Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Getting rid of the "Guilty Pleasure" adage one podcast at a time...
Each week Emily Rose will dive into different pop culture topics, and tell you what TF you need to know about them!
Special thanks to: LD Green III for Intro/Outro music "Lord of the Dance" Streaming Everywhere!
Artwork Photographer: Ques Williams for Midas Touch Creative Group
Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
It All Absolutely Did Not Happen: Pump Rules Finale RECAP Ft @vanderpodrecaps
Emily Rose and Lyndsay of @vanderpodrecaps are BACK TOGETHER AGAIN to process the finale of Vanderpump Rules Season 11. They... have thoughts. Tune in to find out what they discovered through the beauty of podcast therapy!!
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You know that it's our time, these are the best days of our lives. Guys, welcome back. This is truly the best day of my life because I have the one and only Lindsay Lime of Vanderbott Recaps back with me to recap the rest of the season. Lindsay, how are you doing? How was your break? Are you coming back feeling just so positive and refreshed about Vanderpump Rules and the community we serve?
No, I wish I could say yes. I mean, I'm so happy to see you again, even though we talk literally every day, but All day, you guys. All day long. And Emily has a full time job and I have a toddler. But yeah, I, you know, This episode's gonna be weird because there's gonna be a lot of me and Emily processing what the fuck we watched.
Yeah. Yep. And it's gonna be maybe a little bit all over the place because there's just lots of feelings. And here's the thing with VPR, it really shouldn't be This deep, but because of the way they went with this season, me and you have felt like we've tried, we've, we need to like fill in pieces and gaps because we just, we feel I don't know.
I feel very disappointed in the show that I love. Yeah. Well, I want to lift your spirits a little bit. Because right before we got on this podcast to record, we got some news, some breaking news live from Emily's bed. The Valley is returning for season two. How do you feel about season two of The Valley?
I'm not surprised. I knew there was gonna, it was gonna be renewed first. I mean, Jack's pretty much told us. But yeah, I mean, Look, I'm really enjoying the valley and I think there should be a season two. I really think they are. Let's just say I. I have never really seen Sheena post a lot with all the Valley crew, but that's all I've been seeing lately, so I really think we're gonna see Lala and Sheena more on the Valley.
I think they're still gonna do VPR if there is a Season 12, or whatever they're gonna do, but I think we're gonna see them more in the Valley, which I'm like, okay, that's fine, but There's going to be too many damn people on that Bally show. Yeah, it's going to be a lot. Yeah, so, but also it's going to be different because, you know, Michelle and Jesse are not together.
So what's that dynamic going to look like? And then I could say like Nia and Danny, they're the only ones that seem to love each other. So is Bravo going to tell them bye bye because they're the only, you know what I mean, kind of. No, I think we need, I think we need the the staple. We need the, what's the word I'm looking for, the foundation, the peg that everyone revolves around.
Yeah. We need that. So I think that they, I think that they should stay and it is kind of fascinating. I mean. Oh, I think they should stay. I just, I wonder, like, I'm just thinking of what Bravo, you know what I mean? Well, Bravo's already thinking, so let's not try to get into Bravo said too much with the valley because it's a little hard to decipher.
I think that, uh, Jesse's going to try to bang Lala. Ew, I hope she destroys him. I don't know, I kind of hope she does it. Oh no! What does she have to lose, you know? That is too much. Like, that much toxic sex from toxic people in one room, I think our world would like, turn. Listen, if she really wants to double down and save a show, and be there for the show when everything is about the fucking show, then she will bang Jesse for the fucking show.
God bless. God bless. God fucking bless. The Valley Season 2. Everyone stay tuned. We'll see what's happening with that. Uh, any, any podcasts we should have listened to this week? I feel like we were kind of light in the pod world. Yeah, honestly, look, y'all, say what you want about Sheena, but Sheena's the only one.
That is still consistently talking about BPR when it comes to this season. Lala has not been talking about BPR. She went on a little tangent about that on her podcast. Yeah, there's not really a lot going on. So we'll be really interesting if, well, we, sorry, not if, cause we know the show's going on pause.
What are they gonna do? Are they, you know what I mean, like, as far as the podcast, are they still going to be talking about stuff so people are talking about them? Are they gonna do crazy stuff in their real life to get people to, you know what I mean, to get people talking about them? I don't know, because literally these people's job is for people to talk about them, you know?
I think that, well, at least for shenanigans in the off season, Sheena does a pretty good job of, you know, She comments kind of like two T's like she does talk about like Bravo News and she has a lot of relevant guests on and then of course she does a Q& A every other episode. And, uh, you know, I, I don't know.
I think shenanigans will be fine. I personally don't listen to give them Lala unless she's talking about the show. So yeah, I mean, whatever. It's always fun to just keep a, keep a roll of decks of things that Lala says that she's gonna go back on later. So that's good. Kristen, I also don't want to listen really to her podcast unless she's talking about the show.
But I think that she has a lot more to talk about now. So we'll see. I guess we'll just have to see, dude. I don't know. I don't listen to, uh, Unspeakable or what is Katie's podcast with Dana. I used to like it. Disrespectfully. It was unspeakable. I was like, that's a new one. It's unspeakable to think about.
I was like, that's a new one. Oh my God. Oh my God. Okay. Well. Not a lot of news other than that. Of course, like we mentioned, it was, it was announced that the show Vanderpump Rules is going to go on pause. I want to know what you think. We've talked about this a little bit. Are they going on pause the way that, like, Roni went on pause?
Where, or like, Ultimate Girls Trip went on pause, where we may well never see that show again? Or, is this just like a legitimate thing? break for the cast to kind of breathe for a second and have some, some shit happen in their lives so that we can pick back up with something going on. Cause I, if it's, if it's the latter, I'm all for it.
Yeah. I think, I think honestly the way that Bravo and the news has been like representing it is, The show is just taking, letting the cast breathe finally for a bit and then they're, the plan is to pick up production now as far as if all the cast is going to be back. They're going to offer cast members, you know, all of them back.
I don't know. I feel like the fandom were already thinking, are they just going to do a full reboot? Like they did with Roni and new new cast was here at Sir. I don't, I mean, when we were at Sir, not that we saw, I mean, our waiter was very nice, but I don't use the cast. I don't know. What would that look like?
I could see if VPR, if there is no more, or they might just say goodbye to it all together and they might then do a lot of spinoffs, right? People might go to the Valley. Other and maybe like short little projects with some of them. I don't know. The one thing that I will say, which we'll get into it is the watching the finale, it did really seem like James and Allie's part really seemed like a goodbye to them.
So again, I'm just curious. Is that because the show is ending or James finally going to go bye bye because. Accusations just keep popping up about him. So, I don't know. I, right now, on this day, I think that they are going to take a few months off and maybe they'll start filming, you know, usually, see, that's hard though because if they start filming in, you know, Let's say maybe they wait until August, so they could do like August, September, October.
Because I don't think they're going to go any later than that, because then they run into the holidays. Well, I would be down to see a holiday, Vanderpump Rules Holiday Edition. I would too. I just don't know. They don't usually, I mean, like they just don't usually do that with them. Do they on housewives?
Do they usually do any of them film around the holiday time? Oh yeah. Jersey and New York are notorious. Well, Jersey's notorious for covering the Thanksgiving and Christmas, uh, new New York usually or old Roni always filmed over Halloween. What's the other one that does Christmas child? Is it Atlanta?
I don't know. Atlanta's usually, I think, right at Christmas into early winter. Uh, I know I'm forgetting something, but there's one other show that, that goes into over Christmas ish. Because I watch the, I watch the Christmas and Thanksgiving episodes of the shows. So that is possible. Every year. Oh, no, it's totally possible.
It's possible. And anything is possible. I, I will say, I hope that they film over Halloween because I think it'll be a real slap in the face to Stassi, who I think that's her. I know she's moved on from the show and like Vanderpump Rules is not a part of my life anymore, but I think that she would have killed for a Halloween episode.
So I'm glad she's getting robbed of that. Other than that. Yeah, I think that they're just giving them a break, which they, I think, given what we have now seen, should have been done in the first place. Also, we forgot one piece of news. Gypsy Rose, which is her, she went with, uh, I didn't know this at the time, but she went with one of the, Executive, uh, writers or head writers for TMZ.
Uh, I forget her name, but I watch her on the show all the time. And they went to Sir and Gypsy, Gypsy Rose got the just VIP treatment. I was watching the, the interstitial of her entire experience. I was like, well, we didn't get that. We got sat at a wobbly table and then. Ushered over to the couches because we mentioned originally we wanted to just sit at the bar.
And so we had to go sit on those couches. And I don't know, we had a nice time. It was fine. But I bet the bathrooms are clean for Gypsy. I bet they were. No, I like to think, no, they were still dirty. Those bathrooms were still dirty. Never. That is one thing I wish I could go back and ask Peter and just beg Peter, you have been so kind.
Why are the bathrooms always so dirty? Why was it? Maybe it was took him a Darrow, but was it the sir bathroom that Jackson Laura Lee fucked in? Because if so, there's a sir bathroom. That's insane. Yeah, that that's that has to kill the mood. Not even just like the nastiness of it, but the. It's all, it's like a, it's like an asylum that asylum where I truly was raised.
I don't understand how they could have sex in that bathroom. Maybe the men's bathroom is clean. I could see, I could see LVP prioritizing the men's bathroom of the women's. Couldn't you? Oh my gosh. I'm so upset. We should, one of us should have went into the men's bathroom because I bet, I bet there's couches.
I bet there's fountains. Oh yeah, there's Like AMC popcorn, I bet it has disco balls. Oh, a disco ball. Definitely for disco. Yes. Four of them from the ceiling. The moment anyone opens the door, the trash just automatically just somehow takes it. It's like playing the Sims. Like someone is just like delete object, delete object.
There's obviously, like, a bathroom attendant, you know, that some places have those the girls bathroom The Abbey does have, so the Abbey just, you actually, you open up the CERB bathroom for the boys, and it's just an entrance into, like, the Abbey, like, lounge, VIP lounge. And then you go back out and it's fucking sure the girl's bathroom, just a hole in the literal fucking outhouse, dude.
I've never written anything like that. I've never been anywhere in my life like that. It's disgusting. Oh my God. Wow. Well, good for you. Gypsy Rose. Glad that you got the VIP. Sorry about Sorry about your life, dude. I'm so sorry. That's a bummer situation that you went through. Sorry about your life, Gypsy Rose.
It's a bummer! Me, if I ever met Gypsy Rose, because I would not know what to say. What do you say to someone like Gypsy Rose? Hey, bro. So sorry about your life. Your situation, dude. Warmest regards, dude. R. I. P. I guess or not. I don't know. Seriously, I'm so sorry.
Oh my god. Okay. We're going to hell. Oh, I'm there. If you ask the Vanderpump subreddit, I am literally there, darling. Oh my god. Okay. Let's take a quick break and I'll be right back.
Okay, we're back. Lindsay, I forgot to tell you one thing. That I think by the time people hear it, it'll be okay to announce this. I will be recapping with the Rob Schulte of Vanderpump Robs. I will be recapping The Goat. The reality show that, uh, Chris and Dodie is on. Hosted by Oh, God, Tosh, Daniel Tosh almost said, almost said Joel McKay like six times, but yeah, by Daniel Tosh.
So I'm excited about that. So tune into that. I know I'll be recapping at least the first episode and then I may. Just be coming back. So you guys tune in for that. Okay. How to plug had to plug. All right, well, it should come as a shock to absolutely no one that I'm unprepared. So I don't have notes and I don't know what happened in the episode until the very end.
So Lindsay, if you could guide us and honestly, before we even really get into the recap, I kind of just want to, you know, I want to ask you, how did you feel when the curtain fell and we saw the cityscape of San Francisco, which looks very beautiful by the way. My next goal is to travel there because I would love to see it.
How did you feel about the show? I mean,
I, I shouldn't be surprised because anytime Alex Baskin or any of them talk about the show, they always hype it up in a way. But the way they hype it up, they have nothing to back it up because pretty much this whole, you know, we saw on the trailer and we already knew from people being there at the party and the trailer that Ariana did not have a conversation with Tom and she walked away and we know Lala said the God comment.
And then so we saw a little bit more of that. But as far as like hard hitting, breaking the fourth wall, we didn't really, we did not get that. And so I don't know, I was disappointed in the finale, but I'm been disappointed in this whole season. So what am I, you know what I mean, expecting to, to get, but I, but I'll tell you one thing, I'm not disappointed because Ariana and Sandoval didn't have a conversation.
That's not why I'm disappointed. No, I'm just disappointed. And I'm sure we'll get into this like after we, we, we recap and kind of go over our like theories with the season. I just, I really think with this season they could have did something so different because of how Scandal really blew up and no one thought it would blow up like this.
But you literally just tried to create, like, a season 3, season 2 BPR, and we're not there anymore. So let's do something different. Yep, I agree. Also, if I may, I seem to remember at the beginning of the season the when we got a montage of pump because we got the information that pump was closing and that you know we were moving to the sign to fucking Tom Tom or whatever I think it was in the first couple of episodes and I said this really feels like a montage of like a You know, saying goodbye, like an emigrium.
