Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Getting rid of the "Guilty Pleasure" adage one podcast at a time...
Each week Emily Rose will dive into different pop culture topics, and tell you what TF you need to know about them!
Special thanks to: LD Green III for Intro/Outro music "Lord of the Dance" Streaming Everywhere!
Artwork Photographer: Ques Williams for Midas Touch Creative Group
Who TF Knows with Emily Rose
Vanderpump Rules, The Bravo Community, & The James Problem
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Hello. Hello, hello everyone. This is Who The Fuck Knows with Emily Rose. I'm Emily Rose, and I don't know what the title of this episode's gonna be yet, so I can't necessarily say that. Um, the title explains it all.
I, I'm here. Hmm. Hi, how are y'all to, to talk about James Kennedy? Okay. Just gonna keep it a buck and a bean. I'm here to talk about James Kennedy and
some of my frustrations that I have been feeling. Not just with the atrocity of what he has been, what he was arrested for, which is domestic violence. His arrest record, uh, the logging of his arrest indicates that, uh, he, someone called the police on him for, uh, a complaint about arguing and then his girlfriend, as noted in the arrest record, indicated that she had been picked up and thrown to the ground.
He was thrown in jail, placed at 20, 000 bail, and was released a couple of hours later on said bail. And then last night, I'm recording this at 1130 on Sunday, December 15th, He was performing last night in, like, Milwaukee or something. I'm not gonna worry about the facts of exactly where it was because that place probably doesn't deserve a whole lot of promotion.
And here's the thing. There are creators who have Kara Berry from, um, Everyone's business but mine. She's been on my show. I really am a big fan of her. Made a really impactful post yesterday about how she did not want to share the arrest record and things like that because it, we don't know. Allie is reportedly staying with James Kennedy.
Now, I don't know how much truth there is to anything that we are getting in the media. All I'm worried about is that what was recorded on record by the police. Everything else to me is just noise. But I think it is safe to assume, based on what Allie posted on her Instagram, that she, she said she's okay, she appreciates people reaching out, and that she's processing.
Uh, but there's no other information. Um, so it's safe to assume she's still with him, I think. I hope not, but I think we can assume that. So that said, it is difficult because I Agree that we shouldn't, that, that the situation could become very extremely harmful to Allie.
It is scary. Domestic abuse can lead to death in too many cases. And I'm tired. I'm, I'm tired of the way, I'm, I'm just, I'm tired of this. Uh, I'm struggling not to make this about myself. In the sense that, like, I don't want to sit here and be like, Well, I feel this way. This is what I would do. But, like, I mean, at the same time, I'm here to process my feelings, to be totally honest.
So, before I even really get started, I want to be very clear. If you are someone who, First of all, trigger warning. Huge trigger warning for domestic and sexual violence and assault. Not that he was accused of sexual assault in this particular instance, but I'm sure it'll come up if I continue on my stream of consciousness.
Just know that this is gonna be a heavy episode. Hence the not regular, no music, none of that, like, no need for that. But also, if you are someone who, if you get offended by a The universal you , even if you know that you didn't, you are not, nothing that I'm saying pertains to you as a person. This might not be the episode for you because I am going to address different sections of this whole discourse and upfront if you've, if, if I've had somebody as a guest on my podcast in the past year and a half, I'm not referring to them.
They are not who I am talking about. If I am not totally comfortable saying a name of a creator or something, just know that, like, I'm not here to have drama, but I also, like, dude, we gotta talk about some of this shit. There are cre Listen, okay. Let's get started. Okay? I am really irritated with the attempts From creators, moderators, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, all of that, people that are out here who have been championing James Kennedy's behavior despite, despite knowing good and goddamn well the allegations that have been presented to us in the past.
It is something I have talked about on my podcast. Maybe, I'm struggling because I'm like, I feel like I didn't, I wasn't, uh, direct enough. And then I struggle too because I don't have first hand knowledge, but I feel like I'm perceptive enough to understand. I know how to read between the lines on a lot of shit, in an effective way.
