Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Getting rid of the "Guilty Pleasure" adage one podcast at a time...
Each week Emily Rose will dive into different pop culture topics, and tell you what TF you need to know about them!
Special thanks to: LD Green III for Intro/Outro music "Lord of the Dance" Streaming Everywhere!
Artwork Photographer: Ques Williams for Midas Touch Creative Group
Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Emily Rose rallies from a weird medical week to record a brief (For them) recap with Lyndsay of @vanderpodrecaps of PART ONE of Vanderpump Rules Reunion!! News and pods first, then the recap! Enjoy!
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IG: @whotfknowsemilyrose
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Hello, hello, hello. This is Who the Fuck Knows with Emily Rose. I'm Emily Rose Here once again with the fabulous and talented Lindsay Lime. I am reporting live from, uh, Death bed, essentially, and, uh, we are here to attempt to recap part one of the Vanderpump Rules reunion. Lindsay, how are you feeling? I am feeling okay.
My biggest thing is I want you to feel okay. Thank you. For those of you who don't know, without getting into too many details, um, Monday of this week, I started feeling weird. I thought I was having like chest pains and I went to urgent care, which resulted in an ultrasound, which resulted in a very frantic call for my doctor saying, you need to go to the ER because your gallbladder is, uh, A muck and, uh, turns out I was diagnosed with something called colitis, which is like, uh, I'm not saying it right, but essentially my gallbladder is extremely inflamed.
Um, and apparently so much so that after spending time in the ER, they deduced that they were not going to be able to surgically emerge. Do emergency surgery on it, um, because it was swollen. Um, shout out to Amber. Uh, she told me that that might be the case. And then I called my doctor and she was right.
So, uh, cause they did this communicating with me is apparently not allowed in the medical field, uh, cause they're not doing it. So I've been having to reach out to get answers to questions. So, um, essentially tomorrow, which is Monday, which is. I don't know when you guys are going to be hearing this, but let's say you hear it tomorrow, then I will be going in for surgery consultation.
So, um, that has also resulted in me now having to, uh, I guess go on short term disability, uh, to, uh, keep my benefits and not lose my job. Uh, because apparently, uh, They, even though it's the literally summer starts on Tuesday, um, and I work in the summer. I'm not one of those educators who gets the summer off, but working in the summer is also very much an air quotes cause there's nothing for the secretary to do.
Um, anyway, all of that, I've got a lot going on and I told Lindsay, if I can, if she'll let me pop a codeine and sit there on this mic, cause I have to talk about, um, the, The Vanderpump Rules reunion, then, excuse me, I'm going to be sniffly. I've, I had a fever. Chow, I'm here. That's what matters. Okay. I'm here and I'm excited to talk about it because I also had popped a codeine when I watched the Vanderpump Rules reunion.
Finally, let me tell you, I had a blast. I, I thought I was texting Lindsay. I was like, this is the coolest shit I've ever seen. Like, this is great. This is the most wonderful television. And I actually rewatched it this morning and I pretty much stand by what I said. I am, I am pretty impressed with the reunion.
How about you? Me too. No, I really enjoyed the first part of the reunion. I thought it was Well done, I was intrigued the entire time, um, I think, it's sad because, and we'll get into it, but there was, after I watched the reunion, there were so many things where I'm like, this is where season 11 should have been, here's your, here's your real authentic storylines, so again, I'm honestly still more mad at production.
Yeah, I, I don't even know it's hard because I don't know who to be mad at but I and we'll get into it when we start talking about the episode, but I definitely agree that there are so many things that were there. Directly and inadvertently brought up in this reunion that I thought, well, why didn't we talk about that?
Um, yes, you know, honestly, exploring James's feelings about the difference between he and Allie and Ariana and Dan was interesting to me. Far more interesting. Well. Not, not more funny, but more interesting than him getting electrocuted by a rose bush, you know, like hearing the plane fly over his house a million times, like there was something there.
Um, and so we can talk about why we think that was or wasn't explored. There was a lot, there was a lot, and we're going to get into it. Uh, before we do, we want to kind of dip in the Vanderpump Rules news hour. Uh, which you told me offline, Lindsay, that there was, that Schwartz has been on a bit of a pod tour and Guys, he and Jax, before I forget, are going on, are hosting a bar crawl, which Lindsey and I already did sans Schwartz and Jax, but not without their energy present.
And we did it for not free because you buy stuff at the bars and you take Ubers, but uh, you can do that without paying. What was it? 400 bucks. 420 something all together with tax. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And what does it include this bar crawl? He's doing a bar crawl of all of the Vanderpump rural spots and he and Jax are going to like host and get like a party bus.
It's very like 2010 prom vibes and like go to all the place. So weird. Uh, but what, what all does it include from what you remember? From what I remember, so yeah, they're on a bus, because to be fair, when I think of a bar crawl, so in Indiana we have a place called Mass Ave, and there's tons of bars all down the avenue, and you just hit one after one.
Schwartz and Sandy's, and so Tom Tom, Sir, Yes, all of that is right by each other. Obviously pump's not open anymore, but if it was shorts and Sandy though, in Jackson's are not close at all. So a bar crawl, I'm glad, I guess they have a bus, but you have to, they're gonna go to shorts and Sandy's, which is not close.
And then shorts and Sandy's to Jackson's is also, they are not close. No. So it's just funny to me, they're calling this a bar crawl, but whatever. But from what I remember, you get. A bottle of champagne, I think you get like, I'm sorry, isn't there like, how many spots are there? Like 20, 50 and they sold out a bottle of champagne, a bottle of champagne, unlimited photos, which Emily and I could have done that with Jack's a hundred percent when we were with him.
And I think four drink tickets. And I think like one. It's some kind of like one snack ticket at each place or something. I don't know. I don't remember all the details and to be like, LA is expensive, right? But I think this price is crazy. And Emily and I talked about this where first of all, some red flags, there's no refunds, Jack's flakes.
He did it with the first See You Next Tuesday he was supposed to do with James, so he's flaky. Also, they posted the itinerary online with times and places. What's going to stop other people from showing up? Like, how are you going to separate these VIP people with people are you going to close down the places?
Is that why it costs so much money? Because they're going to shut down these restaurants for that? You know, now that you say it and I'm thinking about it, that could be part of the marketing plan is drive traffic to these places on those nights. And then people will, they'll like flood those places. So, I mean, it's a weird short term plan.
It's like a weird, like, Oh, we can guarantee. Cause I mean, Even Schwartz and Sandy's like when we got there, it's cause we were getting there kind of late, but I feel like there were, there was a crowd there, you know, but they're probably the only one that actually needs the like surge everywhere else.
Like Jackson's was packed and Jackson's is already on like a limited opening schedule, I think. So every time Jackson's is open, I think that they do well. Um, and they're already attached to a bar. They're not in the middle of nowhere and a fucking strip mall. So I think Axis is. Fine. Obviously, sir and Tom Tom are fine.
Um, Tom Tom's definitely fine. So I don't, I'm like, maybe that's part of the marketing strategy, like to get people to come, but you're so right. And I think that, yeah, excuse me. I think that this would appeal more so to, um, out of towners. Cause like that would be an easy way to like get to all the places you don't have to plan but like guys I planned essentially the same thing in the course of like two nights and you know, I didn't, you know, die from itinerary scheduling or anything like that.
So I don't know. I feel like overall if you're only getting like one drink per bar. And transportation, like maybe that comes out to like 175 if you're getting, if you're going at surge pricing times for Ubers, depending on where you're, it's too much money. It's too much money. You could do it for literally free.
It's too much money. I know. One, as you mentioned in Schwartz has been. On his podcast tour talking about it and saying, you know, yes, there'll be drinking, but very moderation, moderation, because let's be real. This bar crawl is a police report waiting to happen. This type of atmosphere and Jax, I'm just saying, so he's talking about, you know, yes, there'll be drinking, but moderation.
So here's the thing. If you're wanting all the tea from Jax and Schwartz, I think you would have a better chance. With what we did, which was go there on a watch party, you know what I mean, because this is an event, so they're gonna try to be on their best behavior. Now with Jax, he's a wild card, so you may get something, but I could see it being more, um, a little laid back, a little more, um, you know, not as, you know, Not Jack's going on a rant about VPR being fake kind of deal, we're gonna get a different version of that.
And so, again, I just, I don't really see the appeal, but they sold out, they sold their 50 tickets, so. I'm just so curious to see how, is it one bus? Is one a Jax bus and one, they're taking 50 people on the bus? I've never seen, I've never seen a charter bus. Like, I've seen charter buses that can fit 50 people, but I've never seen like a Party limo or anything like that.
They can fit 50 people. It's just, it sounds like a good idea to say when you're drunk, but when it comes to execution, I don't know, I'm not going to shit on it. Cause it could be like, I'm sure if, if I went into this thing, haven't paid 400 bucks, I will get my fucking money's worth like, but that's because I'm the bitch that will go up and ask questions and take the pictures and I'll drink.
Surely it's a bottle of champagne per person. Right. It's not like, I think so. And now I'm thinking, and I'll drink that. Not right now. Right. 50 people is really a lot, even for Jackson Schwartz, like to be able to talk to everybody. And then you're, you're saying unlimited photos. I don't know. It would be interesting.
I could see I don't know. I feel like they should have did maybe like 25, 25 at, I would, I would say at max 200 maybe I could see 200, 200, 250 because I do get like I'm thinking about, like you mentioned, like Uber, Surge, you know what I mean? If me and you would have did everything in one night, right? Yeah.
If I was thinking of like Uber, Surge, Prices, and then like, you know, some drinks, maybe that, but I don't know. I just, I don't think the. The full, you know, bottle of, uh, champagne and then the, the, the drink tickets and the snack tickets. And there were some other funny things that came with it too, but yeah.
Yeah. Um, just damn it. This is going to happen a lot, guys. Oh, I have it. I like it. I have, I have the all, so VIPs will receive, which is confusing because just so you guys know, it said VIP in general admission. It's all one thing. So everyone gets this. I was about to go off, but okay. So, one designated seat on the party bus.
So I guess this is one bus. That's nuts. One, well, I'm sorry, past Lindsay, you were wrong. One welcome glass of champagne. That's stupid. That's so dumb. And an exclusive gift bag of swag. What do you think is in that? Probably a Jack studio. No, not a hoodie, please. I think you're getting a Jax's hat girl.
