Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Getting rid of the "Guilty Pleasure" adage one podcast at a time...
Each week Emily Rose will dive into different pop culture topics, and tell you what TF you need to know about them!
Special thanks to: LD Green III for Intro/Outro music "Lord of the Dance" Streaming Everywhere!
Artwork Photographer: Ques Williams for Midas Touch Creative Group
Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Vanderpump Rules Reunion pt 3 INSTANT REACTIONS ( ft @vanderpodrecaps !!)
Emily Rose and Lyndsay saddle up for part I of a 2-part coverage of a 3 Part... event? In this episode they go over VPR news, overall Vanderpump Rules Reunion pt 3 thoughts, and the (surprisingly splendid ?) Secrets Revealed! Stay tuned later this week for our full Reunion recap!!
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IG: @whotfknowsemilyrose
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Hello, hello, hello. This is Who the Fuck Knows with Emily Rose. I'm Emily Rose, coming to you guys for what is technically kind of, we'll explain in a minute, my last Vanderpump Rules recap with Lindsay Lime of Vanderpod recaps. Lindsay, can you believe it's come to an end? I know, we did it. We survived this season somehow.
It's so crazy, because like, we've talked a couple of times, because your one year anniversary was, was that the day before yesterday? It was on Monday, yeah. Yes, so, by the way, happy anniversary Vanderpod Recaps, the account. Thank you! It's crazy that it's been a year, but I'm thinking it's crazy since the first time I asked you if you wanted to start recapping this season with me.
. We literally went on a whole trip together. We met. And it went well. And we are, like I say, we're now besties, besties. And we also like, we really did make it through the season somehow. There were times. Uh, up until I would argue extremely recently that I wasn't sure, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it.
I wasn't sure I was going to be able to re watch the reunion today. It's been really tough and that being said, guys, just so you know what's kind of going on. So I, like I said, uh, for the past couple of episodes, I have my gallbladder surgery in a week and I'm running low on pain meds because they are insisting on not doing it.
Giving me medicine. So I'm in a little bit of a state. So we're not going to do our full recap today. We're going to do some Vanderpump News. We're going to talk, we're going to talk about the reunion. Don't worry. We have thoughts that we're going to bring to the table. And we're going to talk about the Secrets Revealed episode that aired on Peacock immediately after.
And if you guys haven't watched that, I highly recommend it. I don't know. I mean, we'll get into it, but Lindsay, I think you and I were on the same page. We really liked it. Yeah, I thought it was really fun and I wish we got to see more of that in the actual airing of the season. Yes, agree. And like I said, we'll, we'll elaborate when we get there.
So you guys are getting part one. Of our Reunion Part 3 breakdown now, when you're listening to this, whenever that is. And then we will be recording another episode, kind of doing a full breakdown of the reunion when Lindsey returns from being out of town. So, keep an eye out on that and a couple of quick announcements before we get into news.
First of all, thank you to everybody who has reached out to me about my surgery. I really, some of y'all are so on top of it, and I just really, I really appreciate it. I actually had somebody ask me about if I had a Patreon because they wanted to support, and no, I don't have a Patreon. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I want to do when This is all done, you know, with the podcast because there's going to be a gap in shows that I'm interested in on Bravo, but then there's all these other like scripted shows.
I'm interested in. Then I watched the season premiere of the Kardashians and that was trash. Guys, not to go on a Kardashian tangent, but like the show. While the production value has gone up the content has really plummeted on the Kardashians on Hulu and The season premiere. Do you watch the Kardashians Lindsay?
I Haven't in a really long time Well, you're not missing anything. Okay, you're really not so I don't know I'm thinking about that thinking about a lot of different stuff. Anyway, all of that to say Excuse my tangent. I don't have a Patreon, but I do have a buy me a coffee and I'm not gonna lie to you guys.
Uh, if you have, if you want to support the show, if you're somebody who's reached out, I definitely would, could use it and would very much appreciate it. So if you want to, uh, Throw, throw anything at my buy me a coffee page. All of that's in the link, uh, in the show notes. I'm going to put something at the end of this episode.
And Lindsey also has a buy me a coffee and that will also be in my show notes. So I just wanted to say that, and thank you for the continued support. And I'm actually kind of glad you guys are even interested in me having a Patreon, because I kind of thought, No one would be all that interested. So I'm, I'm happy to hear that.
And so I'll have updates about that when we get, when we get to it, guys, my, my last painkillers kicking in child. So you know what you should do, I think would be really cool for your patron because I think you just deep dives into certain topics. I think you would do really good at that. I know I'm like maybe I should re release my first like few episodes that I did and just put those on the Patreon.
That'd be kind of like the standard of like deep dives onto like random topics. I have a whole conspiracy theory, which I know is shocking about I'm shocked. I have a conspiracy theory about the role that Paris Hilton played in the I guess spiral is not a word we're supposed to use about Britney Spears, but I also think it's kind of foolish to pretend like she didn't go through something.
Well, you know, chicken or the egg, but she certainly went through something after her divorce from Kevin. And I want to explore what Paris Hilton had to do with that. I think it's very interesting. So anyway, that is all of my announcements for the show. Let's get into some of the, the Vanderpod news, as it were.
Now, after we recorded, truly Immediately after we recorded last week's episode, Schwartz went on when reality hits, which is Brittany and Jackson's podcast, uh, Lindsay's favorite of all of the, of all the podcasts. I will not have the slander out there. No. He goes on to kind of give his side of the story.
When it comes to him and Joe, it was kind of a chaotic listen. We, we really didn't talk about it after I sent you like a couple of voice messages, but I felt like it was a chaotic listen. It felt like they were sharing a mic and the mic was like 45 feet away from them. And I kept hearing like the pouring of liquids and the clinking of glasses.
And, uh, they were kind of all over the place. And Brittany, who is sorry, a really bad podcast host kept. Baiting Tom into these questions that were great and then when he started to really cook and started to give us an answer that I thought might be interesting. She fucking talked over him and started talking about something else.
Very, very, very annoying. But we did get some good information. What did you think, Lindsey? Yeah, I thought it was interesting how About two weeks ago, Joe, I'm sorry. A few weeks ago, shorts went on a podcast tour. And then last week, Joe went on a podcast tour. She was like, hold my hat. Yeah. I got stuff to say.
And then Schwartz was like, now hold on a minute and got on the mic with Brittany. And as you said, it was really interesting. They were, they were in the same room together, but it, the sound quality. Was Wild. Yeah. Wild. I don't understand what happened, but yeah, it's, I, something really triggered shorts and he had had enough.
And what we learned from that is he just, him and Joe were. It's still very unclear to me as far as like, if they ever had a label or anything like that, but they were obviously seeing each other in some capacity and then short study started to find out lies that she was saying from other people and then the big, the first red flag for him was he was telling her about, you know, reality TV and what it's like filming.
And how it can not be the best sometimes. And she was like, Oh, I'm not worried about it. I babysat one of the VPR executive producer's kids in short, so that was kind of weird. And so he brought it up to that executive producer and that producer was like, I have not met Joe since we started filming with her.
