Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Getting rid of the "Guilty Pleasure" adage one podcast at a time...
Each week Emily Rose will dive into different pop culture topics, and tell you what TF you need to know about them!
Special thanks to: LD Green III for Intro/Outro music "Lord of the Dance" Streaming Everywhere!
Artwork Photographer: Ques Williams for Midas Touch Creative Group
Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Emily Rose invites her good friend Jeremiah Hobbs to discuss the mid-season mark of Amazon Prime's "The Boys". They delve into details about the new characters, "Vought on Ice" tickets, and what lies ahead for Butcher, MM (without his beard), Hughie, A-Train, Starlight, and the rest of the gang. Emily Rose also hints at a follow-up episode where they will discuss the entire season, so stay tuned for that!
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IG: @whotfknowsemilyrose
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Hello. Hello. Hello. This is who the fuck knows with Emily Rose. I'm Emily Rose back with you all again for a little bit of a deviation from my reality television time that I've been recapping and going to go back to a little bit of my roots with my friend, Jeremiah Hobbs to Recap and reflect on the boys, Amazon primes, the boys.
Now, if you guys have not already go back and listen to our season three recap that we did in 2022, I think it's been, it's, it's crazy how time passes and we did a whole season. Recap, which is nuts, but we had a really great time. So I thought, why not invite him back on to talk about where we are so far in this season, Jeremiah, how are you doing?
Oh, who the fuck knows? I don't know. Hey, listen, I know that we have, um, a lot of boys talk to talk about, but at some point, and it might not be today and it might not be tomorrow, but at some point, The two of us are going to really need to have a deep coming to Jesus. Talk about your love for Sheena shake because
I am
completely caught up and I have all of Vanderpump and I have all of the valley and I'm still confused as to the love.
So, um, we don't have to talk about that right now, but we will. At some point really have a deep dive on this because Katie's my girl and has been, and I feel so vindicated by season 11, but she and I can't get it. I can't get there.
Listen, you would love the Vanderpump Rules subreddit. You would fit right in.
Um, I, I really, I'll just say this. I have a deep appreciation for reality television stars and for what they do and what they bring, and say what you will about Sheena's, more obnoxious behavior, she always brings everything to the table, so even if it makes her look bad, she's bringing it to the table, and in my personal opinion, Everybody does not do that on Vanderpump Rules, and I feel this way about many of the shows, and I also just find Sheena, one other thing I'll say, Sheena in her personal life is well liked and has lots of friends, and I just can't say that for everybody else on the show, and I'm not naming names, but perhaps your faith isn't always as forthcoming as I think As I think she likes for us to believe.
So that's, you know, we can have a battle of the Sheena versus Katie, Jeremiah. We can, we can, I
thought you were going to say that I underestimated your love for pick me girls. So that's what what is a pick me girl, Jeremiah, define it for me.
Oh I think that Sheena Shaye's picture would be right there in the dictionary, but, um, Just one of those girls who is is like, yeah, they had a crush on me, but I, I guess, I don't know, I mean, yeah, they definitely, we definitely did something back in the day, but, no, we're just friends, no, I, I'll just go hang out with the Toms instead.
Getting gang banged on a bus. She'd rather get gang banged on a bus with guys. Yeah, that was that's
early too. That's that's some early Vanderpump shout outs.
Here's some lore. They the context to that was one of the guys, I think it was Schwartz said something like Are, are you ready to go get gang banged if you come on our bus though?
And she's responded and said, I would rather get gang banged than be on the bus with those girls. But they edited out Schwartz saying that. So, it's just Sheena being like, I'd rather get gangbanged.
Oh, Sheila Schwartz.
Yeah. Well, we'll get into all that
later, but.
Yeah, we have a lot to talk about. We
got too
much boys to talk about.
We really do. Speaking of boys and pick me's.
That's right.
So, let's talk a little bit about coming into season four. So, like I mentioned earlier, it's been kind of a while, which I don't know if you, We're surprised by this, but I felt like it was just yesterday that we were talking about season three. And so when I realized that we just recapped it in 2022, I was kind of taken aback.
Um, definitely had to do a rewatch to kind of remember what was going on and essentially. The boys, Butcher and his crew, and Homelander and the Seven, really came to a head. We had a lot of iconic episodes like the orgy scene. Now, now it's escaping me, the actual Hero
Hero gasm, thank you.
So, we had a lot of like, comic classic Scenes and events in that season.
We had, of course, soldier boy who kind of drove the story for the episode be, I guess, antagonist, but it's so funny because in the boys, the antagonists are often like serve a purpose with. As a protagonist. I don't know how to describe it, but they are.
Yeah, they often their, their goals are the ones that we are rooting for, but they're not doing it in the right way.
Yeah. Yeah,
exactly. God. So we come off of this disappearance of soldier boy, which I think that we don't, I think he's frozen again, right? They took him and froze him again. I think
so. Yeah. Winter soldier style
winter soldier style. And so we had Maeve who seemingly lost her powers. So she went to go live on a farm with her girlfriend and.
The boys are kind of in a state of do or die when we come into season four. Now, in between season three and four, we follow this story of Gadolkin University. This is via the show, Gen V, if you guys haven't watched it. I definitely recommend it. Jeremiah shared with me that he has not seen the whole series, which is wild.
But there's not much to it, essentially. Like, that's not true. It's such a good show. You have to watch it. But we follow this group of college students at Gadolkin university, which is like the prestigious soup college. And we. Really are following the story of Marie Moreau, who discovers that she has these bloodbending powers and at the end of the season, we find out that she and Newman have the same power set, but Marie's are just not as powerful.
As advanced as Newman's. So, we kind of follow all these people, all these characters. Now, one of the main characters, and his name is escaping me, Chase Perdomo, who played Andre, he actually died in a motorcycle accident the day before my birthday. So, yeah, which is crazy. And he was really one of the leading people in the story because his dad, in the show, was a soup.
And he was trying, he was kind of geared up to follow in his footsteps, so I don't know what's gonna happen, but he gets captured at the end anyway, so maybe they could I don't know, this is kind of morbid, I'm being very casual about it, but I'm like, you know, let's try it out. That's right, yeah, they'll find
a way to, yeah, yeah.
We, we, we follow back up when we start season four with the Heroes of Gadolkin University, Sam and, Sam and Kate, Sam and Kate, not Sam and Kat, Sam and Kate.
The Disney channel original television show, Sam and Kat.
It's actually Nickelodeon. So, um, So we, we follow up with them. We see them in episode five, but we kind of get a lot of references to Gadolkin through this series because at Gadolkin, they're kind of fronting as an educational institution, but it also.
On the real, they are developing a virus to kill Supes. So, very Education system in America of them to have this duality. And so I'm going to now read for you, Jeremiah, a synopsis provided to me through chat GPT, if you can believe it of, sorry, I didn't feel like doing the work. I'm just going to be real.
Um, Of where we are in season four of the boys,
you know, that the entire Texas power grid just shut down because you asked chat GPT to
this one. Oh my God. All right.
Let's hear
Season four of the boys picks up with intense and dramatic developments. Homelander continues to consolidate. I didn't proofread.
Homelander can validate his power, creating further chaos and fear. He's also manipulating his son, Ryan, pushing him to adopt his ruthless worldview. This leads to tragic outcomes such as Ryan accidentally killing a stuntman during a stage rescue. Victoria Newman, who holds a soup killing virus, is poised to gain significant political power while Butcher and his team try to stop her and Vought's dangerous plans.
