Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Getting rid of the "Guilty Pleasure" adage one podcast at a time...
Each week Emily Rose will dive into different pop culture topics, and tell you what TF you need to know about them!
Special thanks to: LD Green III for Intro/Outro music "Lord of the Dance" Streaming Everywhere!
Artwork Photographer: Ques Williams for Midas Touch Creative Group
Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
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IG: @whotfknowsemilyrose
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Hello, hello, hello. This is Who the Fuck Knows with Emily Rose. I'm Emily Rose. Woo! Jesus. What a week, what a month, what a, what a world, what a time we live in. These Vanderpumpian times of ours have been Kind of wild, to be honest. And I know this episode is a little bit late. I apologize for that. But, me and Lindsay had a lot to talk about.
Which is why I'm here. If you're wondering, where the fuck is Lindsay? I'll tell you. What happened was, when we recorded our episode, The first part was done a day before they announced that Vanderpump Rules was over, essentially. And the second part was done after that. So, I've had to kind of chop and screw, you know, T Pain, all of that.
Really had to kind of work things in to make it make sense. So what you're going to listen to, immediately, is Lindsay and I reacting to the news that Vanderpump Rules is, as we know it, Let's just say it. Let's call it beating a buck. Like, it's cancelled. So, we talk about that. Our friend and yours, Rob Schulte of Vanderpump Robs, comes on and gives us some tea.
Because he had just talked to Peter when he came on our show, or my show, to really give us what Peter says is going to happen with this new iteration of Vanderpump Rules. And then after that, what you'll be listening to is, So I made this wheel, right? Listen, I made, like, a digital wheel that I can spin with all of the Vanderpump Rules news topics on there.
And so we would, we spun the wheel to choose what Vanderpump Rules news extravaganza topic we were going to talk about. So if you hear me talking about the wheel, uh, I really blew it up to be this, like, genius, creative endeavor of mine, and in some ways it is. Um, but mostly it's just some, like, weird ass visual that I'll post on my Instagram and you guys can see it and, and that'll be fine.
Maybe one day I'll post the video. So, yeah. Also, recorded at different times, recorded at different, uh, Various states of asleep, kind of, and not, so my energy might be a little different, but that's what's going on, and I wanted to let you guys know. Also, just wanted to, kind of, it's been a few days, you know, since the, since the news broke in, and Lala and Sheena, they, Lala went on Sheena's podcast to kind of talk about her, her feelings about how things ended, and Sheena did as well, and I'm seeing a lot on social media, and like, One of the things that I'm, I'm really sick of seeing, like, Blaming, honestly, blaming Lala, And y'all know I hate Lala, right?
Like, I really don't, I don't know about her. But, blaming her for the ending of Vanderpump Rules, Because she seemingly didn't get along with Ariana, Is bullshit. Uh, actually, everything we saw in real time, Or, like, on the show, was them getting along. What I think happened, blaming any individual cast member, I think, is probably just a stretch.
I think that a lot, I'm thinking a lot about something Lala said a few months ago where she said, Ariana made it extremely difficult to film and I lashed out about it. That's kind of how she expressed why she had her little breakdown in the season finale. And I think about that a lot because I just, I think she's probably right.
That doesn't mean that Ariana doesn't have good reasoning for being difficult. But if you're out here, like, I can imagine as if I worked on the show, if I was a producer, if I was an editor, if I was someone that was on boots on the ground, I can imagine being frustrated and confused by like, you, You don't want to film with this individual, fair, but you live with him, and so in some ways you always film with him.
And so then you're kind of being picky about which events you will and won't go to. And I know that they really had to like, coerce her in the second half of the season to film with him. And I'm not saying she's wrong for not wanting to film with him. That's actually really fair. When I think about how this all went down, I really, honestly admire Ariana because what I feel like what she did was kind of look around and say, Hey, this system has been fucking us over for a minute.
And we've been kind of playing their game, the reality TV game. The Well, we know that things are going to be put out there that aren't exactly how they happen. But we can't blame editing because then we get in trouble. And we know how it's played. And we get we're wealthy from this. And we have a lot of opportunities from this easiest job in the world.
So sure, you can twist my word. Sure, you can manipulate me to sound this way or that. Sure, you can come out in the press and push stories that aren't really true, like, whatever, we'll deal with it. And I just think That at some point Ariana said, I actually fucking hate this. But the thing is, she's always hated this, right?
We know that Ariana is not, Ariana is a great celebrity. She's not a great reality TV star. She's not willing to embarrass herself for us. She's not willing to bear it all for us. I know that she's had some vulnerable moments, but I'm sorry, you can't compare like, when I think of some of the shit that other like housewives or like, when I think of like Catherine Dennis, for example.
What she has given us on television, I know I always talk about like Sheena, somewhat la la, but really Catherine Dennis is a great example of someone who gave a lot on camera and kind of was, I mean, chewed up and spat out for it, right? Ariana doesn't want to do that. She's a celebrity, okay? And that's very clear.
I think it's fair for her to say, I don't want to do this. I just think that it probably would have made the whole. So, things would have been easier if she had not returned for season 11, or if she was honest about her thought process for season 11, because it was kind of also kind of weird for her to be like, I'm giving you everything, I'm doing, I'm not, I'm doing everything that I said I would do and contracts and blah blah blah, and it's like, no, it's more complicated than that.
There's more involved than that in filming a show. And it sounds to me like there were times that she wasn't totally forthcoming about what she was and wasn't comfortable filming. It just sounds like it was a bad situation for her. And how that affects the rest of the cast is, if the producers are like, look, if we're not gonna get anything out of this, there's not gonna be a season 12.
And low key, kind of based on what Rob says, you'll hear it later in the episode, but also kind of what I'm picking up online in my sleuthing, I'm kind of feeling like they had an eye on this reboot for a minute, a little longer than they want us to really know. You And I feel like they were kind of like, Hey guys, if you're not gonna talk to each other, and every second of every day makes you hate each other more, like, we're gonna go film other people that are available, and don't have scheduling conflicts.
And that's not to say Ariana's the only one with scheduling conflicts. You look at, like, Sandoval with his stupid touring, and the limits that he had to film based on his, like, situation that he got himself in. There was other, like, Lala can't, doesn't want to show Ocean for reasons, like, there, well, Randall I think is the main reason, but I think she also is, like, opposed to that, which I think is fair.
There was just so much that they weren't in a space to share with the audience. And I also think that Evolution's mindset, what they thought this show was gonna be, they were holding on. To something that it just isn't anymore, and so I don't know if they necessarily, like, when they say, oh, well, they wanted Ariana and Sandoval to have a sit down, I can kind of see that, where they're like, well, you know, if they sit down again, Maybe we'll have an emotional conversation out of her and then we'll get that Emmy and it's all about like getting money and raising the profile.
But that also doesn't make a lick of fucking sense based on what Ariana was very clear about what she would and wouldn't do. So part of me is like maybe they really thought if they just got a conversation things would change or maybe it's not about a conversation. Maybe it's about more of the Real fourth wall and the real logistics of filming and Ariana was like, I can't do it And you guys shouldn't have to do it either.
Like I think she really stood on business. I think she really stood on What she believed was a toxic work environment and got the hell out of there and I relate to that I think where the resentment and the feelings and the complicatedness comes from her cast members is probably like but Could you just, though, could you, could you do it for, like, just a little bit longer?
I know that, like, now is when you want to stop, but, like, we don't have all these other opportunities. We didn't, and I can understand why it's confusing for them, because out of nowhere, Ariana had all of these opportunities, and it's not like we hadn't seen her behind the scenes working to get Dancing with the Stars, working to get The Love Island, working to get these commercials.
We haven't seen anything about Ariana's life. So maybe she was, but to me, I'm like, yeah, I can kind of get why the cast members would be like, okay, great. Glad that you have all of this going on. Can you hang on? Could you make filming a little easier so that the producers don't get fed up with us and cancel our show?
Could you do that, please? And she was like, no, bitch, I'm outta here. And I get it and I respect it and I'm not mad at her for it, but that's what I think happened. I also don't think we can blame Ariana because the evolution being glued to whatever the fuck they thought we wanted as an audience or whatever they thought drama was.
That is the problem. It's their unwillingness to change. With the times. It's their unwillingness to really grasp, like, what stories could be told authentically from this group of people. That is also a problem. So, I don't, I'm not into blaming the cast. I'm not fully into blaming production either. I think it was just an amalgamation of a lot of really, it was just time at the end of the day.
It was time for the show to go. Now, do I think they need a reboot? We talked about that in the episode. I thought about that a little bit too, like, I'm definitely like, I'm not so silly that I would say, I'm not going to watch it. Like, girl, yes, I will. Yes, I will. I will watch a new show. I think it's interesting if they're going to go between, uh, sir and Tom Tom.
I think that's kind of interesting. And maybe by the, I mean, maybe by the time they're actually filming, filming, cause they've already filmed essentially not a sizzle, well, a sizzle reel. They've done some test shoots, right? Once they're actually filming, if Brits at Rocco's is open, dude, Let's go. Let's get it.
I'm into it. And then Tom Schwartz can obviously still make appearances because of Tom Tom. I don't know what Sandoval's plan is. What Sir, do what you need to do. Honest to God, just whatever you need to do to get by, I'm I'm here for it. Like, live your life. Um, get help. I don't know. Whatever he needs to do to survive, I guess.
For everybody else, I think I think there's some relief. I do think that there's some conflict. I do think there's some conflict. Uh, Lala said, like, she wished she had told had given Ariana a heads up that she had that breakdown at the end of the season. Cause she was basically being a fake friend between the season ending and the season ending in real life and ending on what we watched.
And, like, I believe her. She probably does wish she had said something. Cause it looked kinda bad. But I also think that in some ways, uh, some of those cast members, Lala, Sheena, I think they're kind of, like, reality TV pilled. And for them, it's like, Well, this is, uh, work, and it doesn't really exist. Uh, and I think that's like, Sandoval suffers the most from that.
I think that's why he tried to coach Rachel into understanding about the show. I think that's why the, I think that's why the affair happened, Loki. I think it's a lot more than just like, a contract negotiation. Like, Ariana wanted too much money, or Lala ruined the show because she was mean to Ariana.
Like, that's not gonna keep people from Filming. That's going to keep the show going. Remember the show that you're watching, friends. This is a show about bitches being mean to each other. So, it, it's not really a show about friendship. Okay, this is a show about people being, kind of hating each other and moving along through the hate.
It's about co workers. It's about the working environment. Really more than anything. So, the, I guess, meta thing is that like, the working conditions, we should say, of producing a reality show Are what ultimately ended this show about working in a restaurant that they don't even work in anymore. It's kinda crazy.
So anyway, those are my last thoughts. Sorry if you think I'm like, Too, I don't know. I'm not gonna sit here and blame shit that doesn't make any sense. I'm not. I'm not. It's not about like, the producers just wanted Sandoval and Ariana, Forcing Ariana to be No one was forcing her, she said that several times.
What she did say was, I'm not gonna do this, but the problem is that she still wanted to, like, be on the show, kind of. Or she was in, or, whatever. I don't know. Maybe that's a contractual thing. Maybe she didn't have a choice. I don't know. But I do know that it's more complicated than, like, one person. Or one side, or one entity, or whatever.
And I also, as you all know, think that the fans have been very irresponsible in the way that they consume and talk about the show. And that is true across all of the Bravo franchises right now. So, And I won't get into it. I will say this. We don't know these people. We don't know these people. Even if these people slide in your DMs, we don't know them.
Even if they incentivize you to post shit, we don't know them. And these people are good. The Bravo celebrities are good at coming in people's DMs and trying to like sway the narrative. They, they work as their own PR. Everybody can't have a Lori Kay. Okay. They work as their own PR and just be careful about what, okay.
We should be careful about what we believe when it comes from a Bravo account. Or a Du Mois, for God's sake. Or something like that. Does that make sense? I'm done with this rant, guys. I'm so excited for you to listen to this episode. Um, follow me at WhoTFKnowsEmilyRose. Follow Lindsay at Vanderpop Recaps.
Uh, Van uh, Recap Rodeo is her new podcast. We talk all about that. At some point in the episode, Jesus, we talk about it. So, alright, thank you guys. I will talk to you guys later. Bye These are the best days of our lives, just raise your glasses high, this one's for you tonight. Thank you. Um, hello everyone. If you're listening to this, you are kind of listening out of order.
It's not your fault. It's my fault. What you would be listening to is a Vaderpump Rules news extravaganza episode put on by Wonderful co host for the day, Lindsay Lime, we'll get there. Uh, but, basically, things got a little out of whack, things got a little crazy. So, this is part one of a three part Vanderbilt Rules News, uh, presentation that we have for you.
We recorded part one, technically last night, on November 25th. And we are recording right now. With some really kind of, I don't know, sad ass news. So before we get into it, let me introduce my co host for the day, Lindsey Lime. Yes. Hello. Hello. We have gathered here today to mourn and reflect on what is happening in the VPR world.
They really just. Came at it through us. They threw us a curveball. It was a curveball. They literally have been edging us so much and now They're finished and I'm not so which you know, that's life I guess for you know, I'm I have so many feels and I'm so annoyed well, so for the people that don't know what's going on, which Under a rock much, right?
You're not on Instagram every second, what? What? Um, basically, today, November 26th, 2024, an announcement was made that Pump Rules is cancelled. Let's just like, call spade to spade, let's keep it a beacon buck, like, it's, it's done. The show's done. They are rebooting it, a la Roni. So, they are introducing an entirely new cast, the Only things that are going to be the same are Lisa Vanderpump and Peter Magical.
Um, so they, they are saying true, to be fair, to Sir. And I don't know if they, and we'll get into it later, like I don't know if they're going to do the other restaurants, if they're going to kind of get into other restaurants or whatever, but sorry, my, my brain. I'm, I'm, I'm like in, Morning a little bit guys.
Um, they're going to be rebooting the entire cast with entirely new people that we don't know that did not work there the night that me and Lindsay went. I just want to say that. So interesting. Um, there's some photos on the certain Instagram page that people are thinking that are the cast and I don't, I don't remember any of them bitches.
Even the guy that was really our waiter. I don't think he was any of them. Yeah. Now, when we went, we went last, wait, earlier this year. Yep. March. They hadn't even started. There were, there wasn't even like rumors yet about them filming this new cast, right? I can't remember. I don't know time anymore. I know.
So when we went, we went Easter, I think, Oh no, season 11 was still airing. Yeah. Season 11 was still airing. It was a few, it was like a month and a half after that, that I think that we got some sort of like. You and I got word on the street that there was a possibility that this Entire reboot would be happening now.
That's not I'm not like saying anything I shouldn't be saying because that would come out later as like one of the Flagship rumors of what was going on was that there was going to be a reboot with an entirely new cast There were rumors that there would be a new, new Vanderpump Rules, an all new cast, introduced kind of the way that Beverly Hills introduced Vanderpump Rules, like a backdoor pilot type thing, that was a rumor.
There were rumors that, like, they were gonna do, like, a season 8 type thing, where old cast, new cast, and the new cast would kind of be like their own thing, while the old cast would kind of, you know, split off. There was like, a lot of stuff, and then the other thing would be that like, season 12 wasn't happening at all, and for all intents and purposes, it's not.
Um, so guys, just sit back and let us process, because I have not had time today to process really the information. I'm kind of sad. How are you feeling, Lindsay? Yeah, I'm, I'm feeling all the feels. I am sad because, uh, Vanderpump Rules was the first Bravo show that Brady told me to watch. And I actually did.
And I just will never forget that feeling I felt when watching season 2 and season 6. Just such good moments of this show. And it's definitely a show I always like go back to, to rewatch over and over again. And we, we talked about this when we were recapping season 11 and it was over. I knew for season 12, I didn't want it to be like past seasons.
They really missed the mark with season 11. I've always thought with season 12, if they did it, it needed to be more authentic. I didn't want fucking James Kennedy, DJ Nester, and oh my god, they all show up. What do we do? I wanted to see what they all were really doing. And then the people that still were not Hanging out or still in a fight if they organically wanted to have a conversation on camera and talk things out.
I would have loved to see that. I don't think Alex Baskin, he seems to really hate change. Bravo thinks they have the secret formula and that's what works and it works every time. And Vanderpump Rules, they, this scandal really broke the group and um, just so many things with that. They, I don't know if they just truly did not know where to go or if they didn't want to go in a certain way.
Um, but yeah, I am sad because I truly, even though literally the episode that we recorded yesterday, look, I can bitch about these people all I want and I will have mixed feelings, but damn it, I still want to see them on my screens. And I just felt because season 11, I didn't really get that closure. Even with that finale, I know that felt like a serious finale.
But it's still, then the reunion happened. And so it really didn't, I feel like I didn't get closure. So I'm not, I don't feel done with these people and I know they have podcasts. I know that there's the Valley, but the Valley is a very different show. Yeah. Interpump rules is and was. And so I'm sad. I'm also mad because I think the cast, obviously they can make their own choices, but I think they were really put in a weird space during season 11.