And what I'm concerned about is now that something tangible has happened, now that we have evidence, now that we have documented, publicly available documented reporting, that people are going to try to deflect from that, and,
basically there are some creators out there that have been on their stupid ass shows for months, talking about how James Kennedy is the number one guy in the group, and like, upholding this narrative that he is like, Some sort of champion of the people, champion of women when there have been like, in my opinion, credible allegations against him.
And then now the discourse online is so distracting. It's about shit that doesn't matter. People are online. Here's an example. Someone on Reddit was like, well, none of the casts have unfollowed him on Instagram, y'all. That doesn't fucking matter. Okay? I don't know who needs to hear this, but from having worked in activist spaces and having friends that are still active in those spaces, I promise you, like, whatever you think unfollowing someone on Instagram is gonna do at this level, it's not.
See, if James were a lesser known creator, and his gigs, and if his money was made through the amount of followers that he had, that would be Then, yeah, unfollowing him might make a difference, but we are so past that. His DJ gigs aren't based on his following. He's already used his following to get the first gig that now he is using his past gigs to continue to book, right?
It doesn't matter who unfollows him. And, not for nothing, there's something to be said that if Ally and him are still together, and the cast starts unfollowing him, and all this shit starts going on, I would think it's reasonable to think that he'll turn that around and blame Allie since she's the one who put what she did in the report, right?
And that's what abusive people do. They blame everyone around them.
And then they start to blame external factors, like addiction. And I have seen creators, big creators, I'm talking about big creators, say things that maybe are well intentioned but are not. Like, well, I hope, I mean, in some ways I hope he was drunk. No, I don't hope he was drunk. I don't hope he was sober. I hope his ass gets thrown back in jail.
I hope he goes broke. I hope he lives on the street. That's what I hope. I don't give a fuck about whether he was drunk or sober. Because frankly, for years, he's been lying to us, the public, the viewers, the audience, about his sobriety. And if you think, genuinely, That we have seen him truly sober. You're, you're misguided.
And I'm not, I'm sorry, I'm sorry if that's an offensive thing to say to some people. But I'm not here, listen, I'm not here to bullshit. And I don't like the politics of being online and feeling like, well, I don't want to offend people. Some people need to be offended, frankly. Cause some of the shit That has been going on.
I'll talk about Reddit first. Reddit, both of the subs, have been poorly moderated in different ways. When someone brings up allegations and posts about James Kennedy are always pushed through, and then people rightfully are like, Why are we champion championing this guy again? Why do we care again? Those votes, those posts and comments get downvoted.
They get pushed out of the conversation. To uphold this narrative that because Tom, Tom Sandoval cheated on Ariana, now James Kennedy is a bastion for, of good behavior. It's bullshit! Kristen has been saying, granted she has never come out and said, Hey, James Kennedy hit me. She's never filed a police report to our knowledge, right?
But if you've been paying attention You know. Something that blew me was when the whole, the whole debacle about Graham, the dog, when Rachel was in the facility, Graham being essentially given back to Lisa Vanderpump, and then Lisa giving him to James. The conversation, if you weren't there, just take my word for it, the conversation was largely, Rachel's just abandoning her dog, what kind of horrible whore would do that?
And then when people, like myself, would say, Why would she give the dog to James when he's an abusive person? Why would she give the dog to James when she's indicated in the past that his, that Graham's aggressive behavior was a product of how he was treated as a puppy? People said I was fucking crazy.
People said other people that were saying the same thing were crazy. And, and, and, uh, I don't know what, Cheating apologist? Who gives a fuck? Guess I don't care, guys. I don't know if this has been really goddamn clear from my podcast. I don't give a fuck about cheating. I just want to be clear. I don't care.
If it's not, if you're not cheating on my friend, or me, that is the lowest concern that I have as far as behavior that comes out of this cast. So yeah, when Rachel was like, I really, really didn't want the dog to go to, to James, and people said, What kind of person would just, you shouldn't even get a dog if you, like, have y'all watched the fucking show?
There were a lot of people saying stuff like that, now you might not have said that if you're listening, but a lot of people said stuff like that, and then I promise you, when I would combat that, I said it on my podcast, I said it on Reddit, I said it on Instagram, people were like, well, I don't know, because I just think that, like, the dog would just go back, like, it's, it's like, it's a, she's a maniacal, manipulative, horrible bitch.
