes, we started out in hollywood and then we were kind of in west hollywood and then I don't know but It was totally fun.
We just did not have any issues and we went to the SIR parking lot and we, the SIR alley, and we took pictures even though there's an ugly green van blocking our picture taking. Literally. But it was still, it was still cute. And um, so then we went to the Grove because I wanted to go to the Grove. And oddly, I feel like we spent the most time at the Grove in Barnes Noble.
We did. It was, it was a very Big Barnes Noble and had fun things to look at. It was the biggest Barnes Noble I've ever heard of or seen in my life. Um, The Grove is just like an outdoor shopping mall and it's just like popular. I found out later that the apartments where Trisha Paytas used to film all of her like videos crying on the kitchen floor and like chicken nugget and all of that that we were right next to those apartments so that was cool.
And then, um, we, I got a lobster roll, we ate in the little open air market, it was just like a really good, so good. Everything was really good. Um, and then when we were leaving, we did get a Tesla as a Uber, uh, you know, we just by happenstance and I could tell. That the woman's energy Well, she had race car gloves!
She had race car gloves on! And that should have been our first checkered flag, as it were. Um, but she was really, like, high energy and I'm not gonna make any speculations any more than I usually do on this podcast, but I wondered later, like, how long had she been driving? And, like, Is this her main source of income and what is she trying to support by driving?
But anyway, so we're in this Tesla and again, every car ride we've had, I didn't even talk about it, but the Uber from Hollywood to West Hollywood, that one wasn't too bad. Then the Uber from West Hollywood to the Grove was a little sketchy. And then we get in this one and it by far took the cake. I don't know if you would agree, but I would, because first of all, it was a Tesla, which I thought they were known for like being smooth again.
It was about a 20 minute drive to the apartment. And this bitch was like, I'll get you in there. And. We're in the backseat and me and Emily are talking for a second, but then we can't throw up. Meanwhile, she keeps like abruptly stopping and at one point she, she stopped and she, the way that the car, she goes, I actually lost oxygen.
She gasped. I gasped. She gasped. So loud. And Emily, I could tell, was trying not to, was trying to keep it together because you then looked out the window and I was trying to hold, I was trying not to laugh so hard because guys, I literally, I went, and I was like, I mean. I don't know. Do we like cough to play it off?
Like, cause we don't want to be rude, but it's also like this lady is driving like a maniac. Like it was, I lost oxygen. Yeah. You lost oxygen. It was like. So we got, we got there in three minutes. Oh God. We got there so fast, which was tight, but also like I needed a long break from being an Uber's. Um, and then, so we hung out at the apartment for a bit.
My friend Juliet, who I love, she came over just to see cause she lives in LA and I haven't seen her in years. So we hung out with her for a little bit and then our schedule was really tight. Like we really didn't have like time to chill. Um, you know, and then we, I got ready to go to Burbank or to go to Studio City to go to Jax's.
And this is the infamous story of, of the night with Jax. So we got there, uh, this was probably the most traffic that we hit the entire time. But again, Reasonable amount of traffic. It was moving traffic. Yeah. When I think of traffic, I think of, like, stop. Gridlock. Yes. Yeah, the way that they described LA, but it was moving.
This, but this was the most traffic we saw, and the furthest, I think, that we went to. Definitely. Definitely. Um, yeah, Jackson studio city is not close to like the West Hollywood bars necessarily. Um, so we get there and my friend Katie, who I love Katie Thompson shout out. You guys have heard her on my podcast several times before she is literally really.
Exactly as hilarious and wonderful as she is on the podcast. She is such a delight. I love her so much. If you're listening, Katie, I love you. Um, come visit me in Vienna. Cry laughing. I forgot that you guys hadn't met in person before. I would have never guessed that. Your guys was like, Yeah. Chemistry.
She's, and she's so, guys, I can't describe how funny she is. She, she got a dog. She, oh my God, she's insane. So we, okay, we hit that, we hit a lot of happy hours. I don't know, like just our timing or whatever, but we had a happy hour. So, uh, we got a little, we got some wings. In a drink and then we at Rocco's, which is Jackson studio city is attached to Rocco studio city.
