Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Getting rid of the "Guilty Pleasure" adage one podcast at a time...
Each week Emily Rose will dive into different pop culture topics, and tell you what TF you need to know about them!
Special thanks to: LD Green III for Intro/Outro music "Lord of the Dance" Streaming Everywhere!
Artwork Photographer: Ques Williams for Midas Touch Creative Group
Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
PRETTY WILD EP 4 "The Party"
Emily Rose returns after a short hiatus to recap another episode of the 2010 E! series Pretty Wild. She explains her absence, updates listeners on her new job and personal life. Emily then dives into the latest episode, focusing on Gabby's Sweet Sixteen party, the preparations, and the inclusion of DJ Paul Oakenfold, who surprisingly confronts Alexis about the bling ring thefts. The episode also highlights the relationship dynamics between Tess, Alexis, and Gabby, their humorous antics, and their efforts to make the party memorable. Emily ends with a sneak peek into the next episode set in Cabo and invites listeners to follow her on Instagram and support her on Patreon.
00:00 Introduction and Preamble
01:17 Election Reflections and Podcast Purpose
04:39 Recap of Previous Episode
06:21 Episode Corrections and Clarifications
08:10 Tess and Alexis' Adventures
15:36 Gabby's Sweet Sixteen Planning
25:36 The Sweet Sixteen Party
30:02 Conclusion and Next Episode Preview
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Intro/Outro Music by LD Green III: https://linktr.ee/LDGreenIII
IG: @whotfknowsemilyrose
Twitter: @WTFKEmilyRose
Hello, hello, hello. This is Who the Fuck Knows with Emily Rose. I'm Emily Rose, back with another installment of my capturing of the 2010 E series Pretty Wild. Now, before we get into this week's episode, I do need to give a little bit of a preamble. For a couple of reasons. One I took a little bit of a break.
Now, if you've been listening to my show for a while, you know that I do this. But usually, I do this because of being stressed, overwhelmed, uh, frustrations in my personal life, my job, whatever. This time, I was taking a break for a relatively good reason. I have gotten a new job, I'm adjusting to things, and it's part time, so I kind of had to do a lot of adjusting my schedule as someone who is used to doing 7am to 4 or 5pm every day Monday through Friday.
Starting to work late night shifts, or night shifts at all, and sometimes day, it just, it was, it was a little bit of an adjustment. I had a close friend who got married and I was in her wedding. I've just had a lot of positive things going on that kind of delayed me, and so I apologize, but I'm back. I should also mention, if you're listening to this, then the United States 2024 presidential election has concluded, and While the results are not what I wanted, as Kamala Harris said in her concession speech, they are something that I think we're all grappling with.
And trying to really figure out, and while I am not going to get political on this episode, possibly any episode, I, I just have to say that I would feel about continuing this series if I didn't at least make mention that you You should check on the people in your life, check on black women in your life, who it feels like, even though I don't think that we can narrow it down to one or two factors, it just feels like the country, once again, did not show up for black women, black people.
Brown people, anybody who identifies as trans, non binary, LGBTQIA so women in general probably, there are a lot of people that feel really let down right now and this podcast covering this goofy ass show about these goofy ass white women is not going to bring insight into that. And excuse me, I really just.
I want to, I want to just be clear that this is a space where any of the people I've mentioned or anybody that I may have left out that is harmed by the election results, call me out. Hold me fucking accountable. Make sure that I continue to be a space where anybody can listen. Anybody can join in on the absurdity and not feel weird.
And it feels weird to like, talk about anything else. It does. I sometimes, in 2016, I was kind of like, I don't want to escape. I want to be locked in, you know. Um, but then there are people that want to escape. There's a, there's a need for that. There's also a need to, like, step down, clock out, take a break, and So I understand if anybody, not that you would ever owe me an explanation for not listening.
Plenty of people don't listen. But if you're someone who's kind of like, you know, this is just a little too fucking trite for my taste right now. Just know that like, I'm with you. And if I'm ever truly out of line, hit me up on Instagram. WhoTFknowsEmilyRose. Reach out to me. Do whatever you can, or want to, say whatever you need to, to make sure that, that this remains a space that that's, that's not horrible.