No, she didn't want the dog to go back to an abusive home. Hello? The parents didn't want to send the dog to the guy that broke their daughter's nose.
And that's not an allegation. Rachel said on the show that James went in for a hug and just got a little too crazy with the hug and head butted and broke her nose. Totally, like, totally normal. That's not an allegation. She said that on the show. What's an allegation is what I'm about to say in my opinion.
I wasn't there. In my opinion, personally, is that people that are not in a rage don't typically head butt you to the point that you break a bone if you're going in for a hug. People that are of a calm, reasonable mindset in a situation where you're hugging somebody, don't headbutt you. That's my opinion.
Call me fucking crazy. And when I, when I say this, when people say this, cause again, I know I keep talking about myself, but it is not just me. The communities in Vanderpump Rules excused that shit and pointed to the behavior of other cast members that are not comparable.
I don't know who needs to hear this, and I am sorry if this is hurtful to somebody. I am. I'm not trying to hurt anybody's feelings.
Being cheated on sucks. It is not the same. It is not the same recovery level. It is not the same caliber of harmful behavior in an intimate relationship as picking up your girlfriend and throwing her to the goddamn ground. Okay? What's interesting about that, though Is that when we heard about the arrest, the first story that came out was he grabbed a woman's arm to get her attention.
It was a misunderstanding. So I don't know how we go to that, to the person filing, you know, reporting to the police. I don't know how we go from we grabbed an arm to get someone's attention to picked up and threw her on the fucking ground. But I'm not going to sit here and pretend like there's not some something at play to.
Once again, protect this son of a bitch. Cause that's what's been going on. And y'all don't have to believe me, I don't have a big following, y'all don't have to listen to me. You don't. But what I feel bad for some of you because you look stupid as shit on the internet. Some content creators look really fucking goofy right now.
And I'm not talking about people that like, say, There's I listen podcasts, y'all. I've heard the gamut. I'm not talking about the people that are like, God, I know he's problematic, but he's funny. That is like, yeah, that takes some reflection, that's some things that, you know, everyone's gonna have to work out within themselves.
I've said that. I'm talking about creators who platform, make videos dedicated to how James is a hero. And even though their comment section Even though the spaces that they work in are filled with things like, Hey, isn't he abusive though? And those comments get deleted, they get ignored, so that that person can get a shit ton of views and monetize promoting an abuser.
I'm talking about accounts that say ridiculous shit like, I hope he was drunk. Or I don't know. I don't know. Yes, you do. Some of these content creators that are trying to act like they don't, they've never heard anything before. Yes, they have. And, look, I'm not blaming them. At the end of the day, James Kennedy is the one who is responsible.
If I'm gonna hold anybody the most accountable for this, I'm holding the person, James Kennedy, and the person who signs his checks. The people that sign his checks. Because, in a capitalistic society, as long as someone is funded, that is enabling their behavior. Period. Now, there is something to be said for the cast.
Because the cast knew, guys. The cast knew. They know. They're very aware.
It's sad, it's concerning, and there's a lot to be deep diving into. I've hinted on it on my show before as well. I have said, I think that if, what James does, if that really came out, then it would be an avalanche. I said this on my last episode, for the cast because I think if one thing gets unveiled, it'll make everybody culpable because everybody knew.
So that's one thing. I also think it's interesting how,
if you really look at it though, it's more, it's more complicated than that though, also. It's kind of, it's the reason, people are quick to project their experience. So, Tom cheated on Ariana, and I've been cheated on. So now I feel like vindication for Ariana is like my, like, she's like the golden girl, right?
The problem isn't that Tom, I mean, whatever, who cares? Yeah, Tom cheated on Ariana. Yeah, that sucks. It sucks for her. She's fine. I mean, objectively, she has a thriving career. She's in a, what she tells us is a very happy relationship. So, I mean, Um, sorry that you got cheated on. Very happy that you've moved on from that.
Looks like you have. Good for you. The thing is, it's not the cheating that's fucked up. What's fucked up is that Ariana and Tom and Sheena were the people that Rachel confided in about the horrors of her relationship with James. I fully believe that Ariana and Sheena and Sandoval Wanted to protect Raquel.