So I know, and it's obviously, I think she's trying to connect. You know, in some way, but for her mind to go there, that's such a specific thing. You, you chose to say you babysat in an executive producer's kids too. It's not like you. It's like a lie that can be very easily detected. Yeah. So why you, well, y'all heard me struggle last week about me.
I really don't, I truly don't understand it. I don't understand how you can lie like that. So part of me still kind of has an eye on Schwartz. Like, are you telling the whole truth? But I mean, he's not telling the whole truth because then we find out that the second red flag. Uh, has to do with his sister and I did not, I did not know he had a sister.
I don't think I knew her. I knew about the triplets, but I had no clue about the sister. Listen, every time we learned something about this man, it is wild. Well, his family life is very interesting. I think there's some kind of sadness with area. Yeah, so, uh, when, I guess he started bringing Joe around his family, and Joe got along with his sister quite well, and then Joe, the way that Schwartz tells it, Joe spent the weekend with his sister, and his sister, who had been defending Joe, and every time that Schwartz would make like, a rude comment about her, like, sister would defend Joe, and then she calls him, and she said something like, She had like a traumatic experience and she was like really shaken and after the weekend that she spent with the woman She had to like block her on everything.
I was like, what the fuck happened? I was like the way that he was the way that he was telling that I was I I was picturing something and I I felt like he was being truthful about that, but then, apparently, then the other red flag if you haven't had enough, she apparently called his parents and was telling his parents things that he, uh, did not think that that were untrue, and I just don't believe that she called them and said things that were untrue, I think that she exaggerated something and I, I think it has to do with his drug use, allegedly.
That's what I think guys people when when people feel like they want to let like you're pulling away from them They want to cling on and so I can see someone like calling his parents and being like I'm really worried about Schwartz He's Really getting bad with his drugs. I'm trying I feel like there was something Not Sheena and Tom.
I feel like there was something else that happened on Bravo You Similar to this situation and it was drugs. So maybe I'm like conflating the two, but that's how I feel. Then that's alleged. That's my opinion, but that's how it sounded to me. So I also wondered, well, if Joe was a casual drug user, which I believe she allegedly probably is.
I wonder if that had anything to do with like the weekend that she had with the sister. I don't know. I'm rambling. I'm so sorry. I just, I don't know. It's a lot to kind of suss out. No, and I completely agree with you and you're not the only per a lot of people think that's what happened. So a lot of, yeah, a lot of good, but I'm not alone.
No, the way that shorts talked about that. And I honestly think if Brittany would have maybe asked the right questions. Maybe she could have got him or not even the right questions, but actually not talk over him and let him talk. I think he would have spilled a little more about that. I almost wonder if he would have maybe said alcohol or drinking, you know, instead of, but I really think it is substance use.
And, other people are thinking that as well. They, the way he told the story, it very much seems like Joe called his parents. To, cause he framed in a way as she, he thinks he, she was trying to look out for him and she came from a good place. Well, to me that says that, as you said, I think she felt him pulling away.
And so in that moment, for a very selfish reason, She then reached out to his parents thinking, Oh, if I do this, then this will, I'll be able to hold on to him more. So the whole situation is truly wild. I do think Joe has a problem with lying even on Kristen's podcast. She talked about how she, Luke said when she first met.
Her he, she said that she cut Aaron Rogers hair, which is funny because then on the reunion she talked about how she wanted to date Aaron Rogers. Like Andy, do you know him so I can meet him? Yeah. That was weird. So it's, yeah. So just the things that she lies about, I don't know. But I also. You know, I'm very aware that Schwartz did not handle this situation well at all, instead of communicating things strongly.
He, I think, tried to pull away, but then also was still, I love that you're still hanging out with her. You still like to hang out with her and like I can understand like it, it is hard. I mean me and you have both been through with people when they're just blatantly making lies. But then it's also, I've read this today.
It is interesting because you know, we talk about Joe, but then, you know, we've had JacksTaylorSayThings Like, he used to live with Shane and Tana Shane and Tana and say things. So it's like, well, what's the difference, you know, not a lot of difference in my opinion. I, I want to, I just, I, I'm, I can't remember if I said this on the last episode, I do want to be careful about painting the woman out to just be like a straight up.
Complete liar or stalker or, you know, obsessive person, because sometimes people can have like obsessive thoughts and behaviors around other people, but that doesn't make them like an actual threat. Now, If she's calling his family and putting his family in danger, re his sister or calling his family and telling them that he has like a serious problem that he, well, I mean, may or may not have that's obviously that's different, but I also.
You know, I just keep one eye on Schwartz. I just have to. And then you got Britney's ass. She doesn't, I promise you, know what the fuck is going on. So it's not helpful to me for her to be like, Well, Anne, you know, you've been real kind to her. You've brought her around lots. And we, me and Jax, we've, we've been there with y'all.
I'm like Why do you think he chose Britney's podcast? Do you think he was already over there and they were drinking and Jess wasn't there and she was like, in shorts was like, man, I have stuff to say. And Britney's like, you know what? I think I have this little podcast called when reality hits. Honestly, that is exactly what the fuck I think happened.
Okay. Okay. Almost like and I don't think I told you that I felt this way. So it's so funny. That's exactly what I thought. When I was listening, I was like, Oh, this is very much on a whim because she's like, well, I was going to have you want to talk about the reunion, but there's some other stuff going on.
We just have to talk about, I'm like, okay. And they're like talking all fast and they're all, they're like hyped up. I don't know. It was, it was an interesting episode, but their energy was odd to me. Yeah. And it's sad because if you really wanted to do. Something impactful or make it right. He really should have went on shenanigans because she would have had it all laid out there.
She would ask the questions. And organize queen. Yeah, but I think it was a very impulsive decision. So this is what we got from that. Yeah. And I, again, I think that they were drinking because of all the, there was two or three moments where I felt like if we would have let him just keep talking. He would have given information away.
He does it every time he did it on watch what happens a lot. He does it. If you let him talk too much, he gives shit away. So I don't know. I don't know. It was, it was, that was interesting. Another interesting thing that I did not actually take any interest in today was LVP Lisa Vanderpump was on Alex Cooper.
Her podcast, call her daddy and, uh, I didn't listen to it. So Lindsay, real quick, why don't you just give everybody a really brief, uh, overview of what they can be listening out for with that. I mean, she talked a little bit about housewives stuff, but nothing. Crazy. She loves James Kennedy. She has said that in every interview now.
And in the Secrets Revealed, too. There's a whole thing. Yeah. It was kind of charming, but it was just annoying. Yeah, she just, any chance she gets, she really talks about the love that she has for him. And let's see. I mean, there wasn't really a lot in this interview. Did dad, did daddy, did Alex, my god, I'm fucking call her daddy peeled now.
Did Alex have like a mission statement for like, why? Because I feel like when she has Bravo people on, it's usually like a very intentional You know, saying that she explained why I don't remember she did. I really don't understand exactly why Lisa was on this episode. Maybe just to promote all the things that she's doing is the vibe that I got.
But yeah, I don't, I told you my real opinion is. Lisa also maybe struggled with jealousy this season and was like, Ariana did call me daddy last year. So I'm going to do it this year. I don't know. She said a few things that kind of, I didn't love. She talked about Alex Astor which Vanderpump Rules cast you're most like, or were you most like in her twenties?