I'm mad that. Just had the way that I really think they tried the Sandoval redemption arc and was season 11, even though they said they weren't doing that, but I think they were hoping for that maybe. And so I, I don't know, I'm mad just the way that production was in 11 and I'm sad that, um, we won't, they don't get to have a season 12 and I'm really mad that they don't name it something different.
Just name it something different. Like I don't, that's what bothers me. Honestly, the most is because it's kind of the same with. The reboot, it's the Roni. It's not the same. So just call it something fucking different. Yeah, for sure. Like, literally call it Sir Rules or call it like Lisa's Rules or something like that.
Like, we hope like, whatever, just distinguish it because again, I cannot emphasize this enough. Vanderpump Rules is done as we know it. That is that show is over. They're not doing that show anymore. So whatever they're trying to do with this new show, like, I don't know, I think, talking about, and, and, my friend, our friend, our friend, our friend, uh, Rob of Vanderpump Robs might be joining us later, so I kind of want to save most of the deep speculation for when he may be joining us, but in the meantime, like, I think that like, whatever was going on with Season 11, you had a great, and you've been saying it, Anywhere anyone would hear you like your idea for what season 11 could have been or what season 12 could have been is so much better than Whatever the fuck they were trying to come up with.
Can you remind everybody like your concept for that? Oh yeah. Yeah. Call me Bravo. Cause like I can literally storylines if you need it. Yeah. I said from the start, season 11 really should have been. Um, so after the season 10 reunion, it really should have been, uh, they should have paused longer and it should have been, where are they now?
Kind of, you know what I mean? Maybe, um, if we looked at season 11 being the series finale season, that. And it should have been a where are they now kind of special see which an eight episode part, um, season doesn't have to be 20. So episodes just see where people are and who is like organically hanging out what friendships friendships are there and then fucking break the fourth wall team mom style.
I want to see Jeremiah asking Lala asking. On a, you know, um, no, this obviously was before they got into it, season 11, but just ask them all, you know, how, um, they are with each other, but they didn't do it that way. Okay. So season 12, then it could have been again, break the wall, break the 4th wall. Jeremiah sitting on the couch with Lala, sitting on the couch with Ariana.
Hey, you guys still aren't talking. Are you even interested in having a conversation and see honestly what their honest reactions are. Yeah. And. We weren't able to get any of that and then I said today, season 12 again, it could have just been a couple episodes in the way that it could have just transitioned.
Like, it could have had Sheena talking to someone at SUR, because you know, she probably knows someone, someone that works there, having her walk away and then them kind of fading in the flashback of the transition. Between, you know, between Beverly Hills and VPR show that flashback and show her walking away and then whoever she's talking to walks up and then it transitions to stir rolls.
They couldn't, they could have done something like that. So beautifully. And I don't know, because like you said earlier, I don't know if there was talk about if they would have done a real season 12 with the original cast. Maybe their plan was to do a transition something, you know, into this spin off. Um, well announced, you know, it was maybe we're supposed to be spent up.
And now again, they're calling season 12. You know, just with the new cast. Um, so yeah, they could have done it so differently, but instead they were just really hooked on season 11, just being the same damn thing. And that's what really not, you know what I mean? Didn't work. Cause we've talked about this before.
Really? A lot of them haven't really fucked with each other in a while. Yeah. Worked in like season eight, nine or 10 like that because nothing, the group wasn't truly broken in this way, but then with scannable happened and I think just like You know, James Kennedy stuff keeps coming about about him and then it goes away.
I, I don't know. Um, there's just a lot of brokenness with this cast. And so they just, uh, it makes, yeah, it just makes you frustrated. Yeah, I, you know, you and I kind of differ about season 11 in that I don't think that they were trying to give Sandoval a redemption. Like, that's like, personally, I did not view this season as like, uh, this past season as a.
An attempt to give Sandoval a redemption. Uh, I, I viewed it as him flopping just over and over again, like a fish out of water. But what they were trying to do, I think, without argument, I think that they were trying to recreate the emotion from that finale of Season 10 between Ariana and Tom. I think they were trying, and they basically said this verbatim, they wanted Ariana and Tom to have a conversation.
I And they felt like the entire season hinged on Tom and Ariana having a conversation, no matter how many times Ariana said that wasn't going to damn happen. And she wasn't going to do that for them. And she wasn't going to do it for Tom. And she wasn't going to do it for anything. She didn't want to talk to him like that.
I think was like, Oh, why were they writing so hard for that when they already had that in season? Because I think that Alex Baskin. I think that he is not as clever as he thinks he is. Yeah. And I think that he's narrow minded and he thought, literally I think he's like Amelia Bedelia. Yeah. He sees, like, he sees, oh, they had a bad, they had an argument, that got us an Emmy.
So another argument equals another Emmy. Like, I don't think that he, like, thought past that. Yeah. And then he And then by trickle down effect, evolution and everybody like put a lot of pressure on everyone to encourage this kind of conversation to happen because they wanted to like, they just wanted to get something that they couldn't get.
Yeah, no, that makes sense what you're saying. I just it didn't have to be this way It's just not it didn't have to be this way, but I guess it is what it is You know, it can't can't change anything I I'm not gonna lie I will check out the new cast in the new season just cuz I'll be curious I'm not gonna First myself to watch it, um, cause if I don't like it, Vanderpump Villa, I checked out real quick after because I realized, oh, it's only a comedy when you watch it with a friend, uh, and you're delirious, hungover, jet lag, whatever.
Yeah, that's what we learned as we learned. So it's actually not that it wasn't a great show. Um, but, and then I really think we're going to see. The, uh, Lala and Sheena more on the valley, which I know people, like, I see a lot of people not wanting that, but I do, like, I think because Sheena and Lala actually authentically hangs out with these people, I don't think it's going to be that big of a deal.
Like, I think it's going to be fine. I think that when people say, I don't want Sheena and Lala on the show, it's going to ruin it. I think that they're creating something that doesn't exist. Like, I, I think that they think. I don't think they're thinking when people, when people say that they're not thinking, they're not thinking at all, , they're not thinking at all.
It shouldn't matter that much. Like you should, you should want tie in for sure. Like you should want people to have like authentic relationships that are coming on and off screen. You don't wanna have to process a shit ton of new people. That's why people were talking shit about the Valley in the first place.
Was because they don't want to deal with new people. Well, now we're accustomed to the new people. And it's only helpful that we have these anchors from other things to, you know, kind of get us invested. I don't think, yeah, I think people are dummies when they say that. The valley was interesting too because remember in the first trailer for the valley drop and people were like, oh, this looks like garbage.
It was like Jax on a wall mower. Yeah. And I remember watching this and everyone was like, okay, what the fuck is this? Even the cast was like, why did they put that out first? And then the official trailer came out and people were like, oh, okay, this I can maybe fuck with. And then the season came out and we saw Jax really be a psychopath and abuse his wife.
Allegedly. I don't know if we saw it, but like, like verbally abusive to his wife. Actually, no, he said that on a podcast. He literally said on a podcast. I verbally abused my wife. And so the, yeah, so I honestly think seeing Lala and Sheena and to be fair, season two of the Valley Lala was. Heavily pregnant during this time.
So we're not going to even she has said, you're not going to, I don't think see a lot of her. I do think we'll see more Sheena, but there's been a lot of drama with Sheena and Jackson. I'm all about it. I want to see him out. Yeah. Or vice versa or whatever. Like I want to see people having like. Complicated relationships, and I want to see that shit play out on camera.
Hello? I do too. Remind, a reminder for people, Jack Saylor, who literally is a stranger to us, when Emily was talking to him, was talking so much mad shit about Sheena. Just a stranger. So much shit. Yep. Talking about how horrible of a mom she is and all, and I'm just like, dude, what? Yeah. Like, some of these people are like, really great television, no matter which way you toss it.
So, so, as we said earlier. Our friend and yours, Rob Schulte, has joined the chat to talk about this breaking news. Rob, how are you feeling? I bring the boom! Rob, no! I'm, I'm thrilled. I, I, I love this. This is the best thing that's happened to Vanderpump Rules since Jack said it was his show. Well, um, we really needed a shot in the arm because, uh, How much are we going to just like read about people going back into season two and being like, Raquel hasn't even been introduced yet, but I'm pretty sure Sandoval's in love with her.
Um, and so having something new to talk about is great. And I just recorded an episode with Peter where he let me know that he is on season 12. Can you give us any tea? Absolutely. The tea is this, uh, like most people who are on these shows, um, they can't say a lot, but Peter's like he's already filmed scenes.
Okay, and we alluded to the idea that he's kind of like the mr Uh beldig, is that his name belvedere's the butler and the vodka. Oh, uh, mr Belding the mr. Belding from saved by the bell where like, oh saved by the bell new class Yeah the principal So, um, so Peter's kind of like, what he said in my episode was, you know, all the people I worked with, yes, I was sir manager, but they knew me from when I was a bus boy.
That's when I met them. So it was like, Hey, yeah, Peter's manager, but he's still our chum. Now it's like, I'm Peter, sir, manager, and I'm filming with Peter. servers. I'm their boss through and through. And he, he also said that we will see a lot of similarities in the people they have cast for this show and employed in, sir, before even casting began from the people that we loved in our first few seasons of the show.
Why is the stair crew always so horny and messy? Don't understand. I have a question because Okay, so Peter has filmed a little bit. Now, do you know, because I feel like the article that I read, it talked about how they are still filming or going to film for season 12 and nothing has been announced as far as dates and things like that.
So, have they filmed a, only like a sizzle, and that's like kind of went around to the network and they obviously might use that for the pilot or like other scenes, or they actually have filmed episodes, or do you know? And when? Do you know when they started? Hold that thought. Uh, Peter's calling me and I hope I didn't screw up something on his episode.
One second and I will answer that question. Okay. Oh no. Peter's like, Rob, take the episode out. So far we haven't really heard anything super new. Yeah, no. Yeah, I'm, yeah, I'm curious. That's what I'm really curious about. Cause you know, like new shows, um, when they're thinking of, uh, filming a show that they film like a sizzle or real to show that we're like, Hey, this is what we're thinking.
So I'm just curious if like, that is kind of what they have filmed. And then they're really going to start filming even more. Next year or how they already cranked out. I think they cranked out. Really? I don't think that they would have needed to film a sizzle. Let me see. Yeah, let me see what that article said real quick Did you did you talk about sizzle earlier today or was that or is that something that's going around?
No, that was me Okay. Okay What's it say? I wish Rob could get Peter on the show So he can give us Nothing. Go ahead, girl. Give us nothing. I love Peter. But yeah, the way he's so like, he, the way he talks, you think he's about to spill some tea and then I think he gets scared the, the marking of a true reality star, right?
Like teasing, constantly teasing. He'd be a good burlesque performer. Come to think of it. Yes. Peter. Where was it that I saw? Hang on. I can think. Oh, Rob's putting his hair, his hair bones back in. Oh, Rob, you done fucking in the old. I didn't do anything. I didn't fuck anything up. He was just like, he, he just called to say, you know, like I didn't name anyone by name on the cast.
Did I? I said, no, you didn't. He's like, good. That'll come later. And that's funny. Yeah. Oh, good. I've, I've already deep dived. No, no need for him to name anybody. Well, and I think like, until it's officially in one of those cast traders, Cards, uh, This is why I said okay in the article it says the new season begins production next year Yes, your date and cast will be announced later So so then they really they still have more to film then right?
Yeah, and to answer what we talked about before I got that call from peter Um what it what I gathered and not all of this was said on my episode but from overhearing things when i've been at sir or just like You You know, casually seen what's dropped onto the same sort of posts. You all have seen where people are filming stuff and just knowing how this stuff's made.
I do believe they made a sizzle sort of like short. This is what a new cast could look like. And then we're at the same time building more that could be used in episode one while establishing who the cast and the players are. And then once Bravo's like green light, they just now are putting all those pieces together and planning out the rest of the stuff that'll be filmed in the new year.
Okay, got it. Okay, you know, Vanderbilt rules what they filmed the pilot a year before the last event. So I was thinking if that's what yeah, okay, that makes sense. Yeah. So Rob, you said that you feel great about the potential for new conversation. Like you said, like, we do not need to rehash or bring up that like, you know, Uh, When JonBenét Ramsey was murdered that maybe Raquel was having an affair with Sandoval, right?
Like we're we're tired of that. But do you are you sad at all? Do you feel any kind of like? These people are not my friends. I don't You know what like Oh Peter's my friend. Okay, that's why I got the exclusive but like I don't, I'm not emotionally tied to this. Honestly, I would be more upset if the show ended completely because like my podcast is called Vanderpump Robs.
Even if I do cover the goat with you, Emily, or countless episodes with you, Lynn Slay. Um, but, uh, I, you know, I, I'm not, I understand why people would, you know what I mean? Like there are, you know, you know, parasocial sounds like pejorative and like talking down to people, but there are like connections you have with people on these shows because you've.
Gone through similar things or you just care about their journey as a human being even if it is highly edited in a certain way but no, I'm not but that's also because I really try and keep a lot of this at arm's length and when it starts getting a little too Intense I am out or should have been out months prior for sure Yeah, um before you came on we were talking a little bit about what we thought You The goal of season 11 was, was it a finale season?
Was it a, like, redemption season? Me and Lindsey differ because I don't think that they were trying to make Sandoval redeemed. To me, when I watched it, he looked like a loser. Um, do you have any thoughts about that? Like, what are your thoughts? Hmm. Well, as you both know, I've got a super secret project I can't discuss yet.
Yes. Yes. But what I can say is, in doing a lot of work on this super secret project, I've peeled back some layers on like how the approach to someone, not, not all, but like how the approach is made when going into a new season or creating a new season. And, um, I don't think that, like the plan, like sitting around a table, Alice Baskin, Jeremiah, like these people are going like, all right, now Tom's going to have a redemption arc and Lala is going to try and have another kid.
And Sheena's got PTSD or sorry, OCD. Yeah. All right. That's, that's my own issue there. Um, but I do think they plot out like, what do we think is going to play out? And then how can we build scenes around that? Because. Ultimately, all they have to do is say, we've got to cast strip, we've got these fun events, and we need to get as many of these people talking to each other and, and planning those sessions out.
So we can likely assume that Tom Sandoval is going to want to present himself in the best light possible. Well, wouldn't it be fun to record a scene with him with someone who's really going to hold his feet to the fire like Lala, right? Yeah. Um, so I don't think there's like this ultimate plan and I don't think there's And I think more than once vanderpump rules will be like, let's give this a tidy ending in case we don't come back and also a tidy ending is just good for a season anyway, right?
So, you know, you look at season eight, you look at, you know, season 11, like those both had like very much like this could be it. Yeah. Endings. And so I don't think they like set out to do these things, but I think they just want to cover their basis on absolutely everything, knowing who these people are 11 seasons into it and how we can work around what we can likely predict they're going to do.
Yeah. No, that makes a lot of sense. And I agree. And one last thing before you leave, because I want you to be a part of this. Okay. I want you to be a part of the wheel. Okay. The wheel the wheel I made a wheel and we have been Discussing vanderpump rules news based on this wheel. Obviously today things have been a little Topsy turvy as it were.
Can I say something? Can I say something real quick? Yeah, go go. It looks wheelie good Rom This is why we keep you around, Rob. Um, I would, I'd like to spin the wheel and have it hopefully land on something we haven't already landed on and get your input really quick. Hey, I got, I got time. Oh, great. Okay.
Yeah. Emily, I need to know about this. Cause did you just make this up or is this where, where are your courses for this girl? Well, I'm so glad that you're here for this. Rob, the wheel landed on Schwartz and Jack's paid escorts in Canada. Allegedly. Yeah. Yeah. I haven't heard a goddamn thing about this and I know everything so I'm, I'm confused who you're talking to.
What do you think about this, Rob? I think it's possible, but I have heard nothing. Like it's not of, of, uh, happening. Like I definitely could have happened, but I have never even heard this alleged rumor. Nice. What if I told you guys that I came up with it? Oh, no, no. Just for funsies? Just for fun. Well, I was reading something and I don't know what I was reading, Jesus, but something I was reading was like, why do Schwartz and Jacks go to Canada so much now?
And then the first thing I thought was, well, they're paid to, and they're probably getting late. And then I just put two and two together and here we are. So, well, I will tell you when Peter and I went to Canada, Canada, Toronto, specifically, um, we were, we were asked to go get drinks and meals with many a different person.
Yes. And, um, I of course do not partake in people or drinks, but I would be the designated sober person and I'm happy to go and have a good time. And I can only imagine that being proposed to Jackson Schwartzy. And then being like, all right, hang on saying that shorts and jacks are paid escorts in Canada.
Are you saying that they go to Canada to themselves get escorts or both? I love the way you think you're Lindsay. Like, are they getting paid to be escorts? Yeah, because if your theory is you think shorts and jacks go to Canada to be paid escorts, I 1000 percent believe that. Yeah, that's my theory. First thing, uh, Schwartz and Jacks are escorts, or they go to Canada to do escort services.