I think that is genuinely the place that they were coming from. What's fucked up is that Captain Savoho and his narcissistic, uh, you know, complex saw He was like He The way that he treated Rachel probably for Rachel, considering what she had just come out of, was probably like God tier treatment. Even though the bar is on the floor.
And so, for her, she probably did think that she was receiving some sort of, like, love, but he was, like, manipulating her, and using the attention that she was giving him to bolster his own ego, and then cheat on his girlfriend. And then it sucks, because Ariana was pro one of the, like, two or three people that actually, like, We're trying to protect Rachel.
That's why it's so dark. That's why it's bad what Rachel did. That's why it's sad. Not just Tom cheating on Ariana, which is where most people stop. And it is. And then they just immediately start blaming Rachel for, you have to look at the dynamic there. That's why Sheena was fucking pissed and allegedly punched her in the face.
Not a great move Sheena. Granted, what you know Rachel's probably been through. But like, do you see the dynamic there? Meanwhile, Katie, Lala, and Christina Kelley, and whoever the fuck else, who also know exactly who the fuck James is. You can't tell me they didn't. You can't tell me they didn't. Katie tried to get him fired.
For, I'm sure, more than just him calling her fat. I believe that Katie knew what the fuck was up, and really wanted to get him fired for his real fault.
But then they sat there and picked on this girl and called her a loser and called her weird and a freak Tried to ice her out make her feel bad Even though they knew what the fuck she was just coming out of. Lala's the worst of it. I've been saying this I've been saying it, but Lala has her own trauma to heal from.
And so what frustrates me and what's been pissing me off on the internet is people being like, Sheena and Lala are such pick me's. And like, it's like, that's not the problem. The problem isn't them being a pick me. That's not the issue. The issue for Lala is her deep unhealed trauma that she has been using to project onto other women for years.
And apparently the same for Katie. Katie. And now look at what, look at the fuck shit she's up to. So, yeah, uh, my empathy tends not to go towards the two of them. However, if you've been listening, you know that I do have a little more empathy for Lala. Because, look at how Rachel was fucking treated. After Scandaval.
Knowing. Look at how Bravo monetized Ariana. You see what I'm saying? Then people on the internet, this is, this is killing me. I know I've already mentioned it. But people on the internet saying, Well, if they can all unfollow Sandoval, for Scandoval, why can't they unfollow James? Because the Sandoval thing isn't real.
Okay? Scandoval wasn't real. Tom really cheated on Ariana. And Ariana really was hurt by that. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is, Bravo capitalized on that cheating situation so everyone unfollowing James was a PR move. It wasn't a statement. Because it doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean anything.
So stop calling for fake things. Because again, we don't know what kind of shit could happen to trigger someone, trigger James, if indeed he is still alive. In a relationship with Allie. And they are still together. Living together. We don't know. And I said in my last episode as well, Ariana saw this shit from a mile away and said, I'm not putting up, you people have been using and manipulating us for years, I said this, and she said, I'm not going to play the game anymore, and she walked away, and I said that was honorable and I stand by it.
I think that's exactly why the fuck she walked away.
But then, of course, all of the cast knew. So to what degree do we hold them responsible? I don't know. But I know that the people that sign his check should be held the most responsible. I know the people that bail him out of jail. I know the people that bring him back to the establishments under their name.
Those are the people that need to be held the most responsible after James. James is the most responsible. But who is employing him? Whose million dollar crisis team is shoving stories away? And deflecting and making bigger stories out of shit that doesn't actually matter because when you really look at it, does it matter that Tom Sandoval cheated on Ariana from a show's perspective?
Not really.
I'm not saying that what, that Ariana, I'm not saying she shouldn't feel hurt. I'm not saying her hurt is invalid. But I'm saying, like I said already, objectively, when you look at the kind of shit that's really going on, yeah, I'd probably have a nervous breakdown too. On, on camera, and scream why the fuck is everybody rallying behind her.
When Lala went through some shit. Rachel went through some shit. Ally's going through some shit, and everyone knows. And yet everyone's schedule and jobs This is the funny thing. They've been taking a check to keep shit silent for a minute
that's annoying. But I think Ariana had the right idea, I've already said that.