And she said, I think I'm a quiet, like Stassi in a way. I'm not checking drinks in people's faces, but I always kind of, Stassi sees the funny side of things. It was such a disappointment to me when she was let go, but it was a sign of the times. Everybody was, you know, reacting to what was going on in the world.
And I agree, I understood that. But I think we all look back on what we did. We were younger, you know, everybody makes so many mistakes. I just don't love how she worded with the signs of the times. Oh, of course. I'm sitting here, Lindsay, thinking that we're talking about season fucking three or four.
When she left to go live with Patrick, I did not even think about the actual racism that she was fired for when you were talking about that just now. Oh yeah. That's a bunch of bullshit, Lisa. It's not sign of the times that we're in the times. Lisa Vanderpump. Yeah, it just, I didn't, I didn't love that statement.
And then yeah, she, honestly, that was really. She did. Alex brought up thinking, you know, really, you should just fire the whole cast and bring in a new set of people who actually work at SUR. And Lisa said something like, well, you're not the first person to like have this idea. So, but other than that, I mean, the interview, it was a no go for me.
Lisa just has. A really weird sense of humor. Yeah, she does. A little bit like Sandoval. Yeah. Oh, God. We'll get into it. His whole thing is repulsive. Okay, well great. It doesn't sound like I missed much. And then of course the big one that I was waiting for this week was Ariana on Disrespectfully with Katie and Dana.
And I did not listen, but I did read your transcript. Oh, well, I guess there's another one after this. But yeah, I read your transcript, and It seemed like everything is fine. I don't know. It didn't seem like, I mean, granted I was reading it, I didn't hear her tone, but Ariana didn't seem like pissed off at the cast, necessarily.
It sounded like she was kind of mad at production. But what was your interpretation since you actually listened? It Yeah, I, I, I think Katie and Ariana's big point, and we talked about this as well, is it, it did seem very pointed for them to show the cast that last bit of the finale in that way. It seemed very much pointed in a way towards Ariana to get her emotional, to then have this conversation between Ariana and Sandoval.
It left a really yucky taste in my mouth and Ariana and Katie talk about that. And yeah, it wasn't here's the thing. I actually, I think Ariana is a lot more annoyed with the cast than what she is portraying. But in this episode, it does seem like they're just more upset with how the reunion went down in general.
And I think that's more of the production side, which is interesting. We'll get a little bit into it. But that seems to be a theme as well. I think most of them are mad at production and at like the way this season went and they all I think kind of felt strapped down in a chair and they couldn't do what they really wanted to do.
Yeah, I agree. I, I definitely agree with that. We're about to get right into it. Yeah, but that was, there wasn't really anything super. Revolutionary on, on that episode that, that I thought of or that I read. And then of course, finally we have Lala came out, was it today with an, with an apology of sorts.
I don't know if apology is really the right word, but at the end of her episode, she kind of did like, almost like if I didn't know any better, I would think she was leaving the show. I don't know. Yeah, the way that, that it seemed to be framed and uh, you and I differ a little bit on this. I feel like it's good that she said something I felt for her when I was reading it.
I think that she's, uh, she says she's coming back to social media. I don't think that's a good idea for her, uh, and I don't know. I felt like her genu I think her apology was genuine in that she She genuinely feels like she needs to defend herself from the fans. I think that she's genuinely upset about the comments that were about who, not just Ocean, but how she is as a mother, and whether or not she deserves to have another child, and blah blah blah.
I think that that really affected her, and I understand why it affected her. It would affect me too. But other than that, it's just kind of like, Alright, well then, I don't know where she goes from here. It really felt like it was a goodbye to the show. Well, and as I told you with Lala, next week she could be telling us to fuck off.
So, that's my thing with Lala. I have, I do have a lot of empathy for Lala, and I know I've seen some comments of people saying, why is she saying people are coming for her parenting or whatever? I've never seen those comments. Those comments are there. They do this every fucking time with, with Lala, with Sheena.
They always do this. It'll be post after post after post, comment after comment saying some of the nastiest shit. And then when the, when the person addresses it, the audience is like, no one said that. Yes, the fuck they did. Just search in the search bar. Go on Lala's Instagram. Go like literally that they definitely exist.
Is it the overwhelming narrative? No, but they, they're there. So sorry to cut you off. It's just so annoying.
Hello. Oh, no, you're fine. And yeah, they are there. And here's the thing. Oh, can you hear me? Yeah, sorry. We could we uh, drifted away for a moment. Oh, Yeah, even on my page, which is a much smaller platform than Lala's, I've gotten comments before, and I, here's the thing, I delete the comments because that's not what my page is for.
I don't do that shit. If you're gonna comment on my page and say, Lala's a terrible mom, Randall should have Osha, not Lala, I'm gonna delete that. I don't wanna see that either. What a psychotic thing to say. What a psychotic thing to say. It is, and so, but here's the thing. It could, and it's not the, this isn't the majority of comments that are out there, right?
But it could take me, if I see one bad comment, I'm thinking about it all day. Okay. So there were multiple comments that were saying this, even if it was a small group of people. So I feel for Lala with that, where I, where she loses me is I don't think Lala really struggles when she. When people, when she's seen a majority of people or the conversation thinking that she is wrong about something or with her behavior, she, I don't think she's being a hundred percent truthful as far as how she's been feeling as far as the social media aspect, because she's talking about everyone else living in the comments.
I think Lala has as well. I think she really thought this season was going to be her season. I think. Something happened this season. There's been rumors about potentially Lala being talked about getting a spinoff and I had this theory. She was saying some things on her Amazon lives that I was, I remember thinking, I wonder if she's going to have a spinoff.
So I really think she thought this season was going to be the season of Lala. I mean, season 10, people were eating Lala up. Her podcast was exploding. She, she made bank from scandal, even though she now is trying to act like she didn't, but you did girl. And, you know, I really thought she thought the audience would have her back more.
And also sounds like she thought maybe Katie and Sheena were gonna have her back more, but Not ever so much. I think Sheena and Katie were just were telling her things and I think Lala was speaking for them is the gist that I got. So sorry. I just, I think Lala was just thinking the season was going to go down differently and maybe she'll address that because Monday she's having a podcast where she answers questions from BPR.
So while, okay, I think the statement, what she put out today was fine. I felt for it for a little bit, but I'm not buying it completely because I also think you saw that you pissed off a lot of people when you went off on your podcast about how people sucked and they needed their rabies shot. And then you're like, Oh shit, I need to dial it back a little bit.
But like I said, with Lala next week, she could be telling us to fuck off. And I recapped Lala for a year now. The back and forth is not cute and it's not fun to listen to. So to be continued with all of that. Yeah, uh, I agree. And, uh, again, if you've been listening for a while, you know, I've been saying that about Lala, uh, for a minute.
I definitely think that she was This is the thing though, she took it upon herself to narrate what Ariana, I'm sorry, what Katie and Sheena were saying to her. She brought that upon herself. Obviously, you're gonna look crazy if people She knows, I don't know what she thought about Katie, but she knows good and goddamn well, Sheena wasn't about to get on this show and start talking mad shit about Ariana.
