Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Getting rid of the "Guilty Pleasure" adage one podcast at a time...
Each week Emily Rose will dive into different pop culture topics, and tell you what TF you need to know about them!
Special thanks to: LD Green III for Intro/Outro music "Lord of the Dance" Streaming Everywhere!
Artwork Photographer: Ques Williams for Midas Touch Creative Group
Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
"Jax Attack" Vanderpump Rules Recap ft Meredith Lynch!!
Emily Rose welcomes TikTok creator, Comedienne, Podcaster and Pop Culture expert Meredith Lynch to recap Vanderpump Rules episode Season 11 Episode 13 "Jax Attack"!! What happens when a Katie stan and a Scheana simp get together?? With two reasonable, invested fans... a really good podcast episode!! Be sure to tune in to this one!!
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Hello, hello, hello. This is Who the Fuck Knows with Emily Rose. I'm Emily Rose, here to recap this week's Vanderpump Rules episode, Jack's Attack, with none other than Meredith Lynch. Now before I let her say hello, I'm gonna Bogart the entire thing here. You guys might be familiar with Meredith a few ways.
You might be familiar with her because she was unfortunately on the receiving end of, I believe, To cease and desist from some New York socialites, uh, in a very short period of time. She is a very famous and very funny tick talker, uh, Bravo and pop culture commenter. She has a great Instagram page and now she is hosting her own podcast called oddly specific.
Everybody welcome Meredith Lynch. How are you doing? Thank you so much. What a beautiful introduction. Thank you. And thank you for remembering that I, yes, I have gotten two cease and desists. A lot of people only remember one of them, but yes, the first one, you never forget your first. Thank you, Rachel Zoe.
Oh my God. It's a deep cut for some Bravo fans out there, but yes, Rachel Zoe, who used to be on Bravo. Uh, and yeah, I'm really excited to be here and talk a little VPR with you. Yes. And I'm so excited to have you. I want to know because you're really in the Tik TOK sphere. Like that is your bread and butter.
That's where you like really shine and thrive. And so you're getting like the Tik TOK, uh, rundowns of what's going on in VPR. Whereas I, in addition to like engaging the content and have the podcast, I'm also, I'm, I'm on Reddit a lot. And Reddit is actually, uh. Often almost drives me into a manic state, um, went through one of those today and I just had to come out of it, you know what I'm saying, sometimes you have to just talk your way through it.
So what is the, what is the vibe that you're getting? And if you could just give the listeners like your overall thoughts, maybe just cast members, discourse, like what are you feeling right now about this season? Okay, so I get a lot of my Vanderpump Rules tea via TikTok and Instagram. I don't go, I kind of have a little rule, um, for myself that I don't go on Reddit because there's lots of mean comments about me on Reddit, and so I just like had to put a self ban for me on Reddit.
So I don't really go on there, but I respect, you know, I respect, I respect Reddit. I get that people like it, but like, you see enough posts where you're like, Meredith Lynch is a fucking moron. Oh, wait, can we swear on this podcast? You definitely can. But let me just say that because when, cause you were on Molly McAleer's live show and I was out there for, uh, Rob Schulte in LA for Rob Schulte's live show.
You did the show. Yeah, I did the show and. Uh, before I did, I was like looking up everybody online and I was like, I know, I know Meredith has been like, I knew you were on Ryan Bailey. You were also on, um, is it Adam Carolla's wife has a podcast. Yes. His ex wife. Yeah. Lynette. Oh my God. I'm like obsessed with her and also their friends with another set of podcasters that I love.
Um, yeah. Uh, uh, another podcast network anyway. So I like, I was familiar with you in that way, but I was like, I don't remember if there's anything on Reddit. So I looked and there wasn't anything terrible that I saw. Okay. It's not that bad, but like, it's enough to make you feel like actually, this is funny, the reason that I named my podcast oddly specific is because.
There was this Reddit post that was like, Hey, um, I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but I can't stand Meredith Lynch. And then someone wrote back in and they were like, no, I totally agree. First of all, I was happy for them because like, it's always hard to be alone in your opinion. So at least they had like, they had a supporter.
Yes, but they were the supporter was like, I hate that she remembers like the most random things from a million years ago. And then she like goes off on tangents about them. And I was like, wait, that's the bed. Like, that's the point. So when I went to name the podcast, I was like, I'm going to call it. I'm literally naming it after one of my Reddit dislike.