That's your theory. Yes. Okay, so I took it as they go to Canada and pay escorts to be with. Ah, yes Well, that's probably true, too. Um Say the people that we did end up hanging out with in Canada. We're not escorts They were just really nice fans of the show who wanted to like buy drinks and dinner and stuff But there was a lot more people who came up and talked to Peter.
I'll say that Peter Is that now I know escorts is obviously it can mean very different things and people offer different services. Is that more is that legal in Canada? Like, why do they specifically do this in Canada? You think me based on my theory about nothing? Um, I just, well, I feel like they go to Canada a lot.
They do lower case from Canada. So, well, you know what you will well, 1 plus 1. I think that like they've got some deal, whether it's whatever, that over the past, like nine months, they've been like, yeah, I think it's been about three weeks. We better head back to Toronto again and do some sort of bagged milk campaign.
And they're going to take it because regardless of what they're doing, they're making money by going to Canada. And I have to think there's some sort of tax evasion that's going on by getting paid in Canada. Yeah, and, and Jax loves a tax evasion or not to. He loves not paying for things. He loves it in short.
Hello, I think I think what it really was born from was me thinking that like there can I make a comment real quick? Yeah, go for it. Are you recording right now? Yes. Okay. I think so because I don't see the big red recording It says up here for me. This meeting is being recorded. Okay. Yeah, it says pause or stop recording.
Okay, great Oh, now it just popped up for me. I don't know what's going on. Sorry. Giving us heart attacks out here. I know. God, I know that stopped my, well, I guess the, the lesson here is we'll never really know, we'll never know. I'm sure we could corner Schwartzy one day and he'll ask him more than I need.
Also, can I point out that Joe just started following me on Instagram and sent me an, a DM that said, done exclamation point. Wait, Joe, my gosh. Yeah, just sent you a message that said she's done with what do you think the show are done? Like, I'm done with you, Rob. What'd you do? I don't know why she would do that.
And then follow me. But I did buy a cameo for my friend Kate from Joe. And she did that already. Yeah, she ended up doing it. It was weeks ago, and now she's messaging You done. I love her. Yeah. But I can't because of that, because I hope it's . But that is already done though, right? Yeah, it's done. And she messaged me on cameo.
It's done. I don't, I don't know. Look, please keep us updated on that. I gotta get an interview with Joe. Yeah, I did. I said, are you ready to do an interview now? Okay. Hell yeah. Yeah. , uh, for the podcast. For, for the podcast, yes. Yes. Right, right, right, right. Yeah. Well, well, Rob, it has been very fun having you on.
I know you have to get back to your daily life out there in california Yes, um, where can people find you and all of your things in your interview with peter vanderpump robs robs wherever get your podcasts Then you can support the show patreon. robs and guess what if you go to vanderpump robs. com You can drop your email in there and you'll be the first to know when my super secret project is live.
So, might need to do that. But thank you for everyone, I love jumping in. Yeah, yeah. And Emily, no, you all don't. Haha, we know a secret. Alright, I gotta go cook dinner. Alright, Rob. Alright, Rob. Love you, bye. Oh, wait, I gotta hit exit. Yep. I love it. Joe just messaged him and said, done. Done! Done, she says. What do you think she means?
I'll be there. Sorry. My microphone went out. Yeah, I don't, I don't, you know what? With Joe, she literally could mean anything. Fun. That's the fun of Joe. Yeah. Okay. Great. Um, alright, well, do you have any more, well, actually, before we finish this wheel, the, the cast members have come out and basically confirmed that the shit's done.
Speaking of done, Yeah. Speaking of done, exclamation point, the cast members have, some of the cast members have come out, Sheena hasn't posted anything, has she? No, and to be fair, like, it, Not that it's it's hitting them all I think hard, but I could see with her it hitting her even particularly harder And I'm sure she's trying she's probably trying to craft a message She's also probably a little afraid to post anything just because of what comments could say I will say for majority Lala's comments like on Her posts.
I think we're very positive and loving same with Ariana. So I don't know with Sheena Just because we do see this machine a lot. Her comments can get out of control. So I don't know if she's trying to think of how to handle it. I don't know. It sounds like the cast found this out literally last night. So yeah, literally them just dropping bombs like the week of Thanksgiving is just so that was the other thing.
I forgot to ask Rob if he had confirmation of this, but like, what do they mean? They found it out last night. You know, I'm saying like, Yeah, that's what that's the report say that they found out last night. Yep. They found out last night. Apparently some of them I heard from other just talking to people that some of them like got together.
I'm guessing probably like Lala and Sheena and Brock got together and we're, they found out we're talking about it. And so, yeah, I think Ariana's post said, you know, at 4 in the morning, she was trying to craft and get pictures and try to think of a caption for a post. So, um, yeah. You have Katie Maloney out here literally just did a thing on her stories.
I'm like, okay, girl, you were like, done, done. So I don't, yeah, they literally just, they, they found out last night and then it was reported about today. So I would have loved to know more about that. I don't know if they'll be able to talk about their podcast. Like, did they get a phone call? Did they get an email?
Like, you know what I mean? Like I can imagine what feelings they were feeling. I'm sure they feel sad, angry. You know, and also maybe possibly a little bit of like relief and happiness because, you know, I, I think this break was needed for a lot of them, but also this was really the majority of their income, you know, like you can make money with sponsorships and, you know, Lala is making Amazon live and everyone's lives right now and, you know, but their majority of their money.
Was Vanderpump Rules and if they even going over to the valley, if they stick to what they do with the Bravo payroll, kind of like your first season, you ain't making shit. So, and it's not like they could, like, pay them the amount that they're going to be like Jax would have an aneurysm if Lala and Sheena came over and he found out that Lala and Sheena were, you know what I mean, making good money on there, so I don't, yeah, so just so many, so many questions with that, but yeah, so again, the cast literally found, found out last night, apparently.
Well, when I just want to say, and like mention that, like, That might bring some perspective into, like, how some people behaved in season 11, even if it was misguided, even though I don't agree, like, if the network was saying if y'all don't get x, y, z filmed, we're not giving you another season. Yeah. That might be why some people pushed for x, y, and z to get filmed, so that everybody could benefit.
And continue to provide so when people say things like it's not up. It's it's not so and so's responsibility. It kind of is because you're an ensemble cast. It kind of is like, whatever, like, even if it doesn't make sense, it doesn't need to make sense that I think that probably at some point. The perspective was it doesn't need to make sense.
It doesn't need to be good content. It doesn't need to it doesn't matter. What the fuck the result is, because if the network is telling us. They need this to happen for us to continue to keep our job. I don't give a shit what the reason is. I don't give a shit what the outcome is. We're gonna need to everybody's gonna need to participate.
Yeah, it could have been a thing that someone said we want all the casts or nothing You know, and so it may have been that and like I actually I don't blame any of the cast that Didn't want to come back and I don't Blame any of the cast that did. And really, with Ariana, we, I went so back and forth, we really don't know if she was going to do it or not.
I, the way that I was thinking, there's no way, but again, that is a huge chunk of money, you know what I mean? Like, yeah, she's on Broadway, yeah, she's a host of Love Island, but she is not I would not think she's making making nearly as much as what she was going to make on VPR. And also Ariana, she, her and Schwartz were actually the ones that like their whole contract was up for like, yeah, old things.
So like they, who knows what they were wanting to ask for. Whereas like everyone else, there's, their contract was last year. And obviously this year they can make like amendments and things like that to things. And so, you know, it just, I'm, I'm sure the cast is feeling all, you know, sorts of feelings right now, as far as, um, What could have been with the show?
Yeah. Yeah. Well, I guess we'll never know We'll never know again. These people they still have podcasts that they're still the valley Um, I understand like we'll still see them, but I know a lot of us. Um, Cared a lot about vanderpump rules and it's even if a show that you've watched from the beginning Or started later, or even when you started when scannable happened, I think it was, I don't know.
It's truly a great show to just mindlessly have it on. And every time you watch it, you notice something different when me and you watched an episode in LA, we kept thinking when, uh, one of the scenes, Gina's birthday, when Schwartz and I'm sorry, with Sandoval and James get into it, we're like, holy shit.
We didn't realize how much like Sandoval really post James away over like something was edited out. We think James says something. Right before Sandoval, you know what I mean? Like push them. And so like, you notice different things every time. And it's such a good like comfort show. So I get, I get people being in the feels.
I also get what Rob was saying too as far as there's been so much talk lately. What the fuck is going on? At least we know now and we can act accordingly. Yes. Months of like discussion and discourse around, well, if they don't have a show or are they going to come back or like the back and forth about that was exhausting, tired of it, boring, boring conversation to have.
So now we know and we can move on and move on. We will. If you don't have anything else to, to lament, uh, let's go ahead and get to this wheel really quick. Would you like something to drink? Well, you probably would. She knows where the bar is. She's sitting with me. She doesn't work here anymore. She's a customer.
You two talking to each other? No. Why not? Ask her. You know, I'm not really sure what I've done to you, but I'll take a pinot grigio. Long time friend of the pod. Arguably the best friend of the pod, I'll just say that. Um, My friend, a host and producer of recap rodeo, the podcast, and you might know her from her Instagram page at Vanderpotter recaps, please.
Welcome back, Lindsay lime, Lindsay. How are you? I'm so good to be back. I've missed you so much, even though I literally talk to you every day, but I know it's different than podcasting. Um, I'm, you know, really trying to hold space and talk about BPR today when I only want to talk to you about wicked. I'm not going to lie, but like maybe another time.
Um, that's like all I want to talk about right now. But you know, we have, we have things to discuss when it comes to BPR because my God, We do, and I should, I should probably explain to the listeners, today, I have brought Lindsay back, because her expertise and specialty is Vanderpump Rules, and we have not recorded, man, I meant to look this up before we started recording, but we have not recorded in months.
And, um. It has been, God, dude, I think it's, when was the reunion? When was the last episode of the reunion? Like what month? Like May or June? Oh, gosh. Yeah, it had to have been. And then I think we maybe a few weeks after that did a wrap up of our VPR thoughts. But since the summer that we have recorded. So if it's been since the summer that we've recorded, that means that that's got to be when the show ended.
So it's been like five months since the show ended. It's been like eight months since we went to LA. Can you believe that? Isn't that crazy? Whoa, it's, I thought, I know, I want to go back. I want to go back today. Well. Let's go. I'm coming. Um, you know, just so the people know what's going on, I have created a Vanderpump News extravaganza wheel and there's a high likelihood that this episode will be broken into two parts because there's a lot of shit that's happened in five months even though it feels like we've got no news on the actual show.
We've got no like movement or date for like the valley. We don't have any of that, but somehow. There's been at least 15 items that I could put on a wheel that I am going to spin and that is how we are going to talk about the topics, but we have to start in a very specific place because if we're going to go to LA, if we're going to go to the best bathroom of all of the Vanderpump establishments, it sounds like we only got a couple months to do it.
Uh, according to today's news and our first topic, our first Vanderpump Rules extravaganza news bit, Schwartz and Sandys is closing. And we don't even have months. It closes, I think, the end of December. That's what. Jesus. Yeah. Are you surprised by this? Uh, no. I mean, what about you? I, I'm not surprised. I guess I'm surprised that we learned today that it was closing.
I mean, when me and Emily went, which, by the way, if you haven't listened to, uh, Our LA trip, we did like a 10 hour podcast about, yeah, it'll be like this one. Right. And it was so fun, but yeah, we went to shorts and Sandy's and even when we went right before we got there, it was crazy. But that was because shorts was just there.
But then once he left, I mean, it was pretty much a ghost town in there. Also, Emily and I have a theory. That they actually don't serve food there and look for us. I know some of you all have said their food's so good. I'm sorry. Like Emily and I went down this rabbit hole of their food and I don't think they serve food.
So maybe that's why they're closing. Literally you have to sell food. Okay. And they don't, I mean, no one was eating and didn't we, didn't you tell me, or maybe I heard Ryan Bailey said something similar on his show that like he, yeah, he said he went there and Nobody was eating and he felt kind of like, I think he was making like a self deprecating joke and he was like, I felt like a fat ass cause I wanted food, but like, no, same, literally same, like you, you said something like that.
And that's what spun us down this rabbit hole where they don't serve food or they make you feel shame for order. Yes. And then the food that they allegedly have on the menu is. Misleading. Remember French toast stick gate? Oh my God. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, we literally one day we went and looked at all these alleged photos of their food and one of them were trying to discuss if it was meatballs or strawberry shortcake and we still don't know to be fair.
Okay, to you, I do think that most people landed on your strawberry shortcake theory. Allegedly, that's the answer. But if you, I mean, to me, it looks like meatballs. Still, I looked at a picture today. Oh man, you know. I was trying to really think, and actually this led me to deciding to put on season nine of Vanderpump Rules.
So I have that playing in the background, which is kind of fun. Um, I was just trying to think like, what, what happened, you know, like what went wrong? And I was on the sub, obviously on Vanderpump Rules sub as I, as I do. And listening to some of the things that people were saying and like, ultimately really like, Where they truly went wrong was like marketing, I think, like from the jump, because I think it would be foolish to say that Scandal didn't have an impact.
I think that there was a large bit of people that would let that were like literally refusing to go. And then it stunted their marketing in the process, obviously. But I was thinking like, Their original concept was like based on the idea of like an acid trip, like drugs and like trippy, like hallucinogens, you know, type vibes.
And I was thinking like, if they had actually committed to that, and actually that was the vibe of their bar of their restaurant. That could be so dope. Like, think about if you had like, if each one of those sad, dark booths were actually just like a different trip theme. Like, so like one booth was like an acid and one was like shrooms and others, ayahuasca, whatever, drug theme.
And then they had, they had so much space with nothing to do. They didn't, they could have gotten like a couple of like pinball machines or games or like something to keep people. Entertained while they're there because the space itself is so large. And the reason that I was looking at the menu was cause I was like, did they even tie any of the food into this?
Like concept? And no, they didn't. But if they had like, like they had like a shroom, like a mushroom dish when they opened, that wasn't like a play on the idea. And I know they landed on something different and maybe it's like they, whatever the name was dumb, everything was dumb. But I think that. If they had actually like really committed to a theme outside of Their own name and their own brand, quote unquote, it probably would be more successful.
What do you think? No, I think you have so many good points because when you walk into there, first of all, it is a lot bigger than what we expected, but it gives they're trying to be fancy, but also They want to be at a disco, but also they want to be a dive bar. So that for me, I was like, okay, what, what are we trying to do here?
And so I definitely think it needed at least one consistent theme. So like you said, but the thing that would have been. Really on brand for them to do a theme as far as like, you know, shrooms and acid, but then they're so weird about when they talk about doing that stuff. I can't, I can't, I don't think they would ever have done that.
But really, I mean, the first thing is naming it shorts and sandies. Was not smart. It was the two dude bros getting together and saying, Hey, we should start a bar when they really don't know anything about that. I don't know anything about that. I would never try to do that. Neither did they. And so they do that.
And then. Because their name is on the bar and then obviously scandal will happen. Honestly, if if Tom Sandoval really, really wanted this bar to work out the best way he could have done that is. Honestly, he shouldn't have done season 11 and really put his whole, his whole pussy in this bar. Um, he, he would have never done that.
And so, yeah, I mean, just from the start, they just, they had issues with this, but so I don't know. I'm, I'm yeah, again, I'm not surprised that it is closing. Um, now, now I do wonder with it, them officially announcing it. It's like, okay, they can't even hold on to maybe hoping that there's like a season 12.
Right. And they could get momentum up for the bar. Like, so I'm curious, like, have they heard more about season 12 or not? Are they're just like, we, we got to close them now, you know, next. What do you mean? You mean like, do you think that they are closing the bar? Cause they know they're not going to have a show to use to promote, or are you saying the opposite?
No. Yeah. Me. Yeah. Or you're, I mean, like, or they, they know this is just Lindsay speculating either. No, the show's not going to come back. So they're like, we need to close up shop now, or they still don't know. And they have been kind of waiting and thinking, you know, once we get announced, we can get the hype back up for Schwartz and Sandy's.
Yeah. So I think you could go either way. Um, or maybe it's not a factor at all, but it's just something I'm curious about. Yeah. No, I definitely am curious about that too. Well, part, we got some, the original post that, uh, Tom Sandoval and Schwartz, uh, individually posted pretty standard stuff. Like it's with a heavy heart that we tell you that, uh, after years of dedication, we're going to be putting We're going to lay it down.
We're going to put it out to pasture. Um, we've hosted, they really harped in their statement. I should have pulled it up to read the whole thing, but y'all, y'all know where to find it. Um, they really harped on like events and like we've hosted so many great events, birthday parties, bachelor parties, engagement parties, wedding parties.
I'm like, well, I went for my birthday. And I wouldn't say it was great, but, you know, whatever, remember, so we talked about that too. So it's like, okay, do you want to be in an event, an event space? Cause that's what it looks like. It looks like an event space. Looks like a super sweet 16 space. Yes. That's what we talked about.