And it felt like that at the beginning of the season. Then of course, at the end, it felt like that as well, but it was, in my opinion, not particularly touching. It was more so kind of like thrown together, kind of corny, kind of like. I think it would have been more touching if it were the season like if we were like, Oh, this is definitely the season finale that we're watching or series finale.
I'd be like, okay, but then kind of not because it was kind of goofy. I don't, the only, the only thing that was really striking to me about that ending montage was. How fucking hot Schwartz used to be. And I think we forget that cause he looks like a complete moron now, but back in the day, Schwartzy was fucking stunning.
He was stunning. He was gorge. Everybody else obviously had to glow up a little bit, you know, obviously. Well, they look like babies. They look like children. They really do. Babies and shorts. I know when they showed him, I was like, Oh man, you're, you're You're just as toxic, toxic as all the rest, but you gorgeous, beautiful man, beautiful man.
All right, so let's get, I guess, started if we can just quickly go through it. What happens? What happens? Well, so I, like I said, I just took notes on, we get to the whiskey party, and our lord and savior Sandoval enters, and he brings his own sound guy, and so season 11 is saved so the world can finally breathe, Sandoval brought a sound guy, and What the fuck?
Okay, I'm sorry to interrupt you. Not have a sound guy I have worked with dated, been around, helped produce live music for a long time. Why would an established band that has their own, if not their own studio, than their own studio space? Mm-Hmm. not have a sound. Why would an event, an event venue. Not have a sound guy.
That doesn't make any sense. It doesn't. I don't know. Like, it's like, he's the best sound guy in the world. It's like, no, he's not. What the fuck? You don't need a Coachella tech for this whiskey party in San Francisco. You just don't need it. So that was confusing for me because I didn't understand what that was supposed to mean or why we were supposed to care or why that meant a lot to unless.
Like last minute, Kyle Chan was like, Oh, well, they're not going to have sound at the venue. And then Shana was like, Holy shit. What do you mean? They're not going to have sound. Is it like, and they don't have any equipment in this hypothetical that I'm making up and they don't have, they don't have anything.
They have nothing set up. All they have is a mic and a stand and how is a full band going to play? And so then sure, Sandoval calls in someone as a favor. Would be a reason for Sheena to be thankful and for for that to be like a cool thing I guess of Sandoval to do like someone who can you know Bring all the equipment all the tech and do it and set it up No charge, no issue, the venue also, in my hypothetical, has some sort of like weird sound thing where it just doesn't sound good to have sound, and so then this guy comes in from out of nowhere and he makes sound happen.
Then fine, but there's also an entire production there, filming, so I don't, I don't get it. I do not understand. I found that very irritating. Okay. It was stupid, and as far as it being a huge deal to Sheena, I don't, look, with Sandoval, everyone can do stuff and be genuine, right, but when it comes to Sandoval, the show is his number one priority.
So let's be honest. He did this for the show. Was it also nice that Sheena reaped benefits from it? Yes, but in his mind, he's like, Oh my god! We're gonna have the best sound guy for Sheena in the 27th! Like, this will make the show so good! That is his way of thinking. And honest, I mean, Sheena's friendship love language seems to very much be acts of service and gifts.
And so, to me, I was like, wow, that she really sees that in friendship, which we all have different. Love languages, even in friendships and stuff, but I just, I didn't, I didn't quite understand the significance of this and the way it was portrayed. I don't think Sheena meant for this to come across. I do blame this on just the way the show went about and editing, but it truly made it sound like it.
Sandoval bringing this sound guy just wiped everything away that this man has done. And it's just like, for what? What? Sheena, you need to clear this up for us. Cause this doesn't make any sense. And I need, I need Kyle to come to the pod. And I need someone to explain to me why the fuck this band, who by the way, I like their music.
I've listened to their music. It's well produced. So, if you can produce music that sounds good, then you know how to have a fucking tech for a show. It's, it's unheard of to me. It's obscene. How can you have an entire production set up on, at this event space, with cameras, with mics, with mics, with mics, with mics, with mics.
And you, and mics for Kyle Chan, at least to speak to the audience to promote his product. How do you have all of that? And you don't have a sound guy, even if Sheena's sound guy, let's say got COVID and couldn't go. There's so many people that could come be a fucking sound. I'm like, cause Sandoval made it sound like he flew this guy in from fucking Japan.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like, who is this guy? And I'm sorry, I believe Is he a local? Like He was a sound guy. He was a sound guy that they use for Tom in the most extras. So, in my theory Sandoval had his band on standby somewhere. Like he had his band on standby. No, I, I do. I that's just a Lindsay theory. I think he had his band on standby in case Kyle was going to ask him to perform or perform.
So I don't think he flew, but You know, guy in from planet Mars. I think he was already there, but I don't know. I don't know why this is such a big deal to it. Just, it was cringy and I didn't like it. And, and I'm sorry to keep harping on it, but I do need to just ask for clarification because I have not rewatched or taken notes.
Okay. Am I wrong? Didn't is, didn't they say that he was like, came from elsewhere? This was like a big present almost to her. I think so. That's the way. Yeah. That's the way. That's how I received it. Okay. Yeah. What I don't want to,
well, you know what, they, they sounded great. So well done. Sandoval. Good job. Great. I could have done that. But great. Really good. Jesus Christ. So anyway, what's next? Just I made a note because any, this San Francisco trip, I found the dynamic of Katie and Lala to be fascinating. And I got questions because they fucking hate each other, but they were up there at both each other's asses so much during this trip.
Yeah, just Lala and Katie's room, just hanging out a lot and even at the party, if you noticed they were just the interactions a lot, I found it interesting cause they both just seem there's so much tension with them this season, but I thought, I thought the San Francisco trip was just interesting to see how much they were around and around each other.
And then to see obviously how they are now, it's just interesting to me. I, I don't, I think that Katie and Lala. Are quite close. I think that, I mean, that's why we kind of saw them like reconciling right on camera because they had been butting heads so much out of nowhere and they had been, I mean, in season 10, they were very close to the point where Lala was like, Sheena, it's fucking ridiculous for you to expect me to participate in your wedding.
When I said I was going to participate in your wedding, I would be at every single event when Katie, who's not invited to your wedding, decided to crash it anyway. And I could be hanging out with her. Sheena, you're fucking stupid. Like that. dynamic was going on in season 10. So Lala has been quite close with Katie.
I, I think that this season when Lala became closer with Sheena, it may be like, and I also think that Lala, you know, started to feel some type of way. I don't know why I'm being gentle about this. Lala started to have some feelings about Ariana. And as Katie grew closer to Ariana, I think maybe that is why they would butt heads.
And then of course they were both kind of the talking heads for their respective like best friends. So I don't know, but I, I think that Lala and Katie were close. I think that's probably why Katie is saying now, like she doesn't know what the hell happened at the reunion. But no shocker, Lala, the reason why I was surprised to see this as Lala on her podcast has been talking about something happened with Katie.
And her at the reunion. Well, something happened and then they kind of resolved that that was before watch what happens live season 10. And then another thing happened. And so Lala said going into season 11, it was just weird the whole time. So the way that Lala described her and Katie's relationship this season on our podcast.
And then what I saw in season 11, I, I don't know, just to me, the San Francisco trip, the way that they were around each other, and even when they were having that little talk about Dan, the way that they were actually just able to have different opinions, but like talk it out nicely. I was just very surprised to see that because Lava, Has that present?
Shocker. Has that presented it that way in her podcast? ? I know. Lala contradicting herself. Yeah. I think something that you and I have spoken about off, off podcast, off camera, off mic, is that she, Katie, sorry, the entire cast. I feel, and why I have, why I almost didn't record today, I have been feeling like all of these people, at all times, are lying to us.
I feel like they are all lying. A lot. I feel like there is a lot of misrepresentation, uh, of how things really are behind the scenes. I think, you know, When you really think about it, Vanderpump Rules is one of those shows that gets kind of praised and hailed as being a show about real friends, that they've been real friends and they're not like the housewives.
It's not like, you know, the housewives are very contrived. Some of them start with real friendships, but most of the time it's people in a social circle where they might be familiar with each other and then they're cast together. And how do those play out? Whereas with Vanderpump Rules, it's kind of been The figurehead for real friendships and how they develop and change.
And I think, maybe, we're starting to see now that, one, they've been work friends and only work friends with each other for, A while and that that doesn't work as a show and it wasn't working by the way in season nine. That shit was very apparent, but then when stand of all happened, it kind of looped everyone together and brought everybody in this like moment of solidarity, not just for Ariana, but for.
undergoing a major life change because someone that they had been associated with for so long did something that was really really shitty and they could all kind of bond over that. Now I think that though we're kind of settling back into what the actual dynamics are which seem to me to be that they all fucking hate each other.
They all resent each other. There's a lot of Things at play that I think, I think are really affecting the dynamics of the show and we'll get more into it later, but just on the Ariana and Katie thing, just to your point, like, I don't know what I believe about their friendship all the time, but I don't, it's not, yeah, what'd I say?
Ariana to be fair. I don't know about them. I don't know about them either. Just to be fair and clear and we'll get there too. But with Lala and Katie, they seemed in season 10 to be very strong. And so it wasn't surprising to me to see them be that way in this moment. Also I've been at parties and stuff where you kind of just gravitate to whoever is like the right vibe.
Particularly if you have like a, an unhinged maniac on the loose throwing bottles around and you know, you tend to, you tend to just kind of go with whatever vibe feels right. So anyway, enough of me ranting about that. Go ahead. Then we'll just quickly go over because I don't care. James and Allie have their scene.
The only reason why I thought this was significant and I heard, uh, uh, Donna from Daily Dose of Donna talk about this, how this, this particular scene Seemed almost like a goodbye scene to James and Ali. It seemed to wrap up their story. But when I really think about it, even just watching the little preview I saw from the reunion, Lisa Vanderpump, my God, loves James Kennedy so fucking much that I will not be surprised If that man will still be on our television screen.
So I, I don't know, I, I've, I've been very honest about how I feel about James. I'd like to think this is goodbye, James, goodbye, Allie, although I've actually have enjoyed Allie, but if there is a season 12, we're probably going to get them back. So I, there's, I don't know what else to say to it. I don't care talking about him anymore.
I agree. I almost said maybe they would go to the valley, but no, they won't. No, they absolutely will not. Then we had just truly five moments of television that just made me want to die. Schwartz calls Joe, Hey, you should talk to Katie. And This is why I think Lala and Schwartz got close this season because they came into this season as producers and I think they both had a conversation about we need to save this show because they're two people like truly what is Schwartz without the show that you're I mean same with Katie like a lot of them right.
But it's, you know, I just the way that he, he knows what's going to go down with Joe and Katie having a conversation. I never want to see those two have a conversation again. I don't like it. And what was in this was interesting too, as Joe walked over, I don't know if you caught this, but Brad Ariana's friend, Brad, that was bye bye Brad.
Brad by Brad, he said, I love him too, but he said, Oh, here comes my favorite cracked out person. And I was just like, damn. And the way that they talk about Joe and crack so much, I'm like, okay, I actually don't believe this girl does crack because they're not this, this open about this drug use, you know what I mean?
Like, that's a way. It's a great point. So I just think like. Now, hey, I'm not saying she doesn't do anything, but whatever. I know, I know. Joe's very sensitive about that. I mean, she hits the slopes, obviously. Yeah. But it just, you know, it, I just, when Brad said that, I was like, damn, like, no, just whenever this girl enters the room, everyone is just like, oh God, here's Joe.
Well, let's just remember now, Ariana is at her core, a sassy gay man. That's the energy that she attracts. That's the people that are going to be surrounding her. These are her best friends. Katie is extremely rude, constantly. So, Yeah. No, I wasn't, I wasn't surprised by that at all. That seemed, they love a narrative.
They love a hive mind. They love a, they love a, they love not deviating from the norm. So that didn't surprise me whatsoever, but still love Brad by Brad. Oh yeah. I love them as well. And I look Katie and as I said before, I actually do enjoy Katie, but she, she completely lost me. When she said, she just started out with you're weird.
And I think that just takes the conversation, the place where, and I've told you this before, like specifically in my, my past, when I would hold stuff in, I can explode in a way where I'm not kind, but I don't. What I would do is I would take like things you've done and things that you've said and just use it.
You know what I mean? Just really hone it in on you for Katie to just like come out and you know, just say like, you're weird. You're weird. Even Lala was like, don't, don't do that, Katie. And I don't think she had to do that because what I really needed in this moment was I needed. I need a concrete timeline.
And I also, this conversation made me more confused about like, did Katie and Joe, was there a friendship there? Was there, from my understanding, no, I understand Joe sent that weird text. And that is, here's the thing. I think Joe is, she moves funny. I think she also struggles very, very much with lying. My God.
But I've said before, I don't even know if it's malicious. I just. There's something there. So I get Katie being like, you know, harsening that text. And then according to Jill, it was months later that her and Schwartz moved in together, didn't move in together, started having sex, not having sex, whatever. I can understand Katie feeling a certain way about that.
I can understand, to me, when I watch this scene, Again, Katie lost me when she called Joe weird and started that way. But I'm like, Katie, I can understand you having emotions like this. And I don't think like you need to talk to Joe, and you've told, told Schwartz that so he's crossing that boundary. But the way I did feel with Katie is because Joe said something later on, like, let him go.