I'm not going to call it a hate post, but dislike posts. Well, it was a very hater vibe. It was a little hater opinion. Yeah. So, and it was so great to meet you when you were out here in LA and you did such a great job at the show. And, you know, I will just say to people like, If you have an opportunity to come to some of these shows in person, go like I'm doing a live show next week with Molly McPherson.
Do you know she's like the PR girl, right? Yes. So jealous. I want to pick her brain. Have so many questions. Oh, well, we'll get you connected, but anyway, I just, you know, if you, if you, when podcasters come to your town, come see us, we're excited to see you, especially if you live in Atlanta guys, because all of the, the L the podcasts that you love that are based in New York and LA, especially LA, they don't come down here.
Cause you guys don't come out to the shows. And then I'm sad. I have to fly out to LA. So come on, save me some money, go to the shows. So I will say to get back to your original question, you know, here's what I'm, here's what I'm seeing. Um, I'm, I'm seeing that I will, that I'm a Katie Stan and I will forever be a Katie.
I love Katie. Katie is my girl. I think if I was friends with anyone on Vanderpump rules, Katie It would be Katie. I think we would actually get along very well, not to be like parasocial about it. Right. I love Ariana, but like she's too, she's like way too pop, like in the sense that like we could be friends, but like, I'd be like, oh my God, she's so positive and nice.
Like Katie's more my vibe where it's like, okay. Like we're a little cynical. Yeah. So I'm seeing that in my Katie Stan. I know there's like a lot of tension between Lala and, um, Ariana, it seems, but also like last I'm watching this episode and like Lala's there and Ariana's there and everything seems fine.
So I was kind of like, we'll get into it. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, that's what I'm seeing. And then also I'm seeing, you know, of course, there's sort of seems like there's this crossover, but now, which is smart on Bravo's part between the Valley and Vanderpump rules, right. With the Jackson, Britney stuff. Right.
Right. I think like, yeah, this episode especially highlighted that obviously. And I think with Lala, for me, Lala has always been the same. I didn't particularly champion her for her behavior last season, but people did because they hated Raquel. And then now that Lala is doing what I think she's, she does quite well, which is ride the fence flip flop, even though people always say that Sheena, like Lola does that almost brilliantly because she never gets called out for it.
Right. So she's better about it. She's, uh, she's in a weird spot, I think, where I think the audience has to understand that I don't, she's, she's self motivated a lot, and so I don't think that she ever was super close with Ariana, and so I think that she does have this perspective where she can kind of step back, but I feel like a lot of the fandom is kind of like You You're my fav if you're yelling at my least fav type of thing.
And then if you're not, then I hate you. Um, but I don't like Lala very much, but I see what she's doing. Yeah. I mean, I don't think sometimes Sheena even realizes that she's playing the game. I think Sheena is our next Britney Spears and I want for the world to recognize that. Um, I really think Sheena is, I truly think Sheena is very much It's not just about, like, people are always calling her out for making things all about herself.
I don't think she makes things all about herself. I think she is literally In a world that is all about herself. I don't think she can see outside of herself and I'm not going to fault her for it. Uh, does she, does she say extremely and do extremely cringy things? Yes, but that's okay because they all do and we all have our favorites.
You're a Sheena Stan, aren't you? I'm a Sheena Stan, but I, but. I'm open to conversation with non Sheena stands and I will also be open conversation with Katie stands because she's not, she's not my number one, but she's not bugging me that much this season. Honestly. Um, yeah, I mean, it's funny when, um, when all this stuff went down, when everything went down March of 2023, I did a Patreon and I said, in the Patreon because I knew this was really controversial at the time.
Like, we're talking, like, three days afterwards. I said, Sheena will be the first one to befriend Tom again. I was like, she will. Because she's always the one. And she's always the one that's, like, willing to give someone another chance. And I think that's just her personality. And I would argue that the first person other than Tom Schwartz, which that's totally different.
Uh, Sheena was kind of the first one to kind of invite Tom Sandoval back into the fold. She was definitely the first one to, um, like, energetically like start to I think we're seeing the unraveling of Sheena Shay this season. Totally. And she started to unravel first. Now, I will stand by my personal opinion, They're not friends in real life, from anything that I see, and I, I, Very much watch everything that she does and subscribe to her blogs.
I'm a high tier patreon member. He's not at any of her shows He's not in her life. So for me, I don't think that it's a big deal that she wanted to be cordial with her co worker, but I Also don't love how She's not, she's not centering Ariana's pain in all of this. She's really very much centering her own pain.