Um, and yeah, I think that's all I have to say. So, that said, and without further ado, let's check in on the last time we were hanging out with Tess, Gabby, and I. And Alexis Niers. Hit it, Alexis. Previously on Pretty Wild. We're moving to a new house in Hollywood. Pets and I have a photoshoot with Vernon Davis from the 49ers.
You know what? He's really, really, really good looking. You're gonna freak out. We've gotta talk about Lola. Lola! Dude, she's gone. I really can't be filmed right now! Your biological mom is trying to get a hold of you.
We open on Tess and Alexis installing a stripper pole in a home that, as I have mentioned in previous episodes, is not their home. They rented this house for the party. I think that, I think that this house that they are in They rented for like part of production and some of production thought that they lived there But no, they were they had like a couple of parties there and then got kicked out.
I believe this is the house now Oh my god, and look at me. Okay, so that's the scene that we're in before I continue. Sorry the election everything going on really Threw my, threw my game off. I need to issue a couple of corrections from the last, last episode. So, I stated that Tess's dad had passed away.
He is not dead. He is alive. He is suffering, however, from Alzheimer's, pretty severely from what Tess has seemed to indicate on her Instagram, and so Tess is a caretaker for him, and that is their relationship. Now, everything else I said about their relationship, them being extremely close, her, like, really, like, Fostering his relationship with her kids and all that.
That's all still quite, quite on the mark. So I apologize for that and thank you Reddit for calling me out, correcting me. There were a couple of other corrections, but I think that that was the one that was the most, uh, important to cover because like I can't just say people are dead when they're not and I apologize and I will do better.
I do think that the other things were, oh, because I was confused about Brett Goodkin. And how he could just, like, get up on the stand and say, Oh, well, the victim told me, so that's how I know. Apparently, that's, like, legally, that is a thing that you can do. I didn't know. It sounds kind of flimsy to me, to be honest.
But, that's the law, and I'm who am I? Who am I to challenge the law? Okay? Uh, finally, I think, man Oh! Uh, he wasn't a producer. He was, sorry, he being Alexis's dad, excuse me. I said he was a producer on Friends. He was not a producer, girl. He was a, uh, DP. And as someone who just spent three and a half months extensively learning about the differences between above and below the line in television production, you'd think I would know, but once again, here we are.
So, I'm gonna try to be a lot more factual this episode, but honestly, we're just here to laugh and, and love, okay? So, we see the girls putting up the stripper pole in the home. Odd choice to me, I think it's really weird when a stripper pole is like, on top of a rug. Alexis can't get it in the hole, and so she is trying.
Tess is, like, poking her boobs with a screwdriver or something, and she's like, Don't poke my boobs. And then they finally get it up, and then they try to high five each other and miss, and it is just one of the more Oh. I was exhausted looking at them. I, I know, we all know, like, what's going on behind the scenes, but just in general, these are some tired, tired young women, and I felt for them.
So we move on, and Gabi and Andrea are, they're kind of unpacking, and so that's why I'm confused, because First of all, I don't believe any of the exterior shots for any of these places are the actual homes. That's something that E is, um, most, I think most reality shows, they don't show you people's actual houses.
So it's a little confusing because I don't think that the house that they're in in this shot is the house that the party is being thrown in. I could be wrong, and frankly if I'm wrong about that, that's okay. I can, I can take that L. They're setting up, and Gabi is sorting through something that, when I zoomed in and paused, is called spiritual centerpiece.
And it is a little divided up plastic box that has all of these It looks like, uh, bracelet making tools that you have, like, beads and stuff in. When I was young, I used those boxes to sort my Polly Pocket clothes. You guys know the Polly Pockets with the rubber clothes? I had a shit ton of them. I had a lot of, like, dolls and toys growing up.