And I didn't see this as Katie. I really think that where we are now, Katie has moved on from shorts, but when you take her back to that moment, I still think that girl has a lot to process when it comes to her marriage, and the ending of that, and all of the Jeremy and all that, so I, I, I don't know, I felt for Katie in that moment.
But again, she lost me when she started it out, like harshly like that with Joe, but I just never want to see Joe and Katie have a conversation ever again in my life. Me either. But I also, this is what I've been saying about Katie, Katie has to put it. Lightly like mean girl energy. She's mean as fuck.
She's the girl in high school where I don't think that she I think that people look at her now as like This like alt girl with like alt interest and she was so like You know janice ian type energy and uh I don't think that is Katie. I think Katie is more aligned with like a Regina, more of a, you know, doesn't like the other doesn't like people that are different.
I don't think that she does. And I think that she likes emo music because it's fucking popular for her to like emo music. . I'm thinking like hannah beth like These like myspace girls that scene girls that they dressed a certain way But their attitudes were very much not inclusive and that is kitty's attitude in my opinion now Do I think she's grown?
Absolutely. I think that she's grown, but I don't like this. She talks that way about Joe. She talks that way about Raquel. She, she just doesn't, I don't feel like she embraces camp at all. I don't think that she likes, I don't think that she likes fun stuff. And that doesn't mean that I'm misogynist. I'm not calling her miserable.
Okay. I'm just saying that things that I find different and fun. I think that she takes a long time to warm up to because I think that she's like, very threatened by things that are other than her. And the way that she speaks about it is, it's bullying behavior vibes. I'm not saying she is bullying, but if I saw a girl that was like, kind of wacky, At my school and she went up to another girl and she was like, she's weird.
I would be like, don't say that. That's really rude and mean. So that's how I feel.
Hi, editing Emily here. Just wanted to mention that after we recorded this, a couple of things came out online.
About Joe's behavior that I am raising a red flag too, and I don't want to be. Considered too flippant about that, because it does seem like there's a little more to the story with Joe. And in transparency, I always try to make sure that I am aware that I don't know these people and that they probably know more about their circumstance than I do. So I am going to give Katie a little credit. That perhaps there's a little more going on. Now, if you don't know what I'm talking about. Joe didn't Instagram live. Where it's just seems like. Th there's just seems like to be more to the story and Sheena has alluded to it.
And the way that people are talking about it is particularly more respectful than anyone on this cast ever is. And so I wanted to say maybe there's something there that we don't know, perhaps like. Mental and emotional wellness perhaps. Recreational drug use. Something like that I think is going on. That makes the situation just a tad more complicated. And I wanted to be sure that I mentioned that.
So you guys don't think that I'm just roasting Katie. Now I do stand by everything that I say about Katy right here, because I don't like her attitude. I don't like the way that she speaks to people, but when it comes to Joe, There's probably some room. There's some wiggle room. All right. Back to the show. Yeah. There's a way, I feel there's a way to start, uh, to have a conversation. And again, as soon as she said that, I'm like, Katie, like you're losing me. Like you just, you know, like you don't. And it goes back to when we talked about when they all were at the Hotel Ziggy and just circling, circling around and talking about Jo, calling her rat girl.
Yeah. And things like that. You just, it's not cute. You don't, you don't need to do that. This was on the extended version on Peacock, but Sheena's dress broke. It was kind of funny. Brock accidentally took someone else's jacket instead of Sheena's jacket, trying to like, cover up. Did Sheena cuss him out or something?
I didn't watch that part. She was just like, Brock, this isn't my jacket. Whose jacket is this? The one person I would never want to bring the wrong jacket to right before a performance is fucking Sheena. She would not be chill about it. I, as a stage kitten, would Who that would, you know, not a boyfriend, but as someone whose job was to like, get the right accessories and clothing pieces.
I cannot imagine the wrath dude. I would be terrified. No, Dan was really cute in that moment. He was asking people for a safety pin. He was actually holding her dress together a little bit while Brock went to get the jacket. We then see Brock. Busting a move, getting down. I know, I know Brady's temperature rose during that moment.
Brady was Brady as whoever listened to the last episode. Lots of you, by the way. Thank you. And I got, by the way. Lots of great feedback. He is a sent for Brock. I got lots of great feedback on that episode. Thank you guys so much for listening. I love Brady and I'm glad that you guys loved him too. I will call that bitch out for a minute though, because he will say this.
Mr. Mr. Brady. He is a, he is a Jax Taylor in the good sense. That bitch loves to exaggerate. Okay. He loves to tell a story. And then as, as long as when he's telling the story, he's like, what actually, no, that didn't happen. Happened this way. Well, I actually know what happened this way. Okay. I Lime did not hate the Katie baloney meme.
I gave full support for this meme. And as he stated, yes, he could not figure out how to do it. So I am suing him for defamation. Sue him girl. Stay tuned. I'm taking all of his pennies. I'm a flip flopper. I'm like, yes, I support you. I hear you. I support you in that. And I hear you in that. No, I love you, Brady.
I know. I know you'll listen to this, but I love you, boo. But you know, you exaggerate a shit. Love you, Brady. I love him so much. Definitely. He's so funny. He did so good for his first podcast too. So anyway, yeah. So Brock busted a move. We then have stand of all thinking Brock for standing up for him.
And Brock is like, you know, we're, we're switching over here. I'm like, Oh, you just, you truly just want to be Sandoval's friend and let's be, I just say that. Just say it. Yeah. Just say it because that's like what you want. He then says, Brock, Brock said to Sandoval, you need to step it up and be there for her and your friends.
And again, I just want to know, because like what we're seeing now is Sandoval stepping up to be Sheena's friend outside of the show. It does not seem like it now. No, it doesn't. So I don't, I don't understand. Does Brock, do you think that Brock like just misses the mark all the time or do you think like Because I like obviously Sheena vents to Brock, right?
And so Brock internalizes that and then voices it and it pisses Sheena off. But do you think that Brock is like actually word for word voicing how Sheena feels about things or do you think that he is Taking what Sheena says and then interpreting it wrong. I think it's a mixture. I think at the beginning of.
This episode, when he was talking about the way Sandoval and Ariana are friends, I very much think Sheena has said similar things where he gets it wrong, because I don't think Sheena has said Ariana is a bad friend or Ariana has not been a good friend to me. And Sheena defended that in that moment. So I think.
He will try to say things that Sheena has said and is maybe scared to say it, but I don't think he quite gets it. He doesn't fully. This is why, this is why we don't let the husbands in. This is why. No. And this is why Sheena. Men need to stay in men's business. Okay. But Sheena, say what you mean and mean what you say because I, you know, I do think she And I said this before in my stories, the way that she talks, I'm like, well, damn girl, it sounds like you, you rather be Sandoval's bestie and I, or just, or have that friendship and I don't really hear you talk about Ariana in that way.
Now I did in that moment when Brock was saying, you know, comparing them, but it's just like, to me, I was like, okay, again, Sheena. And I don't blame her. She just is really, really worried about how the audience is going to react to her. Guys, the way that the fandom is right now, y'all can't do anything. I wouldn't blame it.
I wouldn't blame you. Y'all can't do anything right now. So, I don't know. I have, I have to wonder if Applebee's is sponsoring this episode because that's why I think, honestly, Ariana left, she had to go to Applebee's by 10pm, that was her, that was her call time, the way that they worded Applebee's. Oh wait, hold on one second.
Okay. Sorry about that. Go ahead. So we then have another scene that made me want to die. Saint of all introduced himself to Dan. If you notice, Dan didn't go to shake his hand when Santa reached out, but Dan did say, you know, I appreciate what you're saying, man. Peace out. Allie was me in this moment. Cause she said, Oh, I was so nervous.
I would have, I would have not breathed watching that interaction is such an agent of chaos. Truly. I don't want to stand. Anyone on this show, I really don't, especially no one that is so attached to James, but like, God, the way that she is able to like maneuver through the way through the waters. Oh, side note.
Sorry to interrupt you. I want to get your thoughts on this. Cause for once it didn't text you about this. There was a thing on one of the subs today. Uh, that was like, Really weird how Sheena keeps trying to be best friends with all of James girlfriends. And I was like, you mean, after eight years of knowing Raquel or whatever, they became friends for a year and then she fucked her best friend's boyfriend?
Or The next one, cause there's only the two. Also, what does that even mean or trying to imply? I don't understand. What was the, what is the point of that? Well, this person was doing this fun thing that I'm loving right now. That's trending where they're trying to link, because in the after show, James said that Sandoval was like trying to butter up to Allie, which in my opinion is not him moving in on Allie.
It's a way to like try to get her to soften up so that she can like relay the message to James and to the other girls to soften up towards him. But what the subreddit is thinking, and tell me what you think about this, that Sandoval and Sheena both have an agenda to, uh, be predatory towards Allie and, uh, get her like weakened to their cause, the two of them together.
And Sheena's only doing it. Because of Scandaval, not because, you know, she wants to be friends with Allie or anything crazy like that. That is gross and unnecessary. And guys, let's just be happy that we, you know what, we got Scandaval, okay? We don't need to make up these crazy, insane rumors or theories or what.
I don't, no. Was that approved? Was that in the Vanderpump Rules subreddit? Or is that Vanderpumpaholics? I don't think. No, no, no. I don't think it was. Well, I don't know. It might have been in the regular Vanderpump Rules subreddit, but it was not. That was the caption was like, not necessarily about Ali. I don't think.
But then the, the top comment is, I'll look for it. But either whether it's in Vanderpumpholics or not, that was the. That was the, I don't even know how to process that, except that she's stupid and unnecessary. And honestly, Sandoval probably talked to Ali, not even to butter anyone up, but because he likes to talk to people about himself and he likes to talk.
And Sheena's gonna be, she tries to be friends with anyone on the show. I mean, You know, and also Allie is a fan of Sheena's. You remember how, remember how like starstruck she was when she realized that Sheena was on that episode, was pizza girl on that episode of Jonas show. And then in the music video, she was like, I did not even realize that that was you.
I was like, Oh my God, she's a fan. And then she has her in her music video. Come on guys. Get a grip. I don't know, Emily. I know me and you try to make gaps where we don't understand, but maybe we need to make me more cuckoo with them because that's, that is bananas. Ariana then says a great line of after the Dan and Sandoval weird meeting, she says, it doesn't have to happen.
He's not in my life. And then we get her in a confessional. I'm not here as a cog in the machine of Sandoval of Tom Sandoval's redemption arc. So you guys can do that without me. And yeah, I, I mean cheers to that because I think she can see this season what they're trying to do and she is, again, she says later on she's not the final boss.
You know, like, she doesn't have to be a part of this, whatever Sandoval's little redemption arc or tour is. We then get, this was not in the regular version, this was in the Peacock version, we get the drunk Rando, who apparently was the partner of someone, was a partner of a client of Kyle's. So who, this is who this guy was, he got hella drunk, somehow kept going into the VIP.
And this to me really showed the, the, what a real person would do versus Sandoval being performative. Okay. Because you have Lala being. Saying someone get this guy out of here and what is Brock do he then tells the guy? Hey, man, I want to sit there Where the guy was sitting and to me because I feel like that just felt so real to me Yeah, I did not know what to do in that Everyone was like kind of looking the girls were like they didn't want to be like outright This guy, fuck this guy.
Cause that's not really who they are. That's not, it doesn't actually pop off. Katie doesn't actually hate males. Right. But like, they all were just kind of like somewhat uncomfortable. They're not going to be rude to their fans like that, but like it was very weird and they're kind of all looking around like, what the fuck?
And so someone goes to Brock and they're like, Hey, you got to get this guy out of fucking VIP. I think it was Lala and Brock instead of, and by the way, I don't know. To Brock's credit, he doesn't have to get aggro to be intimidating in my opinion. Now it felt real to me. It felt very real. He was, I felt like I would be curious to know if the guy had like come against Brock in any way, how Brock would react.
But Rock was like, Nope, I'm just going to sit here. Yeah, I left. And then he I don't know if he was, was he trying to get back into VIP? I don't know. He started like running like a little buddy and he, the security guy who I'm now in love with was, did not stop. And the guy took, I believe it was a glass of water, threw it at the security guy.
I couldn't even tell. I think the glass went one way in the water when it like on the security guard, but that guard did not miss a beat. He kept walking. And then this is where I said Brock's reaction was more real to me where Sandoval is more performative because The security guards had already had it handled and you see Sandoval being like, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, what's happening?
What's going on? What are you doing? When it's he's re we call that in behavior and behavior de escalation re escalating. Yes, that's re escalating. It was already handled. You don't need to save anything. The security guard had it handled and then the secure, like Sandoval grabbed the chair, but the security guard then grabbed the chair.
Grabbed the guy by the neck? Yeah, it was just like had him in a hold. Oh yeah. Hell yeah. And got and got him out of there. And then Billy Lee, like sandal. Are you okay? Do or do you, are you okay? Honey? Boo boo. Do you remember Billy Lee's uh, response? That night after it went viral. Do you remember that? Yeah, she said the, the guy that was there, she was terrified of him because he knew information about her that no one else knew.