And so then we walked our happy little behinds over. Oh my God. We haven't even talked about the reservation situation in LA. Like everything again, everything worked out very well for us. We didn't have any issues getting any reservations at any point anywhere. When it came to Jackson's, it was a little different because they like.
You know, emphasize that you needed to have a reservation to go to the viewing party. And so Lindsay reached out because instead of just having like an open table or a resi, they were like, you need to email us. And so she did, and then the reply back was like We 100 percent think it was Cruz who replied back.
It was Cruz. It had to be. It was like, MySpace, HTML. It was like, I mean, it was nuts. Yes, you have to email, and literally, I think I put in the email like, Hey Um, just want to make sure you're doing a viewing party. We'd love to make a reservation. Um, we have three people and I, I don't, first of all, the message back was in blue, very aggressive.
I can't remember exactly what it said, but it was just so, um, I could feel the chaotic energy in the email. And so, but you know what? We had a table. Table and we it, you know, and it was so funny when we literally, I, I can't describe it, but as we were walking from Roscoe's to Jack's, um, Rocco's. Yeah, right there.
Or sorry, Rocco. Sorry. Mm-Hmm. I keep saying Roscoe Rocco's. Jack's literally walked in right in front of us. And it was just a wild moment. He's, he's much better looking in person than on TV, I think. And not even like, not even much better, but it's just like, it's kind of like a one to one ratio. He looks in real life like he does on TV.
And I guess he probably looks better right now in the Valley than he Did maybe like circus seasons four or five, you know, a Vanderpump so different to me in person. I, but the thing he wasn't bloated Jacks, which I'm not, he's very thin. Like when Jack, when Jack's was partaking in lots of, not that he's not, I don't know.
We just have seen Jacks. He had the bloat. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And so in person he, no, that mustache still is the creepiest fucking thing. He in person. I was like, wow, you actually like do look better in person and just to see him in the wild Was wild it was oh, man. I don't even know. Well, we don't know what to say We're watching that.
So when we first got there It because they, they, they had the, the East code feet. So there was already playing and watch what happens live was playing. And I know Emily said earlier that Jax was trying to play like, you know, he wasn't nervous guys. He was glued to that TV. He has his leg up on the table watching like.
A hawk, like reading the captions to see every single thing that Brittany had to say. And then at one point, some women came up, like they were going to sit there and they're kind of just looking at him and he doesn't really notice them at first. And then he looks over and he goes, sorry, I, uh, I feel like, I think I'm getting divorced on live TV and like Lindsay and Katie were talking, so they didn't hear him.
And I was like, Oh my God, Lindsay, did you hear what you just said? Oh my fucking God. And then I like took the Instagram. He definitely said that. Now, was he being exaggeratory? For sure. But, uh, he definitely said that. And he was glued to the TV. And he was glued to the TV. Um, and that's just important context for later.
Uh, but then he finally sat down when it was time to watch Vanderpump. So, Vanderpump comes on. And I guess they usually have karaoke on, I don't know, Monday nights? Yeah. So they have a microphone. And, Jax keeps getting up from the center seat, which I guess is the VIP seating. And he keeps getting up to go to the microphone to like tell us stuff on the microphone.
And the first thing he wants to tell us is that Tom Schwartz and his girlfriend are so happy and they're in Hawaii right now having the time of their lives. The first time he didn't have his microphone. Yes, we and we were right behind. Oh, right. He turned around to us. Yes. Turned around. He's just dead in the eye.
Yes, he did. And was like, just to let you all know, Schwartz is very, very happy. He's in Hawaii right now with his girlfriend and then someone, he had a little crew with him. Their hi, his heightman. None of them were Jerry O'Connell, by the way. Oh, that's, okay, side note, Emily, that night, not even, like, drunk or anything, thought every tall, white male was Jerry O'Connell.
And the way that it made me laugh so much, she was like, no, I think that, and I was like, Emily, Jerry O'Connell is not in this building. I know that he has been I wanted him to be there so bad. I was like, is Emily the biggest Jerry O'Connell stan? Like, what is happening? I don't know, I guess so. And then she started asking other people around us, Is that Jerry O'Connell?