And so I would take these plastic, these divided up plastic boxes, and I would put little rubber, uh, Polly Pocket clothes in those, so. So now you know. So they're, they're kind of sorting things out. Kind of unpacking. It's very funny. Spiritual centerpiece. And it's just bracelets. But anyway. So, Gabby says, so do you know what's coming up?
To Andrea goes, to Andrea. And she goes, what's coming up? And Gabby goes, well. And Andrea's like, my birthday. My birthday. The day that I gave birth to you. And Gabby's like, my birthday. And Andrea goes, well I think it's kind of my birthday. Since I gave birth to you. And I was like, she smiles, she's joking, but is she?
Is she? I just tend to feel like moms who say stuff like that are like, kidding, but they're not kidding though. You know what I mean? And just from what we know about Andrea, I don't know that she's kidding. So, it's Gabby's 16th birthday, her sweet 16, they're kind of talking about what does she want to do, and Andrea asks, do you want to go to the Magic Castle?
Do you want to have like a fun family dinner at the Magic Castle? And for this, I can't decide if she's like, Joking. Or, if maybe it's like a money thing, like she can't throw a party because they don't have the money, and so she's like suggesting the magic castle, which from what I understand is this dinner extraordinaire, I think it's kind of like a medieval times type thing, but with magicians, you know?
A dinner and a show type thing, but I think it's more than that. I think you can also learn magic if you're an aspiring magician. That's from some very, very shallow research I did. If I continue to do research, I will get hung up on it, and I just Can't with the Magic Castle, but no, Gabi doesn't want to go to the fucking Magic Castle, Andrea, okay?
She's a 16 year old. She's a young, hot, in Hollywood. She wants to have a party, and so they kind of talk about that, and it sounds like Gabi's set on having a party. We next see Alexis and Andrea arriving to the law offices of Jeffrey Rubenstein, where Alexis explains that her court date is coming up in a couple of weeks.
And she's just coming in to check on the progress, see how things are going. Uh, it will, the court date will determine whether or not she has a trial. So she's talking to Jeffrey, and he says, Things are in good shape, they're looking good, but we need to talk about your image. Because we need for people to see you as a young girl.
Because that's what you are. And he was a little condescending. And, but I'm also kind of like, well, maybe she needed that because she is a young girl. And basically he's like, this Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan trip that you're on, get off of it. Because it's not looking cute for you. And I'm, I'm obsessed with these, like, Hollywood, like, Something or other, X 17, like, TMZ adjacent paparazzi videos from, like, 12 years ago.
And, from what I can gather, yeah, Alexis was trying to party, she was out on the town, she was kind of using this, like, bling bling fame to, uh, Go, obviously, we saw her with Mickey Avalon, Marilyn Manson, she was, she was out in these streets, and Jeffree's like, that's not gonna cut it. And, you can tell that the producer, after, you can tell that the producer asks her, What did you take from your meeting with Jeffree, and Alexis says, I think we want to accomplish me looking a little bit more humble, and young, and conservative.
So, She seems to get the point, though further episodes will say maybe not so much. I should also use this time to say I will be doing two at a time going forward except for this episode and next episode because this episode I felt like I kind of needed something chill and quick and the next episode when they go to Cabo, that's a heavy one with a lot of backstory.
So, We're going to give these their own episodes, but going forward, there will probably be at least two more that are coupled together. Alright, so we leave the offices of Jeffrey Rubenstein. So, Tess and Alexis are getting ready to go to the Roxy, because they're going to see Alexis friend's band, Wicker.
Alexis used to date the drummer, Tyler, and she thinks that Tess would be a great match for the lead singer, Max. And Wicker Is exactly whatever the fuck you think it is. The band, the guys look exactly Whatever you're picturing, I promise you that's exactly what it is. So the girls go to the Roxy, they're having a good time, they go backstage.
Max and Tess pretty much hit it off. Uh, the guys joke about how they're about to go on tour and they're gonna get a van. And I am just like, ugh. That is, it's just It's, some of us had our era, some of us had our touring band boyfriend era, and for those of you who did not, take it from me, in your mid 30s is not the time to start, okay?