Well, he, he knew her, uh, dead name. Yeah. And, She was like, a lot of people really don't know that. And she said she knew, he knew her dead name and a couple of other things. And I think she actually said, I could, I could be wrong, but I think that she said that she, he also knew something about Katie or one, maybe one of the cast members that was like a little overboard in, in, Information.
Now, if he's a client of a partner of a client of Kyle chance, like that, maybe they run in a similar circle, but I just remember Billy Lee being like, basically, this is literally about me. This is entirely. Because he wanted to be near me, which is like, it's fair for her to be freaked out because the guy was acting by the way, we want to be very fucking uncomfortable.
I cannot, I felt so uncomfortable watching it. I can't, I hate when people embarrass themselves in that way. I can't imagine. I feel like really embarrassed when I like get drunk and I try to have a heart to heart with someone because that's what I'll do. Right. I mean, like someone that I know, so I can't, I feel like kind of embarrassed as having asked Jack's questions.
I can't imagine, which is what he was fucking there for was interact with fans. Right. Yeah. Right. Right. I can't imagine like doing all of that and then fighting a security guard, taking a chair like that. I want to know. Oh, well, I actually, I saw someone on Reddit posted pictures of him and like kind of a play by play.
And I have a theory, Lindsay, I think that's rope guy. Oh, my God. Don't do that. I think that's rope guy. It looks exactly like him. It did. Yeah, now that you say that, you're not wrong, but I know. Rope guy is here to protect our country. He would not do that. Maybe it's his evil twin. Yeah. His evil, his evil twin.
I don't even know what, what he would be called. I don't know. Water thrower. Gay girl. The sneaker inner. He, oh my god. The, the rope guy protects people from people like his brother who are people who sneak in. We, we know. Yeah, I figured it out. I will say, I think Billy Lee also came so hard with trying to Tell people about that guy because a lot of people were saying all of that was set up and it was Billy Lee's friend.
It was Isaac's friend. This was all stuck you by the way. To make Sandoval look good. Yeah, none of that happened. It's not even in the actual show. It's in the peacock extended extended version. Also side note, Isaac eight. Okay. Isaac, get the fuck away the fuck down. If you see Isaac's outfit, the gold, real gold, I'm not coming for anybody who may or may not have An X in their name, but Isaac actually wore gold and not mustard, but that's all I have to say.
About that. Mustard. Come through. So we, so we had that little scene. We've been, Sheena sings apples, look, apple slaps Sandoval is now in number one apple stand. We then see the screamo version as good as gold, which again, The song slaps. The only thing I wish I was looking, cause my son likes to get all our records out and look at them.
And I have Sheena's good as gold. The two songs, the screamo version of the regular version. Wait, the one Lindsay, you didn't tell me that guys, let me tell you, you think Brady is being shady, but Lindsay actually keeps a lot of fucking secret. There's a couple, one, one being she's owned. The double vinyl of Sheena's gold for months.
When did you get this? For Christmas. Girl, I'm so sorry. Once again, I do. Oh my gosh, it's me. I'm the problem. She's the problem. I, my biggest thing is that it was such a missed opportunity because One side of the album should have been pop star Sheena and then the other side should have been emo version Sheena.
It was just such a missed opportunity that I have to call out. But I'm so sorry to be keeping that secret from you. But Now you're going to get a whole bunch of, uh, comments being like, you're that Lindsay girl is the number one. She to stay
one star review, by the way, guys, if you are enjoying this podcast. And I, I just hope to God somebody is out there, please, if you have not gone and reviewed my podcast, give me five stars, and please, and then please write a nice review, because I have gotten, I've gotten, I've gotten some negative ones, and a couple of them were, Particularly because I was nice to Sheena and Raquel.
So if you could, if you could, if you like me, if you like the podcast, if you just have a moment on Apple podcast, go five stars. And just cause like, it's a really a jarring thing to go from 4. 8 for three years. 4.4 in the matter of a couple of months, and it all has something to do with Vander rules when I've covered a lots, and I know I, that's used to joke abouts how I don't care about that.
But, uh, you know, it's a, it's a little hurtful. So if you can just do that. Sorry, go ahead. Okay, I'm done. No, literally everyone take pause the episode and go do that because. That is alarming to see a rating go down that way, and for what reason? There, there is no reason. There are reasons, but let them not be about my opinions about Vanderpump Rules.
Let me just, yes, yes. I don't have a perfect podcast, but, right. Sheena's exhausted because she was lip singing two songs, but, Stop it! You're her number one fan, you own her vinyl. What is that? 400 a side? I didn't get the signed copy or anything. No, it was like 50, which is still too much. It's a lot. Okay.
Okay. I know. Look, I have to have fun, okay? She but you know what? She performed. She had fun. Her outfit honestly, and I'm just because I like to be I like to really play both sides I think that I've been really disappointed in Sheena especially this episode because I'm not really sure what kind of person or Mother would steal her daughter's bell outfit And wear it on stage.
I think that's really uncouth of her. No, say it with your full chest. That needs to be, that needs to be called out justice for some. She's so beautiful. I love Sheena so much. I'm just joking. I can't even be a standup because I can't, I can't. We've been to have Sandoval telling Sheena, you did so good. And Sheena's like, thanks.
We're I hope Sandoval continues down this path, aka give me presents, Sandoval, because that's how your friendship is being portrayed. An extra moment from the peacock version. Sheena is talking to the band and she says, did I dream this or am I officially a part of the band? And they're like, yeah, so maybe we'll go on a tour.
And Sandoval's at the side and she's like, Well, that's cool. And then he gives them all water. So maybe Sheena on the 27th coming soon to a city near you. I'm in fucking love with the, the guy, I forget his name. It starts with a K. But I haven't looked. Kevin? Is that his name? Is that who Katie went on the date with?
Yes, that guy. Kevin. I think so. Well, I'm actually kind of in love with both of them. Low key, not, you know, but for some reason, I thought the other guy had a girlfriend. So I'm, you know, I'm gonna Rachel it up over here. You know what I'm saying? But Kevin is so hot to me and I'm obsessed with him. So, can we take a pause?
Cause Cora just text me bedtime. Yes. We're taking a little declin break guys. We'll be right back. All right. I will be right back. Sorry guys, we have to take another quick break, uh, but we're back. So, uh, Lindsay. Okay. So we were just talking about Sheena as part of the band and Tom Sandoval was like, cool.
Do you guys want waters? And then he pulls waters out of his, uh, magic hat. Yes, exactly. Then this is where we really get into the quote unquote meat of the episode. And You know, they have a conversation, they're hugging each other, and this, again, it was a nice conversation in a sense of, you know, at the end of it, Ariana and Sheena are basically both crying and saying like, I always will love you, you will always be a part of my life.
But before we got that, you know, we have Sheena telling Ariana, I'm seeing this good side of Sandoval. And I just need Sheena to get in her head that Ariana's not gonna see that side, and I don't know if she's ever going to, and I don't know if she necessarily has to. No. And Ariana, I, go ahead. No, go ahead.
No, I was gonna say, for, for once, for the first time this season, we see Ariana very clearly state what she needs from Sheena. Exactly. Yes. And she says, go ahead. She says. Can you do me a favor? Don't talk to me about it. And this was I think the first time where Ariana clearly stated something and that's where I needed someone to come in because both Sheena and Ariana suck at communicating.
And I needed someone to come in and what I needed from Sheena in that moment is to point, point, point, ask. If I hang out with Sandoval outside of filming, where does that stand with us? Because I know, and then we see a montage of Ariana saying, I will not have mutual friends with him. He will not have access to my life.
But then you also have her telling Sheena, you will always be a part of my life. I will always love you. And Ariana says in her confessional, I've never said I, I, I don't love her or we're not always going to be connected, but notice how in that moment, she didn't say friends, right? She's using all this fancy language.
So I need Sheena to point blank ask that because, and I don't know if Ariana, cause Sheena has said, you know, I'm not trying to be friends with Sandoval. I just want this, like, Whatever's on my shoulder to be released. I don't want to have all this like pinch up resentment all this stuff. So I don't know if Ariana's taking it that way, but she doesn't need to specifically say that.
But I, like I said, I do. Sheena's still, I feel like trying to get validation from Ariana that if I explore a relationship with Sandoval, am I going to lose you? I just need her to ask it point blank in that way instead of this weird way. That they're doing, because I still feel like we're not getting a real conversation with them.
No, and we, we see them both kind of being like, Mm hmm. Yeah. Mm hmm. Both at each other and it's like that you guys, it's like, we're supposed to read between the lines, but the, the lines are. Blurred, they're blurred and that's why they have the little montage of Ariana saying all season Yeah, if you're friends with him, I will not fuck with him.
But then like you said she's like I'm always gonna You know be here for you But then Ariana needs to say but if you're friends with Sandoval, we're not gonna be friends But I'll be here for you, you know, yeah, I know I mean I don't, I don't know, because I do think there is, I don't think Ariana and Sheena are obviously as close as they were years before.
Right. And I think we'll see in a little bit in the reunion, Sheena talked about how their friendship maybe wasn't in the best place, even like before Scandal. And so I just, I don't know, I, I need more clear communication and it's almost seems like they both have recognized. That their friendship is different now, but that's not necessarily has to be a bad thing, but they, I think they're afraid if either of them say anything, then that means their friendship will have to end completely.
And it doesn't have to be like, it doesn't have to be either way. If you want, if you want both of you guys to be closer than you, both of you have to make the effort, but also if you both recognize that your relationship is different now, that doesn't mean it has to be an end, if what you're saying, Ariana.
That Sheena is always going to, you're always going to be there for her and you're not adding a but, right, to the end of that, you're like, you're not saying, but then like, what, you know what I mean? But I still, I, I, I never feel closure when those two people talk. No. And we won't get it because as they're speaking, Sandoval literally out of thin air.
Is like, Sheena, great job and she's like, thank you. And then Ariana goes, uh uh, and then she walks away. Sandoval tries to follow after her. Sheena's like, Tom, Tom, she doesn't want to talk to you. I've already tried. She doesn't want to speak to you. She's not, she doesn't want that. She's explaining basically what Ariana just said to her.
Like, hey, thought this might be a thing. Turns out I was wrong. Turns out she does not want any of that. And Sandoval is just so triggered, and then on the other corner we see Ariana talking to producer Jerry, and she's like, you know, he does not get access to me, he has been fucking around, who knows what could have happened, she says she could have gotten a deadly STD which is fine, and then Jerry's like, don't do this Ariana, don't do this.
And an interesting theory came out of the Vanderpump Rules party podcast, actually. And I think it was Holly, who was like, Arianna just quit in that moment and say, I'm done with the show and we just haven't seen that. And they're keeping that from us. And I can see, I can see where I can see that, where Arianna just said, I'm done because that really, that moment really triggers everybody.
Uh, and then she and Brad by Brad and, and Dan and another friend go outside and they talk about their plans to go to Applebee's, which is funny. Well, and he specifically says, don't do this. I'm. I'm like, would you really just say that with her walking away or even if she left the party? Because it seemed like the night was wrapping up anyway, right?
Exactly. And that's what Holly says. Yeah. Yeah. So what would be the big thing? And yeah, I do, I have to point out to that. I'm not gonna lie in that. And I think this just showed like, Ariana's truly was just thinking like this was with Sandoval in that moment, like the way he just came up because I'm not quite my Lindsay brain would have switched and I feel like I would have went off on Sheena and both of them and been like, did you guys like?
And I don't think this is what happened, but watching, I was like, did you fucking like plan this to talk to me and then for Sandoval to ambush because they all freaking want this conversation. But Ariana was like, no, like she when she went to talk to Jeremy, she was like Sandoval just walks on up and tries to get in our conversation.
But I feel like I just know if I was Ariana, I would have saw red in that moment because the way he just walked right in and try to access CRM them in that way. I would have lost my shit. And I know Ariana, like she doesn't lose her shit. And actually the way that I feel like I would have, because to me it would have I would be like, am I like being set up here?
What the hell to be fair, Sheena was at a different part of the venue and Ariana says, I'm going to go hug Sheena real quick, right? And then she gets up and goes and find Sheena. So it's not like, I don't know. I know. I'm not here. Ariana didn't think this at all. I'm just saying to me in that moment, I feel like I, yeah, that's just me because I don't Yes, that's, that's how I would have been, but Ariana clearly, she did not see it that way at all.
I would have, I would have definitely saw it that moment. And then like you, what really, man, it really triggered stand of all when Aria, when Sheena said, Ariana said, you're being performative. And again, Sheena, this is where I need you to be more clear with Arianna because something that Sheena said they didn't really love.
She was like. She doesn't want your apology. She thinks I'm an idiot. You need to say that to Ariana and say, do you think I'm an idiot? Like that's how I'm feeling. Just say that to her and yeah, the, the performative aspect, man, that really, and he said her of all people should know I'm not being performative.
And I'm going to argue that Ariana of all people probably knows best when you are performative because yes. And Ariana says that in her confessional, she says, I don't know why she I think she knows him better than me and yeah, I don't either. I really don't either. I don't know why she would think that.
I don't know either. It's weird. And so then, yeah, you, uh, you talked about the Jeremy and Ariana scene. Well, and then was she, did she say I'm done in that moment? I'm done with VPR. Right.