Absolutely out of control. You're like a hoodie. I think you get a Jackson studio city sticker and you get a Schwartz and Sandy's hat and maybe, yes, maybe a Tom Tom pen. That's it. There you go. That's it. Um, I'm sorry. Yes. Four drink tickets total, plus bites at each location, unlimited photo ops, and a great time with your favorite Bravo Lips.
That's a good, I love that that's included a great, so yeah, I'm sorry, rereading this, this is not worth 400. No, no, no. Absolutely not. If you told me that everybody was getting their own bottle or like. Something like that. And even if it was like Andre like that, I would be all right. Like, at least you can get nice and toasty on the bus.
I'm also like concerned about the bus. I don't know why. I just, I've never ever heard of anything like that. Not to say it doesn't exist because I don't know everything, but it just sounds. Improbable. Uh, yeah, well this sounds like a scam. So what has he been, uh, what has he been saying on these podcasts that he's been on?
I've been out of the loop, guys. The only thing I listen to is shenanigans, so Lindsey's gonna have to fill us in. So he went on Kristen's podcast, Balancing Act, and he went on Reality Hits. There was a lot of overlap in between them. But one thing, I was shocked. for myself that I found myself agreeing with Schwartz a lot.
And it was interesting because he was talking about how this season was really weird. And Lala, the way that she has been talking about how like, you know, this is our job. This is our job. And he pointed out he doesn't like when she says that because it does take away from like the office office. Oh, I can't say authenticity.
Yes. Thank you for it. And Here's the thing, I think Schwartz does live in a little bit of Delulu land as far as like, we're just one big happy group of friends, you know, but he made a good point about And me and you have said this before with Lala, we shouldn't know that this is your job, right? Like, we are aware this is a reality show, there's elements to it, but she, particularly this season, a lot, she makes it very aware, the way she talks, like, well, this is for a job, or this is what we do, da da da da, and short, she's talked about that, and what I really liked, he said, you know, he was like, let's say, Ariana, Uh, You know, she came into the season and she was like, well, I'll just, you know, I'm doing it for my job.
He was like, I don't know if I would have wanted to see that. That wouldn't have felt real. Like Ariana, let's say she would have been like, okay, let me have a final conversation with Tom because it's my job. He was like, I don't think the audience wants that. I don't know if I even want that. And Brittany was like, Oh my God, that's such a good, I didn't think about it like that.
She never does. She never, she truly has never thought about it. Anything. Ever. Ever. It doesn't matter what it is, she's never thought about it. Never. Never. And so he was like, he even said, he was like, but you know, also as someone who's watched the show, there was a part of me that did want that final conversation.
I don't know. I just thought the way he worded that, I really enjoyed it because he's right, because I think Ariana really went into season 11 saying she's going to do what she's going to do. We did see times where they interacted. It was not fun to watch at all. Very, very comfortable. Yeah. And so. You know, so him saying if she would have viewed it like Lala's viewing, I was like, this is our job.
Then he didn't want that as well. And so I think he just talked about how season 11 was just, they were put in a, just a really weird situation. And so I, I really appreciated hearing that from Schwartz. Yeah. And I, but I, the only thing that I would say, and I totally agree as well, the only thing I would say though, that what's confusing, I think to us as viewers is.
When Lala's saying it's our job, is she literally specifically and only referring to Ariana filming with Tom Sandoval? Because there's a lot that I, and we talked about this in our last episode, that I think could have been discussed or shown or probed. We'll get into it with the episode, obviously, but I don't think that it all hinges on, you Whatever Lala's touching on, I think, is more than just her having a conversation with Tom Sandoval.
I think, I hope, because like Schwartz said, if that's all she's talking about, then that's fucking lame and boring. And I don't, not boring, but I don't want to We, I get, I get it when it comes to Ariana and Sandoval, like, I don't need them to have a conversation. I, I just needed the conversations that were happening between the both of them and the rest of the cast to be about something fucking other than whether or not, I don't care, like, sorry, I don't give a shit if these people are friends with Tom Sandoval anymore.
There was so much other stuff going on. With the dynamics of what was happening that like the fact that we were sitting here and spent sections of time focused on like, James, whether or not he's going to go to a house party because Tom Santa was there and whether or not she is going to. Be his partner at a retreat and be around him.
And like, that just is not the angle that is interesting to me because it's just, cause it just isn't the only person who I really think it would have been interesting to explore their friendship is Tom Schwartz and Sandoval. And I think, I don't even think we dove into that as much as we could have. So anyway, I'm sorry to interrupt you.
No, you didn't at all, and I think, here's my thought process as you were saying that, I fully think, because we know, I think it was right after Tahoe, or maybe right before Tahoe, Alex Baskin had a come, quote unquote, come to Jesus moment with the cast, and I fully think that, particularly with Lala, I'm sure it was harped in on Lala.
This is your job. This is your job. And let's be real, because of the production, the way they wanted this season to go, they did not want to show what was going on, really, in the other cast's life. They really just wanted the focus to be on Ariana and Sandoval and the aftermath, right? Yeah. And fitting Sandoval back into this group.
So if I'm honest, I think after that conversation, that is what particularly Lala was focusing on. In that moment, that was her job. And then I think Sheena was struggling with, this is her job, but then also she has the added elements of, she was truly Ariana and Sandoval's friend. Lala has not been, right?
No, never. Yeah. And so. I think because of that, that is what we got. So I really think It is production who just really thought that this was just the whole season needed to focus on this. And yeah, we got these like weird moments of like a water tasting party and then, you know, Lala picking her sperm donor and things like that.
But there was so much more going on as far as just, and we'll get more into it, but, you know, before filming started, that's where your story was, how everyone was feeling these moments. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There's, there was something switching, switching as far as Ariana was getting all these opportunities.
And we did not see that on the show nearly as much, right. She was getting, you know, brand deals, brand deals, like what were the cast feeling about this? When did this switch happen? And how did this affect her business? The sandwich of it all. And so that's where you should have started. But yeah, I mean, I really think that.
This, their job this season was to film with Sandoval, get this group, quote unquote, back together, and then for Ariana and Sandoval to have a final conversation at the end. And that was going to make it to where like, okay, you guys, we're good to go for next season. We're all in a better place. Here we are.
I really think that's what happens. And can I just say, like, I'm, I'm fully comfortable blaming everything on Alex Baskin because I think that he is. Uh, a greedy, uh, Uh, vapid son of a bitch. And I don't, I don't like, I don't want to say production just cause that encompasses so many people that are kind of just doing their jobs.
So I want to, I want to just like, cause like even the like. personal producers, like the people that are assigned to each cast member to like, get their information. Like at the end of the day, they can ask all the right questions, but a, the questions that they're asking a lot of times are going to be fed to them through an Alex basket and B they're not the ones that edit the footage together.
And then even the editors are doing whatever they're being told from what I understand. So I just want to be clear. We're not, even Jeremiah is being told. What what to do to do so I think like I just and I know that's how you feel, too I know you don't mean everybody else. So I just wanted to be clear.
We're not talking about everyone in production. I Personally am talking about Alex Baskin because I think he's ruining this show and I think he already ruined Beverly Hills So and I think if it weren't for Shannon Being a complete disaster, horrible human being her and her two besties, then O. C. would also have been in the can if it weren't for Shannon going off the rails and them bringing Tamra back.
So, um, anyway, that's my little Alex Baskin rant, just so everyone's clear, because I really think he's ruining, ruining my shows. I hate OCD. I do too. You know. And this is a man who's charging four bucks for his podcast. So just show you anything. Does anyone listen to that? Do you listen to that? No, I don't.
I listen to the clickbaity clips that they come out with, but I don't pay money to, no, I don't because it's not, um, because it's all about, we go, we debunked myth. We go behind the scenes. No, you don't. No, you don't. You're not going to do that, Alex. So he's capitalizing. Sorry. No, he is. He's capitalizing. And I, I think he's I don't know.
I, I don't want to say take advantage of people in this space, but he, I think a lot of Manipulation and a lot of it, like, I don't, uh, but not in like a violent, you know what I mean? Just like, no, I think your job is on the line greedy. And I think that he is, he is no longer, um, tuned into the creative parts of the show.
I think that he's very much like going corporate and he's just like, whatever makes us money is what we're going to go with much like, uh, What's his name? The loser who produces and just like that, the story doesn't make a damn bit of sense. It's not consistent. Oh God, not sex in the city. Don't get me started on that bitch of a show.
And he has this self indulgent podcast that he, that he has, uh, all about a, just like that and how it's all about him really. And how. He just made the show because he wanted to cash in on, you know, nostalgia bait. And so, uh, I think that in a different way, I'm sorry to rant about what's his name. Is it MJJ?
I forget his name, but Alex Baskin. I think is all about the money. I think that he's trying to, I think he wants to move up in the Bravo sphere. I think he's looking for like, to secure like some sort of like position within Bravo and I wouldn't be surprised. If in a couple of years, Alex Baskin moves on from evolution and a major, you know, executive at Bravo, because I think that's all he wants to do because all Bravo wants is money too.
So they're not worried about like what the actual show is anymore. And I'm sure that and I'll give it to the benefit of the other people that work for evolution. I'm sure that's frustrating for them too, especially people that have been on the show for so long because this was a bunch of garbage that we watched.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, um, I know. Also, these are all our opinions on Alex Baskin. This is all alleged. These are our opinions. Don't come after us. Don't come after us, Alex. Just our opinions. Or come after me and give me attention. So, you know, pay me. I need attention. And I think. And this thing can go into us talking a little bit about shenanigans because in her on her podcast she A lot of the cast I think really wanted to break the fourth wall more season 11 And they just weren't able to do that and I blame that on alex baskin I do too.
Uh, speaking of shenanigans, uh, was that about all from, from old Schwartzy poo? Yeah, that was the gist of it. There was Joe stuff, but I don't have the energy to go into that right now. I do not have Joe bandwidth today. I just watched guys. Finally. I watched baby reindeer yesterday for, I know I'm so late, but I really hate when Netflix does this thing and they titled the shows, things that are nondescript.
Um, and they hide really good content underneath really weird ass titles. And like now obviously watching, having watched the show, I understand why it's called baby reindeer, but they probably could have titled it several other things, um, to make it, uh, appealing to me personally, they did that with mind hunter too, like mind hunter sounds like a fucking video game adaptation.