And I was like, oh my god. So, um, Um, Jerry did not join us that night, but he had other hype men and someone was like, give Jax the mic. So Jax, you know, that fueled his ego, so he even had a mic for the rest of the night. He sure did. And so he started doing commentary and I don't need to like go over it, I don't think because if you know, you know, the viral video of him ranting about how everything on Vanderpump Rules is fake, everything is, uh, You know, a storyline, the producers, uh, come up with shit, and the cast follows, whatever the hell he was saying.
He definitely said that, and I think he said it more than once, because he started kind of mumbling it to himself and to his people, and then he takes the mic and starts saying it on the mic loud enough for the people to catch it on video. Then we get to the point where Lala makes a joke about the trash bag, and she says, Ariana, don't you have a trash bag commercial?
Like, take out your trash, which is just like a sassy confessional thing to say. Uh, got a great laugh from the room, and Jax never laughed harder in his life. He thought it was the funniest fucking thing, and he goes, Uh, I'm really, I'm really mad at Sheena and Lala right now, but I'm gonna text her because that was really funny.
He says that on the mic. And then we, I saw her, he was texting. Yes. And so I kept kind of, I wanted to get a picture with Jax. Now I know that that's controversial. I certainly don't think, I mean, listen, how I felt was this, and when we talked about it before we went on a trip, who would we most be intimidated to, to see, or who would like turn us off?
I said, I would be most interested to see how Jax acts and I was, and I would be most afraid to be like, Interacting with like James or Stassi and, uh, did not have to worry about either of them, of course. But I was very interested from the get go in, in Jax's behavior. He's a fascinating person. He really has no self, like, spatial or self awareness.
And so basically, I'm going back and forth. Our friend, Shabana, uh, she joined us. Me, Katie. Katie had to leave. She comes back, though. Don't worry. We have Bye. Thank you. Dude. When, when Shabana came, she came with a guy named Craig, who has his own podcast. He used to be a part of Pump'd podcast, and then they had a situation, I guess, and so then, now he has the Pump Rules podcast, and Lara has the Sexy Unique podcast.
So anyway, Craig was there with Shabana. And they sit with us, and we just have a grand old time, and I'm like, Shabana, when should I go up and ask him for a picture? Finally, I go up and ask him for a picture, or I really start to just interrogate him. Which is like, how I like to do things, okay? I did this to Kyle Cook from Summer House as well.
I like to just go up and start asking questions, and get as many answers as I can. I'm like, why don't you like Sheena? And, and you are going to have to, if you can, like by this point now, I wasn't drunk when I got there, but now by the time we're up at a point of like, I'm talking to Jax, I had had a couple of drinks, so what from your perspective was going on?
So yeah, yeah. You went up there, um, you're like, I'm going to take a pic. Well, first you're like, um, excuse me, do you guys think this is a good time? Or like, oh yeah, like it had just, um. When I'm like commercial break or whatever and so you go up there and I was talking to Craig and I think he was like, Oh, wait, is she going to want someone to take the picture and I was like, you know what, she probably will.
And I was like, let me go up there. And so I'm just, I'm just standing there quietly. Um, and they're talking. And when I got into the conversation, that is when, um, Jack's was saying how, um, This is just so wild that he was saying this, that basically Sheena was just a really bad mom. She's always, she pawned her kid off to grandma and, um, she's never home.
And he's literally saying this. He's saying that she like, she just like parties all the time and goes out and drinks and parties and doesn't take care of her kid. Well, I'm very hinted at like Sheena partakes in things. Yeah, he said she does drugs. That's what he said, but he didn't say what kind, but that doesn't matter.
Clearly, he was projecting because I was like, where's Cruz right now, Jax? Brittany, if you want to watch what happens live, you're here. You always post her at the bar. I'm not here. You know what? My thing is, I'm not even, I've never said I don't think Jax is never with his kid, but the way that you're talking right now about Shayna, I'm like, What is happening.
Right. But Emily and I are not about to get in a fight with Mr. Jax Taylor. No. So we just let him talk. Of course. You know, we'll just like We both work with children. We know how to fucking handle these kind of Exactly. I'm sorry, I don't mean to come off it like some type of way, but like, I feel like people are like, oh, why didn't you say this and why didn't you do that?