And I think that more than anything that anyone says about Sheena, I think that that's, what's the most problematic about her right now, for me, that's what's disappointing me the most about her. And so it's hard because it's like, Sheena, you got to. You gotta step out. And at the end of this episode, she, she got a little feisty.
And you know what? I thought deservedly so. Like, I thought that I, I was right there with her and agreeing with her. Uh, but you know, I think that we were building to that the whole episode. And I also think she has a lot of other things on her mind. That's kind of the vibe that I got from this episode.
Yes. Because honestly, if you take out some of this, Stuff that's happening with Tom and you know, Ariana in the house, a lot of this is just like the problems that I feel like a lot of my friends and I sometimes go through in relationships and marriages and people with kids. I don't have kids, but like, you know, just the change in life.
And it's funny cause I'm around the same age as like all of the, like of. Of this group, right? So, you know, I started watching them. I was like in my mid twenties, right? And now we're like all the way here. And so like, I kind of get where like their lives have been going. And like, when they have these comfort, like this conversation at the end of the episode between Ariana and Tom Schwartz, when she's like, Oh, well then how much is the mortgage going to be?
And he's going to have, I'm like, these are such Even though it's more expensive of a home than me and most of my friends can buy for sure for me These conversations are just so normal and real. Yeah They really are. Yeah, and that moment where and well, I guess we can jump around It doesn't really matter but with the moment where Brock and Sheena arguing about the The fucking nanny all the time.
It's like, that's real shit. I have, I have, I don't have a lot of friends with kids, but the couple that I do, I've seen some, I've seen some stressed out needing to get out of the house, but the nanny situation is a bitch situations that like, It's very real. And I also think that the kind of problems that Sheena and Brock and to some extent Lala is dealing with right now, they're, they're a little more valley pilled than the Vanderpump rules.
They're kind of graduating past this. And I think like Katie trying to live her best single life and, and I mean, Schwartz and Sandoval are the only ones that I think are still acting like they're supposed to be on Vanderpump rules. You know what I mean? Um, So for me, yeah, I don't know. It's, it's a weird dynamic for sure.
What do you think about people that are critical of maybe the production or editing of the season? You know, it's interesting that you say that because I was thinking about that when there was the party that Lala shows up at and Ariana's there and like everything seemed fine between them, right? Like they came in and of course my queen, uh, Katie was like, they were like arguing over who's which Spice Girl and Katie was like, I'm posh and it was like, cut.
I was like, Lala, I don't even, I'm not even a Katie fan and Lala, you absolutely tried the fuck out of it. She's obviously fucking posh. She has the hair. She's, she's tall. She's posh. Get a grip. So she was like, so, uh, but anyway, you know, everything seemed fine between Ariana and Lala. And I guess to your point, it's like, we don't even know when that was filmed, right?
Right. Like, we can have a general idea, um, you can sort of look at the timeline and probably go, Oh, okay. If Kyle Chan is there and he's talking about his whiskey party, and then you can use Instagram to be like, okay, when was this whiskey party, whatever. But we really don't always fully know the order of operations that happen.
So, um, I think, you know, all of these shows are heavily edited and, you know, You know, you have to take everything you see with, like, several grains of salt because they're putting together a TV show. They want to make compelling television. They, you know, Vanderpump Rules and The Valley are, you know, The Valley's doing really well from what I've heard.
These are, you know, Shows that need to continue to crank out money and did so well last season. And I mean, the other big thing is like, you know, there's not a lot of scripted programming right now because of the strike. So people are turning to unscripted and Bravo knows that. So they're going to like, you know, They want to get their money's worth out of this.
Absolutely. And I think they, I was talking with Morgan from the reality bites podcast about this, she was on my show and she was saying, there's a lot of things that people get up in arms about, like menial things, conversations, things like that, where people are like, well, how could she say that? Or, well, Why would she do that?
Or why would they be there? And we have to understand as viewers that some of that is, is just like laying out, like it's, it's exposition. It's storytelling stuff that they're having the conversation for her example was last week's episode about Lala having the party. The sperm party at Ariana's house, not because she was actually ever going to have it there, but so that like Ariana could explain like where they were with the house.
And I think that there's a lot of stuff that is happening like that, that makes it kind of confusing for people that just kind of watch the show. They're not, you know, like me, like in the Reddits and on the fucking Instagram and all of that, you know? Totally. And, you know, even, I was thinking this, you know, going to the early part of the episode, Jax comes, goes over to James house.
Yes, he does. Right? And, like, once you start to watch these shows, you can kind of see, like, the pattern that happens because it's like, We get the sort of setup of like, what's going on with the dog, right? Like Graham is back, which by the way, I love that Jax was arriving at the house and they put for like his caption X sir employee.