There's gonna have to be, like, a real movement to hold this man accountable. That means, from us, you know, citizens, regular ass people like me and you, we're gonna have to, like, watch what we say, we're gonna have to think critically before we put shit out, and not deflect from the problem. Posts on the Reddit that are like, oh, I see that James had this many posts, and now he's one post down.
That doesn't matter. Unless you, unless you can identify the post and it's some, in some way incriminating, that doesn't matter, okay? Talking about how, there's a content creator, I've talked about this on my Instagram, I'm not gonna name them, but a content creator put out a post reposting what Rachel said on Instagram, which essentially was like, I was abused for years by this man.
And then said, the caption was like, well, I just wanna say this, I don't think this was written by Rachel's lawyers, I think it's written by her publicist. What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Well, if you look at that content creator's, uh, catalog, you'll see that that content creator has made multiple videos, posts, whatever, championing James.
So now that person probably feels stupid, and they should, cause they know, because it's in the comments. And so now, instead of just being like, I'm really disappointed, I really thought this guy was, I really thought he had changed. Instead of doing that, you're making weird ass posts, like, about how things are written by Rachel's PR team instead of her lawyers?
That actually doesn't matter. If we're gonna talk about PR, that's not the PR that I'm worried about. I'm worried about the, the promoters that are still keeping James Kennedy on their roster right now. I'm worried about that club in Minnesota that he performed at last night. Talking about PR. I'm worried about the PR teams that have been protecting James at the behest of Lisa Vanderpump and Evolution Media, let's say it.
Those are the people that I'm worried about when we talk about PR. I don't give a shit about whether or not, like, what the fuck does that have to do with anything? Stop, the posts that people are making that are deflecting from the actual purpose is online, chronically online bullshit. It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter. What does matter to me is keeping this story and the seriousness of the allegations against James. Up front, and I'm trying to work out how to hold that guy accountable. From a, from my perspective, from my, where I am on the totem pole. And I don't know, do we all stop watching Bravo?
Maybe. I know whatever we do it has to hit somebody in their pockets. I know I'm not going to support creators that have some sort of skewed ass narrative that have been focused on stupid shit that isn't real. Like our Ariana and Sheena friends, that doesn't matter.
Is Lala gonna, uh, be on The Valley? Doesn't matter. Well, that, that kind of does matter in the sense that like, how accountable are we gonna hold the cast? But that's just such another, that's such a different conversation. Whereas I think that all members should be held equally accountable. I think that that's the most fair way to do it.
Because of the nuances. Because of the way that I feel Like, their jobs were threatened, their livelihoods were threatened, and everyone doesn't stand up for the right thing in the moment, right? Especially if you've got someone in front of you that's saying, hey, I'm okay, like, don't lose your job on account of me.
You're not, I mean, even though that person, is probably operating from a place of fear when they say shit like that. Everyone doesn't tune in to that kind of stuff.
So, it's sad. But again, I'm holding the people that signed the checks responsible. Also, I want to say, listen, we don't know. I don't know if producers or people that worked on the show, they might have reported shit. They might have reported things. We wouldn't know that as viewers. We wouldn't know. And all they can do as producers is report things and document.
Or they can leave their job. That is an option, but let's be real. That is not the road that everybody takes. And so while I applaud Ariana for deciding for like, kind of, kind of leaving the show in her own way. She didn't though. She did still keep getting that check. And she kept getting that NBCUniversal check.
And some people might argue as she should. Because these people have been fucking with her for, for years, and I don't necessarily disagree. Like I said, at the end of the day, the first person to hold responsible is James Kennedy. But whose job is it to do that, is the question. So, for me, and, and my content creation, and my podcast,
I don't know. I don't, right now, I'm, I'm tempted to say I'm just not gonna talk about Vanderpump Rules ever again. Not in the new iteration. Unless, unless something comes out that, uh, completely thwarts my suspicions, I feel like I'm just not gonna talk about it anymore. And I, I'm, I'm tempted to say nothing by evolution either.
So, I, I don't, I already don't talk about O. C. and I'm not covering Beverly Hills. Tempted not to watch the shows. And that feels good, saying that, like, okay, that might be a good measure, but then again, it's like, I don't actually know. I don't actually know who exactly is responsible for keeping him on screen.