She just wasn't. So, I don't know what she thought Katie was going to do, because it, I mean, Katie does talk shit quite often, but I don't know, she kind of brought it on herself for that. And yeah, she's flip, she's the, she's the flip flopper. She's the true person who, She is, I think one of the first episodes we did, I said, she, Has personality issues and it might just be that I don't like her personality, but she, she really struggles with consistency and emotional regulation.
And I, I really. I've seen little things this year that I've never seen before that give me a little bit of hope. But overall, I think she's kind of just full of shit and I told you this and I stand by it. I think the way, the only way she's going to change the fans minds is being consistent. Now, I don't give a shit if she talks.
She should call the fanbase rabid. Someone needs to. Someone needs to talk about it. Uh, Sheena, when she talks about the, the audience and the viewer feedback, she talks almost exclusively about herself, which is shocking, but she like, she doesn't really like reflect on the, the bigger response. And I think Lala, that's something that she could tap into, but also she can't because like, she's a cast member and the audience, It does kind of dictate how these people do on the show.
So was that all the podcasts that happened this week? Yeah. And then I don't, I know you mentioned you wanted to talk a little bit about faves. Did you still want to do that? Yes. I'm so sorry. I'm forgive me, you know, my condition. Uh, yeah. So, wow. What a little bit of a whiplash with that, right? Yeah, and then going from Lala to then Faith last week on her podcast, I think it was last week, yeah, she and her co host Marcus were talking about I forget how they even got into the conversation, but Lala got brought up and Faith went into detail, and also a lot of this stuff Faith has talked about before, and as you said on your Instagram, her story has always been consistent, and, but she did go into, it really painted a visual picture, I'm sure you've seen the photo of Lala and James, that cover they did for their song, and her with the cornrows, that hair, I try every day to forget it.
Nothing I want more in this world than to forget that fucking whore. The way that people on Reddit are trying to post that photo every day. And I'm like, we, it's, it's on their people, like, but people are trying to, I'm like, we don't need to see more of this. Keep it away. Yeah, it was interesting. They, they told the backstory of that and how Lala expressed that that's how she wanted her hair.
And. Marcus and faith just talked about how uncomfortable Lala would make them feel. Lala would try to express that. Well, she told faith, like I was, I'm more black than you and just how she what would you say, uh, fetishized black men, it seems like. And so, yeah. And so, and then she talked, you know, about how.
When Lala was seeing Randall, she was also seeing this football player, which Lala talks about this in her book, I believe. And yeah. Yeah. There was a point where they were on a double date with football players and Randall came to the place and Lala said, don't open the door. And apparently after that situation is when faith was the one that told James about Lala eating ass.
Yeah. It was so funny. She was like, yeah, I shouldn't have said that, but you told James and then. That, she said, is what Lala got so pissed about, and that's when Lala pulled the knife on Faith. And so, it was, yeah, it was just, it was really it was hard to listen to, because from my understanding, Lala hasn't ever, Address any of this behavior.
Have you ever like seen her say or recognize that she does that? I know the clip of her is going around again of her saying she felt like she was Tupac reincarnated. Like she has said all like this is all past stuff, but people are, you know, bringing it up again, but I've never seen Lala address it in whatsoever at all.
And I don't expect her to. I think that she also. In addition to her unstable personality, I think that she has a bit of an identity crisis. I think that, I don't expect her to ever address that because I think it's too deeply shameful for her. Or I hope it is. Maybe she doesn't feel shame about it at all.
Maybe she doesn't understand at all why it's grossly inappropriate for some white woman. Easton's hair. I mean, Jesus, this family, they don't get it at all. You're right. But, so either way, I still don't think she's ever going to address it. I didn't know if she maybe had and I missed it. Not to my knowledge.
Not to my knowledge. But I will say, one thing that Faith said on the podcast that I had not heard. Was when, uh, George Floyd was murdered, and the Black Lives movement started again. LaLa, who made a spectacle of being at the rallies, which, fine, like, it's okay to be there. I guess she didn't, like, make a huge deal out of it, but it was still kind of like, well, girl, you had your picture taken, but okay.
Yeah, but what she said to Faith and Marcus was they're out here killing our baby daddies which honestly feels fucking disgusting to come out of my mouth, so Pretend I didn't say that because I didn't Lala did and I just think I just, the fetishizing of black culture and black men has always been really gross to me.
I've talked about it several times. Uh, I'm, I'm frustrated, much like Lala seems to be frustrated with, uh, her castmates. I am frustrated that there is such an influx of people. Do you remember, I, I had this conversation right when the season started, maybe even before the season started, and I was saying that like, The sub should have like a Reference post of like the racial discord with Lala's behavior.
Since I feel like they did that for the fired cast and this was before we knew she was going to tank her season so hard. And now I feel like it really is important because it's like wild and they need to do the same with James, honestly, they, they. Not, not just that sub, not just that subreddit, all the subreddit, my subreddit, everybody needs to be like, here's the allegations because the con, I can't imagine how many, I can't imagine having to see that picture over and over again, God, that would suck.
Oh my gosh. I know. So then the interesting thing about FACE podcast is, so that was released, you know, people picked it up and I then noticed that on their Instagram. Every photo, every video is now deleted. They now have changed their podcast name to the frequency files when it was just the frequency before they had a story that said that the wording was weird.
And we picked up on, I said, the podcast was canceled, but that they're going to I heart. Now we don't know if Faith and Marcus are both going, if it's just Marcus, if it's just Faith, but they said to unsubscribe to the Patreon. They then said, they took all their videos off of YouTube. Well, I think they're privated because in my history they're still there, but when you go to their YouTube page, they're not there, so I think they're privated.
And then, . And yeah, like I said, everything's deleted off their Instagram and it's interesting that they're going to iHeart because when I hear iHeart, I think of Bethany and Faith has made it known that she has talked to Bethany. Beth or Faith is also using the lawyers that we've heard a lot when it comes to Bethany.
So I don't, I don't really know what's going on there. I'm a little worried. I thought, I think Faith had. A better opportunity to tell her story without I heart, but I don't know if it's. It's going to be faith and Mark, you're, I know, I don't know who it's going to be. So they, they've completely rebranded.
I mean, even their thing now says getting on the frequency where culture politics and mind tingling conspiracies collide weird. So are you going to be a conspiracy podcast now? Like it's just, I love that. Don't get me wrong. No, I do too. But what? This rebrand, I was just not expecting. So I'm, I'm just, stay tuned for the I'll keep everyone updated as far as where that goes.
Please do. And I'll say this, I really like Faith and Marcus's chemistry together, so I hope that whatever they're doing, they're doing it together. and Uh, and I think even if they don't, they should both stay in the podcasting game because they really do have like, I think both of them, I've heard Faith on several podcasts now, I think that she's got a good perspective and Marcus is just, he's really naturally very good at it, but I want them to stay together.
I'll also say, if it does, for some reason, have anything to do with Bethany, I'm just gonna be real, I don't, I don't, I wish that they would not. I feel like Bethany's I feel like there's merit to some of what Bethany is crusading for when it comes to reality television stars, fair compensation fair treatment, alcohol use, unionization, whatever.