If you didn't do that in your 20s, Don't get into it in your mid thirties, Katie Maloney, alright? You gotta go back, you gotta, if you didn't have that time in your life, you're not missing anything, is my point, so. Uh, Tess and Max headed off, they're having good chemistry, and buckle in, cause Max is gonna be with us for, for quite a while.
Now, we are back in the Hollywood Hills home. Where Tess is helping Gabi plan her Sweet Sixteen. Now this scene is actually really interesting. I have talked about in the past how this show, when they pitched it, Homeschooling with the Arlington's, they still were trying to aim for this Kardashian esque, like, these are just, you know, Family girls trying to get along and navigate the crazy lives juxtaposed to their real lives type thing.
That was, that was what they were trying to go for. And this scene is actually reminiscent of a Kardashian episode where Kendall Jenner was planning her sweet sixteen. And Kris was, Kris Jenner, the matriarch, was suggesting all of these, like, wild things, these big money things that they could do. And Kendall was like, Mom, I just want to meet Loki.
Because, you know, Kendall has anxiety, okay? Kendall has anxiety. And she can't handle a big, lavish party, okay? That's not her. She's not rich. She's not privileged. She doesn't have millions of dollars for no apparent reason that she didn't actually at that time really work for yet. She was just coming into it because all of her family was super rich.
No, she is grounded. And It's a similar scene, just like the low budget version, the generic serial version. Where Tess is like, do you want a stripper pole? Do you want a jacuzzi? And Gabi's like, no, I want like a backyard, like a fondue thing. Neon fondue, is what she suggests. And neon fondue is wild, but Gabi says that neon's kind of the thing right now.
Which I guess in 2009. It was? I Someone let me know if you remember neon being a thing. It probably was. Neon fondue, though. That's, uh, that's pretty wild. Am I right? So, they're talking and Tess says, Well, what DJs would you like? And so, Gabby gives a list of DJs. This is also reminiscent of Chloe helping Kendall choose rappers for their, for Kendall Sweet 16.
Again, on a much higher scale. And so Gabby lists some, and then she says Paul Oakenfold. So, keep that name in mind. we will come back to him. They kind of tour the house and they land on, it's not gonna be, Gabby is very intent on this not being about Tess and Alexis. Gabby does not want this to be the Tess and Alexis show.
She doesn't want a bunch of sluts running around, okay? This is her friends, her life, her party, and that's what she wants. For the next scene, Honestly, it's kind of boring. Alexis and Tess are shopping for clothes that Alexis can wear to court. And Tess makes a joke. She just, she literally says, to court, I need to say, Tess is so fucking funny, and I think that that goes underappreciated.
Tess is very, very funny. They're all pretty funny, but Tess has some great comedic timing. Anyway, they're trying on stuff. Something makes Alexis look like she has a grandma butt, and at one point, Alexis says, All the lesbians are gonna love me, and that is some interesting foreshadowing. Now it is time for the aforementioned dinner date with Max and Tyler and Tess and Alexis, Max and Tyler from the band Wicker.
Right, they come over. The girls are getting ready, so they go to the grocery store to cook for the boys. I think that'll be very impressive, and Alexis says this. I'm making a sexy dinner, and I need some sexy meat. And then they proceed to lament about the prices of steak. Alexis starts eating produce out Like off the leaf in the produce aisle, like just grabbing leaves and eating them.
Tess is doing pirouettes down the aisle now. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but Tess is actually a trained ballet dancer. One of the things that was a point of contention. Later on in their timeline was that Tess was in the ballet classes. That's how Tess and Alexis met because Tess was actually had a very promising ballet career and apparently Alexis didn't take it seriously enough and wasn't as talented as Tess.
Now that's according to Tess's mom, but you see her doing pirouettes. I'm kind of like, is it pirouettes? Y'all know what I mean. They're doing that, and they're getting ready. They go back home. They're shaving. We have one of the more intense, chaotic, shaving legs scenes I've ever seen on television.