And it's like, when someone's in a state that Jax was in, whether he got the Whether he gets there like naturally or not. You're not going to he wasn't rude y'all but it it's just no by any means Energy is like one that You got to engage with in a really specific way, particularly if you're like me, I wanted to come back with some tea for you guys.
So I wanted to have answers to some questions. And if I sit here and I'm arguing with him, I'm not going to get anywhere. So you have to kind of show a little bit and that's just, that just, that's, that's the name of the game. I don't know what else to say. No, we absolutely, like we were very kind to him.
And here's the thing with Jax, he, I'm not, I will say this. He took the time, anyone who asked a picture, anyone who wanted to have a conversation. Now, I think me and Emily actually had the longest conversation with him. Yeah, and then I went back for seconds later, which I just remember. You did. And then you, like, he took the time, so he was talking about that.
And then, um, you asked him about, like, you know, was he nervous? He said no. And then, um, We talked to him about the bathrooms and that, that's when he was like, he, he misunderstood. He thought you were saying their bathrooms are gross. He was like, well, what? Which is funny because I think if you were, which you never, that would be such a weird thing.
Right. But I guarantee if you would have said that he would have been like, well, I didn't clean them. Um, but because he said how good they were, he was like, he was like, I was like, he was like, I was on my hands and knees cleaning those bathrooms. And I was just like, okay, Jax, we walked in with you, bro. We walked into the restaurant with you.
You were literally. And so you, you asked him of like, was there going to, is there going to be a season two of the valley? And this was my favorite. He was like, Um, I know, and he's like smirking so hard. He's like, but I can't say, but he was like, I created this. He like took his finger and spun it around. He was like this show.
Oh my God. I created it. And I'm like, boy, your name, you know, whose name is on executive producer. You're your manager, Ryan, you're not on it. So anyway, we're like, Oh, wow. Um, and then people are like, is there going to be a season 12 of Vanderpump? And he was very much like. I don't, I I know that I, I don't know.
I couldn't Did you have to say his vibe with that? I think, I think that he, I don't think he knows for sure. Yeah. Or I think that he knows that there's gonna be like some major type of like change or that changes, or that things are in like in limbo. But he wanted to be like, Oh, I know that too, but I can't say, and I don't think he actually knows.
And another interesting side note too, the reason why he said, cause you know, he went on the podcast later on and apologized for that rant, but he said that he had found something out that Sheena said that really made him mad. Which again, to me, makes sense that why he retaliated that night was going off about her.
In his mind, it doesn't just let you know, that's not logical, but I understood that his mind, why that made sense for him to do that. Um, and so I don't know what he found out or, you know, what Sheena could have just, who knows, she could have not said anything that would have pissed him off. Um, he just, but that, um, yeah, that was interesting talking to him and then I think.
That was the, the gist of the conversation, right? That was all from that, um, But then you talked to him later on. I talked to him later on. I have no, I have, I haven't the slightest, I haven't the foggiest. Sorry, the main part, so guys, again, I stood up there to take a picture of me and Jax, and then Jax, in all of his hubris, assumed that Lindsey wanted him, wanted to take a picture of me Oh, like he thought she wanted a picture with him and she did not necessarily want that.
No, he grabbed me in and we, and I don't know if you remember this. This was so, I was talking this to Brady. He was like, Brady always gets on to me because my glasses are always dirty. And my phone is like, I don't, it just, I, I wife, I don't know. I'm sorry guys. It just is. Jack. So as we're trying to take the selfie.
He literally grabs my phone and he cleaned my camera off. Yes, he did. He did. I was dying. Guys, like when I tell you I've had random people, like I'm talking to them and they're like, let me see your glasses, and they'll wipe them off. Yeah. The way then, and then I'm like, oh my God, I'm not blind anymore. I don't know, guys.
It, it just, it is what it is about me. Yeah. When he cleaned my phone off with his shirt, I was like, what is life? And then we took a selfie and I was like, I have to post this because the story behind it, well, the people were not mad. We're, we're very upset that I posted a photo with Jax, but I don't, again, the story is so funny.
Um, it, you know, I mean, no regrets, no regrets. And guys, like, I do understand to some extent being like, why would you even take a picture with someone like that? But it's like, I don't know. I'm going to be honest. It's like I'm already in the fucking trenches. Like, why would I even watch this trash show?