I think all of that's very good. But I also know from things that I've heard that the podcasts that she, that are on with her, Are like, very heavily produced. I feel like they're kind of censored in a way. And I think that Faith's story is best uncensored. Because if Bethany gets it in her head, Like, for whatever reason, like, Oh, it like, fits the narrative to talk about the Butterknife story.
Not Butterknife, the Knife story. But it doesn't fit our narrative to talk about. The thing that Lala said about baby daddies and whatnot, I just think, I don't know, it just makes me nervous and I don't want them to be censored. I want them to be able to tell their whole story exactly how they want to do it.
So hopefully, hopefully they just, it's just a big old coincidence and they just got picked up immediately because they were so good and that's what I'm going to tell myself until further notice. Yeah. Again, it's a little weird that they, they said canceled, but maybe in the years in that frame, because the frequency was canceled, but now the frequency files has been picked up from I heart.
So yeah, I don't know. It makes me uncomfortable because as you said, with Bethany, her agenda is very selfish. So these people that she flop, you know, picks up, it collects, she's going to have you go after people. That she's upset with. She's going to want you to tell your story in a way that makes the people.
That she is upset with look bad and not saying that these people didn't do anything, right? But that's where she's gonna want to be your focus is so I just I don't know. Well stay tuned I guess Stay tuned. I guess all right guys, we're gonna take a quick break and we'll be right back
All right, guys so like I said we're not gonna do a play by play of the reunion because both me and Lindsey do need to kind of get get on the Get on the road. I'm not getting on the road. Where are you going, girl? She's like watching me like fall asleep while I'm talking. Like, no, I'm not getting on the road.
But Lindsay does. So let's talk about the reunion part three. And I just want to talk about some of like my big takeaways from it. The thing that I think is heaviest on my heart, Is a lot of the, a lot of the stuff that I've seen, and I haven't even really been on Reddit like as much as I normally am, which is not, that's not a point of pride for me.
They, they keep like calling Lala and Sheena clowns, and I just don't think it's that deep. Like, I really just feel like the reality is, and I called this too, I think that Arianne and Sheena had not been close for real for a minute. And Sheena, in that time, Sheena and Lala got closer. And I think that Sheena really, really values, uh, LaLa's friendship right now because, I mean, shit, they have a lot, the stakes are high, okay, they have houses next to each other, so one of their houses is next door and don't they now have another pair of houses that are like on the same street or something?
Yeah, so their Palm Spring houses are right next door and then their house is in LA. It's about a five minute walk from each of their houses. Okay. Yeah, you don't want to be fighting with that person, okay? Your daughters are best friends. They, they kind of do have this whole, like, it takes a village mindset for everybody pitching in with the kids, and So, I get it, and I think it's okay that Ariana and Sheena are not as close anymore.
I really don't think that Sheena said a whole lot of If we're going to compare between Sheena and Lala this season, I would say Lala certainly said more disparaging things about Ariana. And so I don't, I don't know. I don't care about that really. My other takeaway, which I told you already, we kind of talked about it, is that I'm very, I guess, uncomfortable is the right word.
Like, I'm very uncomfortable with how they chose to show people. That last piece of the finale, when, and Katie and Dana talked about this on Disrespectfully with Ariana on. It felt like pointed at Ariana because everyone else there knew what went down. They, they knew that Lala went on a rant. They knew that Ariana left and it just felt, I, I don't know.
It almost felt like, is this punishment for her not watching the season? Is this like, why are we doing, it was, it made me uncomfortable. It just really made me uncomfortable both times that I watched it. I had trouble. Like tuning in. Cause it's like, why are you making her watch this? I also agree with Ariana and with Lala in that I a hundred percent agree.
Ariana leaving and like everything that she said to producer, Jerry, like all of that. is way more compelling than had she sat down and had a conversation with Tom Sandfall. Like, that would not have been as compelling as her, like, walking out, in my opinion. So, I agree with Ariana. I will say, it did heighten the interest, particularly for the season, that Lala did have that breakdown at the end.
But then I'm like Okay. So, because when they kind of go back and forth and Lala says, well, I'm, it wouldn't, it would've, it was made way more interesting by what I said. If I hadn't have said what I said, it would have just been you walking out. And I think that it's compelling enough that she just walked out, but then it's like, okay, well, Lala, were you clocking that too?
So you were just, you were like, Oh, well this is going to be way more interesting if I like kind of, but don't really break the fourth wall. Like she's always causing a damn scene. And I just want her to stop doing that. And I want her to relax. So I don't, I'm like, I don't know. She's just, she is so show centered.
Almost like what we've been saying about Sandoval for the past year. Like, her reality is a show now. And, that's fine. But, it's also like, now you're getting into petty arguments with Ariana about, Who made a more interesting finale. Here's the thing, both of you contributed to an interesting finale. I don't know that both of you contributed to an interesting season, that's just how I feel.
I think that Ariana didn't have a lot that she could do in that time because of her circumstance. And I think that Lala did too much. And overall, this ending Just really, it did really feel like an ending. It did not feel like a ending of a season felt like at the ending of a series. Now, apparently that's not the case.
And it seems like several sources have gotten it quite solid that they are coming back for season 12. Which I think is fine, but I, last takeaway, main takeaway, is that I do, I think Ariana should leave the show, I think she should leave the show this is not, it's just not the environment for her, I don't think that it's gonna serve her to be on the show, I think, I mean, it's not about filming with Sandoval, it's about, like, if you're, like, Life doesn't line up with with what's going on with the show, but I don't know what they're even gonna do with the show I want to see Ariana's new house.
I want a house tour. Hello I want to see all that stuff But I just don't I don't think they're gonna do the stuff that I think is interesting about Ariana's life. So I think she should leave. Yeah, if VPR season 12 is going to be the exact same way, then she absolutely should. But if they're going to do something different, and if they're going to do, okay, this is not a core group of friends anymore.
It just isn't. It really hasn't been in a long time. Scandal just really, really broke it. And it broke in a way of like, oh, everyone came together. But then we saw that they tried and then that didn't work out as well. It was literally putting a bandaid on a broken arm, dude. Yeah, it was. And so if BPR, if they come back season 12 and they do the same shit, then yeah, Ariana, she there, I, I hope she doesn't come back, but if they do it in a way of really breaking down that fourth wall, really showing, uh, Where are they now?
What are they doing scenario? Talk about how they all are doing after the reunion after the season and then go from there. See what in this group who, who people actually hang out with, who people still talk to, who do they have a genuine connection with. And then I want to see Jeremiah on the couch and I want to see him ask Lala.
Are you open to even wanting to talk to Ariana? Ariana, are you even wanting to talk to Lala? I want to hear their real reactions. I want to hear them be like, No, I don't. Like, that would be more real and authentic. Or if they do, then talk about, Well, how can we have a con Where would you like to have the conversation?
Or what could that look like? They could do so much with that. It doesn't have to be a long, drawn out season. If they just want to do a wrap up thing, then that's fine. And then say goodbye. We're like, uh, this is one more big thing I wanted to say. And I'm glad you reminded me. I thought it was very telling because Lala, again, she likes to cause a scene.