They're saying, what are we going to say to the boys when they get here? Alexis has mentioned that they were very intoxicated during this scene, and it kind of shows. They clearly don't know what they're doing, but it's endearing nonetheless. The boys come over, and Listen, I know I already had a little spiel about how miserable this genre of guy, this kind of band culture is, but if you don't believe me, let me play you a little bit from when Tess and Max go to sit down and have some alone time.
Tess asks him, So where did you get The name Wicker. This is his response. Wicker, like wicker chair. Uh, we had them all on my mom's porch. Still do. And that's where we came up with the band. Cool. Just hang out there, right? I was like, I'm gonna be the next Eminem. Maybe not, but you know what I mean? Like, that was my idea when I was, like, 15.
Really? That's pretty cool. Fascinating. Really fascinating stuff from Max. They continue to talk. He also asks her immediately, Hey, do you make out on the first date? Which is? But no, no fears, right? Because Tess has a plan. Her grand plan is to invite Max to Gabby's Sweet Sixteen. She's hoping that once he comes over and sees the vibe, he'll be, he'll be really into it.
So, we'll see. We'll see if that happens. We're back at the house. And, honestly, I wish I could just play this entire scene for you, but to give you the gist, Tess and Alexis are helping Gabi, once again, finalize the things for the Sweet Sixteen. Alexis says she just got a call from the caterer that food is coming.
And Tess says, uh, what did you get? And Alexis says, Italian. And Gabby, she's not into that. What do you mean you got Italian food? I don't want Italian food, Alexis! I want fondue! Is it really that hard? Obviously Gabby is not happy with the way that things are going. She calls mom in, Andrea says, Girls, it is kind of feeling like this is the Tess and Alexis show.
This is about Gabby, this isn't about you. Gabby says, this is my 16th birthday, not some kind of who party. And the, the, the beat that the editors give the girls, Tess and Alexis look immediately at each other. Shocked. It's so funny. And we get the next day where Tess and Alexis are in the hot tub, really trying to process.
The information they were given about Gabby wanting this to be her party. So they ruminate about how when they were 16, they were already out in Hollywood. They were more mature. This is a different person. They need to give Gabby the party that she wants. And guess what? Tess just so happens to know someone who represents Paul Oakenfold.
So she's going to pull some strings and get that DJ that Gabby really wants to her birthday party. Now, I said I would bring him back up later. I think now is a good time to say that that was not actually their idea. Paul Oakenfold was brought on by the producers to plant a little bit of drama because apparently Paul Oakenfold Was one of the houses that the bling ring hit.
And so when he came on, it was actually meant to just kind of cause drama. It wasn't actually because that was one of Gabby's favorite DJs. So there's that also Paul Oakenfold in 2023 was accused by his personal assistant of sexual harassment and anything else that you can imagine. DJs from the 2010s era were probably accused of that is a type of guy we're dealing with.
I don't even remember this guy. I don't remember him. I don't think I knew who he was at the time. I don't remember him now, so Sorry if I'm not into DJ culture. I'm not, I'm not impressed. Alright, but Gabby will be. That's what's important. The next thing that they do before they go to the party is go to get outfits.
They want to get Gabby a costume. Beautiful, perfect Sweet Sixteen outfit. Once again, we are confronted with this complex issue where Gabby wants to separate herself from Tess and Alexis. She does not want to wear a bustier with tight black jeans. She doesn't want to look like them. She wants sparkly or neon.
It has to be sparkly or neon, she says. So Tess finds Tess. A top that in my opinion is god awful. Even for a 16 year old, it is just, it is not, it's not flattering, it's not cute, but honestly this scene is really sweet because you can tell Gabi really, really loves it, and she loves the way that she looks, and she's so excited, and she says this is exactly what I was looking for, I, I want something that's me, I don't want something that's you, and Tess, again with the comedic timing goes, it's very, You, she says.
It's so funny. So Gabby has her perfect outfit and now it is time for the party. They order a hundred helium balloons that Tess, who can't be more than 110 pounds, is wrangling into the home. Tess also explains that they have locked Gabby in her room for the day so that she cannot see them decorating, which, Seems like an unnecessary step, but, go off.