Like a lot of these people are completely like. So I don't know where, like, I understand for you drawing the line for yourself, not you, Lindsey, but the listeners. But my line was, Like, James and Stassi, and I was like, if for some reason I was in the same vicinity, I would not have felt comfortable going up and being like, taking, like, I can't, the idea of having taken a picture with James, like, just the idea that I would do that, like, makes my, like, skin crawl, so, No, but I didn't feel that way about Jackson's and I know that that doesn't make it better for some people, but I felt like taking a picture with Jackson's fair game.
I feel like obviously I would have taken a picture with Sheena. I don't know if I would have taken a picture with Chris. I don't know if I took a picture with Chris and that I would have posted it. I would have taken a picture with Schwartz. I would have taken a picture with Sandoval too. I'm going to be a hundred percent with you.
Um, if the opportunity, I mean, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. No. And I think, I think that's fine. But I would have taken one. No, I'm not being dramatic like literally someone tried to make a reddit post about how like disappointed they were in me It was like this whole thing and I was just like what is this problem?
Not her fault. It was me blame Yeah, but just be mad at me But just to be clear even if I had decided to take a picture with Jax because I was there in the moment I think That would have, like, I, I think that was fine, um, because we were there for that experience. We were at Jax's, how much more offensive can we have been, you know?
Right, exactly, but my intent was not to get a photo with him, but it's just so funny that he just assumed, so therefore I got a picture. Well then, uh, you, like, still wanted a picture, like, just, like, with him. Um, because you said you had a bet with your friend, right? Yeah, I did. And so I just wanted to get a picture of just me and him, uh, and I wasn't going to tell him about the bet or whatever, but, but when I went out to get another picture, we did talk about more stuff, but guys, I'm going to be honest, I don't remember what we talked about.
Um, he was very talkative and very, he was like entertaining us for all of what we had to say. And then. I also talked to his, like, business partner for a little bit. I didn't know that. Yes, dude. I was like on one. I was like, I have to ask everybody all the questions and, and um, then I just kind of came away with the only thing I could think was like, how could he be mean to Sheena?
That's all I cared about. Yes, you were advocating for Ms. Sheena Shea. That's all I do. That's what I do. That's what I live for. That's why I drove out to L. A. actually. Flew out. Specifically to navigate for Sheena Shea. God. Oh my god. So then I think, so towards the end of the night like he was coming back and forth to the bar.
He was doing a lot of shots. There was a woman who came up and very much seemed like she was waiting on him. And it wasn't Lori Kaye, right? It was not Lori. Okay. It was, it, no. This was, this, I mean, no offense to Lori, but this woman was like younger. She looked like, she looked like the type of L. A. girl that I was worried about earlier.
You know what I mean? Gotcha. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Like, intimidating, beautiful, like, straight out of, you know, Hollywood. Um, and so I don't know. I also swear to God, I think Francia Reza was there. I don't know why the hell she would be at Jackson Studio City, but a girl that either is or looks very much like Francia Reza, and I had to like, look at her.
I was like, why the hell would she be here? Emily, I love you, but I'm not going to take your word for when it comes to Pete. You thought everyone was, I'm not going to believe that she was there. I was like, Jerry O'Connell, my boy. Um, so, so Jack sleeps with this girl. Meanwhile, Katie comes back. What the world's cutest fucking puppy and she was like, guys, I got a puppy.
It was just so, Oh my God. Maybe you had to be there, but just like knowing Katie, like it was just such a like. It was such a moment. She's just so wonderful. She left, she had fully left. She was like, guys, I got to go like tired. She'd been talking about puppies, but again, like I was kind of distracted. So I didn't know what the hell she was talking about.
And then she comes back and she just had a puppy. I was like, you are the goat dude. So then we had, well, before that we did have the beer cheese and it, I will be honest, it looked, the pretzel was bomb. It looks better in person. It is fine. However, like, we have a place here, um, called like Brew Burger. Like, we have, like, we have beer cheese a lot in Indiana and the Mammal Beer Cheese, I'm not gonna lie, it's nothing to rave about.