It doesn't sound like a fucking. A one psychotic thriller or a psychic thriller anyway, right? So anyway, I watched baby right there yesterday and i'm now i'm now understanding some of the The references that people are making regarding like the schwartz and joe situation and I find it inappropriate to say that out loud In my own words, uh, but I do feel that I understand now um And I did caveat, did you listen to our episode last week, Lindsay?
I caveated, after we talked about Jo, I did kind of go back in, made sure everybody understood that their, some of her behavior has become a little Yes, you did. Exhausting. Right. And, uh, maybe we can understand, uh, Katie's perspective a little more, but I'm going to, uh, spoil alert, go, uh, really hard on Katie.
So guys, just fair warning. I'm very tired of her shenanigans. Speaking of which, so, uh, Sheena on shenanigans now, I'm sure you have points you want to bring up, but before I forget, I did want to say this thing. So I said to you in a voice message a week or two ago, something that I had no basis for necessarily.
And she kind of confirmed it in her podcast. Someone wrote in, Oh man, I don't even know. They were asking Sheena how she felt. About looking back on in season four, it was episode 12, Sheena, it's revealed that Sheena had a conversation with Ariana's mom about Ariana's demeanor changing and, uh, a shift in kind of who she was now that she was with Tom, who was very cocky and, uh, In Sheena's opinion, like she doesn't, I don't think say manipulative, but kind of infers that Ariana's fitting his mold.
Right. And that was worrisome. It was this big fight, uh, that they had like an argument and like lots of passive aggression because that is Sheena and Ariana's love language. And, um, it's actually funny because Ariana says in that episode, a few, like, Catty things on par with like backup dancer gate, you know, about Sheena.
And it's just funny because like, they all do this. This is their job to literally be bitches in the confessionals anyway. So I said to Lindsay a couple of weeks ago, part of why I feel empathy for Sheena is because I feel like when that went down with Tom Sandoval, That the response was in the realm of, if you're not going to be supportive of my relationship.
Then you're not going to be a part of my life. And I feel this way because I feel like Ariana is quite loyal to who is in her life. And I feel like she was very loyal to Tom Sandoval. That's why this was a whole thing. So Sheena, and what I posited was that Sheena takes that to the extreme. Didn't I say this?
I said, She's Sheena took it to the extreme and said, okay, well, then I'm going to dive in. I'm going to be the best fucking friend he ever had. And then they grew from that. And then it was kind of like whiplash to expect her after kind of. Gunning for their relationship and defending it to every single person on the cast, who by the way, Kristen Stassi, Katie, uh, all the girls, Brittany, well not, I don't know, Brittany probably didn't even know that they were in a relationship because she just never heard anything about it.
Um, never. She had no idea they were in a relationship. Um, they all came to Ariana at some point and said, your boyfriend is trash. And Sheena went out of her way. To defend that to the very end to her detriment and so to expect her now to just okay well now that the tune is if you even like fuck with him at all we're not friends so I can see why that was hard for Sheena.
Also, I posited that it is difficult for Sheena to process that now Katie and Ariana are besties because Katie and Sheena hate each other and you bet your bottom dollar Ariana and Sheena probably spent years talking shit about Katie, but now Katie just happens to already be on the fuck Sandoval side.
Katie didn't have to switch. She didn't have to like, it's not like Katie was like, you know, like cool with Sandoval. And then she just like, took, did the right thing and became, and dropped Sandoval and became Ariana's bestie. And she's the, like, no, she already hated Sandoval. And so it's easier for Ariana to, Be close with Katie in this time, but that probably hurt Sheena's feelings because Katie and Sheena hate each other.
And so you're, you're my best friend, but now you're best friends with this girl that, you know, has talked shit about me. Literally called her other friend, a fucking clown who needed a therapist because she was being nice to me. And now that's your best friend. And I'm supposed to sit here after I've defended your man who you brought into our stupid lives for years.
And I'm supposed to sit here and say I'm never going to be cool with him again? I didn't think that was fair. I still don't. And Sheena confirmed it on her podcast. Now whether you believe her or not, it's up to you. But what Sheena said on her podcast was I mean, essentially, aside from the Katie stuff, that's all, that's all Ms.
Emily, that's all me. I made that up. The other stuff, she confirmed it.
Why Why couldn't she not stay all this on the show? Thank you so much for asking the question. I don't know. A lot of good questions came in on this episode.
I don't know why they didn't say it on the show. Explore that. I would have, that would have made more sense to me if that, if season 11, they picked up cameras and it was more of this narrative of where does the, what does the show look like now? Right. You all are in different places. You're not hanging out with each other.
I could see Sheena, you know, being the actual one to wanting to have a conversation with stand of all, but ask the, ask the questions of, you know, what Sheena is struggling with and have Sheena explain all that on the show instead of her podcast. I just, I don't understand why. And I think that's why a lot of people are getting frustrated because I think we, we are finding out more on the podcast and I can't blame that on the cast.
I can blame that on how the show is being run. So, I mean, again, even with the Dancing with the Stars, right? We learned on the podcast that Sheena was very much being talked about being on Dancing with the Stars, her D'Amelio connection, her talking to people. But instead, you know what I mean? They, They went a different way about it.
I just, I just, I get so mad at that because all of this stuff could have been said on the show. And even if you want to call it like, let's say that Sheena's in her delusions, right? That like she had this conversation, but she wasn't really in talk. She just thought she was in talks, right? Even cause I'm trying to give the Sheena haters Like, even if that's the case, it makes more sense.
Then she's just mad for like, she's just, she's just jealous and she had absolutely no, um, reason to ever think she would be on it. Cause like, I believe that she had a conversation now, whether or not that conversation really meant she was going to be on it or not, you know, who's to say, but like, Say that.
But she does have a real connection with the D'Amelio, you know what I mean? Exactly. She has a real connection, and so, and she did go to Dancing with the Stars that season when Charlie was on it from when I wrote, like, I think she said. Yeah, no. And so I That whole line, even if it was like, my friend Charlie was on it, and so I was trying to get on it.
Even if that's all. None of that is on the fucking show. None of that. No. So the narrative is, Sheena's just jealous because she's not getting the opportunities. Lala's just jealous because she's not getting the opportunity. It's, well, Lala might be, but that's not, that's not necessarily true. That's just not necessarily true.
They're not showing. Lots is not true. But they're not showing everything that was going on during that time, right? Right. And what's interesting with Lala is. Mala can't act like she wasn't getting opportunities, right? Her podcast was blowing up. She had a fucking van driving around with Send It To Daryl merch.
Yeah. Send It To Daryl is the most successful merch out of the whole scan of all, by the way. Literally. She was She literally put on like a down payment with the house, you know, with part of, you know, some of that money or whatever. And so, she, I want to know, cameras are picking back up, something happened with Ms.
Lala, you know what I mean? Again, this switch of, She was also getting all these opportunities, but obviously something was happening in her mind as far as her feels with Ariana was that because of conversations her and Katie were having, right? Right. That is what I want to see. I did not want to see an authentic, we're going to go to serve.
We're all Sandoval because that was not where they really were. Would not in real life because guess what they're not doing right now. None of them are fucking hanging out with Scandival. None of them are really hanging out with each other because they all hate each other. They all hate each other, sure.
Exactly. And so, but show, you know what I mean? Like that is where your story should have started. Because show us truly the way that Scandival blew up and how these people's lives. What was actually going on and what they were doing, and we just, we did not get that. We didn't. And the whole premise of, I don't know if there was anything else, I'm sure there was that you wanted to talk about Sheena's podcast, but then Sheena's podcast has been functioning for months now as like a Q and a session about the things that we don't understand.
And so Sheena's having to. Yeah. Or she doesn't have to do anything, but she's coming out on her podcast and like trying to clear shit up and again, whether or not you believe she in a side is a different thing. Um, and Lala is kind of doing the same thing. I will say, here's my thing. I don't think that Lala, her issue isn't like, in my opinion, it's not like for the most part straight up lying, but she avoids.
Thanks. The truth in such a spectacular way and also is such a, speaking of whiplash, she's such a hypocrite. That she, and she projects every negative thing, very textbook, every negative thing that she feels about herself, she points out in others and she deflects and she says things about people that make, that she's insecure about and she's a hypocrite.
So I don't want to, cause I feel like there's stuff that she has said that is true. So I don't want to call her an all out liar. She's not like Jax. She isn't like, No, great up make shit up all the time, but she does and I don't think that Jax always does that either But she her perception is so skewed because she's so crafty with the way that she like navigates the shit It's it's pretty incredible and Ariana even said it at Bravo con She said someone asked her if Ariana was mad Something that Lala said at some point during Bravo Connor, maybe on her podcast and Ariana said, look, I'm not mad because, um, maybe they were at, maybe this was after they teased the trailer because this was her book tour.
So this was recent. So, um, well, it was right. More recent 11 started airing. Yeah, right. And she said. Hala's really good at making good television. So Ariana knows what the fuck is up, you know, anyway, we'll get into that later too. Was there anything else you wanted to talk about shenanigans? Um, I think the last thing was I, and I said this on Reddit, I have empathy with Sheena where I, I tend to attract the narcissistic type or just yucky, just yucky people in my life.
And it's taken me. a long time to finally cut them out. It, it takes me a long time to get there because I do always try to see the good in people. Oh, I do a lot of it's me. It's me. It's not them. And I also don't have the reality TV aspect of it. Right. Right. So I can understand. Sheena struggles. And if you listen to shenanigans, Sheena sounds really just ticked off when it comes to standable, like she's very angry.
And so I have empathy with her struggling and then also the show aspect. I think also Lala got in her head a little bit about stuff. I think it's very easy to get in Sheena's head about stuff where I have. My eye on Sheena is if there is a season 12. What is that going to look like for you? Can you actually do any of them feel like they can actually be their authentic self?
I think we finally got to see that a little bit with Sheena and Brock, right? We got to see more of that. But as far as. How, you know what I mean? Like what's going to happen again? What if, what if Sandoval gives you another sound guy, girl, where, where are we going to go? I just, I want to see more of that.
And then if there is a struggle, then I want to see more about, you know, talking about that struggle and actually the process of going through that. I don't just want a, All right guys, here's where we're filming and go. This is. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, make sure to chat with each other because I think we're, I think we're done that.