They're getting the party ready, she has, it's, it's so cute, it really is really cute for a sweet sixteen. It's a little, I mean, a little tacky, but still, you know, it's, it's really cute. Finally, Gabby has the big reveal. She is so excited. She loves everything. She's so happy. Then her friends start coming, and we find out that Gabby has a crush on a boy named Jordan.
And Jordan has blonde hair and blue eyes, and he has a really unique laugh. I don't know, his laugh is really unique. It's really funny.
And Gabby just loves that, so they are all having a good time and Alexis and Tess go out to greet Paul Oakenfold, the secret musician that's coming. And this is how you know that this is some producer shit, because they go, Hi! And the first thing he says, he's got like a British accent, he goes, Oh, Alexis, you pulled the blank bling ring, yeah?
Robbed my home, you did. He says something like that. And Alexis, in the scene, is like pretty chill. At first, in her confessional, she's like, this guy that I didn't even know thinks I'm part of this, like, bling ring. And things start to spiral out of control just a bit. Like I said, Alexis? Handles it pretty well.
She says, I was not a part of that. I am so sorry that happened to you. But my sister is one of your biggest fans. And he goes, Oh, okay. And I cannot emphasize enough. What he said was, Oh, you're Alexis. You're part of the bling ring. You robbed my house. And it was like a little cheeky. And she holds her, you know, her composure quite well.
And then she goes in the house. And sets them up in their back, their green room. And has a Actual meltdown. She goes into a room, Tess follows her in, the boys are in the room, she's on the floor sobbing. And explains People have said worse. No one who has been a victim of this has actually come up to me and said something like that.
That is the most terrible thing ever. I've never experienced something like that. I didn't even know that he was involved. So I guess she had not been confronted by one of the victims before, but I feel like confrontation is a little bit strong. But I'll give Alexis some credit. I mean, she Wasn't expecting that to be the case, I guess, based on what she would say later, that she didn't realize, for real, that he was one of the victims, and whatever, so She was taking it pretty hard.
You can tell that the people around her, like, Tessa's face is like, kind of almost laughing at her. Maybe a little mean, but You know what? Alexis really just gathers it up and goes, let's go out there. And everyone's like, okay. So they get ready and they have Gabby blindfolded. They walk her out into the crowd where the DJ booth is.
Tess gets on stage and says, we're happy to announce for our sweet, our sweet sister, sweet 16. We're so excited to introduce Paul Oakenfold and the crowd goes fucking wild. Gabby, listen. I don't know if 16 year olds were doing ecstasy at this time, but truly, you would genuinely think she was, like, rolling hard.
She was so happy. It's really cute. Everyone's having a good time. And then we cut to Tess and Max, who are talking seductively in a corner, and Max kisses her while Oakenfold is spinning, and she's just really excited, and they're, they're getting along great, and it was a really great party, they had a really great night, and that is the conclusion of The Party, Episode 4.
What we get for next week is a look into the Cabo episode, which, like I said, I do want to do separately as well, because there's just so much there that, I couldn't possibly do it in one episode, so tune in for that. Like I said, I'm going to try to be more consistent, but just be patient with me. I'm gonna get these episodes out when I can, so I appreciate everybody who's been sticking with me.
I know, guys, that this episode was a little all over the place, and I had to interject a couple of times and think about things a lot, but it's been, you know, I think, A weird week, so just stick with me. Next week's episode I'm really excited about. I'm hoping to have some guests for the next few episodes.
So, just stay tuned. If you want to keep up with me, you can follow me at WhoTFKnowsEmilyRose on Instagram, like I mentioned earlier. I'm not active on Twitter for now. I'm just not going to fuck with Twitter, okay? And I do have a Patreon. That link is in my description. You can follow me from there. You can follow the Patreon also for my Instagram bio.
Follow the podcast wherever you listen, and I love you guys, and I will talk to you guys later. Buh bye!