Butcher, who's dying, is desperate and begins to use Compound V to stay in the fight despite its severe consequences. This season also sees significant conflicts and shifts within The Seven. Starlight faces off against Firecracker, leading to a public and brutal confrontation that damages her reputation.
Meanwhile, A Train, influenced by MM, begins to turn against F. A. T. T., providing critical information to the boys. Overall, Season 4 is marked by escalating tensions, shifting alliances, and deepening personal struggles setting the stage for even greater confrontations ahead. Do you feel like that's accurate, Jeremiah?
I think, I think
that's probably right. And here, here's what I want to start with, because I think it's the most important thing is, um, where did M. M. 's beard go? Because that is the most No, I'm just kidding. He's gonna bring the beard back.
No, I No, we can be honest here. We can be honest on who the fuck knows. The
beard is sexy and the mustache is less sexy, so.
It just really fills his face out, you know? And there's just something about him having, like, A thin face that's not as it's not as a appealing,
you know, it's funny cause I, I really did when, when the first episode dropped or the first three episodes dropped and I was watching the first one and I thought, I thought, did this guy start taking Ozympic?
Was this an Ozympic? Yeah. Yeah. And maybe, maybe it was, maybe that maybe he got skinny and lost the beard, but losing that beard really just changes his entire facial structure for me.
Guys is a testament to keeping a good, a good barber on hand always being aware. And I also thought that, and I'm so glad I wasn't the only one because I was like, God damn it.
Because, you know, I'm just going to, we're going to keep it real here. The actress who plays Annie, she did some work to her face between seasons and it kind of just changes the way she looks. In a way that was really distracting for that first season after it happened, she talked about it and so I was like, mother's milk, dude, please don't, don't do this to us because I'm going to be so distracted, but it grew on me.
I will say it grew on
I mean, when you're that hot, everybody's
changing, you know,
you know, everyone, yeah, everyone changes. So. Before we get into what I think so far the theme of the season is and how that's going to play into the characters going forward. I want to talk about some of our new characters that we're getting in season four.
We have, of course we have firecracker. The alt right soup who is, I don't know, what is her power? What is her actual power?
You know she seems like she is super strong, I guess. And maybe kind of has like, I don't know. She seems like she is almost a cop for kind of a black widow type character, but I know black widow doesn't have any like super powers besides the fact that.
Consistently, she seems to fall from tall things and get up on her own. Um, so, you know, she I know she gets just the absolute shit beat out of her. And then seems to be on TV within the next day or two. without any marks. So healing powers, I would think, um, maybe some super strength. Um, but yeah, she doesn't have like a, a real like skill set the way that people like Homelander Kimiko do.
Would it be like a cop out for her power to be mass manipulation or like guiding information? Would that kind of be a cop out if they were like, oh, well, her power is Being able to influence large groups of people because I saw that maybe I would think that
I would think that they would make that a little more clear though in the way that she spoke or even in the in the relationship she has with, um with the, the.
Kind of sub guy who's setting everything up for, and, um, and eating his own butthole and, um, so great spoilers. We forgot to do spoilers. No yeah, we're going to, we're going to be spoiling. Yeah. Um, yeah, you would think that they would, they would show a little more of how she could do that to these people.
I know that she, she's obviously very charming and, and she tells. Our, our other new character, sister Sage, at one point that the thing she wants to do is to be able to, to guide where that power is going and where that anger is going to be able to guide these misunderstood, angry young men to the places that she wants them to go.
But I do think that like on a very superhero level, I think it's probably nothing more than a little bit of super strength and. Some healing powers. So
yeah, it's not very impressive. Let's just Say that we have We have, of course, Sister Sage, who I think, and it's weird reading, being online is weird. I don't know if you've noticed that, but some people are so confused by Sister Sage and her place in Vought, in the Seven, in the show, and like, what is she really doing?
And it's so. Incredibly clear to me, I felt what her purpose is. And I do believe that. And tell me what you think about this because her power is being extreme, like the smartest person in the world, but I mean, like critical thought math, mathematically everything she is, she excels in and people in my life that I know that tend to be on that level of intelligence.
They tend to be kind of really objective. They don't tend to be super emotional or, um, invested in the plights of other people because they are so kind of inward with their thoughts. So for me, when people ask what is sister Sage's like purpose and what is she, what is she playing at? That was my,
that's really good.
Thank you. Um, To me, it's very clear that she is, she has a place, she's trying to aid Homelander not because she necessarily gives a fuck about what happens to the Seven, right? But because she understands the stakes of the world. And how she, she now is in a position where she can help change it. And I do believe that she's largely self serving.
I don't think that she's like against the boys or for Homelander so much as she is for making an impact on the world. What do you, and by the way, she's an incredible fucking actress. Yeah, she's awesome. She's so refreshing. To me for the show. What do you, what are your thoughts?
You know, I think on a, on kind of a meta level, I think what, what Eric Kripke, the creator and, and the writers are trying to hint at is that what we see in the world and a lot of us who frankly kind of see some of the violence and the anger and, um, the hatred and, and just some of the infighting between.
People who are poor or people who are, um, certain minorities and, and, and to be able to recognize that it's not that it's being driven, that there are really smart people in the world right now that are driving this hatred and driving these, um, kind of small minded ideals, but they're driving it with the intent of Keeping power or, or kind of keeping, um, a, keeping a foot on the inequities of the world around them right now.
Right. And so I think that it, it's easy for some of us in the world today to be like, man, that's just like, that's not the evolved way of thinking or whatever. And to blame it on just. Being uneducated or being whatever, but in reality, the smartest people in the world are driving this narrative of these things happening so that we, so that uneducated people maybe hear it and believe it and want to fight as a result.
Right? And so I think, um, I've heard a lot of people being like, yeah, but the sister stage is here and she's just promoting what we see in the world right now. And I think that there's a point to that. Right. Yeah. Um, that. She's the smartest person in the world. And that sometimes we think that the smartest person in the world is going to do this very, like high minded brilliant, something that nobody's ever heard of before, but sometimes the smartest thing to do is to do the thing that everybody's expecting, right.
Or to do something that is gonna make people angry or to do something that's going to have an effect. And that's what it seems like she's written onto the show for, in my opinion. And now, now, Making it, I think making it a black woman is especially awesome because in this show specifically, Homelander doesn't want to listen to anybody.
He certainly doesn't want to listen to a woman. He doesn't want to listen to a black woman. He doesn't want to listen to anybody who thinks that they're smarter than he is. So all of these things are all together as a driving force to, to make him angry to, um, and to make some of these people like Ashley and, um, Cameron, is that the name of the Fox News host?
Yes, Cameron. People like him. I think even Firecracker to make people like that angry and that's a really brilliant way of doing that. But I think on a, on kind of a basic level, I think it's showing that there's a person who is smarter than anybody else who's going to be driving. These small little tactile things that are gonna drive everybody to kind of war against each other, right?
Absolutely. It's also kind of a testament to which a lot of the boys, the show, and this whole concept of Vought, is like, She's a genius and PR and marketing like right how to manipulate the how a real understanding of what the conflict is that She can how she can manipulate people to Um, how they can understand what they're receiving in the way she wants them to understand it.
Um, really quick, have to take a quick break. We'll be right back.