I know it was perfect. It was so perfect. It was great. Good job on them. I was like, well, yeah, I guess technically he is. Um, but you know, I think that. Jax, uh, you know, then has to get fed because what the producers do and like, I think some people realize that some people don't is that the producers will tell you, okay, you guys are going to like, hang out and then you're going to have a conversation about Lisa.
So talk about the fact that you're going to do X, Y, Z things. So it's not like these two weren't just like hanging out at the house all day, like shooting baskets, playing with the dog. And then Lisa just organically comes up. That was a scene that was shot. Um, and so, you know, but they do get into this whole conversation about, is Jax, you know, Jax is going to have to be the bigger person with Lisa.
And I did have this moment where I was like, this entire show's problems could be solved if each time that there was a conflict, one of the two people was the bigger person. Yeah, actually, literally everything. If one person. Made the hard decision then we would, but they, they never do. I think that's, what's like interesting or sometimes frustrating is that like we're in this constant space and then the fandom will rile themselves up.
Cause they're like, well, this person should have done that. And it's like, well, actually. If that person had done this before that, you know, it, then we wouldn't be, we wouldn't be in the conflict that we all love and, and cherish, right. Although I will say like the first five minutes of the show, when it's like Lala going to the non alcoholic beverage store and Ariana's on the phone.
I'm like, this is great. I could just watch them all like, just like do shit. And it's really pretty. And it's, they make look, they make LA look much more aesthetically pleasing than it is. You know, it is beautiful, but like, they make it look like so pretty and glossy. They do. I mean, I will say that I, the times that when I was there, I just had the best time of my life and I love it there so much.
And so now I'm like, I'm parasocial with the city of LA. I think that I live there now. I think it's really beautiful. It is a beautiful city, but like, I'm just like, Oh, Like, I want to go to this little, like, you know, shop now. Like, they just make it really pretty and gorgeous, and as they should. Um, but, yeah, uh, and then we, you know, the other thing that I got to see in this episode, which, like, pained me emotionally, was I got to see Summer's cast.
Because summer moon and her little cast little cast and she was, she's, she's so cute. She's like the cutest kid I've ever seen in my life. Like, and she loves Brittany and I, I don't get it. And I try not to get in the mind of a two year old, but I really, I appreciated that scene and her love for Brittany because I.
I'm like, Summer, it just couldn't be me, honey, but I thought that that was really cute to see, to see them interact and to see, you know, Sheena and Brittany's friendship because we don't, we don't, and to have them kind of relate about their marriage issues too. I thought that was important to kind of see where they both were.
My only thing that I was like, I was like, we have a lot of intense conversations in front of Summer Moon. Yes, we do. She shouldn't be around for some of these friends. She should be with grandma up in the alcove or on the couch or something. She should not be with, in front of these like intense, but then I think it's like, well, maybe with Sheena and Brock, are they just literally, are they?
Uh oh. Can you hear me? God damn it. Am I still frozen? What is happening with my computer? Hello? It'll come back. It'll come back. I'm not worried about it.
Hey. Sorry about that. No, no, no. My compu I don't know if it's my computer, but I've dealt with this several times. I don't know. No, I was freezing yesterday too, so I was like, it could be me. But, um, I'm, Sorry, we were talking about summer moon. Yes, yes. Adorable. She is so adorable. She is the cutest little kid.
And when, like when Brittany asked her like, how's your arm? And she's like, I want another X-ray. I was like, oh my god. Summer moon . I know. I was like, why do you want an X-ray girl? Great. I love that little kid. But I do think like. You know, she is going through a lot with like her anxiety and, you know, her marriage and money and like trusting other people.
And I think, you know, it's, listen, I don't have kids. So it's different for me, but just from what I've heard about, like, how much kids can pick up on, like, they have these conversations, and Summer Moon is, like, right there, and, you know, I mean, she definitely, she understands things, and so, I don't know, maybe, maybe I think I'm Team Nanny, because I think, like, we need to get Summer Moon, like, out of the room for some of these combos.
We need to get some movement out of the room and we need to get, uh, Sheena and Brock out of the house and maybe doing something that they enjoy so that they're not constantly in a state of bickering in front of their kid, you know, that's what I think. Um, so you're a Katie Stan, tell me how you feel about this, this, um, Are Katie and Tom in love again?