Excuse me. I had to take a sip of my essential water. It's not sponsored. One day. Sheena said one day, Sheena says to Tom, okay, so what am I to you not just because we're filming just like, what am I to you? He's like, you mean a lot. I'm there for you. I show up. And she's like, I give you sound guy. I give you the sound guy.
She goes, don't make me look like an idiot, Tom. And then she walks away and she goes right over right behind Ariana. And I don't know what Sheena meant by that. Like.
Does she mean like, don't make me look overly sympathetic to you? Like what is, what is going on? Maybe because, so she's, she's saying, do I mean something to you or is this just for the show? And I guess she means don't make me look like an idiot. Like you're saying to me. This isn't just for the show, but again, Sheena, where is Sandoval standing up for you now, even like, I'm sorry, it was your birthday yesterday.
I didn't see him, you know, posting about your birthday and you love your, I mean, like, it seems like she loves things like that. I'm not saying you didn't text her or anything, you know, but I just, I don't. I don't see Sanoval hanging out with Summer Moon a lot. You know, I don't know. I don't see these things so, to me, I think, and this goes with a lot of them, like, they're just doing stuff in the VPR world at their job.
Yep. So, I don't understand this, like, Hounding of like, how much do I mean to you? What do you mean? Don't make me look like a fool. I don't, I don't get it. I really don't. I don't either. We then have standable talking to Billy Lee and this just truly shows you that look, Sandoval just wanted to have a conversation with Ariana to do it and to say that he was sorry and I'm sorry, the guy is not sorry.
He's not. If he was sorry. He would have, as Arianna said, tried to apologize in any different way, but he's not sorry. And he says, Arianna's going around saying, I'm not being honest and I'm being performative. He then acts like a middle schooler because he's like, I'm not performative, she's performative.
And he says, She doesn't even like any of these motherfuckers, which he then admitted. Don't watch what happens live. He exaggerated all year and even like what he was saying in that moment. And when he went to the group and was like, he doesn't like any of those motherfuckers. And here's the thing. Do I believe?
That Ariana and Sandoval themselves have like ranted to each other about the group, all of them have absolutely. I'm sure Ariana has even said one time, I can't stand these motherfuckers. Yeah, sure. Absolutely. So don't, but again, he's using something again. In their relationship to weaponize it and it's, it's just, it's gross.
He clearly wasn't sorry, Rob on your subreddit said it perfectly saying, you know, he wants to apologize. And then he's saying, you know, he's calling Ariana lazy, which if he calls her lazy, well, I think that's just so rude and disgusting. Very rude. I hated that. I hate that. He said it, this is twice now. And I said, and Rob, he talked about them as separate subreddit.
And I said, it literally gives the energy of when. You're on a dating app and a guy's talking to you and they're really sweet. And you tell them, Hey, I'm not really feeling it. I'm so sorry. And they're like, you fat piece of shit. I never liked you. That is the energy that Sandoval gave him that moment. And.
I didn't like it. And then we have the big quote unquote breaking the fourth wall moment with Lala, Sheena, Sandoval, Schwartz. I don't think Schwartz said a word during this whole time. He was pissing his pants. And he looked goofy as hell with his black rimmed glasses and his bright ass blonde hair.
He looked so dumb. Oh, he looked so, I know, which is so sad because when we see that montage, he was so hot. So hot. That's when Sandoval tells the group, She didn't give a fuck about you, And Sandoval just keeps repeating things, So Sheena's like, I know, I know, I know, I know, That was so funny to me, That was not, to me, that was not, necessarily her being like, Oh, I'm so empathetic.
I think she was like, shut the fuck up. She was so sick. His energy was very fueled. I'll just say that he seemed to be fueled by something other than adrenaline. Or his adrenaline was fueled by something other than just the environment. Uh, his like, I just like, you know, and then he called them motherfuckers.
I'm like, He kept saying motherfuckers. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, what is wrong with you? And, you know, Sheena like kind of shakes him. He like hugs her. She's like, like, it was like, so awkward. And then Lala goes into her monologue. Yes. And Lala. She, you know, she just says she has been, been biting her tongue whole season, this whole season.
And I'm just like, Lala, if you really felt this way, you needed to say this episode one because you just been a fake ass bitch this entire season. But this is Lala. I don't know why. Should, we should expect nothing less. I, I know I was talking to Brady about this and honestly, this scene, this is really it.
It is not, it should not be shocking. Like this is Lala. Yeah. You know what I mean? This is Lala. This isn't actually like a huge, shocking moment. This is who she is. And so she said she's been biting her tongue because it's hard to do this. And Sandoval's like, yeah. 'cause you're afraid. Well, I was like, I'm not afraid.
It's because of this breaking the fourth wall. And she says the world has rallied around Ariana. Now she thinks she's Beyonce. It's bullshit that she can't film with someone that she stays under the same roof with. And she says, you know, she's telling people, don't fuck with Tom Sandoval. I'm going to, but I'm going to sleep down the hall with him from him.
Then she looked at Sandoval and she was like, I get it. You cheated. It was weird how you looked at all of us in the eye and said shit, but he didn't kill somebody. And she keeps repeating that. And that to me, I think Ariana, or while I was really talking to the audience in that moment. Yeah. Saying like he didn't kill anybody.
He didn't kill anybody. And I, on, I get like, sometimes the way that people talk about Sandoval, they, they do act like he did that. I'm just, again, I just have to point out for me. Okay, true. But that doesn't mean Ariana owes that man a conversation. Just because Lala, you're saying, you know, she can't.
Have a conversation with Sandoval and I understand like, and you asked the question, like she asked the questions this season as far as the house situation and she didn't really go, get, go anywhere because Sandoval and Ariana both like, you know, they're not getting along, but this whole South house situation, they figured a way out for it to, you know, work with them.
And it was weird and it's still weird. But she does not owe that man a conversation, especially on camera. Okay. Because again, it's performative. And that's when. Sheena in that moment is telling Lala like, I know, I know, I got, I got your back. I got your back. And that's when, you know, Lala said she moved on eight days later, eight days later.
Sandoval's in the corners like, we have to have these tough conversations. And that's when Lala says, you know, I've never experienced someone who gets cheated on and suddenly she becomes God. I just, what are your thoughts? I think like, so for me, okay, so the way that this was presented all season is, this is this big breaking the fourth wall.
To me, the only part that really broke the fourth wall was Ariana talking to Jerry and Jerry's on camera. Yeah, exactly. That's like the rest of it is not breaking the fourth wall, like saying that, cause she she lightly alludes to like filming Lala does, but other than that, like, it's not. You're just, you're just not happy.
She wasn't, she didn't elaborate enough for me in this monologue of hers. She didn't say like anything about their relationship. She says that they, that she moved on eight days later, which is not true. She did not like, I mean, just timeline wise, she met Dan three weeks later. Now, whether or not after those three weeks.
Ariana and Dan gotten in some sort of like emotional relationship. I don't know, but just Lala is not being truthful in that moment. I understand why the cast. Is like, why should we have to hold this grudge against him? They're not saying, but what I don't understand is why was it like him? Wanting to be friends with Sandoval.
So I don't, well, she's speaking for Sheena, I think, and I get, see, I think this whole scene, no, no, I get what you mean. Then. And then this whole season just needed to be just alright, just Sandoval and Sheena, you know, I don't know. Like, I, I, it just doesn't, that's why I was frustrated at the end. I was like, is this entire fucking season about will Sheena be friends with Sandoval again?
Because I don't fucking care. Like, it seems like that. It seems like the whole season is, is Sheena. Really a backstabbing bitch that's gonna be friends with Sandoval again, because that's what all of the plotlines seem to center around. It did. And I don't care if she, I as an audience member, do not, I don't care.
If Sheena's friends with him, any more than I care if James is friends with him, if fucking Kristen is friends with him, like, I don't care if these people become friends with him again eventually. And I don't know if the producer, like, if, I don't know if people thought that we would be so invested in this.
But if that's what the whole season is hinging on, that's a bad season. There's no content there. And I don't know why that it seems like there was some sort of push at the end for Ariana and Sandoval to have a conversation, which is wild because Ariana has been saying very firmly all season, at least on camera and in seemingly in every other outlet, I'm not going to talk to this guy.
She seems to stay clear as day. But we've seen conversations with them and they don't go well, and I don't want to watch it. No. And even the other cast members at that at James's house when Ariana and him are getting into it, they all looked visibly uncomfortable. No. So exactly. You guys, obviously, like, do you want to keep seeing that?
I don't want to see it. These are two people who they should not be talking and Ariana, like, let her have this anger in this moment, because. It is a situation to be angry at, but then you want, if you truly this season seem to be harped on Sheena and Sandoval becoming friends again, and then Ariana and Sandoval having this one last conversation, which we already got in season 10, and that's going to save this season.
And guess what? It would not have, because I guarantee that if they were to actually, if Ariana was like, okay, Sandoval, let's talk, that man would have opened his mouth for five seconds and it would have been done because Sandoval would start backtracking and exaggerating because Ariana would call him out and saying something that was not true or to back it up.
He would then go off and then she would shut down and then we would not have a, you know I mean, they're, they're, they are not. Having productive conversations. I'm like did they just want like sound bites like they got from That one conversation in the house, like, because that's the only kind of conversation that they have is where they're screaming.
But then that we got that, I guess, from the conversation at James's house, and I hated it. So I don't Look, all the way into the season, she just came to almost like, especially towards the mid and end of the season, she came to all the things. You Yeah, she's in Sandoval. I will say that with him too. He came.
They both came. They, yeah. And there were times when they did talk to each other and have those interactions and it was awful to watch just in the sense of like, you could feel it. So. I, I don't understand. And then we have Lala in her confessional and she is saying, I love filming the show because it is real.
I'm gonna call bullshit on that. It's not been real for a hot minute ever. And y'all even say that on your podcast. It's a job. We have a job to do. We have a job to do. I would, she said she, I just, I can't, she finds it healing. And this to me got it for Ariana to walk out of this in this way, it's a slap in the face.
Again, did Arianna say she quits in that moment because her just walking away, that is, you're describing that as a slap in the face. Like what, what is in there? Is there something in their contracts that if they walk away, they will all be punished or something. That is the way that Lala is acting, literally cannot figure it out.
So, or were there moments before, like Lala, did you try to walk away? From something and they, you felt like you couldn't, like, I can have empathy for that. Cause maybe there was something, you know, I'm, I'm really trying to understand. I really think
at this point, I really think either Ariana quit in that moment or
there's just no way. There's like no. Circumstance that I can imagine where Ariana was like, well, maybe I'll have a conversation with apologizes. And I can't believe that this whole party, this whole filming thing was just a product of, Oh, well maybe I just, who gives a fuck? Who cares? Who cares if Ariana and Sandoval have a conversation?
Who is looking for that after this entire season? Who was looking for that truly? Why would they think that that would be important to us? I think they could have ended on Sheena and Ariana, like, hugging it out. And even if Sheena came back in, like, a snarky ass way, they could have been, you know, like, what kind of drama are they looking for?
And then for them to have this whole scene With this guy who's infiltrating and throws a chair and throws a vase or whatever the fuck and they leave it out of the live taping.
I just don't understand. Like they were really banking on this moment. You actually had a full ass weird fight. And you don't show that in the live airing. That's so much more interesting. I know it was so I don't, and it could have been even more interesting if they would have lab like who the fuck, like do a deep dive, who the fuck that guy was, you know, something to make it silly.
They could have edited that if they wanted to, they could have edited it as Tom Sandoval, like getting something thrown at him or, you know, they could have done anything they wanted with that. And they did. Yeah. I just don't, I don't understand. I don't understand. And then, and so then to wrap up the, I don't understand.
We get Lala says, you know, I'm I broke. I finally broke. I'm like kind of you've been saying this the whole season kind of so you didn't really break and Now we get this weird montage of like the whole cast Stassi and Kristen are included and like All these relationships and like the, it's like we've all had to have real, real confrontations.
It's like, so,
so, and also Lala, you, I tuned out as soon as you said, I've watched James live his authentic life, please, please, girl. Get a grip. Girl, I need you to go to therapy and I really need you to process some shit. I really Because of things that are still on the internet that I think you could really, uh, yeah, him living his authentic life.
Okay. And then yeah, he's she's listing all the people and then she says you know, and here's the thing. She does say like, there was a time that I was not honest about what was going on and it was suffocating. And that is true. And I'm glad she acknowledges that. However, Lala, you're still not being quite honest with that whole situation but, you know, but you're gonna call out everyone else who's not being real, be real this season.
And she says, you know, this is when she says, I don't feel that Tom and Ariana were ever honest about their relationship until Tom was caught cheating. Well, Lala, you weren't honest about your relationship until Randall, you know what I mean? It came out that like he was cheating. So I don't like, I don't, what do you, okay.
I don't know what you want from me, Lala. You're again, you're all, so you're all just fucking liars. You're all liars. Okay. And to be clear, I believe, I don't think that Arianna and Sandoval, I don't think that Ariana was necessarily completely blindsided, maybe by the cheating, like, like the actual act of him cheating with Raquel.
But I don't think that she was blindsided in the fact that they were like in this like dream situation. And I think she's recognizing that more than that. Watch what happens live. That was like more telling to me when Andy said, do you think you would have stayed together And I think a few months ago, Ariana would have been like, yeah, I was his ride or die.