I think it, for some reason it took Vanderpump rules so long to finally tell us, okay, you guys, they're all not working at SIR anymore. So now we're going to also do something different and they really, really struggle with change. Yes, and it's, again, it plays into this like misguided idea of what the audience wants.
Who is it? Alex Baskin, who's saying like, and maybe LVP, I can see this from her, especially why we didn't find out because people would come to the restaurants and they were coming because they wanted to have one of these people as their server. So they would go. With this anticipation and so they didn't want they being Alex LVP, the cast didn't want to say, Oh, well, they don't really work there anymore because it was driving traffic to the restaurants.
The show is this big promotional tool for LVP and with Scandal, it wasn't about that anymore. It wasn't about like, if anything, it was more about fucking Schwartz and Sandy's. Then it was. Any of the other restaurants because we didn't see any of that and we didn't get to see any of that. So it's it's really you're hitting a lot of great points here.
And you sorry you just you said you said the greatest thing and this season. What one thing I didn't like is I could feel Alex Baskin and I could feel the cast. They were trying to make me feel a certain way they were doing things that they wanted the audience to, and I should just be naturally feeling things on my own watching a show.
I shouldn't be able to pick up on all this stuff. And so they had, I don't know quite what their agenda was with this season, but it was very much, they were so much placating to what they thought the audience would want. And, but by doing that in such a way that they went about it, it felt inauthentic, it felt weird, and then again we got this like weird ass finale where like, okay, so your whole premise of this season, right, was to have this final conversation, which was not needed.
Right. No one was dying for that. Because, again, season 10, we had that conversation. In season 11 They were still in situations where they had it. You know what I mean? You made like they're, you made them interact. So I just, again, you, if there is going to be a season 12, then they really got to figure it the fuck out because it cannot be like season 11 again.
It cannot. No, it can't. We're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back.
All right. Well, let's go ahead and get into this episode. We're not going to go super detailed, but first things first, and I need to get this. Off my chest, why did Schwartz take credit for the fucking plants? Like, Andy said, Well, we've got a lot of plants around Schwartz's, uh, that's what you're doing, and he said, I might have had a hand in it.
Like, no you didn't. What are you talking about? Why did he say that? Like, I get that he had plants all season, but like, It just started off on a weird ass foot. I think he, I think Schwartz struggles sometimes with, banter, like funny, funny banter. And so he just makes it awkward. I know sometimes that happens.
And like, I just think of RuPaul's drag race where RuPaul tries to like, be funny with them and they don't know how to give it back. And so I think, I think short struggles with that. Well, that's worth 400. If you want to pay 400, it's to someone who can't, who can't do banter well. My God. 400 to someone who can't communicate and then someone who says too much.
There you go. Someone who truly, what they're communicating cannot be verified at any point in time. So, um, yeah, so we open up the episode, we kind of go around and I'm going to kind of lean into you to help me guide through this. But 1 thing I want to say again, before I forget, because we're far from this, it's at the end.
I, this reunion brought up a lot. One of the things that I really came out of it thinking was that there's been so much focus, first of all, online. Now, if you're new to my podcast, I won't infuriate other listeners by going into what I think of how the fandom has been acting. Okay. But in general, the fandom has been pretty extreme a lot.
And I mean, a lot. Of what we saw in the reunion was conversations around fan reactions, whether directly or indirectly. One of the things that I think that the fandom has focused on a lot this season, which I, you know, whatever, is the friendship between Sheena and Ariana, and the friendship between Lala and Ariana.
And then, like, what people think is like an alliance, maybe, and friendship between Lala and Sheena. But what I think is I would have liked to see more of and had fleshed out in this season and really focused on is the friendship between Katie and Lala, because when you really think about it. When you really think about it, they were very, very close during the filming of season 10.
I mean, to the point where Lala, who in her, as she does, promised Sheena, like, no matter what, I'm going to be at your wedding, girl. Like, I am like, toes down, standing on business. I'm going to be at your wedding. I'm going to participate in everything. Everything and then she gets to the wedding and Katie's like, um, I don't like what like, you know, like hang out with you.
And then Lala's like, actually, she not, I'm not going to participate in anything. And like, why are you making your wedding all about you? So. That's where Sheena and Lala were. I'm sorry, Lala and Katie were. Lala and Katie were very, very, very close. Lala stood up for Katie a lot during that whole season. So something happened, right, where Lala and Sheena got closer.
And their friendship either like irritated Katie or something, because Katie and Sheena, as we've said a million times, hate each other. It kind of started this weird thing, but then Skandoval, so we'll get into like, what the fuck happened there because I had to turn to you a couple of times for timeline confirmation because I do not know, but they really, they seem to really have a solid friendship and their friendship seems to be the one that's like, Legitimately falling apart.
It doesn't seem to be like, well, it's hard for Ariana and Lala's friendship to fall apart because I don't think that they had a legitimate one in the first place and then with Sheena and Ariana, in my opinion, this has been my opinion. I feel like they were not as close at the time of scandal as either of them purported to be.
I believe that they were close. I'm not saying they were not best friends, but I think that maybe they had been kind of, there had been distance going on, which is normal. Um, Sheena has a kid, Sheena lives in Marina Del Rey, which is a pair, is a far, not apparently, it is a far cry from fucking the valley.
That's like going from Hermosa Beach up to Jax's, you know? Um, that's a long way. They are living in the same space, like, they weren't filming for a while, so, yeah. I don't think that they had been as close. So I don't know that we're watching like a friendship falling apart between Sheena and Ariana so much as like A solidified already established break, you know, Katie and Lala.
I really think that there was a friendship there and I think that their friendship is really kind of falling apart in real time and I, that's kind of something that I wish was talked about more because they're very similar. They could be very powerful together. I don't like them, either of them particularly at all, but I'm still sad to see their friendship fall apart.
You know what I mean? Do you see what I'm saying? I'm, I'm, I'm ranting out. I'm just saying. No, you're good because here is where the season 11 could have picked up because this is a disservice to us because season 10, we saw how close Lala and Katie were right and now we're finding out after season 10 wrapped, and I could see Katie, as you said, you know, I'm sure.
Okay. All right. Ariana and Sheena may in the past talked a lot about shit about Katie. I can see when Lala and Katie were really close and Lala and Sheena went through their time. I'm sure Sheena was taught. I'm sure there was a lot of shit talking with Sheena and so Katie sees, and this happens in friendships where you see, especially I've learned in life friendships of three.
They never work out because yeah, and then you're always like, well, wait, you guys are getting closer. What about me? And also you were just talking shit about them. And so I could see Katie feeling a certain way, however, and I actually, as I said before, I do enjoy Katie, but I will never defend sending a nasty text message like she did.
And so after season 10 wrapped, it, Lala said this happened in December, 2022. Katie, I don't know, but here's the thing. A lot of context is missing, right? So I don't know what prompted the conversation, but that is when Katie sent a text message that was like something about, you don't need lawyers, you need a therapist, you're a clown.
And so that got Lala obviously upset and that put Katie and Lala in a weird spot. And then also in January, I went through all this, Lala didn't tell Katie happy birthday, but then when they did watch what happens live. Together, they both said on the plane ride there, they had a heart to heart. They had a conversation.
I forgot about that. Yes. Yes. And so they said, you know what I mean? They were moving on from it. Lala did an interview on the season, uh, season 10, or sorry, when season 10 was premiering, they did an interview saying, she did an interview saying like, you know, Katie and I. Yeah. Yeah. You know, we weren't in the best place, but we worked it out.
Okay. So then if you notice on the season 10 reunion, Schwartz tried to bring up this little tip that lot like what Katie was talking about with Lala, that is where season 11 should have started because even if, and that's where I, that's where it is confusing. Cause Lala, like, were you not over it or were you over it?
And that's where they've been like, It could have started with again breaking the fourth wall. Hey, we didn't really get to explore this at the reunion But Lala, what are you, how are you feeling with Katie? And we can get that from Lala. And then Katie, Katie may be like, I thought we made up, like I thought we were good, have that come together.
I want to see them really talk about that. I want to see Katie in the moment, pull up those messages because Katie at the reunion tried to act like she didn't say the things that she said, and that's where Katie loses me. I think I appreciate her much more when she just says, I said that. And I'm sorry, but she was back patting a little bit, but it was weird for Lala to bring this up now when it should have been the beginning of this season.
That is how the season should have started. I agree. I totally agree. We should have started that way. And honestly, they don't even have to break the fourth fucking wall. All they would need to do is say, well, When, when Sandoval cheated on Ariana, because that is in show canon, okay, in universe canon, uh, We all kind of banded together and we didn't really resolve any of our issues from before and they could have talked about the issues, you know, like, cause it sounds like you don't have to break the fourth wall to know that like Lala and Sheena got closer and that Katie hates Sheena again, if you watch the show.
If you watch the show, we know Katie and Sheena hate each other. Okay, so that's such a good point. We could have picked up with that, but that is just saying what we've both been saying about this season was spent so much time on the cheating and maybe there's part of me and I, again, I don't want to give Lala this kind of credit.
Like, what if Jess hears this and then now while I was saying it, because like, we said it, right, I don't want to give her ideas. Okay. No, but that will never happen. But look away, Jess. No. Yeah. Jess, get out. Um, no, but part of it, it's like, maybe the frustration isn't so much like Ariana as a person and how she's handling it, but like, All of their stories, everything going on in their lives, having to be reduced to and targeted and centered around this cheating scandal.
Now, whether or not that's what Lala was really upset about, probably not. But as a viewer, I am upset about that because there's, there's so much to work through. Um, go ahead, go ahead. Well, and look how the season could have started. So you start with that and then what could have happened? So I could see Lala and Katie are having conversations.
Katie is venting to Lala. I think she was venting a lot more to Lala than what she's trying to proceed. And then Lala talks about how then Katie had this like switch moment where she basically like, didn't want to bring up stuff. On camera or something like that happened, then that could be the moment where even, okay, let's say they didn't want to show all that nitty gritty stuff, but then pick up in the middle, because maybe that is when Lala started to be like, well, wait a minute.
I, me and you had to work out our shit when you were upset about me and Sheena, right? And you said that stuff to me. And now you're talking to me about Ariana, but you're going to come into the season being on the Ariana train, right? So that could be bringing up, you know what I mean? Stuff from Lala and Katie's past again.