Yeah. It looks like an event space. So. Then maybe you should have framed it more that way, but you want it to be an event space. You also want it to be a bar. You also want it to be fine dining, even though you don't serve food. I kept hearing about these lobster corn dogs, bitch. Where were they never, never to be seen, never to be seen.
So yeah, they just, they really. And now look, to be fair, when you walk into, sir, you're kind of like, what is the theme here? Because it is Egyptian for sure. And I was thinking about that too. I was like, the thing is with Tom, Tom. Even though the branding is based on these two Toms, the actual restaurant itself is like really interesting and very pretty and like they have good food and they have great drinks.
And so that is, and they're in a prime location, which I know Franklin village is not like anything to sneeze about, but it's, it's got its own thing going for it outside of Vanderpump rules, sir, it's different. It's interesting. I mean. It's one of those places, even if, I really feel like, even if I didn't know shit about Vanderpump Rules or if Vanderpump Rules didn't exist and Sur existed and I walked into that place with its 87 chandeliers, I would be like, This is kind of wild and different, you know?
Like, they all have something, there's something about her, there's something about them, um, and, and even Jaxxas, I mean, Jaxxas isn't in West Hollywood, but, It's just big enough. It's not too crazy. It doesn't do too much. It doesn't do too little It's got a little bit of the kitschiness from like him and britney's like beer cheese and stupid shit like that I just think swartz and sandy's missed the mark like Really big time.
Really big time. And to the Go ahead. No, no. No, I'm coughing. Oh, well, to the people that are confused about Schwartz and Sandy's closing before Jaxx's, just to make it clear again, Jaxx's is an extension of Rocco's. Yes. Is it Roscoe's or Rocco's? Rocco's. It's Rocco's. Rocco's. Rocco's. It is an extension of that.
It's Literally, again, the menu, when you go to Rocco's, it's Rocco's tacos. When you go to Jack's, it's Jack's, Jack's is tacos. Yes. I don't even, as far as like putting money in or whatever, I mean, Jackson even said before he had to put no money in, it's such a different business adventure. So that like, that is why Jack's is still open.
And if you hear people talking about Jack's, Jack's is really only busy when they have kids. Yeah. VPR showings or the Valley showing. And I think because of Rocco, like that's okay that they do that. Like business, they're still fine. Schwartz and Sandy's can't do that. No, cause they're just attached. It's literally like a room of booze.
It's just a room of booze everywhere. You look, it's a booth. There's nothing to damn do. There's nothing good. Like there's nothing going on. The bar is really like, I'm watching season nine right now. And the bar that I experienced being there in person and the bar that I see here, like, it's like a completely different thing.
They don't have lights. It's like really fucking weird. Yeah. Yeah. So if you, so just when, uh, Jack's on his podcast next week talks about, you know, how. He's a businessman and that's how he's still in business. No, no, not why do not let Jack's Taylor have that in a way. It's like, yeah, that was a smart decision to attach it to Rocco's in that way.
But it's because you know that you're not a businessman and you could not successfully run a business independent of itself. So, yeah. And Sandoval would never admit that. No, he wouldn't. And also watching season nine. The shit that comes out of Sandoval's mouth is so insane. Um, the, just the shit that he says doesn't make any sense.
It's just clear that he does not have, he does not have a vision. He does not have like, A clear idea of what he just thinks it's going to come to him. Um, and that's probably why it failed now. However, uh, other people have opinions on, uh, why it failed. Uh, some VPR cast members chimed in on the posts respectively.
Um, I will, I, Katie Maloney chimed in on Tom Schwartz's and said, uh, I have, I have an idea. How about Katie Maloney's Bar and Grill? LOL, JK, so proud of you for everything and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I was like, okay, that's interesting, kind of funny, I get the callback, that's fine. But then, on Tom Sandoval's, and I'm pulling it up, because I have to read it to believe it.
On Tom Sandoval's, his lovely lady, Victoria commented. Oh, wait, did he turn off comments? No, I have it. If you can't. Oh, yes, please go. You go. You go. My phone's just stupid. Okay. I was gonna say the comments actually weren't terrible and I'd be surprised if you turned them off. Okay. Um, so Victoria gets on there and she says, I'm so proud of you.
If only you were allowed to properly promote the place on the show as planned. If only someone would have allowed you to have access to the shopping center sign that came with the property so people could see it as a place as it's hidden in a corner, which I tried to pay for you and surprise you with multiple times, but was turned down.
I mean, you guys don't even have control of your own Instagram. The list goes on and on. I felt bad from the beginning for the both of you. I love you and I'm here to support you always. Remember people don't know what goes on behind closed doors and don't know all the facts. I love you. She's just so like, listen, I'm not going to be that big of a hater.
I don't care if she wants to date Tom Sandoval. She's, she, whatever, do what you need to do, girl. But she is wordy as fuck. I feel like every time. And we wrap it up. Yeah. And we wrap it up. She really talks a lot and says very little. What I think is interesting though, the things that she's mentioning, which are vague and can't, I don't, I don't want this information, you know what I'm saying?
Yeah. But if we're to believe her, those things are also marketing things. It's like the sign is literal marketing, right? Why they couldn't, someone explained it and I, what they said made sense as to why they couldn't use the sign. But that's a good point. It's like, well, if you. If you got into a situation where you can't put your damn business on the sign to the fucking, uh, what's it called?
Strip mall. Right. Then, you're failing in marketing. If you do not control your own Instagram, or know what the fuck goes on it, You're failing at marketing. If you cannot promote the show, we use the show to promote your business, your own television show, you're failing at marketing. And I, maybe these things are completely out of his control and out of Schwartz's control.
I'm willing to believe that. But it seems like there was a failure there that can be snuffed out, even do it from the start. If you didn't have control of the Instagram or from the start, the whole sign thing, why did you even continue with, you know what I mean? Like, I'm not going to lie. I don't really understand the whole Schwartz and Sandy or Sandoval and, uh, Schwartz and Greg and their partnership and who has what, or, you know, so that confuses me.
But from the start, if you're seeing these things. Then you got to nip that in the butt and figure stuff out. The way that Sandoval talks, I remember specifically in season nine. It's like, you know, this is so different than Tom, Tom, we have control over so much and everything. Well, it sounds like you don't still.
So I'm just confused on why I even thought this was a good idea when I don't feel bad for you if it's been. When is when is shorts and Sandy's open? I can't remember, but it's been a November 2022. Okay, so it's been two years now and you're, you're still, you haven't had access to these things for two years.
What have you been trying to do to help that? This is what I think. This is my theory, taking some of what Victoria said and some of like what we know already. I think that Greg was a partner to them as a favor to Lisa Vanderpump, who did not want to go into business with them again. And, or probably was like charging them more than they were willing to pay or something like that.
And he was doing it as a favor to her and hated everything that they did. Saw that they had no work ethics, saw that they had no vision or commitment to the project. And I think that, Over time, they got those things taken away, like control of the Instagram. Like, I feel like they probably did at least have an assistant of their own that ran their Instagram.
But I think that over time, the way that Greg seems to run things is he would like revoke like a dad would, you know, after Scandaval, no more Instagram for you. Yes, I really think so. I, and so, and then, yeah, especially after Scandaval, I think that Greg saw it. Not as like, like Lisa would, would have exploited it and ended.
Um, but like, I don't think that that's how Greg works. I think that he saw it, especially with all the negative reviews. I think he saw it as a real, like really bad thing. And. If we were to believe what Schwartz had been saying at the time, you think about it, Schwartz had like eight serious family traumas going on at once, including his divorce, including his dad, including his brothers, his, his parent separation, all of that.
And he had, Sandoval was off doing God knows what, Tom and the Most Extras and all of this other stupid shit and was not investing into the, like the work, the labor into the restaurant. Oh, hello. Oh, no, you're good. No. Yeah, I know. I, I, I feel I think worse for shorts, even though I've said this from the start, there's darkness and shorts too, but it's more likable.
And I know he really tried with the whole scandal. He really still tried with shorts and sandies and keeping it alive. I'm not going to lie. I do think. Even if there wasn't scandal, I don't see this place maybe would have lasted one more year or so, but as from the start, the marketing has always been bad.
Yeah. I've been there. That's the only way I just remember me and Emily the next day talking about it. All we could say was it was weird. It was so weird. It was out to the bathroom mirror though. That bathroom mirror goes off. Yeah. So cute. The seats were comfy, but it's, I, if it would have been a true dive bar vibe, I would have fucked with that because I love kind of vibe, but the, the weird fanciness also, it looks like some points of it looked like it was, um, like an old Mexican restaurant and like they kept that part.
It was just, I was like, where am I? I am in four different locations right now. And so they just. You know, they, they, there was a lot of struggle there. Um, but, and it's like the The human side of me feels really bad that that's closing because obviously the workers are losing their job. It sucks for anything, um, for anything to like fail.
But like the reality side of me is like, yeah, fuck around and find out, bros. Yeah, literally. What happens when you're stupid? When you're dumb as hell. Man, yeah, well, rest in peace Schwartz and Sandys. I wish I could get out there before. I wish I could just, you know, Experience it one more time. Watch, I'm probably get out there and we're like, Oh my God, this is great.
We love it. I know we're like bawling, crying. Oh my God. Okay. Well, so we had to start with that because that was literally that news broke not three hours ago. So it felt wrong to not start with that, but now it's time to spin that wheel. Let's go. All right. Can you see it, Lindsay? I can. Okay. Okay. It landed on clickbaiting LVPs exit from VPR.
So it was so annoying. It was so annoying. An article came out, what, about a month and a half ago, I think so. That was basically like Lisa Vanderpump pushed out a Vanderpump rules or something like that. Right. Yeah. And all it was saying was that like. She's not the center focus of the show anymore and it was like weird because we're also like what show and it's also like she hasn't been the center point of the show in some time, but it made like it was like all over the place like as if it was real news.
I'm like LVP. Get your Raider Online ass out of here. No one cares, girl. It was, the headline said something like, Bravo is shutting Lisa Vanderpump out slowly. And then I think they even talked to some content creators about things and I'm just like, truly, us creators, Content creators out here are just speculating ourselves or on Reddit.
You know, like, what is all theorizing out here? But yeah, the way that it was worded was so fucking weird. And yeah, I remember it being posted everywhere. And I was just thinking, okay, yeah, Lisa hasn't been a big point of the show in quite some time and that's okay. So yeah, it does make sense now that she's trying to do Vanderpump Villa.
She's trying to do, you know what I mean? Like whatever. Um, but yeah, so, but the article, it makes no sense. Cause it gets, even if there's a season 12, Lisa is still going to be a part of it somehow. Like she's, you know what I mean? Like we're, we're going to, she's going to make sure we see her. Yeah. I mean, the name of the show.
Presumably is still vanderpump rules. So she's a part of the show. You know what I'm saying right now if they're renaming the show to something else, then I take it back. But I just don't think they're going to do that. Right? Yeah. Well, and even if they're allegedly filming a sizzle or have filmed was a sizzle for a new show at sir.
She would somehow still be a part of that, even though I don't think she's there nearly as much. She wasn't there even really the amount that they showed when they first started filming VPR. Right. I'm sure not going to be. No. Not at all. Yeah. So I'm curious if they do do a spinoff, what they'll name it.
You know, I don't think they'll have her name in the title, but that doesn't mean she won't be a part of the show Right. Well, she wasn't a part of the valley. No. Yeah, you're right And she's a producer on the valley, right? No, I was just talking to mandy about this. I think like Uh, mandy slutsker is uh, is this real life podcast?
You should check it out. It was on it this week. Very good. Very fun um She was saying what was I just saying? What was my point? This is why I can't get distracted, you know, um, no, whatever You You guys get it. Oh, they're made there. They're produced by Haymaker East who are the same people that do Southern charm.
They're not evolution is what my point was. Okay, but I'm pretty sure. Yeah, Lisa Vanderpump is an executive producer on the. Oh, she is. She is and let's see if it says. Well, that doesn't actually mean anything. No. You can literally just throw your earing, throw your name, like you can buy your, yeah, you can buy your name.
Yeah. Now it looks like production companies are 32 Flavors Entertainment, which is Alex Baskin, haymaker East and Evolution Media. So Haymaker and Evolution, I guess. Yeah. Is that for season two? Are you on IMD? No, I'm on just Wikipedia. So who not hearing me? I guess it could like, I wonder if evolution is part of this season because last season I, I like, I mean, I can always obviously be fucking wrong, but I, I was, I felt so confident in that evolution wasn't a part of it.
Cause I remember thinking that's why I liked the show. Maybe not the first season. Then maybe it is now. Oh god, that's the people always talking shit about Don't bring Lala and Sheena to this show. They'll ruin it like they're like evil like they're gonna burn the place down But really it's evolution being in the show.
That's gonna ruin it. Anyway, so all right Next let's spin that wheel. Where did you have anything else to say? I'm, sorry. I just No, no, because that was, again, that was the most damn dramatic article ever. And it was so dramatic. Okay. Y'all have to like 20, 20 hours for this topic. Cause damn. Okay, now I will say, okay, the spinner landed on Katie Maloney's alleged loser boyfriend drama.
Now, I talked a little bit about this on Rob Schulte's Vanderpump Rob's, uh, Patreon. Livestream with me and Lindsey Brady, Brady, who is, uh, also helps run the Vanderpod recaps page. Also a co host of recap rodeo and Rob and I, and we watched a nanny to die for, which is Tom Sandoval's newest project. Oscar Oscar.
Yeah. Riva. It's Tom. Um, so. I talked a little bit about this when we did that, so if you guys want to hear me really go off, um, again, go listen to that, sign up for Rob's Patreon, it's a great one. Um, okay, how do I sum this up? Basically, Katie Maloney has been allegedly kind of, In a relationship with a guy.
She talked about it in, what, April? Uh, that she had given someone another chance, and it fell through. And then, like a month or two ago, she goes on, disrespectfully, her podcast with Dana Ka Kathan, and says that she's in love. She says, I'm in love. And then the internet got to internetting. Web got webbing.
And, come to find out, Even though there's loads of speculation that was in here. Okay. There was a lot of like deniers and, and a lot of naysayers, but turns out her boyfriend, I can't even remember the guy's name now, Nick Martin, is that it? Nick Martin, not when I found out he's not even the lead singer of sleeping with the sirens, I was like, who the fuck is this man?
No, nor the drummer. So he's not the hot one. He's not the talented one. Um, sleeping with sirens guy, Nick Martin, and it, um, Spiraled out of control really quick like almost immediately people started being like, yeah, isn't this guy kind of a piece of shit and then finding Materials from the past so before katie announced it of women coming out and saying that this guy is a serial cheater uh Like low key emotionally manipulative and abusive, uh, like emotionally abusive, just to be clear, um, had a wife.
I really think they had a kid together. Um, I know that we've talked about it and not been able to figure it out, but I'm like 99 percent sure they had a kid. And we don't know, but we don't hear about it. And I could be totally wrong. There was a thing that said that, that he had a kid and then all of a sudden that information was gone and I was like, what happened is, what?
What's going on? Maybe, maybe that was wrong in the first place. Um, yeah, just a whole bunch of stuff. He and his wife had like some sort of messed up, like toxic ass relationship. Cheated on his wife, got a girlfriend, relationship hop, serial cheated, terrible, terrible person. And people were so shocked because, you know, Katie is the champion of women and she wouldn't just like get these like messages from these women and, and refute them and say, not me, he's not going to do that to me because Katie gets it right.
Cause she's like, she's, she's not a male sympathizer. Like she gets it, but I don't know, I guess we were all just so wrong. What do you think, Lindsay? Well, that's the thing. So. Before even Katie announced she had a boyfriend four months before that people were starting to post on Reddit about their experiences with Nick Martin.
Right. And when Katie announced that she had a boyfriend and was in love, then it went even more rampant and more women coming forward. And it literally is the same story with every woman. He takes them, you know, wherever he's touring over like in a different country. Um, like there's text messages of, you know, Then being all like lovey like acting boyfriend and girlfriend and then they eventually find out that he's seeing other people.
He's also very manipulative. Also, one of those guys that says, talks about, you know, his crazy exes like uses that kind of language. And so what is confusing is. Okay, Katie. So. Her whole thing is she said that they were not official, I think, until she announced it in September. Yeah. Okay. But you're already saying you're in love, which I get, you know, some people fall fast, but okay.
Um, you're already in love. To be clear, hold on, Lindsay, just so if people really don't know much about it, the reason that we're about to nitpick the timeline is because the women that came out saying that they were dating him or had like, just been sleeping with him, uh, said that their last like, rendezvous with him was in like, August, mid August and September and September and someone messaged Katie about it and said, you know, your boyfriend, blah, blah, blah, which is like kind of a wild thing to do.
But okay. If you're like a fan, but, uh, Katie was like, you don't know the full story. Like we started dating in September, you know, we, she, she tried to muddle the timeline. And I'm like, so you went from the two, she said that they were both dating. Other people so y'all went from we're dating other people to I'm in love in less than a month Go ahead Lindsay.