Are we going to see a, are we going to see a Bubba reuniting situation in our future? Do you think Tori's going to join in a polyamorous marriage? Like what do you think? No, I think that, I think that is, and listen, I say this with love, but like that is a plot line I think. And I think it works to the advantage of both Katie and Tom.
I think they have. No interest in being back together. Either one of them, but they know it's like, because here's the other thing that people don't realize is like, you get paid based on screen time. Yes. So, you know, if that's like a scene of Katie and Tom going out to lunch and having that conversation about Tori, that's great.
Bravo is going to pick that up. They're going to want to film that you're, you know, it's going to make you valuable. So you have to have something. And if Katie didn't do that, Tom has a plot, has a plot line because he Is so wrapped up in Sandoval's life, so he's always going to be able to like, have that to fall back on.
Katie and Ariana, like, don't get me wrong, they're great, but like, there's nothing like high drama for the two of them, right? Right. So they need, so Katie needs something. And I think this is a great plot point for her. Will they or won't they? Will they hook up again? But I think deep down the two of them, like once the cameras go off, they're like, all right, it's been real.
Yeah. And I, I do think, I do think that they have gotten friendlier. I think that they, like, probably, I think that Scandaville Affected everyone in a profound way, and I think that maybe Ariana, I'm sorry, Katie and Tom have had to talk about things, but that's not something you would bring on camera. So this is kind of a way to show like where they're at and then probably to juxtapose that with why Katie eventually gets so, um, riled up about Joe and in her position, because in this conversation compared to kind of things.
Katie has said online compared to what we see in the trailer. Katie doesn't seem phased by Joe's presence in Tom's life at all and kind of like gets on to him for being a little bit of a, of a leader on her, you know? Yeah. I was like, wait, I thought there was like all this like bad blood between Katie and Joe.
And the only thing that happened in that one was she was like, he was like, Oh, you know, she said that I hurt her feelings when I said this and, you know, said that I didn't, she was afraid that I didn't want to be around her. And, you know, Katie kind of seemed like, yeah, that, that, that would hurt, you know?
I mean, they were acting like real friends. It was interesting to see for sure. Yeah, and you know, I mean, I think that marriage is really hard and I can't imagine being on a reality show and being married. I think it's a lot of work, um, just because it exacerbates anything that you have already going on.
But I think. You know, Tom always took advantage of Katie, like, he cheated on her all the time, he was like, mean to her, he was hard on her, he made her come across as really annoying on the show, and since they have broken up, I think a lot of people have been able to see really, like, what Katie was putting up with, and all those things.
And, yeah. I do kind of wonder if like a few years from now, Tom will be like, wait a minute, like I had a pretty good thing going. Yeah. I mean, he, I think he knows now. I don't think that he's questioning. I mean, she broke up with him, right? I think that he just was not able to make the changes. Also Katie has said.
Recently on an interview, like she now kind of, she said it on E I think she now understands a lot of what she didn't understand about what goes into opening a restaurant. She said something around those lines. And I was like, so maybe there was shit that she, you know, felt like Tom was just being neglectful when really it was that he was opening a restaurant with a partner that is.
Absent and, uh, ridiculous and unreliable, you know, like that, that's probably pretty tough. And I'm sure Katie is also going through some of that. Not that Ariana is being absent to be a bitch, but she knows she has jobs and stuff. So I think that like, I think, I think Katie's kind of seeing some stuff. I think Schwartz already saw it and I think maybe in a few years we might see the Bubbas come back together.
Let's. Let's hope not for Katie. Are you advocating for that? No. Okay. I don't want that for her. Um, so we, so Sheena and Brock go out for their anniversary. This was a whole nother thing because Sheena had planned this big thing and that fell through, so now they're going out to dinner, and it's just, they're fighting a lot.
And then there's this conversation, this has been happening online too, of kind of shaming Brock for Sheena being the breadwinner. And then a lot of people asking her if that puts a lot of pressure on her. And I'm sure it is a lot of pressure, but I think she likes that. I think that she Likes the control to be honest with you um, and there is some some I don't like to I don't there is a little bit of misogyny to me and being like Oh, well The man stays home and what the woman works all the time and I know that's not how people always mean it But that's kind of how it comes across so I got her point with that And then brought kind of talking about what a failure of a dad he was his to his uh, First kids and trying to pick that up.
It's heavy shit. I'm just glad, like you said, they had it at the fucking restaurant in front of the poor waiter, not, not summer. Well, yes, that's true. And I would say Sheena, I think was also the breadwinner when she was married to. Michael? Shea. Michael Shea, right? Yeah. Michael Shea. She was 1, 000 percent the breadwinner.