Feels like Lisa Vanderpump, by the way. But, There, there's so many things at play. There's, and there's more information to figure out, but I promise you this. If people don't keep talking about it, if people don't hold this to the fire, they're going to sweep it under the rug again. It's interesting because I was going to do a Diddy episode because I felt like that last episode I did with Lindsay was going to be the end of my Vanderpump Rules reporting for a while. And then I was like, so like, hyped up. About the Diddy Trial and all the shit that I'm seeing on that, and that is such an elevated level.
But, there's a lot of the same, like, shit at play. Like, powerful people funding abusive people. Keeping them relevant. Other people feeling, maybe, coerced or blackmailed into not speaking out. Cause we really don't know. We don't know how these people move and it makes me very, very uncomfortable and like I said right now It feels good to be like so maybe I just I'm not gonna watch shit by Bravo, or maybe I'm not gonna watch evolution I don't know if it was evolutions I don't know every single producer on that team could have filed a report and been speaking up and been told we're investigating We're looking into it hang tight until we finish it.
We don't that could be And then what do you do? You got a family, you got a house. The systematic way that abusers are enabled is horrifying. It is. So I feel like on our level, what I can do as someone who is not directly in that situation, I can like, not support that. I can not make videos about how I think, or like sit here and dissect the Ins and outs of a press release as a way to deflect from taking responsibility.
I have said in the past, I'll say it right now. I've said, I know how problematic he is, but my favorite Vanderpump Rules meme is where he's like, uh, Why? When he's talking about Britney, I've said that.
And that's fucked up because nothing's that goddamn funny. Nothing is that fucking funny. That, that, that someone should be thrown on the ground at the end of it because that person got to stay on TV because they were fucking funny. And I'm going to be real bitchy right now. Okay. It was never funny for the past two years.
James Kennedy hasn't done one funny thing. Worm with a mustache. If you thought that was funny, I need you to reevaluate your, uh, your capacity for humor. I need you to really dive into like what you think is funny and reevaluate. I know that's so mean. I don't care. That's just not funny. Poopoo heads is not funny.
You know what it is to me? I'll be real. It sounds like someone who's trying to perpetuate a clean image. Someone who's trying to stay away from their normal antics of swearing and screaming and throwing shit. And so now they're saying, like, goofy two year old shit like poo poo heads so that they can come across as just a funny little boy.
A funny little British boy. Sorry to go there with the voice. I know that's obnoxious. But it pisses me off. People wonder why we didn't see James in season 11 very much, except for the utilization of his house. I don't wonder. I have a pretty good goddamn idea. There's been a lot of stuff that I think once we look back on it's like, huh, that's interesting.
That's different. Being praised because he sat down the whole time at the reunion? Speaking of which, lest we forget, Tom Sandoval tried to tell us that That the man was kicked out of a Las Vegas club for sexual harassment and everyone was just so fucking mad at Tom Sandoval because he cheated on Ariana with her best friend.
That's not girls girls behavior and those pick me's Like stop with that shit. That doesn't matter. Katie's talking about being a male sympathizer You have a lot of goddamn nerve All of them have a lot of goddamn nerve. And don't get Listen, with Sheena and her husband, that I'm not The only thing I'll say,
we got told We got told what Brock did. Brock admitted what he did.
And it's horrible.
Still got a platform, still gets to live his life. We don't know how his wife feels about it. His ex wife, excuse me. So I guess that's why people are able to Cope with that. There's a lot of coping that goes on with that. Myself included as you know. And I'm rethinking that too.
It blows me though, that Sheena gets so much hate
and Rachel gets so much hate.
I just need You know, I assume that a large number of participants in these online communities are women because Bravo's viewership is largely women and I just wish that these like adages or like catchphrases like pop culture like pseudo SJW Catchphrases. It's very, uh, it's very like Women's March 2016 or whatever, 2017, of like, girls, girl, pick me.
These phrases that are invented to create more division among women. Like, I wish that we would stop with that. When we talk about girl power, you know what, and I was talking to Rob and Lindsay about this, shout out. Girl Power, if we were going to see Girl Power on television, right? I think it was done well in Southern Charm.