Sorry. Yeah. No, thank you for explaining that because exactly and here's my thing Okay, maybe we're just all confused the timeline. Okay, Katie. However, my thing is is With all that has come out about Nick and all the other women's experiences with him Even if you were not dating Or like monogamous with each other.
Reading all about this guy and reading how he treated other women. Like, I'm sorry, Katie, but if. Anyone out like if Sheena or Lala Ariana was doing this you would look at them be like you're being stupid girl So that's my issue with it Because like truly if they were filming right now and the roles were reversed and this was another girl in the group Katie would be coming for them saying how stupid they're acting and she would try she would show them all these receipts and if Lala came up and was like Well, you know, I wasn't dating him or like, it's different with me and Katie would be like, you're stupid.
So that, that's stupid. You're a homewrecker. You're oblivious. You're a male, you're buffoon. You're, uh, you know, you don't care about other women. Like you would never do that. This is language that she has used for years with women. In very similar situations, maybe Katie wasn't outright sleeping with Nick while he was legit married to another woman, like maybe she wasn't, but like you, you were sleeping with him while he was sleeping with other chicks and hiding it, seemingly hiding it from you or hiding it from those other women.
So maybe he told you every time that he banged somebody else, but those girls did not know. And that's a problem. It is a problem. And I know, again, you would be so. If Dana was talking to you about a guy and when all this came out, you would say you in danger, girl, you need to run and I, you know, I, I don't know, I get, I mean, I've obviously been messy in my life, but it's just, I don't know.
It's hard for me with that aspect, just because we've seen how she can react with this stuff and how this, you know, this very narrative of Katie was like, yeah, like girl power, all this again. Even if they weren't official, okay, but all of this stuff coming out, you can't help but think, maybe I should put a pin in this or, and I get like, maybe if you have fallen, I mean, you're literally already using, like, you love this guy, which makes me think, okay, you've known him for quite some time, which we can't do this.
We can't do this. Oh, well, y'all weren't in love. Or you didn't have feelings for him that were serious and you were totally fine with him sleeping with other people and you definitely weren't sleeping with anyone out of spite for him because like, that's not how it works. It's not how it works.
Especially when you're grown, when you're in your thirties, when you're in your late thirties, it doesn't work like that. I can't. For those of you who didn't pick up on my sarcasm when I started this bit, like I don't like Katie and I don't like Her whole thing is just like so opposite. It's just so opposite for me of what I would do It's just and and I I I do like Katie But I also can point out that this is this is weird behavior for her when if the roles were reversed It'd be way different and here's thing.
I'm all for like Katie you've been with Schwartz He was a piece of shit husband Please, by all means, go out there, go date, get some good, get your satchels, girl. Yeah. You know, but this, um, I mean, it was one thing after another with women coming up and talking about Nick and it's just, it, he just seems like a manipulated asshole.
And so, and again, just reading all of this, I know, girl, you're on, you're on Reddit and you see all this stuff. And if I know like Brit, like Britney, I think whatever it was. Like, Katie would send Britney stuff, you know what I mean? Like, they all send each other when they see stuff about Jax or whoever. So I know people had to have sent her stuff or she's seen it about Nick and you're just gonna ignore it.
It's okay. You're allowed to do, but if someone else was doing that in your friend group, you'd be coming for them, girl. Yeah. And one of the women that came out was like, like, she came out with a statement like on, on the main, on her Instagram and was like, I know that there are women that have been trying to contact me and I ignored you or belittled you and I'm sorry for that.
And it is hard for me to believe based on her past behavior that Katie did not respond a similar way. Like it's hard because I know people were reaching out to her. There is no way. That Nick Martin just like kept Katie a secret until right then, like, no, you were obviously around, we've seen you, you took on this like wackadoo emo persona in your late thirties, like all of a sudden you're like obsessed with like touring bands and my whole thing has been like, I just like, I know that like you were with Tom Schwartz and And whatever, but like, I just feel like people who were actually into that music at the time that Sleeping With Sirens and their ilk were at the height of popularity, of their own popularity, people that liked them at that time, Have now realized that that culture is really, really sick.
I don't know anybody that like, I know a lot of people. I know a few people that like fucked, uh, what's his name from metro station. The guys from three Oh three went on their tour bus. Uh, what's the other guy, Jesus? Not, um, well, he's not really warped tour, but like Tiger, like. We, we know people, I know girls that were underage that went on these guys tour bus in the height of Warped Tour, or towards the end, and like, it's not a good situation, and everyone my age fucking knows that.
I don't know anybody my age that doesn't know that. So there's just something about it that like, irks me that you're like, out here, Preaching to everybody how morally you're allowing for your fandom to, like, boost you up and, like, praise your name on the basis of a lie. And then you're, like, engaging in this, like, like, ridiculous fucking behavior.
It's ridiculous. She looks ridiculous. You're going to, damn, when we were young and shit like that. It's just, like, odd to me. I know I'm a hater. I know I'm a hater, actually. I already know. But it's just strange as fuck to me and I think it's crazy to act like it's not strange. Yeah, I will say I Definitely people I've seen as far as like reddit comments.
They are very much girl. What like What are we doing? Like why? And they very much still are together. She literally posted a few days ago, which I guess she did the Cynthia and Ariana. They're holding space. Um, Oh my God. I think, I guess she tagged him in it too. I didn't realize that he was tagged in it, but I didn't know that.
Yeah, I saw that. So yeah, they, they are still together. And I, I personally think that. Katie is having the mentality, which I know many people have of, well, it's not going to happen to me or, you know, it sounds like this guy's really good at telling stories and obviously they have known each other for a while.
And so I think feelings have been caught and so she's not listening to it. So, you know, and again, she can do all these things, but I do think we need to just remember how Katie would be if the roles were reversed with any, because if it weren't us knowing that we, I would feel like it would be more cringe or like, kind of like this sad than it would be like infuriating, but it's infuriating because she has held herself as someone who sits around and judges other women and has all the answers and doesn't have room for empathy and doesn't, and you know, like, she's like the boundary queen.
She's the boundary queen. She's got boundaries, but like. Except for when it comes to her ex husband, who she still sees on a regular basis, and, uh, talks shit about his new girlfriends and stuff like that, which, you know, obviously isn't a problem, because no one cares about that, but when she's hating on a woman that you hate on, it's cute behavior, but I don't think that it's very cute to the people that are out here trying to be like, girl, And He's going to do you the same way.
And I don't know if she thinks her head's too big or something. Like she thinks she's too famous for that or something, but like, you've told other women the same thing you have said out of your mouth. You're not the exception. So why would you think that like, that's crazy to me? That's crazy. That's another level to me.
I think she thinks it's not going to happen to me. Or if it does, I'll be able to get out of it real quick, or I'll just break it off real quick. And you can think that all you want, but when you're actually in that situation, you can, you're going to make excuses for him. You're, I mean, if, if she is already this deep into it.
Okay. Yeah. So it's not, again, you can say all you want. It's not. I just have to think she has this. It's not going to be me mentality or she has really tried to tell herself. It's not a big deal that he. Was hooking up with all these girls and they must've got the wrong impression, which that really makes me sick.
If she had that thought, cause like, I don't like that at all. And me and I know we're completely speculating, but I kind of think I'm like, well, damn, maybe you kind of would have to think that way, you know? Yeah, for sure. Like. You don't you already admitted that you had a messy relationship with the guy months ago We just didn't know who the guy was and it's him right that it has to be him.
Okay again, this is speculation though That's fair. Like it's speculating but just based on like this has to be who she's talking about Yeah, and so you I don't know that that's the only explanation like I think that they You Probably hooked up or we're hooking up and she like had a big thing for him and They were both playing like hard to get because this is how this is how these goofy ass relationships are This is how these goofy ass fucking immature men are it's the same story every time He's playing her and then he's going on tour and he's fucking whoever he wants and then she finds out and then she cuts him off Performatively, and then he comes crawling back.
She gets high off the attention of him, like coming back to her and then she thinks she has the power. And this is me coming. This is from personal experience. This is me. I'm the Katie. You think that you have the power because he came crawling back, but really he's just trying to like rope you back into some bullshit like, and then you convince yourself that the reason.
That it didn't work out was because of your timing and your boundaries and your thing and not because he's just a piece of shit and you convince yourself, well, if he's going to sleep around that, I'm going to do what I want to do, which is very Katie coded just in general and then. They're doing that and then finally she says, well, if we're going to like, we have to stop this.
If we're going to be together, then you can't fuck around anymore. And I'm going to stop sleeping with whoever, and we're going to be faithful to each other and fine. And now we're in love and now it's all good. And that's the past. Doesn't matter about his past. We're in the now. Doesn't matter if he fucked a girl in Miami because we weren't technically together.
We weren't technically together. So I'll lie about it to everyone for years, like girl, girl, again, all these stories. You don't think maybe I, maybe I think she just, she really thinks that it's not going to happen or she doesn't care if it's going to happen because she is like convinced that she's the exception, which I hate that more.
I'd prefer if she had just convinced herself it's not going to happen, but it's giving you think that you're the exception when you've been telling everybody else that they're not. So, yeah. Yeah, child, let me tell you something, but you know what on a positive Katie note watching season 9 I agree that Once upon a Tom was a better name.
Oh, for sure. And I also think that she had a much clearer idea of how to deliver like a mission statement and a concept than Tom and Tom did. So, oh yeah, but they can never listen to anyone but themselves. No, I was going to say women, but it doesn't even matter with that. Just anyone, but themselves. No, I really think with Schwartz, I meant with Sandoval, I don't think it's necessarily just a women thing.
I think it's a, I think it's a him thing. Okay, I need to get a quick, uh, drink after that little rant. Uh, I'll be right back. Let's see. Uh, hold on. Ha! Alright, moving on, moving on from old Maloney pants. Alright, spinning wheel. Let's see. Oh! Rachel went missing, Juliet goes rogue. Let's take this one away. This is the most wild thing.
And okay, so Rachel, you know, had the lovely podcast that should have been called Rachel on the Loose. But it said it was Rachel goes rogue. And for before this, the announcement that Rachel goes rogue is no longer. Juliet was on the podcast a lot being the host and taking over. And I was thinking to myself, well, that's odd.
Um, but okay. Then Rachel officially announces that she is no longer going rogue, that she is now dating a rocket scientist and she's going to not do the podcast anymore. And we're all like, okay, but then we see an announcement article that the podcast isn't, you know, going to go away. Someone else is going to go rogue.
And my immediate reaction was. Oh my gosh, Juliette, it's going to take over this damn podcast. Now, a lot of people thought it was going to be Joe, which, LOL, that would have been crazy. That would have been a ride. That would have been a ride. Um, but to really no one's surprise, it was, yes, Juliette. Now the podcast is just called Going Rogue.
And it is a little confusing because It has been Julia on the podcast and she has, Julia has talked about how sometimes they're going to have different guests going rogue or doing different things. But right now, literally what Julia is doing right now is reading VPR headlines. And I'm going to be honest, she's just then getting Intel from Reddit clear as day.
I don't know. She, I can tell she's just reading comments from Reddit. Now she does have a PR perspective as far as some things. I'll give her that. But truly some of the things that she is like talking about, I think you're like, well, yeah, you're just speculating. Like the people on Reddit, are you literally reading Reddit comments?
Oh my God. Yeah. So I just don't, I don't listen, obviously. Like I stopped. Oh, long way before Rachel actually went rogue, you know what I'm saying? Right. My favorite thing is I just have to wonder, okay, so my theory is that Rachel really didn't, she really didn't want the podcast to go in the way that it was going.
And I think they told her, Hey, your numbers really are the best when you do talk VPR. Yeah. Yeah. Even though people complain about it, but they, they hate listen or they, you know what I mean? Like they want. And Rachel didn't want to do that. And I like to think in my mind, Julia, it's like, it's me. It was like, I'll, I'll step in.
Obviously I don't know what happened. I don't know if Rachel, Rachel is the one that came to them. I was like, Hey, I actually, I think, hang on pause. I think actually Julia said this on a podcast that Rachel came to them and said, you know, she didn't want to do it. And then. Um, I think Juliet told I heart, well, hey, if you ever need someone to cover, I, I can, and then I heart was like, bet, let's do this.
I just, I don't know. I'm kind of confused by all that. But yes, um, Julia, Rachel's publicist is now, um, Taking over the podcast. And I think that's so fucking weird. It's so strange. It's so weird. These publicists out here. Listen, Juliette's never been anything but nice to me. So I'm not talking shit, necessarily.
I just feel like the publicists that orbit everyone but Ariana Maddox's circle are like Really weird about how they go do their job. I've never, I didn't understand that there was like a, an element of we also want to be famous as PR people. So we're going to do shit that gets us in the tabloids too instead of our client.
Like that's kind of wild, but yes. Teach their own I guess Yes, yeah, it's so I don't know. It's so funny to me and so weird But yeah, so, you know Juliet's living her best life and Rachel also seems to be living her life So, you know, she's out there. Oh Okay, let's go. What's next? What's next? Oh, man So, you know, it's VPR hasn't been on the air I Since the summer, really, all of these topics have just happened within the last couple of weeks.
It's not like we, like this information little at a time. Truly, most of this was just in the last week. Yes. And this actually technically has two spots on the wheel. So I'll Cover them both at once. So do more famous for not having the correct information ever put out a podcast and who was the guest on it?
Oh, the, uh, the, uh, from your mom says, well, your moms are watching. Yeah. Um, Instagram, uh, blogger Bravo blogger. Yeah. So she was on the podcast and do more was just talking, talking her shit, I guess, and said that someone wrote in. And said that in, in language that was just like very clearly this, actually there's room to think that like one of them isn't Sheena, but then Dumas kind of confirmed it was Sheena, I guess.
So it was, but basically the title was good as gold and this person was like, I worked the bar at the Chargers games and, uh, the one who will take a pinot grigio always gives me 50%. But the girl, whatever. Weird. I was like, good as gold who can't make a fist. Yeah. Good as gold. Who can't make a fist. Um, always stiffs me basically saying that Sheena doesn't say Sheena doesn't tip, but implies that Sheena doesn't tip.
Yeah. And I said, both on the DuMois post and on your post, I have a hard time believing that Sheena doesn't tip. And like, does she mean, does this, does this, uh, a non mean? I'm like. Sheena doesn't tip 50 percent or Sheena doesn't tip at all because I have a hard time believing that Sheena doesn't tip. And I miss a lot of people.
Yeah. It's the most support. Yeah. Certainly the most backup I've ever gotten defending Sheena and Sheena Marie commented little clapping hands at me. She did. And it changed my life. I was so happy that happened. She's just never, she never acknowledges my existence, as you all know. And so when she, when she gave me little clapping hands, I was like, it's been worth it.
These years of grinding and grinding on the internet to defend my girl Sheena. It's finally worth it. So yeah. And like you said, everyone agrees. It's like absurd. That's not actually, there have been stories out that like Stassi is rude to wait staff. That is actually a thing that's out there. And Stassi is good friends.
With Dumas for real, because Dumas had the story about Sandoval's affair, um, before it broke. Um, just saying, and then didn't release it. And Stassi knew, it's just like, They have a lot going on. And so I wouldn't be surprised if like Stassi's trying to get good press because she has some things coming out to that are also on this wheel.
Yeah, I don't. But yeah, yeah, she didn't came out and she said she commented on my post and said that's funny because, because I think in the post to it talked about her ordering margaritas and she knows time. I ordered margaritas was last week got the Chargers game and I tipped, you know, well over 20 percent or whatever.
And so I, I made a comment because I have to wonder. If someone saw that Sheena posted she was at a Chargers game and she was literally was like, well, let me just make up this fun story and send it to Jamal, you know, like, I honestly, some people do that. Or if I don't know, like, I think I do think some people just make shit up or I don't really know what happened here.
But yeah, a lot of people are on the same thought of like, no, we're pretty sure Sheena, um, she does tip because. I just think she knows a person would feel, I mean, obviously she's worked in the service industry and I think she would just feel bad even if she didn't get the great service. I think she still would always temp at least 20.
I honestly think she know probably always does more than that. Yeah, but this. Yeah, it was kind of funny seeing people's reaction because I will say majority of people are thinking, yeah, this, this ain't true. Yeah. And also like for the, at the very least like. Sheena would never want that story out about her.
So, especially at like a very public thing at a very public bar, like a chargers game, like this isn't like, um, you know, whatever. Those places that you go, Craig's where you're not allowed to have like paparazzi and NDAs and shit like that. Like, this is like a chargers game. She, she's going to want to be thought of fondly if, if, if nothing else.
But I think that it's because she. I think that she is. I think she tips 20%. Okay. So good for Stassi. Weird that Stassi until this point, until very recently had money to like throw 50 percent tips on a tab. But also it's, and, and just like, I'm back in the service industry for people that don't know. Um, if I seem lighter and less miserable, it's because I am, um, um, yeah, like if, if I order a 12 drink.