Guys. We had a bit of a technical issue. It's my fault. Of course. We hope that this isn't,
but we hope you enjoyed all those ads for,
yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Space and Dom.
I wish God. So we were going over the new characters. Let's talk a little bit about. One, she doesn't have a name that I know of, but I feel like she's going to be really important as Kimiko's old roommate, would you say?
How would you describe her? Her old
Sister, roommate, yeah, it's hard to tell exactly what their relationship is. Yeah.
And Yeah,
I'm so curious, um With this one, Kimiko consistently has, has surprised me with how much I have cared for a character who doesn't speak in a show full of like really great lines and really like, um, just delicious, like dialogue, um, to have her not be able to speak the entire time.
And then I don't know what has happened, but I don't know if she's just gotten more Powerful. Or if she's just discovered new things about her skill set, but she can do everything. I mean, she is like Wolverine. Like she has multiple times in this season already
splattered against something and just put herself back together.
cut in half.
Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Somehow can get it back together. Yeah. It's kind of amazing, but I, that is, that is. Part of the storyline that doesn't feel, um, retreaded, right? Like we're, we're at a point with season four of, of a butcher, Homelander, Batman, Joker type story is there gets a point where you're like, all right, somebody has got to kill somebody.
Right. And you can kind of see that the piece is getting put together for that to happen. Come about right. But Kimiko and her past is still something that I'm so interested in that. I feel like they haven't fully explored in the way that, that they could, right. I could go for an entire season of what's happened to her.
me too. And I think that, yeah, I think that they're laying it out in a way that isn't overwhelming. I did feel like, and we're going to get to Frenchy in a second, but his. Backstory as an assassin. I felt like that whole storyline for me was difficult to follow and hard to invest in, but I don't feel that way about Kimiko's past and her and her background and The mystery surrounding it, I'm really invested in it, you know?
Yeah, it's almost with Frenchie, there came a point maybe season three where I started to, to kind of look at Frenchie as just the drug addled former, Good Lord, footstool for the, for the Russian lady. And, and I, and I thought the, the kind of psychosexual aspect of it mixed with his drug use was enough for me.
I was fine with him sort of being like, Kind of the jester of the group. So giving him such a difficult backstory, honestly, for that one, it, it almost feels like that story has run its course for me that I'm like, what's going to happen with him? Is he just going to be in jail for the rest of his life?
What are we, how are we getting his story resolved? So, um, but yeah, as far as Kameko goes, I feel like that's so interesting. The, the, um, starlight firecracker. dynamic of, of them in high school. I, I could stand to watch an entire 20 minute scene of that. That would be awesome. I love the idea of a bunch of young soups doing essentially like, like a Miss USA tour, right?
Like doing a superhero version of Miss USA and all being catty and bitchy to each other. I would, I would watch an entire season of that.
Well, both of their kind of. Both of the boys is installments of looking at younger characters. So Gen V, the Gadolkin University of it all, that was very interesting.
And then of course, in the boys diabolical, they had the not Foster's home, but someone's home for soups gone wrong, teens that were gone wrong, and I think any kind of. Targeted focus on a group of the, the Supes as kids is so fascinating to me.
Yeah, for sure. Yeah. I mean, and my heart is pulled in two directions, right?
Because as a kid who. Had his comic books slapped out of his hands in middle school for just cause it was the nerdy thing to do. And there were cool kids, right? And then to see it get flipped on its head as an adult and have the entire MCU be the most popular thing in the entire world. And to have what I personally believe is.
Obviously there are a ton of flaws within the, the infinity saga, but to end it out with infinity war and end game, and to have it be this whole entire connected universe that ended in a beautiful way, and now it has become way too inundated and way too overexposed and then to see this. That was this show, like the boys that's making fun of it.
Right. Just to watch that become a version of the thing it's making fun of, it's really hard to deal with between diabolical, um Gen V there's something about even invincible that feels like it's part of the group. Just because it's Amazon. Right. So. And that's not their fault or the boy's fault, but to be inundated with all of it, my heart goes I don't know if I can do that right anymore, but the way that they are doing it and the way that they are really just, if you really watch it for more than a second and see past the blood and the explosions and the flying angry bee infused sheep that you can go yeah, They can go, all right, you're really trying to tell us something about the world we live in today.
Right? Like that's, that's the interesting part of what's happening with the show. So anytime it starts to veer away from that and get back into this, like butcher, homelander relationship, I'm just starting to get a little bored. Right. Um, but this, this is coming back to the Kimiko part of it. And the idea of these trafficked soups and, um, What they're doing to in the underground when there are these people who are up on TV, I will also say that there's something about the show that hadn't clicked with me until this season about none of the superheroes having real saves on their resume,
Like I
think that in my mind, I I had it set where each of these people came up as a superhero who were helping people and got corrupted. Right. And what we learned through this season, through season four is that a lot of them have never had a real save in their life. Every one of these has been televised and scripted and stunt coordinated out.
Right. Um, that was something that was really interesting to me because I, I think. As an audience avatar, we were brought up through the lens of Starlight, who was helping people, who was really trying her best to help people, and then she becomes part of the seven because she's got a good heart, because they're trying to change things, and then you recognize, Oh, right, like, even the deep was probably out there in the ocean.
They, Got some good underwater cameras and they filmed him quote unquote saving a dolphin from some plastic in the ocean or whatever, but that wasn't real. Homelanders were never real. That all of them have been fake and the people who are out there committing crimes have never been helped, helped out by a superhero.
Right. Um, that's so interesting to me.
Yeah. And that's actually. Not to jump too far ahead, even though that's exactly what I'm going to do. In the most recent episode, it's interesting how Homelander, his concept. Of saving or what Ryan's concept of saving is going to be is still like planned torture, you know, it's not sure.
No, no, that's not scripted. No, that's not filmed, but it's this very warped sense of like what it means to, to save someone. I also want to say when you were describing kind of the complexities of having been like a comic book nerd and then realizing that it's like, Now all the cool kids is the most popular thing.
And now for it to kind of be kind of passe, it's exactly how I feel about fucking improv. Can I tell you as a theater kid and all these losers that were like making fun of theater kids, which only thankfully happened to me in middle school, because by the time I got to high school, Being in theater was cool.
And then Sure, sure,
We get to college, and all of you dumbasses that weren't funny, but you think you're funny, you take improv classes, and now you think you're the top of the fucking game, and guess what? No one wants to go to improv anymore.
I want you to know that you saying that to me specifically, Feels right because my college improv show our professors left in the middle of it.
Cause we started really digging in and making fun of them cause nothing else was working. So, um, I haven't done improv since then. And I completely agree with you. It turns out when you write things out that are funny, it's a lot funnier. So, um, Yeah, who knew? Who knew? Um,
craft, but,
um, no, I, I, I think speaking of improv, right? Like Ryan getting too mad during his save and splattering our son guy up against a brick wall and realizing that that's not The idea of saving people either, you know we see our superheroes in our, in the superhero stories. We love, we see Peter Parker or we see Clark Kent with this ingrained sense of what's good, right.
Um, and how to who the bad guy is and who the good guy is and how to save them. Right. And. When I was growing up, Spider Man was always our favorite because he was as young as a lot of us were. And oftentimes when he got the bad guy, they were hanging upside down by a web. Right. They, they weren't like put into an asylum, into an insane asylum to then be broken out like that.