That is where the show is. And so, and I, I get, I can understand, obviously we have all vented with, you know, even me and Brady recently had a situation where he actually, um, Hey Brady, I know you're listening, but he talked to Corey about something before he talked to me about it. And so. You know what I mean?
Like that stuff happens. And I just, but I think, I really think, again, there was really more of a story with this dynamic of Katie and Lala. And that really could have been explored into this season. I do think Katie was really upset. I think even before Scandal, I think she was talking about, I think she was having some fields with something about her.
And I wonder if she maybe felt like she was, you know, doing more and things like that. And so again, I think those conversations with, you know, her having with Lala and then Lala wanting her to talk about in the season was she, I get that. But then I also get, you know, Katie being like, they all have stuff that, you know what I mean?
Like they all do their stuff and then. They all do, even Lala. There's stuff you don't want to talk about, right? But, I don't know, just again, I'm sorry I'm all over the place, but just, really this season should have started picking up the pieces as far as the Lala and Katie of it all. Because we really, there was a disservice.
Was not starting there because I think that would have made more sense and open it up to how the season could have went. Yes. Also like, Oh God, you're, you're like bringing up all these points that I'm trying to like, keep track of in my head. Um, It's a lot. I'm sorry. I know this is all over the place. No, no, no.
Cause I, we, we warned the audience. Okay. I'm on codeine. Uh, Lindsay has like a life and people coming over today. We're trying to feel you have feelings. We all have feelings. Um, Yeah, and I don't think, I think part of it too is that Katie, let me say this, I agree that Katie's the most consistent person on this cast, uh, consistently, uh, reckless with her mouth, uh, consistently, um, plays the antagonist a lot of the times.
What Katie is not, in my opinion, is a liar. So that's why It seems very clear that she was caught in a lie, because I don't think she's a good liar, because I don't think she does it a lot. And so, I think that when Lala was trying to When, when Lala was outing her for lack of a better term, the way that Katie reacted, I was like, baby, you're not meant for this lie in life, honey.
You're no Lala. Okay. You, you're not going to lie. You're not Jax. Okay. You're going to, she, Katie, Lala said that Katie called her and went ham on Ariana. Okay. I believe her. I believe Lala because Katie says. The most outrageous shit anyone has ever heard on the subreddit. I didn't tell you this yet. I've been saying that this is going to happen, but it hasn't happened till, you know, recently.
I was literally called a misogynist because I said that what Katie said about Sheena to Lala was out of pocket and an insane thing to say. And someone said that, and I said, Y'all, if Lala said that Ariana was a clown for living with Sandoval and she needs to drop her lawyers for the house and get a therapist instead, the sub would go up in flames.
The sub would burn the place down. If Lala had said that about fuckin Ariana. So, because it's a wild, it's a crazy thing to come out of your fuckin mouth, don't talk like that, right? Katy sang it to Lala because the fandom, again, hates Sheena. And, Katie and also to be fair like it not being on camera playing to our point, right?
Like we're not bringing out the receipts on camera. We're not seeing the little blue and white, you know squares of of text So we don't really know but it's not a stretch Katie says shit like this all the time So when it's brought up on the reunion, I feel for Katie in the sense of like she doesn't feel like this anymore But of course you don't feel like this anymore because as soon as the support that's this sandwich shop the support that this sandwich shop has Despite having just now opened what two days ago like and not even officially yet I wouldn't want to fuck with that either if I were Katie now let's get into that because Uh, some skips as the people from the Joan and, um, what's his name from eating for free would say, uh, they can't talk about the house.
It's in litigation. Uh, they can't talk about the Rachel lawsuit. Sheena tries and says it's ridiculous that Rachel is suing Ariana and I am, I am, I agree. Um, so we can't really there's nothing to say there. And it felt like Andy just had to say that stuff just to like. Get it out of the way, but there's nothing that can be said.
Guys, we lost Lindsay. I don't know what happened. I wish I understood. Oh, there she is.
You're back! This world said no, Mayhem, you will not be recording today. Like, guys, we had so many technical issues before even getting to the point of recording. Like, you have no idea. Sorry about that, guys. So, what was the last thing you heard me say, Lindsay? The last thing that I heard you say was they Couldn't talk about the house situation because that's in litigation.
They couldn't talk about the Rachel lawsuit, although Sheena tried. That's where it cut off for me. And that's basically all I said, that Sheena said that it was ridiculous that, uh, Rachel would even bring Ariana into it. I agree with her. Tom agrees with Sheena, which was interesting. Did you catch what Sandoval said?
He said, I could understand her coming after me, but Ariana? I thought that was interesting that he even said that. Well, I think that everything he does is to rehab his image, so. Yeah, maybe to placate, like, oh, like, how dare she come, like, acting like he cares when he does not care. Yeah, that's, that's how, that's what I think, but what, you know, what do I know?
I don't understand these people at all. Right. Um, so those two things happen. So, um, We get into the something about her of it all. Now, I forgot that we were literally talking about the sandwich shop at last year's reunion. I totally forgot. And when they played the clip, I was like, Oh, is that from watch what happens live?
No, it was. From the reunion. I was like, that's so crazy. Guys, they have opened. And I would like to take this time to tell you my theory. I think that they're gonna be open for a while. And then Katie and Ariana are gonna sell it. Because Interesting. I wonder if now the Lindsay's going to have to explain the penny stuff to the best of her knowledge because I still don't fully understand she said, I can try.
Listen, I don't know what went down with penny and and them Katie dismissing it saying they worked for 2 months. No, you didn't. That's not true. Why would you say that? That's a blanket lie. Why is she? I know. Katie, what are you doing, girl? But I do think that she does this more than we know. Um, but Cause she, like, she did it with the thing with Sheena where she said, Sheena never texts up on me.
And then, it's like, Sheena's like, Girl, I literally texted you twice. So, what are you talking about? I think she's trying to make it like a burn. Like, girl, like, you worked with us for two months. But she knows it was longer than that. But she's trying to make it. Seeing like it wasn't as big, it's not a big deal to her.
So it shouldn't be a big deal. Yeah. I don't like her attitude at all. So, um, that's why I have a hard time empathizing with that part of her. Um, but you're right. I think she was just kind of like being hyperbolic. Um, so they have these sandwiches now, right? And they're all named after nineties actresses.
Um, and to me, it's just a little off the mark. It's not very relevant. Here's what I think. I think the reason. This is a complete pulling it out of my ass theory. Okay, I wonder if Penny for the sandwich shop wanted to lean more into the Vanderpump rules of it all Okay, opposite it could be she didn't and they did or they didn't she did I wondered that because she made a joke like if Lisa Vanderpump is getting sandwich named after her So should I and I'm wondering like cuz I'm like Yeah, it makes way more sense to have like the Maloney baloney, the good as golden sandwich or whatever they were saying, good as gouda, um, you know, good as gouda, Vanderpump hoagie rolls or whatever.
So whatever it is. It makes more sense to be specific to Vanderpump rules, but, and I think that branding and all of that is probably a strength of Lisa Vanderpump and Penny, but I think that Katie and Ariana went for something more, uh, generic because I think that they're going to sell it. I don't think that they're going to keep it very long.
And I think they're going to sell it to somebody who can, uh, sustain it. Cause I don't think that they can sustain it. Cause in my mind, like. I understand that the demographics for Vanderpump Rules are all over the place, but this is mean what I'm about to say, so everybody buckle up, alright? It's very uncool to me to like have sandwiches named after like, Nancy Keaton and fuckin uh, uh, Cameron Diaz, like it's not trendy.
Okay. It's not relevant. It's just not. You also, I'm assuming they have the, I'm assuming it's Kerry Washington and not like, Uh, I think it's Kerry, Washington. Yeah, that's what I read into it as it's kind of a choice. Yeah, I'm looking at the names right now. Okay. What are, what are the names? I know we got Drew.
I can't stand Drew Barrymore, but I know that's who they're referencing. Who else do we have? The Diana. Is that like princess Diana? I guess. Um, the Carrie, I took that as Carrie Washington, the Reese, I'm guessing Reese Witherspoon, the Drew, the Drew Barry, the Kate, is that Kate Middleton? I guess. Kate, well, you have Kate Middleton, you have Kate Winslet, you have that Kate Hudson.
Kate Bosworth, which would be kind of cool. That actually could be a lot, um, the Cameron, which, yeah, I think Cameron Diaz, um, Viola, Viola Davis, and then the Nancy, who did you say? I was thinking Nancy Drew, which is so stupid. Nancy Drew! That would be, but that would be a cooler, if they leaned into like, fictional Like, or literary women, that would be cool.
I don't, I don't necessarily, like, I, I, it's interesting that your take on it, I appreciate hearing it because I guess I took it as, I think it's smart of them to not brand it VPR. I think they learned from Schwartz and Sandys if you make it your brand and then people don't like you because people could turn on them.
You know what I mean? A one second. So I understand, like, maybe like the focus. I'm not saying they should have named the sandwiches this. I don't really care about that, but like, I could see their focus not being VPR. But that's, that's literally exactly what I'm saying. I'm saying, I think that Penny thought that you should, okay.
The girls are like, we shouldn't do that. The women, Katie and Ariana. Oh, sorry. Katie and. Yeah. Ariana are like, no, we don't want to brand it Vanderpump rules. And I think the reason they don't want to do that is because they want to sell it because I gotcha. See what I'm saying? But I mean, it could also, but also playing into that, like, The Vanderpump rules is fandom is fickle.
Um, so it's not a sustainable business model for anyone. So if they did want to sell it, even if they wanted to keep it, I agree with you. It's not sustainable, but if they did want to sell it, anyone could take it. I also just want to say weird choice to only have two black women on the, you know, it's just a weird choice, like.
We don't need Kate Middleton on there. We literally have another fucking princess that we could, well, yeah, the Kate, the Kate is still, I don't like, I guess it could be Kate who's the Meg. What is Meg Ryan? Oh, that's what I'm saying. These days. So it is kind of, you're right. It is kind of this weird of like nineties.
I don't know if I consider Carrie, but like Kate Middleton. Well, we're talking about Kate Hudson. Then that makes more sense. Or Kate Winslet. I'm thinking more, I think it's Kate Winslet now that I think about it. That makes more sense. Okay. I see. Yeah. Yeah. I would love to know. Okay. So you said Meg Ryan.