And I say, fuck it. I'm going to tip this person 5. Well, that's over 20 percent on a 12 drink. But like, if I order a 60 meal and then I tip 12 or whatever, like, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah, that's different. Because that's a fine tip for that. I don't have to tip six, seven, eight dollars on a, you know, beer, but I, I probably would just because that makes sense.
So there's just like a lot of ways without receipts for that to be like, Not sure so I would need receipts like I would need you to literally show me a receipt and if you can't do that Then I don't believe you straight up and Dumas has lots of bunk ass information and she's friends with Stassi So she's gonna put out things that make Stassi look good well, and then I'm confused because they I sometimes will listen to her podcast and So she does she talks about how she has An ethical coach.
She doesn't talk about pregnancies or she doesn't out cheating, right? Like, I hear her talk about that, but then it's. But then I feel like he talks about, I mean, I think she had a huge thing with like Taylor Swift or something. Like, I think they got into it about something. So I get confused about her.
Well, listen to Beyond the Blinds instead. Yeah, but listen to Beyond the Blinds for sure. Also, my friends, Katie and Nathan from Online Bullshit did a very thorough deep dive on Miss DuMois on their episode. I think it's two parter. Very good episode. It's two people, right? What's that? Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah.
Oh, wait. Are you talking about Dumont or Katie and Nathan? Dumont. Like, it's two people. No, it's just her. It's just her now. Really? I thought I heard it was two people. It started as two people. And this is why, if you've been listening to my show for a long time, I've been on this tip for a minute. Started as two people.
Then. They were both anonymous. They used like voice, uh, changers or whatever when they started when they would do interviews and stuff. Okay. And then something happened with the other girl. Like, I think they found out who she was or something and she left or I don't know if that was the cause. I know that they did eventually get kind of like, uh, identified, revealed.
Um, so it's, it's now just her. They started as like a fashion blog, but kept the name. Oh, no, I'm gonna have to go down a deep dive. She's one I've never really, I knew it would be a lot. So that's okay. Interesting. Yeah, she's full of shit. Truly don't trust That source. Yeah, that makes sense. All right. This will be a two parter guys.
So we're going to do one more on the wheel and stay tuned for part two after we do this one for the rest. I'm, I'm really excited because this I see on the wheel Schwartz and Jack's paid escorts in Canada allegedly. So I can't wait till we get to that one. Okay. I can't say that I didn't. Make that up for fun.
Like do more, but let's keep going. Oh my God. Let's see. Oh, we already covered that. Sheena commented on my comment, but it's worth renoting. Okay. She did shout out to Sheena. Love her. This is a great way to end it. So Stassi gets taught new talk show and signed on to Vanderpump Villa season two, and didn't something else just happen to her too, like yesterday.
She just signed on to podcast one and got a seven figure deal with them. Yeah, we. America is really vibing with the racist white women these days. Well, and I, I have to say this too, because with Stassi, it's, it's confusing because, okay, in 2020, Um, the conversation around what she did her and what her and Kristen did to Faith and her then getting fired, um, from Vanderpump Rules that happened in 2020.
Yes. Okay. These talk shows and shows, they take a long time from start to finish. So, People can think like, well, you know, it's, it's, it's been, you know, now it's 2024. It's almost, it's almost 2025. It's almost been five years. No, it really hasn't because honestly, probably talks of this could have started in 2021.
I actually truly have, or in 20, maybe like end of 2021 or right at the beginning of 2022. Okay. So in. It's hard with Stassi. I'm not gonna lie, because I will see Stassi's Instagram and I'm like, Oh my God, her kids are very cute. Yeah, she looks pretty. She looks great. Um, I also, I mean, I cannot deny Stassi truly, I mean, on Vanderpump Rules was the heart of, you know what I mean, the beginning of that show.
Um, but I will have to say, Well, I used to think that Kristen took more accountability, but then watching the first seal of the valley, I was like, Oh, I don't know. But I'll see. I mean, her little second book was basically her not taking accountability, but trying to act like she was. That is really where I struggle with Stassi because.
Um, I mean, I like to think that people can educate themselves and grow, but I also understand there's a component of really, you're just, are you just doing that? Because your behavior was called out, right? And so it's, it's a weird, weird thing, but again, she was fired from Vanderpump in 2020. But the conversations about this stuff now, obviously Vanderpump Villa, I don't think was talked about yet, but like getting back Stassi back on TV, I think was very much talked about right away.
It sounds like. A hundred percent. Yeah. Because. The, when she got dropped from the podcast, she really didn't get dropped from the podcast. The podcast just went private on Patreon. Like I think there was like three months without the podcast for real. And then she went to Patreon and then the book deal was within like within a year of like, Oh yeah, you know, like she, and when did her, it was next level basic, uh, off with my head.
And now is it you can't have it all or is that this what it's about something like that? Yeah off with my head. When did that come out that came out post cancellation, right? No, yeah, I had to up. Yeah, cuz it was about that. Oh, yeah, so that yes two books So that was and that was accessible books, right? And that was a New York bestseller.
Whatever. They all were well because so tours and they Listen, I, here's the thing, that I just want people to keep in mind. There are people in this world that have done, have participated in racism unconsciously, sometimes consciously, that have had to lose everything in order to take the accountability and self reflection that's necessary.
I am not the person that can tell, like, Exactly a white person. Well, I mean, I probably can tell a white person what they should and shouldn't fucking do, but what I think people don't realize with Saucy is like, she's never taken accountability in any way. That is like. Constructive like point like we don't we don't have receipts of her like donating to anti racist causes.
We don't have like a serious interview with serious self reflection about her serious actions. The Tamron Hall interview that she did. She had explicitly asked them. Not to ask her about certain things when it comes to the, uh, being fired for racism and then outed them in her book. Like it was their fucking fault that they asked the questions.
That's their job, dipshit. So she has been. She flew under the radar is what she did and people have forgotten that she didn't it wasn't not that the tweets are okay Not that the picture the Nazi chic picture was okay, but it wasn't just pictures and tweets She took action against a black woman out of discrimination and bias And tried to actively get that woman fired and, and very, very seriously could have put her in harm's way by actively calling the police on an innocent black woman on purpose.
Yeah. And it's, it's not okay, like. If, if, if Faith had been white, it still would be like a psychotic fucking thing to do that she would need to take full accountability for, but she's still like, if, would it be okay if the girl was white and Stassi was like, well, I mean, I called the police on her, but she slept with Jax when she knew Jax was with Brittany, like, no, that wouldn't be okay then either.
So it's just an added layer of like the harm that you could be putting faith in by calling police to her home and then refusing to actually verb verbally acknowledge that verbatim. She never has. And so it's just, if you can't tell, I find this news very irritating. Well, I'm not saying that nobody can ever like ever.
Atone for their past, but you have to be willing to actively and consistently atone for that and apologize every time someone asks you to, even if you don't think you were wrong, because that is how you unlearn racism. Hello. And she won't do that. So we're not, I just, no. And I think you bring up a good point because if her, if her second book or when she was on that talk show, if she would have had more of the attitude of, Hey, I did this, I did this very specific thing.
And she went to your, I mean, full, I said like step by step, like what she did and then This is something that I did, and this is something that I'm going to have to acknowledge for the rest of my life because I did it. It's out there and it hurt people. And I am really sorry that I did that. And I have had to come to the conclusion of like, why the fuck did I do do this?
Right? Where is this coming from? And every time, and I know for the rest of the time, like it's going to get brought up. And when it does, I need to acknowledge it and apologize. Yeah. But. And that doesn't mean that she has to, you're, I mean, like, I'm not saying she has to like feel shame every single day or like, not let her not let herself like get up in the morning over it.
Right. But it's the way that she really has, um, the way that she challenges it, like the, even like the whole concept of like off with her head, that's like, it's very like Kirk, like quirky and like funny. And like, you know, like it's victimizing herself. In a situation where she was the perpetrator, she was the aggressor, it was the victim.
And yeah, it's like, now the victim in this, and no, you were not the victim in this. You had consequences because of your actions. And sadly your consequences, I think were very, obviously now we're seeing even more, they're very performative, right? Yes. Yes. Very much was. Oh, because I sometimes see content creators now saying, you know, 2020 was just like a weird, we were in a weird time, which.
No, this shit has been happening like way up here. I mean, like forever, but yeah, 2020, like a lot of more people were listening about it and Bravo. Yeah. It was very fucking performative because all these people are back on the show and so, or have their own show. Um, but the way that Stassi. Could have just went so differently about this, but she she didn't and so and now it's just a conversation of like You know not addressing any of that right like she wrote her second doesn't need to talk about anything else now She has a podcast.
She's moved on. Yeah, she's moved on Um, and here's the thing, you Stassi there's gonna still there's probably You know, we can't speak for everyone. There's going to be people who will watch her and say, you know, she's, she's grown or she's learned from it. Um, I just, yeah, I think the way. That she has handled all of this.
I'm not, maybe she's grown a little bit, but I don't think she really had to take that much accountability. Cause again, the way this stuff works, they were already talking about these deals not too long after 20, and I think that that's probably where part of her frustration comes from. And so in this way, I can like.
Kind of empathize with her only because I think that from the moment she got fired, she was told she knew it was performative. Like there was talks and verbiage and conversations that indicated to her that they did not want to do it. If they didn't have to, they wouldn't, but because it's 2020. You got to go and she resents that because she knows good and goddamn well, it was performative.
So she hasn't done any reflection because she still doesn't feel like she's done anything wrong because everyone told her she didn't do anything wrong, but they kind of just had to do what they had to do. And so in some way, I'm like, well, they were aware that I'm pretty sure Bravo, they were aware of this incident.
When, you know what I mean, when Stassi was on the podcast, and when it happened, on Jackie Schimmel's podcast. Yeah. So then I'm like, well, that, how do I put this, like, I, I could understand Stassi and Kristen being pissed at that because they're like, well, you guys already fucking, you know what I mean? Like, yeah.
Yeah, no, I get it. Uh, so it's, it's, it's a really gross thing actually. Cause again, Bravo, um, or evolution has a lot more in this as well. So, yeah, I do think it was probably was a conversation, like you said of, you know. We, you know, we really don't want to do this work with you in the future. I mean, Stassi just said, I think in her third book, she talked about this, that literally one of them, she was supposed to maybe be in season 10.
So just to be clear, she season eight, they were on. Okay. Yep. Nine. There was no, there was a break because of COVID. They're already asking her back for potentially season 10. And then I can't remember she said something happened with one of the housewives like one of the housewives did something. I think there's something about racism or something and they're like, yeah, we can't do this right now.
So, like, what? Yeah, see? And so it's like, I absolutely blame Stassi for her actions and refusal to take accountability, but I also have to like, Keep an eye on Ol Bravo, Ol Evolution, NBCUniversal. Yep. And if we're going, I just feel like, then we need to, then there, maybe there is an argument for like, she should have come back and faced accountability.
Cause like, what is she going to do if like, one of the Vanderpump Villa people bring it up? What is she going to say? Yeah, I yeah, that's a good point. They're probably I don't know. I just Whatever Stassi do your thing. She was always gonna do her thing So I guess like whatever girl go off. Fuck you Whatever.
Yeah, um, it's yeah. Oh, I don't love it. And I know like I'm sure I know a lot of people are feeling probably complicated feelings about watching it. I mean, I watched the value. I mean, I watched the valley and yeah, Taylor and Kristen on it. And so I, I'm not going to judge anyone, obviously, like if they like want to watch it.
Well, and Lala allegedly pulled a knife on face as well. Literally. And she's and I want. Yeah. So it's probably also part of Stassi and Kristen's frustration. Like, Oh yeah, no, it was not just the two of those bitches. Like there were others involved in that whole thing. Jacks. Jacks. I mean, when his car was stolen, I'm pretty sure he tweeted something about, um, you know what I mean?
I bet it was faith that stole, stole my car or something like that. So, um, I need to get insurance. Yeah. Yeah. Something like that. Yeah. So yeah, they all very much. Their hands are not clean. None of the CPR people. No, you're all, you're all a mess. Okay, well, sorry to end part one on such a sad note. I wish, um, I wish I had a quick, really quick thing.
A really quick thing. I wish my mouse was working. I wish I was a little bit taller. Wish I was a baller. Let's see. Anything fun, fun, fun? Brits at Rocko's WeHo. Is gonna be our next topic that we start, part two. We started off with a restaurant closing. Only fair that we should start next episode with a restaurant opening.
Don't you think, Lindsay? I agree. All right. Stay tuned for part two, and we will see you in the next one. Bye. I knew exactly what was coming. She's not going to waste an opportunity with an audience to debut herself. There are still a few things, believe it or not, that we need to discuss about Vanderpump rules in the news.
Um, now some things I may just kind of, if it lands on it, we may Skip just because yeah, probably doesn't matter but let's go ahead and spin it. Let's go. What even matters anymore? Nothing. All right, Britney's fling with Lala's ex and Let's tie this in because I forgot what we were going to talk about for part two was Brits at Rocco's so let's talk about both Let's start with Brits at Rocco's and we can we can kind of move into this whole Drama with her and Lala's ex.
So Brittany Cartwright Brittany Couchy, I guess technically she turns out is Going to have a similar concept restaurant concept to Jack's in that. She will have her own themed restaurant room attached to a restaurant, a Rocco's restaurant in WeHo, which is better, like, location wise than Jax's in Studio City.
And it'll be similar to Jax's, but different because it's going to be like girls, you know, uh, do you have any intel on the concept for that? No, I'm confused. Okay. Because I think she said, yeah, it's in WeHo and it's like right by TomTom. I don't remember walking by a Rocco's do you? And I guess we had to, but I don't remember seeing it.
Um, I think we did. Um, we had to have, obviously, but I don't remember, like, I don't remember when we were, this is if I try to tell you exactly what we were talking about, what we were doing and exactly where I think we were when I think we saw it. I think it's going to be kind of boring for people to listen to.
I think we did. Okay, that's cool. Yeah, obviously. Yeah, but I, but I, but the important thing about that is that I don't think it's like in the strip. Okay. Okay, but it's in West Hollywood. You know what I mean? Yeah, I gotcha. Okay. Yeah. So Brittany's whole thing is it's going to be girly, which just to be clear, when you go to Jax's is I don't walk in there and think, Oh, me, man, man, man, man.
Y'all like golden girls is my favorite show and if you know, like Blanche's room has like palm trees and like green leaves everywhere. Like, that's what literally Jackson's looks like. And it says like, there's like pink signs that say brought in hell. So yeah, when you walk in there, you don't feel like, yeah, I'm a man.
Um, so, but Brittany's is Brits is apparently going to be very girly and very pink. Now, here's the thing. It has a lot going for it because again, it's extension of Rocco's, which money wise is smarter for Brittany to do. Um, and. Um, the location, I think, is a lot better than Jax's. Um, I'm guessing the menu is still going to be the same.
They're still going to have that disgusting beer cheese, which, now reflecting on more about it, it was disgusting. I think the pretzel, for me, the pretzel was really good. The pretzel was good. The beer cheese is why Emily had to get her gallbladder out, allegedly. And so, I, I could see, It's being successful in a way that again, Jax is right when they have the Valley showings when they have.
Now, that will be interesting if they're going to kind of battle with each other. Right. And see, like, which 1 is more populated when they have the Valley showings, um, I'll be here. I can picture Jax having a hissy fit if more people are going to Ritz instead of Jax's. So that will be interesting to watch for season 3 of The Valley.
Um, but yeah, I don't know. It's cool. It is what it is. I don't Again, it's It's just Rocco's. It's just Rocco's with a different name. That's literally what it is. I don't know. Britney has an advantage for, like I said, location. That's going to be a much more convenient location. People are going to want to go.
They're already at TomTom. They're already at Sir. Uh, something about her, but, uh, I don't know what she's going to bring to the restaurant that Jax's going to bring to the restaurant that Jax's Doesn't because again, it's just an extension of the Broncos as a restaurant. So that's, uh, certainly interesting.
And then it came out. Jack's alluded to Brittany via when did he first allude to this? Like on Instagram, he said something passive aggressive about, well, Brittany's been. You know, ask her, basically saying that she's on Twitter. Twitter, yeah. So, he said something like that. Long story short, very long story short, Brittany had been hooking up with another guy while they were separated.
Totally reasonable. Uh, was introduced to the group originally by Lala, because Lala had hooked up with this guy a few years ago. And the way it was kind of, like, presented to us first by Jax was that, like, Brittany was doing something she shouldn't have been doing, which, wrong. She can do whatever she wants if you're separated.
You did whatever you wanted, Jax. Like Yeah. So, whatever. And then, there was also, like, this angle that, like, Lala should be upset that Brittany's sleeping with this guy that Lala banged back in the day. Um, but I didn't get the impression that Lala was actually upset or thought that anyone should be upset.
And also, uh, yeah, anyway, go ahead. Well, if I'm honest, okay. So Lala on her podcast, she was, it was a Q and a, and she read a question. I don't even know how this person knew this. Unless I think Lala may have talked about it in her book, this Julian guy, but I don't think she named names, but she, she answered a question that was like, you know, What do you think of Britney and Julian hooking up?