Man's were, they weren't, um, Put to death or, you know what I mean? Or, or an alien from another planet like Superman's were, um, these were just some random dudes who stole a bike or stole an old lady's purse and they're up against the wall with a big web that says take me to jail or whatever. Right.
Right. Um, So for Ryan, who hasn't had that, right? He's had grace, he said his mom, who was trying to help him just be a good kid, but now he has either butcher or Homelander whose ideas of being right are either retribution or revenge. Right. Um, So instead of saying, Hey, this is wrong, what you're doing is wrong.
And you need to be you need to have a change of heart or change of mind, or you need to be put in jail or whatever it is. How can we inflict as much pain on this person who did something wrong as possible?
Is a scary, scary idea. Yeah,
it is. It is pretty scary. Another thing that is. Pretty scary is this conspiracy theory going around on the old internet.
And I want to get your thoughts. We get introduced in the first episode because we find out in the first episode that M M and the boys are, except for butcher are working for the CIA and Robert Singer's plan is to eliminate Newman and to that he employs. Mother's milk in them to do do that. They are unsuccessful.
Spoiler alert in many ways. They are unsuccessful In this scene though, we do find out that butcher has come in contact with an old friend Kessler who is kind of trying to bait butcher into becoming his old self We see at the end of episode 5 that he has Turned into who he used to be. He's really embraced the butcher of it all.
But the conspiracy theory is that Kessler isn't real. And that Much like his ex wife, Kessler is a figment of his imagination. And I, I tend to agree. I don't know. How do you feel about that?
Well, it's, it's one of those classic characters that nobody else has talked to, right? So it's, it's our Tyler Durden, um, avatar to this, right?
Um I heard the same, I heard a similar idea about what's happening right now with the Acolyte, that the, there are these two twins in the Acolyte and people are speculating that they might be the same person. And it doesn't really make sense with that story as much, but this one, of course, you know, we've already seen the woman he was in love with, who we know is gone, um, be there in his mind.
And so with Kessler, It does feel like a great, like, Venom comp we see that worm in his brain that's traveling around his body and to be able to have somebody to talk to, to, to say, that's, this is a good idea, right? I think a lot of times with Butcher, the ideas that he comes up with, he is doing them alone.
And I think he's sick enough or has been through enough that he can't make that decision. Hmm. Just on his own anymore. So he needs somebody to tell him it's a good idea. And this guy feels like the right, the right thing for it. Right. Right. Now, the thing I love so much about this show is that. While it all always feels familiar and it always feels even after two years coming back to it It feels like something that we just left.
Yeah, it also so fucking much stuff happens in every episode That these writers are really good at taking the things that we think are important Are going to happen and turning him on its head. So it'd be really great if now that we, now that the whole world thinks that this guy isn't real, if he really was, or he was like ultimately the actual real guy or some butcher was like the venom part of this other guy's brain or something would be really cool to see.
But that's, that seems to be kind of the running theme. And, and I, I love the idea, even if it is. As simple as that. I love the idea of this other charming CIA guy who doesn't look sick, right? Butcher, every time we see him, every time I, you look into his eyes, it's like when, um, when you see somebody who, who had their, Eyeball, like cut, right.
Or something and it's just red and they're talking to you and you look in their eyes and your eyes start getting watery. I do that when I'm watching the boys right now with butcher, like every time I see his face, I'm like, Oh, I feel, I feel like I'm in pain. Right. Um, so to see this really put together, dude, in a nice suit given him saying, this is the guy I know.
Right. Um, I love, I, I, I love the idea that he's not real, but I also love the idea that he is. So. He's kind of my favorite new addition to this show is this Kessler character.
Yeah, me too. And I honestly, I would be kind of disappointed if he's not real. Just because I want to, I want to, I want to see him give context for butcher.
I want to see him kind of play. Butcher really doesn't have anybody on his team right now. So, and even though I wouldn't say Kessler's like on his team completely on his side, he holds butcher accountable when. Literally no one else can or will. So I really don't want, I don't want him to be fake.
And he's also, and I didn't make it this far, but he's also Negan, right.
And in, um, the walking dead.
I I'm seeing you weren't a walking dead guy. Yeah. Wonder for me,
he stepped in like. I mean, six, seven seasons in as a bat wielding maniac in, in The Walking Dead. And I, the only reason I, I bring that up is to say that if he was kind of our Venom symbiote comp, it would be really fun to, to see, we have an episode where Butcher blacks out and suddenly Ezekiel is.
Torn to pieces, right? When he wakes back up, it'd be great to see that scene through the eyes of Jeffrey Dean Morgan's character, the Kessler character, and to see him go completely apeshit on this guy or something to see what happened. I think that would be really cool. So
I agree. I agree. Couple more people we got to talk about before we get into the overall themes of the season.
We have Daphne, who is the. He was mom and of course, you know, I have really felt this whole time. Like she is truly up to something. I was a little disappointed when it was revealed that, and I have some issues with, with episode five and we can get into those in a bit, but the exposition in episode five was a little bit more like, I wish they'd written it out a bit better, because I think you're already writing to a pretty smart audience and I prefer to kind of infer and theorize about things and so for Daphne to be like oh yeah I just took the fucking V and I put it you know that's what you wanted to do right it was in your pocket I was like well that Is that a natural reaction to your son who you don't know has anything to do with anything like having Compound V in his fuckin pocket?
His Her Her son said he was not a soup. And so, I kind of I don't know, I felt a little bit some sort of way about that. And so, I have to believe that Daphne Has a trick up her sleeve. I really want, I want to believe that she has some sort of affiliation with maybe Vought or with Gadolkin, the researchers there that she's not just.
Mom coming in
that one was written very easily as well and and again so much happens in all of these episodes It's one of those things that there there are a lot of shows that I watched that I wind up disappointed with some of the things that don't pan out or some of the things that I thought were going to happen and they don't because Because so little happens in an episode or because it's most, it's part of a theme that doesn't get resolved, right?
With this show, it's, it's. It is a show where literally if that was all of the mother's thing, there's so much else that happens that I'm like, okay, that's fine. But it's written so that scene specifically her saying, well, it fell out of your pocket. I thought you wanted him to have it. I just put it into the
That throwaway Huey later is going to reach in his pocket and find the V. That he had, right. And realize that she, she didn't take his at all. She had the same plan he did and had given him this stuff because she came in. Even the first episode, when she enters, she has all of the Vought branded essential oils and all this stuff.
And she works for the vault health company or whatever. And so it wouldn't surprise me if that was a throwaway on purpose, but even if it wasn't. By the end of the season, I'm going to forget that that was part of what happened because of the amount of, um, bulls and sheep that are tearing things apart.
um, reappearing is a, In the middle of someone else's body and exploding them is
sure. Yeah, absolutely.
Last person I want to talk about. We have Colin now Colin works for the organization that is in honor of Starlight Starlight's kind of home for for children and troubled. It's not troubled teens, but troubled youth.
Um, And it is meant to be a good thing. Colin works there. We find out in the first couple of episodes that essentially Frenchy and Colin have a romantic relationship. And Frenchy has decided to embark on this romantic relationship with Colin. As kind of, he, he kind of got involved with him to make up for the fact that he killed Colin's family back in the day.