But even in that moment, she was like, you know, I don't know because things weren't good. Exactly. And I think that maybe her friends and I understand her friends kind of probably saw that. Her friends have probably processed things a little quicker than she has. Her friends are probably like, well, you are happy in a new relationship.
So I don't know why I can't be cool with Sandoval. Like I get that. I understand that. These are, again, these are people that she would specifically with Lala. I don't understand why she cares so much because Lala is not even trying to be Sandoval's friend, you know what I mean? Like I don't, and Lala, I don't know.
Like I am trying this, this to be, again, we've said this, I'm mad at production. And I'm mad that they put all the cast members in this situation. And yes, the cast, they all, they, they are the ones like they say what they say, but truly the way they went about this season is why we got this. Yeah. So I just, I don't understand Baba.
You're preaching all of this, but it's, but for what? That's what I don't understand. Like for what? I think your guys are all worried about the show, but. It's just, I don't, I don't know this, this whole, this, the way it was edited, you would have thought Lala was preaching from the Bible or something or saying the word of the word of the Lord or, but it was just, I didn't, okay.
That's how I felt about it. Okay. Yeah. I know. I don't know. And like I told you, like, I understand. That there will probably be things with Tom and Ariana's relationship that we will never know about, but they obviously both were in a relationship. I also have to keep in mind too that like when it comes specifically with Sandoval, that man, if you look at his past, he never knows how to end relationships.
Yeah. So, You know what I mean? Like, neither of them ended it, and so, even if things were bad, they both were still in it, and so, for him to then do what he did was just crazy, and again, I don't, like you said, I don't, I think because of all of it, and then the way he was acting, I, I'm, I think Ariana Ariana.
Was not necessarily blindsided, but like just shocked of all the pieces that she, and I think she's still finding out your, I mean, stuff when it comes to him, because I don't think he was just doing this with Rachel. I think this has, I mean, the man pretty much, he cheated when they first got together. So yeah, I just, yeah.
But again, like with Lala, I, I just don't understand this like big moment. And then it's like, Okay, girl, you say you've been biting your tongue this whole season, like you've wanted to say this, then truly, you're the one. She is acting more fake to me than Sheena. I think Sheena has really been trying to process and work through whatever's going through her head, as she said.
You know, some bitchy things, or when she talks to Ariana, does, is it cringy? Absolutely. But at least she's fucking saying what's in her mind. She's still going to Ariana. She's still being like This is what I did today. I went up to Sandoval. Guess what I did today. Guess what I did yesterday. She's not telling Ari, like, Lala, Ariana, I got you, I get you, and then her confessional.
Ariana, da da da da, you know what I mean? Yeah, no, she's not doing that. She wasn't doing that. Lala. It's freaking going to see her on fucking Broadway. And then three weeks later filming the after show where she's at nasty, nasty, nasty to say that Ariana has added or done nothing. Okay. You can say that when it comes to the cast, like Ariana, like we talked about this before, does it seem like she cares about the show.
You know what I mean? There are times where it seems like she doesn't care about it, but you can't say she's added nothing. Same with James Kennedy. I don't like the man, but I can't say he hasn't added anything or done anything with the show. Right. So Lala is just nasty in the after show and the way that she was talking on her Amazon lives during that time and the way that she was acting during Bravo con.
And then we have all of this. You, again, I don't know why I shouldn't be surprised, but I, I got in the false mindset and kind of wrapping just the recap part is I was stupid. And I was thinking, you know, the way that they acted, the whole, the way they acted at the reunion and the way that they were talking on their podcasts, I just, I really saw this season going differently and not even, I didn't even want just a, let's see.
Harp and Reem on Sandoval the entire time, but I didn't want this and I, you know, I mean like it just Because they put them in a state, like evolution was like, or Alex Baskin was like, we will get this group back together. We're just going to go by what we do. This is what we do every year. We're not going to change anything that we got.
We got shit. I know. Inauthentic shit. Yes. I think. I definitely think that we got a clusterfuck of emotions and perspectives that probably, I mean, to be fair, you feel one way in the moment and then you feel differently later. Yeah. People are being, you know, you mentioned BravoCon and all these things and I can, I can, I don't necessarily think it's completely true for Wala, but I can see like, you know, She felt one way in the moment and then after some time she kind of understood Ariana's perspective better I've certainly you know, even over the course of watching the season I've changed a little bit and I I just think that like It was a really big mistake for them to pick up filming when they did because if they weren't going to be totally If they were not going to completely break down the 4th wall, If they were not going to bring the fan aspect, The monetary aspect, If all we're going to get is Sandoval saying, So and so monetized the most out of anything, Which, by the way, still is not true about Sheena, Because she still did not, Sheena did not make more money off of merch or anything than Lala.
Lana bought a damn house. Okay, with shit that didn't have shit to do with Sandoval. With her, yeah. It had to do with Raquel. So, I just, they just picked up cameras at the wrong time and what we got was not that interesting at the end of the day. And then, whatever they've been feeding to the fanbase of like, Oh, well, it's this, it's just this big story about who's loyal to Ariana and who's not.
That's not, that's not what's interesting about what happened with Scandal at all. What's interesting is like, how, They moved through that, how they made money, how they skyrocketed in fame, how difficult it was for them to film scenes without a bunch of fans around, that's like interesting to me. I'm not interested in like, did Sheena have a hard time filming with Sandoval?
I just assumed that she would. I assumed that anyone would. It's not interesting in like, I'm glad that Ariana started filming with Sandoval like in the same scenes because that is more interesting than not right at the end of the day, I just, I still, I, I can't get over them thinking that having a conversation with Ariana and Sandoval would be some sort of gotcha or some sort of like moment, right?
Well, unless they wanted to really drive her, even if they wanted to say, oh, well, maybe she'll freak out like she did. When we picked up cameras, no, she's not six months later, she's not going to have the same reaction to Sandoval as she did two days after she found out about an affair. So that doesn't even make sense to me.
You know? No, it doesn't. And also to your point of, uh, I have to also think with Lala, she didn't know what actually Andy brought this up to like, well, I didn't know what was going to air as far as the finale. Right. And because there was some weird. I guess, quote unquote, call it breaking the fourth wall.
They may, they may really have thought that wasn't all going to air. They may have even thought Ariana talking to Jeremiah, you know what I mean? They weren't going to show that as well. They could have edited all of that. They could have just edited it as Ariana walking away and just walking out of the building, you know, but they did it.
So I also have to think, you know, while I was maybe like, I don't know what's going to air, so I'm just going to, you know, do this. And also. You know, I know Lala said this a lot about Sheena, but Lala also really does, despite her saying she doesn't, she does care about what people say. Yes. As far as, I think she, you know, is worried about if she didn't go to Ariana's first performance on Broadway, what would people say and things like that.
But again, You want to be this real bitch, then be that real bitch and say, I don't want to, I don't want to fucking go to that. I don't want to go, you know what I mean? Like just say that. And that's what I just, I don't know. I'm, I'm sad that this, this is the season that we got. I really think what we could have had this season is.
So, you know, we had, they had the reunion, if they wanted to film right away, then they really need to, they needed to film them individually and individually their lives and what was going on. Show that Ariana was getting all these brand deals and getting these opportunities. Show us that. See if we see, you know, Lala keeps talking about Ariana's ego, right?
And how it's been so up, see if we see that, right. Let us see all these things that are, she is doing and let us see her in the wild. Let us see Sheena and Lala doing their podcasts and talking about how things have, you know, blew up for them as well. When scandal vault broke, show us those moments and then really figure out, call out.
That this group doesn't seem like an actual friend group anymore. It seems like we have a whole bunch of different pairings. Call that out and say, do you guys think like, should we just wrap this up? Or do you guys see you all actually being friends again? Do it that way or something like that? Well, they also could have had, excuse me.
Oh, excuse you. I think that like, they could have even had like Lala talking to James about, you know, the impact. How does it feel that Sandoval Slept with your ex and how are you processing that like stuff like that? We didn't see any of that. We didn't know and not that I'm like, let's see more of James but right at the same time like that is a significant factor and we're just like We're not even diving into the fact that James also by the way Three weeks after his engagement with fucking Raquel was over got in a relationship with Allie.
So, what are we supposed to assume about that? We could ask him that about, you know, Ariana and Dan. We could really, I know Dan doesn't want to be filmed all that much, but we could have dove into that more. And from the beginning, and we're just kind of, it was kind of like we're all just supposed to know.
We're all just supposed to know that like, Ariana's with Dan now, not a problem, no weirdness there. And then when it comes to them and the house, like, I think I've been pretty vocal this season, uh, that I just think that Ariana could have just lived somewhere else for the time being. And I stand by that and that's just how I feel.
I know a lot of people disagree. I know it's, a lot of people don't, you know, like that I feel that way, but I do. I just feel like. She could have just gotten out of the house, and filmed somewhere else. And, maybe, if that had happened, we could have explored that, and like, Cause I'm not invested in whether or not Tom Schwartz has a new fucking apartment.
I don't give a fuck about Tom Schwartz having an apartment. But you know what I would be interested in? Ariana, living in her own goddamn apartment. Finally and having a little bit of freedom and like navigating a new relationship and all of that. That would have been fucking interesting. Instead of like, we're put in this weird position where like, Ariana and Sandoval are living in the same house.
And I'm not blaming Ariana for that. Like, obviously, who knows what would've, you know, what could've happened if she had done that. But I'm just saying, for me, I don't like seeing her in that fucking house. And it is confusing. It is confusing. Well, and then, like, show her. Because I, you know, I've heard during that time period, like she was looking at other houses show, show her doing that or show again, crossover.
What are we doing? I want to see Jeremiah blatantly asked both of them, like Ariana, obviously Sandoval, he's Sandoval. He's not going to leave. And I understand this is your house too, but, you know, I want to know, like, because I've heard back and forth before, it's like a legal aspect, you know, if she leaves, like what, you know what I mean?
Like, I don't know, just ask, ask those kind of questions or, you know, or show her looking at different houses, show, you know, what Sandoval, like, you know, is he really trying to save up and stay and really get the house? I don't, like, again, like, if you want to show, like, that all is fine. But, they didn't go that way with the show.
They again, vacated the But that's confusing. That's confusing too because I'm like, So now we're, so now it's come out, Oh, well actually, Ariana was looking for a house the whole time. Okay? Why didn't we see that on the goddamn show? Because it's not like, I know people keep saying it was three months, I cannot emphasize enough, It was a span of six months.
If she'd been looking for the house the whole time, And we were robbed of her bachelorette house hunt? I don't know. What the fuck? No, that is stupid. I want to know what kind of how like, because the house she ended up with is like my dream home. So I would love to have been more invested in that journey with her.
That would have been really important to see. Well, it also would have been important to see her side of navigating this new relationship. I don't hate her. For having a new relationship, I don't know, like, I don't understand why we couldn't have just like, it was like, it was bizarro world, what we watched with her and Dan and living in the house and Tom Sandoval and the weird parties that Sandoval was throwing and the, I live in the house, but if you throw a party, I'm going to call the cops on you, which she said more than once in the season.
That's ridiculous. Behavior, so make that make sense for me and the way that it's being portrayed is that it doesn't make sense. And so it's hard to empathize for me with her. And then, but then it's hard because you have the most unreliable person in the world, maybe save for fucking Jax. As the narrator for the season.
I know. You might as well have had Jack. Jack's at least would have been more goddamn entertaining about it. Tee. I mean, really, it is just, it is absolutely, I don't, I'm not trying to, I know a lot of podcasters that I love are like, getting into the, how could, how could they do this to Ariana? How about, how can we, how could we have robbed Ariana?
Of all this interesting shit that was going on in her life, the fucking prep, like, it literally feels the way that, that things were presented to us. And by the way, even though they picked up cameras quite early, it's not like they can't intercut footage that they, they can't, it's not like they can't get little things about dancing with the stars or Chicago or any of that.
It's not like they can't. Oh my God. I know. It's not like Ariana never blogged or never posted stories like we, good storytelling would put this kind of like foreshadowing of these great things that are coming for her. I'm so interested in the process for Dancing with the Stars. I, and then, and then we get this weird thing where we just see Sheena crying about Dancing with the Stars when there's this whole backstory to it.
I don't care if people give a shit. About whether or not Sheena should or shouldn't have gotten Dancing with the Stars. Why did we not get some sort of, on camera, not in the after show, and not on Sheena's podcast, some sort of explanation about Sheena had wanted to be on Dancing with the Stars, and this is what she had done, and this is why she thought that, and like, it just is a more interesting story.
Yeah, you're right. We only heard that on her podcast. It's like they were literally tailoring the show to, like, I don't know, like, people with no attention span, or people that don't care about these people, because I care. I know, yeah. Or they, this whole season I felt like they were trying, Alex Baskin was trying to make me feel a certain way.
But I don't think, but it was, but I don't even know what they're, I don't know what the way is. Right. But they, they were trying to, they didn't want me to, they felt like they didn't want us to ask questions this season and we got questions. And so I just, I don't, I just, I, I don't understand. And I also have to think back to.