Does that break girl code? And I'm not gonna lie. I don't think anyone out here was having like a conversation like that. I truly think Lala just wanted to bring this up and talk about it. She probably wrote the question. She probably wrote the question. And so yeah, she talked about it. So her and Julian, right when Lala got to LA, her and Julian started like hooking up and then I think it was just a fling.
Um, and then her and Randall obviously got together, and then right when her and Randall break up, Julianna's already slipping in her DMs like, hey, what's up? And according to Lala, they started hanging out, and it almost sounds like she was actually trying to, um, Wanting more of seeing if a relationship could form because you said they may get out sometimes, but they didn't have sex and she would bring them around the group and hang out a lot.
And then he really got along with the guys and then apparently she did a background check and it didn't clear. So she stopped hanging out with them. But since he was really good with the guys, which that's a red flag, if you're besties, but they were in this like big group chat or whatever. Um, and so then Brittany.
After Jackson, her separate, they start hooking up and Jax has a hissy fit about it. And in the Bravo's hot mic podcast, he tries to allude to, yes, they could both date other people, but during the time that Julian and Brittany were hooking up, he was not seeing anyone, which is a bullshit lie. There is text evidence out there of girls who have sent photos literally in Jackson, Brittany's bed.
And he's talking about sucking on them feet. And so. Um, that's bullshit, Jax. Just, I mean, like, I understand you could Well, no, Jackson, you actually can't feel anything because you've already done everything and worse. So, like, I would almost say, like, yeah, you know, I can understand feeling a certain way with Brittany hooking up with one of your friends.
No, you don't actually give a shit. Like, you have not cared about Brittany ever. So, just your ego might be hurt a little bit, but literally, we saw you cheat on Brittany in season six and the way that you talked to her. He just, he, the whole podcast really, Jax, just wanted to embarrass Brittany. That's all he wanted to do.
Um, so, and even with this whole Julian thing, it very much sounds like they hooked up a little bit and then it fizzled out. It's also really confusing because Julian might've been engaged. Yeah. So that was another thing that was confusing him. Very confusing. And so, um, I. I personally don't think Lala was even upset by this.
However, does that mean she'll say something snarky in a confessional about it or she might act a little more upset for on the show? Absolutely. Yeah. Actually upset? No. No. And you bring up a great thing, which I think is another thing on the wheel so we can knock it out. Now. Um, Jackson Brittany did like dueling podcast interviews on the hot mic podcast, which hot mic podcast is like trying to make fetch happen ass.
Alex Baskin's version of having a Bravo after show type, type thing. And frankly, it hasn't been interesting. Sheena's was kind of interesting, but then after that, it's been very boring until Jaxx's. And he gets Jaxx on the fucking podcast, and Oh, actually, no, sorry, Britney was first, right? Yeah, Britney was first.
Also, this podcast was weird because it used to be behind a paywall and nobody out here was like, Alex Baskin, you literally are part of the, the Baskin franchise. Nobody wants to pay you money for a podcast. Okay. He would release little clips, um, sometimes, but yeah, this, so, and he actually released an episode with Dorit today.
That's free. So I'm guessing it's just a free podcast now, but yeah, so Britney's was first and then Jax's. Thanks. Thanks. And Britney, I think the most interesting thing that Britney, she, she talked about Julian, right? Uh, she talked about how Jax was not willing or able to show up for her, show up for the family the way that she wanted him to.
Hers wasn't super revealing. Jax, of course, uh, when it comes his time, Takes everything up to 11 and just degrades her, degrades their relationship, says that she wasn't being a good mom, uh, says that, God, remind me of some of the other stuff that he was saying. Um, that he, he wanted us to really know that he was the one that initiated the divorce.
She, he, uh, Two days before filming started is I think when he found out that Brittany was sleeping with Julian and he got really mad He was throwing furniture, but I think furniture. Yep. Thank God Cruz was upstairs, which like that. Okay, what the fuck which I'm not gonna go there. Don't go furniture. How about that?
And also, I'm sorry, but I just have a feeling and this is my speculation. Allegedly. I have a feeling that Cruz was And I thought upstairs. Yeah. Yeah. Why would you even mention that? Because if you're telling me that you're throwing furniture in your house in a fit of rage, my assumption is like my, my, Hopefulness is that you're that the kids not there at all, you know, the fact that you even say that he was upstairs.
It's like, no, he wasn't, you know, what probably happened. And again, this is this third time with Lindsay. I bet you started going ham and he was in the room and then the nanny took him upstairs. Yeah. So I bet I bet that is more of what happened. So then Jackson say, thank God my son was upstairs. Okay. If that makes you feel better, Jackson, whatever.
Then apparently after that, it was, um, he said he kind of like his friends kind of had to get intervention for him saying, you know, you need to go to rehab, mental health facility, whatever you want to call it, which Brittany on the podcast said, that's bullshit. She has been trying to get him to go somewhere for a month.
And she was very much heavily involved as well as trying to get him to go somewhere. And he refused until lo and behold, they started filming. And so, um, Yeah, he really that podcast he was on. He was, he, like you said, an 11, he was, he was up there and he just wanted to, he wanted to embarrass Brittany, but he also really thought he was doing the damn thing with trying to see that he's like changed and a different guy.
And like, you know, since he's learned about his mental health disorders, he's just, you know, he wants to change the world now for people and Jack's Taylor. And you said this, Emily, you brought up a good point is his, he's talking very much how he doesn't get angry anymore. And not you saying that. That's not healthy.
You can feel anger. You just have to learn how to appropriately deal with it. So like, you're saying never get angry. That's not cool. Also, I don't believe that. I believe you're still getting angry. I also think you're just a goddamn liar. Like, you know what I mean? Like, just, he lies so much. And you know, Jax is lying when, because we're He repeats himself a lot.
That's when you know, he's lying. You know, Sandoval is trying to tell a story because he fills in a lot with like likes and you notice Jacks will repeat himself a lot. And so I could just tell. I just think Alex Baskin after that interview just went off and jerked off in another room because he was like, Oh, yeah, I have gold here.
Oh, yeah. What? If you look at Alex's face in the interview when Jax is talking, he sometimes is just like, you can tell he's like, Oh my God. He's like awestruck. Like, he cannot believe that once again, once again, he has captured this man being an absolute maniac on camera. And it gets him money. It earns him money.
Yeah, and you know, it was interesting too is which we, I, we kind of, I feel like we knew this, but just hearing Brittany talk about in season six, the finale, when they had just like had sex and we're fine. And then when the cameras got there, Brittany broke up with them on camera. I'm like, we're talking about how, like, he really, like, Just switched on her and just did that for the show.
I have to have a feeling that was a lot of their relationship and him saying, like, him saying stuff like that or like, I'm just doing it from the show. And so I think I do like, I have complicated feelings when it comes to Brittany, but I think I do have empathy in her that in that way. 'cause I'm sure, 'cause I know people, I see the commentary of like, well she knew what she signed up for, right?
Like you saw what he was like in the show. You saw, he was like season six. But I do think Jack's has a way. In telling people things and really laying it on thick as far as, you know, I'm a reality star. This is what I do, but it's not, you know, I mean, um, so I don't know. I think, I think, well, it's a bait and switch.
He and Sandoval, I think he has had this in common. They're like, no, no, no. Like what, whatever I present on camera or as it relates to the show. You, as my girlfriend, you don't need to worry about that. That's that's not that's not for real. Whatever I do, just know that at the end of the day, it's me and you and has nothing to do with whatever the fuck you see on camera.
Which ends up being just a scapegoat for him to do whatever the fuck he wants and act however he wants and for him to have wild ass conversations about his wild ass off camera behavior that, like, when you're When the cameras are down and you mimic this behavior or these situations are brought up, it's like, I thought this was all for reality television.
I thought this, I didn't know this was like who you are. I am. It's just like, that's the game. And like, I think that Britney fell into that hard, um, as did Raquel. Um, but I just, Britney just kind of reps me the wrong way. Um, regardless, I get that. Yeah. Um, one more break. All right. Let's keep going. I'm sure that Brittany and Jax will come up again.
Spinning the wheel. Oh, already did that. Has Raquel said anything about ending of the show? No, but Julia already put a podcast out about it. Bless. Bless. Bless. I needed to know. Oh, look, there's Jax again. There he is. Okay. Jax and Randall still friends, question mark. So Sheena caused quite a stir on her podcast.
Uh, I believe that that's where it was, right? Sheena's podcast. When she said that she sees Jax at Pick up for a school pick up because she summer moon ocean and cruise all go to the same school and she said that she sees Jax and he like Daps up Randall and like hugs him and like chats with him and has quite a time and she finds that sus Because doesn't Randall Oh Jax a shit ton of money and didn't that send Jax on a whole Tantrum, tirade type thing that he couldn't ever forgive Randall or whatever and more importantly which is important for me to Reiterate every single time I have an opportunity, Randall is a real deplorable, like, very bad, no good human, uh, allegedly.
And just for people to like, understand, and I think it's important to understand this, he's never been taken to trial or anything like that. He's never, but the things that he has had alleged against him are akin to like, He's had physical violence, physical abuse, casting couch allegations, like running a casting couch.
If you don't know what that is, that's when you tell people they're gonna get in a film by sleeping with you, essentially. And also allegations of, well, definitely doing drugs, but then also coercing employees to buy drugs for him in terrible circumstances. Like, lots of really shitty, shitty, shitty things.
Like, this guy sucks. Sucks, sucks. Um, so weird for, to me, for, for Jax to be associating with him. Even if, let's say, I do not want to give Jax the benefit of the fucking doubt. But I'll give, if, if I was going to say Randall is nothing like these allegations. He has, none of this stuff is true. Why, Jax, would you even associate with somebody who had that kind of shit alleged against him?
If you gave a shit about your persona, your image, like it just, it's just gross to me anyway, go ahead. Yeah. And even you, I saw some people saying, well, maybe he just wants to be. Civil at school drop off civil is doing a head nod. Civil is just, you know, again, a smile, maybe a handshake and wave. Yeah. Yeah.
A hand wave handshake is even pushing it. But for you to hug it out like bros and then talk when literally when you started your damn podcast, when reality hits every fucking week, you're, they did a segment of troll of the week and it was Randall Emmett and you went on and rambled about how much money he owed you.
Okay. And so now though. That You and Brittany are separating now, are you just trying to be with bros? Like, what are we doing? Or did maybe Randall, did Randall pay him back? I don't, did Randall pay him back and then Jax isn't able to talk about it. I can't see a world where Randall has paid him back. Um, but let's say maybe Randall did, but like what you said, Jax, you still shouldn't want to be hugging on this man.
So, um, I love that call. I love that Sheena called it out because it is fucking weird. Yes. And, um, again, I can understand you're out of school. You're not going to start a fight with someone, but to actually go up to them, engage in conversation and hug them with how much shit that Jax has talked and Randall, Randall for like five minutes had a podcast about pickleball and talked about the situation with Jack.
So you know what? It's weird. And Sheena, please tell us more. Yeah, girl, go off, girl. Now you don't have anything holding you back. Right. So keep going, keep going. Alright, let's keep going. That one keeps coming up. He really wants us to talk about that one more. I have nothing to say. Oh, goodness. Let's, uh, let me just see if there's anything.
Okay. Sandoval moves in with Victoria. Great. Good for him. Did we talk about this? No, we didn't. Anything to say? I'm glad that Ariana and him are finally, you know, I mean, putting the house on the market and, um, Sandoval and Victoria, you know, being moving in together. Yeah, that seems like something Sandoval would do.
I'm actually surprised. Well, actually, I think really they have been living together for quite some time. Um, so yeah, it doesn't surprise me. I will be interested to see, um, how their relationship will progress with BPR no longer being, you know, um, if, you know, Yeah, I'm just, I'm just curious. Um, I can't get a good read on Victoria.
So I'm just curious what, like how the relationship will continue, but yeah, I don't feel like I know enough about her to be like, she was only with him to be on the show. Like, I don't, yeah, I don't know that vibe from her. Yeah. But I don't not, not get that vibe. Right. Like, I don't, I don't know. We don't know anything about her.
Would I have liked to see her unravel on television? Yes. A hundred percent. Yeah. A hundred percent. But like, I also like When you really think about it, what kind of story do they actually have, right? Like, yeah, she's a model. She's had a career. He he's like, I don't know that they have much story to tell, um, aside from them being messes.
And so if, if there's not like an anchor for that, like if there's not a perspective aside from that to be like, They're out of fucking control for them to be like the out of control fucking couple and that's it. Then like, I don't know that that would be very interesting. No, I don't think they want cameras on their light like for them to really show you.
I think that I don't. Yeah, I don't know that we would there's some darkness in that relationship. So I don't think they really want people to see that. Um, so I'd be very curious what version we would see on camera, though, because I guarantee it's not what's happening behind closed doors. 100%. Of course, they're just doing, they're just doing shrooms at a festival and they're just, you know, that's, that's what they do, bro.
Yeah, man. Never on a random Tuesday. Never. They do it professionally. Never recreationally. Yes. Done. Done. All right. Next on Spinning Wheel, blocked by Jack's sub, subreddit, band. This was wild. Rest in peace. This was kind of wild. Who do you think is behind it? Laurie Kay. Yeah. 100%. And I'm scared to say that out loud because that woman scares me, but yeah, from the timing of it, it seems like, which what I am confused about is apparently what one of the last posts that were posted.
I'm Was, um, a collage of photos of Lori K being real weird with her clients and just different photos of different poses that she, you know what I mean? Like, just if you look at how she interacts with the clients, it's questionable. And there's been other posts like that before, but apparently they said Lori K was suspicious.
Actually in that post. And now I don't know how they confirmed it was her or not. I don't know if they looked, you know what I mean, like how they were able to confirm it or they just thought so, but not too long after that was when the subreddit truly was banned, which again is to me, because like, I love that subreddit.
They, they're very, very kind to me, but I've said this before. Sometimes I don't agree what's posted on there. And I think they can, yeah. But this post that I'm thinking is related, that's not, they have, they have said way other things. You're I mean, way worse. They've said some crazy, we've said it before.
That's a wild West of subreddits. It is Wild West. They do. They will, they will call a bitch out on that subreddit and they had some good information on it. And so, um, yeah, I was very surprised and I believe it's still banned. I don't think it's coming back. So now they use, what's it called? Bravo. I think I said it to you.
Bravo. The Valley. Yeah. So now it's like a snark Reddit for the Valley, but it's still, it's very much just Jackson and Britney stuff. So. God bless them. Rest in peace. Hopefully you all are able to carry on your mischief on your new sub. I'm sure they are. Uh, next topic is, Sandoval gets thrown under the bus, Leboos, by Raquel.
Now, I need to blow my nose. Lindsay, can you tell people what's going on with that, what the whole thing was with that really quick? Oh, yeah, so Sandoval decided for 1 episode to come back on his podcast and do it with Victoria. And since then, he has not released another podcast. So can we just say that podcast is over please?
But anyway, he came back and he randomly drops the ball of. Or bomb that, um, this whole lawsuit with him and Rachel and Ariana. He said that Rachel's team came to him and said, we'll drop all charges. That's the word sustainable use and remind you. This is not a criminal case. This is a civil case. Um, they told him if they, they will drop all charges.
If he puts the blame on NBC, like NBC universal Bravo about like the way that scandal. Was found out about or something like that. Uh, immediately Rachel's team denied this and said, that's not true. Julia put out something, her lawyer put out something saying that Santa was just a liar. This is not true. I, I don't, I have.
Here's what I think probably happened because the thing that was Sandoval is he lies a lot, but sometimes with his lies There is a hint of truth or he twisted it I could see a world where Because Juliet has made it very known that she thinks this whole Scandal thing like the affair truly happened But the way that it was found out and then the way that it went out after that was very Bravo Related to them.
So I think curated curated yeah, I could see a world where Rachel's team came to Tom's team and was like Look, we, we're really want to like target Bravo or NBC and we, our theory is we really think that, uh, Bravo had a really big hand in Scandal being found out and what went down. Um, what, like, what do you, what are your, what do you think about that?
Or like, would you be down with, They said something a little bit what Sandoval said, but not exactly. Like I could see a world where something like that happened. I don't for Sandoval to truly just pull this out of his ass and make it up would be wild possible, but wild. What's annoying with this is like, we really don't know what the fuck happened because it's not like it was, um, Uh, like a plea bar you're like a plea bargain or something like nothing was signed or anything.
So it's just like hearsay on both parts, but I don't know. I'm curious. What, like, what did you first think when you heard it where you're like, yeah, this 100 percent happened or you're like, there's no way. No, I was like, yeah, this 100 percent happened. Like, well, what Like, I think, I think Bravo misrepresented the, to the extent, to the extent that Bravo, I think, uh, Decided that they were going to really lean into Tom being the villain and Ariana being the perfect victim.
And anybody knows that that doesn't exist, right? Like the perfect victim doesn't exist. But for Bravo, it was very lucrative to make it seem like Ariana and Tom had this perfect relationship. And Tom Out of nowhere, completely unbeknownst to anyone at all, had this just scandalous affair with Raquel, Ariana's best fucking friend that she's ever had.