He murdered them. And I gotta say another one that I'm kind of. That kind of surprised me in the sense that it was so straightforward was I was convinced that Colin knew that Frenchie was the person who killed his family. Cause it's like if you're banging somebody and there's like a distinct type of mark that you remember someone else having,
you would
see that, right?
So I, I was a little, again, I'm loving the season, but there's just a couple of things to have some issues with. And this is one of them, the, he didn't know that, that, that Frenchie was the one who killed him, which leads Frenchie into spiraling back into drug addiction pretty quickly. And then, and turning himself into the police at the end of season or at the end of episode five.
But I love Colin and I love seeing him on screen. I think he's a, a cool character to have around, but we haven't really gotten to see it. His ethos outside of, he's caretaking towards Frenchie, so, you know, and, and of course towards others because he works at a, what is it called? Not a foster home, but a,
yeah, I think it's called the Starlight House for Troubled Youth or it's supposed to be some just a place where you can come and, and stay if you are in a, an abusive household or, or, um, if you're, your family, a safe house, a safe Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, that's right. Now listen, a couple of things. One, I feel like as a as a man, I could I could, I could bang it out several times with somebody before I recognized some, um, bullet scars in their ankle. That's one thing, but two, I will say that this is my least favorite, um, side plot in this season.
This one to me feels so telenovela storyline, like I'm in love with the son of the family I murdered when I was, whatever, right? Like that, that feels like too much. And to be completely honest with you, if I were Colin and I found out If that had been the end of Frenchie, I would have been like, yeah, that makes sense.
Why, like, what are you doing? This is the stupidest thing that I've ever seen, right? There's so many people you can go and, um, have relations with. It doesn't have to be the one dude whose family you killed. Right. Um, And, and what's the even driving force of that? I think if that's, that's more of like a butcher mindset than it is a Frenchy mindset.
He's too, he seems so sensitive, um, for the, to even become a thought in his mind. Right. I feel like he would be tortured just by the idea of being around someone whose family he killed a long time ago in a time where he was doing things that he wasn't supposed to. Right. So, um, To me, I'm like, I don't know.
I, that one, I don't love and him at the police station now saying I've. Killed people it, it, to me, it feels like the writers were like, what, I don't, I'm not entirely sure what to do with this guy right now. Right. Right. Um, which is fine. Just fridge him the way that we are used to it. Right. But giving him this much stuff and making it this dramatic just feels very over the top in a show that is meant to be over the top.
Right. We have a lot more to get into. We're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back.
So as we reflect on these episodes, these first five episodes, there are. Some, some things that stand out that I think we need to talk about, okay? The first thing, just to get it out of the way, obviously, it would be Homelander's Trial. Which, we already kind of talked about, Sister Sage implants this idea into Homelander's brain that the best way to Overcome the trial, whether he wins it or not, is to incite violence between the two opposing groups.
You got Starlight's team and team, the seven team, team Vought. And she successfully does that. And it does make Homelander kind of come out looking, if not better than neutral. Um, it's almost like, it's almost like if you had, let's say two candidates for, let's say, Presidency.
one is completely incompetent.
And the only thing the other one would need to do is just appear kind of competent. Like it's, you know, If they don't do that, then the people that are trying to vote are going to be really confused and start fighting with each other. It's almost like you
watched America lose on Thursday night. So is that what you were saying?
I was trying to tie it into a recent cause I was like, okay, I, I, I obviously am going to relate this to Trump's trial, which would be the obvious thing that I could do, but instead I had to vent my frustrations with, with yes, America losing on Thursday night is very tough.
I made it a solid seven minutes into that debate before I turned over and watched Jamaica, Chile in the Cope of America.
That was more interesting to me. I was trying to figure out which, which country I was going to move to in November of 2024. Um, yeah, no, I think, I think you're right. And I think, I mean, listen, they've got it perfectly. Curated and coming out at the right time, right. For everything that's happening right now.
Um, I think it's, it's just really, it's, it's a tough watch knowing what's happening in the world, but at the same time, it's really, it's a really cathartic watch to feel like there's somebody who sees. The crazy of the world around us and, um, well, my wife
context, you know,
right. My wife constantly is like, she, she believes that we are from, um, two universes that are like right next to each other, but not, not the exact same one.
Right. So things like, um, you know, she grew up thinking it was the Baron stain. Bears, and I grew up thinking it was the Berenstain Bears, right, and things like that, and then to know that we're all living in the same universe now and seeing it and going, what the fuck is happening? Like, it feels like every, it feels like a lot of universes kind of came in and merged together in the past, you know, 10 years or so.
Right. So to be able to see,
Remember blue dress, remember blue dress, gold dress. Do you remember that?
And then to realize that that the, the, the debate didn't really matter cause the guy just killed his wife. Right. Um,
I did not know that. Holy shit.
Oh, that's true. Look it up.
It's worth a
Google. The blue dress gold dress guy.
Yeah, yeah.
He confessed to murdering his wife. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So yeah, it's almost like he is the exact same thing as Homelander, right? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. He was like, what, what color dress is this? While he's brutally murdering his wife. Yeah, totally. No, I think, um, it's, it, it makes you go, okay, good. There's somebody out there is writing something.
About the world being as crazy as I feel like it is right now, right? Absolutely. But at the same time, you go, we're not changing it, right? Like it's not changing in the world that we're watching and it's not changing the world we're living in, which is almost as frustrating to watch as it is to live in, right?
Yeah, absolutely. In Going with that being the show, being a reflection of what we kind of see in real life. In episode two, the team, the team, the guys, they go to Truth con, which is we, we've kind of seen this theme though since the beginning of the series of these conventions of maybe conservative gun rights, these types of alternative conventions that usually have a lot of misinformation.
are very, can be very harmful to people and them trying to go in there, but they do a really terrible job of infiltrating it. And by the way, speaking of themes, one theme across the season so far is that the boys not doing a great job. They're not,
um, not awesome at their jobs.
Yeah, they're, they're really, from the first scene, they attempt to take down Victoria, they get almost murdered by her daughter, they obviously almost get murdered by her, they are caught, they, they're not.
It sucks because mother's milk has really stepped in as the leader of the group with butcher gone and he has this very, I don't know if militant is the right word, but very strict approach to how the team should handle themselves and conduct themselves. But the plan just never seems to be working. And I don't know if it's because.
They're out of their depth with these superheroes. We saw them really, of course, hero gasm is a great example of them really being able to triumph over the soups, but that's only because of the temp fee that butcher and Huey had taken. So now that that's kind of at least out of Huey I'm unsure about about.
We, we see them faltering. I mean, they are like, every single thing that they try to do is a big flop. It's a flop.
Well, yeah. And so Butcher, Butcher says in, in episode four that he he gave himself a dose of, of the full Compound V that he, he, he wasn't just using the temp V anymore.
He gave himself the compound V thinking it would help. And it seems like it hasn't now in a lot of ways, it does seem like it has, and that he might be around a lot longer than he's thinking he is right now. Um, which is weird.
I'm sorry to interrupt you, but it is weird. Um, I'm a little confused because I'm like, why would you, because Huey, for example, knew that if he gave his father compound V.
At the end of his life, it would save his life. So why would butcher take the full dose and then still think he was going to die? Um,
yeah, I don't know. I mean, I think he, he I think he still knows that whatever's in his brain is in there and thinks that that thing is, is like eating him alive. And.