She tantrums out Sheena, by the way, Sheena, the way that she is just such a mom is so funny to me. Like she is a mom, bruh. Like the way that she talks to Sandoval is very much like she's scolding the facial expressions that she makes when he says his. Very odd, I guess you would, he calls them jokes is like disappointment, that disappointment that you don't want your parent to have.
And then the way that she like, uh, talks to Lala when Lala's having a tantrum, it just, it's so funny. She's just like, she's in mom mode. But at the end when they're in the dressing room and Lala says the quite literally says the quiet part out loud, she goes. I mean, I never see Ariana. I really don't care if I hurt her feelings, which one called it holla to, she goes, and Katie, whatever.
I don't care. I was like, there we go. The tantruming out the, like that she does care. She does care about Katie. She's like hiding her true feelings. So let's ask the real questions. How long have you and Ari on, what's your actual opinion of Ariana? And when was the last time you would consider yourselves friends?
Cause there was a season there that they, that Tom and Ariana were covering for her ass. Well, and why you said you weren't living in the comment section, and I see on the reunion, now granted this was obviously before the reunion that she, that she went to Ariana's Chicago show, but clearly she was feeling these feelings, but Why I'm sorry, miss, but you totally went to that Chicago show because you know, you would have gotten fucking heat for not going.
So don't act like you're above all that. You do the same shit, the shit that Lala calls out people for. She does as well. And it just, it drives me insane. And then she, but she comes up, you know, she goes at Sandoval for doing that, but she does the same damn thing. So it's, it's actually alarming. Sometimes how stand of old Lala are very similar in ways if you really think about it.
And so, yeah, I think this Vanderpump, it's, I felt watching this reunion afterward, I felt a little sad and a little empty because I was like, okay, the Vanderpump rules that I have loved is really. No longer. It's gone. And depending on how they do season 12, they could do it with a whole new cast. They could do it.
They could try to do it, what they've always done with BPR and try to make another season of that. I really, I really hope they don't. I will not be able to handle that. So basically, while they're saying this wasn't a serious finale, I'm really considering it. It as one because the show that we knew I don't think is there So that, that is upsetting and I, you know, I will say I enjoyed this reunion more than the three parts of it.
I enjoyed it more than I thought I was going to. I think some of my takeaways, well, first of all, Sandoval, I, it apparently when he does not have a girlfriend or. Uh, a wing woman, his sexual jokes are so, so much, we saw that a lot this season to, you know, his here's to testing negative and staying positive here.
He just, he has the same repetitive jokes, but this reunion, the amount of weird, and also the way that he would just. Any kind of moment within the cast, right? So Katie and when Katie and him were going at it a little bit, Andy was like, well, your chemistry is undeniable. And he's like, yeah, we're going to go bang it out.
And then we saw in the secrets revealed, she was, he was like, what if I asked Lala on a date? He just, he's so socially awkward, actually. And even with Sheena, I, Shit out a condom. I had lockjaw and I shit out a condom two weeks later. It's so high school Yeah coded and so I was just like, okay that just really seen Sandoval We really got to see in his true element this season and for that I am somewhat thankful for because I truly do not fuck with that man.
Yeah me either and I Yeah, I think in The Secrets Revealed, I think he was more entertaining on The Secrets Revealed, but it was also kind of bizarre to watch him act the way he did. And I know we're gonna get there, so don't talk too much about it, but totally agree. His demeanor during the reunion. Oh, and you know what else?
James. I just want to say this. James is fake as fuck, and I think that James, it's just little stuff that he, he says. I think that James is another one that was calling Lala, talking mad shit about Ariana. Cause James felt some type of way about the difference between him and Allie, and her and Dan. He, uh, felt some type of way because he was like, in the background after Lala gave her, one of her speeches.
He's like, you summed it up perfectly, and that's exactly it, and da da da da, he's doing all of that. But then when he's in that after show, He is kissing Ariana's ass hard, dude. So, he's fake as fuck, and I don't appreciate that from him. No, and that's just, on it, that's it, here's the thing, these people that, if Lala and Katie and James were all saying shit, that's a disservice to Ariana as well.
She should, they, they need to say that shit to her. And they can either work it out on camera or work it out with each other or not on camera or off camera, right? Because obviously stuff is going on. So that to me, I just don't I don't understand. Even with Sheena. Sheena, you want to be RNS friend so much, but if you have these feelings, you got to let them out and you've got to say them.
So I just, yeah, I don't, I don't like that shit either. The, my, my main, then my last main takeaway is a lot of these emotions that we're seeing seem to be displaced. Particularly with Lala. It's interesting. I think a lot of her anger and a lot of her sadness is actually towards Lisa Vanderpump and toward production and yeah, and she, but she's, she's putting in an Ariana, but like, girl, you cannot blame Ariana for what happened.
And then also how the world took to it. Yeah. And yeah. And here's the thing. I think it is. Okay. To feel like, oh man, this one person that our group has skyrocketed to fame like this. And I've been through shit, but mine, but mine didn't hit that way. I think it's okay to have those feelings because we're human, but for you to take it out on Ariana that way, when I think you're more upset with other people.
And it's like, again, like, girl, you, you are just, you're preaching so much, but you're, you've also done the same things. And I've been reflecting more about it because, you know, her, her big thing is she's saying how You know, Ariana and Tom weren't honest about their relationship until, you know, then he cheated.
But Lala, you were the exact same way. You were on podcast with Randall talking about how perfect your relationship was. I remember an episode you, you, when you and Randall told your birth story and how beautiful it was, and then he would caught, got caught cheating. All this stuff came out. You then came out and said, You know what that story that how we told it was not true.
So you're doing the same thing. And who's not to say Ariana, like we're already getting little beat. I was surprised. I'll watch what happens live when she actually said our relationship was not in a good place. Like when he asked her what I, would she have stayed? If this didn't happen, she was like, honestly, I don't know, because things weren't, weren't good.
So who's to say Ariana is not going to come out. And say a little, you know what I mean, more things, but while you're still not telling everything about your relationship, but I, but what you're upset about is people didn't react the same way to your situation. And you felt like you got a lot of heat for it from your cast and from the world.
And so now you expect the same. for the next person, but that's not how life always works. And so you really, she really needs to process her feelings and her feelings of jealousy and entitlement and also where her feelings actually come from. And I think if she does that, Like actually does that because Lala has been preaching how much she's been, you know, reflecting on herself and working on herself.
I don't really know how she's doing that. She's never talked about therapy that I've known of or anything like that. Maybe, I know she's really into big, big into AA, so I don't know if she uses, you know what I mean? That as something, but it's just like, girl, you just, there's, there's a lot of work there to be done.
All the cast, but that to say. I'm not necessarily like when I walked away from this reunion I'm not really mad at any of them in a way I, I am mad. I mean, I say like, I'm mad at like some things, but as far as like a whole conclusion of it, I think they all are just a group of people who don't fuck with each other anymore.
And we're put in a weird circumstance this season that none of them are prepared nor ready for. And so. It's like they all this season got a, this season seemed very scripted and it's like they all got a script but it was all different scripts and then they like threw them into the wilderness and was like, have at it.
But they all were trying to like figure out what each other's script said. So it was just, I don't know, it was just a weird thing to watch, but I don't. This, this season, or the, the last part of the reunion, I think all of them were a little bit right in their own way. All of them. Yeah, I agree. I, I totally agree.