Okay. That makes, okay. That makes more sense. Actually, I think it, it is actually more like early two thousands women, but then I'm like lean into the fucking culture of West Hollywood. And throw me a Lilo, give me a Paris, give me a Misha. What are we doing? Misha, yeah. Give me some of these like, I mean, an Ashley or Jessica Simpson or both.
Like, why are we, if we're gonna, if we're gonna stay in like the white lady lane, which is basically what they're doing, like, why are we choosing these women who you, I promise if we add, I'm going to call my friend, Sarah, who is 23 years old. And I'm going to say, I'm going to give you the first name of an actress.
I want you to give me a last name. She's not going to be able to do it. Come on. Yeah. I guess they really are leaning into like the, something about her. Yeah. Yeah. With these sandwich names. I still like that. And again, this would have had to have been after Scandalball, but I still like the name Better Halves.
I think they could have came up with like, yeah, and they could have like, this concept could be like, sandwiches that you read are like, hmm, like, does that go well together? You know what I mean? Like, I think they could have did something like that, but they could have done like a If there's one thing I fucking love out of a Panera or a fucking Atlanta bread company or anything like that, it is a half and half special, a half sandwich, half salad, half sandwich, half soup, half salad, half soup, like, they could have had like, they could have, they, listen, all I'm saying is that I am underwhelmed, and I'm sorry if that makes me some type of way, I just think that something, and I do think, even if it's not my conspiracy, See?
I think that something went wrong with branding with Penny. Now, back to the reunion. What the hell? Happened with penny. I don't know. I still don't understand that as well. I know penny. She commented. I sent you that on Heather McDonald stuff and was like, I have a story to tell. Yes. And then I think she went to the sun, which is like not a reliable source at all.
But she, she tried to explain. Some stuff but none of it like none of it really made sense. I can understand. I think as you said, I wonder if they had really different views as marketing or you're I mean like had disagreements as far as that and then I think there's also disagreement as far as Penny's actual role.
And Lisa said she, Penny had wanted to be partner. Yeah. So why wouldn't, why wouldn't Ariana and Katie make this woman the partner? Well, and we're learning that, I mean, Ariana, I love you, but like, you're not the best at communicating. So I, and I'm not, especially if I, if I felt, this is why I could never own my, my own business because.
If Penny came to me and I had a certain way of my thinking and she came to me and was like, well, I should have all this, this, I'm sure I would be like, Oh yeah, like, that's okay. But in my mind, I'd be like, That's not how I thought of this at all. And that's not good. You cannot do that for good business.
And then I could see Katie being like, uh, hell no, we're not doing it that way. You know what I mean? Like I can see it. Like I think Katie and Ariana, that, that might be a struggle with their partnership as I think the communication aspect, I could see that being hard. So I just think with Penny, The roles were not set in stone.
I don't think anything was written down yet, which is a big, you're, I mean, like you need to have concrete what your roles are, what your expectation is, here is what money looks like. And then if you don't agree on that, you renegotiate or you part ways. And I think it didn't get to, uh, maybe the re you're, I mean, I think it just got to a buh bye kind of situation.
And think about this, despite whether, you know, not even just Ariana's communication, but her availability, physically and, and, mentally, yeah, you're right, to communicate, you know, it, you got Katie, who's never owned a business, you know, and, and, and neither of them, Should be opening this business without a partner.
Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry but neither of them have ever run a business before like a restaurant and then So just to finish my thought so they shouldn't be opening without a partner in my opinion But if they want to do that that is on them like girl power for sure like do whatever you think is necessary It's also good to like check your ego and say, because I haven't done this before, it may be very helpful for me to have someone who has, but then, you know, there's people like Greg who people don't like, who people feel like Greg took advantage of Schwartz and Sandy.
So Sandy took advantage of Schwartz and Sandoval. So I get it. I do, but they probably do that. It probably wouldn't hurt to have a partner. What do I know? But what I thought was really weird was when. Andy turns to Lisa and he's like, so, uh, we saw this season, the closing of pump, which was kind of sad, nostalgic.
Right. And Lisa's like, well, you know, 10 years for any restaurant is a success. And Ariana goes, really? I was like, Babe, nothing about her. Can we, can we check in with Lala for a second? I couldn't remember. Is that after she's, I remember her saying, really? It was immediately after Lisa Vanderpump said 10 years.
I watched it just before we recorded. I remember when she said really, and I remember being like, Oh, but I couldn't remember exactly where she said it, but I knew I had a reaction to it. Girl, why did you say that? I hope something about her is open for 10 years to Ariana, but it's probably very difficult to do that when you're going to be again on tour in another state to run.
A restaurant and where the camera, like how the camera was doing it. I don't, it was, I don't think it was a, cause you know how sometimes they could take any face that they make anything they say and put it somewhere. But the way that that was shot, no, he was still finishing his sentence. You can hear him.
Yeah. Yeah. So you're, I mean like, cause there was a part where, um, I know specifically someone said something and it showed all the space and I was like, You don't actually know if Lala made that face, you know what I mean? Right there. Same with Rachel and the season 10, like, uh, reunion. So in that part, I did have that thought that I rewatched like, oh no, she, she very much said that.
She said, really? Like, yes, Ariana, really, babe. Like uncomfortable 10 years for a restaurant every restaurant. What are you talking about? Everyone like do you know anything? Did she not Villa Blanca closed right? How many years was that open? Like, I don't, I don't, I, it's also like post COVID, that's just a crazy thing to say, like to be surprised about.
Trust me, I think Lisa Vanderpump has done some sketchy things when it comes to this, specifically with her, with her staff. I actually was very surprised in the unedited extended version that they brought up how the landlord was like, we never raised the rent. You know what I mean? Like he has been like, he has said some stuff.
I'm actually surprised they even like challenged Lisa a little bit with that. But obviously she was like that, you know, well then we'll reopen, you know, I, so I think it's funny, like, But, but Ariana, like you didn't go that route with it, of course. But yeah, that, that side commentary, I'm surprised that's not been talked about a lot because it was, I was like, where did this come from?
Well, I mean, everything that I've listened to has talked about it, but it's not, of course, it's not going to be on, on the subs because yeah, I haven't seen it. That's what I mean on the subs. Yeah. Um, so yeah, I thought that was interesting, but there, you know, what looks like they're open. And look, I will say, when Emily and I, when we, that one day where we were just walking around that area, because we wanted to do see the surf parking lot, we ended up eating at the grill.
But we talked about like, you know what, right now would be a really good time for us to go and eat some sandwiches real quick. So I do think the ideal of it, where it's at, I really do hope the best for them. I think, you know, obviously. the semantics of it and then starting it out. Obviously, I'm kind of like there's some hesitation there, but I think it is a good location.
Good idea. I know if I'm in LA again, I will definitely, I will want to try the sandwiches. Um, But just, you know, leading up to all of this, there were some weird things and there's still some weird things. There's still some weird things. And just again, speaking of things that I wish we would have actually gotten some footage about, and I don't mean Pretending like hiring staff is like the most complicated piece of the process of opening a business like please and then we're sitting here and we're talking about permits, permits, wait, go get some footage, go get some evidence, speak to us people that don't know, I don't know anything about permits, like I would have appreciated because people keep saying, now in my opinion, I think it's difficult, In West Hollywood.
I don't know that it's as difficult as they are making it out to be. I feel like there are other factors that affected their business opening when it did that. They're not showing us. So show us that. And then also provide some context for like getting the permits, like shoot a fake ass scene of them going to the mayor's house or something like, you know, like something like that would have been Would have made this part of the reunion a lot easier to follow.
Instead we have, you know, we're talking about this woman, Chef Penny, and having to listen to Lisa's biased ass view. And then hearing that Ariana apparently doesn't think that 10 years is a Is she like, was she like trying to draw like a I wonder if this Maybe she's like making a comparison between like a relationship and a business.
Like, oh, and years of a relationship, maybe I don't know. I, I, I'm not going to, I, I really don't, I have no reason why art Arianna said that I have no reason either. Um, okay. So what's next? What have we not touched on yet? Um, I mean, honestly, just my, the way that the, the reunion ended with the Lala and Katie of it.
And this again, This is where Lala lost me a little bit, because it confuses the audience when you're talking about three different conversations. Three different, oh wait. Yeah. Sorry. Go ahead. Before, before we get there, because I do want to end on that. Because I, there wasn't anything else really, right?
Nothing I can think of. I do want to briefly touch on the James thing, because I found that interesting. I do think it's interesting, um, because I found it, Very weird that James moved on, um, so quickly from Raquel to the point where I was questioning if he had met Allie prior to when he said he did. And how like, but I also didn't feel like people didn't accept Allie and I didn't feel like people were siding with Rachel.
So his like perception of that is very interesting. I mean, Rachel said a few times she thought that his relationship with Allie was a bit soon. And it is, and she was right. And it is weird. What I find more interesting is that like. Why can't we, why can't we say that about Ariana? Also, Ariana, I love you so much.
You did meet this guy 10 days after the breakup and you were dating shortly thereafter. So you keep picking on James and Lala about the 10 days thing, but it, it wasn't, I mean, It wasn't five months after, because we saw you filming and you were already in established, like move out to LA relationship with the guy by five months.
So not that it should matter, I guess, if you don't think it should matter, you don't think it should matter. But like, she keeps trying to like, kind of get down to the nitty gritty about the days and it's like, I think it is a real things for real friendships. To be, if for instance, if my, I think I was like my best friend, Brent, who's married, if they were in the situation and she met a guy that soon after, I would be like, Oh man, I am a little wary of this.
I haven't even had time to process all this. I'm going to have my guard up, but I'm her real friend. Lala's not Ariana's real friend. So Lala to be bringing the, you know what I mean? To calling this out and to bringing attention to it. It's just, I feel like too, I don't know. I really think there is some nastiness with Lala when it comes to Ariana.
And so, you know what I mean? Like this wasn't, she wasn't bringing this up or calling attention to it because of, she was concerned about her friend. This was. To bring it out here, and I'm not saying it shouldn't have been brought up, but Lala's intentions behind bringing up was it because she cared about Ariana.
That's my stance. Do you think that there's a world, because I agree with you 100%, do you think there's a world where Lala is not only speaking for herself, but perhaps also speaking for some of the people that Would consider Ariana a real friend, like, Oh, yeah, there's absolutely that. Yeah. Yeah. You know, Allie, like whoever will, I guess it would be really crazy for Allie to say something, but like, you know, where it's not so much that Lala is like on this tirade, but that like, everybody has said that about the relationship because I think Sheena even said that on a podcast that it wasn't just Lala saying this.