Even Homelander says something about how he can kind of smell out how is he's like decomposing already. And, um, maybe he thinks that because he had too much of that temp V that the compound B was going to help it, but it didn't seem to change anything. So he thinks that maybe it's still on its path. I don't know.
It's, it's hard to, it's hard to tell his motivations right now. And I will say, you know, Mm. A lot of times in these, in any business, but especially in a business like this, you, MM is a, is a really good, um, planner and he's, he's good at organizing and he's good at making sure everybody clocks in and clocks out, but he's not a good like leader of men, right?
The way Butcher is. And Butcher, he might not be a
puritanical leader of men, but he is a, he's, he can motivate his men to do the job, right? And he. Has been so focused on himself that nobody's doing their job the right way. I also will say that some of my favorite shows. Even back in, in my early twenties watching shows like it's always sunny in Philadelphia, right?
And you see these people who are just kind of pieces of shit and you go, that's what the world is, right? That is the world that they've created. And then they go out in public and you realize that, no, this is, They live in our world. They are just horrible pieces of shit in our world. And once the, once the normal people show up, they recognize how absurd these characters are as well.
Right. I feel like with the boys, our first season was about these regular people like Huey and even Butcher just being like a normal guy, it seems like. Um, with this plan to try and trap and murder superheroes. And, and these, these people not to use another superhero quote, but like, like a dog chasing a, a, a car chasing its own tail, right?
Like you don't know what to do with it. Once you, once you grab it, that's what the boys were in the first couple of seasons. Now we're watching them with like That's the, that's the joker in dark night. Um or he's a dog chasing cars, right? I wouldn't know what to do with the one if I caught it. There
we go.
I needed you to put on the, I needed you to actually, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah. It was the impression. Thank you.
Um, no, but to, to, to, to your point, we're in this, we're at a point where now they have CIA funding, but there's still this same group of. fumbling idiots. And we realized that there's nothing in between this group and the superheroes that you would hope that there's some sort of like higher ground of people who are trying to do this, that the boys don't even know about, but there's not right.
It's, it's just them. That's why this Kessler character coming back around to him being fake. There's not another group of working on trying to kill Homelander, right? Like it. Or else we would know about them at this point. Like, these guys are working for the CIA. You would know about any other groups trying to, trying to actively kill Homelander.
So, that's the That's, that's where we're at is we're seeing these people still fail and that's hard to watch.
Well, I will say, even though he is more of a director of operations than anything, Mother's Milk does succeed, I think, in kind of starting the tipping point of getting A Train to maybe start to flip.
And this is, I don't know how you feel about it, I, I'm filled with dread by it, cause I just know, like, in my heart, that when he does, finally, really flip, he's going to die, or he's gonna get, right there. And we're going to get robbed of A Train, and I don't know if I can handle it. I also have to say, I was watching the episode where they, what's the name of the movie he's doing?
Oh, Training A Train.
Training A Train. When they opened that, I was driving, I was watching and driving, sue me.
Of course, sure.
And I was like. I have to call Jeremiah. I am freaking out. I was like screaming, crying. I was so impressed with everything that this show does with A Train is just so spot on. And it's so like, it's so clever.
It, it really speaks to A Train's situation, to his position in the And being the only black man. On the team, what that means, what it means is for a marketing device. And so when they're rehearsing for training, a train and they have fucking will Farrell, Oh, funny. And
just like, and it's funny too, right?
This, this, this is what I thought about because in episode four with Homelander, when he goes back to the lab. I'm like, GIVE ANTHONY STARR HIS FUCKING OSCAR. But it's also like, okay, but give Jesse T. Usher his Oscar too, you know what I'm saying? Like, or his Emmy, because they all really deliver. Um, and, um, but I mean, to be clear, definitely give Anthony Starr a fucking Emmy.
Like that's nuts to not, but they, they all are an ensemble cast really pulling through, really bringing these incredible. Stories and so to see a trains character development and to be so invested in him and I just know they're gonna goddamn kill him. I know it. I'm so sad. I
have a, I have a, um, galaxy brain idea of what I would want to happen at the end of this show.
And I don't think it's gonna, I don't think there's any way that it's gonna happen. And I, I do. I see a train. Dying probably this season just because again, he's got one of those, um, arcs that he's been back and forth so much and felt the, that pull so many times that you expect that he's going to fully flip and you expect that he's going to get caught.
Right. Right. I think, um, last season, Maeve. Just kind of going off like powerless and but happy and, and doing her thing. Yeah. Um, I thought at that time, I thought, wouldn't it be great if the end of this show was not about these superheroes dying off, but about the general public growing so, um, unattached and so like angry towards the idea of superheroes and that it's fake.
You know, the, the, the compound V, it wasn't this born into greatness thing. It was, um that that part of it was fake, that the saves were fake, that these people aren't as virtuous as they claim to be, that somehow all of the superheroes just had to like, Leave that they're either they're either done away with or they have to like get off the map because everybody hates him so much, you know, um, that Homelander is like the last ones left and everybody hates him and he's just this like maniac rule or whatever.
But yeah, I just thought it'd be really cool a train to like. I mean, he's faster than anybody, right? He could head off and then anytime somebody showed up, he could bolt. Yeah. Um, to just be out kind of living his life and to see all these people who are hiding their powers, who have to hide who they are now because everybody hates them.
I thought that was a really cool way of ending the show. There's no way it's going to happen that way, but No, I think he's going
to die.
I thought it'd be a great way of doing that, especially knowing that the general public Right now is sort of tired of superheroes in general as well, right?
Oh, a hundred percent.
It really is the way that the, the way that the fandom, all fandom is responding to Marvel, to Disney right now. Um, I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I've heard that people are liking the lyde, I think, um, but I don't even know what it's about. But , I think that. That is such a that would be an honest way to respond to for the show to end and to respond to reflect how how the audience feels about it.
I think. I think with a train. I mean, we've still got some more to see speaking of which a train his relationship with Ashley, who in episode three is dethroned as the CEO. Is it the CEO?
Sure. Yeah, dethroned as a group is a hilarious way of
saying that
knowing what she does next.
Um, yes, she is She gets knocked, knocked down a peg for Sister Sage to come in and really be the, the director and that is such a great move because we really start to, not that we haven't seen her start to unravel already, but you see her, she tries to, she thinks she's going to resign and then she's a witness to this murder of one of the other intelligence People in the organization, and so she knows she can't quit.
She's literally being held hostage in this environment. A Train ends up, as we'll talk about, taking advantage of that. And all of that's good and well, but something else happens in Episode 3 that I think we would be remiss not to talk about. And that would be Vought on Ice. And the Way that I want to see Vought on ice.
You don't have
your tickets yet? You don't have your tickets yet for State Farm Arena's Vought on Ice?
Can you imagine? I would die. I would die. I would die.
Oh, this was so good.
You got it. As we're
listening, we knew, right? Like it was cool because we saw the people skating and I, I didn't recognize any of these people on skates.
Cause I'm not, I don't know ice skaters that well. And, and I'm sure that these were actors who are, who had on their resume that they were good ice skaters. Um, but the minute they started to sing and I looked it up to just make sure but we have, yeah. We have Andrew Rannells singing as Homelander.
We have, as Jesus, we have the guy who was Jafar in Aladdin, the musical. Right. And then we have Shoshana Bean just hitting notes that she hasn't hit since she was like 24 years old. Like it was un, believable how good the music was for this. And we, we did this with Hawkeye, right? A long time ago, we had Captain America, the Steve Rogers musical with another great song, but these songs that they're writing for these shows are just, Epic.