It's not a strong flavor. Um. Well, it's also whipped. Oh, yeah, it's whipped. Yes. It's not like a queso dip. It's like a whipped cheese. The first picture that I remember seeing of it, it looked like pimento cheese, but in person it is whipped. And again, it, it is fine. Um, but it's nothing to like go crazy about.
I've had much better and like stronger flavored beer cheese. One hundo. and survived. One hundo. And um, I just, I, I'm going to be honest. I did not think it was fine. I thought it was kind of gross. So that was my takeaway, but I was also distracted. So who knows? Um, by the way, other, the rest of the Rocco's food was great.
Food that we had in LA, I think were great. Oh, well, and to clarify. We didn't even talk about the brie cheese that we ate all week. Oh, well, that was, but to clarify too, because I know some people are confused. So like the way that Jack Jackson, there's. There's a few specific items that you can just get at Jack's.
So like the beer, cheese, I think there's some drinks and I think there's maybe some another food item. There's like a burger. Other than that, you then get a menu and instead of saying Rocco's, it says Jack's. So instead of saying. But it's the exact same type font, it's the same menu. But it just says.
Exact same thing. Jack's is wings. Yes. Jack's is tacos. Correct. It's actually. Yeah. It's very funny. Um, however, I think it, I mean, I don't know obviously the business side, but I, this was probably the smarter way for Jax if he wanted to do this, because I can't imagining, imagine that guy having his own establishment.
No. So, you know, having a side piece with a tent over it, you know, and I will say like. Sitting there like it was. Look, we had a fun time. Okay. We did, we did . We had a great time. I'll say it, I'll say it. We did, I'll say it. Shit. I'll say it with my full chest. With your full chest girl. And then yeah, we, we ended up staying there.
We, we talked a lot and, um, and we, we left and headed back to the apartment for the last night. Yep. And then, um. I was, I was kind of hungover on my plane, but I actually slept almost the entire way home. Um, which I did not think I, I could ever sleep on a plane, but I got one of those neck pillows. Yeah. And, um, I just Knocked out and it was just fine.
And the, the ride home is shorter than the ride there for some reason. So it was pretty, it was pretty chill getting home. And then as soon as I landed in Atlanta, it was just like, I was annoyed. Like I was so sad and I wanted to go back. Um, so. And I still want to go back. I, and I know that there were people that reached out that wanted to hang out, both people that are fans of the podcast and like friends in my personal life.
And I want to assure you all, if you're still listening, like I want to go back, but it's just about like. I mean, I don't want to lie to say I did for what it's worth. I did try to say, um, like, financially, it's not the most feasible. I think that again, cannot express enough. Had it not been for your all donations and generosity and then, like, you know, people sending me like birthday money or like my dad, you know, had it not been for those circumstances, like, leading to us having that extra funding, like.
I don't know if it would have been, I don't think it would, I wouldn't have been able to make it happen. I personally wouldn't have been able to make it happen. So thank you guys because it truly Know that if you sent us anything, you contributed to at least a trip of, like, my life. I mean, I had the best time of my adult life.
Oh, yeah. Hands down. Definitely in my top, like, top vacations. We, it was so many, so many laughs, and like I said, it was so nice, um, Like, meeting you in person, just like, and everyone, like, we got to, It just truly was a fantastic time. It was really great. So, Oh my God. Well, guys, we've been just going and going for some time and I've got to get to editing so I can put out all of my stuff.
So listen, I will have Meredith Lynch on the podcast. I believe I'll be dropping that. Hopefully. I'm going to try to stick to Saturday since you guys are used to that, but maybe Friday if I'm feeling frisky and, uh, Lindsay will be back. I don't know. We haven't figured out if she'll be back to the finale or one of the reunion episodes, but she will be back for at least one more.
Um, just to kind of round out this experience. Thank you guys for listening. Lindsay, where can they find you? Yeah, you can hit me up on Instagram at Vanderpod Recaps and then on Reddit, um, if you ever see the name, I just know more. 8759, that's me. That's you and you guys already know where to find me at who tf knows emily rose that who tf knows emily rose On instagram i'm gonna post pictures and put them in a highlight so you guys can look at them and um, have fun and all of the good things and wtfk emily rose on Twitter and honestly guys, it's late.
And so i'm just I love you and I will talk to you guys later. Bye