It was in that, I think it was in the New York Times article that Sandoval did, you know, another part of it that I felt like got overlooked a lot was, I think you talked about how in July, Alex Baskin like talked to the cast and how to come to Jesus moment. And so I really, I really would love to see what Daddy Baskin said to them because to me, when I reflect back on this season.
And the way that everyone was talking on their podcasts and the way they went into this season, and we talked about this when we recapped, I think it was episode one or two, you literally see the switch in Lala's eyes when she talks to Ariana and they all have like this nice conversation and they're all fine.
Then it was, there was almost like a switch and I think Lala went to talk to some producers or whatever. And that's when she called Rachel. Yeah. I think that was the moment. When I think Lala had this in her mind, Oh God, like we can't have this kumbaya season. We need to do something. And that's the thing.
Like, I know people are saying like, we don't, here's people watch reality shows for drama, right? Like we do. So, but the, but because they went about it this way. It was just all so inauthentic and so fake feeling, and I'm, again, if you would have set it up more as a where are they now after Scandaval feeling, we would have saw Lala being like, you know what, I've already said what I feel about Sandoval, I don't wish him any harm, I don't fuck with him.
We wouldn't see her going over to his house, and fucking listening to his orgasm breathing. And they would, they would not have that moment. We had so, here's the thing. When I reflect watching Vanderpump Rules, there, there, there are moments at times when you're watching something like, okay, well, this clearly, they just, you know, this was set up or whatever this whole season was that way.
Lala and Joe having conversations, Lala, I'm guaranteed Lala has not spoken to Joe since then. Each episode. We just had. It, instead of just like feeling, sometimes feeling that way throughout the sea, I felt this way every episode, every episode. And I, and I don't like that feeling. And so I think Alex had that conversation with them.
I think something switched with Lala and Schwartz was also producing and I'm sorry, but like another really big setback with this season and we really, we really did need Rachel. On this season, we really did because the content that we could have, the way the story, I feel like, I don't know. I feel like the story could have organically felt more organically.
And I think you said this to me off off the pod that I, and I agree, I would much rather watch Rachel try to figure out her place in this group and fucking Sandoval. Yes. And I would much rather. Watch the cast try to navigate their friendship or broken friendship with Rachel, then yeah, Sandoval, like it's just, it's so easy for Lala now to say, no, Rachel would have came back.
It would have been different. Had Rachel came back, Lala would have said one error. Yes. Rachel would have said one quote unquote, dumb thing. And Lala would go off, because that's always what triggered, you know what I mean? And what's fucked up is that the audience would have ate that up, and I don't think the audience would be against Lala right now.
Because they, they want to see people hate on Rachel. But because Sandoval is like the fucking catch all for every man that's ever done anything wrong, and I know that sounds like Sandoval rhetoric, but I'm just saying, if it were Sandoval and Rachel, Y'all would be eating it up if the girls were horrible to Raquel, Sheena included, and I would be very sad because I love Sheena and Raquel as a friendship.
Yeah. And I, here's the thing. I don't, I don't, it's not even that I, you know, I want to see that, but it would have, we would have gotten, I feel like a lot more real content from that. And I want to see Miss Rachel and Sheena have a sit down conversation because they both still. A very different accounts of that night.
So how the hell would that be edited or what would be set, you know, what the hell we haven't even gotten a real that that's another thing is that half the show happened on fucking social media and on the podcasts. So the show itself had no had no substance because all of the information. Was offline, or online, but off show, off camera.
It's, it's, it's, and, and, it's such a disservice, I don't understand, and I, I want to understand, I want for someone to explain to me, like, What is the contract like, when it comes to Bravo and these, Other like social media, like the podcast, Instagram, Amazon lives, for God's sake, like all of these things that like that's the Amazon lives up all the Amazon lives that the cast participate in, that they give us information on.
It's just, it's very disjointed. It's extremely disjointed and they need to figure out a way to reign it the fuck in. And. If they want for the show to be good, and then they also have to take in the audience response. There's no way in my opinion that they can continue this show without talking in an honest way about the, the fan feedback because the fans are so disillusioned that when Ariana's like, What?
I shouldn't have to step in for Sheena. I don't engage with that. That the fans who 100%
When Arianna says I shouldn't have to step in, they're like, yeah, who even cares about that? And it's like, your user 4960 Meanwhile, was the one posting the photo like she has such a flip flopping bitch ass friend. I can't believe best friends like that. Like, she is such a terrible mom and exploitation and a payroll husband.
It's like, you guys don't see this. The audience has to become part of the cast. Yeah. Season 11 really should have been because that could have been, I want to see. Sheena and Lala scrolling online and looking at the way people are taught. You know what I mean? The way that I would love like a live from the Reddit forums from Katie Maloney.
I would love to just get like. A cute little like interstitial of Katie just reading shit on Reddit. That would be great. Well, and they could have like, okay, look, let's say you Baskin, you still wanted to have, let's say you still want to incorporate the elements we're talking about, but you still want to go to Tahoe.
Okay. Then have them go to Tahoe, do all of that. And I know they showed, they showed, here's the thing. They show like a little bit, but they do it like half ass, right? Show the Reddit threads. Okay. Show the comments, show Lala and Ariana and show Lala and Katie and Sheena reading this shit and like, have them reacting to it.
Have them be like, wow, I really feel like I can't feel any sort of different way about Ariana or anything, or I mean, or anything like that. Show that, show them going through that, show Sheena more being like, well shit, I really need Ariana in this moment to call off. The feet, you know what I mean, to call out these people because, and you know what, we've talked about this before.
It's sad because Ariana really shouldn't have to do that, but I really, here's the thing, people. Who, you know, I post on, you know, my stories and even reddit, like the cast, like y'all cast, if you choose to go to reddit, that, that is on you. Okay. That is on you. But, but people going on their actual page and leaving these like crazy, nasty comments.
What is the purpose, like, of that? There, it is, it is increased, like, exponentially since ScandalVault, right? And any, any wrong move that people see, they are going to go after. You know what I mean? Like, me and you a lot, we talk before the podcast because we're like, We even like if we have like questions about when it comes to Ariana, we don't like something that is not saying that we don't like her.
We don't know these people. Okay, even Lala. I'm not happy with her right now, but she could maybe say something tomorrow where I'd be like, you know what, I like that she said that, but that doesn't even mean but I don't. Any of them. I don't know them. I'm watching a reality show to watch their people, to watch their behavior, to call it out, to have questions and also to like what they do.
So like, I don't know. I don't, to me, it's, I'm almost wondering if I was in production, the way the fandom's acting, I'm like, do you guys even want that? As more, you know what I mean? More VPR? Like, do you guys even want it? But, I also, but then again, I blame them because I think we would want more if they went about this season differently.
Well, I, no, for sure, first of all. Also, it's funny because a lot of the comments are always like, why do, basically, why do they think that they're even important? Like, why should Lala feel like, Like, no one even gives a shit about Lala. No one even cares about Sheena. And the comments used to be the same way about Katie and Ariana.
And it's like, but you guys are going on their pages like they're celebrities and disregarding their like, human emotions because you're like, Well, if they, you know, if they're reading their comments, then like, what the fuck are they obsessed with themselves? It's like, no, you're on their literal page.
You're on their literal page, talking shit. It's ridiculous. Well, and guys, I get one bad comment, and I'm thinking about it all fucking day. Literally. All fucking day. Literally. That's just, and I have a much, much, much, much, much smaller platform, than There's so 10 K plus. So don't, don't, don't you know, but I'm just, I mean, I've talked to you like.
I've gotten feedback before. I don't even call it feedback, just nastiness. And I think about that. I think about it all day long. So I can imagine going on my own feed. And then Sheena just posted a birthday post and you scroll through it. And it's just like, how dare you? You're such a shitty friend, blah, blah, blah.
Like, I don't under like, again, there are other crazy thing to say to someone you don't know. It's a crazy thing. To say that you don't know, there are also other ways to process your feels when it comes to this. Like if Sheena, if Lala, if any of them are triggering you guys to the point where you're like, this person is evil and I need to go let them know, then I suggest start a podcast.
There you go. You need to obviously you, you know about expressing your emotions, honey. You know how to you know Explain yourself and start a podcast Start a blog do something with that energy, but like putting it just like Constantly in the anonymous and constantly like fighting with people like on reddit It's it's insane to me.
It's insane to me. It is and I know that people are like, well, this is like You know, with reality show, this is what they, they sign up for. You, yes, you sign up for your, your, you know, you're putting your life out there. And obviously you're going to get people who like you, who don't like you. But I think we all can set back like, Specifically me now that I'm a mod on the Vanderpump Subreddit and I see what's in that queue and I see some of the things that people are trying to have conversations about.
We really all need to take a deep breath. And if this is what is happening, then I don't even know, like I sometimes like watching this season, I'm like, why the hell am I even watching this show? But it is because I do care about this cast and I've loved this show from the beginning. So it's like, but. If they're going to continue the season and we're gonna get this shit again.
I am, I, I am tapping now. I Oh yeah, no, I'm out to tap out. I cannot, and even like, let's say Ariana, like she leaves and I don't, again, I don't know how they're gonna approach the season because I don't want to see. Just fake ass people who don't fuck with each other trying to be fake. And I'm sorry, Sheena, but if they come back, like Lala is going to, we'll turn on you for a second for drama.
So it was like that way. Yeah, it does. Especially if they both go to the valley, you in danger, girl, you, you in danger. And I understand, like, I think they have a, like a little specific. When it comes, you know, cause their girls are very close, but Do not bet that Lala will do something, you know, she'll do something for a check if she needs to.
So I don't know. I just, long story short with that, the audience really should have been more part. It should have been its own character this season. And they just, they didn't do that. And so it just, uh, we got, you know, what we, we got season 11 and even, you know, It's funny when season 11 was about to premiere.
I know Lala specifically was pretty much saying like, you know, season 11. It's weird. It's weird. And I think she even kept saying it's weird. It's weird. I guess that's one way to put it. It's weird. It's disappointing. It's I, I, I, there were a couple of episodes where, you know, I enjoyed it. You know, it's funny too.
Talking to Brady was interesting because. He tends to not think as much when it comes to these shows. . Yeah. And he, he, he actually, he said like, he, you know, obviously there are things, he was annoyed by the finale, but he said he, he enjoyed it. And I'm just like, am I, you know, have I, have I been too much in Yeah.
I'm like, am I too deep in the trenches to just enjoy the show? Yeah. And so I recognize that as well as maybe we're just too deep in the trenches, but also. I don't know, like, I just feel like this season wasn't, it could have been so much more, it could have been so much better, but this is what we got, and as far as where it goes from here, I, I, I really don't know, I'm very curious what they're going to do.
Well, I'm definitely interested to see the reunion. Yes. You will be helping me recap the reunion, do you think, I guess the one last thing that I want to touch on and then we can go. You know, we've been kind of led all season to believe, or not all season, but the past few weeks, to believe that because the cast watches the finale together, and because Ariana doesn't watch the show, because she is trans By the way, I want to point something out.
Brady and I talked about it on the pod. You and I have not. I, I think we share a similar sentiment about Ariana not watching the show, but it's annoying and when people are like, well, Jax didn't watch the show and Kyle Richards doesn't watch the show and, uh, and they name all these people that don't watch the show.
I'm like, not only am I like, well, that was annoying when they didn't do it, but I'm like, do you see the kind of people? That don't watch the show. There's like a pattern of the kind of people that don't watch the show. You're better than that, Ariana. So, Ariana's better than that. Hopefully. Or else we're looping her in in like a Jax and Kyle Richards fucking group.
Yeah, don't make me do that. We don't want to do that to Ariana, right? No. Maybe it's okay to hold her accountable and say, you know what, Ariana, we like you. We want you to watch the fucking show. Okay. I can be empathetic as far as her reasoning. And again, this goes back to, I can get something when it comes to these people.
Doesn't mean I have to like it and I don't like it because there is specifically when she was on watch what happens live. I really wanted Andy to ask more about the conversation that Sheena and standable had at the end, and I really wanted him to ask. You know, off camera, did you and Sheena have conversations where you were like, I really want an apology, you know what I mean?
Yeah. From Sandoval, or just, I don't know. Or was Sheena just making that up? Was she just like, One thing you said in running with it, like Katie allegedly with, you know, Katie saying, like when she was drunk, like, I don't care if Schwartz wants to fuck, that's great. You know? And then Sheena was like, great.
I'm going to do that. Like, is that a Sheena moment of like taking one thing that you said in running with it? Or did, was there some sort of thing where you were like, maybe I would be open to having a conversation with Sandoval if he apologized, which he isn't doing. Right. Which if that conversation didn't happen, that's good for us to know.
Because then it's like, Sheena, what are you doing? But Ariana won't clarify shit. That's what's annoying. Clarify this shit. I can't read your mind and I should not, sorry, have to trust you. Cuz we really trusted you girl with that Miami girl shit, and then you came out and said That was all farce. So, you know, that's a fair point If you want to be accountable for your part in some of this shit, then just say like girl I never told Sheena I wanted a fucking apology from this man I said I said he hadn't apologized because he hadn't but I never said I would it would change anything if he did You Just say that, because no one's gonna be mad at you, I promise, if you sell out Sheena.