They're so good.
You know what disappointed me though? Because I, I mean, as from the second that they started singing, I was googling. Like, just to make sure, just to double check, just to see, and then like trying to get like, the writer's credits and all that. It wasn't available at first, but now apparently they've actually written, or Kripke and co have actually written out the entire musical, which
is just
It's just a stunning turn of events. What a wonderful, just the way, and the, the scene itself, the violence, the fight scene from the Vaad on Ice, like slicing someone's throat. With an ice skate? Like, that's nuts.
It's everything we used to be afraid of when we would get on the ice, right? I mean, I That our fingers are gonna get cut off, or
Listen, as someone who broke her leg with a quad roller skate, I am Ha ha ha ha!
I'm good on the ice, okay? I am literally so good on the ice. The ice, but yeah, that what, what a great scene we settle into the fourth episode, which we talked a little bit about this also had some of callbacks to diabolical in one of the last episodes of diabolical, which is the animated companion series to the boys on Amazon prime.
And for those of you who don't know, we do see. The origins of Homelander in the lab, and in this episode, we see him kind of coming to reckon. He says to himself in the episode previous, like, you've got to go home. And so he goes back to this lab to torture the people who he feels like tortured him. I gotta say, like, it was during this episode that I really realized what the, to me, the central theme of the season so far seems to be consequences and Understanding and, and living out those consequences for everyone.
So, the consequence of Homelander being born in a lab is he turns into this crazy, super powered maniac. But, the consequence of being the person that made the maniac, And responded poorly. That's, this is what, it's kind of chickens coming home, chickens coming home to roost, not to
ahead too much. It really, it really drove home to me that this is the consequences of everyone's actions and also just.
How Homelander could really use therapy, like us. Yeah.
Yeah. Men will literally put their father figures into a oven and turn it on before they'll go to therapy. Is that that's the saying, I think,
um, so we all say,
no, it's true. I mean, obviously this episode is the, is like the Emmy reel for Anthony star, I think, um, who just, by the way, I, And I'm not really quick to judge people's character based on like press tours and stuff, but he, he seems like a very serious kind of weird dude in, in general.
And, and I think that this is like a perfect part for him because um, he seems like he, he seems like he makes jokes and people are like, Oh yeah, cool. Like, um, but it's not like the fun part. Funniest joke in the, in the room, the way that maybe Carl Urban might say something and everybody kind of giggles at him, laughs at him.
Um, he's charming, but it's like sort of off putting charm to him. And I think that he plays it, he plays all of those things up so well as Homelander in the, in, especially in this episode, you see so much of like the humanity that was grilled into him and then what that did to him and how he's trying to like, Take it out of his own personality.
Right. Um, I thought that this was another, another really cool theme is just this, like these civil wars happening within the factions, right. That the superheroes don't all are not all agreeing with how to go about this stuff, the, the boys are not all agreeing with how they're supposed to go about.
Getting this stuff and having it and the most effective way of killing these soups and, um, to, to take that back to like the original, like where you grew up and to say, I, I now I'm against you guys as well. Right? That's that was a really cool, um, theme and a really cool way of, of, of showing it. So,
yeah, yeah, I agree.
And we kind of, I, I want to go ahead and get to episode five, just because I think that if episode four, which for me was the strongest episode, if not, maybe, maybe three and four are tied. Um, but for me, four was the strongest episode.
Five for me.
Yeah, five for me seemed. A little disjointed to your point earlier, when you were saying, you know, there's so much that happens in every episode, I did feel like.
Arguably too much happened in episode five for me to follow because, but then you have these wonderful, like parts of it, like the relationship where of, of Huey and his dad. And then of course, like bringing Stan back into the mix, there were definitely parts that were effective, but. I kind of, before we talk about episode 5, I want to take a quick break.
Episode 5 had a lot to do with Starlight and kind of focusing on how she was having trouble accessing her powers. And I want to talk about Starlight. Like, we need to talk about Starlight. Her thing, for me, is so annoying. I find her, I, I, I've just found her, I'm not being very profound with this, I'm just being, like, straight forward, like, I'm finding her to be fucking irritating.
Um, she, in this season, after everything that happened in season three, where she really had to, like, hammer it home to Huey, like, I don't need saving, I got this, I don't need you, it's not that she needs anyone. in this season, but like her inability to reckon with the consequences of her actions is very, it's just very frustrating to me for some reason.
Because I feel like, girl, just do what you need to do. Do what you need to do. And don't worry about the way that she just, the way that she is so sensitive about being called out for being a huge bully when she was a kid. For, and of course anybody would be sensitive if you, if someone put my medical records on blast and used them as a way to intimidate me and shame me, obviously I would not take well to it.
But it's also like where it seems like a lot of characters with every single move made against them, they take a beat. And think of how they're going to respond her just like beating the shit out of firecracker because she had an abortion instead of just strategically thinking of a way to make that make sense to her people because her following isn't the Christian anti abortion people anymore.
That's not who she is anymore. So her inability to kind of reckon with who she was and the way that she's reacting to that is very. Juvenile to me and it's frustrating because I'm like you're in these situations that are so advanced and they're so you have to have your, this is maybe why they're failing the boys because they're playing a game with people that are like way far beyond them.
It feels like. And, and none of them have like, they're all so childlike and she just, to me is really the, she's the person to me that is the most frustrating, I think.
And it, it stinks I think cause, and go off, like cook, cook on, on starlight. I, I, I agree with a lot of the points you made, but I think that the, the thing that When I take a step back and look at it, it feels like all four seasons, Starlight has been written as the character who things happen to.
Right. Um, and there are times now at 35 where I'm thankful. I didn't get famous in my twenties because some of the things that may have come out, I like, and, or the way that I would have handled certain things, paparazzi or whatever. Like I, I know that I am. Not nearly as much anymore. I, you know, you, you get married, you have a kid, like these things change because you see a toddler have a breakdown and you go, that's what a baby does.
And you go, Oh, wait, maybe I shouldn't do it if that's what a baby does. Right. Um, but even now, like I'm, I'm still quick tempered. I'm still protective of. My stuff and my family and, um, and whatever. And, and so I think the thing that, that stinks for starlight is that realistically her youthful self wanted to, wanted like fame.
She wanted to be like a famous superhero. And then now she has experienced every bad thing that fame. Could come with, right. And you go, man, if Sarah had just sort of like kept to herself and helped people out when, when they needed it or whatever, and stayed in her small town, she probably would have been perfectly happy.
But as a result, all this stuff has been happening to her. And every time they seem like, every time the writers seem like they go to give her some agency, that agency gets stripped back away, which becomes frustrating to watch. Yeah, but I I hate that it's, I hate that it's a female character, like, I hate that it's kind of like, because, again, it's, she, she hasn't done much, even Starlight House opening feels like, it doesn't feel like she's the owner of the Starlight House, it seems like every time she walks through, she tells somebody else, hey, we're going to need to do this, and then that person goes and like, Right.
She's not in charge of any of the stuff that even has her name on it. So I'm hoping, I'm hoping that a lot of the stuff about her being like, yes, I'll even come back and be starlight again, or is that there's something that's being written soon to like gift her that full amount of agency, or at least like get her away from what's happening now, I guess.