So I think you're absolutely right. That she, she wasn't, um, but God, I was, Sheena would be real. I want her to be real, literally I get right. So then it's like, well, okay. If other people are saying this, but then Lala is the only one to bring it up. But then, so then I, I don't know. That is, I don't know. No one's wanting to bring up the real shit.
So then you have Lala, I guess. It's bringing up stuff. The world and that pisses me off. Poster boy. Yeah. Then that, you know what I mean? That I, but I want to hear it from Sheena because Sheena is actually Ariana's friend and we heard a little bit about what Sheena and Sheena again on her podcast said, look, who am I to say anything because the whole Rob situation, well then I want to hear that.
On the show. But then I also want to hear you say, but with Ariana being my friend and I know people with me with Rob are kind of hesitant, right? I have that same with Ariana. I'm like, can you really, you're, I mean, like. Move on your, or you meet a guy 10 days later and now you're like fully with them and things like that.
Like again, true friends, like you can understand having a guard up and worrying about your friend, but the way that it was presented again with Lala of it all, I just, unreliable, unreliable, not really her friend, but maybe bringing up stuff that other people have said, but then why won't they, why won't they say it?
Well, And just to get to the, our conclusion point, I think, um, and before I do, I will say I believe, and I could be wrong, and I'm happy to be called out. I believe Sheena did admit eventually that like, what? What? Did it freeze?
Uh oh, it froze again! Sorry, Sheena. What is the problem? I'm sorry, Sheena, didn't mean to scare you, girl. I'm sorry. Computer's being crazy. Sorry, Sheena. Sheena the cat, everybody. I have no idea if you guys can hear me.
Say hi, Sheena! Sheena the cat. Love her.
Emily, as soon as you said, No, I may be wrong. It froze. It was like, Girl! You can't speak! The world, the universe is saying you're wrong. Um, what I was saying was, I believe that Sheena did eventually come out and say, like Ariana has now kind of done, um, and say that she had been emotionally checked out from her relationship with Shea for some time.
So it was easier for her to move on to Rob. I think that is something that I have been wanting from Ariana who still hasn't fully come out and said that yet. Um, Um, but of course, her whole thing is tied up in a bunch of brand deals, so I suppose she can't do that. Um, A big, I think the cast member that was missing, uh, the most out of this, even more than Rachel, Raquel, Rachel, is the audience.
I think that it's funny because online the sentiment tends to be You know, well, if you don't like it, then don't read it. And if you, a lot of people also say like, they're not listening to us. They're not listening to us. They don't, they're not giving us what we want. And it's like, actually the cast is listening and you all are affecting the, the story because you're affecting how these people are moving.
For example, a great example of this would be, Rachel goes rogue and the shirt episode because of the fans Being mad at Rachel about possibly having the same shirt as Ariana you all Drove us to an episode A full fucking episode about Rachel getting a shirt. That's very boring. And so, the fans are mad at Sheena about everything.
Mad at Lala now for her reactions. And giving Katie so much support. That Katie's afraid to, you know, be real and Ariana doesn't want, you know, it's like the audience plays such a, such a pivotal role. It feels like, and again, Alex Baskin and whoever the hell else thinks that it's important for these people to care what we think needs to tell them to stop that shit and needs to produce the story that's actually going on and not respond to whatever bullshit is being made up online.
Well, and then guess what, if they would have went the route, like the way we said they should have started the show, we then wouldn't have all of this, but because season 11 in real time, the fandom was recording everything, was showing everything, so here you could have did one or two things. One, do it like we said, start with the Katie and Lola, start about how do you feel about filming to get, can we even felt again, again, who actually wants to talk to about Sandoval?
What all, what are you guys actually doing in your real lives? Go that route. If you want to go this other route. Of trying to make them film together of, you know, doing that and they, you know, again, they showed a little bit with the Tahoe and Sheena's reactions or fans reaction, things like that. But I don't think they've truly showed all of it.
And then, so in that moment, then the switch happens. Then you break the fourth wall, the audience becomes a character in this. And then you show them the cast having real conversations of like, well, shit guys, we're being watched everything right now. And like, now everyone's getting the full context. Oh, I'm afraid to do anything right now.
Yeah. Then pick up the show in that way and show that aspect. But you didn't do that. You continue to, I mean, to do things like this and people were seeing it. And, and that's the thing that bothered me too with this season is a lot of it was because there were boots on the ground, we were then being told, well, it's not what you think.
Well, it's exactly what we think when we watched it because the way you presented it. And so that's my whole thing is like the audience should have been a character, but because the, the way they went about season 11, that is also what drew, you know what I mean? Kind of what drove the audience to, to say what we're saying, not the crazy outlandish things that we taught.
You know what I mean? But like, yeah, I'm not, I'm not talking about that, but like that was a part of it. So again, I, I, I'm actually. I really it's funny. I actually really enjoyed the reunion because I, I just, the way they talked about things and then I also got sad cause I'm like, wow, really what could have been, truly what could have, we could have gotten such a different season of a Bravo show that hasn't been done before in this way.
And it could have been really good fucking television. It really could have, it could have stayed on top and there would have been, you know, there's always going to be detractors, there's always going to be, going to be people who are like, I don't, you know, I know that there are people that just watch the show because they want to watch the show, but then when those people are interacting in such a intense way online, and the cast is reacting to that, but the people that Are the ones that are vocal are the ones that don't really understand, like, they're not getting the wink, they're not getting the wink and a nod to the camera, they're not understanding the mechanics, like, of how these things happen.
And so if you're reacting to those people, so then, you know, at some point you do have to put it back on the cast members, you do have to say, Sheena, get out of the comment section. And, um, also like, uh, I think it was Sheena's podcast where she had to explain what that means because people don't understand, like, the comment section is not literally like an Instagram post and her comments, which it is that, but it also encompasses.
That, that turn of phrase means being on social media in your, in your mentions, in your all of that, you know? And so people being like, well, she should just stay off Instagram. She's just say, but it's like some of y'all, you know, are literally on her page, like DMing, like reaching out to her to be nasty and not just her.
Not just her. Everyone on the cast. If she chooses to go to Reddit, that's on her, right? Like, I do think, like, the cast, if they go to Reddit, like, I'm sorry, y'all gonna see some things, or even if she has, like, friends and family that send her stuff on Reddit, I'm like, I think you need to set that boundary of, like, hey, I don't, you know what I mean?
Like, I don't, I don't want to see that, but what I thought was interesting, did you notice that, like, Lala also said that she thinks James was in the comment section, so what was he saying? Well, I am very. So is he saying things about, like, being upset as far as, like, because here's the thing, you have a cast that really, VPR, yes, has been popular, people, you know, when it comes to cast, they've had, like, their favorites, but really this, this cast has been a whole group of people.
Yeah. Yeah. And you then have. Something Scandaval that blew up in a way that no one still quite understands. Like I did, like, yes, there are crazy elements, but like, why particularly did this blow up in the way that it did? And it rocketed Ariana into this world that I don't think she could even imagine.
Right. That has to have some feels for the cast. So I have to wonder, okay, what was James saying? Because James, this season, I was very, very, very, very pro Ariana, everything you can't tell me he was filling that with everything. And then Katie, yeah, the way that he went off on the reunion, it was almost like, Oh, whoa.
Like, where is all of this coming from? Like you do have, yeah, you're, it seems like you're not as Andy said, I don't think you are over it. Right. You're not. While we're talking about something so old, it's like James. Happened a few months ago. He, well, he hates to talk about old stuff, you know. Yeah, cause the old stuff for him would, would be, uh, Should, should end his career.
Apparently it won't, but should end his career. Right. Um, but yeah, dude, like, The, the fan, the, the, the relationship, and, and I have to say this. I'm, I'm, I'm a member of a lot of fandoms. I'm like a big Kardashian fan. I'm a big, um, I'm a, I, I like, I like a lot of other stuff other than Vanderpump Rules, okay?
Yeah. And the only, the only fandom that Vanderpump Rules like the level of like assuming and like driving what they think is like driving plot, not the only thing that comes close to it is. Kardashian snark page. It's like the level of hate that I see for many of the members of Vanderpump rules. The only comparative one comparable one that I see is the Kardashian snark page.
Cause there's one that's just for Kardashians. That's not snark. And then there's a snark one. Yeah. They go. In on those motherfuckers, but you can't go in on them the way that they do unless you are deep in the lore. Yeah. And, and, I just, I really, and I agree, they shouldn't, the cast members really should stay away from Reddit, but I, I can't, I, I would be a hypocrite if I, if I said I'd go in I wouldn't probably look to, because I would want to, because there's so much misinformation.
There's so much like, like right now, this, like the, the, the, the Vanderpump Rules subreddit is literally trying to start a rumor that Sheena and Tom are having an affair. Like they're in the process of trying to start that rumor. Um, they also changed, uh, the, where it says how many people are online.
That's funny. That's funny. And Sheena's in on it, and I wanna say this too, like, We've gotta stop, like, this narrative of, like, Ariana just doesn't know how bad of a friend Sheena and Lala are. Ariana needs to run. Ariana needs to do this. Ariana needs to do that. Baby, Ariana knows exactly who these people are, okay?
Yeah, she can make her own decisions. She can make her own decisions. And I'm not saying that she, she is taking advice from these random people. I don't think that she is. But there's like, kind of a level of delusion at the top of the iceberg here, where people think that like, Ariana knows less about her real life friendships than like, people watching a highly edited show.
And, at the end of the day, If we all understand that we don't know exactly what's going on, we can channel our frustrations into the proper people, which I believe, and so do you, is Alex Baskin. And we can channel our frustrations into the story that we're being told because we will be in the understanding that we don't know everything.
That's That's the lesson that I'm taking from Reunion Part 1. We don't know everything. We were robbed of a lot of interesting content. All so that shmarmy over here can, like, what? I don't even think it was a redemption because I literally watched the whole season thinking, this guy is such a fucking weirdo.