Yeah. I mean, that man did not seem like he was capable of anything, okay? No. No. Like, I don't think he could even hang up the, like, um, print to canvas portraits that she had put in the house. No. Like, and if you go on Brock's social media, he is, like, Like, cause they just bought this new house and he's like doing everything.
Also some, so is summer moon, like summer moon. She's like in the background all the time. I'm like, summer moon loves her dad. I can just tell, but. Um, you know, I think that Sheena is used to that, right? You know, um, I think she's actually, you know, the only time she ever was with someone that I remember who seemed like he really maybe had more money or more access was when she was dating Rob, right?
Yeah. So I think to Sheena, the idea of being the breadwinner in her marriage, marriage is, is not. Not out of the ordinary. I think that's what it was in her last marriage too. Yeah. Well, and remember, that's part of what was so upsetting. One of the many things that Shay was doing was taking her money and buying drugs with it.
It wasn't like he was like dipping into mutual funds. Like it was her money and he was Emptying her bank account and buying drugs with it. So, uh, that was an offensive thing to do. Um, so yeah, I think that, you know, I think that they're going to work through it. I hope that they do for at least for beautiful summer moon sake.
I don't see, I don't see Sheena's pride, letting her get another divorce, which is like, It's like, hopefully it doesn't get to a point where she's just in it and they're just miserable and they're doing fighting and stuff in front of the kids. Like, I don't want it to ever get to that point, but I also feel like some of their arguments are like normal married people.
I don't, I'm not married, but I feel like they have very normal married people arguments. Yeah. I mean, finances, uh, work life balance, kids, anxiety, all of these things, you know, come into play. I think when you're married and. You know, I also, it's also one of those things where I'm like, okay, this definitely helps them have a storyline.
Yes. Like I have to look at it a little bit through that lens as well. Not totally, but you know, like she also has a storyline with her relationship with Tom Sandoval, but you also don't know what the show's going to pick up that much. So like, You know, the, the, the song thing is jumping off to be a drama, drama thing, a fight, whatever, but you don't know if that's going to be a fight, right?
Like Tom Sandoval doesn't need that to be a fight that week. Cause he's got enough shit. Yeah. It might not take off. Right. Exactly. And so you have to have your plan B's and C's to make sure you're getting that check. Absolutely. Uh, speaking of that, so there's a few scenes and I just, you know, if you want to comment on any of it, I thought that the rest of this was until we get to the pool party's kind of a bummer.
Um, Tom Schwartz gets a tattoo of the dogs. Uh, they talk a little bit about going to San Francisco. So we set up for that. Uh, we get a little bit of insight into what's going on with the house. And I'm, I'm over the conversation about the house. So I tend to tune out, but it seems like, uh, Tom keeps making offers that suck and Ariana keeps rejecting it.
And it's just like going on and on. Um, and, and then Dan told Ariana. That, uh, she would probably, for her sanity, they gotta, you know, hopefully they can come to a conclusion. And then Allie and James get a facial, and have this wild argument about, or not argument, but disagreement. Because Allie has a wedding to go to of a close friend.
James wants to stay with Hippie the dog, because his brother backed out of babysitting, and I mean, I think the read between the lines of it is like, Hippies not well trained enough to stay with anybody else that doesn't know him. And I think James is concerned about that. Yeah. And I think, you know, okay, this is a very hot take, but like as someone with a dog, And married, like sometimes people just go to things on their own because, you know, it's just a lot.
Um, and I'm going away later this week and my husband's not coming with me. And part of it was just like, ah, the dog, we'd have to put the dog away for like six. We'd have to board her for six days. It's so expensive. How about I just go. So listen, I mean, I, I think like they are blending their, uh, family with the dogs and the cats, which is.
You know, not the same as, you know, James compares it later in the episode. He's like, Oh, this is the same as like, you know, you trying to find childcare, Lala. No, not exactly. Um, but I will say like, Considering how many people, all these people know, I feel like you could find someone like they have a nice house with a yard.
You could find someone who could just come let the dog out, let the dog back in. But also too, I'm like, maybe some of this is like James, like, it was like, I don't want to fly to Ohio for three days. Like, you know, I'd rather just stick around here. Um, and you know, I mean, listen, like she's upset cause she's sleeping in the guest room with the cats and he's sleeping in the bedroom with the dogs.
I don't know, long term in a marriage or they're not married, but like long term relationship, I think you can have a pretty satisfying relationship and still sleep in separate rooms. For sure. I actually would. I think I would prefer that if I should ever be in a relationship, I would love to have my own room.