I did not come out of it, because I also don't view it like, I don't feel like they owe, like, Ariana some sort of like, unwavering loyalty. Like, I don't, I don't, I think that they owe her that. I think that what they owe us as an audience is to be transparent. Like it kept getting brought up, apparently, unless your name is DJ James Kennedy.
Ariana does not text you back. Okay. So James Kennedy is the only person that she texts back on a regular basis. I don't believe that. I think he just said that. I 100 percent think he lied out of his ass. Again, he's fake as hell. But I think that they, They all know what's going on. Okay. They know that they're in a fractured friendship.
That's why at the end you saw Sheena more upset that she had possibly upset Lala by not being real. And you saw Lala more upset at Katie than she was with Ariana. And if they were asked the right questions and were able to answer the question of like, you know, why, where did you. Why are you so frustrated with Katie?
Are you sad? Do you feel like your friendship with Katie is coming to an end and why like those those types of questions Would give people an understanding of what's going on and Lala if you want to be the mouthpiece for everybody Then you need to really be the mouthpiece and you need to say hey these people were not friends None of these people fucked with each other.
Katie didn't like Ariana. Ariana didn't like Sheena. I didn't like Ariana. Katie and Sheena, as we all know, hate each other. And that's really what was going on. If they open up with her and one in a confessional, narrating, like she did that one excellent episode of season 10, and she gives us the lowdown on what really the dynamics are.
I would be appreciative now whether or not we should believe her word is one thing. But one thing I do truly believe is that these people were in a really fractured state. And that we're not getting the full story about the reality of it. And that's how I feel now. Did you have anything else you wanted to say about the reunion?
Cause I did want to transition quickly to Secrets Revealed. Uh, not that I can think of that's the Oh, one thing I just, I wanted your quick opinion about, sometimes I wonder with Sheena, just her intensely wanting people to like her so, like, my God, her facial expressions, the way that she is just, that she's going to jump out of her own skin.
I sometimes wonder if when she came back, if, if her introduction into VPR, The first season, if she came in and everyone was welcoming and all wanted to be her friend, how much that would have changed us because when she came into the season, she very much had to earn people liking her, right? Because no one liked her.
I sometimes wonder if it wasn't, it was the opposite and everyone loved her and welcomed her with open arms. If, if she would still be this way or if it'd be less. I just always wondered that about her. I mean, I think that Brock and Ariana made a good point. Uh, obviously, when Brock said, Look, other than Ariana, these girls have treated Sheena terribly.
For years and she doesn't feel like loyal to anybody. I don't even know why he was saying all that, but then Ariana first, he wasn't trying to say, or he said, he tried to lump Ari on in it and Sheena and Ari on both let his ass. No, that's not the case. Yeah. Yeah. But then Ariana like agreed with him. It was like, you know, I don't know there when it comes to Sheena, you know, in season one, LVP says.
Sheena was the Stassi over at Villa Blanca. So I think that Sheena probably has a little bit of a popular girl complex and maybe like a little bit of a mean streak and maybe, maybe she could have been, you know, the head bitch in charge if everybody had welcomed her in. But that was just, it's just, unfortunately it was never going to happen because Katie and Kristen and Stassi just can't stand when people sleep with other people's men.
It is like deeply offensive to them. Like really weird, really like a weird choice to me. So yeah, that's what I think. And I just want to say to get into the secrets revealed, If we're talking about suggestions for next year, if there's gonna be season 12. I really liked, and I want to know what you thought, In The Secrets Revealed, I really liked the way that they did The confessionals, like, not that they need to be like that all the time, but like, I liked kind of the switch up and I liked it in the after show too.
I liked the two, two or three people giving opinions. It kind of brought like a new energy and I was almost like watching it like, I, I was I wish, I wish we'd seen every single one of these scenes. I could watch an entire show that's just like a clip reel. Every episode is just all of these random ass clips together and I would have been more entertained than I feel like I ultimately was with this season.
I really like, the highlights for me, summer fucking moon. When she's looking at the camera in that first thing, when they're babysitting, so cute and having them all kind of be together and babysit summer was really cute. When they all went to Sheena's house after the beach party or whatever, and they were like dancing and sinister Logan was there and then Allie was fucking with Sheena and turned her location off and they were all like breathlessly waiting to see if Sheena would actually like, Literally leave her body.
It was like, I don't know. I had a, I had a blast and I'm going to be honest. This is a safe space. The, the whole staged like home shopping thing that Schwartz and Sandoval did. I saw a little bit of the charm of them come back for just a moment with that. And then one of their confessionals, I was like, They really used to have good chemistry in my opinion in the past season or so they have lost it, but I was kind of like I could watch a show where they don't hate each other either because I think that Schwartz really struggled this season with Sandoval as he should.
And I was like, I kind of, I've missed this like lightheartedness and then, but then I take it right back when we see Sandoval hitting on a woman. And that was. That was horrific. I felt so bad for everyone during that. What did you think? What were some of your favorites? I thought The Secrets Revealed was so fun and, as you said, light hearted and I really wish they would have incorporated more.
Of that this season. It just they really they really missed the ball this season as far as what they thought the audience would be interested in. I don't know the disconnect there is is wild to me, but well, can I just say really quick just because this is a point I'm sorry to interrupt you. I just don't want to forget.
I don't know that had we actually been given that in the first place, that I would have appreciated it as much had we not gotten the season that we got. Does that make sense? That's a good point. Yeah, it really does. Like, I feel like the contrast was just so welcome. When I tell you, Lindsay, I was dreading re watching the reunion today.
I was like, this is going to be the most horrible thing. And I was like, let me just get the secrets revealed over. I felt so good. I said, you know what? I can watch the reunion. I can do this. I got this. I can do hard things. Yes. Like I, I really, I wonder if it's just because of what all happened that we are welcoming it and we would have thought it was trash if we had it.
I don't know. Sorry. Go ahead. No, you're good. My, my very top favorite part was And in Sandoval, having that conversation about the bills and the house, because first of all, he, he just, he thinks he sounds so smart sometimes the way that he says numbers and stuff, but he truly makes no sense. And then, and him being like, okay.
My mouth went to the floor when he said, let's go over our bills, but not the mortgage, just all the other bills. And she said, okay, so this, this and that. So totaled up each, each of them, eight K for girl, I get pissed when my electric bill gets over 200. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. 8, 000 each. And that's not including.
They're a mortgage and then him talking about potentially refinancing and his mortgage is going to be 20, 000 a month. There are some people who don't even make that in a year. So you're going, I was, I'm flabbergasted by the way that these people spend money and put their money into it. I was floored and, and cracked me up so much because it was like.
He said it's going to be 20, 000 a month. And I don't think he realizes like how many Amazons, Amazon lives that would take and I like he's not prepared. He's not prepared for those Amazon lives. And I was dying at that. It made me laugh so good. so much. And so I really enjoyed that. I really, really enjoyed seeing Ariana and Katie and Lala babysuit summer moon.
I thought it was interesting. They showed that flashback of Sandoval and Ariana watching baby summer moon. Listen, have, and I just need you to tell me if you have, have you ever seen someone with like less paternal instincts in your life? I was watching that like I think that Jessie Lolly has a better grasp on being a father than Sandoval.