I don't know. It's really tough. It's a tough, she is a tough. One to watch because every time you see her, she seems like she's crying over something that she would have cried about two, two seasons ago, but doesn't need to be now. Right. Yeah,
exactly. Um, exactly.
Like you've learned from this, you're stronger than this.
Why are you still upset about this? Can Miko's not crying about this anymore? Can Miko knows that she's got to go attack some people.
Yeah. I mean, like, to be fair, it's like, yeah. Can we go to not crying about it? But she is like, Having weird bouts of alcoholism randomly, and then like, beating the shit out of people.
Frenchie is maybe not, well, he's crying, and he's spiraling into severe drug addiction blow in the middle of the fucking office in the middle of the day, what, what is that about? Um, so, I think, the rest of episode 5 really focuses on, The team, the boys, they got Stan out of prison. And was it, is it prison or is it like what?
yeah, it seems like he's in some sort of cushy, cushy prison. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he, he gets out and what I need your help on just quickly. I'm not sure I fully understand what they needed Stan for. Was it for them to find the farm? There's also some, I'm a little confused about Butcher. So at the end of Gen V, the post credits scene of Gen V, Butcher is, In the lab at Gadolkin University or underneath Gadolkin, Gadolkin University, having seen the virus, I am confused about how the virus was presented.
I guess in this episode, it felt very quick. It felt like a lot of information was coming at us really quickly. And so, Why? What was the purpose, I guess, of getting Stan out? Was it to go find the virus or was it to go find Vi Victoria's Secrets? Like, I I don't fully understand because they know enough.
I mean, they keep running into her. Surely they could figure out that she has a farm somewhere without Stan, so what's your take on that?
I think, um, I think that they really wanted to get Giancarlo Esposito into an episode of this season of The Boys. Yeah. Um, you can tell, you can tell that the way that they brought him out is that they say something about how they need to get, This thing that they know Victoria has, and they know that he knows where she might keep it.
Yeah. And they used his granddaughter as bait to say, if you get out, we'll, we'll see if we can get you your granddaughter custody of your granddaughter. Right. Who is now this tentacle mouth monster. Um, and he says yes to that, but everybody is on these like little hairpin. alliances, right? It's like, it's like Survivor out there that, um, Butcher has the hair, hairpin alliance with Victoria saying he'll, she'll get Ryan away.
And and he's got his alliance with the boys that is always crumbling. And he's, they make this alliance with with Stan Edgar, I mean, by the end of this episode, that alliance is broken because he didn't help him get the thing. Right. And, um, so I think, I think that they just, I think they wanted to have him in this episode.
And, um, but the, the Newman thing of it as well. I mean, her power set seems to be getting stronger as the show goes on too. They don't seem like they know. How strong they wanted to be. The fact that she gets shot point blank in the head and just stands back up and goes, man, that's, that's stunk. Right. Like you're like, well, what, I didn't know that you had that in you.
Right. I thought you could just kind of explode other people's heads. So, um, there's a lot going on right now and the, and. They've written themselves into a lot of corners that they are just barely getting themselves out of. So I'm super curious to see, we have three more episodes this season, um, to see what's going to happen next.
Cause this seemed like the, to me, this seemed like the hero gasm episode, right? This seemed like the episode where when you, when you have, Veed up chickens and sheep and bulls that are flying through the air, tearing deer in half, like tearing human beings into pieces. That to me feels like that big visual ridiculous episode that then leads us into the seriousness of the plots that are going to.
Finish up. I'm as opposed to some of the past seasons where you can see where it's going and you're excited to see how they get there. This this is one that I really am not sure
what they're
going to do for the last three episodes.
And one thing I forgot to mention at the top, which is really important to note is that as Eric Kripke has come out and said, season five will be the last season of the boys.
Right, right, right, right. Really having to work toward it. Some sort of end goal. We also, I mean, one thing if they're, if they're not known for their visuals. This show has been known for some fantastic one liners and there's two in this episode both by Frenchie's character that I, we have to talk about, right?
One of the two will be my favorite line from any episode of, of this show so far. I'm waiting for it.
I, I, you're going to deliver that line because I trust you. The first one though would be when they get to the farm. Before, er, yeah, with, with Victoria there, they go into the barn, and they realize that these chickens have been being used as test subjects for the vi er, for something, child.
They've been injected with gen er, with V, compound V. And, they're flying all around, and Frenchie goes, This not this happening to me again. And
so funny because of Kimiko's reaction is the fuck do you mean again? She didn't say anything, she doesn't speak. So funny and then Go, why don't you go ahead and tell us about that second one.
So Samir says the, the, the V can be transmitted through saliva or through blood or through semen. And we get my favorite line from the entire show of the boys. This man is in no condition to fuck a sheep. So good.
So, so, so
So funny, if, that, that's the thing though, like, Frenchie, even though his storylines don't always resonate with me.
He'll then have some of the funny his thing about entourage one of the seasons the whole musical episode that happened last season like
Frenchie really and it's so fucking funny when he says that because their plan is to inject one of these Was it a sheep that they inject the virus with? And then, oh, it's a
dead body.
I think they, right. And so that they can so that all the sheep will come eat the dead body. That's right.
Body. And so they put it outside and, an interesting plan, you know, one that does apparently work and then they, you see Stan getting delivered back to the FBI I was wondering what, I was wondering if the boys made a deal to have Stan out for a certain amount of time just to help them or.
They called the cops back on him or something, and that was a little confusing for me. Well, I think they said because they didn't
wind up, because they didn't get to go home with a vial of the of the virus, he didn't deliver on his promise. So he had, he was going back or whatever. That is the thing that MM is good at, right?
And, and that's why it needs to be a two headed monsters of the boys is that MM is really good at getting the FBI back to get this guy back into prison and not just letting him go because. Of good faith or because we had him and we don't know what to do with him now, right? Which is right. Those are the things butcher is going to do, right?
Um, so yeah, I'm, I'm so, I'm so curious. And then I honestly, I don't think we've even said out loud, and I don't even know that I want to spoil it for anybody who hasn't quite gotten to the end of episode five yet. Where we are with Butcher Mm-Hmm. sitting there ready for the, for what's gonna happen.
That's the only thing we know about the next three episodes is that we know that that virus is hopefully coming back and we know how. So, um, I, yeah. Gosh. I mean, we gotta get back together in like three weeks Right. And talk about, we'll, how we're, how this ended.
We will, and one last thing, gotta say. The shout out to fuckin Comic Con slash G23, like, that whole sequence of the unveiling of the different films.
And it's just so, I wouldn't say on the nose cause that has a negative connotation. It's just, it's great. They,
I have, I already have my tickets for the deep scythe guard school coming 2026. So
what a nut, what a crazy show. Truly. What a crazy ass show. Yes. We'll get back together in a few weeks to, to wrap up this season of the boys.
Fuck it. Go.
Any final thoughts, any, you want to plug anything that you got going on?
Oh God. No, I you can follow me on Instagram, Jeremiah P Hobbs. I post mostly pictures of my kid, um, his
beautiful wife, who is also my friend, who I love dearly.
We we're here, so we'll see in a couple of weeks, we'll figure out what's going on with this show.
All right, guys, you guys know where to follow me at who TF knows Emily Rose on Instagram, WTFKEmilyRose on Twitter. And I will talk to you guys later.