Uh, that's just my vibe. That's my jam, you know, like, it just seems like that's the thing that you want as an adult is your own room. So why would you share it? Um, but yeah, I think that ultimately James probably just doesn't want to go to the wedding. And so I think he's just trying to stay back and I don't see a problem with that.
I think Alice should just go and enjoy her life. I don't, I don't think she's that pressed about it either. So I guess we'll have to see. All right. So we get kind of the nitty gritty here, uh, Sir brunch. So Jax and James are hosting a brunch DJ set type thing, and we get this scene. And I want to get your thoughts quickly on it because I felt like it was so fucking unnecessary of like Jack's sitting down with LVP and James and LVP doing that scolding thing that she does where she's like scolding him and it's like but Lisa clearly it didn't hurt you that fucking bad because he's hosting an event at your restaurant and you're here at the restaurant for the event.
I think it was sold out. It looks sold out. It looks packed. I went there one time, that place, there's, I don't know how they fit all those people in there. Like, yeah. Wait, how was your meal at sir? Was it good? Uh, we didn't eat there because we'd, we'd heard some things. So we saved, we went for drinks there and then we got dinner at Tom Tom and Tom Tom was great.
Yes. I love Tom Tom. Tom Tom, the food is pretty decent actually. Yeah, no, I loved it. But, um, you know, I think. Like this whole idea of Lisa being like, Oh, I can't believe who's here in my restaurant. Like, if you really didn't want to, you know, that, like, what's that phrase of like, if, if he wanted to, he would.
Yes. Yes. Yes. She wanted to, she could, if she didn't want him to come into the restaurant and perform, she could, but you know, it, it, it, It's perfect for the Jax drama and I did love the scene with Jax where he sat down with like the whole table of the girls and he's like, Oh, do you want some gossip?
Because like Jax, literally they were like, Jax, you have a biggest gossip. And I ever, I love a straight man who gossips. Me too. I think it's so funny. I wish my husband liked to gossip more. Yeah, and I do think like there are like, sometimes I think straight men don't even realize that they're gossiping, but they are like, I will bet you anything Jax has been a gossip since he was a little Jax.
Oh, yeah, I'm sure that there were like, not to get too like psychological, but I'm sure there were like things at play were like, he had leverage over people if he had information and like his parents and shit like that. And he's just always been, cause I mean, he's like an. Expert level gossip, exaggerator twist truth.
So like he's perfect for reality television. He, and we met Jax when we were in LA and his energy, it's, it's, that's it. That is his energy. I went up and asked him questions. You just started answering the questions. I'm like, sir, you don't know who the hell I am. I can be like, and he'll just tell you. Cause I think he literally loves gossiping, loves talking shit, especially.
So that was, that was definitely fun to see, I think. Um, so then he gets to go to the pool party. So we get to this pool party at James house. And it's just like from the moment we get there, it's just breakdown after breakdown after breakdown. Uh, I think the first breakdown is technically the girls telling James that he needs to be more considerate of Allie, and so he breaks down into tears about the dog.
And then Jax is there. He gets there and he breaks down because Katie, uh, this is on the after show. This is better explained than in the moment, but Katie stopped talking to Brittany Cold. Um, and seemingly, kind of by Katie's own admission, but like seemingly because Stassi wanted her to, and I mean, that's their dynamic.
So that doesn't, that doesn't, Surprised me at all, but because Brittany and Jack's flaked on the wedding. And so I was like, whatever. But then also Jackson goes around talking shit about Katie. And then Katie also goes around saying that Jack's cheating on Brittany. And so they have a confrontation where, where Katie's like, I'm not friends with your wife because I hate you.
And I was like, that's tough to hear, but I wish you would have that conversation with Brittany. Cause I think Brittany is the one Jack's. Jack doesn't care. Britney's the one who ends up suffering from this. And yeah, a thousand percent. Yep. And so then we have this moment, so Schwartz and Ariana kind of sit down again.
I think this is kind of just establishing that they're on better terms now. He's, because essentially the conversation is, I'm not moving into your house. And it's like, great, great, great, great. In this time, Brock starts kind of like yelling at or about Sheena because Sheena's ready to go. She wants to go read Summer Moon, her Halloween books.
And Brock wants to stay and party. And Sheena's like, nope, we're not doing that. So she's like ready to go. Brock starts yelling. Then Tom kind of walks in and makes a joke at Lala and Sheena. And then Sheena and Kyle Chan are talking because Kyle Chan is like, Oh, well, you're coming to San Francisco.