Like, if anything, I'm kind of coming out of it like, Why did I never like really categorize him as like a really strange person until right now, um, he says, he says he knows he's not the smartest guy. It's like, yeah. So why are we even like, why are we spending time with this motherfucker? And then, you know, I don't want to get too much into this, but the discussion of mental health and weaponizing it and how Sandoval, some of the stuff he said.
In this reunion, I just have to say, is like, if it wasn't so dark It would almost be like a Jack's level of funny. Like, I think Sandoval is trying to be like a Jax who just says whatever comes to his mind, but he can't get away with it. Cause he doesn't have the same kind of charisma. Right. And so like, it just comes off as like a, why the fuck did you say that?
And I just, I don't know the whole, the whole thing. Also, I wanted to ask you this. Sorry to keep bouncing around, but kind of to our point that like, there's all these unanswered questions. I feel like they, they have the after show as a way to like respond to that, but I would rather just see it in the show.
Wouldn't you? Yes. That should be a part of the show. Yes. I don't. Yeah. Because guess what? What was most entertaining this year? The after show. The after show. And there's been so many more of those elements incorporated. So I don't understand. They really, they really dropped the ball this season and which is so sad because again, the way that they put presented season 10 and it was so fun for the audience to watch season 11 really should have been just like a stripped down version of like, yeah, this is a real group of people.
Yes. There have been real friendships and this, this scandal blew up in a way that no one expected and now all of them are navigating that. All of them, you know, again, Lala, the way that her stuff took off. And then obviously, you know, then with Sheena and then it's like, okay. Like I know like with James, like he, he was DJing and stuff.
But like, did he have, did he feel like he couldn't hear him in the worm with the t shirt, I mean, stuff like that, but not in the way of like Lala and Sheena. So like, what was he feeling about that? And then you have, again, just all of these other dynamics. Right. That are so much more interesting than just the Ariana and Sandoval of it all.
I felt very fulfilled with that lost conversation. That finale of season 10 is amazing. And that is the reason why it got nominated for an Emmy. It is a beautiful episode. And the way that Sheena had that ending conversation, it's so sad because I feel like because of the way that season 11, the way they presented it, that conversation gets so lost.
But I think these people were put in a weird situation. But I, but I also like, I'm not trying to take away like the cast obviously like make their own decisions. I mean, clearly you're Ariana stuck with what she was doing, but I'm also not going to fault. I feel like there was then just this overwhelming pressure of like to do things and that's why it felt inauthentic.
So I just. Like I said, the reunion, I, I'm really excited to, um, for part two and part three, because I think we're just going to see more of what could have been, um, and I am, it's funny, I'm like, did they give everyone a Xanax before these, this reunion, because they're all, One on one talking, you know what I mean?
Even when Lala and Sandoval were going back and forth of like, no, it is that yes, it is. They both were like saying things one at a time and then it got through me. And so, uh, that went on for such a weirdly long amount of time, but that doesn't surprise me with the type of specifically with Sandoval, like again, I've worked.
With kids like him. And so like, and with Lala, obviously I don't think she knows, like with a person like that, you just cut it. You say, no, it is. And they'll say, you can't go back and forth because you're not going to change his mind. Right. So for your own sanity, but Lala, obviously she, she has to be right.
Right. And here's the thing. And she was right. And explaining, you know, like what grooming, like that's not just what it is, Sandoval, like, you know what I mean? And so, um, but again, talking to Sandoval about that. There's no point because in his mind, it's already made up. But anyway, even just the way that they talk to each other.
It was, it was interesting. And that's what I wish like season 10 reunion. I still love the first part when they, the moment when they're like, they don't let Sandoval speak. I really enjoyed that because I was like, yeah, don't let that motherfucker speak. However, the episode two, episode three, it did get too much, right?
There was too much yelling. There was no productive conversations happening. Right. And so with season 11 reunion, I'm like, Oh, wow, I think we're actually going to hear more. But why didn't we hear this in the season? Yep. Great question. Guys, we're gonna take one more break. We'll be right back. Oh, man. Well, uh, any, any final thoughts, anything?
You know, what are we, did you watch the seven minute preview for, for next week? I did. And it makes me mad because I, again, and me and Rob talked about this, how we think. The Katie and the LaLa of it all, it's very wrapped up quickly in the next part and they move on. And I wish they would have just been more clear about things because again, the way Lala presented it, it was three separate conversations she was talking about and made it confusing.
I wanted more clarification on was Katie talking to production and Lala knew about it. And then they had a joint phone call and, and Katie flipped the switch, I mean flipped the switch on what I just, I want it because it was brought up, then I want full details about it. Otherwise don't bring it up.
Right. Okay. So. Um, and then I forget the rest of how the preview went as far as like what they went into. But it seemed like from the seven minute preview, it seemed like it's still going to be a good second part. And like I said, I am interested. Oh, Joe comes out in part two. Oh, that's what it is. Joe comes out.
That's going to be really hard for me because Joe the whole time, she interrupts a lot. And also while other people are talking, she's having her own conversation with herself. And so no, again, this is her first reunion. I'm going to try to give her some grace, but, um, it's going to be, it's going to be a lot and also it's going to be interesting to see because we know Schwartz keeps saying how there was really a moment where he pulled back from Joe and he doesn't want to talk about it.
But it was big. We've got to talk about it, buddy. We have got to talk about it. Don't bring it up if you're not going to talk about it because then my mind's going to spiral and then Luke thinking he's being cheeky and brings up baby Reindeer when talking about Joe. Well, then you know where my mind's going to go.
So just lay it all out there. Okay? Oh, was it Luke that said that? Yeah. It was Luke. It was. Wow. And so, you know what I mean? Just bring it all up then or don't say it at all. I mean, if this girl is going on live and actually you're saying blanket lies, then I'm sorry. Call that shit out. Seriously. Also, if this girl, if you're alluding to things, then this girl should not be on our television.
Right. Like they, you know what I mean? I think like, I, I actually, if there is a season 12, I do not want to see Joe on it because I think that I. I think there is other avenues she needs to go with. Yeah, it's in, never mind. Yeah, I know, we've been here for so long, just the whole, the whole, the whole jello of it all, um, it makes you extremely uncomfortable.
Well, she provided necessary, like, for lack of a better phrase, comic relief, or, like, distraction, because That was something that was very real going on in Schwartz's life. Uh, which, again, and I don't want to get on this for, for too much longer, but, like, some of, like, Katie, in my opinion, this has been my theory for some time, and you guys know I love my theories.
I don't think that Katie was ever actually mad at Sheena. Uh, I, I, or, how about this? Katie being mad at Sheena for quote unquote pushing Raquel onto Schwartz is either a lie Like, that's not what Katie was mad at Sheena for, or completely unwarranted. Not only because we now know that there was nothing going on between Schwartz and Raquel to the nth degree, but because Katie knew about Joe.
And Katie knew that Joe and Schwartz were living together. I think that's why Katie has so much resentment against Joe. She says that they got together almost immediately after the divorce was announced, which means that Katie, you knew that this man wasn't trying to sleep with Raquel. You knew that there was no Sheena pushing him onto anybody because it was an open secret that, that, that Schwartz was, was with Joe.
So this is what I'm talking about though. Katie's anger. Just clarify it for us. Okay. And just be for real about it. And Lala, you're, you don't, I don't need her to be the mouthpiece for everyone. No, or if she's going to be the mouthpiece, then I need her to be honest about her being the mouthpiece. And she kind of does it when she starts to be like, well, Katie lives in the comment section, Sheena and James live in the comment section.
Just come out with it. You're saying. Not what the audience because she keeps going like I'm saying what the audience thinks. She knows damn well She's not saying what the audience thinks She's so the friend group is saying behind Ariana's back So just come out and say that maybe she will in the reunion and then I think we will understand Because everyone's clinging on to this one Amazon live I think it was that maybe it was her podcast that Lala said I think once you see You The reunion you'll understand or once you see the finale and the reunion you will understand and people are like what we don't understand why you've been a such a bitch behind Ariana's back.
I'm like, I don't think that's what she means. I hope that's not what she means. I think that we're gonna get clarity. I hope to God, sorry that we get clarity. As to why Lala has been who she's been speaking for, because it's not just herself. It's really not. Oh God. Well, Lindsay, thank you for doing this, honestly, for us kind of short, like silent queen episode.
We have nothing to say. We have nothing to say. We are so precise. Um, but really guys, I'm sorry that I ranted a lot. I'm, I'm, you know, you know, my condition right now. Um, Lindsay. Tell everybody where they can find you. Yeah. You can go on my Instagram at Vanderpod recaps. And if you guys want to follow me, you can go to who TF knows Emily Rose on Instagram, uh, WTFK Emily Rose on Twitter.
I really haven't been on Twitter lately. And by the time you're listening to this, I may very well be prepping to. Get into surgery. So, uh, you guys think of me, uh, it's, if I get my gallbladder removed, it's a very like simple procedure, but, um, you know, if you're feeling it and you want to like buy me a coffee, it'll be more like buy me a Sprite or Coke zero.
Then you can throw me that in my, in the description of this episode that's down there. Um, I would really appreciate it. And, uh, I think, I think that's it. Oh. I will be covering the goat, the, the actually fucking hilarious reality show that Chris and Dodie started. Have you watched it? Lindsay? Emily. I am so mad because this is what fucking happened with traders.
This is an announcement. Okay. Okay. Putting spoiler alert in the caption does nothing in the caption of like the Instagram, not on the video, on the actual post, right? In the caption down below. It says absolutely fucking nothing when the video itself has the spoiler in the video of what happens. So no, I've only got to watch a little bit of the goat first episode.
I very much enjoyed it, but do I know something that's pissed me off that I know about it? Yes. Wow. That's all I have to say. Do not put spoiler alert in the caption, make a front page and say spoiler alert ahead. Give the audience five seconds away and then show the video of what happened. Totally agree.
Um, totally agree. I couldn't agree more. Um, I will be covering the goat, which is very funny. So don't don't just don't get on Instagram. Be like a VPR star and don't get on Instagram. Um, and Tune into the show so you can listen to me and Rob Schulte recap it. It will be on his Patreon later this month. Uh, we did record an episode.
We do have to rerecord that because I was not my best self during that time. Um, and I might not be, you know, if I'm coding up on the second run, but we'll see, uh, I'm very excited. It's been a very funny show. I miss Daniel Tosh on my television. Um, and I think that about wraps it up. So thanks guys for listening and I will talk to you guys later.
Bye bye.