I was, it was insane to watch. And Ariana talks about that in a podcast that she did with her. Her friend said how she realized with Sandoval, if they ever had a kid, she would be doing everything. And when I saw that clip, I was like, girl. You hit the nail on the head. Dodge a bullet, girl. Oh my god. 100%.
What was going on and the, and then sick because then the way that he preaches and talks about kids sometimes, but then you see that you are not interested at all. And that's okay. Don't, but like, don't act like you are. And so, but I thought that scene was so cute when, you know, summer moon came down and she was obviously upset.
She wanted her mom and they all try to like play with her. I just, I was like, Oh, that's that was such a cute moment. And then I don't know, it just, throughout it, you know, then we had the James and Lisa and Ali scene. That was interesting. Cause I just always think it's funny when Lisa has like goes into their own environment, you know, she's like, Oh, you guys are so we need to pay you more.
You peasants. You're so poor. She's literally that she's like two memes in one. She's the Hillary Clinton walking into that apartment meme. Yeah. And she's NeNe walking into Kenya's apartment talking about her white refrigerator. It's like, Put those two together. And that's Lisa Vanderpump. Anytime she has to go into these people's houses, literally the way that she probably kisses Villa Rosa's door when she goes back to them.
She makes out with the swans, honey. Yeah, it just, it was, I don't know that that was silly. And then, you know, we got to see Allie, she performed her song. Okay. Why did we not see that in the show? I know! I understand, like, well, okay, sorry to cut you off again, sorry, but No, you're fine. I also, I also really loved seeing Courtney's birthday, Sheena's sister, I'm fascinated by Sheena's sister, I find her Endlessly fascinating, and, and I follow her, and I almost bought some of her merch just cause I, I don't know, I, I really like her And so we get like another Really intense scene of Katie with Tori, which I was not thrilled with, but it's interesting, but I also see why they cut that, but the thing with Allie, why did they cut that?
That was, I don't know, really sweet. Well, they seem to cut a lot of Jameson's, I don't, I think there is a reason for that, but they really cut a lot when it came to him. But I know, and then I'm trying to look to see, I don't know, I mean, there was that moment where Ariana and Sheenor, Sheenor, Sheenor, oh my God, Sheenor talking about How Schwartz is a fuckboy when it comes to Joe.
Oh yeah. I just, you know, I don't know, there was just a lot of different Scenes that were just fun and fresh. I'm kind of looking through them all to see if there's any others that hit. Oh, and they must have just filmed the, uh, sit downs for those. They did. It was very, yeah. That was people were confused about because, you know, the people on Instagram who notice every single thing.
They know that they did other confessionals but hadn't seen those outfits. So these are very, very recent that they filmed these. Because, uh, well, you know how we know our claim to fame because Lala, uh, is trying to say some word and she keeps messing it up and she goes, I wish Jax would say this is scripted.
I can't remember how to say a single word. I was like, we were there. We made it into the cannon. Emily, the way that we were there that night, I know, truly insane because, I don't think Jax has went rogue like that at Jax's studio city that way since that night. Well, I will say I, I want to, and I, I agree with you almost entirely, except I did see something this morning that someone asked him about our, Oh, my God, we didn't even talk about our new girlfriend, Paige.
Someone asked him about Paige at Jax's and he said, Well yeah, I'm not going to bring her to the bar anymore. Uh, out of respect for Brittany. But also, everything isn't what it seems or something like that. I was like, well, this Jax would say because it makes not a damn lick of sense. But also, I don't know.
Well, in a thought. Anytime now I read about anyone talking to Jax, I'm going to fully believe it as someone who has talked to him now, because if you ask that man a question, or you start a conversation with that man, he will tell you things. So I'm going to believe it all. My last thing with secrets revealed that I thought was so funny, and just truly, I'm so glad they showed this, but when Schwartz asked Sandoval how many people he has slept with after Rachel, and he pauses, and Schwartz is like, you really have to think about it.
And he goes. I'm trying to think if I want to be honest or not, I busted out laughing because I was like, honestly, seeing it all. I would appreciate more of that. More of this. Yes. More. I want you to look me in the eye every time before you speak and be like, I don't know if I want to tell the truth. Yeah.
Just be, be real, dude. I said it, I said it since day one of Scandaval. He needs to lean into the villain, not in, not be the natural villain that you are because that grosses people out, makes people uncomfortable. So you just need to lean into like a stereotypical villain and just kind of be a dick like Jax, but he's not.
Sandoval, it's one of the podcasts I listened to, another podcast network. They cover Vanderpump Rules and one of their running bits this season has been that Sandoval is just a complete fucking weirdo and like he's so odd and it's uncomfortable to talk about him because he's just like so weird and why did we never see it?
And I can't, I just keep thinking he really is a weird guy, very eccentric, very strange, very strange. Yes. Yeah. Overall, I really. It wasn't because you know season 10 secrets revealed was still more of a puzzle of us all putting together and we're seeing those You know behind the scenes as far as when it comes to the scandal of it all.
Oh, yeah This one was just fun and it really actually showed them have these friendly moments and so you know, I don't, maybe they didn't show all this because they were a few far in between. Maybe there wasn't really a lot of this that actually happened but I'm glad we got to see it. I really am too.
I really am too. Oh, man. Well, I think that's going to be about it for for us tonight guys and then remember we're going to come back in a few days. You guys are going to get the full, the full recap because while it feels like we covered everything. Thinking about it. We really didn't there's a lot more to talk about.
So keep up with that. I'm sure that there will be a couple of interesting tidbits on some pods before then too. So I know I am too. And I don't even recap them. I barely can even read them, honestly, because I just don't read. That said, If you , if you guys are, you know, in, like I said at the beginning, if you guys are wanting to support the podcast, you go to buy, buy me a coffee.
I pulled it up so I can tell it to you right now. It's buy me a coffee.com/wtf. K Emily Rose. So buy me a coffee.com/wt fk Emily Rose, send me $5 $3 and ev truly at this point where I'm at in my life. Every little bit helps. So I appreciate it. And if I do end up getting a Patreon, I'm gonna let you know and you can find that link.
If you forgot it already, you can go to instagram.com and wtf. K. What? What? What is my Instagram? Who TF knows Emily Rose. That's at who? TF knows Emily Rose on Instagram. Girl, girl. And then WTFK. Emily Rose on Twitter. Child. You know, you acting like right now. You acting like Brittany. No! I don't know. I, I, Lindsey, you never told me I had an Instagram.
You never told me I had an Instagram. No one ever told me about that, Lindsey. I don't have a Twitter. What are you talking about? I have never heard that in my life. I've never heard that in my life. I'm sorry, guys. The coding is fully, we're, we're there. We're in a place of fear. I'm so sorry. And Lindsey, if they want to find your page, where they, where can they find you?
Oh, you're going to find me on the gram at VendorPodRecaps, slayin away. Slayin away. All right, guys. Well, thank you guys for listening, and we will talk to you guys later, buh bye. So sorry. Oh my God. Guys, I gotta go. Love you guys. Bye. Mm hmm.