Sheena's performing her song. Sheena goes, Have you, have you heard my song yet? She's like taunting him a little bit. I mean, she pokes him. And he's like, Yeah, well, you know what, Sheena? Actually, uh, this is getting a little grating because this is getting a little excessive. Like you're really profiting off of my pain more than anyone else, actually.
And it's just like, You have a lot of fucking nerve, dude. Rightfully, Brock points out that he's been touring the country with lightning bolt necklaces, light up lightning bolt necklaces, talking about, uh, Schwartz's mom and Raquel, banging Raquel, and then Sheena makes a bop, okay, and you're mad. Because, why?
Her band is definitely better than yours, no offense, those band people, it's not their fault. But like, come on, like, let's So they get into it and then Tom, I don't know what madness drives him to say this, but he says, you were the other woman too. And Sheena, she gets, she gets a little confrontational and we see the rage.
And Sheena, by the way, had been crying on and off like all night and has been crying on and off all season. Yeah, I think she's been crying off and on since she was about, I don't know, six months old. I think so, unfortunately. She's a little, she's a little fragile, our Sheena. And um, so she, she goes after Tom and then just kind of has a whole, I'm so sorry, this is her, my cat's name is Sheena Marie.
It's so crazy. Um, so she's, she made an appearance. Sorry about that. Um, So yeah, so, she gets all upset, and she breaks down, and Ariana's comforting her, and then she leaves, and that's kind of the scene, and Brock kind of stands up for her and says, Dude, it's not the same! She was 20! She was 20 years old!
You're a 40 year old man! You were in a nine year relationship is so different in Sandoval. Not really like, yes. Really. It really is. Yeah. It's so incredibly different. First of all, , um, you know, Sheena was really young. She also didn't know the other woman. Like, I think that makes a huge difference. Like it does.
Don't get me wrong, if Tom was cheating on Ariana, it would've been awful regardless, right? But if we found out like, oh, Tom was cheating on Ariana. Like he had this long. Term, you know, relationship or whatever behind the scenes for eight months with like this random woman. You'd be like, Oh, that's awful.
But like, it's the friendship part that I think is probably the hardest for someone to get over. Right? Like, so that's, that feels very diabolical. And Tom is insane because I don't know if you heard what he said to the dog. Did you hear what he said to the dog? I'll tell your mom. Hi, if I see you ever again, it's like, who the fuck are you talking to?
Exactly. And it's like, you're still trying to profit off of this, sir. So and here's the other thing, like at the end of the day, Sheena, I love ya. Your hair looks amazing in that interview scene with the pink strappy dress on. Oh my God. So fucking gorgeous. Stop with the shit suit thing. We love you. She looked so good.
Yeah. But that song is not going to be like, number one on the billboards. Okay. Like that song is not like that song probably cost Sheena more money to make and produce than it will ever bring in. So I don't think she's profiting off of that song. All right. I think she's off her Instagram, her collaborations, her Patreon, her blog, whatever, all that shit.
Sure. Like It's so hard to make money in music right now, just across the board. Sheena Shea is not making fucking money off that song. If anything, she's losing money off of it, but that's her passion project. Like everyone has their passion project that they love. She loves being a singer, like good as gold is a fucking bop.
And you know, if she didn't produce more, people would be like, Oh, she just like uses her old song, but she goes back in the studio and whatever. She throws down some new tracks. It's no. It's a, it's, it's, so I just don't think it's worth getting angry about Tom, because at the end of the day, this person actually isn't making money off of you at all, at all.
What a mess. Well, I know that you have to go, Meredith. Thank you so much for hanging out with me and talking to me about the craziness of Vanderpump rules. Why don't you remind everybody where they can find you and don't forget to plug your Patreon because I'm a patron and that is also fabulous content that I didn't mention earlier.
Thank you so much. Thank you for being a patron, patreon pal. Uh, so you can find me yelling into the void on TikTok and Instagram at Meredith M Lynch. My podcast, Oddly Specific, is everywhere that you get your podcasts now. And yes, I have a Patreon, so find it, uh, through all my other platforms. It's linked there.
So I'm really grateful to be on. It was so fun to meet you in person and, uh, can't wait to have you welcome you back to LA again soon. Come back and see us. I hope so. I hope so. You guys know where to find me at Who TF Knows Emily Rose on Instagram, WTFK, Emily Rose on Twitter, uh, Who TF Knows Emily Rose on TikTok, all the things.
Thank you guys so much and I will talk to you guys later. Buh bye!