I've said that before. Girl Power to me would be like Kristen, Ally, and Rachel coming together in some sort of cohesive way. Maybe a podcast, maybe they ha you know, something like that, Brittany, that would be Girl Power because that would be like, despite the circumstances created by a man to tear them apart, Them coming together to Have resolve And healing amongst each other that to me is girl power two girls that kind of like kind of fuck with each other kind of don't owning a business that that's not That should be the standard frankly.
I think I think i've been talking enough. Um, I don't even know if i'm gonna put this episode out frankly
I just want I want for us to be accountable to ourselves You To the conversations that we have, the communities that we participate in. And to other, if we're creators, to other creators, hold me accountable. Like I said, I know I've said shit. But what I don't want to do is be out here saying anything other than James was arrested and in the police report it says his girlfriend reported that he picked her up and threw her on the goddamn ground.
That is what is important. What is important is that Kristen Doty in her book Alleged that she had a boyfriend that hit her and was scary to her to the point where she had to go and hide. I can't remember if that was in her book or if she said that via a podcast. And that that man is still getting paid to press some buttons on a stage and scream into the air.
That's what's important to me. Um, alright, that's really all I have to say right now. Um, if you're still here, thank you for sticking with me. Um, if you You know, tuned out. All right. Oh, one more thing. This is not a plug. Don't, don't, do not go in my reviews. Honestly, even if you think this was a good episode, I'm kind of like, I don't really need it.
I almost thought about putting this as a Patreon, but there's just something, there's something about like directly monetizing, talking about this, that just feels weird to me. And maybe I'm misguided on that and I'll have to reflect. But one thing that I think is weird in one particular episode that I did, and you guys can go back and look through my, my reviews.
In one of the episodes that I did, and I remember this vividly, I said something about James being abusive. And I said that, and I got a comment, or a, a, a, an Apple podcast review for that episode, like that week. That said, Emily should get less than what she deserves. And I just remember thinking, that's an insane comment.
That's a crazy thing to say. Who would be so motivated to make that comment? I'm gonna be honest. It felt like someone who knew James. It felt like that. It didn't feel like a fan. It didn't feel like a listener. Now, that is complete specula uh, like, could not be more speculation if I tried. Because it definitely could have been, like, a crazed fan.
But I just remember specifically thinking, the wording of that, and the content of that episode, for some reason it, it, I thought about James. And so be careful of that, too. Be careful, because these people have money to go I know that I have joked about bots being created by certain cast members. I don't know if that's true, but I know for a fact that they do.
These, these people, these, these BravoLabs have lackeys and people in their periphery and themselves, and create fake accounts for themselves to go into content creators DMs and feed them information. Even if it is information that you think is credible, that is what they're doing. And I am not talking about, I'm talking about people that are paid by Bravo only.
I'm not talking about people that are friends of cast members that have, don't have any ties to Vanderpump or Bravo. Because Jamie Lynn has, has been out here saying this shit and she is not paid by Bravo. She's been out here trying to spread the news. About some disturbing ass shit that she heard, and I've talked about it.
She's talked about it. She's not paid by Bravo I'm not talking about her. I am talking about people that are incentivized to spread a narrative to content creators and some content creators take the bait And then we get information that is not true and then some people create fake reddit accounts to go in these subreddits and Post positive things about them And to rile up people to drown out people who are trying to say what's really up And I don't care if you think I sound paranoid.
Maybe I do but i'm not wrong and maybe my tone is self righteous Maybe I sound like i'm preaching all i'm trying to do is Tell y'all what I feel and what I know and what i'm tired of and maybe together Like we can we can figure out like what's the best way to navigate You This circumstance, because I don't know, but I'm praying for Allie.
I'm praying for anybody that's involved. Anybody that's been affected by James Kennedy's actions in the past. Anyone who's still dealing with repercussions of trying to come out with their story. That's who I'm thinking about praying for, sending support to for me, and and hopefully Everyone will eventually be able to do the same thing.
Alright, well, thanks you guys for listening. Uh, you can follow me on WhoTFKnowsEmilyRose on Instagram. Um, yeah, that's all, that's all I have to say. And I will talk to you guys later. Bye bye.