And I just don't think it went down like that. Like, it's been a couple of years. I feel like, in general, I think that it's fair to come to the consensus that, like, Ariana and Tom were not in a good place for a while. You can't be in a good place. If somebody's cheating on you, having a full on affair for several months, you're objectively not in a good place in your relationship.
Whether you realize it then or later, you're not in a good place. And I think that there were things that were happening that cast members were aware of. I think that they saw things. I think that they witnessed interactions between the two of them that indicated that, like, things were not great. And, but, but, Had like the kind of coveted relationship on the show, Schwartz and Katie got divorced, Stassi and what's his name Beau were off the show, People were not warming up to Brock at all, thanks to Brock's actions, but also thanks to Lala, Lala and Randall were divorced, so like, It made sense to have like, Sandoval and Ariana be like the golden couple.
And I think that it was really, it became very lucrative for Bravo to have Ariana be like the champion. And in a way she was, like, this is not saying that like Sandoval should be cheating on her, but relationship dynamics are never like, they're, they're often a little more complicated than just like, they're not always like the fucking, what's that, what's that murder case, Jesus, where the guy.
And the girl were like, so happy and the girl was so happy and she was posting all the time about what a great family they had. And then he ended up killing everybody. Like, it's never like that. That is the exception. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Well, my, my thing with that is like, look, I understand that, um, looking back, like there were some, you know, Obviously, red flags with Tom and Aria's relationship.
My thing, Juliette has very much said in her podcast, I know Juliette is separate from like the lawyers and stuff, I think they're all chat, but Juliette is out here, and I think that's what they talked about, like, Juliette thinks like the phone falling out of Sandoval's pocket, everything like that, that was curated by Bravo.
And I personally, like, I really, I, I, I do not believe that. No, I don't either. Yeah. And so, like, that is their whole thing like that. And then the way that, you know, things happened after that. Um, but do you think that Rachel's team, like, proposition Tom with this, like something like this? Or do you think that this wasn't even a conversation that was had?
No, I think that they did. I 100 percent think that they did. Right. Well, because Rachel's team was acting like it wasn't at all. So, of course, right, because it's like, if he had agreed to it, then that'd be done, then it would be done. There wouldn't be any, like, do they, do you think they also reached out to Ariana with this?
Or were they still going to go after her? I'm just, yeah, I'm curious about that. Um, I. I do, it's so hard to say because Ariana is someone who keeps things very close to the chest, right? So like, Tom volunteered this shit, right? Like, he's the reason we know that this was a thing. Yeah, he doesn't So, hard to say, hard to say, because I don't think that even if they had approached Ariana that she would have said anything, because it, it incriminates Bravo either way, like, and she's not about to fuck up her bag like that.
And apparently Tom thinks that because he's so simple, like he's really simple minded. So he thinks that it's like an act of loyalty to be like, look, they came to me and said that this was all a ruse, but I refuse the ruse. It's like, no bro, you talking about them thinking it's a ruse. Like you're talking about lawyers.
You're not talking about like fucking Queens of Bravo. You're talking about lawyers came to you and said, we're willing to drop the case. If you will just like cop to Bravo fucking up. Well, you're the one that's saying out loud, bravo, fucking up. It doesn't matter if like they did or didn't like you're putting that out there.
And Ariana is too smart for that. So do I think that they came to her with it? Yeah, but I don't think she would have ever said anything because she's smart and he's not, he's not smart. She's not out here talking about it. Whereas Rachel and Sandoval are both talking about this case publicly and publicly and on their podcast.
It makes no, no sense whatsoever. Yeah. And I'm, I am very curious because, okay. If. If Sandoval would have took the deal, then I, like, what was Rachel's team? So were they trying to say that Bravo, the way that they handled the affair, like they shouldn't have even showed any of any of it, or are they trying to say, because the way Brant Bravo handled it is the reason why Rachel went to, um, Like a mental health facility.
I'm just very curious how they would angle that because I would, I would definitely have questions with that. I don't, I don't necessarily disagree. And I don't necessarily agree because I think there's, or multiple players in this and, um, I, and it's like, also with the whole realm of it being a show and like, what's going on in their lives.
I definitely think Bravo could have handled it in a way to really like, Protect all of them, like really after the, the, the scandal episode, really, they shouldn't like ethically done a reunion. Right. Because they all been talking to each other, but that's not what reality reality TV does. And so. I'm just curious the way that Rachel's team would have went about that, but we obviously won't know.
And even when we, when me and you read the initial lawsuit, Bravo was heavily in it so much to where we're like, are they going to sue Bravo? Are they going to come after Bravo? And they didn't. And I don't, from my understanding, I don't think they still have plans to, I guess it maybe determines on how this, how this case goes with Ariana and Tom, but I'm just, I'm, I'm curious the route that would want to go with that.
I would love to read. I don't think, I don't think that Bravo anticipated necessarily that people, I don't, I don't think that they valued Ariana very much. And I think that they underestimated how much like the fan base would respond to this. I think that, but I think as soon as they clocked it, which was very quickly, because within like, I mean, within a week, it was like, You know, and they had already been villainizing Raquel.
Think about it, like The show, not the show, Katie Maloney and Lala Kent and, uh, Christina Kelly were already framing Raquel as this deviant mistress trying to get with Tom Schwartz and like, so that was already like, picking up steam for whatever reason with the audience and when The affair was out, and it was about her, and they could really latch on to villainizing her.
Like, that shit took off, because people were often like, it's not surprising that Tom would cheat on Ariana. But it's crazy that they would cheat on her best goddamn friend of all goddamn time that she's ever had in her fucking life. She didn't know her like that. They were not fucking best friends like that.
Like Sheena and Raquel were. But Ariana and Raquel were not best goddamn friends. But they framed it that way. And Ariana did not. Refute that even though we as viewers know, like if we look back on it, like they got along and they were very cool, but they were not fucking with each other like that. So I think that absolutely Rachel's team came to Tom and said, Hey, we'll drop the lawsuit if you will sell out Bravo and say, Hey, They painted this shit like I was in the world's happiest marriage when actually there's like hours and hours of uncut or unseen footage of me and Ariana at each other's throats.
I didn't want to have a kid. She didn't want to have a kid. That was all a fucking storyline that like on and on and on. I'm sure, I'm sure they did that. And I'm sure that's what was going on, but like Tom's not gonna fucking, he's not gonna do that. It's the last, it's the only thing he has, you know, so that's what I think happened.
It is what it is. Yeah, it will be. I'll be curious to see what, um, comes out with the, with the lawsuit and where it goes. It's still right now. I don't know where it is as far as, um, what needs to what needs to happen next. I don't know if there's like another or what, but I will be curious, um, to see that, uh, how that unfolds.
And I'm not going to lie in my mind. I kind of was wondering, well, maybe that's why VPR has been on pause so long. Cause it's like, maybe they're kind of trying to wait for, you know what I mean? The lawsuits and kind of what happened with that. Um, yeah. I don't know if that even like played a role in it at all.
No, I'm sure, I'm sure it did. And I think, I think that they probably assessed it and said, look, this shit's not going to get settled anytime soon. Yeah. I can't bet that they can't bet on it like that. Like they have to probably just say we have to end it. Now, I did just get notified that, um, and it is almost 8 30, but Sheena did post.
What did she say? A statement. She said, She posted lots of photos, but she said the end of an era and the start of something new. I don't even know where to begin. Well, maybe first off, thank you to everyone who's checked in on me. Yes, bitch on that shit. Let's go. We had one hell of a run. I never could have imagined while shooting the pilot for VPR that it would become what it has, nor go on for as long as it did to the fans who've been with us from the beginning and to everyone who joined along the way.
Thank you. Putting our lives out there isn't always easy, but every time. One of y'all reached out to say, our stories resonated with you, made it all worth it to our amazing crew evolution, Bravo, NBC universal. They literally all have the same line in their things. It's kind of, thank you for the experience of a lifetime.
I will forever be grateful for the opportunities the show has generated and for the memories we've made along the way. We truly have worked with the best crew and been part of so many special moments in each other's lives. Cheers to the next chapter. The rest is still unwritten. Yes, Natasha Battingfield.
Let's go. That was very well done. Sheena. It was. I, I have to say the whole, the Sheena, someone check in on Sheena was very funny. Um, and I'm glad she's leaning into it, but I am a little over it. And also just a PSA for people because I, I did see some comments about this and luckily people, other people were calling it out.
It's just not, it's not like it. An original thought I had, but she Kristen Doty is pregnant. She announced that the day. Yay. Congratulations. Yeah. Amazing. I know how bad she's wanted to be a mom. Um, but posting on Kristen's pregnancy announcement or comedy of someone like, Oh no, like Sheena, like, how does this affect Sheena?
Or has anyone checked in with Sheena? It's actually really fucked up to do because she had a very, very, very, very, very traumatic birth with summer moon. And she always like, Um, so the fact that she almost died, like that's just, she almost died. And like the way that she talks about, she's very much does not know if she can have another child or if she even wants to risk that or you're in.
Obviously, Lala is, you know, having another, I had a kid and now Kristen's pregnant. I'm sure she's like in her feels about it, so we don't, you know what I mean, like, we don't, like, it's just, it's not, you know, it's not funny, this is not funny. It's not funny. Leave Sheena alone. Um, as you all know, that's my stance on everything.
There's one more thing that we have to discuss really quick. We can do it in a couple of minutes. It's the last thing on the wheel, so we have to get to it. Lala Kent. We'll And Jess. Oh, yeah. Yeah. The severance of their, of their relationship, Lala Kent's assistant, long time assistant Jess, uh, no longer works for her.
And it was abrupt to say the least. And nobody knows why. So let's talk about it really quick and then we'll get out of here. Yeah, it honestly came out of nowhere because jet Lala has referred to Jess as her brain that literally does everything Jessica took over as a co host on the podcast as soon as Randall left, um, seen her on the show.
We saw her get hired on the show. And so it literally Lala records her podcast. I believe on Monday, she records the episode for Wednesday and then she records the bonus episode on Monday. So obviously, like, there was like the previous week before. Where we had, um, like they recorded. So like Monday, Jessica was on the podcast and there, you know what I mean?
Like we're in our minds, like everything's fine. And then cut to Wednesday, Lala just dropped, just says, Jessica, you know, it, my ache is that Jessica is no longer working for me. Um, but I wish her well, I love her fly high, whatever. And we're just like, excuse me, like what? And everyone called out the weirdness because why couldn't Jessica say.
On the podcast. She literally was a co host. That's freaking weird that she could not say goodbye. So. A lot of speculation was happening. Is it, was it over money? Was it Jessica that came to Lala and said something? Was it Lala that came to Jessica and said something? And we still don't really know what went down, but we have a few key clues.
Jessica posted on her story saying, you know, if she would have given, given the opportunity, she would have said goodbye. Well, that tells you right there. Well, something happened, right? Because obviously Jessica wasn't able to say goodbye. Okay. Um, Jessica also posted on her stories. I believe either Jessica is going to be starting a podcast or maybe she gets on a podcast, but she put the song free bird to it.
So that might be alluding, you know what I mean, to something. Um, And then Sheena on her podcast was asked about the whole Jessica and Lala thing. And Jessica, or sorry, Sheena, the way she talked about it was very much, she said, this is why, um, I just have my family on the payroll because they can't leave, which makes me think that Jessica came to Lala.
A conversation was had and maybe they couldn't come to an agreement and Jessica left. Um, and then Lala does what she does and felt a certain type of way of it and was like, okay, whatever, but I'm going to announce it. On the podcast. Yeah. Because I'm sure Lala probably didn't want to talk about it, maybe, because I can understand Lala having feels about it, but it was just real, really weird as an audience who has followed along with Jessica and Lala for Jessica not being able to be able to say goodbye.
It was fucking weird. And I want to know all the details. Like, I'm actually, I don't know why I'm so fascinated by this. I guess because I've had to listen to Lala's podcast for so long. That's a big part of it. Um, but yeah, huge part of it. Huge part of it. And a huge part of Lala's life. And now Lala has this attitude now of, you know, I'm taking back my life and, you know, I'm doing things on my own.
Okay. I don't think Jessica was taking over her life. She literally probably like, how'd you want to schedule, which you're welcome for that. We're like, you know, and Jessica was a big part of setting up Amazon lives for her and doing that shit. Um, so obviously Jessica had a big role, but Lala, the way she's framing it is very Lala.
Now she's taking back her power and her life. She's always trying to be like, I'm independent when she's never been independent. No, your mom and your brother live with you, which that's great. Okay. That is awesome. That is amazing that you have, you're like, that it's, I actually think that, you know, that is so nice to see, um, if you have a family like that and you're able to do that, that's great.
It takes a village, honey. It takes a village, but like, don't act like you're out here. Like I'm finally taking control of my life. Like, no, Jessica was a huge, a huge help in your life. A huge help. Well, and has Jessica responded or she did kind of like a little cheeky thing. Yeah. Well, yeah, I remember she posted on our stories.
She all she said was if I had given the opportunity, of course, I would have said goodbye. Yeah. And he posted her, she's either starting a podcast or she's going to get someone, but she posted her like on a mic and the song free bird was playing. So, you know, and obviously I'm sure Jessica signed an NDA, so she won't be able to tell us much.
But, um, the thing about these people, if you ever want to know any Intel, look at what they're commenting and look what they're liking on Instagram. And that can tell you a little bits of what's going on, but I'm sure she's signed an NDA. Yeah. Well, now we know the show wasn't happening anymore. So I also don't know, just to end on this, I don't know that I believe that they found out last night.
Like, I think they had a pretty good fucking idea. Well, and the article has said that they weren't surprised by it, but I don't know. I, I, I actually believe that they, I mean, they were word that like official word, like confirmation. Yeah. Yeah. I honestly think the cast before this truly knew nothing. Okay.
Well, no, see, I guess it doesn't make sense. Just because. If for the cast to know nothing, that would mean that truly then no conversations were being had at all with the, you know what I mean, as far as who wants to come back, you know, any, like, and I don't even, But the way that Lala and Ariana and Shino talked, they hadn't even got to the point of contracts or even talking about it.
So yeah, I don't know. Well, here's the thing with BPR, we'll never really know the full story. We'll never know. There's so many. There's so many sides, so many stories, so much to talk about, and we talked about it all. So thank you guys for listening. Lindsay, where can they find you? Because you have a show now, by the way, a podcast, no big fucking deal.
Yeah, I do. So yes, well, first of all, you can always find me at Vanderpod recaps. Um, that's not going anywhere because again, these people are still going to be out there doing shit for me to talk about. Um, and then also Brady and I started a podcast called a recap rodeo. It is very, very fun. Um, Brady is a Is one of my favorite humans.
He's my bestie. He is truly unhinged and he will sing. Whatever, if you want him to hear, um, his Erika Jayne impression talking about Kathy Hilton, it is truly a wonderful thing to hear. Immaculate, you guys. It's so funny. Yeah, our whole thing with our podcast is we just want to have fun talking about these shows, and we want to, you know, Just talk about them in a, in a, I don't know, just like have fun and be fun, be snarky, but also reflect on like, we don't know these people.
So we obviously know that more is going onto it. So I feel like Brady and I balance each other out in that way. But yeah, if you want to check us out, recap rodeo, we have Instagram, and then you literally, literally can listen to us wherever you get your podcasts. And guys, keep in mind, they don't just recap Bravo.
Like they recap, uh, what is it? Uh, I don't want to say the wrong thing. 90 day fiance. Oh, no, we sister wives. We talk to wives. Sorry. Every damn week. I'm putting my pussy out there for house of villains because this is great. I need y'all to watch it. It's fucking fantastic. Yes. House of villains. We talk about, um, sister wives and we talk about, yeah.
Then we talk about, um, Um, Beverly Hills, and that's back on, we talk about Salt Lake City, Potomac, which has been great this season. We've finally, both me and Brady have said, fuck Roni. We can't do it anymore, so we're not watching TV, because it ain't worth my damn time, okay? So yeah, but yeah, honestly, we talk about whatever we want, because Brady and I have been friends since, oh man, a long, long time.
So, and we just have lots of, lots of stories to tell. Um, yeah, recently me and him both saw Wicked together, so we'll talk about that. It was a beautiful experience. Beautiful. But yeah, definitely check out Recap Rodeo. Check out Recap Rodeo, listen to Who TF Knows, Emily Rose, wherever you find podcasts, follow me at Who TF Knows, Emily Rose on Instagram.
On Blue Sky, I am recapping only Beverly Hills, so that's WTFK, Emily Rose on Blue Sky, and yeah, keep checking me out, my Patreon, all that shit's in my DM, or not my DMs, please don't feel the need to come in my DMs, just click on my bio and you'll find everything you need to know. And I think that about wraps it up, so we will talk to you guys later, buh bye!
What's your name? Widen up your voice now, Widen up your voice now. Yeah. Tell me what you want.