And Sheena's not gonna be mad, and it's not gonna change, unless, unless Sheena is holding some, something over your head. Like, that's what I think, is wrong with the Peter Pumperlis cast. I think that they are all holding a few too many secrets for each other, for any of them to be fully honest. And I think, Until we, someone can like break that barrier for real, we're gonna get a bunch of bullshit out of them.
And apparently in the reunion, they all watch it and it's emotional. And I'm like, well, in the trailer that just came out this week, by the way, we didn't recap it, which is fine because we don't need to. And the way that the trailer frames it is that like Ariana watches it and then she gets emotional because Sandoval.
And her, are talking to each other. Again, that's not groundbreaking for me. Yeah. That's not Well, even, remember Lala has presented as, we did something that we've never done before. Okay, have them watching the last 10 minutes of the finale. That's not insane to me. Ariana should not be, in my opinion, based on her friendship with Lala, friendship in quotes, that Lala has a moment where she says, basically, fuck her.
Because this is not the first time that Lala has said something like that to her. And Ariana, in my opinion, this is going to be the harshest thing I say all night, if that's really, like, so monumental that it, like, changes the way that she thinks about friendships, Based on Lala, then maybe Ariana isn't for reality television because yeah, I see what you mean when you frame it that way.
Yeah. You know, maybe the way that it's being presented, it does seem like this huge thing, whereas like I told you, I can understand. Especially the way that while I was acting on the show and off the show and Ariana, she, if we take what she says, like she said, she really saw this season as them being the spice girls.
Then I can understand her being upset and watching the, watching the finale. I would even be honestly understanding more of Ariana had really big feelings if she had watched the whole season too. Right. And then watching the finale, but that would be nice. But she's going into the reunion. Literally only watching what they watched during the reunion.
So she only has that, that context. So, and I can watch the trailer either. Yeah. So I can understand her, her being upset with how Sandoval reacted, what Lala was saying, and then, you know, she had Sheena, you know, saying like, I get you while I like, I have your back. I have your back. Because look, in that moment, if Sheena was by Ariana and Ariana was spiraling, she, Sheena would have been like, I have your back.
I have you back. She would do the same thing. That's who she is. That's why they call her the flip flop or hello. And you know, and you know, that's just how sometimes people, people are. And so I just, you know, I understand Ariana being like being upset, but the way that the trailer's presenting that. It's just like, but again, like, this is, this is who Lala is, and this is who she's been, and it's like, is this the defining moment that makes our, you know what I mean?
That like, Also If Ariana didn't quit the show on the, you know, on the actual finale, I don't know. Also, I wanna just nitpick for just a second about that very final scene. I wanna nitpick hard, like, Lala's going off and Sandoval tries to bait Lala into saying she's afraid of Ariana. Oh yeah, he did. He did.
Lala says, I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. She's not afraid of Ariana. She's pissed off because of how things have played out. Also, Sheena is not being like, You know what? Yeah, fuck Ariana. Ariana sucks. That's not what she's doing, okay? That's not what she's saying out of her mouth. What she's saying is, I will back you up on that, I understand.
She's also not turning to Tom Sandoval and saying, You're the best friend I ever had. She said, I know that you've been there for me, Sandoval. Fucking calm down on the lines for a second. She doesn't say this. I think this in my head because he's so intense when he talks to Sheena and she's like shaking her and she's so tiny and she's like, I know it's like it's a real moment because they're all fucking amped up and reacting to a crazy situation.
Yeah, just don't think that people are looking at it like for what it actually is. I feel like people are taking it so seriously and I just hope that Ariana, and it seems like for the most part, Ariana has like understood that like people react and have their emotions and feelings about things and that things change and ebb and flow.
I don't hold any of this against her. Right.
The only thing that I have found frustrating is that there does seem to be a galvanizing against other people in the name of Ariana that I feel like if she wanted to come out and say, Hey, don't do that. She could, but she doesn't. So I have to assume that she agrees with the majority. And so then I, I'm going to defend.
The minority. I'm going to be like, well, it is kind of weird. All of this stuff is kind of weird, but if she, if she came out and she was like, hey, maybe it's a little too far to say that you would rather have Randall Emmett on your television than ever watch Lala again. Yeah, people. Maybe that's going too far, which is a comment that was left on the Valley subreddit.
What was the comment? It was a post. I'm sorry. A post. And the comments did check that person. They did. Thank God. Thank God. I am horrified by what would have happened if that had been on like Vanderpumpaholics. Oh, and you know what? Look, Lala She was not honest with her relationship at all, and she did all that for the very first time and in That girl look because the way that she moved with all of that like she's facing the consequences She literally has to deal with Randall Emmett for the rest of her life And I can have even though She knows what she was doing when she got in that relationship.
Obviously I think she found out way more as far as who Randall Emmett actually is. And it's not just cause he's a cheater y'all. Like we've talked about this before. There are some nasty, nasty allegations when it comes to that man. So I can have, I do have empathy with Lala in that way because she's literally, because she has a kid with them, she is stuck with that man for the rest of her life.
And, uh, you know, and I also real quick too, like I, what I don't, Lala here thinks she takes shit out on other people and she tries to act like she doesn't, but she does where I can have empathy with Lala, but again, she loses me when she takes on other people. Lala is not able to show her true life right now.
Her true life right now. Is trying to get, you know, she really, she really wants full custody of Ocean, but like, she is not able to, she has to have shared custody. With Randall, she, you know what I mean? Like she is trying and, you know, and she's not able to have ocean on the show. And like, look, like that's a whole other thing.
Like, as far as kids, not, you know, I don't think they should be on rally TV, but like, okay, that's another thing. Lala isn't able to show that part of her life. Right. And so it just, she, so like, what did we get this year? Like we got water party and yes, we got like a sperm party, but she's trying to You know what I mean?
Like go that way. But the real interesting parts of Lala's life, sadly, we're not able to see that because of, you know what I mean, of just all of that that's with it. And so I understand Lala being frustrated with that. But again, then she takes it out on people and the way she goes about it, that's where she loses me.
But you know, I, I don't know. But again, that's like with the show, that's what's can be fun about it is when we look at it, You know in those way and not necessarily like a black and white thing But I don't know. It's it's I it's hard because like with vpr I love the show, but I really I didn't enjoy watching the season and then it's really been hard to like You know, I can talk to you about it and I can talk to Brady about it, but it's like hard to talk to other people about it because you feel like if you say one quote unquote wrong thing, then it has to turn into like this huge battle.
Well, and I want to, I want to make it clear for people who don't, sometimes people like listen to the podcast or they like watch the show, but they don't really engage on social media. And I just want to be clear. This is not me being conspiracy. This is literally how it works. On Reddit, the, there's a system of upvoting the purpose of that was that if you have a forum and you have a topic within the forum or within the sub, the purpose of upvoting is to upvote things that contribute the most to that conversation.
It's like you're literally voting. It's like every, the idea was. I'm gonna post how many people think the sky is blue and then you're gonna have people that are gonna say I think the sky is blue and you upvote that because that is contributing to the conversation. Then you're going to have somebody who probably is going to come in and be like, fun fact.
The reason that we view blue this way is because blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So we view the sky as blue, but actually the hue is, and you would upvote that. If someone said, I don't know if the sky is blue, uh, or, It doesn't matter if the sky is blue, you would probably downvote that because that's not contributing to the conversation.
If someone came in and said. The grass doesn't know if the sky is blue. You would downvote that. That's not contributing to the point of the conversation, right? That's the system of upvotes and downvotes. What happens, not just on Vanderpump Rules, on many subreddits across Reddit is that people weaponize the downvote thing to make points that are relevant to the conversation that are not the majority opinion incapable of interacting with.
So, sometimes, there are times when I can see that someone has replied to someone and I cannot even click on their fucking reply because it has so many downvotes. Yeah. Well, I've seen it before. That's like, uncool. I've seen it before where people they love to do this on the Vanderpump Reddit they will report, now we're reporting comments that we don't agree with.
That's not what the reporting is for. No. So reporting is for if you see racist, homophobic, hate speech. Truly, you know what I mean? Or like coming for the cast in a physical way. Like, you know what I mean? It's all on there, but like, that is what the reporting is for. Yeah. But what happens is we've had this happen before is sometimes like this one particular person, I remember someone kept reporting their comments and this person truly, they weren't trolling.
They just had a different opinion, but because there were so many reports on that, the way that it, like their account was like about to be Band on the, you know what I mean, on the VPR subreddit. 'cause we were getting all that, but then we had to go and look at it and it's like, no, this person truly, they just have, Hey Sheena, I Sheena they have a , they have a different opinion.
And then you have like Facebook groups, which are very heavily maed. Uh, so they don't have like a down vote or an up vote system, but. Often Facebook groups are made to cater to one opinion and one opinion only. Oh yeah, they're crazy too. They're crazy as hell. Middle aged women. Reddit should be a reprieve from Facebook, but it's, it's not right now, but Facebook You just got a lot of craziness and then on Instagram Comments that are not that do not like literally fit the algorithm of whatever's like the most liked will get hidden.
So Sometimes hidden comments like because it used to be the hidden comments are like the ones that are like fuck that motherfucker She's fat and stupid. But now it's like the hidden comments are the ones that are just like Unlike, or like, yeah, it's weird. So, or they, or like, there's words that are being flagged in them that are not like of the popular opinion.
So I just wanted to say that because I know that some people don't, when I say that you can't have a productive conversation, it's, it's literally not that, like I'm just saying that because people don't agree with me. Yeah. I'm saying there have been several times where I have made a point. That because it has been downvoted so much, no one will ever see my point.
So, and it's purely because people disagree. And I promise you guys, I'm not out here saying like, I, I have been tempted to be very snarky. I have been tempted to be very demeaning and rude. And I probably have a couple of times. But in, in general, I feel like I do pretty well. My karma reflects that, so.
Hey. Anyway, that's enough about Reddit and all of that. Lindsay, any final thoughts before we head into this reunion season? I mean, I, I'm ready to watch the reunion. I don't think it's going to, the way they're, the way that they're presenting this reunion, it's like, We're all going to, to have such a true change in our thinking and feeling, but you also presented the finale that way.
So I, I, I do think the reunion is going to be enjoyable in some moments, but I'm not hella looking forward to it. But yeah, I, well, you know, it will be interesting with me and you know what I do with my page and stuff is, you know, Because Vanderpump is going on a pause, like, what will the podcast world, you know what I mean, look like?
Because last year it was amping up, right? It was go, go, go. Yeah. No time to breathe. And now, you know, what, what will the cast be doing? So that, that to me will be, you know, the interesting part. Cause I'm already seeing, you know, things slowing down a little bit as far as content. But like I said, Mishina.
She's still out there talking about the show. And even, even when the show, as you said, even when the show is on pause, she and his podcast, like the way it's been set up, it's, it's always been that way, even when scandal happened, she still had guests on, you're, I mean, and she incorporated them with the scandal moment, whereas Lala's podcast really blew up because of scandal and I'm sorry, but I don't listen to Lala's podcast for the news.
And that's the direction that she's trying to go in. No. I'm not going to listen to your podcast with one, you don't even research the news. You just read headlines and then bullshit with each other. And I'm not going to get my content from that. So you know, it'll, it'll be interesting. And honestly, I wouldn't mind a little bit of a pause from recapping all this stuff.
Maybe I need a pause too. Well, you know, I think that. One good thing that's going to come out of it is we're going to really be able to rely on the vile files for our news. And there's anyone that I think is the most reliable. Ending this call right now. Bye. I'm just kidding. Can't wait to tune Nick Viall all the way the fuck out.
I only listen to, like, Big Flex, but I only listen to his reality recap episodes and only when it pertains to a Bravo show. And I've had to stop listening to any other Bravo opinions that he has because he doesn't watch the shows. Again, another person that we can put in the doesn't watch the show category.
Uh, Nick Vial, who does not watch the fucking show, uh, he does, I think he does watch Vanderpump Rules and that's why I'm interested in his, more so usually his guests, but I do occasionally tune in just for his opinion and I'm always pissed off and I'm, I need to go to therapy for it, I guess, but. I think, I think, Oh, I think I do.
I do think you need to address that because the, what would you message me that you have my girl? Why are you listening? I literally do. No, you're right. You're right. Okay. I don't know. Well, sometimes there's just like, I want to hear opinions on the shows. And I just, sometimes I'm like, I wonder what Nick has to say.
And every time I do it. It is. You're right. Well, we're, we're breaking through on this podcast today. Okay. I promise I will try my best not to listen to his reality recap episode next week. I will stop myself. Just see how you feel. Just see how I feel. Yeah. Oh my God, guys. Okay. Well, like I said earlier, tune in to, uh, Uh, Vanderpump Rob's because I will be on Vanderpump Rob's recapping the goat, which comes out tonight, which I'm excited about.
I have I will have Lindsay on for the rest of the Vanderpump rules recaps for the reunions. I have a couple of other things I'm thinking about doing, but I'll talk to you guys about that on Instagram. Who TF knows Emily Rose on Instagram, WTFK on Twitter, don't even worry about me on Twitter because I don't worry about me on Twitter.
Lindsay, where can they find you? You can find me on instagram at vanderpod recaps and then on reddit additional war 8759 8759 All right, guys. Well, thank you so much for listening and I will talk to you guys later. Bye